report intranet and extranet

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  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    Intranet and ExtranetGroup 6LEGASPI, OBRA, TAN

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    Intranet Overview An Intranet is a privately maintained, sec

    computer network based on the comm

    standards of the Internet.

    It is a smaller version of the Internet that ointernal members of an organization can

    At the same time it is available remotelyInternet allowing access from any physiclocation.

    Intranet is an IP-based system, which mewhole set of higher-level protocols abovcould be applied in Intranet without mo


  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    What does Intranet do?

    Information publishing: using the Intranetto deliver news and other information inthe form of directories and webdocuments.

    Email: implementing an email system thatintegrates seamlessly with the Intranet,allowing information to be both pushed

    and pulled. Document management: using the

    Intranet to allow users to view, print, andwork collaboratively on office documents(word-processed documents,spreadsheets, presentations, etc.).

    Training: using the Intranet totraining at the desktop.

    Workflow: using the Intranet administrative processes.

    Databases and other bespok

    using the Intranet as a front-organization-specific systemcorporate databases.

    Discussion: using the Intranefor users to discuss and deba

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    How do Intranetsdo it?

    Intranets use HTML to create doand TCP/IP to transmit informati

    the network.Information is stored on one or mcompany servers and accesseda web browser, such as NavigaInternet Explorer.

    This self-contained, miniature Inthave all the same featuresind

    home pages, newsgroups, emaaccess is restricted to companyemployees and contractors.

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    Extranet Overview

    An Extranet is a private network that uses Internetprotocols and the public telecommunicationsystem to securely share part of a businesssinformation or operations with suppliers, vendors,partners, customers, or other businesses.

    Extranet brings benonly a single organalso to its partners, suppliers. It allows torganization to impcommunication chup-to-date busineswith partners, clien

    suppliers, and integbusiness processes

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    Configuration of Extranet

    Whereas an Intranet resides behind a firewall and is accessible only to people who are members of theor organization, an Extranet provides various levels of accessibility to outsiders. You can access an Extrahave a valid username and password, and your identity determines which parts of the Extranet you ca

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    Intranet Technology

    Web Server

    HTML Developer




    Content Management System

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    Web Server

    The major appearance of anIntranet is the web-baseplatform that connectsemployees and businesspartners.

    The web server is obviously thefundamental technology to runthe Intranet.

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    HTML Development

    WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)

    These tools allow the nontechnical user tocreate sites without the knowledge ofHTML code (for example, Microsoft FrontPage).

    HTML Editors

    For the more advanced userHTML and wants to have mothe page structure.

    The company may decide to purchase licensing for both types of tools anout according to skill level. It should be noted that these types of tools are slowinto one.

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet



    If the organization wants toopen its Intranet to thepartners and vendors(Extranet), support for both

    browsers is required, becausethe administrator has nocontrol over the partnersnetwork.

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet



    Snooping and Eavesdropping

    The risk of having someoneoverhear data being sentover the Intranet.

    User Impersonation The risk of having users gain

    access by pretending to besomeone else.

    Unauthoriz The risk of ha

    obtain acceconfidential

    Common Threats


    User Authentication

    An LDAP or ODBC compliant centraldatabase could be used to store theuse authentication information.Passwords must be maintained andupdated periodically. Digital signatureis another choice for both

    authentication and data encryption.

    User Impersonation

    The permission to access allthe resources on the Intranetmust be carefully planned.Once logged in, usersactivities must be trackedthroughout the session.

    User Impe

    Using SSL anservices mayreal-time intcommunica

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    VPN Virtual Private Network

    Uses public Internet as the transfer infrastructure.

    Tunnels are created in the Internet between Intranet sites such that the Intranencapsulated inside the regular IP packets.

    The source and destination of encapsulating traffic are the gateways that sit point of Intranet sites.

    Many techniques provide the tunneling function, such as PPTP, L2TP, L2F, andmode. To protect the private information transmitted in the tunnel, security mmust be used.

    A good combination of both tunneling and security is L2TP/IPSec.

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    Content Management System

    Document check-in/check-out


    Content approval workflow

    Open-standards database and templatecreation

    Database management and file systemmanagement

    Dynamic page generation

    Link management

    Document conversion

    User-friendly content authoring


    Access control or built-in securit

    Usage analysis

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    PowerLaw Rule for Intranets and Ext

    The relationship between the degrees of the nodes and the ranks of the nodarranged by degrees.

