report sony

DEDICATION AND APPRECIATION First of all, I would like to thank SONY EMCS (M) SDN BHD(SOEM) KL Tec branch for accepting me as one of their trainee for 12 weeks period. Special thanks to HESDRM, Video Design, Design Sector 2, Electrical Design 1 Department and lastly to Power Block Group for valuable lessons that I have learned during my internship period. A very gratitude appreciation to my Head of Department, Mr. Abdul Rahim for giving me a trust to work in Electrical Design 1 Department. Thank you for giving me opportunities to do my internship here and continue supporting me till the end of the internship period. Thank you also to my supervisor Mr. Megat Syarqawi Megat Azra’ Ai, who keep supporting and helping me from the beginning of my internship until the end of it. A lot of advices and lessons given by him had encouraged me to get a clear view of working place environment. A part from that, I also want to thank my coordinator from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Dr. Sophan Wahyudi Nawawi who done a lot of efforts by sharing his thoughts and also visited me during my internship period. Last but not least, my appreciation goes to my colleagues from Electrical Design 1 Department for their great help and teaching during my internship such as sharing information and knowledge for industrial training related materials.

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First of all, I would like to thank SONY EMCS (M) SDN BHD(SOEM) KL Tec branch for accepting me as one of their trainee for 12 weeks period. Special thanks to HESDRM, Video Design, Design Sector 2, Electrical Design 1 Department and lastly to Power Block Group for valuable lessons that I have learned during my internship period.

A very gratitude appreciation to my Head of Department, Mr. Abdul Rahim for giving me a trust to work in Electrical Design 1 Department. Thank you for giving me opportunities to do my internship here and continue supporting me till the end of the internship period.

Thank you also to my supervisor Mr. Megat Syarqawi Megat Azra’ Ai, who keep supporting and helping me from the beginning of my internship until the end of it. A lot of advices and lessons given by him had encouraged me to get a clear view of working place environment.

A part from that, I also want to thank my coordinator from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Dr. Sophan Wahyudi Nawawi who done a lot of efforts by sharing his thoughts and also visited me during my internship period.

Last but not least, my appreciation goes to my colleagues from Electrical Design 1 Department for their great help and teaching during my internship such as sharing information and knowledge for industrial training related materials.

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Industrial Training program is one of the requirements for students to graduate in Universiti

Teknologi Malaysia. This program is function to give a clear view on working environment and

hopefully would lead to student preparation at workplace in the future. From this industrial

training program, students are exposed to a real and actual working environment. A part from

that, students would be able to develop their social skills by learning through experience,

observation and communication at industrial training area. As a conclusion, internship program

can become a mild stone for me to become a successful engineer in the future.


This program was intended so that students will gain many benefits such as

Propose solutions to problems pertaining to operation and administration normally encountered by an organization.

Able to participate in group work involving real working environment in an organization. Able to develop the values of work ethics in an organization. Develop skills in organizational management as well as business opportunities. To share social obligation for both Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and the practical

companies involved. To fulfill the requirement for engineering students in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia to

successfully graduate.

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Training Details

Company Name Sony EMCS(Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.R & D Center-KL Tec

Company Address Lot 4, Jalan P/1, Bangi Industrial Estate,43650 Bandar Baru Bangi,Selangor Darul Ehsan,Malaysia

Telephone No. +603 8929 6015Fax No. +603 8925 1172Supervisor Mr. Megat Syarqawi Megat Azra’AiDesignation Senior Electrical Designer

Name : Muhammad Aizad Iqram bin Mohd SaniDepartment : Electrical Design 1, Design Sector 2Group : Power blockPosition : Trainee

Training Scope

During my internship period, I have been place in Electrical Design 1 Department as a trainee. In ED1 Department, I was assigned to Power Block group to assist and learn from engineers in the group.

In general, power block can be defined as a combination of several components to form a circuit in order to produce the desired output voltage. Certain machines have their own rated voltage, therefore in order for us to use it safely; we must achieve the desired voltage.

