reported speech & cond

Rеportеd spеесh Тensе сhanges Explanations Wе oftеn tеll pеoplе what othеr pеoplе havе said. Тhis is сallеd rеportеd or indirесt spеесh. Wе rarеly lеport thе еxaсt words, usually wе just givе a gеnеral summary. Sandra spеaking to Pеtra: ,Bуe, Pеtrа, it,s bеeп grеаt seeing you аgаiп. I,II саll уou sometimе neхt weеk when I get a сhаt1се., Pеtra rеporting thе сonvеrsation to Robеrta:,I Sаw Sапdrа уesterdау. She sаid she,d саll mе пeхt week. Wе usually сhangе tеnsеs (will ) would in thе еxamplе abovе) and also othеr rеfеrеnсеs likе pеoplе, plaсеs and timеs (you ) me in thе еxamplе abovе). Statеmеnts arе usually rеportеd with a past tеnsе vеrb (likе sаid) and an optional thаt.Тhе form of thе vеrb that follows thеn .movеs baсk, in time. This is somеtimеs сallеd baсkshift. Prеsеnt simplе to past simplе ,I пeed some help', Shesаid (thаt) she needed somеhelp' ,We аre hаviпg our lunсh., Shesаid thаt thеуwere hаviпg thеirluпсh' ,I,vе lost mу keуs., He sаid (thаt) hе hаd lost his kеys. ,I wrote two leffersto hеr.' He sаid (thаD he hаd written two lеttersto her. He sаid (thаt) hе wrote two lettersto her' ,Thеy аre going to сomebасk., Shеsаid (thаt)theуwerе goiпg to сome bасk. ,I will be home аt 6'00,, Shеsаid (thаD shеtllould bе homеаt 6.00. r Thеrе is no сhangе for must, might,сould,should, would. ,I must leаvе strаightаwау for Brussеls., Hе sаid he must leаve strаightаwау for Brussels. But in thе сasеof mustWе сan also usе hаd to. He sаid he hаd to lеаve strаightаwау for Brussels. r Notе that if thе aсtual words wеrе in thе past simplе, thе rеport сan сhangе or stay thе samе. r Notе that if wе writе down thе aсtual words that somеonе Says Wе uSе spеесh marks (invеrtеd сommas). But if wе writе down a rеport of thе words thеrе arе no spеесhmarks. PrеSеnt сontinuous to past сontinuous Prеsеnt pеrfесt to past pеrfесt Past simplе to past pеrfeсt (or stays thе samе) be goiпg to to wаSgoing to will to wоuld сап to сould tn

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Post on 09-Sep-2015




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  • Rportd sph

    ens hanges

    ExplanationsW oftn tll popl what othr popl hav said. his is alld rportd or

    indirt sph. W rarly lport th xat words, usually w just giv a gnral


    Sandra spaking to Ptra: ,Be, Ptr, it,s be grt seeing you gi. I,II ll ousometim net wek when I get a ht1.,

    Ptra rporting th onvrsation to Robrta:,I Sw Sdr esterd. She sid

    she,d ll m et week.

    W usually hang tnss (will ) would in th xampl abov) and also othr

    rfrns lik popl, plas and tims (you ) me in th xampl abov).

    Statmnts ar usually rportd with a past tns vrb (lik sid) and an

    optional tht.h form of th vrb that follows thn .movs bak, in time. This

    is somtims alld bakshift.

    Prsnt simpl to past simpl ,I eed some help',

    She sid (tht) she needed som help'

    ,We re hvig our lunh.,She sid tht th were hvig thir luh'

    ,I,v lost m kes.,He sid (tht) h hd lost his kys.

    ,I wrote two leffers to hr.'He sid (thD he hd written two ltters to her.He sid (tht) h wrote two letters to her'

    ,Thy re going to ome bk.,Sh sid (tht) the wer goig to ome bk.

    ,I will be home t 6'00,,Sh sid (thD sh tllould b hom t 6.00.

    r Thr is no hang for must, might, ould, should, would.,I must lev strightw for Brussls.,H sid he must leve strightw for Brussels.

    But in th as of must W an also us hd to.He sid he hd to lve strightw for Brussels.

    r Not that if th atual words wr in th past simpl, th rport an hangor stay th sam.

    r Not that if w writ down th atual words that somon Says W uSsph marks (invrtd ommas). But if w writ down a rport of th wordsthr ar no sph marks.

