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  • 8/13/2019 Religious Dialogue - Isa and Islam - Why Christians Want Muslims to Be Saved - Christian Beliefs - Frequently Aske


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    "Show us the straight way... " (The Opening - Al Fatihah 6)

    Jesus answered, "I am the way ... " (Gospel, John - Yahya 14:6)


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    Why Christians Want Muslims to Be Saved

    Why do Christians spend so much time and energy trying to spread

    Christianity? Do they receive anything for converting people to their

    religion? A Muslim might ponder these questions. I pondered these

    questions myself before I believed. For people unaware of their need for

    salvation, these are very good questions.

    Salvation, Not a Religious Club

    When Christians spread Christianity or evangelize, they are not trying to convert people to their religion.

    They are spreading the message of salvation, not the Christian religion.

    People who do not know the teachingsof Isa Al-Masih do not understand salvation. They think that

    Christians are just trying to get people to join their religious club. But that is not why Christians


    Why Are Christians So Focused On The Gospel?

    Still, why do Christians try to save people who see them as their enemy? Why would a Christian care

    about a Muslim being savedand entering Heaven? Why do people who aren't followers of Jesus need to

    be "saved"?

    The answer is in the Gospel, the message of Isa Al-Masih. Gospel simply means good news. The

    Arabic word for Gospel is Injil. The Injil is the Good News about how a person can be set free from sin

    and have assurance of going to heaven. It is the core message Isa communicated to the world while onearth.

    We Are All Sinners

    All Muslims know that everyone does and thinks things that are wrong. Those wrong actions and

    thoughts are called sin. We all have a sinful nature, or character (Romans 3:23). Our sin separates us

    from God (Romans 6:23). The Injil tells us, There is no one who is righteous, not even one

    (Romans 3:10).

    How Can A Person Full of Sin Have a Relationship with God?

    The question is , what do we do with our sin? The only way for people to be right with God is to have no

    sin. How do we get rid of our sin? Something or someone must remove our sin.

    God Gave Us a Way Back to Him

    God, who is merciful and all knowing, gave us a way back to Him. He sent us His eternal Word in the

    flesh to earth (Injil, Apostle John 1:1-2, 14). God has given you the glad new s of the coming birthof a son whom He calls His Word, whose name will be Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary (Qs


    The Word of Godis Isa Al-Masih. He is the only way back to God. He is Gods divine and eternal Word

    (Kalimah Allah). He spoke clearly, I am the way, the truth and the Life. No one comes to the

    father except through me(Injil, Apostle John 14:6).

    Isa Al-Masih Was Punished for Our Sins

    Only Isa Al-Masih can forgive our sins. Only He can restore our

    relationship with God. You may ask, how can that be? It is

    because of the sacrificial deathof the sinless Word of God. Isa

    Al-Masih paid the price for the worlds sins when He died.

    Isa Al-Masih's Sacrifice Provides a Way Back to God


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    Isa's sacrifice covers our sins, making us right before God. Isa

    Al-Masih said, This is my blood of the covenant, which is

    poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins (Injil, Apostle

    Matthew 26:28). This is our salvation. This is the only way back

    to God and to eternal life with Him in Heaven.

    The Book of God tells us,If we confess our sins, he is faithful

    and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all

    unrighteousness(Injil, 1 John 1:9).

    You Can Have Eterna l Life in Heaven

    When Christians spread the good news of Isa Al-Masih, they are

    not trying to get you to join their religion. They are trying to get

    you to join them in Heaven. They are trying to get you to join them in Heaven! They want you to

    experience the peace of having your s ins forgiven, and the joy of eternal life.

    Questions to Respond to in the Comment Section:

    The Staff at Isa and Islam invites your comments. In order to improve the discussion (comment section

    below), we will need to delete all comments that dont specifically relate to the article and/or the

    questions. Needless to say, we very much welcome and appreciate your feedback on this article.

    1. Do you still feel Christians shouldnt evangelize? Why?

    2. If the Gospel is Good News, what keeps people from not wanting to hear about it?

    3. Why do some people refuse to believe that Isa Al-Masih is the Ultimate Sacrifice that can

    save us from sin and give us eternal life?