For 12 weeks, I have been assist engineers in power block group as well as perform certain evaluation tests for alternating current adaptor (ac adaptor). A part from that, I also need to study and learn about power block circuit. This power block circuit is called voltage regulator and its need to achieve certain specifications and safety precaution. Further description regarding evaluation test will be discussed in chapter 2.

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1.0 OverviewSony Corporation is a Japanese multinational corporation and one of the world's largest

media conglomerates with revenue of $68.39 billion (as of 2006) based in Minato, Tokyo. Sony

is one of the leading manufacturers of electronics, video, communications, video games, and

information technology products for the consumer and professional markets. Sony Corporation is

an operating-holding company. It is the electronics business unit and the parent company of the Sony Group,

which is engaged in business through its 5 operating segments are electronics, games,

entertainment (motion pictures and music), financial services and other.

These make Sony one of the most comprehensive entertainment companies in the world.

Sony's principal business operations include Sony Corporation (Sony Electronics in the U.S.),

Sony Pictures Entertainment, Sony Computer Entertainment, Sony BMG Music Entertainment

and Sony Financial Holdings.

Sony is also among the Worldwide Top 20 Semiconductor Sales Leaders. Its slogan is “Sony Like No


1.1 History and Vision

The name 'Sony' was created by combining two words. One was the Latin word, 'sonus,' which

is the root word for 'sound' and 'sonic ‘. The other was 'sunny,' meaning little son. The name symbolizes

Sony's spirit and motivation to stay committed to its customers as well as to enhance its

reputation in taking its innovations into the future of digital technology.

Sony has helped developed discerning Malaysians who have come to expect quality,

integrity and reliability in audio/visual equipment. Sony's cutting-edge technology brings sights

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and sounds, expectations and experiences into the home as well as the office. In line with

Malaysia's VISION 2020, Sony is future will focus on the dynamic digital era with even sharper

cutting-edge technology. The future is filled with exciting promises for continuous and rapid growth.

Founded by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita in 1958, the Sony Corporation has come a long

way since its first transistor radios. Being innovative thinkers, the founders realised a need for a

global brand with mass appeal.

Hence, as the company grew, it was simply logical to establish production facilities in their

respective regions. Since its inception, very few have been able to match Sony's track record

for invention and innovation.

These include the first Trinitron color television (1968), the color video-cassette (1971), the

renowned Walkman (1979), the world's first CD player (1982), the 3.5-inch floppy disk (1989)

and many others.

The origin of Sony goes way back to May 1946. Back then, its original name was Tokyo

Tsushin Kogyo K.K. (Tokyo Telecommunication Engineering Corporation). The founders,

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Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita, wanted a name that can be easily remembered by the world. This

was essential to achieve success in the global market.

Their vision was for Sony to become an endearing household name across the globe.

With this in mind, Morita came up with the term 'global localization' in 1988.He said, "In this

day and age, many companies are pursuing globalizations, but instead, we should move ahead

with a policy of global localization, meaning that we set down roots and truly become an

integrated member of the local community." 

Sony's mission is to establish an 'ideal' factory that puts emphasis on the spirit  of freedom

and open-mindedness and also a place where designers and engineers can work out their creative

and technological skills to the highest potential.

1.2 SONY Corporation

Sony's assets are neither its buildings, nor its land. Sony's greatest asset is the image

of the four letters S-O-N-Y. Just as in the past, for Sony to succeed in the future, it must raise its

brand image and create innovative products.

Innovative ideas are the most important aspect of creating Sony products. Technology

supports those ideas afterwards, but the ideas must come first. To create products that alter the

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industry, Sony must have the ability to foresee future trends and the unlimited imagination to

dream up new products.

Most important of all, Sony must not only think of today, instead Sony must think three

to five years from now. Sony must be very perceptive to what customers want. Sony want their

customers to say, "I am glad I purchased a Sony product" so Sony have to create products that

pull at the customers heartstrings.

In Malaysia, there are four branches of Sony factory, which is Sony Electronics (M) Sdn

Bhd, Sony Technology Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Sony Logistics (M) Sdn Bhd and Sony EMCS

(Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.

