reliv: the nutritional epigenetics company · 2015-08-18 · company nutritional epigenetics reliv...

DON’T JUST LIVE. RELIV. december 2013 MALAYSIA / SINGAPORE reliv: the company nutritional epigenetics Reliv International Sdn. Bhd. Unit A-05-05, Empire Subang Jalan SS16/1, 47500 Subang Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan Tel.: +603-56388788 connect with us! Reliv Asia Pacific From Scott and Kari Montgomery Direct Selling Association of Singapore

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D O N ’ T J U S T L I V E . R E L I V .

december 2013


reliv: the



Reliv International Sdn. Bhd. Unit A-05-05, Empire SubangJalan SS16/1, 47500 Subang JayaSelangor Darul Ehsan

Tel.: +603-56388788relivasiapaci��

connect with us!

Reliv Asia Paci�c

From Scott and Kari Montgomery

Direct Selling Association ofSingapore


Reliv Now®Essential Nutrition

Loaded with vitamins, minerals and super-powered antioxidants, Reliv Now is built on the latest �ndings in nutrition science. Its uniquely e�ective formula delivers a balanced array of the most advanced ingredients to give your body what it needs to thrive.

Reliv Now® for KidsChildren’s Health

Most children today fail to meet recommended dietary guidelines. Reliv Now for Kids helps your family bridge the nutritional gap. With each serving, your children will get essential vitamins, minerals and micronutrients especially formulated to meet the needs of growing bodies plus advanced ingredients that help boost energy and mental performance.

GlucA�ect®Blood Sugar Management

Patented GlucA�ect has been clinically shown to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels and support weight loss. In an eight-week clinical study, of overweight individuals with elevated blood glucose levels, subject taking four daily servings of GlucA�ect lowered their fasting blood glucose by an average of 30% and lost an average of nearly 16 pounds. Now powered with LunaRich, GlucA�ect has become even more powerful and e�ective.

Multiply your good health by the power of X! LunaRich X is more than 200 times the lunasin potency of high quality soy protein. In addition to its own bene�ts – from cholesterol reduction to overall cellular health – lunasin increases the bene�ts of other bioactive nutrients in two ways:

Synergism: Lunasin works in conjunction with other nutrients, each with its own e�ect on genes and physiological pathways. Many health problems are caused by multiple pathways and their interactions. If you disrupt these pathways with di�erent bioactive nutrients, you can produce a more e�ective means of prevention.

Increased potency: Lunasin can also increase the potency or e�cacy of other bioactive nutrients. For example, some nutrients are activators of important genes involved in maintaining health. Once these genes are activated, lunasin has the ability to further increase their expression by making them more readily recognized by the cell.

That’s how LunaRich X powers up all Reliv products to provide maximum bene�ts for you!

LunaRich X • Most pure & concentrated bioactive lunasin

Must try! Order online and experience our new and improved shopping cart. Visit relivasiapaci� and go to Singapore home page.

You have the power to take control of your health. Reliv is changing the playing �eld of nutrition and we are ahead with the LunaRich-forti�ed line up of products:

* Only available in Singapore

Editor-In-ChiefMichelle Devnani

Associate EditorsMark MurphyMark MalottShannon JurenkaLinda Lim

Writers Jo Anne PapaElizabeth Mapula

Graphic DesignerYasmin del Rosario-Ilagan

© 2013 Reliv Asia Paci�c


The personal testimonials featured re�ect individual experiences of Independent Reliv Distributors and are not necessarily typical of the results you may obtain. Reliv products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

As with any independent business, success as a Reliv Distributor requires a signi�cant amount of hard work and dedication. The individuals featured in this material o�er a glimpse into the lifestyle and economic bene�ts they are enjoying through the Reliv opportunity as a result of their own skills and personal e�ort. These stories are examples only and are not intended as averages or guarantees.

R. Scott MontgomeryPresident of Reliv Asia-Paci�c Reliv Kalogris Foundation Chairman

The Reliv Ignition Strategy is taking o� in Reliv Asia Paci�c (RAP) and I am excited about the growth potential in both Malay-sia and Singapore! What action you take now through the end of the year will only prepare you for the great things to come! There is a lot happening in all of RAP right now and we have more in store for you in 2014.