    [We invite you to visit us at learn more about Gods gift

    of Salvation. God loves you and waits to hear from you. Isa Al-Masih said, I am the way, the truth, and

    the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me (John 14:6)]

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    #Muddassir 2012-05-06 12:31`Why don't you realize that both Christianity and Islam are ancient mythologies, and have seriouscontradictions with real scientific facts?

    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-05-08 15:16~Dear Muddassir,

    Thank you for your comment. I was an atheist myself just like you. I believed only in science andthought everyone who believed in God were fools.

    I can now thank God that my eyes were opened to the foolish ideas behind atheism. By Hisgrace, God saved me and gave me eternal life. "I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is thepower unto salvation for everyone who belie ves"(Gospel, Romans 1:16).

    I would encourage you to go on and purchase the book, "I Don't Have EnoughFaith to Be an Atheist." You will find this book very helpful!

    #Samuel Mathew 2012-05-12 12:32`Christ loves Muslims. Christ for all and all for Christ.

    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-10-29 22:52*Some say that ISLAM is an acronym for " ISincerely Love All Muslims."

    Every Christian must love everyone. If not he is disobedient to the Second Commandment:"Love your neighbor as yourself"(Gospel, Mark 12:31).

    So, yes, I do indeed love every person that follows the Islamic religion. I also sincerely desirefor all to know how much they are loved by the Lord Jesus Christ.


    #Sabr Nooh 2012-07-02 05:35`Bismilah ar-Rahman nir-RaheemIn the name of Allah the most gracious, the most merciful.

    We believe that Allah is a Merciful God and that if you ask him directly with sincerity, he willforgive you.

    Do you despair of the mercy of Allah? Why do you believe that you must call on an intercessorwith Allah that He sent down with no authority, instead of just repenting and asking forgiveness?Can you not see that Isa ibn Mariam (Jesus the son of Mary) is a man and that Allah is so greatHe doesn't need to incarnate himself in the form of a man - far above this is the God that Muslimsbelieve in.

    #Jasmin 2012-07-05 21:03~Dear Sabr Nooh,

    Thank you for your comment. You are right that if we ask God sincerely to forgive us, He will.But a sacrifice was necessary for forgiveness because Allah is perfect and holy. Because ofHis Holiness, Allah cannot allow things into His presence that are unholy.In the Taurat, Allah required a sacrifice for sin.

    When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, Allah had to kill an animal to makeclothing for them. This is because death is the payment for the bad things we do.

    When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, God then provided a ram to die in Abraham'sson's place. God did the same thing when He sent Isa Al-Masih [Kalimah Allah].

    Isa died in mankind's place. We deserve to die because of the bad things we've done. But Isadied instead, taking on the payment for our bad deeds.

    #Laulak 2012-07-22 03:07`Who is Jesus saving people from?

    #Jasmin 2012-07-25 15:37~Laulak,

    Thank you for your question. Although it isn't really a "who" that Jesus is saving people fromas much as a "what," and that "what" is sin and eternal separation from God. The Injil says inRomans 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in ChristJesus our Lord."

    Because of the sins we've done, we're separated from God, and our payment for those sins isdeath. Through His death, Jesus paid for our sins and saved us from them.


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    #Aneesh Nazar 2012-07-25 12:50*I'm reading more and more of this site, and I have to say, you've brought Christianity closer toIslam than you know. As a Muslim raised in the US, I've learned a fair bit about Christianity overthe years, and honestly, we believe in the same thing. We believe in all of God's prophets, not justMuhammad.

    However, the one issue I have is Original Sin. In Islam, we are judged for what we do. We all sin,unintentionally or intentionally, and we ask forgiveness from God. We aren't held accountable foranyone's sins but our own. As such, I dislike the idea that I was born in sin because of somethingthat my ancestors did, and that someone died so that God would forgive these sins.

    In Islam, we are all born pure, free of sin. This purity is tarnished as time goes on, but we can beg

    forgiveness from God, much like Christians do.

