rephrasing first

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  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. During lunch we will discuss thisWhile

    2. I am iteen !ears "ld #AG$%

    &. During lunch we heard the ire'engines g" (! #AS%

    ....). Da*id ("ught a car s"me time ag" and he still has it #+$R S$,E -I,E%

    . I can/t ind her 0h"ne num(er n"w #$S-%

    . Andrea is *isiting the dentist "r the irst time

    -his is the irst time 3. He ga*e u0 sm"4ing in 15& #SIN6E 15&%

    7. When did Susan start learning 6hinese8

    H"w l"ng ... 85. 9"hn disa00eared se*eral wee4s ag" #+$R%

    1:. ast wee4 Paula m"*ed int" her new lat #SIN6E%

    11. Sue was here a m"ment ag"; (ut she/s n"t in n"w #9

  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. Ann can n"t "nl! s0ea4 +rench and German; (ut she 4n"ws Russian as wellN"t "nl! ...

    2. ,an! t"urists *isit =ang4"4/s Grand Palace when the! g" t" -hailand=ang4"4/s Grand Palace ...

    &. We will n"t "nl! g" t" England this !ear; (ut t" Sc"tland and Wales as well

    N"t "nl! ....). CWe will als" a00l! "r a grant the *"lunteers added

    .... Are all the students registered (e"re the sch""l !ear starts8 #-HE%

    . $ur 0h"ne seld"m rings

    Seld"m ...3. CA ta>i will (e waiting "r !"u at the air0"rt; the guide t"ld Helen

    7. CHa*en/t !"u used a w"rd 0r"cess"r (e"re8; he wanted t" 4n"w

    5. CPlease d"n/t sm"4e here; she as4ed him

    1:. She as4ed where I had studied "r m! degree

    11. -his is the article. It wasn/t 0rinted (! the news0a0er

    12. Dana ne*er (elie*es an!thing i she d"esn/t see it with her "wn e!es #i t" the air0"rt was held u0 in a traic am

    I ...1). I "nl! he didn/t tal4 s" much

    I wish ...

    1. arge d"gs righten me #A+RAID%

    1. I !"u d"n/t understand a w"rd; use !"ur dicti"nar! #$$@%

    13. -he ""t(all match was cancelled (ecause " the rain #6AED%

    17. It/s g"ing t" c"st m"re t" tra*el (! c"ach ne>t !ear-he c"st ...

    15. We all en"!ed the wal4ing e*en th"ugh it rained hea*il!Des0ite ...

    2:. A sh"0 near here used t" sell resh ish. It/s cl"sed d"wn n"w-here used t"

    21. -he train let at si> "/cl"c4 and we arri*ed ust ater thatWhen we

    22. Remem(er t" ta4e s"me e>tra m"ne! with !"u. It c"uld (e useulIt/s w"rth

    2&. -he remar4 was s" une>0ected that she didn/t 4n"w what t" sa!It was such

    2). -he w"man/s d"g (it the 0"stman the "ther da!-hat/s the w"man

    2. It wasn/t s" eas! t" 0ersuade her t" c"me-here was s"me diicult!

    2. -he water was s" c"ld that I c"uldn/t swim in it-he water was t"" ...

    23. I !"u w"r4 careull!; !"u w"n/t ma4e s" man! mista4es-he


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. CD"n/t t"uch the 0late; it/s h"tF the waiter said-he waiter warned

    2. What did he sa! when he was st"00ed (! the 0"lice8-ell me

    &. "u 4n"w the wa! t" "nd"n (etter than I d"

    I d"n/t 4n"w ). He said he hadn/t st"len the m"ne!

    He denied . "u/d (etter n"t distur( him

    It/d . It/s tw" da!s n"w since I started reading that (""4

    I/*e 3. N"thing I d" seems t" (e right

    I seem7. Which wa! is the stati"n8

    H"w5. -he shel*es are t"" narr"w t" st"re these g""ds

    -he shel*es aren/t 1:. -he transmissi"n seems t" ha*e a ault

    -here 11. I w"uld li4e t" ha*e seen this ilm

    I wish 12. I/ll (e (us! w"r4ing while !"u are "n h"lida!

    During 1&. I ha*en/t seen m! "ld riend "r ages

    It/s ages 1). It was m! irst *isit t" America


    1. It/ll (e necessar! "r her t" gi*e u0 her "( s""nS""n she

    1. In s0ite " the heat it was eas! t" clim( t" the t"0 " the hillWe managed ...

    13. I/m araid it/s ar t"" salt! "r me t" eatIt/s s"

    17. I used t" w"r4 in an "ice near the railwa! stati"n-he "ice

    15. ,em(ers " the sta wh" arri*e late are e>0ected t" sta! later in the e*eningI

    2:. Wh! d"n/t we g" and l""4 at the cathedral8He suggested

    21. -his is the irst time I/*e (een t" a casin"I

    22. -"" man! eggs are (ad "r !"u #SH$

  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. It/s raining. It started t" rain as we let the h"use #SIN6E%

    2. We arri*ed late at the wedding. -he cerem"n! (egan (e"re we arri*ed=! the time ....

    &. It wasn/t necessar! t" 0h"ne (e"re !"u *isited me

    "u ). -a4ing the (""4 with"ut 0ermissi"n was the wr"ng thing t" d"

    "u . He isn/t here. Perha0s he went h"me #,A%

    . -he! were selling tic4ets "r the c"ncert all m"rning

    -ic4ets 3. It hardl! e*er rained in Eg!0t

    Hardl! e*er 7. C-he ("!s were c"llecting m"ne! "r charit! "rganisati"ns; he e>0lained

    5. Des0ite the d"ct"r/s ad*ice n"t t" 0la! ""t(all; he 0la!ed last wee4

    E*en th"ugh 1:. ="( was st"00ed (! a 0"lice car (ecause he was s0eeding

    I 11. -he alarm went " in the middle " her 0h"ne c"n*ersati"n

    While 12. I started reading this (""4 (e"re he came in #WHIE%

    1&. She started stud!ing English eight !ears ag" #+$R%

    1). We last saw a r"!al 0r"cessi"n three !ears ag" #SIN6E%

    1. D" !"u ha*e an! e>0erience in editing (""4s8 #EBER%

    1. I irst met Dan in 157: and we are still g""d riendsDan and I

    13. We ("ught this h"use in 155 #SIN6E%

    17. I/*e 4n"wn Peter "r 2: !ears #+IRS-%

    15. She let R"me when she was a little girl; a("ut ten !ears n"w #+$R -HE AS- -EN EARS%

    2:. We s"ld "ur h"use in ,adrid and then m"*ed t" Granada #$N A+-ER%

    21. He started waiting "r the (us at 5.:: and it inall! arri*ed at 11.&: #=E+$RE%

    22. -he secretar! t!0ed all the letters. -hen her ("ss decided t" ma4e changes #WHEN%

    2&. Neil Arstr"ng was the irst man t" wal4 "n the m""nN" "ne

    2). It/s 0"ssi(le the (an4 l"aned them the m"ne!-he (an4

    2. Perha0hs he tele0h"ned; (ut I was "ut earlierHe

    2. She hasn/t called me. She 0r"(a(l! didn/t remem(er m! num(erShe

    23. He was here a m"ment ag". I/m sure !"u saw him"u


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. I su00"se he ("ught !"u a (irthda! gitHe

    2. It was wr"ng " !"u n"t t" wait "r him"u ....

    &. What a 0it! the ("! didn/t a00l! "r a grant in ad*ance

    -he ("! ). "u made a (ig mista4e lea*ing the car unl"c4ed #E+-%

    . It isn/t necessar! t" 0h"ne (e"re !"u *isit me

    "u .. 6hewing gum is "r(idden in class #6HEW%

    3. ,! c"at needs dr!'cleaning. I/ll ta4e it t"m"rr"w #,t wee4

    13. -he date "r returning this (""4 was !esterda! #HABE%

    17. 9im was reall! ha00! "nl! when he was 0la!ing$nl! when

    15. She/s rarel! seen wal4ingRarel!

    2:. Did -"m listen t" the 6D and t!0ed the letter as well8N"t "nl!

    21. I entered the h"use and watched all the sceneN" s""ner

    22. -he washing'machine st"00ed w"r4ing !esterda! #D$WN%

    2&. We reall! must ec"n"mi?e "n 0a0er #6

  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. -he "ice where I w"r4 is in the t"wn centreI w"r4

    2. -he m"untains can (e reached in under an h"ur r"m here"u

    &. ,ar4/s s"rr! that he can/t c"me t" the c"ncert t"night

    ,ar4 wishes ). CNic4 is the "ne wh" st"le the *ide"'rec"rder; said ,ichael

    ,ichael accused . We ha*e all the c""4ing; washing'u0 and cleaning d"ne (! "ur ser*ants

    $ur ser*ants . Practicall! n" "ne came t" the restaurant !esterda!

    Hardl! 3. aughing at "ther 0e"0le/s mista4es is un4ind

    It/s un4ind 7. He searched e*er!where; (ut he c"uldn/t ind the tic4et

    Alth"ugh 5. Gi*e us "ur m"ne! "r we/ll ta4e !"u t" c"urt

    We threatened 1:. -here/s a str"ng current s" (e careul n"t t" swim "ut t"" ar

    He warned 11. Alth"ugh she is the daughter " a rich man; he d"esn/t want t" marr! her

    In s0ite 12. I !"u went t" the dentist "r a regular chec4'u0 !"u w"uldn/t ha*e a t""thache n"w

    "u/*e g"t a t""thache n"w 1&. C=rea4ast will n"t (e ser*ed ater 5.&:; said the n"tice

    -he n"tice said 1). I/ll ta4e an um(rella "nl! i it rains

    I w"n/t

    1. It has (een ages since he 0la!ed ""t(allHe ....

    1. CPlease; d"n/t tal4 during the 0er"rmanceHe t"ld her

    13. He hasn/t c"me t" w"r4 t"da! (ecause he has a terri(le c"ldI

    17. "u w"n/t l"se weight i !"u d"n/t st"0 eating s" much

  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. When the c"nduct"r raised his (at"n the "rchestra (egan t" 0la!-he c"nduct"r

    2. 6an !"u tell me what this w"rd means86an !"u e>0lain

    &. "u can/t lea*e the c"untr! with"ut a 0ass0"rt"u can/t lea*e the c"untr! unless

    ). She didn/t tell me her addressShe didn/t gi*e

    . -he r"" will c"lla0se i n" "ne mends it

  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. I can/t ind the letter an!where. I/m sure s"me"ne has thr"wn it awa!I can/t ind the letter an!where. It

    2. I last s0"4e t" 9ac4 when I s"ld him m! "ld carI ha*en/t

    &. CWh! d"n/t !"u c"m0lain t" the c"m0an!; Peter8; said William

    William suggested ). He started t" 0la! the guitar i*e !ears ag"

    He has . I am "nd " m! ne0hew alth"ugh he (eha*es terri(l!

    I am "nd " m! ne0hew in . I w"n/t swim in that sea (ecause it/s t"" c"ld

    -he sea is n"t 3. CI was n"t there at the time; he said

    He denied 7. CWh" d"es that suitcase (el"ng t"8; the 0"liceman as4ed us

    -he 0"liceman as4ed us wh"se ....5. I regret n"t g"ing t" the air0"rt t" sa! g""d(!e

    I wish 1:. -he! arri*ed *er! late (ecause the! had a lat t!re

    I .11. I he d"esn/t a0"l"gise I will ne*er in*ite him here

    m"nthsI started

    15. We are chec4ing !"ur answers at the m"ment"ur answers

    2:. -he ga0 was s" narr"w that I c"uldn/t dri*e thr"ugh it-he ga0 was t""

    21. -he! ha*e sac4ed i*e hundred w"r4ers+i*e hundred

    22. "u/d (etter n"t ta4e t"m"rr"w " w"r4I I were !"u

    2&. We were g"ing t" *isit Grandma; (ut we didn/t ha*e en"ugh timeWe/d ha*e

    2). I/m sure she 0r"mised t" c"me. I remem(er her d"ing itI remem(er

    2. I didn/t 4n"w she was 9"hn/s sister as I hadn/t met her (e"reN"t ha*ing ....

    2. I ha*en/t en"!ed m!sel s" much "r !earsIt/s !ears ....


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. It w"uld ha*e (een im0"ssi(le "r him t" 4n"w what was g"ing t" ha00enHe c"uld

    2. He st""d in the shad"w (ecause he didn/t want them t" see himHe st""d in the shad"w s" that

    &. CWh! ha*en/t !"u t"ld me this (e"re8 he as4ed

    He as4ed me ....). "u/d rather n"t lea*e it "r t"" late i !"u want t" (""4 !"ur h"lida! "r August

    -he tra*el agent ad*iced them . We ha*e t" 0a! the rent (! the end " the m"nth

    -he rent . C"u can (""4 the tic4ets till t"m"rr"w she said

    She t"ld us 3. It was t"" c"ld "r them t" ha*e the wind"ws "0en

    It was s" c"ld 7. "u 0aid m"re than necessar! "r that dress

    "u needn/t 5. D"es he reall! need t" ma4e such a n"ise8

    Is it reall! 1:. She was s" angr! that she c"uldn/t s0ea4

    She was t"" 11. It/s time "r !"u t" lea*e the "ice

    It/s time "r !"u 12. +ran4 regretted l"sing his tem0er

    +ran4 wished 1&. We went "n 0la!ing alth"ugh it was raining

    We went "n 0la!ing in1). I/m s"rr! I (eha*ed (adl! !esterda!

