reports fistfights, guns over ny, nj gas shortages

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  • 7/31/2019 Reports Fistfights, Guns Over NY, NJ Gas Shortages



    On Twitter, there are widespread reports about fistfights and

    people bringing guns to gas stations, thanks to gas shortages in

    New York and New Jersey. Some on Twitter are also reporting

    that law enforcement has been stationed around many gas

    stations to prevent incidents:



    Reports: Fistfights, Guns Over NY, NJGas Shortages





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    rts: Fistfights, Guns Over NY, NJ Gas Shortages

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    There's a line all the way down the highway from the gas station there's probably an

    hour wait well I'm still singing ride

    melissa (@tomlimpson) November 1, 2012 (


    This Hess gas station has shut down because of fighting for gas. We're in Long Island

    City. @ny1headlines ( (

    Sam Lembeck (@SamLembeck) November 1, 2012 (


    e-mail address SUBSCRIBE



    rts: Fistfights, Guns Over NY, NJ Gas Shortages

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    Just watched two people beat the shit out of eachother in the gas station....On the

    bright side i have a full tank of gas now!!. #yay (

    Tiffany Tripodi (@tiffanytripodi) November 1, 2012 (


    All gas stations look like this today ....cnt even see the station (

    anthony (@DEBO18410) November 1, 2012 (


    @roaddoggz ( Gas Alert: Hess station on 145th St.

    Btw 7th ave & Lenox Ave just got gas. Line is 5 blocks long. #gas (http s://

    /search/%23gas) #SandyNY (

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    Stephen Jackson (@roaddoggz) November 1, 2012 (


    Just awful! RT @metrogypsy ( Someone just pulled

    a knife at Greenpoint #gas ( station as line

    stretches with hours long wait #gettingrealFAST (


    Camila Xavier (@camilaxavier) November 1, 2012 (


    2hrs at line in Rt23 in Butler. Got to pump They ran out of gas two cars before me.On

    reserve and can't make it to other station #njgas (


    Divina Arpino (@thearpinos) November 1, 2012 (


    Watching the breakdown of society at a gas station on Long Island. #sandysucks


    Christina (@wooly_says) November 1, 2012 (


    fightss at the gas station #madness (

    Frank leahey (@fleahey22) November 1, 2012 (


    Pretty much every gas station in jersey now.


    Michael Lee (@InternetsMike) November 1, 2012 (


    The one fucking gas station that's open... (


    Tyler Mitra (@TylerMitra) November 1, 2012 (


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    #shell ( gas station in Brooklyn still without gas.

    They do have diesel and are servicing all diesel vehicles. #startingtogetcoldinlivetruck


    Ken Deyoe(@kendeyoe) November 1, 2012 (


    Props to the lady with the blowhorn calling the gas station phonies

    Mary Ehring (@marebear_16) November 1, 2012 (


    So the army is really at the gas station

    ( Scorpio Drie (@Despicable_Drie) November 1, 2012 (


    rts: Fistfights, Guns Over NY, NJ Gas Shortages

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    Police guard refueling truck in Vernon NJ while drivers wait in one-mile long line.

    #fuelshortage ( #njgas

    ( #sandy (

    /%23sandy) (

    Jeanette Iurato (@jeanetteiurato) November 1, 2012 (


    This is the line at the gas station smh the cops not letting ppl drive in u gotta wait on

    line with a gas ca (

    Adrienne Mashack (@missmax95) November 1, 2012 (


    rts: Fistfights, Guns Over NY, NJ Gas Shortages

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    What you can't see is the 4 hour line on the highway and the gas station attendant in

    Ed hardy. (

    Nick Restivo (@NRestivo) November 1, 2012 (


    You know things are bad when you ask the gas station attendent "when do you think

    you're going to get more gas?" and he just laughs at you.

    Prede (@predederva) November 1, 2012 (


    Total wait time: 57 minutes. But the gas station attendants are doing their damnest to

    try to accommodate everyone. Shout outs to them dudes

    Steve M (@ecualibrium) November 1, 2012 (


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    GOT GAS!!! At the last station in the tristate...Mayhem!


    TONY TOUCH (@DJTONYTOUCH) November 1, 2012 (


    My town rationing gas to generators despite price-fixing laws. Have gas station

    restricted to residents' gas cans, 10gal/day. cc @hblodget (


    Pax Dickinson (@paxdickinson) November 1, 2012 (


    #siopen ( From a station owner - no gasdeliveries till Monday!Will take at least 48 hours to refine crude oil into gasoline.

