remedies for pollution

emedies For Pollution

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Post on 09-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Remedies for pollution

Remedies For Pollution

Page 2: Remedies for pollution

What is Pollution?? Pollution is the introduction of contaminant into the natural environment that cause adverse change.

A pollutant is a waste material that pollutes air, water or soil. Three factors determine the severity of a pollutant: i) Its chemical nature, ii) The concentration iii) Persistence.

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Why To Discuss This Matter Pollution issue is important because Earth is still

our only home, and pollution is making this planet dirty and unhealthy to live in.

Pollution creates many diseases and causes death of many people all across the globe.

The rapid growth of world population is responsible for increase in all forms of pollution.

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Types Of Pollution


Air Water

Soil Noise

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Without air life would not be possible as seen on other planets in our Solar system.

Air maintains temperature on the earth surface.

Air supports water cycle. Air is medium for propagation of sound.

Importance of Air

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The introduction of a substance into the Earth’s atmosphere which have harmful or poisonous effects is called Air

Pollution Air pollution is a significant risk factor for a

number of health conditions including respiratory infections, heart disease, asthma, coughing, etc.

Air Pollution

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Emission from industries Emission from vehicles Burning of plastic, rubber, wood, etc Harmful gases from E-waste Burning of fossil fuels


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It causes a number of diseases:- Brain and nervous system damage (esp.

children) Respiratory diseases Harm to wildlife and livestock Reduction in efficiency of plants Damage crop, plants and other vegetation Buildings, statues and monuments deteriorate

Increasing Damage

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Checking Carbon Molecule


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Nitrogen Oxide Carbon Monoxide Volatile Organic Compound Sulphur Dioxide Lead Mercury

Pollutants of Air Pollution

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Use of electric cars instead of that running on fossil fuels

Use of non-conventional sources Incinerators for burning garbage Catalytic convertors

Prevailing Measures


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Suggestions The gases emitted from the chimneys of industries are collected in a tank. The tank contains Algae which converts the harmful gases into O2 The Pipe contains catalysts which reduces NO2 and SO2 gases that are harmful for the Algae

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Catcon is attached in the pathway of the silencer.

In catcon, Algae is present which converts the

emitted CO into O2.


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Visit to ‘Anti Pollution Department’

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Types Of Pollution


Air Water

Soil Noise

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Aquatic life Agriculture For drinking Washing Transportation Fire extinction Cooking Industrial Applications

Importance And Uses Of Water

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Water Pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater).

This form of environmental degradation occurs when  pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into  water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds.

Water Pollution

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Ocean and marine dumping Industrial waste Chemical fertilizer and pesticides Accidental oil leakage Sewage and waste water


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Detergents. Chemicals used for disinfecting water (e.g.

chlorine). Thermal heating. Solid waste such as glass, plastic,

cardboard, Styrofoam, aluminum, etc. Industrial waste from factories, such as asbestos, lead, mercury and petrochemicals.

Pollutants Of Water Pollution

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Death of aquatic animals Reproductive damage within wildlife in ecosystems. Skin rashes and health problems like

cancer, typhoid fever and stomach sickness in humans. 

Water pollution causes flood due to the accumulation of solid waste and soil erosion in streams and rivers.

Effects Of Water Pollution

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Allstate roofing of houses. Reverse Osmosis. Rain water harvesting Alum Filter Paper KMnO4 Drops Bleaching Powder Sedimentation

Prevailing Measures

Filter Paper

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Suggestions Solid waste, substances of

more density than water, other impurities will be separated through sieve, flapper mechanism and rotating charcoal rod respectively.

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Sieve:- These sieve like structures will be placed in the

passage of pipes. They will restrict solid waste from flowing. The waste collected can be removed through tray

like structure

Suggestions (cont.)

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Flappers mechanism:- The higher density substances will be taken

away with the help of these rotating flappers.

The flappers get the energy from the windmill installed above.

Garbage is collected in the tank adjoining to it.

Suggestions (cont.)

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Charcoal Rod:- Charcoal rod filters the water. It is attached to an A.C. Motor which gets

power from the windmill installed above.

Suggestions (cont.)

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Solutions The following system is similar to the previous one. It uses material and hence is more economical. Water gets segregated from the main pipe into different tanks, hence the efficiency is more.

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Types Of Pollution


Air Water

Soil Noise

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Soil fertility: Fertile soil supports growth of plants. Soil microbiology: It provides support for survival of

many bacteria, algae, fungi, etc. Top soil provides shelter for insects, reptiles, birds and

animals. Further top soil is necessary for even other activities like nesting, reproduction, hatching of eggs, breeding etc.

Soil organic matter contains essential minerals and elements like phosphates, sulphates, calcium, zinc, magnesium and many more

Soil - A source of minerals: Minerals and mines present in soil are the source of many metals like iron, bauxite, zinc etc .