    PrSnt ontinuous topast ontinuous

    Prsnt prft to past prft

    Past simpl to past prfet(or stays th sam)

    be goig to to wS going to

    will to wuld to ould


  • al

    No tens hanges

    Speakers inreportd speh

    Peopl, plas,


    Summariz ing

    so, tell, spk

    GRAnAR l1 RPoRD sPEH 1

    r If th rport is about somthing whih is alwys tru, it is not nssary tohang tnss.

    ,I like pples more thn I like ornges.,She sid tht sh likes pples more thn she likes orangS.

    But in ass lik this it is still possibl to hang tnss if you Want to.

    r If th rport is abut somthing that has immdiat rlvan, w usually donot hang tnss.

    Jak spaking to Td: ,I,m goig to the inem tot' Do ou wat to ome?,Td rpoting th onvrsation to Ptr: ,|k is o the phoe. He sys he,sgoig to the inema tonight.,

    Whn w writ down th atual wods, th spakr an b mntiond at thbginning or nd of th sntn. Noti th position of th omma and thfinal full stop in rlation to th sph marks.

    |k sid, ,We,r going to miss the tri.,.W,re goig to miss the tri,, sid |ck'

    But in rportd sph th spakr is only mntiond at th bginning of thsntn.

    |k sid (tht) the wer going to miss th trin.

    In rportd sph rfrns to popl, plas and tims oftn hang, bausth point of viw hangs.

    ,I,II see ou herc tomorrow,, sid Sue.Sue sid (tht) she would See m there the et d.,I bought this book esterd,, sid Mrti'Mrti sid (tht) he hd bought the book the d before.

    W usually just summariz what popl say when w make rports.,Look, ctuIly, tell him I,Il give him Il or emil him nt wek, K?,Rportd as:. Sh sid (tht) she,d gt in touh et wek,

    If we rport th xat words it is alld vrbatim rporting.

    We s somthing and w fel/ sombod. S and teII a b fol]owd by thoptiona| tht.

    ,It,s-wrm tody,, she sid.She sid (thI it wS wrm.She told me (tht) it ws wrm.

    W an us fo aftr say, but w nvr us ro aftel tll.,I om from Slovei,She sid to me (tht) she omes from Sloveni'She told me (tht) she omes fom Sloveni.

    Spek describs th at of talking.Simon spoke to me i the supermrket esterd.






    l sUnderline the errors in thes sntenes. Rewrit eah sentne.

    a) Sally told that sh,d lost hr kys.

    ....5.l,[,'':h*:.d...Lp.l't..h*r.'k.{.b) hris said m that h must lav arly.

    ) aria and ny said thy shall s us tomorrow.

    d) Tom said, I,m oming to your party.

    ) Su said that sh had Wrot a lttr to Lisa.

    f) Stv said us that h was arriving at 8.00.

    g) .I had bought a nW bik Pam told us.,

    h) ,What,s th mattr? lln told.

    Rewrite eah sntene in dirt speh, ending as shown.

    a) Anna told us that sh,d finishd.lla.|I, . . .I.Y9,JI.I!!9I... ' . ........ . ' . ' ' , , ,,Anna told us.

    b) Simon said that h would b bak at 6.00.'Simon said.

    , said Bth.

    d) Paul said that h wantd to mak a phon all.

    ' said Paul.

    ) Tina told th tahr sh,d forgottn hr homwork.,ina told th tah.

    ' David said.

    8) Jan told m sh would lt m know.,. . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , Jan told m.

    h) Bill said h was going to b lat.

    ) Bth said sh was going to go shopping.

    f) David said h had to b bak by .0.


    'Bi l l sa id.

  • 3GRAlulAR l1 REPoRED 5PEEt| l

    Math eah sntene in diret speh (a-e) with its summarized version inreported speeh (1_5).

    a) ,Look, sorry about this, but I,m afraid I,m going to b a bit lat., .'..3.....

    b) .Atually I,v no ida at all wh I am!' ...........

    ) .Th thing is, I know it,s silly but I,v missd th bus.,

    d) .Anyway, I,ll b bak in nxt to no tim.,

    ) ,I did ring, you kno arlir in th vning.,

    1 Sh said sh would b bak soon.2 Sh said sh had missd th bus. Sh said sh was going to b lat.4 Sh said sh had alrady rung.5 Sh said sh didn,t know whr sh was.

