renal gluconeogenesis acidosis, alkalosis, potassium...

Journal of Clinical Investigation Vol. 45, No. 4, 1966 Renal Gluconeogenesis in Acidosis, Alkalosis, and Potassium Deficiency: Its Possible Role in Regulation of Renal Ammonia Production * A. DAVID GOODMAN,t ROBERT E. Fuisz,t AND GEORGE F. CAHILL, JR.§ (From the Elliott Joslin Research Laboratory, the Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, and the Diabetes Foundation, Inc., Boston, Mass., and the Subdepartment of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine, Albany Medical College, Albany, N. Y.) In man, dog, and rat the induction of metabolic acidosis leads to an increase in renal production and excretion of ammonia (2-4) that appears to derive primarily from glutamine (4-6). Studies of the renal cortex of the acidotic rat reveal an in- crease in the activity of glutaminase I, the enzyme that deamidates glutamine to glutamate (Figure 1), and it is assumed that this may contribute to the increase in ammoniagenesis from glutamine (2). The mechanism by which acidosis evokes an in- crease in renal glutaminase I activity in the rat is not known. If acidosis directly stimulates the syn- thesis or activation of glutaminase I it would be expected that the intracellular concentration of glu- tamate would be increased. Actually, the gluta- mate content of the renal cortex of acidotic rats is decreased (7, 8). The concurrence in acidotic rats of decreased renal glutamate concentration and increased renal glutaminase I activity is of much interest. In a variety of biologic systems there exists a negative feedback between the intracellular concentration of an immediate or distant product of an enzymatic * Submitted for publication August 5, 1965; accepted December 27, 1965. Presented in part before the Eastern Section of the American Federation for Clinical Research, December 1964, and published in abstract form (1). Supported in part by U. S. Public Health Service grants T1 AM 5077-09, AM 09584-01, and AM 09232-01, and the Hartford Foundation. t This work was done in part during tenure as a Clini- cal Trainee in Endocrinology, National Institutes of Health. Present address: Albany Medical College, Al- bany, N. Y. t Special Fellow, National Institutes of Health. § Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Address requests for reprints to Dr. George F. Cahill, Jr., 170 Pilgrim Rd., Boston, Mass. 02215. reaction, and either the rate of synthesis of the en- zyme or the specific activity of the enzyme (9). It has been suggested that such a relationship may exist between glutamate and renal glutaminase I, and that the reduction in renal glutamate concen- tration in acidosis either stimulates the synthesis or enhances the specific activity of glutaminase I (7,8). As the fall in cortical glutamate content in aci- dosis may play a crucial role in the increase in re- nal ammoniagenesis, the mechanism of this fall is of interest. Renal cortex is known to have a re- markable capacity to produce glucose from gluta- mate and its products (10), and hence the possi- bility has been investigated that acidosis may decrease cortical glutamate by accelerating its con- version to glucose. In the studies to be described, it was found that renal cortical slices taken from rats with metabolic acidosis have an increased ca- pacity to convert glutamate and a-ketoglutarate (a-KG) to glucose, and that in alkali-fed rats the cortical gluconeogenic capacity is decreased. Since renal glutaminase I and urinary ammonium excretion are known to be increased in potassium deficiency (11, 12), it was of interest to find that cortical tissue from potassium-depleted rats has an increased ability to convert glutamate and a-KG to glucose. These findings are consistent with the hypothe- sis that in metabolic acidosis and potassium de- pletion, the increase in cortical glutaminase I and ammonia production is mediated by a decrease in intracellular glutamate due to an increase in the rate of conversion of glutamate to glucose. Fur- thermore, the increased renal glutamine transami- nase activity in acidotic rats and in potassium de- ficient rats (12) may result from a decrease in a-KG-the secondary product of the transaminase 612

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Journal of Clinical InvestigationVol. 45, No. 4, 1966

Renal Gluconeogenesis in Acidosis, Alkalosis, and PotassiumDeficiency: Its Possible Role in Regulation of Renal


(From the Elliott Joslin Research Laboratory, the Department of Medicine, Harvard MedicalSchool, the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, and the Diabetes Foundation, Inc., Boston,

Mass., and the Subdepartment of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Departmentof Medicine, Albany Medical College, Albany, N. Y.)