    I a0"l"gise

    1. I ha*e n" time t" d" the washing'u0I ha*en/t ....


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. "u/*e charged us t"" much "r this mealF; she saidCWe/*e .

    2. It/s 0"ssi(le that s"me"ne t""4 !"ur suitcase accidentall!S"me"ne

    &. He was tal4ing t" a small; thin w"man. She w"r4s in m! "ice

    -he ). I was eeling rather ill; (ut I en"!ed the tri0 an!wa!

    Alth"ugh . She elt sic4; (ut she managed t" c"m0lete the c"urse

    In s0ite ".. "u c"uld ("rr"w s"me m"ne! r"m Helen; I/m sure

    Helen 3. We searched the h"use; and then we searched the garden

    Ha*ing ....7. -he last time I saw him was si> wee4s ag"

    I ha*en/t 5. Wear what !"u li4e. It/s n"ne " m! (usiness

    What 1:. -he rain c"m0letel! ruined the car0ets

    -he car0ets ....11. -he ("! was "und (! the 0"lice. He was *er! rightened

    -he ("!; wh" 12. He had n" m"ne! let; (ut was still *er! cheerul

    In s0ite " 1&. We 0la!ed *er! well; (ut we l"st

    Alth"ugh ....1). I/m s"rr! (ut I can/t c"me t"m"rr"w

    I a0"l"gise

    1. It/s n"t e*en necessar! t" clean "utside the lat"u d"n/t ha*e

    1. D"n/t "rget t" (ring !"ur 0ass0"rts with !"uShe reminded ....

    13. She ga*e me a lit h"me; which was 4ind " herIt was 4ind ....

    17. I !"u hadn/t tried t" lit th"se hea*! (">es; !"ur (ac4 w"uldn/t hurt s" much"ur (ac4 hurts

    15. -his "rm must (e c"m0leted and sent with !"ur a00licati"n"u must

    2:. I w"n/t agree until -"m/s a0"l"gised$nl! when

    21. I agree he/s a g""d w"r4er (ut I still d"n/t thin4 he sh"uld get the "(Des0ite

    22. -he residents get *er! angr! when (ic!cles are let in the hallwa!-he residents all wish (ic!cles

    2&. Anna ailed t" understand h"w seri"us her illness was until she s0"4e t" the d"ct"rN"t until

    2). -he! set " t" clim( the m"untain in s0ite " the "g2. Alth"ugh 2. In s0ite " the h"stile rece0ti"n; he carried "n23. Alth"ugh 27. "u must (e 0"lite t" 0e"0le25. It/s ....

    &:. -he Americans ha*e ust call their am(assad"r&1. -he American ....


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. I regret n"t g"ing t" the air0"rt t" sa! g""d(!eI wish

    2. I get s"me"ne t" ser*ice m! car e*er! !earI ha*e

    &. We are g"ing t" ha*e a meal ater the sh"w

    Ater we ). I/m sure !"u/re guilt!. N" "ne was there

    "u must . -he! made her "ll"w them t" the h"use

    She was . I/*e arranged t" g" t" the theatre t"night

    I/m ....3. -he tra*el agent ad*ised us n"t t" tra*el (! I(eria

    I 7. -he! t"ld us h"w l"*el! their h"lida! had (een

    We 5. It/s *er! 4ind " !"u t" (e s" hel0ul

    -han4 !"u 1:. I sh"uld ha*e tele0h"ned. I w"uld ha*e seen him i I had

    I "nl! 11. Wh"se (ag is this8

    Wh" 12. I/m alwa!s ner*"us when Peter dri*es

    Peter/s dri*ing 1&. In m! "0ini"n Pa*ar"tti is a great "0era singer

    I 1). Su?i 0aints (etter than Da*id

    Da*id d"es

    1. I ha*en/t ("ught a new (""4 "r tw" !earsIt

    1. When did !"u irst get t" 4n"w her8H"w l"ng ....

    13. Peter crashed his car again; "r the sec"nd time this m"nth-his is the sec"nd time

    17. -he tw" riends ("ught tents and slee0ing (ags and then went cam0ingWhen

    15. ,a!(e he didn/t want t" meet usHe

    2:. I suggest !"u get a sec"nd "0ini"n"u ....

    21. I !"u want an ad*ice; see a d"ct"rF"u

    22. -he teachers all"w students t" lea*e earl! "n +rida!sStudents ....

    2&. "u d"n/t ha*e t" 0a! this (ill until ne>t wee4-his (ill ....

    2). Was !"ur d"ct"r n"tiied " !"ur illness8Did ....

    2. -he immigrati"n de0artment will ha*e t" c"nsider m! a00licati"n "r a new 0ass0"rt,! a00licati"n

    2. H"w much d"es it c"st t" g" t" see a ilm8D" !"u 4n"w

    23. H"w did Da*id get h"me8I was w"ndering


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. -his d""r sh"uld ne*er (e let "0enNe*er

    2. Alice is rarel! seen with"ut a cigaretteRarel! ....

    &. It w"n/t (e an eas! tas4 and I w"n/t (e a(le t" c"m0lete it t"da!

    It w"n/t (e an eas! tas4 n"r ). She acce0ted the "(. -he salar! was *er! l"w

    Des0ite . I t"ld !"u t" sl"w d"wn (ut !"u didn/t

    "u ..... It/s 0"ssi(le that Al(ert" tried t" call !"u

    Al(ert" 3. 6areless dri*ing ma! ha*e caused the accident

    -he accident 7. What is the 0rice " this 0erume8

    H"w much 5. I will meet Paul at the cinema t"night

    I am 1:. During "ur dinner; "ne " the guests arri*ed

    While we 11. Wh"se car is this8

    Wh" 12. I m"*ed t" ,adrid ten !ears ag"

    I ha*e 1&. -he d"g was tired ater the l"ng run

    -he d"g was tired (ecause 1). -he! ga*e me a 0air " snea4ers "r m! (irthda!


    1. "u must e>ercise a d"g "nce a da!A d"g

    1. I/m s"rr! I didn/t 0ass the messageI sh"uld

    13. CDid the man attem0t t" steal !"ur wal4man8; he as4ed meHe as4ed me

    17. We ha*e alwa!s had 0ets in "ur h"useWe used

    15. CIs he aware " the dangers " alc"h"l8; she as4ed meShe as4ed me

    2:. N" "ne 0la!s the 0ian" (etter than he d"esHe

    21. -he children cleaned u0 the mess-he mess

    22. It was a mista4e t" drin4 s" much uice"u sh"uldn/t

    2&. Are !"u interested in c"m0uters8D"

    2). I didn/t understand the "4e; s" I didn/t laughI

    2. I d"n/t 4n"w much a("ut ad*ertisingI hardl!

    2. H"w l"ng ha*e !"u (een "n a diet8When .

    23. D" !"u want t" g" t" a ast'""d restaurant8W"uld


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. CH"w l"ng ha*e !"u (een w"r4ing here8; he as4ed her #wanted t" 4n"w%

    2. I am waiting "r the manager t" hel0 me #(e%

    &. He reall! wants t" get this "( #interested%

    ). -he last time I went t" a c"ncert was i*e !ears ag" #"r%

    . It isn/t necessar! t" (""4 an a00"intment

    "u . Perha0s Peter is at h"me n"w

    Peter 3. Sm"4ing is "r(idden in the classr""m

    "u 7. Sheila as4ed i she c"uld wait in the "ice

    C. C Sheila as4ed5. ,a!(e I/*e alread! read that (""4. I can/t rememe(er

    I 1:. It was sill! " !"u t" sta! "ut s" late

    "u 11. I/m sure she was tired last night

    She 12. I wasn/t (us! last night. Wh! didn/t !"u in*ite me t" !"ur 0art!8

    I c"uld 1&. I/*e (een in this c"m0an! "r three !ears; c"ming at the end " the m"nth

    =! the end " the m"nth ..1). -he arri*al " the train has (een dela!ed

    -he train will

    1. What time is the train "r N"ttingham8 #lea*e%

    1. We ha*e decided t" cancel the matchIt

    13. I !"u 0a! me (ac4 the m"ne! !"u t""4; I w"n/t tell the 0"licePa! me (ac4

    17. -he last time I was in Prague was in 157I ha*en/t

    15. -here will (e s"me"ne t" meet !"u "n !"ur arri*alWhen !"u

    2:. I am "n the tenth 0age " the letter I am writingS" ar I

    21. Helen and I (ecame riends when we were children #since%

    22. I regret that I didnt sta! l"nger in "nd"nI wish

    2&. +irst Sam read the in"rmati"n a("ut the c"untr! he wanted t" *isit. -hen he (""4ed hs lightAter

    2). -he (uilder insisted that he had c"m0leted the ren"*ati"ns the da! (e"reC-he ren"*ati"ns

    2. Drin4ing alc"h"l while !"u dri*e is 0r"hi(ited (! law"u

    2. Perha0s I will g" t" the cinemaI

    23. It/s a 0it! we didnt s0end "ur last h"lida! in the c"untr!We


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. I ha*ent g"t en"ugh time t" see !"u t"da! #(us!%

    2. I ha*ent g"t the time. I ha*ent g"t the 0atience t" s0ea4 t" her t"da! #neither n"r%

    &. CAnswer the uesti"n; the udge "rdered the witness

    -he udge ). Cets 0"st0"ne the tri0 t" ne>t wee4; ,i4e said

    ,i4e . Her em0l"!er 0a!s her the minimum wage

    . Pe"0le (elie*e that a00les are g""d "r health

    3. I started stud!ing at "cl"c4. It is n"w 3 "cl"c4 and Im still stud!ing #"r%

    7. ,! sister didnt c"m0lete the c"m0uter training s" she c"uldnt ind a "(

    I 5. Ann might tra*el t" Hungar!. She w"uld en"! the tri0

    I 1:. "u are alwa!s ("thering me. Im tr!ing t" stud!

    I wish 11. Alth"ugh he lac4s training; he is a *er! talented musician

    Des0ite 12. $ur car is n"t w"r4ing *er! well. We ha*e ust inished 0a!ing "r it

    1&. -he t"wn is small and uiet. ,! grandm"ther was ("rn there

    1). -he 0art! will (e in m! lat. It isnt *er! (ig

    1. We arri*ed late at the wedding. -he cerem"n! (egan (e"re we arri*ed=! the time

    1. 6hildrens meals are ree i the! are under i*e6hildren under i*e

    13. -here is 0lent! t" ch""se r"m the menu-here is 0lent! "

    17. A new s0"rts centre was "0ened (! the ma"r last wee4-he ma"r

    15. -here are tw" se0arate swimming 0""ls in i*er0""l Arenai*er0""l Arena

    2:. -he main 0""l is ust "r adults$nl! adults

    21. Entr! is ree i !"u are under 17"u

    22. G"l eui0ment can (e hired at an! time"u

    2&. Swimming is *er! g""d "r !"ur healthSwimming 4ee0s

    2). Air tra*el can (e dela!ed (! "g+"g

    2. Air tra*el is aster than an! "ther 4ind " trans0"rtAir tra*el is the

    2. "u usuall! ha*e t" wait a l"ng time at the air0"rt-here are usuall!

    23. Plane tic4ets are als" uite e>0ensi*e"u ha*e t" 0a!


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. $*er &:;::: cars are st"len e*er! !ear-hie*es

    2. S"me st"len cars are dri*en (! !"ung 0e"0le ust "r un"ung 0e"0le

    &. -his (eha*i"ur is c"nsidered t" (e criminal

    Pe"0le ). -here is a great danger in dri*ing t"" ast

    Dri*ing t"" ast . 6"urses are "rganised (! Grett"ns H"lida!s

    Grett"ns H"lida!s . S"me *isit"rs t" =ritain ind the weather *er! de0ressing

    S"me *isit"rs t" =ritain get 3. -he! will n"t im0r"*e i !"u d"n/t tell the t" w"r4 harder

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    1. -hat manKs 0h"t" was in !esterda!Ks 0a0er.-hatKs the man

    2. -he! 0aint a l"t " cars in this garage.A l"t "

    &. I ell " m! (i4e (ecause I had (een drin4ing.

    I I ). ,! Dad said; CI canKt ind m! glasses.

    ,! dad said . -he! c"uld sell this lat ne>t !ear.

    -his lat . 9enn! w"n the c"m0etiti"n. She is g""d at maths.

    9enn!3. It was t"" c"ld t" g" t" the ?"".

    It wasnKt 7. CI thin4 we will miss the train; he said.

    He said 5. -he last time I saw !"ur sister was !ears ag".

    I 1:. -he w"man gi*es 0e"0le in"rmati"n 0ac4s as the! enter the e>hi(iti"n r""m.

    Pe"0le 11. CH"w l"ng ha*e !"u (een li*ing here8 she as4ed her.

    She as4ed 12. -he! must inish this 0r"ect (e"re +rida! e*ening.

    -his 0r"ect 1&. Alth"ugh the ta>i dri*er g"t l"st we inall! g"t t" the train stati"n in time "r "ur train.

    Des0ite 1). I !"u d"nKt wear a tie; !"u w"nKt (e all"wed int" this 0art!.

