reporting on mid year data - standards mastery


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Post on 11-Feb-2017




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Page 2: Reporting on Mid Year Data - Standards Mastery

It’s mid-year, and time to check your progress

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To do this, you will answer the question:

Where am I now?

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Your assessment template provides guidance for how to answer this question

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Let’s walk through some of these steps in

a tracker

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Like always, you will share how you have continued to treat your data with care

Honest Accurate



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You will confirm you have at least one new round of data

Note: you may have collected additional rounds of assessment since the beginning-of-year. If so, you should also enter those rounds of assessment in your tracker!

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Next, check your progress

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Start with you Overall Average Standards Mastery (STANDARDS ASSESSED TO DATE)

This average will give you a sense of how well students are learning the standards you’ve taught. It may serve as an indication of how students are likely to perform moving forward. However, it doesn’t tell the WHOLE STORY.

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Next look at Overall Average Standards Mastery (ALL STANDARDS)

This average tells you how well students have learned ALL the content they need to master by the end-of-year. It’s this average that speaks to end-of-year standards mastery.

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For measures of standards mastery, both mastery AND

coverage count!

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So check out your pacing and coverage!

• Are you on pace with your long term plan? Have you taught the amount of standards you intended to by this time of year?

• Are you on pace with your assessment plan? Have you assessed the amount of standards you intended to by this time of year?

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Finally, see where you and your students

stand relative to the Ambitious Goal

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Character data are important too—see where you and your students stand

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Identify your most recent character average

Note: This average is found by taking the average of student self evaluations and teacher evaluations. Remember you must collect 100% of self and teacher evaluations for your round of data to be considered complete.

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Next, see how much growth has been made since your last round

Note: This average is found by taking the difference between your Round 2 average and your Round 1 average. You must find this difference manually. You should also note that your students may make positive OR negative growth!

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Note whether your character data increased

or decreased from the previous round and why you think this is the case

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If any students left your class since the beginning-of-year you may use “NETR”

Note: NETR stands for “Not Enrolled This Round” and signals that the student was not a part of your classroom for this round of instruction. Please note, NETR should NOT be used for students who were present in class, but simply missed your assessment.

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Now that you can answer the question

where are we now? It’s time to answer our

next question: How do I know?