In man, dog, and rat the induction of metabolicacidosis leads to an increase in renal productionand excretion of ammonia (2-4) that appears toderive primarily from glutamine (4-6). Studiesof the renal cortex of the acidotic rat reveal an in-crease in the activity of glutaminase I, the enzymethat deamidates glutamine to glutamate (Figure1), and it is assumed that this may contribute tothe increase in ammoniagenesis from glutamine(2).

The mechanism by which acidosis evokes an in-crease in renal glutaminase I activity in the rat isnot known. If acidosis directly stimulates the syn-thesis or activation of glutaminase I it would beexpected that the intracellular concentration of glu-tamate would be increased. Actually, the gluta-mate content of the renal cortex of acidotic rats isdecreased (7, 8).

The concurrence in acidotic rats of decreasedrenal glutamate concentration and increased renalglutaminase I activity is of much interest. In avariety of biologic systems there exists a negativefeedback between the intracellular concentrationof an immediate or distant product of an enzymatic

* Submitted for publication August 5, 1965; acceptedDecember 27, 1965.

Presented in part before the Eastern Section of theAmerican Federation for Clinical Research, December1964, and published in abstract form (1).

Supported in part by U. S. Public Health Servicegrants T1 AM5077-09, AM09584-01, and AM09232-01,and the Hartford Foundation.

t This work was done in part during tenure as a Clini-cal Trainee in Endocrinology, National Institutes ofHealth. Present address: Albany Medical College, Al-bany, N. Y.

t Special Fellow, National Institutes of Health.§ Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute.Address requests for reprints to Dr. George F. Cahill,

Jr., 170 Pilgrim Rd., Boston, Mass. 02215.

reaction, and either the rate of synthesis of the en-zyme or the specific activity of the enzyme (9).It has been suggested that such a relationship mayexist between glutamate and renal glutaminase I,and that the reduction in renal glutamate concen-tration in acidosis either stimulates the synthesisor enhances the specific activity of glutaminase I(7,8).

As the fall in cortical glutamate content in aci-dosis may play a crucial role in the increase in re-nal ammoniagenesis, the mechanism of this fall isof interest. Renal cortex is known to have a re-markable capacity to produce glucose from gluta-mate and its products (10), and hence the possi-bility has been investigated that acidosis maydecrease cortical glutamate by accelerating its con-version to glucose. In the studies to be described,it was found that renal cortical slices taken fromrats with metabolic acidosis have an increased ca-pacity to convert glutamate and a-ketoglutarate(a-KG) to glucose, and that in alkali-fed rats thecortical gluconeogenic capacity is decreased.Since renal glutaminase I and urinary ammoniumexcretion are known to be increased in potassiumdeficiency (11, 12), it was of interest to find thatcortical tissue from potassium-depleted rats has anincreased ability to convert glutamate and a-KGto glucose.

These findings are consistent with the hypothe-sis that in metabolic acidosis and potassium de-pletion, the increase in cortical glutaminase I andammonia production is mediated by a decrease inintracellular glutamate due to an increase in therate of conversion of glutamate to glucose. Fur-thermore, the increased renal glutamine transami-nase activity in acidotic rats and in potassium de-ficient rats (12) may result from a decrease ina-KG-the secondary product of the transaminase
















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reaction-as a consequence of the enhanced con-version of a-KG to glucose.


Sprague-Dawley male rats ' weighing 250 to 350 gwere used in all experiments. For experiments requiringadrenalectomized rats, bilateral adrenalectomy was per-formed under ether anesthesia 4 days before initiation ofthe experimental protocol.

Acid-feeding protocol. A group of rats was deprivedof solid food at the start of the experiment and givenisotonic saline ad libitum. Half of the group were tubefed twice daily 10 ml of a 20% dextrose solution containing300 mMNH4CI. The other half were tube fed in thesame manner a 20% dextrose solution devoid of NH4Cl.After two days of tube feeding the animals were sacri-ficed, and the gluconeogenic capacity of their renal cor-tical tissue was determined in a manner to be described.

To eliminate adrenal glucocorticoid secretion as avariable, we applied a similar protocol to a group ofadrenalectomized rats. The feeding solutions were modi-fied in that half of the rats received a 20%o dextrose solu-tion containing 130 mMNH4Cl, whereas the other halfreceived the same solution devoid of NH4Cl. At thetime of sacrifice, blood was collected from some of these

1Holtzman Laboratories, Madison, Wis.

rats by decapitation, and the serum C02 content wasfound to be 17.2 ± 1.5 mmoles per L (n = 5) in theNH4CI-fed group, and 25.1 + 0.8 mmoles per L (n = 4)in the control group.