    #Jasmin 2012-07-25 15:51*Dear Aneesh Nazar,

    Thank you for your comment. I don't think anyone likes original sin! It does seem a little unfairthat because of one man, the world is now full of sin. But unfortunately, its a fact of life. All ofman is born into sin because of what one man did - Adam.

    In Genesis 3:17-19 (Taurat) it states, "To Adam he said,'Because you listened to yourwife a nd ate from the tree about which I comma nded you, You must not eat of it,'Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of i t all the daysof your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants ofthe field. By the sweat of your brow you wil l ea t your food until you return to theground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.'

    Not only is man cursed, but the whole world is cursed because of what Adam did.Romans 5:12(Injil)states, "Therefore, just as sin entered the w orld through one man,

    and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned."

    #Sinh 2012-07-26 21:11`The Taurat is the five books of Moses. The Injil is the four Gospels. After the Gospel, there are theletters from Paul and the other apostles. Those are not part of the Injil.

    If you take the Gospel and the Letters, they would be considered the New Testament. Likewisethe Taurat, Zabur and the Prophets are considered Old Testament.

    #Jasmin 2012-08-13 16:20Dear Sinh,~Thank you for your comment. You are right that technically the Taurat is the "Law" or the firstfive books of Moses and the Injil is the first four books of what Christians call the NewTestament.

    #Anthony 2012-08-05 15:53`I saw an image of Christ peacefully quieting a dragon. The next day I read about dragons in Isaiah,I believe. Some people have no idea of the security in Christ. You will not be thrown out. For yoursis the Kingdom of God.

    #Jasmin 2012-08-28 22:13~Anthony,

    I am so glad to hear that you believe! Keep trusting in Christ!

    Anthony, God will give security and peace to all who accept and follow the Lord Jesus Christ .

    "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal

    life, and they shall ne ver perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand"(Injil, John10:27-28).


    #Sam 2012-08-11 23:53`"And [beware the Day] when Allah will say, 'O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people,'Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah ?'' He will say, 'Exalted are You!' It was not forme to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what iswithin myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of theunseen" (Quran 5:117).

    #Jasmin 2012-08-28 22:30~Sam,

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    Thank you for your comment. As Christians, this is one verse of the Quran that completelymisinterprets the Bible. According to the Bible, Isa Al-Masih never tells his followers to worshipMary.

    So Muhammad and the Quran are even wrong in suggesting that Christians believe that Maryis God. It is unfortunate that Muslims, based on a verse like this, think they understandChristian beliefs.

    No Muslim has ever been able to show a verse from the Christian Bible that claims Mary isGod.


    #Elizabeth 2012-08-21 23:15

    `Salam Brothers and Sisters,

    We are all born pure. It's our acts that bring us to sin. We are not born that way.

    When a baby starts talking, does he not speak truthfully? It's the adults who are teaching theirkids wrong, not the kids who are born that way.

    #Jasmin 2012-08-28 22:36~Elizabeth,

    Thank you for your comment. Christians and Muslims have different opinions on original sin.

    But it is good that we both agree that all have sinned. That is well supported by a holy versefrom the Word of God, For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God(Injil,Romans 3:23).

    "All" means all people of all ages in all places! I think you would agree that the big question is,"How can we be cleansed and freed from sin?"

    If you would like to learn more about how to get rid of your sin, click on "Way of Salvation" inthe banner on the top of the page.


    #Ashok 2012-09-01 10:38`Dear Muslim Brothers,

    I get questions from many Muslims asking, if God is all merciful, will he forgive us when we askforgiveness? What is the necessity of Christ's death for our sin?

    Brothers, according to the Quranic law a murderer must be killed. Even Allah will not forgive him,accept if the relatives of the victim forgive him. So how can you say that Allah will forgive if youask?

    God's law in the Bible clearly states that anyone who kills an innocent person must be killed.God's law cannot be changed. He is Just! So Jesus died in our place for us as a perfect sacrificeso that we can, free from sin, enjoy God's company in Heaven.

    I am sure if you study with your heart than you will feel the truth and it will be a continuous joy andtreasure for you, as it has been with me. God bless you.