    Rich Goldstein (@Rich_Goldstein) November 1, 2012 (


    Just spoke to a friendly officer in mamaroneck - he said #nygas (http s://

    /search/%23nygas) deliveries are coming tomorrow. Truth?

    Danielle Lerner (@Dmaharba) November 1, 2012 (


    #njgas ( #njopen (

    /%23njopen) Shell Station off exit11 from I-78 is open @barackobama

    ( @govchristie (

    @govcuomo ( we need gas! (

    Anthony Correia (@anthonycorreia) November 1, 2012 (


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    Gas station lines on Long Island hours-long. Last time I saw that was in Baghdad.

    Ilana Ozernoy (@IlanaOzernoy) November 1, 2012 (


    Thank god I got gas in my truck yesterday!Most places only letting people get 5

    gallons at a time and you have to pay cash! #nygas (


    Tricia Georgetti (@Tricia5618) November 1, 2012 (


    finally made it to the gas station..... 2 hours later

    ( Marianne (@iMariannne) November 1, 2012 (


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    Sort by newest first

    People going mad max at the gas station. Gettin home feels like the warriors and you

    got blamed for killin Cyrus.

    BKScribe (@BKScribe) November 1, 2012 (


    Lol RT @mslipgloss ( Unreal RT @willydope

    ( I know a gas station in NYC with no line...PayPal me

    $10 if u wanna know where

    J Scott (@JScottDaGod) November 1, 2012 (

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    Showing 80 of 411 comments

    0and 8 others liked this.

    A LIKE REPLY minutes ago F

    The aftermath of the storm is going against Obama as people associate his presidency with these images...


    A LIKE REPLY minutes ago F

    Its beyond me why people

    didnt have full fuel tanks and back up containers filled during the week prior

    to the landfall of hurricane Sandy. There was plenty of advance warning.


    It's blue staters. I can tell you that Texans aren't surprised that they can't control themselves.


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    A LIKE REPLY 8 minutes ago F

    A LIKE REPLY 8 minutes ago F

    These city slickers would never make it without someone holding their hand. They were told in advance of the

    storm and now they are mad because they don't have food, heat, or electricity.

    I wonder if they have ever heard of: BE PREPARED! They should take personal responsibility for their

    actions. Their problems are self induced. What is so hard about stocking up on the essentials, they had 10

    days notice. Now there are in the DEMAND mode.

    I hope this is not only a learning experience but a humbling experience for them.


    A LIKE REPLY 11 minutes ago F

    October suprise bitches!


    A LIKE REPLY 17 minutes ago 2 Likes F

    this is a glimpse into all our futures folks..... if Obama is re-elected and allowed to continue unabated in his effort

    to carry out the "Clouard-Piven" plan - to collapse our economy and replace CAPITALISM with SOCIALISM....

    every day will be a nightmare of dislocation and shortages, fights over that last loaf of bread, potato and gallon

    of gasoline


    A LIKE REPLY 19 minutes ago 2 Likes F

    It's 1979 all over again, except with more colorful names. All the scoundrels who bought gas in the northern

    states 5 days ago, emptying out gas stations where there was no demand, understood how bad it was going to

    get. $10 a gallon in New Jersey on the black market by tomorrow, I'll guarantee it. We're going to see $20 a

    gallon black-market gasoline before it's over.


    A LIKE REPLY 19 minutes ago 3 Likes F

    Throw away those gas cans, Libs. Start walking. Fossil fuels are the past, and causing global warming. Stop

    being selfish environmental monster Americans who consume more than their fair share of the earth's

    resources. Return to nature. Think pond algae, solar, wind. You're acting like conservatives, for God's sake! Get

    a hold of yourselves.


    A LIKE REPLY 20 minutes ago F

    Electric vehicles looking better and better... Dependence on fossil fuels has no choice but to end one day.


    A LIKE REPLY 4 minutes ago in reply to evolved1 F

    Since most electricity is produced with coal, we should call them "coal-fired vehicles". We used to

    actually have those 100 years ago. "Forward!" LOL


    A LIKE REPLY 10 minutes ago in reply to evolved1 F

    Electric cars are one of the worse things you can have in the winter time.