To dissociate the acidifying effect of NH4Cl adminis-tration from the effect of NH4C1 per se, we made a groupof adrenalectomized rats acidotic by tube feeding a20%o dextrose solution containing 150 mMNH4Cl and150 mMNaCl, whereas the control group received a20% dextrose solution containing 150 mMNH4Cl and150 mMNaHCOs.

To determine whether the administration of NH4Clwould affect the renal gluconeogenic capacity in as littleas 12 hours, we performed the following study. Halfof a group of adrenalectomized animals were tube fed10 ml of a 20% dextrose solution containing 150 mMNaCl and 150 mMNH4C1, and half were tube fed thesame volume of a 20% dextrose solution containing 150mMNaCl but devoid of NH4Cl. The animals were sac-rificed 12 hours after the single feeding for studies of re-nal gluconeogenesis. In another experiment, the sameprotocol was followed except that the animals were sac-rificed 6 hours after the feeding.

Alkali-feeding protocol. A group of rats was deprivedof solid food at the start of the experiment. Half weretube fed twice daily 10 ml of a 20%yo dextrose solutioncontaining 450 mMNaHCOsand allowed to drink adlibitum a solution containing 75 mMNaHCO, and 75 mM



NaCl. The other half were tube fed a 20% dextrosesolution containing 450 mMNaCl and given isotonic sa-

line ad libitum. After 2 days of tube feeding the ani-mals were sacrificed and studies of renal gluconeogenesiswere performed.

A similar protocol was applied to a group of adrenalec-tomized rats. The tube-feeding solutions were modified,in that half of the animals received a 20% dextrose solu-tion containing 300 mM NaHCO3, whereas the otherhalf received a 20% dextrose solution containing 300 mMNaCl.

Potassiumt depletion protocol. In studying the effectof potassium deficiency on renal gluconeogenesis, a pro-

tocol for producing potassium depletion was employedwhich ensured that at the end of the study both potas-

sium-depleted and control animals would have had iden-tical nutritional intakes. This was deemed important be-cause alteration in carbohydrate intake is known to havea profound effect on renal glucose production (10).

A group of rats was placed on a low potassium diet.2Isotonic saline was allowed ad libitum from the initiationof the synthetic diet until the time of sacrifice. Duringthe first 9 days the animals were given daily subcutaneousinjections of 1 mg of deoxycorticosterone acetate in 0.4 mlsesame oil. On the twelfth day they were deprived of thesynthetic diet, and half were tube fed twice daily 10 mlof a 20% dextrose solution containing 200 mMKC1,whereas the other half were fed in the same manner a

20%o dextrose solution devoid of KCl. After 3 days oftube feeding, both the potassium-repleted and the potas-sium-depleted rats were sacrificed, and renal gluconeo-genesis was studied.

A similar protocol was employed in a second study,with the modification that on the ninth day of the studyall of the rats were bilaterally adrenalectomized underether anesthesia.

In vitro studies of renal cortical gluconeogenic capacity.On completion of the various tube-feeding regimens, therats were rapidly decapitated, the kidneys removed, andrenal cortical slices made with a Stadie-Riggs micro-tome (13). Several 150- to 200-mg portions of sliced cor-

tex from each animal were rinsed in isotonic saline atroom temperature for a few minutes. One portion ofslices from each animal was placed in a 50-ml flask con-

taining 10 ml of modified Krebs-Ringer medium withoutadded substrate, and the other portions were put in 50-mlflasks containing 10 ml of the same medium to which in-dividual gluconeogenic substrates had been added in a

10 mMconcentration. The electrolyte composition of thesubstrate-free medium was Na, 145 mEq; K, 4.5 mEq;Ca, 2.6 mEq; Mg, 1.2 mEq; Cl, 126 mEq; HCO3, 24mEq; H2PO4, 1.2 mmoles per L; and S04, 1.2 mEq; itwas equilibrated with 95% 02- 5% C02 before use andthe resultant pH was 7.35 to 7.45. Glutamic acid was

added as monosodium glutamate, and a-ketoglutaric andoxaloacetic acids were modified before addition to the

2 "Low potassium and sodium diet" of Nutritional Bio-chemicals Corp., Cleveland, Ohio, to which NaCl, 170mmoles per kg of diet, was added.

media by titrating solutions of these acids to pH 7.40with NaHCO3 (the pH determinations being made afterelimination of H2C05 by bubbling with nitrogen). Afterflushing of the gas phase of the flasks with 95% 02- 5%C02, the flasks were incubated for 90 minutes at 370 C inan Eberbach metabolic shaker at 100 oscillations perminute.