    With love.

    #Jasmin 2012-09-06 20:52~Ashok,

    Thank you for your comment. You are right. Jesus died as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.

    God is holy and He demands that every sin be punished. This is the only way that Allah canforgive sins. He must first punish sin. Through Isa's sacrifice my sin, even murder, is punishedand therefore can be forgiven!

    "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and livefor righteousness . . . "(Injil, I Peter 2:24).


    #maruf 2012-09-05 16:44`Christ loves Muslims because he was a muslim. Inshallah with the help of The Almighty Allah Hewill come again. Not to preach a new religion but to explain to the Christian that he never claimeddivinity.

    #Jasmin 2012-09-06 20:47~Maruf,

    you are right that Christ loves Muslims but no more than He loves all people. The Holy Gospel

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    says, "For God so loved the world . . ." (the people in the world) (Injil, John 3:16).

    As to Christ being divine, what do you think He meant when He said, "I and the Father areone"(Injil, John 10:30)?


    #Anika 2012-09-06 14:16`We Muslims believe that Jesus (PBUH) is one of the mightiest Messengers of God but not Godhimself as he never claimed divinity.

    The Quran says Jesus (PBUH) said "Verily, Allah is my Lord and your Lord too. So worship Himalone. This is the straight path." He said similar things in the Bible too "Hear, O Israel; The

    Lord our God is one Lord"[Injil, Mark 12:29].

    #Jasmin 2012-09-06 21:02~Anika,

    You are right that Jesus told His followers that God is one. But this does not mean that Jesuswas not God.

    Although Jesus never directly said He was God, He proved He was God through the things Hedid, doing things that only God can do. He healed people from sickness and also broughtpeople back to life. But even more important than that, Jesus forgave sins.

    In fact, often when Jesus was healing someone, He forgave their sins first. One example isfound in the healing of the paralytic. "When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic,'Son, your sins are forgiven'(Injil, Mark 2:5). Only God can forgive sins, so therefore,Jesus must be God!

    I would encourage you to read carefully the following article: Youwill see detailed proofs of why Christians believe Jesus is divine.

    Another article of interest might be http://t


    #Harem 2012-09-07 20:46`Muslims say Christians are not going to paradise, and the same is in the Bible. So which do youthink people should choose?

    #Jasmin 2012-09-10 16:44~Harem,

    The Bible is very clear that no one will enter paradise unless he has accepted the Lord Jesus

    Christ as His Savior. Please note this holy verse from the lips of Jesus himself, I am theway and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me(Injil,John 14:6).

    This means no Muslims or Hindus or Buddhists or pagans will go to heaven unless theyaccept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

    This also means that no Christians, no Catholics and no Mormons will go to heaven unlessthey accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. It is important to know that thevast majority of Christ ians are Christians in name only and have never received Christ as theirpersonal Savior.

    It is also important to note that no Muslim is certain of going to heaven. All Muslims onlyhope they will go to heaven. They perform religious duties and try to live a good life with thehope they will go to heaven, but none are sure. Even Muhammad is not in heaven. That is whyMuslims pray for Muhammad every day.

    So who is sure of heaven? Here is another holy verse from the lips of Jesus: "My sheep listento my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shallnever perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand (Injil, John 10:27-28).


    #Hanan Ali 2012-09-14 10:32`In the Quran Allah says:

    "Neither those who disbelieve from the People of the Scripture nor the polytheists wish that anygood should be sent down to you from your Lord. But Allah selects for His mercy whom He wills,and Allah is the possessor of great bounty."

    Isa was also the selected person of Allah and we Muslims believe in Isa as a messenger of Godbut not a god himself.

    #Jasmin 2012-09-18 23:12~Dear Hanan Ali,

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    Christians also do not believe that Isa Al-Masih was a god. We believe that He was, and is,God. There is a big difference between the two! Saying that Isa is a god means that there ismore than one God. There is only one God, which means that Isa Al-Masih is God.

    Colossians 1:19 in the Holy Injil says, "All the fullness of God was pleased to live in Him(Isa)."