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    1. ,arta canKt c"me t" the cinema (ecause she has t" stud!.I ,arta

    2. -he! thin4 that she is the (est writer " the !ear.She is

    &. A little "ld lad! sh"wed us the wa! t" the cit! centre.

    We ). -he 0"liceman was a mem(er " the +=I. He sh"t the sus0ect.

    -he 0"liceman . He is an "nl! child.

    He hasnKt . H"w much are th"se (""ts in the sh"0 wind"w8

    What is 3. ,! dad 0aid L1:: "r each " the (""4s.

    -he (""4s 7. What did !"u thin4 when the! as4ed !"u t" the ("ss8

    -ell me 5. We tried t" reach the 0ac4et (ut it was t"" high.

    -he 0ac4et 1:. Which wa!Ks the 0"st "ice8

    H"w 11. Rachel ("rr"wed m! car last night.

    I 12. -he 0"liceman ("rr"wed m! m"t"r(i4e t" "ll"w the sus0ect.

    I 1&. He lent me a cu0 " sugar.

    I 1). -he teacher lent us s"me (""4s.


    1. -he act"r lent me his glasses.I

    1. WhatKs !"ur hus(andKs 0r"essi"n8What

    13. What was !"ur atherKs 0r"essi"n8What

    17. -he rain was t"" hea*! "r them t" g" t" the ?"".-he! didnKt

    15. H"w did she manage t" eat her sandwich s" ast8What

    2:. WhatKs her height8H"w

    21. WhatKs the length " this 0iece " string8H"w

    22. WhatKs the de0th " this swimming 0""l8H"w

    2&. WhatKs the width " this r"ad8H"w

    2). Shall we sta! with Grannie this Easter8Wh!

    2. H"w a("ut *isiting Great Auntie ,a(el this atern""n8Wh!

    2. I used t" eat cheese.I d"nKt

    23. We used t" see them e*er! summer.We


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    1. She used t" send us a 6hristmas card e*er! !ear.She d"esnKt

    2. N" "ne is (etter than Dr Green.Dr Green

    &. N" "ne c""4s as well as !"ur mum.

    "ur mum ). N" "ne dri*es as (adl! as !"ur dad.

    "ur dad . N" "ne is a w"rse teacher than =ill! =ates.

    =ill! =ates . -he!Kre *er! tired. -he! w"nKt eel li4e c"ming "ut "r a drin4.

    -he!Kd 3. -he car was s" well designed that it w"n all the 0ri?es.

    It was 7. Wh" "wns that mansi"n "n the hill8

    Wh" 5. We set " earl! (ecause we wanted t" *isit "ur riend in the h"s0ital.

    We set " earl! in 1:. She went t" the (an4 (ecause she wanted t" tal4 t" the (an4 manager.

    She went t" the (an4 in "rder .11. I went "n a crash diet (ecause I wanted t" l"se weight uic4l!.

    I went "n a crash diet in 12. -he! dr"*e t" the s0"rt centre and then the! went h"me.

    Ater 1&. She ate a ham(urger and then she dran4 a ("ttle " mil4.

    Ater 1). We tra*elled t" Pa4istan and then we lew t" Bietnam.


    1. ="th Sue and her sister li4e aer"(ics.Sue and her sister are

    1. 9ac4 has ne*er eaten sna4e and n"r has Eddie.Neither 9ac4

    13. Henr! has ne*er dri*en a l"rr! and n"r has his (r"ther.Neither

    17. Sam has ne*er (een t" H"ng @"ng and n"r has his wie.Neither Sam

    15. Wend! has ne*er swum in the Dead Sea and n"r has her hus(and.Neither Wend!

    2:. Neither 6ar"l n"r her s"n will c"me here this atern""n.6ar"l w"nKt

    21. Neither Pamela n"r her daughter will slee0 in this r""m.Pamela w"nKt

    22. Neither the ("ss n"r her secretar! w"uld eat this ""d.-he ("ss w"uldnKt

    2&. -he last time I saw a ilm at the cinema was ) m"nths ag".I ha*enKt

    2). -he last time she came here was 3 !ears ag".She hasnKt

    2. -he last time we ("ught a ridge was 1) !ears ag".We

    2. She m"*ed here in 15).She has

    23. -he! came t" Puert"llan" 1 !ears ag".-he! ha*e


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    1. SheKs reading a c"mic. ItKs the irst time.-his is

    2. -he! are washing the d"g. ItKs the irst time.-his is

    &. I ha*enKt seen !"ur sister "r a l"ng time.

    ItKs ). We ha*enKt eaten 0i??a "r a l"ng time.

    ItKs . She hasnKt 0h"ned "r a l"ng time.

    ItKs . -he! ha*enKt written "r a l"ng time.

    ItKs 3. He hasnKt ("ught an! new cl"thes "r a l"ng time.

    ItKs 7. -he! ha*enKt sh"wn us an! 0h"t"s "r a l"ng time.

    ItKs 5. We ha*enKt studied English "r a l"ng time.

    ItKs 1:. ItKs 0"ssi(le that +i"na is c"ming t"night.

    +i"na 11. D" !"u 4n"w h"w t" sing8

    6an 12. 9enn! is a *er! g""d c""4.

    9enn! 1&. Perha0s it will rain t"m"rr"w.

    It 1). When I was a child; I didnKt s0ea4 English.

    When I was a child I

    1. We d"nKt reall! 4n"w i he will c"me t" the 0art!.We are n"t

    1. IKm certain that Dan is at w"r4.Dan

    13. ItKs "r(idden t" wal4 "n the grass."u

    17. ItKs n"t necessar! t" (ring ""d with !"u "n the tri0."u

    15. ItKs 0r"hi(ited t" ta4e 0ictures here."u

    2:. ItKs necessar! t" ta4e the tic4ets in ad*ance."u

    21. ItKs n"t a g""d idea t" eat s" man! sweets."u

    22. He 4n"ws h"w t" 0la! the 0ian".He

    2&. ,ar! is thin4ing a("ut ta4ing Russian ne>t term.,ar!

    2). ItKs n"t 0"ssi(le that these diam"nds are real.-hese diam"nds

    2. ItKs a 0it! we didnKt 4n"w !"u were *isiting ,adrid.We wish

    2. 6"uld !"u turn the radi" d"wn; 0lease8W"uld !"u mind

    23. ,iss Peac"c4 must sign this cheue.-his cheue


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    1. It was such a g""d ilm that I reall! en"!ed it.-he ilm was

    2. I l"*e that 0lace. I went there in m! h"ne!m""n.I l"*e that 0lace

    &. -hat man is m! c"m0an!Ks ("ss. His car is 0ar4ed there.

    -he man ). -hatKs the girl. Her uncle has ust had an accident.

    -hatKs the girl . Is he the ""t(aller8 D"es he 0la! "r ,anchester am was t"" diicult "r me t" 0ass.-he e>am wasnKt

    1. ,! sister is t"" !"ung t" get married.,! sister isnKt

    13. -he c"m0uter was t"" e>0ensi*e "r him t" (u!.-he c"m0uter wasn/t

    17. What a 0it! we didnKt see the match.I wish

    15. -he mil4man (rings the mil4 t" m! d""r (ut the 0"stman lea*es the letters in the hall.-he mil4

    2:. Alan is said t" ha*e st"len a l"t " m"ne!.It is

    21. Alth"ugh he tried reall! hard; he didnKt get it.In s0ite

    22. I met a (eautiul girl this m"rning. She as4ed me t" gi*e !"u this letter.A (eautiul girl

    2&. D"nKt ta4e m"re than tw" " these 0ills at "nce; said the d"ct"r.-he d"ct"r t"ld

    2). 9ac4Ks car had (r"4en d"wn. He had t" ta4e a (us.9ac4;

    2. -he 0ie was s" salt! that I c"uldnKt eat it.It was

    2. With"ut 9ac4Ks hel0; I w"uldnKt ha*e (een a(le t" m"*e the ta(le.I

    23. Serials ("re me.I ind


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    1. -he sh"04ee0er is s"rr! the dem"nstrat"rs (r"4e his wind"w.He wishes ....

    2. -he! wanted the "urnalists t" ta4e 0h"t"s " them.-he! made ...

    &. ,"st students d"nKt usuall! cheat during e>ams.

    ,"st students arenKt used ....). Anna g"t married si> m"nths ag".

    ItKs .... "u "ught t" ma4e u0 !"ur mind.

    I wish .... I am sure the! were n"t aware " the c"nseuences.

    -he!3. He immediatel! rushed t" 0h"ne her ater I had t"ld him the news.

    N" s""ner ....7. -he (""4 is t"" diicult. We canKt read it.

    -he (""4 is t"" ...5. -hese 0h"t"s are un0leasant t" l""4 at.

    What ...1:. -he! ha*e elected him.

    He ...11. I th"ught the test wasnt s" diicult

    I had 12. I ha*ent g"t much time t" d" the h"usew"r4

    I ha*e 1&. Pe"0le (elie*ed the g"*ernment was useless

    -he g"*ernment 1). Im g"ing t" the hairdressers t" cut m! hair

    Im ha*ing m! hair

    1. -he children must "(e! the rules-he rules

    1. ,r 9"nes ga*e the secretar! a letter t" t!0e-he secretar!

    13. We didnt see an!("d! at the stati"nN"("d!

    17. ,! -B was re0aired !esterda!I

    15. "u need c"m"rta(le sh"es "r wal4ing l"ng distances6"m"rta(le

    2:. He is cle*er and he is hands"meN"t "nl!

    21. He hung the 0icture; and instant later it ell " the wallN" s""ner

    22. -"m irst came t" Santander !ears ag"-"m has

    2&. -amara started teaching 1: !ears ag"; and she is still teaching-amara has

    2). ,! eldest (r"ther d"esnt ha*e a "( n"r m! !"unger (r"therNeither

    2. the! c"uldnt g" (ecause " the traic-he traic 0re*ented

    2. St"0 ma4ing n"ise. "u are alwa!s ann"!ing me with that rac4etFI wish

    23. I eel reall! s"rr! I didnt g" t" the meetingI wish


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    1. He 4n"ws h"w t" d" a cartwheel.He

    2. IK*e ne*er elt such an intense 0ain.ItKs...

    &. Please e>0lain this letter t" me.

    Please tell me...). Perha0s heKs still at h"me.

    He.... Alth"ugh he let the h"tel disguised as a middle'aged lad!; e*er!("d! rec"gnised him.

    In s0ite. Ha?elKs new American car is s" wide that it w"nKt g" int" her garage easil!.

    Ha?elKs new American car is t"" ...3. It isnKt necessar! "r us t" deli*er the "rder until ne>t m"nth.

    We...7. He elt seasic4 (ecause he hadnt ta4en his 0ills.

    I5. Des0ite #his% ha*ing M the act that he had (een *accinated he caught the lu.

    Alth"ugh1:. In s0ite " #m!Mme% 0utting M the act that I had 0ut tw" lum0s " sugar in m! c"ee; it was still (itter.


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    1. -he architect w"r4ed "n the 0lans "r si> m"nths.-he architect s0ent...

    2. A wind"w had (een smashed and e*er!thing that was in the car had (een st"len.S"me"ne...

    &. Ha*e !"u seen a red wallet "n the 0a*ement8; she as4ed me.

    She as4ed). "u w"nt (e em0l"!ed (! this c"m0an! unless !"ur 0er"rmance is g""d.

    I !"ur. -he auth"rities are g"ing t" is"late the act"r! (ecause " the at"mic lea4.

    -he act"r!.... "u can hear a (a(! cr!ing and !"ure tr!ing t" stud!.

    "u sa!O I wish3. I ha*enKt seen s" much rain "r a l"ng time.

    ItKs...7. Wh! d"nt !"u st"0 sm"4ing here8

    I wish.5. I hate 0e"0le thr"wing ru((ish in the grass.

    I wish1:. ItKs !"ur dut! t" g".

    "u...11. -he! were the m"st c"l"urul s"c4s I had e*er w"n.

    I had12. She had ne*er *isited a (igger castle.

    It was1&. It might (e necessar! "r us t" (u! new t!res "r the car.

    We...1). -he Prime ,inister is t" *isit the h"s0ital t"m"rr"w.

    -he h"s0ital...

    1. It isnKt necessar! "r me t" g" "n w"r4ing. I ha*e alread! reached the retiring age.I...

    1. Was there an "ut(rea4 " ch"lera last !ear8; the d"ct"r as4ed.-he d"ct"r as4ed

    13. ItKs !"ur dut! t" l""4 ater the children."u

    17. He had a g""d *"ice. He (ecame a 0"0ular singer.

    15. I d"nKt li4e this ""d as much as !"u d"."u...

    2:. Ill g" h"me unless I ha*e t" ir"n m"re shirts.I

    21. "u are l""4ing "r a "( s" ar with"ut success. N"("d! will gi*e !"u a "(."u sa!O I wish

    22. -he new air'c"nditi"ning was installed last wee4.-he!

    2&. -he w"man was arrested. She st"le m! wallet.

    2). -he s"a was s" c"m"rta(le she "rdered it "r her m"ther.It was

    2. -he meanings " these w"rds are "ten c"nused.Pe"0le...

    2. H"w luc4! !"u areF "ur h"lida!s are l"nger than mineFH"w luc4! !"ur areF ,! h"lida!s

    23. S"me"ne has st"len the ("ssKs car.-he ("ss has...


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. I w"uld ha*e li4ed t" g" with !"u; (ut I was t"" (us!.I...