After incubation, the tissue and media were separatedby centrifugation, and the tissue was dried to constantweight by heating at 950 C for 24 hours. The mediawere deproteinized by the zinc sulfate-barium hydroxidemethod of Nelson (14), and glucose concentrations de-termined by the glucose oxidase technique (15). Glucoseproduction in each flask was calculated as micromolesglucose produced per gram dry weight of tissue in 90minutes. The production of glucose from a particularsubstrate was calculated for each animal by subtractingthe glucose production of the animal's cortical slices in-cubated in substrate free medium from the glucose pro-duced by its slices incubated in the presence of thesubstrate.

Changes in the glycogen content of the slices duringincubation were not taken into account in the determina-tion of glucose production. In preliminary studies cor-tical glycogen was determined by the method of Good,Kramer, and Somogyi (16), with the modification thatthe glucose derived from the glycogen was measured bythe glucose oxidase technique (15). It was found thatthe glycogen content of the slices was very small (lessthan 2.5 /Amoles per g dry wt) immediately before incu-bation, and that it was not significantly different at theend of incubation in either media with substrate or mediawithout substrate.

Changes in the glucose content of the slices during in-cubation were also not taken into account. In preliminarystudies cortical glucose was determined by homogenizingslices of cortex in 2% perchloric acid and measuring theglucose in the supernatant by the glucose oxidase tech-nique (15). It was found that the glucose content of theslices was extremely small (less than 0.5 jsmole per gdry wt) immediately before incubation, and that it wasnot significantly altered after incubation in either mediawith substrate or media without substrate.


Effect oj NH4Cl feeding of normal rats on the gluconeogeniccapacity of renal cortex in vitro*

Glucose productionPer cent

Substratet Control NH4Cl-fed change p

jgmoleslg dry wt/90minutes 4 SD

None 19 ± 3 23 5 3 +21 <0.05Glutamine 89 :t 16 156 i 23 +75 <0.001Glutamate 91 + 18 140 -+ 35 +54 <0.001a-KG 133 4 22 219 a 33 +65 <0.001

* Renal cortex of seven NH4Cl-fed and seven control-fed animals wasstudied.

t Concentration = 10 mmoles per L. a-KG = a-ketoglutarate.




Effect of NH4Cl feeding of adrenalectomized rats on thegluconeogenic capacity of renal cortex in vitro*

Glucose productionPer cent

Substratet Control NH4Cl-fed change p

,pmokes/g dry wt/90minutes ± SD

None 18 + 5 24 ± 8 +33 >0.05Glutamine 104 4 18 205 + 27 +96 <0.001Glutamate 119 + 32 188 ±31 +58 <0.001a-KG 175 i 39 289 + 50 +65 <0.001

* Renal cortex of seven NH4Cl-fed and seven control-fed animals wasstudied.

t Concentration = 10 mmoles per L.


Acid-feeding studies. Renal cortical slices fromnormal rats fed NH4Cl for 2 days produced sig-nificantly more glucose from glutamine, glutamate,and a-KG than did slices from normal rats not fedNH4Cl (Table I). Slices from adrenalectomizedrats fed NH4Cl for 2 days also had an increasedcapacity to produce glucose from these substrates(Table II). In similar studies of renal cortexfrom NH4Cl-fed adrenalectomized rats, glucoseproduction from oxalacetate increased, but therewas no significant increase in glucose productionfrom glycerol or fructose (Table III).

