removing the people pain


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M A R I A N N E P A G E | B R I G H T 7 | T H E M C F R E E D O M SYSTEM™

P l a n n i n g f o r F r e e d o m

ou can look at society’s ever increasing need to consume their

food fast; you can talk about how much kids love their Happy

Meals; you can even put it down to the fact that they are a very

affordable choice when times are tough.

But the truth is that McDonald’s success is based on a very simple

formula…they develop systems to run every aspect of their business, and

they train people to run those systems.


Why do so many businesses end up with a Wacky Races operation where

everyone is going in roughly the same direction, but in their own way and

at their own speed…when what they set out to be was a Formula 1

operation - a high performing team where everyone knows exactly what

they are doing, how it fits into the bigger picture, and that they are

responsible for doing it to a high standard?

A Formula 1 operation needs a strong platform of process and systems.

The sort of operation that McDonald’s has built their success on.


There’s a reason why McDonald’s are so successful...

why they have grown from one small business in the

backwaters of I l l inois, to 35,000 small businesses…

and counting, around the globe.

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Is your business simple and straightforward?

Are you consistent and reliable?

Do you have systems, and if so are they simple, logical and repeatable?

Can you leave your team to get on and run the business for you when

you’re not there?

Would your team, and your customers agree with your answers to

these questions? :o)

Over the past 30 years I’ve worked with many small business owners, who

all have one thing in common…the desire for an easier life.

Not a lazy life…just an easier life.

A life where they have more freedom…where they’re not working 70 hour

weeks, where they’re not always checking up on someone, where they

have no guilt because their life is in balance and they spend lots of quality

time with their family and friends.


A life where you’re no longer needed in your business for it to run

smoothly…where you have financial freedom, and also the time freedom

to pursue other goals.

I worked with McDonald’s for most of my adult life, and I learned that the

only way to achieve the freedom you’re looking for, is to have effective

systems running your business… and good people… (even if that’s only

you at the moment) running your systems.

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M A R I A N N E P A G E | B R I G H T 7 | T H E M C F R E E D O M SYSTEM™

P l a n n i n g f o r F r e e d o m



In creating my system, I’ve taken the McDonald’s model, adapted it, and

made it accessible to every business owner who is ready to replace

themselves…and enjoy the growth and freedom that come with that.

Through these pages, I’m going to share that system with you and

introduce you to the 5th step you need to take, to achieve the life you’re

looking for.


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M A R I A N N E P A G E | B R I G H T 7 | T H E M C F R E E D O M SYSTEM™

P l a n n i n g f o r F r e e d o m

I pretty much grew up at McDonald’s, where I

enjoyed a richly varied and successful career in

a business that teaches you, amongst many

other useful skills, how to make yourself

completely replaceable.

It was during my years with McDonald’s that I

learned how to develop logical, repeatable

systems, how to root out inefficiency and duplication, and keep my

functional area of the business running like a well-oiled machine.

I learned the importance of engaging and developing my team to work

the systems effectively, while keeping everyone focused on the customer

and the need for continuous improvement.



I ’m Marianne Page, the creator of Bright7 and The

McFreedom System, and author of Process to Profit - the

book hailed as ‘better than the E Myth’!

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Too many successful small business owners plateau before their

business reaches its full potential because they don’t understand the

power of Process + People. They don’t look at the McDonald’s model and

recognise it as their own path to time and financial freedom.

I know that I can help these business owners to recognise this big block

in their business and then help them to build the processes and systems

that will be the springboard for their future growth and success.

Systems to hire, develop and keep the right people. Systems to find, look

after and keep the right customers. The most successful companies, big

and still growing, have process and systems in every area of their


That’s my mission in life…my passion I should say really…to help people -

business owners like you in particular - to Simplify and Systemise what

you do, so that you can fulfil your potential and achieve true success,

whatever that might look like to you.

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Many business owners shy away from employing as an option...

‘Ooh I tried that once and I’m not going down that route


‘No way! Far too much hassle’...

‘You gotta be kidding me...I can do the job better and quicker


Others who have employees are either struggling with, or hugely

frustrated by, the whole experience...

‘Ive told them a million times how to do this...why don’t

they just get it..?’

‘I just can’t get them to stop playing on their mobiles...’

‘Why do they keep making the same mistakes..?’

If you want to grow your business you need other

people...whether they are partners, associates or

affil iates...whether you find them on Elance or you employ

them...if you want to grow your business without kill ing

yourself...if you want to replace yourself in your

business...other people are essential.

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Maybe you recognise your own grumblings here...

When you think of people systems my guess is that the words HR, legal

and discipline spring to mind. The soul-shrinking, limiting side of


I challenge you to adjust your thinking and change your mindset...

Think helping individuals to fulfil their potential.

Think working with engaged employees who want to do a good job and

take ownership... without you breathing down their necks.

Think running a consistently

Efficient business where you have control whether you’re in the office or

on the beach.

The truth is that if you have the right systems in place...and the right

mindset...employing people is not only straightforward, but also hugely


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By the right systems I’m talking about your systems for hiring, personal

development, performance management, reward & recognition...the 4

essential People systems that keep everything consistent and controlled,

that keep everyone informed and engaged.

Remember - a system, a process and a procedure for everything in your


Here’s the thing...