    Complete eah sentene, using so tell or spok in an appropriate form.. t l

    a) Danil ' '.t!.t1.'.,.. m that h was playing in th shoolbasktball tam.

    b) I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to Hln, and sh sh would phon you.

    ) ,You,r luky,, Stv. .I you that you would win!,

    d) A translator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . th Prsidnt what evryon Was .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    ) .Look,, I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hr, .why don,t you m what you man?,

    f) I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . my taher that I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chins, but sh didn,t bl iv m.

    Rewrit eah sentne in reported sph, beginning as shown.

    a) .I won,t b thr baus I,m having a patt,, said Luy.

    ...?!..PLw,b) .I,v lost th map and I don,t know th way,, said Jak.

    Tak told m that h .. . . . . . . . . . . . .

    ) .Whn I finish th book, I,m going to wath tlvision,, said Jssia.

    Jssia said that whn .. . . . . . . .

    d) .I,m doing som homwork but I won,t b long,, said ik.

    ik said that h

    ) .I got up lat and I missd th bus,, said Rihard.



    Rihard said that h


  • Report ing

    quest ions


    ommands and


    Explanationsr W an rpolt qustions with vrbs lik sk, woder ad wt to kow. ense

    hang ruls ar th sam as in Grammar 11.,WTlere do ou live?, h skd.

    He sked m whre I lived, (N lv,hr I did lil'\,Do you live i thns?, he skd.

    H wnted to know if I livd i ths. (NoT ffa"1

    Look at mor xamp|s of ,Wh- qustions, (using whe, wht, wh, how et).

    Study th tns hangs and word ordr arfully. Noti that th word ordr

    in a rportd qustion is l ik a norrnal statmnt, with th subjt befor th

    vrb.,Whre is the bus sttion?, sh skd,

    Sh lsked where th bus stltio ws. (No i),Wht are ou doig?, h sked.H wntd to know wht I ws doing.,Wh did ou go thre?, sh lskd.

    She woderd wh I hd goe there.,Whre hve ou ome from?, h skd'

    H lskd m whre I hld ome from.

    Look at mor ampls of es,z}/o qustions (Do ou, Did you, r ou et').Whn ' Iport YsAio qustions W us if ot whethr.

    ,Dos tlt Loltdott tritl stop l.Lr?, sh lskd.

    Slt lskl ltt if tlt Lottdott trai Stoppd hre.,Did

    ott splk to RllI?, h lskd,

    H ll,tlltl t kt-tot'whethr I hd spoken to RlhI.,r

    ou t sttLdllt?, sJt skd.

    Sh tskd t if I wIS student.

    Commands ar rprtd with tell and th infinitiv.,Wit! Wit!,

    I told him to wit.

    Rqusts ar rportd with sk and th infinitiv.,Ples wtit!,

    I sked hr to wit.


  • Other reportingvrbs

    GRAIuAR l2 REPoRED sPE 2

    Grammar 11 usd sy as t}re rporting vrb, but thr ar many oths. Hrar som of th most ommon:

    dvise .I would,t buy tht r, |nos, if I were ou',I dvised |os not to bu th cr.

    agre ,oK, I1I giv you lift,, sid |e.|eny greed to give hr lift.,Yes, |i, I thik ou,r right,, sid Mike.ike eed with |ill'

    pologize for ,I,m reII sorry for being so lte,, sid ri.Mri pologized for being lte.

    sk ,Do ou think ou ould help mq Sue?,I skd Su to help me.

    otulte on ,WII doe, Ti, you,ve pssd the em!,I cotulted Tin on pssig her em.

    deide ,I,II he the ftsh SouP/ PleS,, sid B\II.Bill decided to hve the fish soup.,No, I didn,t tke it! I wsn,t eve there!, sid lie.lie denied tking it.,Would ou like to com to the inem on Sturdy, Pm?,I inited Pm to the ciem on Sturd.

    offer ,ShII I rry our se, Daw?, sid Peter.Peter offered to rry Dwn,S se.


    tu) dn






    Vrb + fo infinitiv:Vrb + obit + to infinitiv:Vrb + -ing forr.n:Vrb + prposition + -ig fotm:.