Cortical slices from a large group of normal ratsfed NH4Cl for 2 days were compared with slicesfrom an equal number of normal rats that had notreceived NH4Cl, with regard to their capacity forglucose production when incubated in the absenceof exogenous substrate. In 27 animals fed NH4Cl,mean cortical glucose production was 24 + 6Ftmoles per g dry wt tissue per 90 minutes, whereasin 27 control-fed animals it was 18 ± 4 (p <


Effect of NH4Cl feeding of adrenalectomized rats on thecapacity of the renal cortex to produce glucose from

oxalacetate, fructose, and glycerol in vitro*

Glucose productionPer cent

Substratet Control NHiCl-fed change p

jsmoles/g dry wu/90minutes ± SD

Oxalacetate 95 ± 14 172 ± 25 +81 <0.001Fructose 425 ± 70 429 ±- 29 + 1 >0.10Glycerol 53 ± 6 50 4 13 - 6 >0.10

* Renal cortex of seven NH4Cl-fed and seven control-fed animals wasstudied.

t Concentration = 10 mmoles per L.


A comparison of the effect of NH4Cl-NaHCOs feeding and ofNH4CI-NaCl feeding in adrenalectomized animals on

the gluconeogenic capacity of renal cortex in vitro*

Glucose production

NHiCl- NH4C1- Per centSubstratet NaHCO-fed NaCl-fed change p

pmoles/g dry w1/90minutes ± SD

None 16 ± 4 24 + 12 +50 <0.01Glutamine 102 ± 14 149 ± 28 +46 <0.001Glutamate 97 ± 27 140 ± 17 +44 <0.001a-KG 125 ± 20 161 ±t 26 +29 <0.01

* Renal cortex of nine rats fed NH4CI-NaHCOs and nine fed NH4CI-NaCl was studied.

t Concentration = 10 mmoles per L.

0.001). In a similar study in adrenalectomizedrats, mean cortical glucose production in 44NH4Cl-fed animals was 20 ± 5, whereas in 46control-fed animals it was 16 + 5 (p < 0.001).

Renal cortex from 13 adrenalectomized ratsthat were sacrificed 12 hours after a single feed-ing of 1.5 mmoles NH4Cl was found to produce37% more glucose from glutamine (p < 0.01) and23% more glucose from oxalacetate (p < 0.01)than did cortex from an equal number of controlrats; gluconeogenesis from other substrates wasnot studied. No significant increase in gluconeo-genesis from glutamine and oxalacetate was ob-servable when adrenalectomized animals were sac-rificed 6 hours after a single feeding of 1.5 mmolesNH4CI.

Renal cortex from adrenalectomized rats thatwere fed NH4Cl and an equimolar amount of NaClfor 2 days was found to produce more glucosefrom glutamine, glutamate, and a-KG than didcortex from adrenalectomized rats fed the sameamount of NH4C1 and an equimolar amount ofNaHCO, (Table IV).


Effect of NaHCO3feeding of normal rats on the gluconeogeniccapacity of renal cortex in vitro*

Glucose productionPer cent

Substratet Control NaHCOs-fed change p

pAmoles/g dry wt/90minutes ± SD

None 19 ± 2 19 ± 3 0Glutamine 74 ± 11 45 ± 21 -39 <0.02Glutamate 66 4 13 36 ±17 -45 <0.01a-KG 98 ± 39 55 ± 15 -44 <0.02

* Renal cortex of seven NaHCO-fed and seven control-fed animalswas studied.

t Concentration = 10 mmoles per L.




Effect of NaHCO3feeding of adrenalectomized rats on thegluconeogenic capacity of renal cortex in vitro*

Glucose productionPer cent

Substratet Control NaHCOa-fed change p

umoles/g dry wt/90minutes ± SD

None 19 2 18 ± 2 - 5 >0.05Glutamine 74 ± 9 49 ± 9 -34 <0.001Glutamate 123 ± 49 63 ± 19 -49 <0.05a-KG 154 ± 22 108 ± 15 -30 <0.01

* Renal cortex of five NaHCOM-fed and seven control-fed animals wasstudied.

t Concentration = 10 mmoles per L.

Alkali-feeding studies. Renal cortical slicesfrom normal rats fed NaHCO3 for 2 days pro-duced significantly less glucose from glutamine,glutamate, and a-KG than did slices from normalrats not fed NaHCOQ(Table V). Cortex fromadrenalectomized animals that had been fedNaHCOQfor 2 days was also found to have a de-creased capacity to produce glucose from thesesubstrates (Table VI).

Potassium deficiency studies. Renal cortex fromnormal rats that were depleted of potassium pro-duced significantly more glucose from glutamine,glutamate, and a-KG than did cortex from potas-sium-repleted normal rats (Table VII). Cortexfrom potassium deficient adrenalectomized ratsalso produced more glucose from these substratesthan did cortex from potassium-repleted adrenal-ectomized rats (Table VIII). In both normal andadrenalectomized animals, potassium deficiencysignificantly enhanced the capacity of cortex toproduce glucose in the absence of exogenous sub-strate (Tables VII and VIII).