Sony Bangi is one of the factories which produced Sony’s branded Television. It was

built in 7th October 1987, the first operation and production of this factory begin from 1 st April

1988. In earlier this factory is known as SONY TV/Video (M) Sdn. Bhd. because of its only

produces TV and Video. However when the SONY Video building was completely launched, the

name was changed to SONY TV Industries. Year after year revolution these industries changed

to SONY EMCS where it is divided into two KL Tech and Penang Tech.

Sony TV is not only producing items for local market, in fact almost 90% of SMT (TV)

production is export to foreign markets while the excess for domestic market. This factory

introduces the TV from the smallest size 14 inches to the largest 61 inches. WEGA is the most

popular model nowadays which used flat screen. Besides that, COMBO TV is also produced

where this model is a combination of TV and Video. The major target markets are Japan,

Australia and West Asia.

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1.3 Timeline

1951-1955: The Dawn of a Technological Revolution

In 1955, Sony developed the world's first transistor radio. Small and extremely

functional, the transistors heralded a new technological era with its potential.

1956-1960: The World is Our Market

In 1958, the company officially changed its name to Sony Corporation and this marked a

new beginning for the company. As global markets began to grow, products stamped with the

Sony trademark were widely gaining acceptance and popularity. During this period,

revolutionary technologies and the world's first transistor televisions were developed, paving the

way to an electronic revolution and the video tape recorder.

1961-1965: Sony the Guinea Pig

During this period, Sony was often referred to as a corporate guinea pig, an experimental

animal likely to be gobbled by the big companies that follow behind. Despite this risk, Sony

continued to develop new products using transistor technology and led the way to capture the

attention of the world.

1966-1970: Just another Company?

Sony entered a difficult period. Competitors from around the world were nipping at

Sony's heels. Sony had just spent a huge amount of time and money developing the colour

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television, the video tape recorder, and the SOBAX calculator. Despite the economic downturn

in Europe and many daunting challenges, Sony finally created a new colour television, dubbed

the Trinitron.

1971-1975: Manufacturing to the Market

As big corporations around the world began relocating manufacturing facilities to places

like Taiwan and Southeast Asia, Sony promptly began setting up a series of overseas

manufacturing facilities closer to the consumer market. This was a significant first step towards

truly becoming a world enterprise.

1976-1980: The Age of the Video

After 20 years of accumulated research and development of video technology, Sony

developed the Beta max VCR - a product seen to create new lifestyles.

1981-1985: Birth of the Walkman Generation

Entering the 80s, Sony forcefully promoted the development of the CD and 8mm video.

The introduction of Walkman personal stereos created a huge sensation in the 80s - taking music

outdoors anywhere, anytime. It immediately became a lifestyle of young people around the


1986-1990: Pioneers in the AV Industry

Sony was gaining momentum and self-sufficiency, resulting in new product development

across all AV fields. Establishing itself in worldwide markets, Sony was fact becoming one of

the world's leaders in AV products.

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1991-1996: Towards Multimedia and Entertainment

The digital wave was gathering momentum, making inroads in many areas of life around the

world. Sony's operations already encompassed hardware and software, covering audio, video,

communications and computers. Sony had already strengthened its position for the 21st century

but was now faced with a new challenge - the digital age and making a fresh start towards

realizing the dream of the digital age.

1.4 Sony EMCS(Malaysia) Sdn Bhd

Sony Malaysia was established in April 2004 by using the name SONY TECHNOLOGY

MALAYSIA (STM). In June 2008, its name has change to Sony EMCS(Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.

Since then, high quality products are produced and distributed in right quantities to the right

locations at the right time.

SONY EMCS (Malaysia)

E = Engineering (Design): SOEM started product design of personal audio products, such as

walkman and CD walkman in 1990 and the TV in 1992, and Home Audio and Video products in

1994. Lastly in 2006, SOEM started LCD TV design. LCD TV, DVD Player, Blu-Ray Player,

Home Theatre and Receiver are currently designed by SOEM.

M = Manufacturing: Sony manufactures their personal audio products, such as walkman and CD

walkman in 1990 and the TV in 1992, and Home Audio and Video products in 1994.