    2. Did !"u s0end New ears E*e with !"ur 0arents8;I as4ed him.I as4ed

    &. E*er!("d! else c"uld ride a h"rse (ut !"u.

    -he "nl!). Are th"se unn! hats w"rn (! all their 0"licemen8

    D".... ItKs n"t necessar! "r !"u t" g".

    "u.... Was it necessar! "r !"u t" wait a l"ng time "r the (us8

    Did...3. What 0articularl! im0ressed me was his accent'ree 0r"nunciati"n.

    I...7. =rian has (een wearing the same cl"thes "r !ears. "u thin4 he needs s"me new cl"thes.

    "u sa! #t" =rian%O I wish5. Please; "0en !"ur m"uth wide; the dentist said.

    -he dentist as4ed1:. I didnt n"tice the man was in danger s" I didnt hel0 him.

    I11. He isnKt nearl! as intelligent as his !"unger (r"ther.

    His !"unger (r"ther...12. W"uld !"u li4e t" ha*e a whis4! with me8; Henr! as4ed me.

    Henr! in*ited1&. Is it reall! necessar! "r me t" arri*e s" earl!8

    D" I...1). -he sc"re was s" disa00"inting that s"me su00"rter c"uldnt hel0 cr!ing.

    S"me su00"rters were

    1. -he (iggest cit! in =ra?il is Sa" Paul". ItKs 0"0ulati"n is "*er i*e milli"n.

    1. I I were !"u I w"uld marr! that girl."u...

    13. ItKs against the rules t" sm"4e in (ed."u...

    17. "u didnt earn as much as !"u had (een t"ld."u earned

    15. ItKs alread! 0"ssi(le "r us t" c"mmunicate with each "ther "*er *ast distances.We...

    2:. "ur riend dri*es *er! ast. "u d"nt li4e this."u sa! #t" !"ur riend%O I wish !"u

    21. A waiter s0illed s"u0 "*er !diaKs new dress last night.!dia...

    22. I met a lad! named !dia in the circus. She had s" man! tatt""s "n her ("d! she l""4ed li4e anillustrated enc!cl"0aedia.!dia

    2&. We w"r4ed "n the garden the wh"le wee4end.We s0ent...

    2). It is th"ught that he is hiding in a "reign c"untr!.He

    2. Please; hang !"ur tr"users u0 in !"ur wardr"(e; I said t" m! s"n.I as4ed

    2. She w"nt e*er marr! unless she inds the right man.

    I23. ItKs 0"ssi(le that there will (e a new ice'age.



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    1. Has all that (een underst""d (! all " !"u8Ha*e !"u all...

    2. S"me"ne will ha*e t" 0ic4 u0 this (r"4en glass "r we mustnKt all"w the children t" c"me an!wherenear this r""m.-his (r"4en glass...

    &. S"und d"esnt tra*el as ast as light in the air.ight

    ). ItKs n"t ad*isa(le "r !"u t" g" "ut in the rain."u...

    . "u are all"wed t" g" there "nl! i !"u are a ,uslim.-he!...

    . Is it essential "r !"u t" inish t"night8D"...

    3. ,! sister'in'law 4new h"w t" ride a (ic!cle when she was "ur.,! sister'in'law

    7. ItKs 0"ssi(le that we shall ha*e t" emigrate t" "ther 0lanets.We...

    5. She didnt ha*e an! s"t drin4s at h"me s" she didnt "er "ne t" me.I

    1:. I ha*e ne*er seen a *"lcanic eru0ti"n; !"u said."u said

    11. Ill m"*e the 0ian" t" the "ther r""m; I said.I "ered

    12. D" I ha*e 0ermissi"n t" "0en a wind"w8,a!

    1&. ItKs 0r"(a(l! t"" late t" a*"id a catastr"0he.It...

    1). I d"nt ha*e a w"rd 0r"cess"r s" I cant write !"ur re0"rt with it.

    I1. Will it (e necessar! "r us t" re0"rt the incident t" the 0"lice8

    Shall we...1. It wasnKt necessar! "r him t" hit the ("!.

    He...13. As we li*e "n the irst l""r; we need s"me (ars "r the wind"ws.

    As we li*e "n the ist l""r; we sh"uld ha*e17. I su00"se !"u didnKt en"! that 0art! *er! much; did !"u8

    "u canKt...15. We ha*ent elected a new g"*ernment "r "ur !ears.

    Its2:. I "ught t" hire s"me"ne t" 0ut a light "utside the r"nt d""r.

    I "ught t" ha*e21. -he cl"wn is rehearsing his gags "r t"nights 0er"rmance; the circus manager said.

    -he circus manager said22. She was w"r4ing "r a c"m0an!. It was the (iggest in the c"untr!.

    -he c"m0an!2&. Are +rench children "(liged t" g" t" sch""l "n Saturda!s8

    D"...2). -he =r"nt sisters were all n"*elists. 6harl"tte was the m"st am"us.

    2. ItKs "(ligat"r! "r !"u t" salute an "icer.

    "u...2. She w"uld a*"id (eing late (! ta4ing the m"t"rwa!.

    I she23. Is it "(ligat"r! "r us t" *"te8

    D" we...


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    1. 9"e didnKt swee0 the l""r as th"r"ughl! as ,ar! wanted him t".9"e swe0t...

    2. Its a 0it! !"u suddenl! ell illQ then !"u w"uld ha*e c"me t" America with us.I

    &. ItKs 0"ssi(le t" see 0alm trees in Sc"tland.

    Palm trees...). -his is the c"ldest winter we remem(er.

    We d"nt. He sang (eautiull!. Hal the audience cried.

    . -his is the (est wa! t" clean !"ur rile.

    "u...3. S"me h""ligans smashed the sh"0 wind"w last night.

    -he sh"0 wind"w7. S"me camels are carr!ing a gr"u0 " t"urist thr"ugh the desert.

    A gr"u0 "5. ,an! 0e"0le (elie*e that ist; ne*er mind what the auth"rities sa!.

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    1. He made man! hit rec"rds. He (ecame *er! rich.

    2. -he radi" said last night that a *"lcan" is eru0ting "n the island " and.A *"lcan"...

    &. "ure waiting "r 9"hn. Hes late and !"ure getting im0atient.

    "u sa!O I wish). ItKs 0"ssi(le that the (us was ull.

    -he (us.... $ur 0"stal ser*ice used t" deli*er 0arcels. N"w we ha*e t" c"llect them.

    Parcels.... IsnKt it his dut! t" (e "n 0arade8

    Sh"uldnKt3. "u ("ught a new "ne; which wasnKt necessar!. I c"uld ha*e lent !"u mine.

    "u...7. A new stretch " m"t"rwa! is g"ing t" (e (uilt (etween Gra? and und.

    -he!...5. =e careul. -here are l"ts " was0s here; he said.

    He warned1:. IKm sure s"me"ne st"le his watch while he was aslee0.

    S"me"ne...11. In a ew !ears time; it will (e 0"ssi(le "r a man t" destr"! the wh"le s"lar s!stem.

    In a ew !ears time; a man will...12. It w"uld (e a g""d idea i !"u went and as4ed her !"ursel.

    "uKd...1&. He has (een drin4ing t"" much alc"h"l "r tw" !ears.

    He started1). I !"u had t"ld me that !"u were in "nd"n; it w"uld ha*e (een 0"ssi(le "r me t" 0ut !"u u0.

    I !"u had t"ld me that !"u were in "nd"n; I...

    1. $n the da! she agreed t" marr! him; he was ha00ier than he had e*er (een in his lie.-he da! she agreed t" marr! him...

    1. He had e>0ensi*e tastes. He s0ent all his m"ne!.

    13. He gets u0 earlier than his wie.His wie d"esnt

    17. Will it (e necessar! "r me t" in*ite an!"ne8Will I...

    15. Her ha00iness c"m0ensates "r all the diicult m"ments shes li*ed.Her ha00iness ma4es

    2:. =utterlies are "ne " the w"rldKs m"st (eautiul insects. -he! can (e "und in m"st c"untries.

    21. It is g"ing t" (e necessar! "r me t" l"se s"me weight i I want t" wear these tr"users c"m"rta(l!.IKm g"ing t"...

    22. I "nl! she had ta4en an um(rella with her.She

    2&. I hate 0e"0le thr"wing ru((ish "n the grass.I wish

    2). I "nl! I had a g""d ear "r music.I wish

    2. Its hal an h"ur n"w since the! started sh"uting.-he! ha*e

    2. "u didnt 0a! attenti"n t" me when I was a child; I said t" m! ather.I accused m! ather

    23. Ill hel0 !"u t" d" !"ur h"mew"r4 as s""n as I can; he t"ld his s"n.He 0r"mised


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    1. When she was a !"ung girl she used t" wear high heeled sh"es.When she was a !"ung girl she

    2. -he car0enter will re0air the shutters " his (edr""m t"m"rr"w.He

    &. She hasnt cele(rated her (irthda! at h"me "r three !ears.

    She last). Its 0"ssi(le that he will stud! in a 0u(lic sch""l.

    He. He said he w"uldnt resign 0r"*ided a new s"luti"n was "und.

    He said he w"uld resign i. Perha0s the!*e eaten all the alm"nds in the 0ac4et.

    -he!3. Ga(riel swims (etter than an!("d! in the team.

    N"("d!7. +r"m m! 0"int " *iew; !"u ha*e made a mista4e.

    In5. IK*e ne*er heard a (etter *"ice.

    She has1:. It was s" e>0ensi*e a ur c"at that n"("d! c"uld a"rd it.

    It was such11. -his is the *illage where we s0end "ur h"lida!s e*er! summer.

    We s0end12. He recei*ed a l"t " an mail. He c"uld n"t answer it all.

    1&. Am I "(liged t" eat this ""d8

    D" I...1). -he architect has made the 0lans "r "ur h"use.


    1. It was *er! ""lish " !"u t" g" "ut !esterda! with"ut a c"at. N" w"nder !"u caught a c"ld."u...

    1. ItKs 0"ssi(le t" eed e*er!"ne i we share the w"rldKs res"urces.E*er!"ne...

    13. es; I didnt st"0 at the red light; she said.She admitted

    17. I regret n"t g"ing t" the d"ct"r (e"re. ,! (ac4 w"uld (e all right n"w.I wish

    15. It t""4 the men a m"nth t" mend the r"ad.,ending

    2:. -he sales are e>0ected t" (e 0r"ita(le this !ear.It

    21. Please d"nKt c"me t" the stati"n with me. I hate 0e"0le sa!ing g""d(!e t" me thr"ugh the wind"w "the train.Please d"nKt c"me t" the stati"n with me. I hate (eing...

    22. DidnKt an!"ne tell !"u that we cann"t all"w 0e"0le int" the area unless the! 0r"duce a certiicate "in"culati"n8WerenKt !"u...

    2&. "u sh"uld ha*e a l""4 at !"ur grammar (""4 e*er! da!; he t"ld me.He ad*ised

    2). $ne sh"uldnKt "rget t" as4 a mechanic t" chec4 the 0ressure " his t!res r"m time t" time.$ne sh"uldnKt "rget t" ha*e...

    2. I heard the nurse sa! t" him; KD" lie still. "uKll 0ull !"ur stitches "0en i !"u 4ee0 m"*ing a("ut li4ethat.K

    -he nurse t"ld him...2. His car was (ig. He needed t" 0ar4ing s0aces.


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    1. WerenKt !"u in"rmed that there is g"ing t" (e a meeting8Did n"("d!...

    2. Elissa used t" laugh m"re than her (r"ther.Elissas (r"ther

    &. We ha*ent elected a new g"*ernment "r "ur !ears.

    Its). -he 0"lice ha*e gi*en e*er!"ne tw" wee4s t" surrender an! guns which the! ma! 0"ssess illegall!.

    E*er!"ne.... I su00"se his light was dela!ed.

    His light.... I w"nt g" t" that h"tel again; she said.

    She reused3. He t""4 the sae 4e!s with him in case the securit! "icer had g"ne h"me.

    He t""4 the sae 4e!s with him (ecause7. -he (lue dress isnKt uite as 0rett! as the red "ne.

    -he red...5. ItKs 0"ssi(le that the! didnKt reali?e that he was dr"wning.

    -he!...1:. I must either (u! a new t!0ewriter "r ta4e this "ne t" re0air.

    I must either (u! a new t!0ewriter "r ha*e...11. ,! (r"ther was s"rr! he had (een s" rude t" her.

    ,! (r"ther said; I wish12. -a4e an um(rella with !"u. It ma! rain this atern""n.

    -a4e an um(rella in...1&. =e"re (eing s"ld; "ur 0r"ducts are e>amined s" as t" chec4 their ualit!.

    =e"re (eing s"ld; "ur 0r"ducts are e>amined in1). It was such a danger"us "( that he was 0aid an e>tra salar!.

    -he "( was

    1. $@; !"u ha*e "und the (est s"luti"n; m! ("ss t"ld me.,! ("ss agreed

    1. We need t" g" int" that matter *er! careull!.-hat matter...

    13. He s0ea4s German (etter than he s0ea4s +rench.He d"esnKt...

    17. I had s" dull a c"m0ani"n in m! light t" R"me that I decided t" listen t" m! wal4man.I had such

    15. H"w ast he ranF N"("d! c"uld "*erta4e him.He ran s"

    2:. Ann isnt here and !"u need t" see her."u sa!O I wish

    21. I !"u read m"re English (""4s; !"u will ind s0ea4ing easier.-he m"re

    22. -he udge said t" the man in the d"c4; KDid !"u as4 "r; "r recei*e; 0ermissi"n t" use a c"m0an! carthat night8K-he udge as4ed the man in the d"c4 i...