    .I,II definitely be home b ight,, sid An.A promised to be hom b ight.,No, I wo,t open the door!, sid rol.rol refused to ope the door.,Do,t

    forget to sd our mothr birthd crd, foe.,I remided |oe to sed his mother birthdy crd',How bout spendig the d t the beh?, sid rlos'rlos suggested spendig the dy t the beh.

    Rporting vrbs an hav on or mor diffrnt pattrns. A good ditionaryshows this information. Study th xampl sntns in th prvious stionin rlation to the pattrns blow.

    gree, decide, offer, promise, rsedvis, sk, ivite, rminddey, suggestpologiz for, ongrtulte o


    Put one suitable word in eah spae.

    a) Fiona askd m ,. 'w,he.,tkr...I ... 'w.4{... ' . ...... going to shool or not.

    b) David askd his mothr .. sh ......... b oming hom.

    ) Ptr askd us .. W .......... vr bn to Hungary.

    d) ostas askd m .. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . many photographs.

    ) aria askd a poliman .. th musum Was.

    f) Dora askd hr s istr . . . . . . . . . sh .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fd thir dog.

    2 Complete eah question in diret speh, nding as shown.

    a) Jak askd m whthr I was having lunh or going out.

    '...r.e.'Q.ol hua L!,Lwah,'!r.g!.ku.vL1.t'.. ?, Jak askd m.b) arol askd Ann what sh had don th day bfor.

    Ann?, askd rol.

    ) John askd us if w oftn wnt sailing.

    ?,John askd us.

    d) hristin askd m how many Grman books I had rad.

    ?, hristin askd m.

    ) Kvin askd Su if sh was going to hang shools.

    f) Ali askd m who I Sat nxt to in lass.

    Su?, askd Kvin.

    ?,Al i asked m.

    3 Rewrite eah sentene in reported speh, beginning as shown. Do not hangethe maning.

    a) ,Ar you staying hre all summr?, th littl girl askd m.

    h littl girl askd -"

    pf/.w'hp.thp.r.I..Nrl't..ttqfll...thp.rp..qI[!..l..e.r...b) .What dos ,prorastinat, man?, I askd my tahr.

    I askd my tahr,Hav you don your homwork, or not?, my mothr askd m.

    y moth askd m,Whn is your birthday?, I askd Su.

    I askd Su . . . . . . . . . . . ..Did you rmmbr to lok th door,, my father askd m.

    y fathr askd m,Why hav you turned off th tlvision?, lln askd m.

    l ln askd m .. . . . . . . . . . .







  • 4GRAniAR l2 RPoRD sPEEH 2

    Use a verb from th box to rewrite eah sentn inas shown. Do not hang the maning.

    reported speh, beginning

    ,I,ll dfinitly b at your hous bfor 8.00, Su,, said ik.

    |vIike .' 0.|!*k pd. . s""'hn,.' .l p Ld., .b' r,.'t'.h,er.' 14 s e..b.Would you lik to om to th inema, Jean?, askd Chris.

    hr is . . . . . . . . .,I wouldn,t eat too muh if I wr you, Dav,, said Patsy.

    Patsy . . . . . . . . .,How about going for a walk?, said Nik.

    Nik . . . . . . . . . .,I,m trribly sorry for braking th window,, said Carol.

    Carol . . . . . . . . .,Shall I do th washing.up?, said Bill.

    B i . . . . . . . . . . . .,Wll don, you,v passd your driving tst,, said Tina,s mothr.

    Tina,s mothr hr . . . . . . . . . . . ..No, I won,t opn my mouth!, said Pat.










  • ondit ions and

    r5 u lts

    Zero ondit ional:

    /f + prsent

    s impl, . . . present

    s impI

    First ondit ional: / f

    + presnt s imple,

    ... will/won't

    Explanationsr Sntns with f ar alld onditionals. Th ff... laus is th ondition

    and th othr part of th sntn is th rsult. Hr ar four xampls of

    onditionals, usd for talking about hking in at th airport for a flight:

    1' If ou rrive rl, ou get bttr st.

    2 If ou rrive rl, ou,Il get better set.

    If ou rrivd rly, ou,d get bttr st'

    4 If ou hld rrived erly, you,d hve got bettr st.

    r Sntn 1 is talking gnrally about somthing that is always tru. It is

    smtims alld a Ze|o onditional.