    I would encourage you to read carefully the article at:


    #Mustafa 2012-09-14 21:43

    `Whether Isa Al-Masih was on the cross or not, or gave humanity their salvation or not, what isimportant for Muslims is that they live together in peace and that they are not obliged to seduceothers to their religion.

    #Jasmin 2012-09-18 23:21`Dear Mustafa,

    You are right that it is important for Muslims, and all people, to live at peace with each other. Ifmore people believed as you, Mustafa, there would be more peace in the world.

    Christians believe the key to living at peace is to know Isa Al-Masih. He is the Prince of Peaceand is the only One who can give individuals and the world true peace.

    The teaching of Isa Al-Masih leads a person to live in peace. For example, He taught Hisfollowers to love their enemies (Injil, Mat thew 5:43-44).

    Another holy verse says, "When a mans ways are pleasing to the LORD, he makeseven his enemies live at peace with him" (Proverbs 16:7).

    #Ashok 2012-09-18 16:00`Dear Muslim brothers,

    Please wake up, because time is very short. Don't believe the religion as a paternal property to beprotected by hook or crook. Believe in truth, the light and life that is Jesus Christ who will comeagain not to be a Muslim but to establish his reign over the world.

    I know you will not believe in the Bible if I tell you to believe. Then let us understand a little bit fromyour Quran. I will ask you a question, if you have an answer please answer.

    1. The Quran says Mariam is the most honored women, not Amena, the mother of Mohammed.Why?

    2. Why was Isa born of a virgin? What is the cause?

    3. According to your Quran, Isa is the Word of God. God's Word existed with God before creation(John 1:1-2) and was inseparable from God, divine and Holy. He is not a creation. Is this correct?

    4. According to the Quran, Isa is Rohullah or the Spirit of Allah. Is the Spirit of Allah a creation ora divine?

    #Jasmin 2012-09-18 23:27~Dear Ashok,

    Thank you for your comment. You make several great points and ask many good questions.

    You are correct that the Quran points to Isa as being more than just a regular messenger ofGod. Thank you for helping us think through who Isa really is!


    #muhammad yasir 2012-09-22 05:12`We (Muslims) also love Christians. Jesus (pbuh) is one of our prophets but in the Bible, Jesus(pbuh) predicts about Muhammad (saw) as Jesus said, "I wil l send you another comforterwhich will abide with you forever" (Injil, John 14:16).

    We follow (Muhammad) him more than anyone as the other comforter is Muhammad (saw).

    #Jasmin 2012-10-05 23:51~Muhammad,

    Yes, Jesus said a comforter would come. He described that comforter carefully: He is a spirit,no one sees Him, He lives within you, He is with you forever and He focuses on bringing gloryto Christ (Injil, John 14:16,17; 16:14).

    Now if Muhammad is the promised Comforter you must ask yourself: Was he a spirit, was heinvisible, does he live within us, is he with us forever, does he focus on glorifying Christ? By

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    answering these questions you will see that Muhammad was not the Comforter.

    My friend, I am sure that, if you study these verses in the Holy Gospel, you will agree that theverse you mentioned about the Comforter does not refer to your prophet.

    Here is an article that explains in more detail why Muhammad is not the Comforter that Jesusspoke

    #Asif Marri 2012-09-22 18:31`Dear All,

    Muslims, Hindus, Christians and all believers of God (Allah), I want to say that every religion is the

    best for their believers.

    #Jasmin 2012-10-05 23:53~Dear Asif,

    I know that you are trying to promote harmony by your statement and I honor you. Thisgenerous attitude is what is needed in the world today.

    Jesus, who would applaud your generosity of spirit, said, "I am the way, the truth and thelife. No one comes to the Father accept through me"(Injil, John 14:6).

    According to the above verse, Isa Al -Masih is the only way to really know God. Without Him,we cannot know true peace and harmony or our Creator.


    #Ashok 2012-09-25 17:00`If Islam is the chosen religion, why does Jesus personally reveal Himself and give salvation topeople like Gulshan Esther, Kamal Saleem, a brother in Nigeria and many more Muslims who didnot know Jesus earlier?