    2&. It was im0"ssi(le "r us t" get tic4ets "r the c"ncert.We...

    2). Im n"t l!ing "n a (eautiul sunn! (each; and thats a 0it!.I wish

    2. She is t"" 0r"ud t" a0"l"gise "r her (eha*i"ur.She isnt

    2. He was gluing the 0ieces " the (r"4en t"!.

    -he 0ieces23. He arri*ed twent! minutes late "r his inter*iew. It didnKt hel0 his chances " getting the "(.


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    1. IK*e (r"ught !"u the 0h"t"gra0hs. I t"ld !"u a("ut them.

    2. Wh"se is that car "utside the gate8Wh" d"es...

    &. Pe"0le sa! heKs the astest runner in the w"rld.

    Pe"0le sa! n"("d! can...). Im certain R"ger and Angela ha*e (een t" England. -he! s0ea4 with a *er! g""d accent n"w.

    R"ger and Angela . =ut "r the d"ct"rs decisi"n; she w"uld ha*e died.

    I it. 6"ngratulati"ns; the 0ri?e is !"ursF; he said.

    He c"ngratulated3. K-his r""m is t"" small;K he said.

    He c"m0lained...7. When was gun0"wder in*ented8

    H"w l"ng is5. Ket me hel0 !"u with that suitcase;K -im"th! said t" the 0rett! girl at the stati"n.K It l""4s t"" hea*! "r

    !"u.K-im"th! "ered...

    1:. I it d"esnKt rain s""n; a l"t " "ur cr"0s will (e l"st.

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    1. IK*e ne*er drun4 such a strange c"c4tail (e"re.ItKs...

    2. It was daring " her t" li*e al"ne in the "ld mansi"n.She li*ed al"ne in the "ld mansi"n;

    &. -he! sa! the Princess is sta!ing inc"gnit" at the Hilt"n.

    -he Princess...). Gi*e me s"me ""d "r the children; the w"man (egged us.

    -he w"man (egged. "u li*e in a (ig cit! and !"u d"nt li4e it.

    "u sa!O I wish. -he "nl! 0ers"n t" (e interested in "ur h"use didnt want t" 0a! s" much m"ne! "r it.

    -he "nl! 0ers"n wh"3. Pauls (r"ther w"n the irst 0ri?e in the c"ntest.

    Paul is the ("!7. -his suitcase is t"" small "r all m! things.

    -his suitcase is n"t...5. e"nard elt sic4 (ecause he was eating 0"lluted shellish.

    I e"nard...1:. -he ur! is t" c"me t" a decisi"n (e"re the end " the wee4.

    -he ur!11. Im eeling (etter. It isnt necessar! "r !"u t" sta! with me all night l"ng.

    Im eeling (etter. "u12. We 0a! s"me"ne t" 0"lish these l""rs at least "nce a m"nth.

    We ha*e...1&. Ral0hKs 0ass0"rt was n"where t" (e "und.

    N"("d!...1). -he "nl! thing I "rg"t t" 0ut in the 0icnic (as4et was the ("ttle'"0ener.

    I remem(ered...

    1. KPlease. d"nKt dri*e s" ast;K @athleen (egged his ("!riend.@athleen (egged his ("!riend...

    1. -he (alc"n! was s" (adl! (uilt that it was n"t sae "r 0e"0le t" stand "n.-he (alc"n! was t""...

    13. She hasnt cele(rated her (irthda! at h"me "r three !ears.She last

    17. She had written the n"te s" uic4l! that it was im0"ssi(le "r me t" deci0her what it said.She had written the n"te s" uic4l! that it was im0"ssi(le "r me t" ma4e

    15. ,! riend gets ("red; (ut n"t as s""n as I d".I...

    2:. "u sh"uldnt ha*e t"ld an!("d! a("ut it; m! riend t"ld me.,! riend c"m0lained

    21. 6harles =a4er died !esterda!. He was am"us "r his *iews "n w"rld disarmament.

    22. -he! ser*ed us airl! uic4l! last time; (ut n"t as uic4l! as the! ser*ed us this time.-his time...

    2&. ,aril!n said; KIKm terri(l! s"rr! IKm s" late. I wish I c"uld learn t" l""4 at the cl"c4. D" 0lease "rgi*eme.K,aril!n a0"l"gi?ed...

    2). She was h""4ed "n gam(ling; ma4ing her l"se a l"t " m"ne!.She was h""4ed "n gam(ling;

    2. Neither " the men there was the "ne wh" attac4ed her.-he man

    2. ,! "ld c"ins are w"rth a l"t " m"ne!. I "und them in the attic.

    23. Her m"ther was (eautiul; (ut n"t t" the degree that she is.

    She is...


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    1. -he sh"ema4er is mending m! sh"es.I

    2. He l""4s *er! !"ung; (ut in act he is in his ):s.He l""4s *er! !"ung; (ut the

    &. -he! w"n reed"m in the c"untr! "*er a centur! ag".

    -he! ha*e). I s"me 0laces the! still ha*e d"n4e!s s" as t" trans0"rt hea*! things.

    In s"me 0laces the! still ha*e d"n4e!s in. In m! *iew; what she has d"ne is uite 0lausi(le.

    As ar. D"nt "rget t" set the alarm cl"c4; !"u t"ld me.

    "u reminded3. -he 0"lice disc"*ered that she had 4illed her hus(and with c!anide.

    -he 0"lice disc"*ered that her hus(and7. When did the earthua4e ta4e 0lace8

    H"w l"ng is5. When !"u were !"unger; !"u didnt learn t" 0la! a musical instrument. N"w !"u regret it.

    "u sa!O I wish1:. D" !"u intend t" write a new n"*el ne>t summer8

    Are !"u 0lanning11. Since !"u get "n well with 0e"0le; !"u w"nt ha*e 0r"(lems at the s0a.

    ; !"u w"nt ha*e 0r"(lems at the s0a.12. ItKs n"t as maca(re as the 0re*i"us ilm.

    ItKs less1&. KW"uld !"u li4e t" c"me in8K he said t" us.

    He in*ited us...1). Shall we em0l"! s"me"ne t" cut d"wn this tree8

    Shall we ha*e...

    1. Are !"u reall! g"ing t" all"w me t" dri*e !"ur l"*el! R"lls R"!ce8Am I...

    1. -his h"tel is s" e>0ensi*e that we canKt sta! at it "r *er! l"ng.-his h"tel is t""...

    13. -"m (ecame a *egetarian; which made him ha00ier.-"m (ecame a *egetarian

    17. When she was l""4ing ater her grands"n; she remem(ered her s"ns childh""d. ; she remem(ered her s"ns childh""d.

    15. As he had decided t" d" it; he c"uldnt ind an! disad*antages t" it.; he c"uldnt ind an! disad*antages t" it.

    2:. -he st"r4s will 0re0are their nest here *er! s""n.-he st"r4s nest

    21. -he last time I dran4 sherr! was a m"nth ag".I ha*ent

    22. ,! amil! (elie*es that this 0ainting is w"rth a l"t " m"ne!.-his 0ainting...

    2&. ,a! I lea*e n"w8Am I...

    2). 9ennier regretted her ""lish (eha*i"ur.9ennier wished...

    2. We t""4 m"re cl"thes than we needed "n h"lida! last summer.We neednKt...

    2. We didnt 0aint "n the wall; the children said.-he children denied

    23. "ure wal4ing in the c"untr!. "u w"uld li4e t" ta4e s"me 0h"t"gra0hs; (ut !"u didnt (ring !"urcamera."u sa!O I wish


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. "u are uite slim. Its n"t necessar! "r !"u t" d" s" much e>ercise."u are uite slim. "u

    2. Its ages since he last 0la!ed the *i"la.He hasnt

    &. "ur hair needs washing.

    "u "ught). IKm n"t nearl! such a careul dri*er as he is.

    He dri*es.... "u ha*e s"me une>0ected guests. -he! didnt tell !"u the! were c"ming. "u are *er! (us! and

    !"ure n"t 0re0ared "r them."u sa! t" !"urselO I wish

    . Erica is s" careul that she c"uld n"t ha*e d"ne an!thing as (ad as that.Erica is t""...

    3. I t"ld her she l""4ed *er! smart; (ut t" (e h"nest I didnt thin4 s".I t"ld her she l""4ed *er! smart; (ut t" tell

    7. -he chair had t" (e thr"wn awa! (ecause its s0rings had (een (r"4en.We...

    5. ,"hammed Ali is the "nl! man t" regain the w"rld hea*!weight cham0i"nshi0 twice; and his name iswell 4n"wn thr"ugh"ut the w"rld.

    1:. I !"u d"n/t st"0 tal4ing !"u w"n/t understand the less"n

  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. I ha*e *er! diicult e>ercises. I cant inish-hese e>ercises are

    2. ,! ("ss ga*e s"me e>tra m"ne! I c"uld s0end it "n h"lida!#"r t" %

    &. ,ar! will 0r"(a(l! arri*e late; li4e usual

    ,ar! is ). She hasnt a 0"und n"te; n"r d"es he

    Neither . I hate this (ad weather; I l"*e sunn! da!s

    I/d rather . I/d 0reer 9im t" (rea4 the news

    I/d rather 3. ,a! I sm"4e8

    D" !"u 7. 6an !"u lend me !"ur 0en8

    ,a! I 5. Alth"ugh I acce0ted; I was reluctant t" carr! "ut "rders

    Des0ite1:. As s""n as -h"mas had the answer he 0ut his hand u0

    N" s""ner 11. -he weather st"00ed us ha*ing un at the 0icnic

    -he weather 0re*ented 12. I !"u d"n/t d" as I sa!; !"u will ma4e a mista4e

    0ensi*e that I can/t a"rd t" (u! itA +errari

    17. ,ar! is n"t tall and 9anet isn/t tallNeither

    15. -here is *er! little c"ee in the ar and I can/t ma4e a cu0-here isn/t

    2:. I ad*ise !"u t" a00l! uic4l!"u

    21. I was araid " ailing; s" I didn/t d" the test+"r

    22. Des0ite their ("red"m; the! still 0aid attenti"nAlth"ugh

    2&. -"m irst came t" this area 1: !ears ag"-"m has

    2). -"m turned "n the -B. It (urst int" lamesN" s""ner

    2. -he (""4 was t"" ("ring. I w"n/t read it againIt was

    2. -he! caught the (us. -he! "und a seatN" s""ner

    23. -he man is *er! 0""r. He can/t e*en (u! an! ""dHe is


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    1. -he (a(! is *er! hungr!. He is cr!ing all the time-he (a(! is

    2. In s0ite " the rain; we went "utAlth"ugh

    &. Alth"ugh I had en"ugh m"ne!; he w"uldn/t let me 0a!

    In s0ite). -he ilm was s" g""d that she went (ac4 t" see it

    It . It was im0"ssi(le "r them t" cr"ss the ri*er (ecause " the l""ds

    -he l""ds . I regret n"t g"ing t" the meeting

    I wish ..3. CI//m s"rr! I "rg"t t" ring !"u last night 9anet said t" Paul

    9anet 7. Diana and 6harles ha*en/t li*ed t"gether "r three !ears

    It/s three !ears 5. I g" t" the dentist/s less "ten than I sh"uld

    I d"n/t 1:. New "r4 is an im0"rtant (usiness centre and s" is -"4!"

    ="th 11. Na0"le"n didn/t c"nuer Russia; n"r did Hitler

    Neither 12. What d" !"u ind m"st interesting a("ut the (""48

    What interests 1&. Running a (usiness and a h"me d"esn/t lea*e !"u much ree time

    "u 1). Gree4 literature interests him

    He is

    1. -he! let us ha*e t"w *isit"rs at a time in h"s0italWe

    1. CWhat is !"ur name; sir8 -he 0"lice as4ed me-he 0"lice wanted t" 4n"w

    13. Alth"ugh it was rele*ant; the udge reected the e*idenceIn s0ite

    17. I ha*e (een teaching since 157:I

    15. Alth"ugh he was inured; he "ught (ac4Des0ite

    2:. D"ris was u0set (ecause she hadn/t (een in*ited t" the 0art!I the!

    21. We started learning English when we were ele*en; and we are still learningWe

    22. Alth"ugh he accused me; I ne*er admitted t" it (ecause I was inn"centDes0ite

    2&. As s""n as we arri*ed; we un0ac4ed the casesHardl!

    2). I c"uldn/t stud! (ecause there was a l"t " n"ise-he n"ise 0re*ented

    2. I !"u d"n/t (eha*e; Ill re0"rt !"u t" the headams and I am ed u0I wish

    23. I/ll ta4e m! car t" the mechanic t"m"rr"wI


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. Peter li4es suash.Peter.en"!s

    2. Cet/s g" t" a *egetarian restaurant; she said.She suggested

    &. Parents tell their children that the! sh"uld d" their h"mew"r4.

    Parents want their). I can/t 0la! the 0ian" *er! well.