    Sntn 2 is talking about somthing that is l ikly to happn in th futur.

    It is somtims alld th first onditional.

    Sntn 3 is talking about somthing that is unlikly to happn in th

    futur, or an imaginary situation. It is somtims alld th sond


    Sntn 4 is talking about somthing that is imaginary in th past. It is

    somtims alld th third onditional.

    l Zero, first and sond ondltionals ar ovrd in this unit. Th third

    onditional is ovrd in Grammar 1,1.

    r This typ of sntn dsribs things that aI always or gnrally tru. W

    an us whe or if to introdu th Sntn.

    It,s tropiI ountr, d s if it ris hrd, evero sts idoors.

    Whe it rins hrd, vro StS itldrs.

    l Thr an b an imprativ Strutul in th rsult laus: just th bar

    infinitiv with no subjt. An irrprativ is whn w tll popl what to do.

    Ifou feel dizz, stop tlkig th tblts'

    If ou hnge our mid, give m rig.

    r This typ of sntn dsribs futur vnts that Will happn, or ar likly

    to happn. It is a ral possibil ity in th spakr,s mind, not imaginary (for

    imaginary situations Se th sond onditional).

    If w wlk so slowl, w,ll b It.

    If w run, w-won,t be lte'

    If w do,t run' we will be lt.


  • Sond

    onditionaI: lf+past s imple, . . .



    Other uses ofwould

    GRAnAR . l 3 oNDl loNALs 1

    xampl: You ar at th supermarket with a frind. Your frind has put somggs in abag, and is piking up lots of othr bags at th sam tim. Yu say:

    If you ctry too my bgs, you,Il drop the eggs.If you drop the eggs, they,Il brek.If the eggs brek, ther wiII be wful meSS on the floor!If you e reful, ou wo,t brek them.

    In the ondition laus it is pssibl to us othr prsnt tnss, not just thplsnt simpl.

    If ou,re driving, I,Il ome with ou' (prsnt ontinuous)If I,ve see the film before, I,ll let ou kow! (prsnt prft)

    This typ of sntn dsribs futur vnts that a imaginary, unlikly orimpossib1.

    If I hd heliopter, kr fI to shol.If I flew to shool, I wouldn,t be lte.

    xampl: You start talking to a frind about alins. You say:If some Iies lded on erth, I,d mke fiends with thm.If they didn,t spek English, I,d use sig lguge.If the took me bk to their plnet, I,d letn their lguge.If noe believed my Story, I,d beome fmous!

    Not that would is usually ontratd in sph.I,d become fmous. (= I would beome fmous.)

    Not that the past simpl is usd in th ondition laus, but th timrfrn is th futur.

    r Th rgular past simpl of to be is I ws and He/She ws. W an us thsforms in sond onditionals, or altrnatively we an us If I were and Ifhe/she were' he were form is mor formal.

    If I ws/were stronut, I,d nio beig weightless!

    Uless mans If ot' ompar ths sntns whih hav th sam maning.We,lI go out for wlk if it does,t rin.We,lI go out for wlk unless it ris'

    We us would in othr situations whih do not involv onditional sntenS.

    Rporting what somon said:Polit offr:Polit rqust:Somon rfusd to dosomthing:

    He sid h would cII bck lter,Would ou like some mor te?Would you opn the window, plse?The miister utould,tSwer the qustion.



    lfiUnderIine th orret word or phrase in eah sntene.

    a) If we,d b/wlr lat for lass, our tahr will be/ws angry.b) If w wouldlive/lived on anothr plant, we,ll see/we,d seethe arth in th sky.) If w tlk/will tke a taxi, we rrivd/w,ll rrive soonr.d) If w wo,t hurry/do,t hurry, we,Il be/we,d b |at.) If w were/re birds, w would b ble to/re ble to f|'

    0 If you do,t wer/wouldn,t wr o1Jt pullov ou,ll feel/you felt o|d'g) If I studied/will stud harder,I get/would getbetter marks'h) If I hve/hd a motorbik, I rode/I'd ride it to shool.i) If you will ledlnd me oll bike, I,ll let/I let you borrow my skatboard.j) If I hd/hlve lots of mony/ I gve/I,d give som to all my friends.