    A LIKE REPLY 13 minutes ago in reply to evolved1 F

    You absolute blithering idiot. Do you not know what's going on up there? Tens of millions of people

    don't have electricity!!! What the hell are they supposed to plug their electric vehicles into?

    And even in the best of times, what exactlygenerates the power for these leftymobiles?

    Y'know, you need to do yourself a favor... if you're going to say something that deeply stupid, don't.


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    A LIKE REPLY 16 minutes ago in reply to evolved1 1 Like F

    And where do you think the electricity comes from to charge the batteries of those electric cars?


    A LIKE REPLY 2 minutes ago in reply to Ishmael F

    As a Texan I can tell you that I've never met a member of the urban herd -- liberal or

    conservative -- who knew anything about energy. They think electricity comes from an outlet.

    (And tomatoes from the back of the grocery store.)


    A LIKE REPLY 23 minutes ago 2 Likes F

    I really have grown up since my days as a far left loon...I used to believe like the Beatles said; "All you need is

    love" I know it's mountain money, or what's more widely known as toilet paper.

    I say: let the savages kill each other over gas, Mad Max style and the rational, hard-working people will prosper

    and restore the Republic.

    I just wanna know if this gives Barry or Mitt an advantage. If the power isn't on everywhere, they will just have to

    use paper ballots...Horrors!


    A LIKE REPLY 1 minute ago in reply to Lisa4USA F

    They won't kill each other in nearly the numbers we need.


    A LIKE REPLY 29 minutes ago 3 Likes F

    Wasn't Obama supposed to have a new battery business in this country built by now with Federal money?



    That was ANOTHER $250 million down the drain to A123 Systems (now on the lookout for being bought by the

    Chinese in bankruptcy - now that the American taxpayer has paid).


    A LIKE REPLY 29 minutes ago 2 Likes F

    So, Obama tried and failed with his "Occupy Wall Street" and now he goes to plan B, "Occupy Gas Stations".

    Never let a crisis go to waste. Right Libs?


    A LIKE REPLY 14 minutes ago in reply to SIDELINENEGOTIATOR F

    I like: 'Right Lefties?' ;-)


    A LIKE REPLY 29 minutes ago 2 Likes F

    Looks like north-easterners get a little testy when they can't watch re-runs of Se infeld or drive to the local deli

    for a tofu sandwich.

    ;-) ;-)But seriously folks, we down here in Florida know what this is like. That's why we prepare for the worst and

    hope for the best, every time.


    A LIKE REPLY 29 minutes ago F

    Bee Yes. People CAN'T POSSIBLY be pulling guns in NJ and NY because GUNS ARE ILLEGAL THERE.


    You people in the North laugh at Southerners for our "gun culture", "survivalism", etc. Then this hurricane

    turned cyclone happens and you have no electricity, no running water, no food, no fuel, and probably lacking


    rts: Fistfights, Guns Over NY, NJ Gas Shortages

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    A LIKE REPLY 29 minutes ago 2 Likes F

    weapons to defend yourselves from scavengers, thieves, and others who may do you harm or steal your

    resources. THIS is why you remain self sufficient. You should stockpile at least a year's worth of dried food, a

    substantial amount of bottled water, medications, guns / ammunition, and communications equipment. Don't

    depend on the government to take care of you. You must be able to take care of yourself and your family. Your

    family depends on your ability to provide for them and defend them. I don't want to sound like I'm disparaging

    people in the North for their suffering and lack of preparedness. I'm tempted after years of being cast as a right

    wing survivalist. But I won't. I'll simply say this: BE PREPARED TO PROVIDE AND DEFEND YOURSELF

    AND YOUR FAMILY. Your children deserve that much.

    A LIKE REPLY 32 minutes ago 1 Like F

    Obama's Katrina........ and it was only a category 1.


    A LIKE REPLY 32 minutes ago 1 Like F

    And these are the same people watching the TV shows about "preppers" and yukking it up as though the

    preppers were some bunch of paranoid, ignorant rubes.


    A LIKE REPLY 38 minutes ago 2 Likes F

    Obama's socialists' voters love wealth redistribution well hello people you just got a taste of what life living

    under socialism looks like. Wait until you have to get in bread lines and are given rations for meat once a week.