This is a great time to be in Reliv. We o�er a unique, cutting-edge product line that works. With the powerful ingredient lunasin and LunaRich X making its way to Singapore, Reliv sets itself apart from the competition as one of the industry leaders in the emerging �eld of nutritional epigenetics. Imagine what this can do for your Reliv business!

As part of the Ignition Strategy, we imple-mented reduced quali�cation levels to help you make more money even faster with Reliv. We also have exciting training programs and incentives like the Win Your Way Promotion to the Interna-tional Conference and fun weekly cash promotions. What’s more is that we’ve got a fantastic, business opportunity that rewards success. We continue to work toward a goal of $1 million in sales per month and 2014 is to be a big year for you to grow your business. With more Ignition events featuring special guests, Leader-ship camps and ongoing trainings, now is the time to ignite your business to the next level.

I want to thank all the Distributors for your hard work and dedication, congratulate all the people advancing to new levels, welcome all the new people to Reliv and even welcome back current Distributors becoming more involved once again. Let’s continue to make Reliv Malaysia and Singapore Ignition special in 2014!

Sponsor, promote and advance!



Understanding Epigenetics

Health Stories

Take Control of Your Future

Because of Reliv

Win Your Way

News You Can Use

Plan for Success








Who you are is written in both pen and pencil. Things written in pen you can’t change. That’s DNA. But things written in pencil you can. That’s epigenetics.

The epigenome acts like a dimmer for lights, controlling which genes are used, when they are used and how much they are used.

Your genome is like computer hardware, the actual components that perform speci�c functions. Your epigenome is like software, the programs that tell the hardware which functions to perform.

Every cell in your body contains DNA — half from your mom, half from your dad. That’s your genome, the genetic blueprint that makes you you.

Until recently, scientists believed there was little to nothing

Turns out you have more control than you think you do.

Taking controlWithin each of your cells is a higher level of complexity called the epigenome. The epigenome acts like the boss of the cell,

The epigenome can also determine how well a cell functions, and that’s where you come in. Good lifestyle choices turn

do just the opposite and can lead to serious health problems.

Problem is, even when you know what you’re supposed to do — eat right, exercise, reduce stress, etc. — life sometimes gets in the way.

What if… What if there was a simple, proven way to turn good genes

To improve upon the genetic code your parents left you and even pass on those healthy epigenetics to your own kids?

understanding epigenetics you & lunasin

No other company is advancing the �eld of epigenetics like Reliv. We are in the middle of a revolution in nutrition and we are all witnesses.

Dr. Alfredo Galvez the Center of Excellence in

Nutritional Genomics at UC Davis

only better

What is it? A naturally occurring soy peptide.

How does it work?

work at the epigenetic level to promote optimal health.

So what?

• Cholesterol management••• Improved immunity• Overall cellular health• And the list keeps growing…

LunaRich: nutrition at a higher level What is it? LunaRich® from Reliv is a breakthrough nutritional ingredient that optimizes bioactive lunasin more than anything else available today.

How is it made? LunaRich is made from non-GMO soybean varieties with the highest concentration of lunasin and manufactured through a proprietary mechanical process (vs. chemical) that maintains the lunasin’s bioactivity.

So what?

Evolution of Nutrition Science

Phase I: MacronutrientsProtein, fat, carbohydrates

Phase II: Micronutrients Vitamins, minerals

Phase III: Bioactive Compounds Phytochemicals, peptides, iso�avones

Lunasin First nutritional compound identi�ed to promote optimal health at the epigenetic level

the epigeneticsuperfood

05 04


Incredible Opportunity When Jennifer Eaves of Lindon, UT, started her Reliv business 11 years ago, her husband had been out of work and they had four children still at home. She needed a way to help support her family while staying at home with their kids.

She has since shared Reliv with hundreds of people --- and never more than right now. “My business really started boom-ing with the introduction of LunaRich. I am amazed at how quickly people are seeing health results,” she says.

“I think that Reliv is the best business opportunity in America right now,” Jennifer adds. “To have the exclusive rights to lunasin, which changes lives in a huge way, is an incredible opportunity.”

Jennifer has reconnected with people who initially weren’t interested in Reliv, but have come back because of the health results they’ve seen with LunaRich. “Even if they weren’t looking for a business, they are now,’ she says, ”Who wouldn’t want to feel better?”