    Comp|et th snten for ah situation using the verbs given.

    a) You,r standing vry los to th dg of a swimming-pool. You,r waring

    all your loths, not a swimming ostum. A frind says:J2 tt ! ' t l

    If you (fll in) .'I.?!!!...L.k'.... , }o loths tgtl .'..YY.lll. 39.I... et!

    b) You,r sitting in th lassroom on a hot dy. You,r day-draming about

    going to th bah. You think:

    If today (b) . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , ' . . a hol iday, I (go) . . . . . ' . . . to th beah.

    ) You an,t answr a qustion in your nglish book. You ask a frind to hlp,

    but sh dosn,t know th answr. Sh says:

    lf I (know) .. th answ, I (tll) .. you.

    d) You,r walking towards th bus stop with a frind. Suddnly th bus arrivs.

    Th bus stop is far awa, but you think thr is a han of athing th bus.

    You say:

    If w (run) . . , W (ath) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' i t !

    ) You,r planning to go to th bah tomolrow with som frinds. You ar not

    sur about th wathr, baus it somtims rains at this tim of th yar.

    You arrang to mt tomorow aftrnoon and say:

    If it (rain) .. , W (go) ........... to th inma instad.

    f) You,r vry busy, baus you hav lots of shool work, and you also play in

    two tams. A frind asks you to ioin a omputr lub. You say:

    If I (hav) .. mol fr tim, I (join) .. th lub.

    But it,s impossibl at th momnt bause I,m too busy!


  • GRAinAR 13 oND!|oNAts 1

    3 Complete eah sntne using if, unlss or would.

    If h askd m to hlp him, I .. I|9l4,[d....... .

    W,ll hav lunh outside in th gdn, .. it,s too old.

    John .......... win mo ras if h traind hardr.

    Come on! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W hurry, w, l l miss th plan!

    .. you lik to s my stamp olletion?

    Th managr won't b long. .. you tak a sat, pleas.

    I,m sur that Conni .. go to th inma with you, if you askd


    h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .you fl l ik a hat, phon m tonight.

    i) What .. you do if you saw a snak?

    i) I don,t fl happy .. I swim vry day.

    Complt eah sentn (a_|) with an ending (1-10).

    a) If you play the musi too loud, '...t,,,. '

    b) If th North Pol mltd

    ) If w don,t hav nough ie-leam,

    d) If I found somon,s wallt,

    ) If a burgla brok into this hous,

    f) If my train isn,t lat, . . . . . . . . . . .

    g) If you wr famous, ...........

    h) If my father lnds m th mony,

    i) If you took mor xris,

    i) If you tll m what you want, ...........








    1 th alarm would go off.

    2 |'||btt a nw bik.

    3 I,ll b in Paris at 6.00.

    4 otl wouldn,t s m any


    5 you would fl bttr.

    6 th watr would flood

    many itis.

    7 l,||bu it for you.

    8 you,ll wak up th


    9 w,ll gt som mor.

    10 I,d tak it to th poli






    Complete eah sntne as ither a first onditional or a seond onditionaIsntne using the verb in brakets.

    a) If I 1hav) ...l"fud....'. arms fiv mtrs long, I (b abl) ..'!d..he..4b.[9.''..,.. to

    rah th top of that shlf!

    Don,t worry, you,v just got a old. If you (tak) ................ an aspirin, you

    (fl) . . . . . . . . . . . . bttr.

    Vgtarians bliv that if nobody (at) ................ mat, vryon (liv)


    If I (bom) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a famous rok star, I (buy) . . . ' . . . . . . . . my

    parnts an normous hous.

    It says .No Parking,. If you (lav) th ar hr, th poli

    (giv) . . . . . . . . . . . .you a parking f in.

    0 lt,s not far. If you (follow) this path, you (om)

    to th station.

    g) If popl (us) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . biks instad of ars, thr (not b) . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    so muh pollution.

    h) Atually, Brutus is a vry frindly dog. If you (touh) him, h

    (not bit) . . . . . . . . . . . . you.

    i) If you (lav) your books on th dsk, I (giv) .'.......

    thm bak to you at th nd of th lsson.

    i) If you (own) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a pt t igr, yu fr inds (not vis i t) . . . . . . . . . .




  • .. to


    xp!anationsr This typ of sntn dsribs a past vnt that is diffrnt to what rally

    happnd.If ou hd rrived erlir, we would,t hve missed the trin.If ou hdn,t wred m bout the su, I would hve got sunburt.

    l xampl: You wnt for a long walk, but you did not tak your umbrlla. Itraind, and you got Wt.

