representation of sexuality daniel oconnor

Representation of Sexuality in ‘Queer as Folk’ by Jess and Daniel

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Post on 23-Jul-2015




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Representation of

Sexuality in ‘Queer as Folk’by Jess and Daniel


Overall, in this extract, gay men are represented in a

stereotypical way - feminine, dramatic and in denial of

their sexuality. Towards the end of the extract,

heterosexual women are represented as open to the

idea of people with a gay sexuality. There doesn't

seem to be any heterosexual men or lesbian women in

the clip. This suggests that during ‘Queer as Folk’

sexuality may be the most important part of a persons


Editing Features that are Used

Fade Out to black

Eyeline Matching & Shot Reverse Shot

Jump Cut

Relation to the

Representation of Sexuality• When shot reverse shot is used at the dinner table, the gay man seems very feminine and has

interests of stereotypical gay men. For example, he loves Britney Spears

• The fade out to black could suggest that homosexual people are dramatic as this technique

usually relates to time passing after the end of a tense and dramatic scene.

• Shot reverse shot is also used when two gay men are having a conversation with each other in

school. This shows contrast between the two characters as one is open about his sexuality and

the other is gay and in denial. This is evident when the shot reverse shot shows the expression

of the in denial gay man when the openly gay man says ‘you missed your chance’.

• The jump cut between the scene at the school and when the elderly man is speaking may

suggest a contrast in the traditional beliefs that older people have amount homosexuals.

• The eyeline matching shows the connection between the two characters when they are having

the discussion in school. The fact that the matching is not broken suggests that the characters

are taking what each other are saying very seriously. This could suggest that gay people are

easily offended as the openly gay male is just joking around with the in denial male.