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Visit the 5LINX online store for all of your 5LINX merchandise needs. From marketing materials,

signage and tablecloths, to dress shirts, leisure wear, travel bags and more, you can find just what

you need to help promote your next opportunity meeting, pique potential customers and business

partners, and live the 5LINX brand.

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Before starting any business, it’s always a good idea to ask yourself what you would like to achieve.

Identifying your goals is critical to keeping on your path to success.


We call this your “Why”. Take a moment to think about why you want to be successful with this

opportunity. Write it down here so that you can reference it regularly as a constant reminder to

guide you on your journey.


Now it’s time to identify short and long-term goals for your business.

An example of a short-term goal might be to earn your 30 day quick start bonus, or have 10

business partners before you attend your first 5LINX Training Event. A short-term goal should be

one that you can reasonably achieve within your first six months to a year. Record these goals below

so you have a roadmap of where you want to be during your first year in this business.


#1 Accomplished by

#2 Accomplished by

#3 Accomplished by

Now list your long-term goals. Maybe it’s building your residual income to a point that it pays your

monthly car payment or mortgage. Be creative and think of what you really want.


#1 Accomplished by

#2 Accomplished by

#3 Accomplished by

Setting goals is a critical success step. If you don’t know where you are going, you won’t know how

to get there. Think about your goals often, and continually update them as you achieve each one.

Do you want to.....

Spend more time with your family?

Diversify your income?

Give more to your church or charity?

Save money for your children’s education?

Eliminate your debt?

Fire your boss?

Enjoy the freedom of working for yourself?

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In order to grow any successful business, you need to promote it so that word spreads to potential

customers (and in this case, business partners as well). Share your excitement with others and use

the list below to help you develop your warm market list. This will provide a guide for the people

you should invite to your grand opening.

• Your friends

• Your family members

• Your co-workers

• Whoisunsatisfiedwiththeirjob?

• Whoisunhappywiththeirincome?

• Whoownstheirownbusiness?

• Whoisanentrepreneur?

• Whoquittheirjoborisoutofwork?

• Whoneedsextramoney?

• Whoisretired?

• Whoworkspart-time?

• Whoboughtanewhome?

• Whoisonyourholidaycardlist?

• Whoisinretailsales?

• Whosellsrealestate?

• Whoisateacher?

• Whoattendsyourchurch?

• Whoishealthconscious?

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We make it easy to get started with your 5LINX business, and provide all of your necessary resources

at This is your 5LINX digital headquarters, which includes the most important daily

news, videos and more. At, you also have access to all of the following resources,

essential to growing your 5LINX business:

Your 5LINX personal website - Marketing the wide variety of 5LINX products and services is as

simple as directing people to your personalized website. Your new website will be customized with

your name and tracking information, and will provide visitors with everything they need to sign up

for any product or service. When customers or Representatives sign up through your website, you

are automatically credited for each order.

5LINX TV – This is your go to digital library of all 5LINX training resources. Here you can access our

complete library of training, product and lifestyle videos, along with important training documents.

View leadership trainings, product commercials, demos, and more.

Social Media - There’s no better way to stay connected to everything going on with 5LINX than to

follow us on social media. Be sure to like us at and follow @5LINX on Twitter

and @5LINXinc on Instagram and share your experiences with our products and services, growing

your 5LINX business, and engage in conversation with other 5LINX representatives. You can also

opt-in to receive important news and updates via cell phone by texting 5LINX to 55255.

Events – To help support your growing 5LINX business, we host two major training events each year,

along with four regional events each year in numerous cities throughout the U.S. Get important

event details and receive a special discount when you register for the next 5LINX Training Event in

your first 30 days.

Promotions – We love to help support your growing business, and we regularly offer promotions

designed to help you reach your goals a little easier. Check back every Saturday for the newest

promotions offered each week.

News – Get the scoop on everything from product updates to recruitment strategies all in one place.

Looking for a past news story? You can browse our entire library of searchable content to find just

what you need.

Daily Dimes – Are you a Platinum Discount Network subscriber? If you answered yes, you’re

automatically enrolled as a Daily Dimes Ultra member. In addition to providing your 5LINX pay card,

Daily Dimes allows you to earn rewards points for cash back, gift cards, and more, while providing

you with up to $200 per month in coupons for your favorite groceries and home products, clipped

and shipped right to your door.