CS = Costumer Service: SOEM provide excellent Technical Support for all Services Centres in

Pan Asia in order to obtain quick response to the costumer claims. Besides that, SOEM provides

Technical Information services.

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1.5 Ethical and Culture of Work

To build in good quality into SONY products, they promote People Innovation

“Hitozukuri”. They are making people with high discipline and Habitual Behaviour.

1. First one is meeting in line.

2. Second is confirmation of job.

3. Management also gives high motivation onto people with morning greeting.

4. Finally, Sony is confirming the quality at spot.

Spirit Burning (Quality People, Quality Products), it is necessary to have a passion in making

good quality in products so Sony applying the spirit burning idea and exercise every day.

1.6 Top Management Organisation

Kazuo Hirai

President & CEO

Masaru Kato

Vice President & CFO

Tadashi Saito

Vice President & CSO

Masashi Imamura

President of Home

Entertainment & Sound Business

Andrew House

President & Group CEO,

Sony Computer Entertainment

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Here in Sony EMCS(Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd, the employees need to be briefed and trained effectively before getting adapted to the working environment in SOEM. This training also include the trainee because here in SOEM we treat people equally. As for the beginning, all the trainees was briefed with the general knowledge of Sony as well as conducting an assessment session in order to enhance the basic knowledge about the policies, ethic and the rules and regulations. There are several types of lessons; those are the learning management system, code of conduct, SONY Brand Management, QD 019 E-Learning and the SOEM Information Technology (IT) and Information Asset (IA) Policy Assessment.


SOEM learning management system helps to centralize the training and development needs. The

main objectives for this system are:

SOEM will provide the flexible curriculum management system to satisfy the trainees

learning needs.

SOEM LMS will help to create an interactive environment to collaborate between

trainees, instructors and mentors.

LMS will consist of blended forms of learning activities like instructor led training,

E-learning courses and virtual session in order to meet the needs of trainees.

LMS will help to maintain the training reports, resources and evaluations

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There are four elements of the Code of Conduct of SOEM

General Standards.Respect For

Human Rights

Conducting Business With Integrity And


Ethical Personal Conduct

Compliance with Laws as

well as Internal Rules and

Policies; Honest and Ethical

Business Conduct

Equal EmploymentOpportunity

Product and Service Safety

Insider Trading

Relationship withStakeholders

No Forced Labour/Child



Personal Conflictsof Interest

Appreciating Diversity

Sound Labour and


Fair CompetitionCorporate


Avoiding StructuralConflicts of Interest

Work Environment


Media Relationsand PublicStatements

Communication of Concerns and Alleged

ViolationPublic Disclosure

Personal InformationIntellectual Property

Confidential andProprietary Information

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Fair Procurement

Gifts and Entertainment

Recording and Reporting

of Information


The purpose of this lesson in the training program is to give all the trainees a better

understanding of the brand management policies of “Sony”, and how to use the brand

properly to maintain and enhance its brand value. There are three chapters in this session

and one comprehension test regarding the Sony brand management:

Chapter 1: What is a brand

Chapter 2: “Sony” – The birth and the transition of the brand

Chapter 3:For continued brand excellence – Management policies of the

Sony Brands

Comprehension test

2.1.3 QD 019 E-LEARNING

Violation of Company Rules on usage of external media

QD 019 is the restriction of bringing any external media into SOEM premise. The

purpose of this lesson is to keep the internal information about Sony from leaking to the

public as well as the Sony competitors. It is also prevent the virus of the computers from

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spreading in the company system. SOEM KL Tech views these incidents very seriously

since the majority of the virus spread from external media such as CD/DVD Media

device, Bluetooth media, USB storage media, memory stick etc. The affection from the

virus may results to the loss of the company revenue due to order cancel, shipping ban,

rework, production stop, market trust on product quality and etc.

Risk of computer virus:

1. Leak of personal data with the malicious program and will damage


2. A main infection route of PC virus is via intranet networks.

3. The removable media also may cause the transferring data of virus.

Risk of shipping products:

1. The infected products must be reworking as well as the replacement

product will happen.