    I know and believe if you are among them you will be privileged by God. Read Mathew 13:14-16.

    God bless you.

    #Jasmin 2012-10-11 16:53~Ashok,

    You are right, Islam can't be the chosen religion if Jesus is the one who gives salvation. Healone says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough me."(John 14:6).

    Thank you for mentioning too, Gulshan Esther (The Torn Veil) and Kamal Saleem (The Bloodof Lambs). You can purchase these books at They are absolutely amazingstories of Muslims who have become Christians. "The Torn Veil" is especially interesting!


    #anggoro danugroho 2012-09-30 06:16

    Quoting Aneesh Nazar:

    I'm reading more and more of this site, and I have to say, you've brought Christianity

    closer to Islam than you know. As a Muslim raised in the US, I've learned a fair bit

    about Christianity over the years, and honestly, we believe in the same thing. We

    believe in all of God's prophets, not just Muhammad. However, the one issue I have is

    Original Sin. In Islam, we are judged for what we do. We all sin, unintentionally or

    intentionally, and we ask forgiveness from God. We aren't held accountable for

    anyone's sins but our own. As such, I dislike the idea that I was born in sin because ofsomething that my ancestors did, and that someone died so that God would forgive

    these sins. In Islam, we are all born pure, free of sin. This purity is tarnished as time

    goes on, but we can beg forgiveness from God, much like Christians do.

    I agree with Aneesh Nazar.

    #Jasmin 2012-10-11 16:58~Dear Anggoro,

    As I told Aneesh, the reason why we all sin is because we were born into sin. Romans 3:23says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." If you would like moreinformation about this, read the article about sin on our site .
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    But it is okay for Muslims and Christians to disagree on this matter.

    The more important question is , "How can I have my sins forgiven? How can I be sure of goingto heaven?" I would suggest you read the article at:


    #david 2012-10-05 17:49`Yes, we should care for each other. I was born Jewish and had a lot of hatred until I came to knowIsa as my best friend and Savior from sin. He gives me the power to do right. He came into myheart. He came when I asked him to.

    Now life is wonderful and I don't hate anyone. But I do hate the fact that others hate people whoare flesh and blood and heart just like them. Please see the book of Revelation 3:19-20. These arethe words of Isa Al-Masih.

    Salam to all and all the best. I hope you find true love and the happiness that the Messiah offers.He is my best friend now, even though I was taught to hate him.

    #Jasmin 2012-10-11 17:04~David,

    Yes, Jesus taught that we are to love everyone, whether they are Jewish, Christian, or Muslim.Jesus loved all people!

    There are many stories in the Injil that tell how Jesus loved everyone no matter what theirbackground. One of my favorites is "The Woman at the Well" (John 4:4-26) where Jesus tookthe time to talk to a Samaritan woman, someone who every other Jew hated.


    #uzma 2012-10-10 16:07`I have a question for my Christian brothers and sisters. If a person is proved guilty of raping andthen killing a nine year old girl, what punishment will the parents of that innocent girl expect?

    Will they forgive that person just on the basis that he is a Christian and the sacrifice of Isa Al-Masih(pbuh) has erased all of his sins?

    #Jasmin 2012-10-11 17:15~Uzma,

    You asked a very good question. There is a difference between a consequence of sin andforgiveness. Often when a person sins, they must deal with the consequences.

    In this case, the man would face the consequence of a life sentence in jail and maybe even thedeath penalty. Christians believe that this man should pay the penalty of his crime based oncivil law.

    There is nothing in the Bible that says that this person will be forgiven by God just because heis a Christian. He may be a Christian in name only. In that case he will suffer in hell eternally.

    If the person does "truly" repent and "truly" receive Christ as his personal Savior, God willforgive him and he will go to heaven. But note, this must be "true" repentance and "true" faithin Christ as he one who bore his sins. See Injil, I Peter 2:24). Also just because God forgiveshim does not mean that he must not pay the penalty for his crime under civil law.