    A LIKE REPLY 38 minutes ago 1 Like F

    I hate to rain on your parade, and you have my sympathy, but what happened in Fukushima, Japan was/is

    1,000 times worse than what happened to New York. No rioting, no guns, no violence in Japan, they have been

    suffering for almost 2 YEARS. Do the math.


    A LIKE REPLY 39 minutes ago 1 Like F

    Remember the, uh, Denver, uh, debate!

    Fifty years of tax breaks to, uh, wind and, uh, solar in four, uh, years!

    How do you feel about that "obscene" two billion a year to the oil industry now?

    Walk, ride a bike, Moochie and her hubby will luv you for it!


    A LIKE REPLY 18 minutes ago in reply to Needsleepe F

    Renewables reportedly getting approx $80 B / year - now that's obscene.


    A LIKE REPLY 40 minutes ago 1 Like F

    The only thing more annoying than the gas lines in New Jersey and New York are the ads on Breitbart that play

    music at deafening volume automatically.


    These ads are making people want to AVOID the sponsors. They have already made me hate clicking on this

    website, no matter how interesting the rest of the content is. Throw tomatos at them and NEVER patronize or do

    business with them. It is the most disgusting and intrusive form of advertising and it MUST STOP.

    Stop it now! Stop it forever! S top it completely! Just stop it! We are HATING YOU because of it. Toyotas are

    going to get REAMED because of this. You're causing Toyota backlash. Didn't the federal government already

    do enough to them? You're making it WORSE. We hate your automatic-play ads. We hate t hem, and we will

    soon hate YOU for hosting them.


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    A LIKE REPLY 27 minutes ago in reply to Superbman2 F

    Yeah I noticed that too. It's recently been happening on other sites as well so now I surf with the

    volume on my computer muted. If I want to listen to something then I uncheck the mute box.



    LIKEREPLY 45 minutes ago


    I thought Obama fixed everything . . . no?

    Aaaaah yes, just wait a couple of days, if you think things are hot now.


    A LIKE REPLY 48 minutes ago 3 Likes F

    why isn't Obama and FEMA being taken to the woodshed on this? This is clearly worse than katrina, and Bush

    (undeservedly) took the heat. NYers are eating out of dumpsters. Where the EFF is the Savior and his



    A LIKE REPLY 29 minutes ago in reply to DrBobNM F

    It doesn't matter, Obama knows NY and NJ will vote for him and not blame him no matter how bad it

    gets. Good luck all, I hope it gets worked out soon, I'm sure most people are trying to commute to work

    during all this.

    DAVE H

    A LIKE REPLY 0 minutes ago 2 Likes F

    this is what people have been warning about for 2-3 yrs.,what your seeing in ny.,and nj.,is where this country is


    this will happen at gas stations,and grocery stores,with out a hurrican if things are'nt turned around.


    A LIKE REPLY 40 minutes ago in reply to theyjustcantstpo 1 Like F

    This is a preview of Barry's second term on the northeast coast and out here in California, the left

    coast's 2nd Obama term, all it will take is an earth-shake.


    A LIKE REPLY 5 minutes ago 5 Likes F

    Wait till people run out of their smokes. Then you'll really see those famous NY & Jersey tempers everywhere.

    We are always 9 meals f rom anarchy.


    A LIKE REPLY 16 minutes ago in reply to Skeptic7 F

    Got smokes...where the hell can I plug in my VOLT!!



    A LIKE REPLY 5 minutes ago 4 Likes F

    Fist fights and guns drawn? That's a normal day in New York.


    A LIKE REPLY 52 minutes ago in reply to bristar7 3 Likes F

    WAIT, aren't guns and other dangerous items like big gulp drinks outlawed there?


    Guns are available to criminals, but tax paying citizens are not allowed to buy guns. It's the

    loony liberal way...


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    45 minutes ago in reply to buckofama2010 1 Like FA LIKE REPLY


    LIKE REPLY 6 minutes ago 6 Likes F

    Were these people in a coma last week when they were told this major storm was heading in their direction?

    Oh, thats right, "it can't happen here", can it?

    These are the same putzes who like to look down their noses at those of us here in the rural South, and rural

    people everywhere, both North and South. Urban yuppies and metrosexuals. They will be killing and eating

    each other in another few days. Mayor Dumbberg has disarmed the law abiding. Its open season for the

    looters. This is what a liberal Democrat society looks like.