SEY YAPBacolod City, Philippines

My daily shake: Reliv Now® and Innergize!®

Taking control of my health: I learned about Reliv after I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer sometime in March last year. A good friend, who is also a Reliv Distributor, advised me to nourish my body with complete nutrition. With my doctor’s approval, I heeded my friend’s advice and started taking Reliv together with my medications. I also agreed to be operated on and had chemotherapy for �ve months.

Reliv works! My partner in recovery: The surgery and treatment that I went through were both emotionally draining and physically exhausting. Thankfully, Reliv helped restore the energy and strength that I need to start enjoying my life again. My friends who are also cancer patients used to wonder what still keeps me smiling and blooming with health. I told them I complement my e�orts in battling the big C with Reliv’s optimal nutrition and that they should also give it a try! There’s de�nitely nothing to lose, but everything to gain!

myhealthstory myhealthstory


Proof Positive “I’m the kind of guy who needs proof,” says Rob Frick of Otis, CO. At 47 years old, Rob had already undergone one knee surgery. Wear and tear from martial arts and working in law enforce-ment, truck driving and on his wife’s family-owned farm had taken a toll. By winter 2012, he could barely walk and his knees hurt so much it woke him up at night.

That’s when Rob decided to give Reliv a try. “I was skeptical, but in two weeks I was walking with normal strides,” he says. “I use several Reliv products, including the LunaRich line. That plus Artha�ect® has made the di�erence with my knees.”

Rob no longer struggles to climb up into his equipment when he works, and his new-found energy allows him to spend more time with his family of 10. For Rob, that’s more than enough evidence: “I’ve been involved with health and nutrition companies before, but I’ve seen anything that works as well as LunaRich products.”

MICAH COQuezon City, Philippines

My daily shake: Reliv Now® and Innergize!® twice a day

Fat so fast: When I stayed in the US for eight and a half months, I was always eating at bu�et restaurants, so it was no surprise that I got fat very quickly. When I came back to the Philippines, I weighed 168lbs and was clearly overweight. I had a very hard time trimming down until I started taking Reliv. I lost 9 lbs in three months. I don’t just feel lighter but I also feel more mentally focused and have more energy every day. My pants size used to be 36/38 but now I can �t in a 32/34 size.

My children’s story: My kids have been taking Reliv and enjoying very good results with the products. My wife and I are thankful that they don’t get sick easily and are both very active in school.

Passing on the excitement: I am healthy and do not have any health concerns. Sharing Reliv has become a habit because I can’t help but share my story with people around me. It’s great to talk about positive things and I will always share Reliv with people who want to enjoy optimal health.


07 06

If you’re like most people, you’re working

for someone else 40 or more hours a week just to make

ends meet…

… and hoping to one day have enough to retire.

Do you think P1 million would do it?

Even if you get there, will it be enough to live like you want to?

Are you living the life you want right now?

With the right investments and a little luck, here’s what

you’ll have to put away every month from now until you hit age

65 to reach that million.

You can start a Reliv business today and start earning right away.

Unlike a traditional business, Reliv startup costs are low and you reap

the rewards of your own hard work.

Reliv’s nutritional products are guaranteed, in demand

and consumable.

People who use Reliv products order them month after month.

And you get paid with every purchase.

So the work you do now can liter-ally pay you for the rest of your life.

Let’s talk about you...

With Reliv you can take control of your �nancial future...


guaranteedin demand



*assumes 5% annualized rate of return









Peter Light / Sandy, OR

I have a new purposePeter Light became a Distributor two years ago after learning about Reliv from his father. He was also working a full-time job. “I did Reliv whenever it was convenient,” he says.

When he decided to attend the Reliv 25 Conference, his employer wouldn’t let him have the time o� work. So he quit to pursue Reliv full time. “I was excited about making Reliv my focus,” Peter says. “I see the potential and I can’t wait to see where it goes from here.”

Peter always dreamed of �nding a way to make money by talk-ing to people. He also wanted to strengthen the bond with his father. Now they are working their Reliv businesses together. “Who would have thought an engineer and an artist could work side by side?” Peter says. “I’m having a great time telling people about Reliv and learning more about myself and my father.”