    The parents and forgiveness is another mat ter. Forgiveness is letting go of that person who haswronged you. In this case, if the parents forgave the man, they would be saying to the man,what you did was wrong, and you shouldn't have done it, but we are not going to hold a grudgeagainst you for what you have done. We are not going to let what you've done rule our lives.With God's help, we are going to move on, and we forgive you.

    But again, even though the parents may forgive this person, he is still subject to civil law andas the court decrees must pay the penalty for his sin, whether that be death or lifeimprisonment.


    #uzma 2012-10-12 15:27`Jasmin,

    I don't believe Prophet David (Peace be upon him)could have done what the Bible says he didbecause he was a Prophet of Allah and he was a guided person. He could have never done thiscrime.

    We Muslims love and respect all of the Messengers sent by Allah. We don't use any word whichshows any disrespect because it is a part of our faith and if we use any word which assassinatestheir character it is considered blasphemy.

    Saying that Hazrat Isa has given the sacrifice for the sins of Christians, this idea doesn't makeany sense.

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    You talked about the consequences. In my case study what do you think is the differencebetween consequence and justice?

    #Jasmin 2012-10-12 23:50~Uzma,

    While David was one of God's prophets, he was a human being, which means he sinned.Saying that David sinned isn't being disrespectful.

    Abraham confessed sin, "O my Lord! I have indeed wronged my soul! Do Thou forgive me!" (Qs28.16). This is true of other prophets, even Muhammad. "Know, therefore, that there is no godbut God, and ask forgiveness for thy fault . . ." (Qs. 47.19).

    I respect David because he admitted his sin and made it right. As noted, the Quran talks aboutIbrahim and Musa asking for forgiveness, so we know they sinned. Why would it be anydifferent to say that David committed this crime and sinned?

    The only person who has never sinned is Isa Al-Masih. Both the Quran and the Injil clearlyteach this. This is the only reason Isa Al-Masih could die for our sins, because he wassinless. May I ask why you say that doesn't make any sense?


    #uzma 2012-10-13 07:45Jasmin,

    We believe that Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Musa never committed any sin.

    They asked for the forgiveness because they thought they might not have come up to theexpectations of Allah while conveying the message. Or when Hazrat Ibrahim made the dua whilebuilding the Kaaba (House of Allah), because he was uncertain whether he had made it the wayAllah wanted it made. He asked for forgiveness in c ase he had not done what Allah expected himto do.

    And you didn't answer me about my case s tudy what is the difference between consequence andjustice and one more thing i just read a case like that happening in America. The person was notcaught now if suppose he is a Christian and is never get caught and dies without getting punishedin this world should he be punished on the day of judgment


    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-10-18 23:47`Uzma,

    Please read carefully our answer above about judgment and the consequence of s in. We havemade some adjustments and added a few sentences to our answer. I think you will see it isclearly answered.

    It is exceedingly clear in the Taurat that all of the prophets sin. There are no holy verses that

    state the prophets did not sin. There are many, many holy verses that say they did sin.

    Also your own book speaks of the prophets and their sin. If you want to read a scholarly studyof this matter, please go to


    #khan 2012-10-17 08:58

    Quoting maruf:


    Christ loves Muslims because he was a muslim. Inshallah with the help of The

    Almighty Allah He will come again. Not to preach a new religion but to explain to the

    Christian that he never claimed divinity.

    Exactly brother, you are 120 percent right. That's the truth and reality.

    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-10-19 00:07`Khan,

    Isa Al-Masih does love Muslims, not because he was a Muslim, but because he created allmankind and He loves all mankind.

    "This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son [Word,Kalimah Allah] as an atoning sacrifice for our sins" Holy Injil, I John 4:10).

    You are correct. " . . . He will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bringsalvation to those w ho are wai ting from Him"(Hebrews 9:28).

    Please go to see how to prepare your heart for his coming.

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    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-10-19 00:16`Dear Friends: We highly value all comments on our website. Yet we do have someguidelines:

    1. No one may enter more than one comment at a time. Thus you may not fill multiplecomment boxes.

    2. Your comment should be directly related to the theme of the lead article.

    3. It is best if you only put forward one or two questions at a time.

    4. Use good English. If the comment is not clear, we may edit it.

    5. Don't use abbreviations.

    6. Do not use capital letters to emphasize something.

    7. Do not include any hyperlinks.

    If you have extra questions, please email us atjasmin


    #Ashiq 2012-10-19 14:25`I want to know the exact day and time (am/pm) of the alleged death of Christ and the day andtime (am/pm)of the resurrection of Christ.

