report of the observation tour of quito

Colegio “San Francisco” "EDUCATION WITH EFFORT AND GOOD TREATMENT AS FRANCISCO" 2013-2014 English Name: Alexis Recalde Nro.: 29 Course: 10 ° "A" Date: 16-04-2014 Report of the observation tour of Quito Objective: To observe and analyze this tour to acquire new knowledge and learn more in detail about the ecosystems of our country and as caretakers, but also learn ways to recycle things of long life. Report: On Thursday, April 10, 2014 we went on a tour of observation to Quito to visit the Museum of Natural history, a recycling plant and Quito's Botanical Gardens. First, we met in the Park in front of the Church and wait for everyone to come together to take this list and see how many were missing. Once all were gathered, we got on the bus that we would take to Quito to know these places. After traveling a while we stopped for breakfast at a place called "Lo Nuestro", once already to breakfast we rested a bit and then we got on the bus and we continue travelling heading to Quito.

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Colegio “San Francisco”" E D U C A T I O N W I T H E F F O R T A N D G O O D T R E A T M E N T A S F R A N C I S C O "

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Name: Alexis Recalde Nro.: 29 Course: 10 ° "A" Date: 16-04-2014

Report of the observation tour of Quito

Objective: To observe and analyze this tour to acquire new knowledge and learn more in detail about the ecosystems of our country and as caretakers, but also learn ways to recycle things of long life.


On Thursday, April 10, 2014 we went on a tour of observation to Quito to visit the Museum of Natural history, a recycling plant and Quito's Botanical


First, we met in the Park in front of the Church and wait for everyone to come together to take this list and see how many were missing. Once all were gathered, we got on the bus that we would take to Quito to know these places. After traveling a while we stopped for breakfast at a place called "Lo Nuestro", once already to breakfast we rested a bit and then we got on the

bus and we continue travelling heading to Quito.

Already after a long trip we arrived in Quito and first thing where we went to the Museum of Natural History "GUSTAVO ORCÉS V.". Once there do not form at the entrance in pairs and follow our guide that we would give a tour of this museum. In the Museum explained at the beginning of the Big Bang theory, also the formation of the solar system and we could appreciate the chronological life on earth history, on the wall to keep walking I found

myself in the Hall of paleontology in where you can see large scale models of dinosaurs and also saw a model that was almost real of a tiger toothed continue to travel taught us Dioramas and explained in detail its flora and fauna that had each one and its high level of endemism and that each Diorama plant was only for less. They also showed us an aquarium with different kinds of fish of each region and which were in our country.

After the tour of the museum we went to a recycling plant which was called "FUI RECICLADO" this company had as its objective to promote environmental awareness and contribute to the conservation of the environment through the reuse of materials for long life as the tarps, rubbers of the tires, glass, apart from this main objective has another how to design and produce accessories for daily use using materials of long life already discarded, also showed us different things very surprising indeed as a binder that was echo of recycled cardboard the forum and the blades were missing from the bagasse from sugar cane, and on the wall were a few watches made with parts of cars as clutches, Circuits discarded panels and things as well, as we ascend the stairs showed us how made wallets with tarpaulins and rubber were also very interesting and very modern and that each one was unique and its colors were personally chosen and not randomly, apart from we got strips of canvas to make our own handles and grip that had an original model and only earned a wallet and apart from the fact that he could choose the wallet that I wanted to.

When they had finished explaining us we went, then we got on the bus and went them to lunch at KFC then that we hope a while and then we went to the bus and went directly to Quito's Botanical Gardens.

Here have as objective the conservation of plant resources in particular of the Andean flora, the guided tour taught us that wetlands are fundamental to the conservation of biodiversity, they contribute to the purification and oxygenation of the water.

We showed the Orchidarium you showed us that the orchid family is very large and there are 30 000 species throughout the world, in which Ecuador has 4250 species of orchids why Ecuador is considered the country of the Orchids. The further they showed us the carnivorous plants these plants were a bit bizarre and would give me something to fear them or be close next to them, they taught us that these plants feed on insects and have a few bags as they leave their leaves and within them has a peculiar smell that attracts insects and animals, I think that these plants were very fascinating.

Recommendations and Conclusions:

It was very interesting this experience of having acquired new knowledge and I have learned that I have to care for the environment, also it would be advisable that if or via, we would take a book to take different notes more detail to clarify more specifically on this topic and also do not forget to bring a camera to distinguish what type of plant or ecosystem is talking or trying to explain.