    A LIKE REPLY 21 minutes ago in reply to Wydah F

    ...or maybe many of them had to wait till thr first of the month for the you know what check to be in the

    bank...just sayin!

    ..Ok i'll admit that's not fair


    A LIKE REPLY 33 minutes ago in reply to Wydah F

    "liberal Democrat society" = progressive mob-rule gangs.

    The looters don't know how to trade, only to take.


    A LIKE REPLY 8 minutes ago 3 Likes F

    Mayor Bloomberg just issued a press release that he's restricting gas consumption to 16oz. a day per person.

    Less is Good! Right libs?


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 5 Likes F

    So much for the Liberal let's all work together theme LOL. What a bunch of idiots. What do they expect things to

    get repaired in 2 minutes. Hell with the unions it will probably take 10 years to get things repaired. Look how

    long it is taking for the World Trade Center. They built the Empire State Building in 1 year. Hey call your God

    Obama maybe he will fly over and drop you some leftover food from his weekly parties.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F

    And all these Liberals thought Preppers were just some crazies on TV!!!


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 12 Likes F

    Come on, NY and NJ Libs, what do you want with gasoline? That's part of the OLD way that got us INTO this

    mess in the first place. Michelle says you're too fat and should be walking for more exercise anyway. Abandon

    those cars. Start using your fair share of the earth's resources. Walk to work, and when you get there, give

    Michelle a call and tell her you've got Barack's back.


    A LIKE REPLY 29 minutes ago in reply to Ishmael 1 Like F

    Ya think the media is going to bring up this glaring hypocrisy? Oh, fer schure!


    A LIKE REPLY 59 minutes ago in reply to Ishmael 3 Likes F

    Yes, I found the very first twitter in this article indicative of the prevailing mentality...She's going to drive

    to work, which is ONLY 1.5 MILES FROM HER HOUSE! Selfish much??


    'How long would it take her to walk to work?', I wondered. I guess texting is a be-atch when


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    A LIKE REPLY 30 minutes ago in reply to whatsamattau F

    you have to walk at the same time...avoiding running into things, stuff like that.

    A LIKE REPLY 49 minutes ago in reply to whatsamattau F

    That was good! My sentiments exactly


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Ishmael 3 Likes F

    Come on LIBs, peace, harmony, sensitivity. Otherwise, Obama will declare martial law and take awayall of your rights.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 8 Likes F

    DO NOT DONATE TO THE RED CROSS. They're not helping! And the CEO makes a million dollars...that is



    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Married Bare 2 Likes F

    I would not donate 1 penny for anyone in the NYC slime pit.


    A LIKE REPLY 28 minutes ago in reply to harley2002 1 Like F

    They broke it, they bought it.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 5 Likes F

    Heavens to Solyndra!

    Perhaps soon to be President Romney would support adding a branch line to the Keystone Pipeline terminating

    in Central Park!


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 14 Likes F

    A taste of Life Under an Obozo Second Term.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to moberndorf 4 Likes F

    No, this is the taste of life started by Carter.He basically told UNITED STATES- No need to drill for oil in

    the US,- it would take too long to increase our gas supplies.

    Gas Refineries were over 200 now less than 150- MORE refineries in Northeast slated to shut down in



    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to moberndorf F

    Go Green, baby!

    Go Green


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 5 Likes F

    Come on, Libs. Gasoline is soooooo yesterday. It's contributing to global warming, and your leaders have

    targeted it for replacement with green energy. Try wind. Try solar. Try pond algae. Be a part of the solution, Libs!

    Obama has the answers. What do want gasoline for?



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    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 9 Likes F

    lol....use your electric cars...oh thats right you still need fossil fuels to generate electricty to run the little tin

    cans....this is too funny.

    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Pepe 1 Like F

    You just cracked me up. AND you hit the nail squarely on the head. It is too bad that these people

    have believed that the gov't will save their fat butts. They do not understand it is their duty to their

    families to be prepared for things such as this.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 4 Likes F

    Funny to see all these loud mouth lib tards that have been handed everything their entire life actually have to

    make do without someone holding their in the government...where is Obama....oh thats right still


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 6 Likes F

    How many think preppers are nuts now?


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 7 Likes F

    Stop shipping Non approved fuel to these Libs. Let them fell the real power of the federal government as they

    sweat or freeze inline. This is priceless.