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Qualifying for Your Position

Before you can begin earning residual income, you must first qualify your position by acquiring

eight customer points, including a TeeVee customer, or a customer outside of your home.

Earned Positions

All Representatives start out at the position Independent Marketing Representative (IMR).

You can earn 10 higher positions by acquiring customers and building your team of partners.

1. Executive Trainer (ET)

2. Executive Director (ED)

3. National Director (ND)

4. Senior Vice President (SVP)

5. Bronze Senior Vice President (BSVP)

6. Silver Senior Vice President (SSVP)

7. Gold Senior Vice President (GSVP)

8. Platinum Senior Vice President (PSVP)

9. Double Platinum Senior Vice President (DPSVP)

10. Diamond Senior Vice President (DSVP)

First 30-Day Game Plan

Proper planning is essential to the growth of your business. Use the following timetables and

guidelines as a roadmap to your successful start.

First 24-72 Hours

Call your sponsor – Reach out to your sponsor and set up a meeting to plan your grand opening event.

Getqualified– In order to start earning commission, you need to get qualified as an IMR by

acquiring 8 customer points, including one customer outside your home or one TeeVee customer.

Use your personal website to sign up for 5LINX products and services and knock this requirement

off your to do list.

Make a list – Using the memory jogger from page four, create a list of 100 names. As part of this

exercise, try to identify 50 potential customers as well as 50 potential business partners. Use this

list as a basis for who you invite to your grand opening.

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Familiarize yourself with –Take some time to review the resources available to you

and visit this site daily for important news.

LogintoyourVirtualOffice – Visit and click “login to your Virtual Office.” Your

username is your representative ID number (Ex. L1234567) and your password is the last 4 digits of

your social security number or phone number entered on your application. Once logged in, click on

“my profile” to verify your personal information and change create a new password.

While you’re in the VO, review the different reports at your disposal. These will be instrumental in

helping you track your progress as you advance to higher earned positions.

Review the compensation plan – Review the compensation plan included in your new 5LINX

Representative Kit to gain a better understanding of how you get paid with 5LINX. For full details

on the compensation plan, check out the detailed compensation plan located in the Doc’s section

at Should you have additional questions, contact your upline or 5LINX representative

services at 585-359-0233 for clarification.

Get familiarized with your personal website – In addition to getting qualified in your first few

days, it’s important to understand how to navigate your personal website so you can easily share

products and services and the opportunity with prospective customers and business partners.

Schedule your First PBR – In order to grow any business, you first need to have a grand opening. Set

up a time to meet with your sponsor and plan your grand opening event. Review the PBR checklist

on page 10 with them to ensure all important details are handled for a successful meeting.

Get to 12 customer points – To qualify for Executive Trainer, your second earned position, you’ll

need a total of 12 customer points to go along with two new qualified business partners. Ask

friends and family members try one of your services to help support your growing business and

reach your next promotion.


Complete quick start bonus requirements – Get yourself in position to earn your first bonus. To go

along with your 12 customer points, you’ll need to personally sponsor and enroll two new business

partners who get qualified in your first 30 days. Host 2-3 PBR’s in your first 30 days to help you

recruit quality business partners and achieve your goal.

Sign up for next 5LINX Training Event – There’s no better way to grow your 5LINX business than attending a

5LINX Training Event, complete with trainings from top leadership, special event-only promotions, and more.

As a new representative, you can register in your first 30 days for a special discounted price.

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Scripts to Help You Succeed

It’s important to have a series of conversation starters and talking points when talking to potential

customers and business partners. When approaching a prospect, make sure to be confident about

what you’re saying, be personable, and when they take the time to speak with you, make sure to

emphasize how much their support means to you. Use the following scripts as general guides to

your next conversation.


Use this script as a guideline for an initial conversation with a prospective business partner.

“Hey ____________, how are you doing today?” (wait for their response)

“Do you have a minute?”

“I called today because I’m really excited about a new business I started. I’m working with a company

sells products and services that people use every day. Let me ask you a question.”

Choose one of these questions:

“Are you open to making extra income above and beyond what you already earn?”

“If I could show you how you could make extra money every time someone watches TV, swipes a

credit card, turns on their lights or browses the internet, would that interest you?”