    I/m n"t a(leI/m n"t g""d at

    . When I ha*e inished reading this 0age; I/ll ha*e lunch.=e"re

    . "u need t" clean !"ur car."ur car needs

    3. I didn/d gi*e him the in"rmati"n.I denied

    7. Dri*ing a car is eas!.It/s

    5. -he! ha*e (een 0rinting the 0a0er "r tw" h"urs.-he! started...

    1:. Wh! d"n/t we 0a! a *isit t" Sarah and Hect"r8 She said.She suggested

    11. "u sh"uld get !"ur hair d!ed.!"ur hair needs

    12. -he (rain a(s"r(s the message su(c"nsci"usl!.-he (rain a(s"r(s the message with"ut...

    1&. Will !"u hel0 me with m! h"mew"r48W"uld !"u mind...

    1). Will !"u 0"st the letter "r me; 0lease8

    D" !"u mind ...1. G"ing "n t"ur "r hal a !ear is n"t strange "r me an! m"re.

    I/m used t" 1. -he cr"wds " ans were (ec"ming less " a sh"c4 t" the (and.

    -he (and is used...13. i*ing a("*e a guitar sh"0 is still diicult "r Anna.

    Anna isn/t used...17. =! the time we let h"me m! s"n/s 0un4 music had (ec"me amiliar t" me.

    I g"t used...15. -he (and were a(le t" rehearse & times a da!.

    -he (and managed...2:. When will the (and ha*e c"m0leted the c"ncert8

    When will the (and inish...21. -he (and ha*e said the! might 0la! in 6ardi new ""t(all stadium.

    -he (and suggested ...22. 6"uld !"u 0lease "0en the d""r "r me; 0lease8

    W"uld !"u mind2&. I missed the (us s" I was late "r sch""l.

    I was late "r sch""l (ecause2). When did !"u start learning English8

    H"w l"ng 2. I let "nl! a ew minutes ag".

    #ust%2. Adam read the (""4; then he ell aslee0.

    Adam ell aslee0 ater23. -he last time I saw Susan was at 6hristmas.

    I ha*ent .


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    1. We arri*ed an h"ur ater Dan; #wait "r%

    2. ,itch waited at the caT "r an h"ur. He let (e"re @ell! arri*ed.,itch let the caT (ecause...

    &. @ate started t" 0la! tennis a !ear ag".#"r%

    @ate...). 9ane (r"4e her leg "nce (e"re. #sec"nd%

    . -ina "rg"t her glasses; s" she c"uldn/t watch the ilm.

    -ina c"uldn/t watch the ilm .... -"m saw CGladiat"r last wee4. He saw it again !esterda!. #twice%

    3. Will this (e !"ur irst tri0 a(r"ad8 #e*er%

    7. U"e ("ught the 6D; then she realised it was the wr"ng "ne.

    U"e realised the 6D was the wr"ng "ne ater5. =ec4! inished uni*ersit! & m"nths ag". She is still l""4ing "r a "( #"r%

    1:. -he! started arguing tw" h"urs ag" and the! are still arguing #"r%

    11. Sim"n inished the game. -hen he went "ut.#ater%

    12. -his is "ur irst game " -"m( Rider.

    -his is the irst time...1&. When did !"u start learning English8

    H"w l"ng...1). I ha*en t seen 9"hn "r ages.

    Its ...

    1. She started stud!ing +rench three !ears ag".She has ...

    1. Susan arri*ed in Paris & !ears ag".Susan has ...

    13. I ha*ent eaten s" much s0aghetti since I was in R"me.-he last time...

    17. It/s !ears since we cleaned the (ac4 r""m.We ha*en/t ...

    15. Wh"se is this (!cicle8Wh"...

    2:. He inished his dinner and then he went t" (ed.When he ...

    21. I last saw a red suirrel when I was 1 !ears "ld.I ha*en/t ...

    22. I 0la!ed tennis when I was a !"ung ("!.I ha*en/t...

    2&. She learnt t" s0ea4 English "ur !ears ag".She has...

    2). -he! started 0rinting the news0a0er tw" !ears ag".-he! ha*e...

    2. I/ll (e in the middle " m! tennis game t"m"rr"w at O:: #0la!ing%

    2. I/ll inish m! educati"n (e"re I turn &:.#(! the time%

    23. -his will (e m! irst time in "nd"n. #ne*er%


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. We/*e decided t" meet "r lunch at "ne "/cl"c4 #g"ing t"%

    2. Ha*e !"u g"t an! e>0erience in acting8 #e*er%

    &. I/ll inish the 0r"ect (e"re August. #(!%

    ). -he child ell and then he cried. #(ecause%

    . She/s g"ing t" rest (etween tw" and "ur "/cl"c4. #at &O::%

    . What is the 0rice " this ac4et8 #c"st%

    3. Alth"ugh he is *er! c"m0etiti*e; he li4es hel0ing the "thers.

    In s0ite "7. CDid !"u d" what he as4ed !"u8

    She inuired5. She must a0"l"gise t" her (r"ther "r he w"nt lend her the (ic!cle.

  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. As s""n as I had inished s0ea4ing Henr! um0ed t" m! eet.Scarcel!

    2. It is re0"rted that l"ts " children will (e at the c"ncert."ts " children

    &. She seld"m c"mes t" *isit her relati*es.

    Seld"m). S"me 0e"0le sa! immigrants 0"se a cultural threat t" America.

    Immigrants are. I she didnt li4e her "(; she w"uldnt dedicate hersel s" much t" it.

    cellent e>am0le8

    Its high time11. I didnt g" t" the 0art! last wee4.

    I "nl!12. Wh" (r"4e the wind"w8

    =! wh"m 1&. "ur e>aminati"n results are satisact"r! t" !"ur 0arents.

    "ur 0arents are 1). I was im0ressed (! his uic4 wit.

    His uic4 wit

    1. -he! ha*e ne*er (e"re dismissed an!"ne.Ne*er (e"re

    1. I ad*ise her t" ta4e u0 the "(.It is m! ad*ice

    13. Since he is h"nest; his ("ss has started t" trust him.As a result "

    17. =ecause " his mis(eha*i"ur; his ("ss ired him.=ecause he

    15. With"ut !"ur su00"rt; I w"nKt (e a(le t" succeed.

  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. -"m (lamed his teacher when he ailed in the test. # (lame %-"m

    2. -his antiue *ase c"sts a l"t " m"ne!. #w"rth%-his antiue *ase

    &. -"m *isited his uncle. #*isit%

    -"m ). He li4es Ge"gra0h! (etter than Hist"r!. #0reer%

    He . -he accident was caused (! !"ur negligence. # due %

    -he accident . -he iremen used an a>e t" (rea4 the d""r. #use%

    -he iremen 3. "u can inherit the 0r"0ert! when !"u are twent!'"ne. #until%

    "u 7. Peter had s"me"ne re0air his "ld sh"es. #re0aired%

    Peter had 5. ,"st " the students in this sch""l are children " reugees. #m"stl!%

    Students in 1:. She mista4enl! th"ught the tall man was -imKs (r"ther. #mist""4%

    She 11. N"wada!s we reer t" the (ar(ers sh"0 as hairdressers #4n"wn%

    12. S"me("d! has mended her car "r L:: #re0aired%

    1&. I/m uite sure Harr! and 9ane will get married this summer Harr! and 9ane are 1). I/m de0ressed (ecause I/*e ailed I "nl!

    1. I ha*e *er! little m"ne! let t" (u! that dress I ha*en/t g"t 1. -"m entered the r""m and e*er!("d! sh"uted CHa00! =irthda!F N" s""ner 13. She is such a rich girl she can (u! whate*er she li4es -he girl is 17. ,ar! is iteen. 9ane is iteen.

    ,ar! is as 15. -he letter was s" "ld that I c"uldnt read it.

    It was 2:. Gi*en a ch"ice " tea and c"ee; I 0reer c"ee.

    I 0reer

    21. With each da! we sta!ed in "nd"n; we l"*ed the cit! m"re.-he

    22. -he girl is m"re (eautiul than the "thers.Shes

    2&. I*e ne*er seen such a (eautiul *iew (e"re.Its

    2). Its the irst time shes e*er dri*en a car.She

    2. =ett! isnt *er! tall; (ut she can run *er! ast.Alth"ugh

    2. -he! arri*ed t"" late t" get a g""d seat.-he! didnt

    23. I want !"u t" (e here at 7 with"ut ail."u


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. E*en th"ugh she trains *er! hard; she seld"m wins her matches.Des0ite ...

    2. Its ages since he last 0la!ed the *i"la.He hasnt ...

    &. He has used a nutcrac4er t" "0en the nuts.

    A nutcrac4er...). Its 0"ssi(le that he will stud! in a 0u(lic sch""l.

    He .... -he! w"n reed"m in the c"untr! "*er a centur! ag".

    -he! ha*e .... Ga(riel swims (etter than an!("d! in the team.

    N"("d! ...3. S"me ("!s st"le m! daughters s4ates !esterda!.

    S"me ("!s r"((ed ...7. Alm"st n"("d! came t" the dem"nstrati"n.

    Hardl! ...5. CWe ha*e ad"0ted im0"rtant measures t" s"l*e unem0l"!ment; the Prime ,inister said.

    -he Prime ,inister said ...1:. -he "( was s" danger"us that he was 0aid an e>tra salar!.

    It was ...11. -he sand wasnt clean en"ugh t" sun(athe "n it.

    -he sand was ...12. I wish I had g"ne t" the d"ct"r (e"re. ,! (ac4 w"uld (e all right n"w.

    I regret ...1&. He elt ascinated (! the situati"n.

    -he situati"n was ...1). She thin4s shes t"" at and she eats hardl! an!thing.

    She thin4s shes t"" at and she eats alm"st ...

    1. -he! li4e lentils (etter than chic40eas.-he! d"nt ...

    1. S"me camels are carr!ing a gr"u0 " t"urists thr"ugh the desert.A gr"u0 "...

    13. Cesterda! I was watching Swam a4eXX at the theatre; she said.She said ...

    17. He 4n"ws h"w t" d" a cartwheel.He .. .

    15. He elt seasic4 (ecause he hadnt ta4en his 0ills.I ...

    2:. -his is the c"ldest winter we remem(ered.We d"nt ...

    21. -he m"t"r("at was t"" e>0ensi*e "r him t" (u!.He c"uldnt ...

    22. He said n"thing when he came (ac4 r"m the 0"lice stati"n.He didnt ...

    2&. She is g"ing t" (u! a hair(rush this atern""n.A hair(rush ...

    2). D" !"u intend t" write a new n"*el ne>t summer8Are !"u...

    2. CHa*e !"u seen a red wallet "n the 0a*ement8; she as4ed me.She as4ed ..

    2. S"und d"esnt tra*el as ast as light in the air.ight ...

    23. She hasnt cele(rated her (irthda! at h"me "r & !ears.She last ...


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. Its 0"ssi(le that I will inish w"r4 earlier than usual t"da!.I ...

    2. -he st"r4s will 0re0are their nest here *er! s""n.-he st"r4s nest ...

    &. CI am hungr!. Im g"ing t" ha*e a tw"'egg "melette; he said.

    He said ...). She is t"" 0r"ud t" a0"l"gise "r her (eha*i"ur.

    She isnt .... We s0end "ur h"lida!s in this *illage e*er! summer.

    -his is .... +r"m m! 0"int " *iew; !"u ha*e made a mista4e.

    In ...3. D"nt t"uch the match "r !"ull (urn !"ur inger.

    I ...7. CWe arrested them "r illegal entr! in the c"untr!; the 0"lice "icer said.

    -he 0"lice "icer ann"unced ...5. He was gluing the 0ieces " the (r"4en t"!.

    -he 0ieces ....1:. Alth"ugh he had (een *accinated; he caught the lu.

    Des0ite ...11. Im eeling (etter. It isnt necessar! "r !"u t" sta! with me all night l"ng.

    Im eeling (etter. "u ...12. E>ce0t "r Susan; e*er!("d! else wears a uni"rm at sch""l.

    A0art ...1&. I*e "rg"tten m! 0urse at h"me. 6"uld !"u lend me s"me c"ins8

    I*e "rg"tten m! 0urse at h"me. 6"uld I ...1). Eric is "nd " l!ing.

    Eric is 4een .....

    1. I wish I had a g""d ear "r musicI "nl! ....

    1. -he! 0ut a h"rsesh"e "n the main d""r t" ha*e g""d luc4.A h"rsesh"e ...

    13. I d"nt li4e restaurants li4e this. -he!re t"" 0"sh.I d"nt li4e restaurants " ...

    17. "u didnt earn as much as !"u had (een t"ld."u earned ...

    15. He started drin4ing t"" much alc"h"l tw" !ears ag".He has ...

    2:. CD"nt call m! h"me in case m! wie 0ic4s u0 the 0h"ne; he said t" herHe t"ld ...

    21. I must add a cl"*e " garlic t" the stewA cl"*e ...

    22. I d"nt ha*e a w"rd 0r"cess"r s" I cant write !"ur re0"rt with it.I ...

    2&. We ha*ent elected a new g"*ernment "r "ur !earsIts ...

    2). Alth"ugh I had 0ut tw" lum0s " sugar in m! c"ee; it was still (itter.In s0ite ...

    2. D" !"u thin4 !"u c"uld learn German easil!8.D" !"u thin4 German is eas! ...

    2. I hate e>ercises li4e this. -he! ma4e me thin4 t"" much.I hate e>ercises " ...

    23. "u w"nt (e em0l"!ed (! this c"m0an! unless !"ur 0er"rmance is g""d.I !"ur ...