    Get out the solar panels and windmills......Yea, that will fix it.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to cruzerdog 1 Like F



    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 8 Likes F

    Something you people in the North need to learn that all Floridians already know is that you fill up your car and

    cans BEFORE the hurricane hits. Make it the last thing you do before you hole up to wait for the storm to pass.After, it's a madhouse, like you're having now. Good luck!!


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to boomerscout F

    Yup exactly they were totally unprepared. Amazing how much damage from a Cat1.

    I have both cars generator and gas cans full one week before it is supposed to hit. If it misses I just use

    the gas in my cars.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 12 Likes F

    So again, country folk can survive. urbanites, not so much.


    We will see how quick the learning curve of the US citizen. They have had four years, and apparently learned


    The Dollar is being devalued at a rapid rate, and there is great effort taken to cover any sign that this is



    Obama says that things are getting better.

    Romney says that we need to cut spending, and reduce taxes.

    Obama is outright lying.

    Romney is telling the truth, but his plan will not work. It is better than OB's "lying plan".

    Plain and simple......We have borrowed too much at every level.....the FED has devalued and lowered rates for


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    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 4 Likes F

    the last 40 years to the point where the ONLY OPTION is to PRINT EVER INCREASING AMOUNTS OF



    Every dollar is debt.(we owe someone for every dollar created)

    We are now buying over 70% of our own bonds because no one else will. (note: we must print more money to

    do this)

    For an idea of what is coming look at how well creating more debt(issuing more currency, and more bonds)is

    working in Europe. Every time they issue more debt the effect wears off quicker. There is ever diminishing

    return. It is happening here as well.

    Zero percent interest rates DESTROY BUSINESS. Capital is miss priced, and misallocated. There is no pricing

    mechanism for capital.

    The future holds an ever grinding lower economy where business is pressured. Prices of everything are headed

    higher. Slowly at first, and then much faster.

    You will see much more of this anger playing out in public, as frustration grows.

    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to agnau F

    You're right, on some things, but for the wrong reasons. The problem, as in all recessions/depressions,

    is lack of consumption, caused, in this case, by fear because of the hamfisted actions of the

    Obafuhrer. The one thing where you're MOST correct is when you say that zero interest rates destroy

    business. It destroys business because it causes fear that even worse times are ahead, if government

    is pumping so much money into the economy, that people stop consuming leading to the very thing

    everyone fears. And around and around it goes!!! In late 2001, in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks,

    Bush said the best thing people could do for the country was to "go shopping!" He was excoriated for

    that, but he was dead on right!!! Inflation does not follow UNLESS there is a shortage of goods and

    services, and that is the last thing we have to worry about, i.e., shortages of goods and services. We

    have a shortage of consumers.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 6 Likes F

    If Bush was still President you would have plenty of gas already.

    Oh well, its just a blue state. LOL


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to cruzerdog 3 Likes F

    They're learning what all their environmental rules lead to, chaos in case of natural disasters.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 6 Likes F

    I have the deepest sympathy for the individuals and families, devastated by Sandy. God speed and bless.

    Now, a question. Having lived in areas under tornado, hurricane alerts, I always filled my car up with gas prior

    to the event. What has happened here? Heed the warnings, folks. If it doesn't happen, so be it. But if it does,

    at least you are prepared. Don't blame the supplier, they are equally as frustrated as you are!

    And, were is FEMA? Where is the Red Cross? Where is Obama (oh, I forgot, he has to go campaign), so

    much for his empty rhetoric of yesterday in New Jersey. Guess this is payback for Bloomberg's turndown!


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to magsthecat F

    Forget FEMA and the Red Cross,they're a joke. Salvation Army is the real deal.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to magsthecat F

    Mags: These people are learning what we in Florida already know, as you say, fill up BEFORE the

    event. A hurricane isn't like a tornado or an earthquake, you have plenty of warning of a hurricane,

    make use of the time, folks.


    I live in Wisconsin and I made sure I filled up my car before Sandy hit, just in case. But I'm just some


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    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to magsthecat F

    crazy prepper that everybody should laugh at.

    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F

    Lest we forget, reducing one's carbon footprint is good for the environment.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F

    Jeez, my mother-in-law always keeps her tank at more than half-full.I'll never hear the end of it now.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to anotherday F

    Definition of mixed emotions: seeing your mother-in-law driving over a cliff in your new corvette.


    rts: Fistfights, Guns Over NY, NJ Gas Shortages