Effect of potassium deficiency in normal rats on the glucone-ogenic capacity of renal cortex in vitro*

Glucose production-______-- Per centSubstratet K-repleted K-deficient change p)

jsmoles/g dry wt/90minutes ± SD

None 14 ± 6 22 ± 7 +57 <0.01Glutamine 87 ± 28 123 ± 28 +41 <0.01Glutamate 96 ± 22 128 ± 30 +33 <0.01a-KG 97 ± 16 127 ± 22 +31 <0.001

* Renal cortex of 14 potassium deficient and 14 potassium-repletedanimals was studied.

t Concentration = 10 mmoles per L.


Effect of potassium deficiency in adrenalectomized rats oanthe gluconeogenic capacity of renal cortex in vitro*

Glucose productionPer cent

Substratet K-repleted K deficient change p

Amoles/g dry wt/90minutes ± SD

None 19 i 3 25 Zl: 4 +32 <0.001Glutamine 78 :4: 17 110 i 29 +41 <0.001Glutamate 55 i 10 101 ± 26 +84 <0.001a-KG 121 i30 170 ±39 +40 <0.001

* Renal cortex of 23 potassium deficient and 23 potassium-repletedanimals was studied.

t Concentration = 10 mmoles per L.

DiscussionThe present observations indicate that in rats

the administration of NH4Cl causes an increase inthe capacity of the renal cortex to produce glucosefrom appropriate exogenous substrate. This in-crease is not mediated by enhanced production ofadrenal glucocorticoid hormone (17), as it is de-monstrable in adrenalectomized animals. It ap-pears to be due to the acidifying action of NH4Clrather than to a direct effect of this substance onthe gluconeogenic process, for animals receivingNH4Cl and an equimolar amount of NaCl had in-creased gluconeogenesis compared with animalsreceiving the same amount of NH4C1and an equi-molar amount of NaHCO,. Consistent with theobservation that the administration of an acidifyingagent stimulates gluconeogenesis was the observa-tion that the administration of alkali, in the formof NaHCO3, suppresses gluconeogenesis.

Acidosis might enhance cortical production ofglucose from gluconeogenic substrates, either byincreasing transport of these substrates into thecell, or by directly stimulating the intracellularmechanism for converting them to glucose. Thepossibility that the intracellular gluconeogenicmechanism is stimulated directly is strongly fa-vored by the observation that when cortex fromNH4Cl-fed rats was incubated in the absence ofexogenous substrate, it produced more glucose-undoubtedly from intracellular metabolites-thandid slices from control animals. The finding thatin NHCl-fed animals there is increased renal glu-cose production from oxalacetate, as well as fromglutamine, glutamate, and a-KG, suggests that theprimary stimulatory effect of acidosis on gluco-neogenesis is on a rate-limiting step between ox-alacetate and glucose (Figure 1).



The effects of metabolic acidosis and alkalosison cortical gluconeogenesis may well be due to adirect influence of the pH of extracellular fluid onthe cortical' gluconeogenic process. Consistentwith this hypothesis is the finding that corticalslices incubated in Krebs-Ringer medium at pH7.1 [HCO3, 12 mEq; and CO2 pressure (Pco2),40 mmHg] produce more glucose from glucoseprecursors than do slices incubated at pH 7.4(HCO3, 24 mEq; Pco2, 40 mmHg), and thatslices incubated at pH 7.7 (HCO3, 48 mEq; Pco2,40 mmHg) produce less glucose than do slices in-cubated at pH 7.4 (18).

Increased cortical conversion of glutamate toglucose may be responsible for the decrease incortical glutamate concentration in acidotic ani-mals (7, 8). Goldstein and Copenhaver havehypothesized that a negative feedback exists be-tween renal glutamate and the synthesis of glu-taminase I (7), and it is relevant that such a re-lationship appears to exist between glutamate andglutaminase I in rat retina (19). Furthermore,glutamate is an inhibitor of glutaminase I activity(20), and the concentration of glutamate in ratrenal cortex is approximately that required for50% inhibition (8) ; consequently, the decrease incortical glutamate in acidosis might well resultin an increased rate of deamidation of glutamine,even in the absence of an increase in the con-centration of the enzyme. Accordingly, the ob-served increase in cortical conversion of glutamateto glucose after acid feeding may constitute thefirst of the series of biochemical events leading toincreased ammonia production via the glutaminaseI pathway.