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. Its hal an h"ur n"w since the! started sh"uting.-he! ha*e ...

    2. What a 0it! !"u cant see !"ur new("rn (a(!F.I wish ...

    &. "u are uite slim. Its n"t necessar! "r !"u t" d" s" much e>ercise

    "u are uite slim. "u ...). H"w luc4! !"u areF "ur h"lida!s are l"nger than mineF

    H"w luc4! !"u areF ,! h"lida!s .... -he last time I dran4 sherr! was a m"nth ag".

    I ha*ent .... Pauls (r"ther w"n the irst 0ri?e in the c"ntest.

    Paul is the ("! ...3. I "ught t" get "ut " (ed.

    Its time 7. D"nt lend Harr! an! m"ne!; he said t" Ann; he ne*er 0a!s his de(ts.

    He ad*ised 5. He wanted t" c"me at 2 a.m. -his didnt suit me at all.

    He 1:. I regret n"t 4ee0ing in t"uch with her.

    I wish 11. She is *er! sh!Q thats wh! she d"esnt en"! 0arties.

    I 12. -he train was *er! cr"wded and we c"uldnt ind a seat.

    -his train was s" 1&. I !"u d"nt gi*e these children 0r"0er ""d; Ill re0"rt !"u .

    He threatened 1). In s0ite " 0la!ing *er! well; he l"st the game.


    1. "u ha*e t" ill in this a00licati"n "rm in 0en.-his a00licati"n "rm

    1. I didnt 4n"w he was s" uarrels"me; Im s"rr! n"w that I in*ited him.I

    13. She inds it strange t" sta! at h"me all da!.She is n"t used

    17. E*er!("d! sa!s -"n! resem(les his ather.E*er!("d! sa!s -"n!

    15. What a("ut watching that ilm "n -B8 ,ar! said.,ar! suggested

    2:. -he irm is sending me t" New "r4. I w"r4 "r this irm.-he irm

    21. He s"l*ed the 0r"(lem in ust tw" minutes.He

    22. Im sure this is her h"use.-his h"use

    2&. Pe"0le sh"uld n"t (e all"wed t" 4ee0 0ets i the! d"nt l""4 ater them 0r"0erl!.

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    1. -heres a l"t " dust and dirt all "*er the h"use. Im certain ,ar! hasnt cleaned an!thing.,ar!

    2. ets c"ntinue w"r4ing until we inish.ets

    &. -he! sa! the e>0l"si"n "ccurred at a("ut midnight.

    -he e>0l"si"n is ). -he new e>hi(iti"n "ught t" (e *isited.

    E*er!("d! sh"uld . -heres a chance that ,r Grisham writes a new (""4 ne>t summer.

    ,r Grisham . -rac! is a g""d riend " mine. Her (r"ther is the singer -"m Smith.

    -rac!; 3. Running the "nd"n marath"n is *er! interesting "r man! 0e"0le.

    ,an! 0e"0le are 7. I !"u hit me again; Ill call the 0"lice; she t"ld her neigh("ur.

    She threatened 5. D"ing this 4ind " e>ercises is n"t new "r me.

    I am 1:. It started raining three h"urs ag" and it hasnt st"00ed !et.

    It has 11. Paul a0"l"gi?ed "r n"t ha*ing t"ld us that the train had (een dela!ed that da!.

    Paul saidO 12. Susan w"nt g" t" Australia (ecause she is araid " l!ing.

    I 1&. I 0reer tra*elling (! 0lane t" dri*ing m! "wn car.

    Id 1). Im alm"st sure that n"w m! hus(and is c""4ing "ne " his delici"us meals.

    ,! hus(and

    1. -he ilm started at 12.::. 9ud! switched "n the tele*isi"n at 12.&:.When 9ud!

    1. Ha*e !"u underst""d8 I*e e>0lained it t" !"u.Ha*e

    13. Im s"rr! I c"uldnt get t" the air0"rt "n time.I wish

    17. I didnt catch the train (ecause I arri*ed late.I

    15. $0ening the d""r w"nt (e 0"ssi(le with"ut the 0r"0er 4e!.

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    1. He hasnt dri*en a car "r i*e m"nths.He last

    2. S"me"ne will (uild a new h"use "r me.I will ha*e

    &. ,! m"ther had t" (u! a l"t " ""d this m"rning.

    A l"t " ""d ). -hree 0"licemen were st"00ing that car.

    -hat car . D"ing this 4ind " e>ams is n"t new "r me.

    I am used . I li4e riding m"t"r(i4es (ut I 0reer dri*ing cars.

    I 0reer 3. I d"nt want t" eat the ca4eF ets eat a sandwich insteadF

    Id rather 7. ,aggie saidOWh! d"nt we g" "r a wal48

    ,aggie suggested 5. 9ulia saidOWhere will !"u g" "r !"ur ne>t h"lida!8

    9ulia as4ed us 1:. I didnt 0ass (ecause I didnt stud!.

    I I 11. Sall! w"nt g" t" Ne(ras4a (ecause she d"esnt ha*e en"ugh m"ne!.

    I Sall! 12. =u! s"me as0irins. "u might need them during !"ur "urne!.

    =u! s"me as0irins in case 1&. Please gi*e him a chance.

    I wish1). Americans are n"t araid " new ideas. -he! 0ut the irst man "n the m""n.


    1. Alth"ugh the! are m"dern the! als" li4e "ld things.Des0ite

    1. -he Germans (r"ught the 6hristmas tree. A l"t " 0e"0le started t" 0ut it at h"me.I

    13. -he! said last !ear Hall"ween was w"nderul.ast !ear Hall"ween

    17. esterda! e*er!("d! was (u!ing tur4e!; s" Im sure t"da! is -han4sgi*ing Da!.It

    15. -his !ear we are g"ing t" s0end Hall"ween at m! (r"thersQ he has in*ited us all; Alan t"ld =eth.Alan t"ld =eth

    2:. Its a 0it! I missed St. Patric4s cele(rati"ns.I wish

    21. I recei*ed s"mething (! 0"st !esterda!. It was a 6hristmas card.What

    22. I s0"4e t" a witness. She was *er! hel0ul.-he witness

    2&. He said hed l"st his wallet there the da! (e"re.He saidO

    2). It isnt necessar! "r us t" wear s0ecial cl"thes "r the 0art! t"night.We

    2. Im n"t g"ing "ut (ecause Im n"t eeling well.I

    2. Ill inish ma4ing the dress "n +rida!.=! Saturda!

    23. Des0ite n"t ha*ing a teacher shes uite g""d at English.Alth"ugh


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. Wh! d"nt !"u c""4 t"da!8 inda t"ld Richard.inda suggested

    2. -he! sa! 0rices are g"ing d"wn this !ear.Prices are

    &. -hat is an ugl! (uilding. ,! a*"urite aunt li*es in it.

    -hat is ). I didnt write an article a("ut the R"!al +amil!; s" I l"st m! "(.

    I . Perha0s he 0h"ned while we were "ut.

    He . =u! s"me tissues. "u might need them during !"ur "urne!.

    =u! s"me tissues in 3. Im s"rr! I (r"4e the chair; he said t" me.

    He 7. N"("d! t"ld me that !"u were ill.

    I 5. When did !"u start stud!ing English8

    H"w l"ng 1:. Ha*e the! inished their h"mew"r4 !et8

    Has 11. -hat girls ather is a am"us d"ct"r.

    -hat is the girl 12. I w"nt answer the uesti"n; he said.

    He 1&. -hats the (""4. I tal4ed t" !"u a("ut it a c"u0le " da!s ag".

    -hats 1). Are !"u g"ing "ut t"m"rr"w "r n"t; 9anet8 said 6harles.

    6harles as4ed 9anet

    1. 6"me immediatel!; I t"ld m! wie.I "rdered m! wie

    1. Hell" e*er!"ne; nice t" see !"u; he t"ld us.He

    13. I w"nt gi*e !"u the m"ne!; Alice sh"uted.Alice reused

    17. I w"nt hel0 !"u; Alan t"ld Arthur.Alan reused

    15. Ill (ring the (""4 (ac4 t"m"rr"w; she said.She

    2:. Ill carr! the case "r !"u; he t"ld her.He

    21. Im s"rr! Im late; the student said.-he student

    22. ets g" t" an Indian restaurant; Sall! t"ld her hus(and.Sall! suggested

    2&. N"w d" !"u (elie*e me; "r d" !"u still thin4 Im l!ing8She as4ed me

    2). $ur ne>t d""r neigh("urs are *er! n"is!. We cant slee0 at night; Susan said.Susan c"m0lained

    2. Remem(er t" (""4 a ta(le; she t"ld me.She

    2. -han4 !"u "r lending me !"ur car; she t"ld me.She

    23. -his !ear we are g"ing t" s0end Hall"ween at m! (r"thersQ he has in*ited us all; Alan t"ld =eth.Alan t"ld =eth


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. What a("ut g"ing "r a ride in m! new car8 Ann t"ld the "thers.Ann

    2. Wh! d"nt we sell "ur h"use8 ,! m"ther said.,! m"ther suggested

    &. Wh! d"nt !"u t!0e th"se letters8 Alice t"ld her secretar!.

    Alice ). es; we 0r"mised t" deli*er the g""ds last wee4; he said.

    He . "u are eating (adl! and !"u will ruin !"ur lie.

    -he d"ct"r t"ld the girl that . "u didnt (u! me an!thing "r m! (irthda!; she said.

    She 3. "u 4illed her; he said t" me.

    He 7. A man answered the 0h"ne. He said -"m was "ut.

    -he man 5. A student ma! (e as4ed t" write 0eri"dic essa!s.

    -he teacher 1:. Acid rain is destr"!ing the "rests " German!.

    -he "rests 11. Alan has ("ught a car. Its e>0ensi*e (ut (eautiul.

    -he car 12. Alth"ugh he was unarmed; he t""4 the gun awa! r"m the r"((er.

    In 1&. Alth"ugh she is !"ung she g"t tired at "nce.

    Des0ite 1). Alth"ugh the! are m"dern the! als" li4e "ld things.


    1. Alth"ugh the! are *er! thin; the! eel the! are t"" at.In s0ite "

    1. Alth"ugh the! uarrel n"isil!; the +lintst"nes are g""d neigh("urs.Des0ite

    13. And! li*es in Du(lin. He m"*ed there last !ear.And! has

    17. =u! s"me as0irins. "u might need them during !"ur "urne!.=u! s"me as0irins in case

    15. 6l"se the d""r. It ma! rain.6l"se the d""r in

    2:. Des0ite the g""d 0la!; we ell aslee0.Alth"ugh

    21. Did the n"ise righten !"u8Were

    22. D"ct"rs will ha*e t" c"n*ince Americans t" eat less.Americans

    2&. D"ing this 4ind " e>ams is n"t new "r me.I am used

    2). D"nt c"me (ac4 t"" late.I wish

    2. D"nt "rget m! address. "u ma! need it when !"u get t" "nd"n.D"nt "rget m! address in

    2. Eur"0ean t"urists are sur0rised (! the si?e " America.What sur0rises Eur"0ean t"urists


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. Ha*e !"u s"ld !"ur "ld (i4e8 "u 4new m! c"usin w"uld li4e t" (u! it.Ha*e !"u

    2. Ha*e !"u underst""d8 I*e e>0lained it t" !"u.Ha*e

    &. He carried "n w"r4ing in s0ite " his illness.

    Alth"ugh ). He hasnt dri*en a car "r i*e m"nths.

    He last . He hasnt ridden a (ic!cle "r i*e !ears.

    He last . He will 0r"(a(l! 0ass the e>am.

    He is li4el! 3. Hes th"ught t" ha*e let the c"untr! earl! this m"rning.

    Its 7. Her hus(and 0resses her a l"t at h"me.

    Shes under a l"t " 5. I alwa!s ta4e a 0en with me (ecause I might ha*e t" write s"mething.

    I alwa!s ta4e a 0en with me in 1:. I didnt catch the train (ecause I arri*ed late.

    I 11. I didnt g" t" the 0art! (ecause I had a headache.

    I 12. I didnt 0ass (ecause I didnt stud!.

    I I 1&. I didnt 0a! attenti"n t" m! d"ct"rs ad*ice and I g"t sic4.

    I I 1). I d"nt li4e hea*! r"c4. 9ulia d"esnt li4e hea*! r"c4 either.

    I d"n li4e hea*! r"c4. Neither

    1. I d"nt want t" eat the ca4eF ets drin4 a c"4e insteadFId rather

    1. I dr"*e a *an (ut I d"nt d" it n"w.I used

    13. I ha*e alwa!s had a g""d relati"nshi0 with m! (r"thers.I ha*e alwa!s g"t

    17. I ha*e alwa!s 0la!ed with a hea*! tennis rac4et.I am used

    15. I ha*e alwa!s 0la!ed with a hea*! tennis rac4et.I am used

    2:. I ha*ent (een t" +rance since 1551.-he

    21. I ha*ent had curr! "r a l"ng time.Its

    22. I li4e riding m"t"r(i4es (ut I 0reer dri*ing cars.I 0reer

    2&. I might (e "ered a "( (! an ad*ertising agenc!.An ad*ertising agenc!