2. The liability of Sony products also will damage.

3. The decline blend image of Sony products.

Products that might be contaminated with computer virus should not let in or out

from the premise. The inspection of the antivirus has to be conducted to the products. The

products should be recovered if any virus detected.

The procedure to always being protected from any unwanted virus is by ensuring

the AV Symantec is always updated every week. Apart from that, the installations of

unrelated software are not allowed. The scanning process should be run after the AV

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Symantec updates. There is a section where all the internal portable media have to be

scanned first. Employees are not allowed to connect any media without being scanning

from the PIC of scanning first. The company external media is strictly prohibited from

being taking out of the company premises unless with a prior permission from the

supervisor. Moreover, only registered company external media could be used in company

business purpose.

If any virus incident have been founded:

1. Disconnect/Disable Network Connection

2. Log virus case in IT Helpdesk

3. Open Microsoft Power Point & save the screenshot for any work is


4. Ensure the definition of AV Symantec is already updated



This policy is applicable to all personnel who have been given access to use the

information technology and the information assets in the course work. Accessing IT and

IA are to assist all employees to perform their work efficiently and effectively as well as

achieving their objective and target.

Examples of information technology are Computers, External Medias, Emails,

Networks and Internet. As for the information assets is the data from the company.

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Responsibility of the employees in IT and IA

1. Internet

Prohibited for personal use and limited to job-related activities only.

All SOEM user are to access internet through the approved proxy server


The users are not allowed to use company network for unlawful,

discriminator, sexual-oriented or offensive behaviour.

2. Email

SOEM employees are not allow to use the email to distribute hoaxes,

chain letters, advertisements, rude, obscene, slanderous or harassing


The usages of email are just for pursuing the job-related matters.

SOEM employees are not allowed to use the other employees email


Users are prohibited from unauthorized use of passwords and encryption

keys to gain access to other’s employees email messages.

3. Software

Installation of unrelated software into the company computer is prohibited.

To install, the employees must have a prior approval from IT department.

2.2 Quality and Assurance Evaluation


Since the beginning, Sony has been known for their quality, safety and satisfaction. In order to maintain these three great things, a lot of evaluation needs to perform before the product

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goes to the customer’s hand. Here in SOEM, every product must passed quality and assurance tests before it can goes to mass production. These tests are performed to ensure its quality, safety and satisfaction to the customer.

There are 7 types of quality and assurance evaluations:a) AC transient b) AC noisec) Power Interruptiond) AC chatteringe) AC on/offf) Outer Electrostatic Dischargeg) Lightning Test

Further discussion on each and every evaluation is explained below.

2.2.1 AC Transient


Electric surge can happen when there is an excessive electrical power supply. This surge can damage the product. In order to ensure the durability of the product, safety precaution circuit is added to the product. Then, surge simulation test is performed. PurposeTo input high voltage in the range of 8kV to 17kV of transient noise(surge) into an ac set power line Equipment

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Big Bang 6300 AC Transient Simulator Procedure

1) Connect the AC power cable to AC line out at the simulator with rated power supply

2) Set the polarity of the voltage surge input by pressing +/- button.3) The initial surge voltage is set to 8kV and increase by 1kV until it reaches

17kV.4) For each voltage, the set is surge 5 times by using counter. Specification (QA Requirement)

1) No malfunction that need to reset the product until 12kV.2) No power breakdown occur to the power block until 15kV.

2.2.2 AC Noise


Noise can be defined as a random fluctuation in an electrical signal. Noise is an error or undesired random disturbance of a useful information signal in a communication channel. Purpose

To perform common mode and normal mode noise into the set.

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SANKI High Frequency Noise Simulator Procedure

1) Place the set on the copper board

2) The power cord must be connected to the switch box as shown in figure below.


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3) The power cord must be tape onto the copper board and not overlapping each other as shown in figure

4) Switch on all the equipment. Set the switch box to normal mode with phase A condition. The set is test again with common mode phase A, normal mode phase B and common mode phase B.

2.2.2 Power Interruption