Bob & Ludy Furlong / Chicago, IL

We live life on our own termsBob and Ludy Furlong found Reliv 21 years ago. Bob was a �reman with two side jobs working 80-90 hours per week. “I was skeptical about Reliv,” Bob admits, “But that disappeared when we made almost $25,000 in our �rst six months.”

Three years later, Bob quit his part-time jobs to help Ludy with the business. Then at age 52 he was able to retire from the �re depart-ment. “I would have missed the best 11 years of my life if I hadn’t gotten to retire,” Bob says.

The Furlongs’ son’s family recently settled in Charlotte, NC. Bob and Ludy bought a second home in Charlotte with their Reliv income so they could spend more time with their two grandchil-dren. “We’re at the phase where we want to be with these little ones while they’re little,” Bob says. “We still work our Reliv business, and are so thankful to have the �nances and time to spend our time like we want to.”

John & Annette Stegenga / Jarvis, Ontario

We travel the worldJohn and Annette Stegenga have always been focused on service and dreamed of going on a mission trip. But they could never a�ord the trip until they received a Reliv bonus and decided to pay it forward. “In addition to paying o� our mortgage and living debt-free, we were able to visit and work in Guatemala,” Annette says.

John performed mechanical work and Annette used her profes-sional nursing skills to teach others in the health care �eld. They worked together at an orphanage and enjoyed it so much they went back a second time!

“We are able to make these mission trips an ongoing thing because of Reliv,” Annette says. “We’ve also been able to travel to see our four daughters and bring our family closer despite the distance,” she adds. “Reliv is the best!”

Dawn VanAmberg / Livonia, MI

I am there for my familyWhen Dawn VanAmberg discovered Reliv, her kids were �ve months and two years old. She has been a Reliv Distributor for 17 years and her children are now in high school and college. “Reliv has given me the freedom to be there for my family,” Dawn says. “They’re very healthy because of it as well!”

After her daughters were born, Dawn became a stay-at-home mom but wanted to earn an income. She had no interest in returning to corporate America. “My kids were able to be with me all of the time,” Dawn says. “I could volunteer at their schools and really connect with them. To this day, my girls remember how I was always around!”

And Mom has enjoyed other bene�ts too. Dawn has earned mul-tiple Reliv trips to destinations like Europe and Cancun. “Reliv is the most rewarding opportunity out there,” she says. “We’ve enjoyed remarkable health and the lifestyle of our dreams.”

Dan & Fern Utz / Hicksville, OH

We live debt-freeWith a career in music and ministry, Dan and Fern Utz had been look-ing for additional income. They found Reliv. “Our Reliv business has been a lifesaver in an unstable economy,” Dan says. “The beauty of it is that we’re helping other people by sharing the hope that we have.”

He adds: “We have been able to live debt-free thanks to Reliv. I had heard about other opportunities over the years, but Reliv brings a steady paycheck and the grati�cation of knowing that we’re helping others.”

Owning a Reliv business provides additional, steady income and �ts right in with the Utz’s ministry work. “Reliv is especially rewarding to me because it supports what we were already doing,” Dan says. “We bring hope through ministry, and with Reliv we provide another

kind of hope: a practical solution for people in need of better health and �nances.”



Congratulations Dr. Carl!

Reliv’s Vice Chairman and Chief Scienti�c O�cer Dr. Carl Hastings was named number nine on ExecRank’s Top Chief Scienti�c O�cers Ranking list for 2012. ExecRank is an esteemed ranking service of leading executives in the world. With this recognition, Dr. Carl, as he is fondly called in Reliv, joins the top leading CSOs, many of them from Fortune 100 companies. According to ExecRank, there are over 5,000 Chief Scienti�c O�cers and C-Level Scienti�c Executives in the United States, and this list represents “the best of the best in their �eld.”

“This honor is hard-earned and well-deserved,” says Reliv Founder, Chairman and CEO Robert Montgomery. “Carl is a man of science who has devoted his life to developing breakthrough nutritional solutions to help meet the world’s biggest health needs. The top ten ranking only con�rms what his peers and we at Reliv have known for years: Dr. Carl Hastings is one of the leading nutrition scientists in the world.”

Bon jour, Reliv!

