representation of iec 61850 object models in dnp3 & iec 60870-5

Upload: muratx

Post on 09-Mar-2016




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iec 61850


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  • the gateway device is decoupling the IEC 61850 station bus from the IEC 60870-5-101/104WAN via a process image (PI)Advantage: only services for control model interaction need to be mapped

    the PI is organised according the data model of IEC 61850 (LDs, LNs, CDCs)

    IEC 61850 client /GOOSE subscriber is used to update the PI with process data madeavailable by the IEDs

    IEC 61850 server/proxy used tomake process data coming from remote devices available for IEDs inside thesubstationRetrieve data model for

    IEC 61850 clients inside substation (e.g. HMI)IEC 61850 clients outside substation (e.g. future control centers)existing control centres using IEC 60870-5-101/104 for WANcommunication by using additional services (e.g. SCL extentions or webservices)

    IEC 60870-5-101/104 controlled and controlling functionality make use of the attributes ofCDCs in a defined way to build up ASDUs to communicate with control centers or devices onthe network using WAN communication based on IEC 60870-5-101/104 (including redundantconnections)

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  • In 2007, the DNP Technical Committee released a new 8 volume specification,which included an update to the Device Profile Document

    The Steering Committee has also approved a stimulus plan to fund thecreation of the first several outstation DNP XML files.

    Send me an email if you are interested in having the DNP Users Groupcreate a DNP XML Device Profile for your device and we will select agroup of devices that represent a good set of example files that can beposted on the web site.


  • Organized into 4 sections

    Configuration section has 4 columns Current value and configurablemethods not shown

    Protocol capabilities indicate optionssupported

    Current value indicates which optionabove is active


  • Points ListScaling and UnitsText Description


  • Implementation TableData types, function codes, and

    qualifier codes supported


  • Map IEC 61850 object identifier string toXPATH reference in DNP XML file

    Additional information used to correctlydescribe the device in terms of anaccurate IEC 61850 model

    61850 data typefunctional constraintcommon data classtrigger optionsenumeration values


  • How can IEC 60870-5 and DNP XML fit into the IEC 61850 SubstationConfiguration Language (SCL) Engineering Process?

    Combine generic IED files with substation template and instantiate to obtain acentral database for a specific substation.

    Can then split off a file to configure each IED (or its PC based configurationtool).


  • IEC 60870-5 mapping parameters are already stored in the ICD file.

    DNP Technical Committee is considering a proposal for a standard DNPPrivate field in the ICD file


  • Tools that understand DNP3 XML and IEC 60870-5 private tags can use orupdate the information, others are required to pass it through unchanged.ICD editor or System Config Tool adds DNP3 or IEC 60870-5 data mappinginformation to SCD fileInside substation: IED config tool splits contents to IED specific CID files out ofthe SCD and uploads it to IEDs (gateway IED needs, compared to other IEDsthe 60870-5/DNP signal mapping information out of the SCD file in addition)Outside substation: The SCD file can be used an an input for a Control Centerspecific Engineering tool to avoid duplication in data point engineering


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