In acidotic rats there is an increase in corticalglutamine transaminase activity (12), which pre-sumably contributes to the increase in ammonia-genesis (Figure 1). In many biologic systems adecrease in the concentration of a distant productof an enzymic reaction stimulates an increase inthe synthesis or in the specific activity of the en-zyme (9); it is reasonable to hypothesize that adecrease in cortical a-KG (the secondary productof the glutamine transaminase reaction) conse-quent to increased conversion of a-KG to glucosemay be the cause of the increased glutamine trans-aminase activity in acidosis.

In potassium deficiency, as in metabolic acidosis,urinary ammonium excretion is elevated and the

cortical activity of glutaminase I and glutaminetransaminase is increased (11, 12). The findingof increased cortical gluconeogenic capacity in po-tassium-depleted rats supports the hypothesis thatthe rate of cortical gluconeogenesis may play animportant role in the regulation of renal ammoniaproduction.

Renal gluconeogenesis may be a significant fac-tor in over-all metabolism of carbohydrate in thebody, for in vivo production of glucose by thekidneys is considerable (21, 22). The observa-tion that acidosis and potassium depletion enhancethe capacity of kidney cortex to produce glucosein vitro suggests that in these states the renal pro-duction of glucose in vivo may be increased. Thismay contribute to the decreased glucose toleranceobserved in both metabolic acidosis (23) and po-tassium deficiency (24).

It has been observed that metabolic alkalosis de-creases renal consumption of a-KG in vivo (25).This may be explained by the present finding thatalkalosis decreased the capacity of the kidney toconvert a-KG to glucose, for the ability of thekidney to dissimilate a-KG is probably contingentin part on its capacity to incorporate it into glucose.

The compounds of the citric acid cycle cannotbe dissipated through the reactions of this cycleper se, for, although with each passage of an inter-mediate around the cycle two carbon atoms are re-moved as C02, two other carbons are added as ace-tate. Consequently, the dissimilation of a-KG inthe body is probably dependent upon the fact thatin some tissues the oxalacetate arising from thiscompound can "escape" the cycle by conversionto phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) under the influ-ence of PEP carboxykinase (26) (Figure 1).Consistent with this concept is the fact that theonly tissues known to extract significant quanti-ties of a-KG from blood are those that containPEP carboxykinase, namely kidney and liver (26,27). The PEP formed in these organs from oxal-acetate can either be converted to acetate and oxi-dized by the citric acid cycle, or converted to glu-cose, which can then be metabolized by glycolytictissue such as muscle and brain. The renal con-version of a-KG to glucose is probably consider-able, since the renal uptake of oxygen is much lessthan would be expected if all the a-KG extractedby the kidney were oxidized to CO2 and water(28).




Renal cortical slices from rats fed NH4C1 havean increased capacity to produce glucose from glu-tamine, glutamate, and a-ketoglutarate (a-KG),and slices from NaHCO3-fed rats have a decreasedcapacity to produce glucose from these substrates.Cortex from potassium-depleted rats manifests in-creased gluconeogenesis from these compounds.The stimulatory effect of acidosis and potassiumdepletion on renal gluconeogenic capacity can bedemonstrated in adrenalectomized rats, and istherefore not mediated by increased adrenal glu-cocorticoid secretion.

The increased renal formation of glucose fromglutamate and a-KG in acidosis and potassiumdepletion is intimately related to the increase inrenal ammonia production observed in these states.The hypothesis is presented that enhanced con-version of glutamate and a-KG to glucose causesa decrease in the intracellular concentration ofthese metabolites, and that this decrease causesaccelerated synthesis or activation of glutaminaseI and glutamine transaminase, with a consequentincrease in ammonia production from glutamine.

The present findings may be relevant to the di-minished glucose tolerance in metabolic acidosisand potassium depletion and to the decrease inrenal extraction of a-KG in alkalosis.

AcknowledgmentsWegratefully acknowledge the invaluable technical as-

sistance of Miss Judith Flewelling of Boston and MissElizabeth Sheldon of Albany.

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