    2). I 0reer s4iing t" 0la!ing tennis.Id rather

    2. I 0reer s4iing t" 0la!ing tennis.Id rather

    2. I 0r"mised I w"uld 0h"ne !"u (ut I "rg"t.I

    23. I recei*ed s"mething (! 0"st !esterda!. It was a 6hristmas card.What


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    1. I su00"se shes his sister. She l""4s ust li4e him.She

    2. I su00"se that m! m"ther g"t married (e"re her 21st (irthda!.,! m"ther

    &. I tal4ed t" an "ld lad!. She was *er! 0"lite.

    -he "ld lad! ). I thin4 he saw the r"ad sign; s" the accident was his ault.

    He . I thin4 he w"nt c"me s""n.

    I e>0ect . I thin4 the d"g has 4illed the cat.

    -he d"g 3. Id 0reer t" d" it m!sel.

    Id rather 7. Ill (e ha00ier i !"u d"nt ma4e such a n"ise.

    Id rather 5. Im g"ing t" the dentist. Hell ta4e the t""th "ut.

    Im g"ing t" the dentist t" 1:. Im n"t g"ing t" t"lerate !"ur (ad (eha*i"ur.

    Im n"t g"ing t" 11. Im re*ising "r an e>am n"w and Ill inish ne>t wee4.

    In "ne m"nths time 12. Im s"rr! I c"uldnt get t" the air0"rt "n time.

    I "nl! 1&. Im s"rr! Im late. I didnt 4n"w !"u were here.

    I 1). Im sure it isnt a cat. It d"esnt ha*e a m"ustache.


    1. Im sure the (utler is the murderer.-he (utler

    1. Im sure the! heard what we were sa!ing.-he!

    13. Im sure !"u*e g"t lu."u

    17. I !"u had g"ne there; we c"uld ha*e met.Had

    15. In s0ite " her (eaut!; she didnt attract 0e"0le.Alth"ugh

    2:. In s0ite " her intelligence she didnt win the c"ntest.Alth"ugh

    21. In s0ite " his e>0erience he was *er! ner*"us.Alth"ugh

    22. In the ne>t thirt! !ears; the! will ha*e t" re(uild th"se (ridges.-h"se (ridges

    2&. It is 0"ssi(le the (urglar entered the h"use thr"ugh the wind"w.-he (urglar

    2). It started raining tw" h"urs ag" and it is still raining.It has

    2. It was a 0it! I didnt remem(er the name " the restaurant.I wish

    2. It was im0"ssi(le "r an!("d! t" clim( that m"untain.N"("d!

    23. It was such a g""d ilm that I saw it twice.-he ilm


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    1. It was such a 0rett! dress that I c"uldnt resist it.-he dress ..

    2. It was such a wide ri*er that it t""4 us tw" h"urs t" cr"ss it.-he ri*er

    &. Its 11 "cl"c4. -he children sh"uld (e in (ed.

    Its time ). Its 5.::. -he ilm starts at 5.&: and inishes at 11.&:.

    S"; in "ne h"ur Ill and in three h"urs Ill. Its a l"ng time since she wr"te t" me.

    She . Its a 0it! I d"nt 4n"w his name.

    I wish 3. Its a 0it! I missed St. Patric4s cele(rati"ns.

    I wish 7. Its a 0it! the lecturer s0"4e in such a l"w *"ice.

    I "nl! 5. Its ages since I last saw the ,cD"nald twins.

    I ha*ent 1:. Its hard t" s"l*e 0r"(lems li4e this "ne.

    Im n"t used 11. Its three wee4s since I saw R"(in.

    I 12. 9a4e runs a small (usiness. He started d"ing this i*e !ears ag".

    9a4e has 1&. @ate wishes she hadnt gi*en him the m"ne!.

    @ate regrets 1). anguage learning is (eing trans"rmed (! ra0id ad*ances in in"rmati"n techn"l"g!.


    1. ,aggie saidO Wh! d"nt we g" "r a wal48,aggie suggested

    1. ,"st 0e"0le 0reer s0ending m"ne! t" earning it.,"st 0e"0le w"uld

    13. ,! riend Paul is n"t *er! 4ind t" me. Im sharing a lat with him.,! riend Paul

    17. ,! m"ther had t" (u! a l"t " ""d this m"rning.A l"t " ""d

    15. ,! 0arents didnt let me g" t" the 0art! (ecause I ailed the e>am.I I ..

    2:. ,! !"ungest sister has ust g"t married. "u met her at m! h"use last wee4.,! !"ungest sister

    21. Ne>t wee4 a mechanic is g"ing t" re0air "ur car.We

    22. N" "ne as4ed !"u t" c"me."u

    2&. N" "ne has e*er (eaten m! (r"ther at tennis.,! (r"ther

    2). N"("d! t"ld me that she was ill.I

    2. $ur team is unli4el! t" win the cham0i"nshi0.$ur team

    2. Pe"0le sa! t"rt"ises li*e l"nger than ele0hants.-"rt"ises

    23. Perha0s he as4ed !"u "ut t" see i !"u said !es.He


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    1. Perha0s the! th"ught that wed tele0h"ne them (e"re "ur arri*al.-he!

    2. Phili0 w"nt g" t" Ireland with his riends (ecause he d"esnt li4e l!ing.I

    &. Please gi*e him a chance.

    I wish ). Sall! did it. It was wr"ng " her.

    What . Sall! w"nt g" -" Ne(ras4a (ecause she d"esnt ha*e en"ugh m"ne!.

    I Sall! . Santiag" Segura is unattracti*e (ut he is a ilm star.

    Des0ite 3. She elt s"mething (ehind her. It was a little 4itten.

    What 7. She hasnt eaten 0aella "r tw" !ears.

    Its 5. She heard s"mething. It was a (ell.

    What 1:. She in*ited me "r dinner that night.

    She t"ld meO 11. She let. -hen I arri*ed.

    When 12. She mustnt tell an!("d!.

    I d"nt want 1&. She rides her (i4e e*er! m"rning; e*en "n Sunda!s.

    She is used 1). She t"ld me I c"uld g" "ut.

    She let

    1. She was *er! wealth! (ut n"w she is 0""r.She used

    1. She w"nt 0ass (ecause she d"esnt stud!.I

    13. She w"nt sing (ecause theres n" silence in the r""m.She w"nt sing unless

    17. S"me !ears ag" Gerald dr"*e t" w"r4 (ut he d"esnt an! m"re.Gerald used

    15. S"me"ne washed m! car "r me !esterda!.I

    2:. S"me"ne will (uild a new h"use "r me.I will ha*e

    21. Students c"uld cut c"sts (! stud!ing at h"me.6"sts

    22. -hats the girl. I danced with her at the 0art! last night.-hats the girl

    2&. -he (""4 was s" e>0ensi*e that I didnt (u! it.It was

    2). -he dentist chec4s m! teeth twice a !ear.I ha*e

    2. -he detecti*es caught the thie. -he! had t" w"r4 *er! hard.-he detecti*es;

    2. -he d""r was s" hea*! that the child c"uldnt 0ush it "0en.It was

    23. -he ilm is g"ing t" start. We sh"uld lea*e.Its time "r


  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. -he ilm started at 12.::. 9ud! switched "n the tele*isi"n at 12.&:.When 9ud!

    2. -he ull! trained ele0hant and its dri*er arri*ed 5: miles n"rth " R"me.-he d"cuments stated that

    &. -he Germans (r"ught the 6hristmas tree. A l"t " 0e"0le started t" 0ut it at h"me.

    I ). -he "urne! was s" tiring that I ell aslee0.

    It . -he light is "n. I su00"se he is stud!ing.

    He . -he man is Sues c"usin. I intr"duced !"u t" him.

    -he man I 3. -he m"untain was &;::m high.

    -he 7. -he museum "ught t" (e *isited.

    E*er!("d! sh"uld 5. -he new e>hi(iti"n "ught t" (e *isited.

    E*er!("d! 1:. -he 0arcel was *er! hea*! and ,ar! c"uldnt lit it.

    -he 0arcel was t"" 11. -he 0la! was s" g""d that she went (ac4 t" see it again.

    It was 12. -he 0"lice ins0ect"r sh"wed us 0h"t"gra0hs " the criminal.

    We 1&. -he 0r"cessi"n increased in num(ers e*er! da!. At the end the num(ers were en"rm"us.

    I 1). -he ri*er is *er! dee0. It runs (! m! h"use.

    -he ri*er

    1. -he tea was t"" h"t "r them t" drin4.-he tea was

    1. -he three little ("!s t""4 their 0ills. -he! might get sic4.-he! t""4 their 0ills in

    13. -he! are c"nsidering !"ur a00licati"n "r the "(."ur

    17. -he! as4ed him his name and then t"ld him t" wait.He

    15. -he! c"ntinued w"r4ing ater midnight.-he! went

    2:. -he! de0arted !esterda! m"rning.-he! set

    21. -he! didnt ind the criminal (ecause their in*estigati"n wasnt eicient en"ugh.I

    22. -he! dr"00ed the *ase and it (r"4e.I

    2&. -he! ha*e gi*en us new urniture.We

    2). -he! ha*e ust 0u(lished their disc"*er! in -he P"0es Ele0hant.-heir disc"*er!

    2. -he! said last !ear Hall"ween was w"nderul.ast !ear Hall"ween

    2. -he! said we c"uldnt l""4 at the h"use.-he! didnt all"w

    23. -he! sa! the e>0l"si"n "ccurred at a("ut midnight.-he e>0l"si"n is


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    1. -he! want the 0u(lic t" let me al"ne.-he! wish

    2. -he! were rightened (! the ilm.-he! "und

    &. -his (""4 is *er! interesting "r me.

    I am ). -his is the (eautiul h"use. ,! grand0arents li*ed here.

    -his . -hree 0"licemen were st"00ing that car.

    -hat car . -ina is a g""d riend " mine. Her (r"ther is the act"r Paul Harris.

    -ina; 3. -"da! d"mestic w"r4 is n"t s" hard as it was in the 0ast.

    In the 0ast d"mestic w"r4 7. -"m didnt g" t" the cinema. Neither did ,egan.

    Neither 5. -rac! is a g""d riend " mine. Her (r"ther is the singer -"m Smith.

    -rac!; 1:. ams.

    I !"u 11. Bisiting ,"sc"w w"nt (e 0"ssi(le with"ut a *isa.

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    1. -he last time I saw Susan was at 6hristmas.I ha*ent

    2. We arri*ed an h"ur ater Dan; #wait "r%

    &. ,itch waited at the caT "r an h"ur. He let (e"re @ell! arri*ed.

    ,itch let the caT (ecause). @ate started t" 0la! tennis a !ear ag".#"r%

    @ate.. 9ane (r"4e her leg "nce (e"re. #sec"nd%

    . -ina "rg"t her glasses; s" she c"uldn/t watch the ilm.

    -ina c"uldn/t watch the ilm 3. -"m saw CGladiat"r last wee4. He saw it again !esterda!. #twice%

    7. Will this (e !"ur irst tri0 a(r"ad8 #e*er%

    5. U"e ("ught the 6D; then she realised it was the wr"ng "ne.

    U"e realised the 6D was the wr"ng "ne ater1:. =ec4! inished uni*ersit! three m"nths ag". She is still l""4ing "r a "(. #"r%

    11. -he! started arguing tw" h"urs ag" and the! are still arguing #"r%

    12. Sim"n inished the game. -hen he went "ut.#ater%

    1&. -his is "ur irst game " -"m( Rider.

    -his is the irst time1). When did !"u start learning English8

    H"w l"ng

    1. I ha*en t seen 9"hn "r ages.Its

    1. She started stud!ing +rench three !ears ag".She has

    13. Susan arri*ed in Paris & !ears ag".Susan has

    17. I ha*ent eaten s" much s0aghetti since I was in R"me.-he last time

    15. It/s !ears since we cleaned the (ac4 r""m.We ha*en/t

    2:. Wh"se is this (ic!cle8Wh"

    21. He inished his dinner and then he went t" (ed.When he

    22. I last saw a red suirrel when I was 1 !ears "ld.I ha*en/t

    2&. I 0la!ed tennis when I was a !"ung ("!.I ha*en/t

    2). She learnt t" s0ea4 English "ur !ears ag".She has

    2. -he! started 0rinting the news0a0er tw" !ears ag".-he! ha*e

    2. I/ll (e in the middle " m! tennis game t"m"rr"w at O:: #0la!ing%

    23. I/ll inish m! educati"n (e"re I turn &:.#(! the time%

  • 8/10/2019 Rephrasing First



    1. -his will (e m! irst time in "nd"n. #ne*er%2. We/*e decided t" meet "r lunch at "ne "/cl"c4 #g"ing t"%&. Ha*e !"u g"t an! e>0erience in acting8 #e*er%). I/ll inish the 0r"ect (e"re August. #(!%. -he child ell and then he cried. #(ecause%

    . She/s g"ing t" rest (etween tw" and "ur "/cl"c4. #at &O::%3. What is the 0rice " this ac4et8 #c"st%7. $ur guests arri*ed during dinner. #while%5. What are !"ur 0lans "r ne>t summer8 #d"%1:. She st"00ed as4ing "r ad*ice #ga*e%11. I d"nKt thin4 heKs li4el! t" tele0h"ne us this late at night. #d"u(t%12. IKm s"rr!; I th"ught !"u were s"me("d! else. #t""4%1&. An! c"rres0"ndence r"m the "nd"n "ice must (e dealt with (e"re "t