    It means that there exists a relationship between the degree dnof a node n ior the Extranet and the rank of a nodern. R is the power of the node rankrn.

    A power law appears between the degree of a node and the number of nothe degree, frequency. That means that there exits a relationship between tha node, d, and the frequency f d such as:


  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    PowerLaw Rule for Intranets and Ext

    The relationship between a calculated eigen value , by the connectivity anare arranged in ascending order by the eigen value using a close matrix, thaare connected, it is represented by 1, and if not connected, is expressed bknown also as a power-law. The eigen value, , and rank, i, have the relation

    Example: Determine the degree of node 5 in the intranet if the rank of the no

    the power is 3. (Ans. 64)

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    Topology Models

    Tiers Model

    TransitStub Model

    BarabasiAlbert Model

    Waxman Model

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    Tiers Model

    In this model, the three levels of WAN,MAN, and LAN are treated as a basicpolicy. It has a hierarchicalcharacteristic. At the MAN and LANlevels, all edges are connectedthrough minimum spanning treecalculation. In the case of the WANlevel, the network is made randomly.

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    Transit Stub Model

    Through a random method, each Intranet/Extranet makes whole tran

    In the graph, each node is substituanother connected random graphfor a backbone topology in a tran

    In the transit area, each node mak

    random graphs that stand for the aarea.

    In the pair of nodes, edges are adtwo kinds of graph involved here. Ographs is connected between transtub area. The second graph is cobetween one stub area and anoth

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    Barabasi Albert Mode

    An algorithm for generatingrandom scale-free networks usinga preferential attachment mechanism.Scale-free networks are widely observedin natural and human-made systems,

    including the Internet, the world wideweb, citation networks, and some socialnetworks.

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    Waxman Model

    Used to add the links in a network considering that the distance between thearranged in random positions on a 2D grid.

    If we consider the two nodes u and v, the rates of the existing edge betweennodes are different depending on the distance of the node from the other no

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    Intranet/Extranet Applications

    Human Resource Intranet Employee handbook

    Telephone/email directory

    Interactive benefits information

    401K tracking

    Employee surveys

    Recruiting/job listings

    Candidate screening applications

    Organizational charts


    New employee training

    Employee personalized home pages


    Software and appdevelopment an

    User documentat

    Technical suppor

    Network manage

    Information and k


    Internet resources

    Resource schedu



    Intranet FAQs, pu

    Web paging or c


    Sales and MarketingIntranet/Extranet

    Product demos and scripts

    Pricing charts

    Sales forecasts and reports

    Sales contact management

    Sales lead management

    Market research/search engines

    Sales feedback


    Press releases

    Sales team collaboration


    Sales multimedia training

    Competitor research

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    Intranet and Extranet Design Issues

    Intranet and Extranet Design Process

    You have to design appropriate retrievalaids for your materials.

    Efforts must be made to analyzeinformation and user needs.

    Information must be re-engineered foreffective use online.

    Intranet and Extranet Desig What are your goals why you

    create the Intranet and /or Ex

    Is it possible for this Intranet/Exmake the jobs in your organizaeasier?

    What kind of problems are yo

    experiencing in their jobs? Do the users in your organizati

    current documentation in the

    Does the information help usetrue goals?

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet


    Intranet and Extranet Design Issues

    Design Standards

    Templates should be created for use in cases where there may be similar informat

    The company should get together as one and then create a set of design standa

    An editor whose job should be only to edit and to create should be involved in than early stage.

    A document process and monitoring system should be established. In addition, it

    that the company understands the document purpose and team and individual

    Once the collaborative assignment is completed, the project should be evaluatelessons learned list should be developed for future applications.

    The entire team should be allowed to get involved in the design process so that eunderstands why certain decisions have been made.

  • 8/13/2019 Report Intranet and Extranet



    Akujuobi, Cajetan, and Matthew"Intranet and Extranet." IntroducBroadband Communication SysRaton: SciTech Publishing, 2008.

    "BarabsiAlbert Model." Wikipe

    Wikimedia Foundation, 23 July 208 Sept. 2013.

    "Lightweight Directory AccessProtocol." Wikipedia. WikimediaFoundation, 09 July 2013. Web. 2013.

    "ODBC." Wikipedia. Wikimedia

    Foundation, 28 Aug. 2013. Web2013.

    "Secure Socket Layer." WikipediWikimedia Foundation, 09 July 208 Sept. 2013.