If you only bring the right people - people who share your values - into

the business

If you show an interest in them and develop them as individuals

If you give them all the information they need, and logical systems so

that they can do the job to your high standards

If you manage their performance - give them structured feedback

regularly and consistently - making sure they know the consequences,

good and bad

If you recognise them and reward them for a job well done.

...your business will whatever size you want it to, and you will

replace yourself in your business.

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And if you doubt what I’m saying, think again about McDonald’s...or Virgin,

or Apple.

It’s not by chance that the average management employee at McDonald’s

has around 20 years service or that people want to work for Virgin and


Successful business is based on the strength of your employer brand as

much as the brand you market to your customers.

Build your people systems, build your business.

Step 5 on the Bright7 Roadmap is all about getting the right people into

your business, and giving them the information and support they need

to run your systems effectively.


Bringing in people who share your values, and get why you do what

you do

Making their first day special

Structuring and measuring the success of their probationary period

Welcoming them to the team if they’re a good fit; parting company if

they’re not


Training your people to follow the systems, processes and procedures

Developing them as team players

Developing them as people

Bringing out the leader in them

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Systems make life easier for your people. Everyone knows where they

stand. Everything is consistent and reliable.

Your team are more engaged, and an engaged team looks after your

customers and cares about the business because they feel part of it.

If you want your business to run like clockwork, to grow without more

effort on your part...

[For information about how to manage the performance of individuals

and develop a consistently high performing team, see “The Busy Business

Owner’s Guide to Consistently Excellent Performance”]

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I want to hear what your vision is, I want to know how you’re getting on

with setting up those key systems in your business, I want to hear how

your employees are responding to your new procedures.

Tweet me at, or come over

to my Facebook page and pop

a post on my timeline.

If you’re struggling, let me know and I’ll do my best to help you out. If

you’re loving your new consistent business, let me know that too. Either

way, I’d love to hear from you.



The McFreedom SystemTM gives you the know-how and tools to build

a consistent and reliable business that runs like clockwork whether you’re

there or not.

Well actually, the first, most important step...COMMIT.

Make a commitment now to achieve your time and

financial freedom. Set the date that you are going to

replace yourself in your business. Then, one day at a

time... make it happen!

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M A R I A N N E P A G E | B R I G H T 7 | T H E M C F R E E D O M SYSTEM™

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Through this programme, I work with you to implement each of the 7

steps and embed the key systems into your business.

There are several ways to work with The McFreedom System™.

Choose the one that’s right for you:

The McFreedom System™ Bootcamp

Develop your systems through online tutorials and pdf resources in this

quick start, 7 week online programme

The McFreedom System™ Boardroom

Work with me more closely over 12 weeks, to develop your 4 Foundation

Systems through live weekly skype sessions, online tutorials and pdf

resources. You’ll also have full access to The Systems Macademy™ for a


The McFreedom System™ Bespoke

Where I come into your business and work side by side with you and your

team to develop the 4 Foundation Systems that still form the bedrock of

McDonald’s success, and on which and on which The McFreedom

System™ is based. I’ll leave you with Simple, Logical and Repeatable

systems and a high performing team to run them

Your Big Cheese Day

Come to my house and work with me 1:1, to strategise, to design your 4

Foundation Systems, to create your routines and to build a workable

action plan to set you on your way to McFreedom

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The Systems Macademy™

Build your Simple Logical and Repeatable systems one by one, and in

your own time. Each Simple System in the Macademy comes complete

with a step by step guide for How and When to use the system, templates

for you to make your own, and an example of the system in use. Each of

the Simple Systems can be bought separately, or in related groups.

Alternatively you can join the Macademy membership programme, and

have ongoing access to a number of Systems every month, plus support

through The McFreedom System™ Facebook Group, and with Gold Level

membership, bi-monthly coaching calls and a Quarterly online Q&A

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I would love to think that I could help you further at some point, and work

with you to speed up your time and financial freedom.

You downloaded this e book for a reason, and while you know will know

best how you want to use what you’ve learned in this book, just don’t do

nothing. Take ACTION of some sort to move you forward towards the

systemisation of your business, and your own personal time and financial


You have options now, and if you want to talk them through then get in

touch via any of the details below.

Don’t forget to check out the other Busy Business Owner’s Guides:

The Busy Business Owner’s Guide to Planning for Freedom

The Busy Business Owner’s Guide to Developing Simple


The Busy Business Owner’s Guide to Achieving Consistently

Excellent Performance’

Alternatively, if you want to try out a few of the Simple Systems to get you

started, then simply visit and get going


Thank you for choosing to download this free eBook. It ’s

been a privilege to talk to you, albeit in print, for the last

20 minutes or so, and I hope that I have given you food for

thought about what is possible for you and your business.

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The Bright7 team and I will always be here if you get stuck or have any


Until we speak again...

Marianne Creator of Bright7 and the

McFreedom System,

Author of Process to Profit

[email protected]


0203 189 1707

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This document is not endorsed by McDonald’s or in any way associated

with them, other than through my connection with them over a

successful 25+ year career. Through The McFreedom SystemTM I simply

share the knowledge and expertise gained while working at McDonald’s,

and elsewhere, along with what I have learned through personal

development and research, to help you on your journey to time and

financial FREEDOM.