Importance of Soil

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Soil is used for making utensils, tiles etc. The utensils like cups, and plates of china clay, plaster of Paris etc. Tiles used in home or building made of ceramic like soil components.

Soil contents like gravel, clay, sand, etc. are widely used for construction of homes, buildings, roads etc

Soil a source medicines: Soil gives us some important mineral medicine like calcium (bones), iron (anemia) bentonite (laxative) and other substance like petroleum jelly, steatite for cosmetics, talcum powders etc. 

Soil keeps atmosphere cool: Soil absorbs water when there is rain and so, when is there is heavy sun heat, this water from soil evaporates making the air cooler.

Importance of Soil

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Soil pollution is defined as the build-up in soils of persistent toxic compounds such as chemicals, salts, radioactive materials, or disease causing agents, which have adverse effects on plant growth and animal health.

Soil Pollution

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Seepage from a landfill Discharge of industrial waste into the soil Percolation of contaminated water into the soil Rupture of underground storage tanks Excess application of pesticides, herbicides or fertilizer Solid waste seepage Petroleum hydrocarbons Pesticides Solvents


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Plastics Agro chemicals Fertilizers Heavy metals such as 1. Mercury 2. Lead 3. Chromium4. Arsenic5. Cadmium

Pollutants of Soil Pollution

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Increased erosion Larger loss of soil and nutrients Deposition of silt in tanks and reservoirs Reduced crop yield Imbalance in fauna and flora

Effects of Soil Pollution

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• Reducing chemical fertilizer

• Applying bio-fertilizers and manures can reduce chemical

fertilizer and pesticide use.

• Biological methods of pest control can also reduce the

use of pesticides and

• thereby minimize soil

• Reusing of materials

• Reforesting

Prevailing Measures

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After one and half hour of spraying acid fertilizer, Spraying of basic fertilizer will neutralize the soil.

Spraying in the form of drip irrigation i.e. directly in the soil will be economic as well as eco - friendly


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Types Of Pollution


Air Water

Soil Noise

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Noise pollution takes place when there is either excessive amount of noise or an unpleasant sound that causes temporary disruption in the natural balance. 

World Health Organization stated that “Noise must be recognized as a major threat to human well-being”.

Noise Pollution

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Industrialization:  Various equipments like compressors, generators,

exhaust fans, grinding mills participate in producing big noise.

Poor Urban Planning:  Congested houses, large families sharing small space, fight over parking, frequent fights over basic amenities leads to noise pollution.

Social Events:  Noise is at its peak in most of the social events.


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Transportation: Large number of vehicles on roads, aero planes lying over houses, underground trains produce heavy noise.

Construction Activities: Under construction activities like mining, construction of bridges, dams, buildings, stations, roads, flyovers take place in almost every part of the world.

Household Chores: Gadgets like TV, mobile , mixer grinder, pressure cooker, vacuum cleaners , washing machine and dryer, cooler, air conditioners are minor contributors to the amount of noise that is produced but it affects the quality of life of your neighbourhood in a bad way.


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Hearing Problems: Constant

exposure to loud levels of noise

can easily result in the damage of

our ear drums and loss of hearing Health Issues: Excessive noise can influence

psychological health. Studies show that the occurrence of aggressive behaviour, disturbance of sleep, constant stress, fatigue and hypertension can be linked to excessive noise levels.

Retrospective Effects

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Cardiovascular Issues: Blood pressure levels, cardio-vascular diseases and stress related heart problems are on the rise. Studies suggest that high intensity noise causes high blood pressure and increases heart beat rate as it disrupts the normal blood flow.

Trouble Communicating: Constant sharp noise can give you severe headache and  disturb your emotional balance.

Effect on Wildlife: Wildlife faces far more problems than human beings because of noise pollution as they are more dependent on sound. Animals develop a better sense of hearing than us since their survival depends on it.

Retrospective Effects

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On individual level, everybody can help in reducing the noise in their homes by lowering the volume of the radio, music system and the television.

Removal of public loudspeakers. Controlling the sound levels in clubs, bars,

parties and functions. Creating ‘No-Noise’ zones or ‘Silent Zones’.

Prevailing Remedies

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The fuse is connected in the passage of the live current of speaker.

It will reduce the input current. Which will result in the reduction of sound.


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Layer of leather is attached over the silk layer in front of the speak.

Due to which the intensity at which the speaker vibrates gets reduced.

The layer of leather is obtained from the middle layer of our daily slippers.


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References ‘Environment And Pollution’ by A.H.Hashmi. ‘Social Forestry’ by S.K.Manikandan. ‘Environment Problems And Solutions’ by

D.K.Asthana & Meera Asthana. ‘Basics of Agro –Environment’ by S. Prabhu.

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