Reliv o�ers an international business opportunity, and we have a bigger market today! Reliv has o�cially opened in France, now our 16th country of operation. “Our business in Europe is booming, and France is a big part of that,” says Reliv President Ryan Montgomery. “Reliv France will provide added opportunities, momentum and increased operational e�ciencies. We have invested in sta�ng and infrastructure in Europe, including a

new o�ce and warehouse, in anticipation of continued growth.”

For more information, visit


MEET BERNIE!Reliv Asia Paci�c Sales Manager Bernie Birch is the latest addition to the Reliv family. With over 14 years of experience in the network marketing industry, Bernie is excited to share his knowledge and help Reliv Distributors realize their full potential as leaders and business-builders.



Eligibility for Conference Points:Open to all Malaysian and Singaporean AS50 Distributors for personal sponsoring and volume within Malaysia and Singapore. You can accumulate points as a Distributor but you must be a Master A�liate to claim your prize.

The personally sponsored AS50 Preferred Customer or Distributors must be on AS50 for a minimum of two months to qualify the sponsoring Distributor for conference points.

All Key A�liate and Master A�liate volume must be purchased direct from Reliv Malaysia and Singapore

* Does not apply to Master A�liates who do not requalify their MA status by 31 January 2014 and revert to Senior A�liate.

Conditions:Prizes are not transferable or redeemable for cash.

A single Distributor winning two �ights may take whomever they choose except another Distributor.

Winners should have a US visa valid until January 2015 to claim their prize. New visa application or renewal will be arranged personally by the quali�ers.

4 New AS50 Preferred Customers or Distributors joining at 20% or 25%1 New AS50 Distributor joining at Key A�liate (30%)

Earn 1 PointEarn 1 Point



Personally sponsored AS50 Preferred Customer or Distributor advancing to MA* Earn 3 PointsPROMOTE

To Key DirectorTo Senior DirectorTo Master Director

Earn 10 PointsEarn 18 PointsEarn 25 Points




Roundtrip airfare and 4D/3N hotel accommodation for twoRoundtrip airfare for twoRoundtrip airfare for one


Quali�cation Period: 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014




The 3:3:3 ApproachSource: Direct Selling Education Foundation

Here’s a process you can use for your own 90-day reviews to help you focus your business activities on even greater success:

Identify three strengths of your business over the past 90 days. Did you come up with an innovative idea that led to increased business? Did you put an emphasis on reaching new people? Write down the three things you feel were most important to your success. These are areas that you will continue to develop moving forward.

Identify three areas of your business that you would like to improve moving forward. Do you need to do a better job following up? Could you get more organized in your paperwork? Should you get out and do more networking? Write down three areas that you will focus on in the coming months, along with speci�c activities you will do to achieve greater success in these areas.

Identify three goals that you have for your business in the next 90 days. These can be things you can measure, such as increasing your sales or sponsoring, or something new you’ll create to drive business growth, such as creating a social media marketing strategy. You should also have at least one goal tied directly to Reliv’s Road to Presidential Director, i.e. what you need to do to reach the next Director level. Starting with three goals keeps you focused without causing you to become overwhelmed. Write your goals down, and then make a bulleted list of the activities you’ll need to do in order to achieve each goal. Set dates to those activities to hold yourself accountable.

By taking some time to plan, you can be sure that your daily activities are focused on growth — and you’ll be celebrating your own milestones before you know it.

RELIV ONLINE SHOPPINGPlan for Success: Make Your Own Milestones




Why wait for o�ce hours when you can order your favorite Reliv products and business tools any time, any day!

It’s that easy! You can order products 24/7 at your convenience and the products will be delivered right at your door step. Try it now!

Go to the Reliv website and log-in to your Distributor portal.

• MALAYSIA > relivasiapaci�• SINGAPORE > relivasiapaci�

Forgot your RCN and password? Contact the Reliv o�ce.

step 1

Click on the SHOPPING tab and start choosing your products and sales tools.

step 2

Proceed to Checkout. Have your credit card info ready to pay for your order.

step 3

Many Reliv Distributors have found setting 90-day goals works best. As you review how far you’ve come in those 90 days, it’s great to celebrate your successes. But truly successful business owners also use their 90-day reviews to both identify key elements of success so far and make changes that will help build even bigger business moving forward.