If they say yes:

“Great, just go to for a quick video overview of the company. If you like what you see,

I’ll find out when the next expansion meeting is in your area so I can get you confirmed to attend.

Check out the website and I’ll be in touch.”

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Follow Up Script

“Hey _______________. How are you doing?”

“I have some exciting news for you. There’s a business opportunity meeting in your area on

_____________ (date) and I was able to get you a VIP guest seat. At the meeting they will discuss

information on the company, products and services, compensation model, executive benefits and

what it takes to be a part of the company. These seats are very limited so I want to confirm you can


Be sure to let them know the exact time of the meeting and that the attire is business casual.

If the person says no, use the following response:

“Okay, no problem. Do you know anyone who’s open to additional income opportunities? Would

you share their contact information with me so I can check with them to see if they might be


Customer Acquisition Script

“Hey _____________, how are you doing today?”

“Do you have a minute?” (give them a moment to respond)

“I’m really excited because I’m up for a big promotion with my company, and I need your help. I need

you to try one of my products or services.”

“With a couple more customers, I’ll get my promotion. I’m very close and I want to meet my goal today.”

“Can you help me out today and try one of my products or services? Your support means so much to me.”

If they say yes, determine which service will be of value to your new customer and get them signed up.

If they say no, attempt to overcome 1-2 objections and then move on. Some people will be your

customers, some won’t. Don’t take it personally.

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“Hey _____________, how are you today?”

“Do you have a minute?”

“I called you today because I’m really excited about a new business that I just started. I’m holding a

private reception for the grand opening and I’d love for you to come and support me. This event is

by invite only, and it’s happening on ________________ at _________” (give date and time).

“The company I’m working with is aggressively expanding across the US, selling products and

services that people already use on a daily basis. I’m inviting all my family and friends that have

always supported me to come celebrate and learn more about what I’m doing. It would mean so

much if you came out and supported me as I start this new venture.”

“Can I count on your support?”

If they say yes, thank them and have the presenter for your meeting call 24 hours prior to confirm



There will always be people hesitant to become your customer or business partner. As we say, some

will be your customers, some will be your business partners. Below are a few common objections,

and strategies you can use to address these issues.

“It’s too expensive.”

“I agree it costs more than what you came prepared to spend, but I’ll show you how you can make

your initial investment and more back in less than 30 days. Everything you earn each month after

that is an added bonus. This is happening with you or without you, but I would love for us to team

up. If you’re determined to make some extra money, this is the way to go.”


“I completely agree that making a decision takes preparation, and that’s what I’m here to help you

do. We both know this is a valuable opportunity to earn extra income. The longer you wait, the

longer you’re not making the money you could be.”

“Let me think about it.”

“I understand, you need to consider all options first. That’s normal. Here’s the thing, I know you’ve been

thinking about this for longer than you’ve been here. That’s why you came today, and I want to reassure

you that this is the best decision you can make. Let’s go ahead and get you started.”

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Before each PBR, it’s essential to follow up with confirmed attendees and ensure you have the

necessary supplies for a successful meeting. Use the checklists below to make sure you’re prepared

for your next PBR.

Before Presentation

• Give a list of names and phone numbers to the presenter of your PBR to call and confirm

attendance 24 hours before the event

• Purchase refreshments for reception after presentation

• Ensure you have enough chairs for all confirmed attendees

• Secure a professional and easily accessible location (preferably new IMRs home)

• Have professional copies of 5LINX IMR Agreements on hand

PBR Host Responsibilities

• Have a sign in sheet available and ensure all guests sign in.

• When the first guest arrives, begin showing lifestyle videos while waiting for other guests to


• Do not explain the business to guests before the PBR. Leave this to the presenter.

• When it is time to begin the presentation, thank everyone for coming and briefly share your story

of why you got involved with 5LINX, then introduce the presenter to begin the presentation.

PBR Presenter Responsibilities

• Tell your story, like the host, explaining why you joined 5LINX. Keep it short and simple.

• Give all guests in the room an IMR agreement.

• Show the quick start video.

• Close with final remarks.

• Promote the next major event in your area.

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For questions regarding your representative account, including but not limited to compensation,

representative status, orders and payments, please contact:

Representative Services:

Phone: 585.359.2922

E-mail: [email protected]

Fax: 585.359.0233

Marketing Requests:

[email protected]

For review and approval of all self-created marketing materials, please contact:

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