    If I hd tkn m umbrell, I wouldn,t hve got wet'If I,d herd the wther forest, I wouldn,t hve gone out.If I hdn,t got|e out, I-would hve finished my homwork'

    r Th xampls in Grammar 13 and this unit hav all lsed will/won,t otwould/would,t in the rsult laus. But w an us any othr modal vrb, lik, ould, m, might, must d should'

    If ou ever om to Istnbul, I n show ou roud th ity.If ou ver ome to Istbul, ou must phon m.

    r W oftn us might and ould in onditional sntns whn w Want to saythat w ar not rtain about th rsults. Compar:

    If ou rry too may bgs, ouwiII drop th ggs. (rtain rsult)If ou rry too my bgs, ou might drop the eggs' (unrtain rsult)If oe believed m Story, I would beome fmous! (ertain rsult)If nyone believed m Story, I ould beome fmous! (unrtain rsult)

    In third onditional sntns We us ould he (done) ot might hve (don) .If I hd brought som more money with me, I ould hve tke ti.

    In vryday sph W an lse imgin or supposing in pla of ifImgine ou S|w Snke, wht would ou do?Supposig ou owned heliopter, wht would ou use it for?

    W an giv advi by using a sond onditional sntn bginning If I were

    ou.If I were you, I,d spend mor time o our writte work'If I were ou, I would,t et so muh hoolte!

    It is also possibl to put th ifilaus at th nd.I,d be more reful, if I were ou.


    hird onditional:/f + past perfet, ...would/wouldn't +hov + pastpartiiple

    Modal verbs in



    ondit ionaIs

    without if

    lf l wer You, ...



    Rewrite eah omment, beginning as shown. Do not hange the meaning.

    a) Supposing you had wings, what would you do?

    What .....p.!.d''.p,*.d.''.'l...q.*''had..l.|l'... ....................... ?b) Why don,t you lav now? That,s what I,d do.


    ) Imagin you livd on Mars. ow would you fl?

    How... . . . . . . .

    d) I think you should buy a bik. That,s what I,d do.


    Imagin you WI rih. What would you do?

    What.. . . . . . . .

    Supposing Jim am with us, what would you say?

    What.. . . . . . . .

    g) Why don,t you tak th bus. That,s what I,d do.


    h) Imagin you ownd a robot. What would you do?

    What . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?

    2 Underline the orrt word or phrase in eah sentene.

    a) If you phoedkhpng|m ystrda,I hd giv/would Ltvwe you thnWs.

    b) If you took/t.llould hve tk mor xris, you mt feel/hd feltbetter,) If Tim drove/hd driven mor arfully, h would,t hve rshed/did,t rsh.d) If you hd ome/cme to S th film, ou hd eioed/would hve enioed it.e) |f I,d known/I would know it Was your birthday, I would sd/would hv set

    you a ard.f) If popl hd helped/helpd on anothr mor oftn, th world mt be/ws a

    bttr pla.g) If our tam hd sord/sored mor goals, we hd wo/ould hv to.h) If you would h wor/wore a coat, otl would,t get/did,t get wet.



  • GRA1tlv lAR 14 oNDl loNALs 2

    Complte the sntene for eah situation.

    harlott didn,t lav arly, and so sh missd th bus.

    If harlott .............fud.'!ef.t.'qr|. . , sh.....'..W.p.*!d.wt..hp..ll,:!''....'...' '. th bus.I didn,t buy mor milk, so I didn,t have nough for brakfast.

    If I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I

    '... nough for brakfast.

    W forgot to tak a map' so W got lost in th mountains.

    If w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W

    .... in th mountains.

    I didn,t go to bed arly, so I didn,t wak up at 7.00.

    If I . . . . . . . . . . . . . ar lv. I

    . . . . at 7.o.

    ik didn,t mak a shopping list, and h forgot to buy som off.

    If Mik .... . h

    .... som off.

    I didn't raliz you Wr tird whn I askd you to go for a walk.

    If I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I

    .... for a walk.

    Th Romans didn,t sail aross th Atlanti. so thv didn,t rah Amria.

    If th Romans . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . thv

    .... Ameria.

    I didn,t turn lft at the station, and I lost my Way.

    If I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , I

    mv wav.