    #Jasmin 2012-10-19 17:10~Ashiq,

    Thank you for your question. We find the answer to your question in the Injil.

    Mark 16:33-34 says: "At the sixth hour darkness came over the w hole la nd until theninth hour. And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice."In the Jewish day, the"sixth hour" was noon and the "ninth hour" was 3 p.m. Mark 15:37 says, "With a loud cry,Jesus breathed his last." Therefore, we know that Jesus died right after 3 pm on Fridayafternoon.

    Mark also gives details about Isa's resurrection. Mark 16:2 says, "Very early on the first dayof the wee k, just after sunrise, they (Mary Magdalene and the other Mary) we re ontheir way to the tomb and they asked each other, 'Who will roll the stone away fromthe entrance of the tomb?' But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, whichwas very large, had been rolled away."

    The ladies went into the tomb and found an angel sitting there, who told them that Isa wasalive! So we know from this verse that Isa came back to life early on Sunday morning. If you

    would like to know more about Isa's death and resurrection, go to:

    #uzma 2012-10-22 14:24`Jasmin,

    If a christian rapist and a killer is not caught in this world, according to your belief, will he bepunished on the day of judgement?

    #Jasmin 2012-10-22 19:00~Uzma,

    If that rapist/killer has a relationship with Isa Al-Masih and has trusted in Him alone forsalvation and forgiveness of sins, then no, that person will not be punished on the day ofjudgment. When God the Father looks at any person who has t rusted in Christ, He only seesChrist's forgiveness.

    If that person only says he is a Christian and is not really trusting in Isa Al-Masih, then he willbe sent to Hell for all of his sins, including raping and killing.


    #uzma 2012-10-23 15:43`Isn't it unjust that a rapist and killer will be forgiven just because he has relationship with Isa AlMasih?

    That means that if you believe in salvation, you have a license to do all sorts of crime and you willnever be caught. It means you are denying the cause of Isa Al-Masih.

    I don't think Isa Al-Masih ever taught this. His message was to get rid of all the evils in the society

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    #Jasmin 2012-10-25 23:02~Uzma,

    A person being forgiven by Isa Al -Masih because of the Salvation he has through Him does notmean that person can get away with crime. A person who commits a crime will be punishedby the law of the land, and will face those consequences.

    You are right that Isa Al-Masih did not teach this. In fact, the apostle Paul had to deal with thisexact problem in his ministry to the church in Galatia.

    Galatians 4:9 says , "But now that you know Godor rather are known by Godhow isit that you are turning back to those w eak a nd miserable principles? Do you wish tobe enslaved by them all over again?"

    Later in the letter, one also finds, "Only do not use your freedom (salvation) as anopportunity for the flesh (sin), but through love serve one another"(Galatians 5:13).

    #Mohamed 2012-10-25 20:51`I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me(Injil, Apostle John 14:6).

    When I read this page, what struck me first is the verse above. So I began wondering who is the"I" in this and who is the "Father." Brothers, do you mean you and your father are just one?Verses like this make you think a bit deeply.

    Islam very clearly says what you brothers are saying is not true only because early Christianshave changed what actually God has revealed to Isa Al-Masih(SAW).

    #Jasmin 2012-10-25 23:10~

    The "I" in this verse is Isa Al-Masih and "Father" is Allah.

    So this verse is saying that the only way a person can have a relationship with Allah is throughIsa Al-Masih.

    Jesus says clearly that He is One with the Father but the Bible does not teach that there arethree gods. God is One!

    We encourage you to read the following article to find out what the Bible teaches about theOneness and Tri-Unity of God -

    If you would like to know more about how to have a relationship with God, please go to:

    #uzma 2012-10-26 02:14`"Only do not use your freedom (salvation) as an opportunity for the flesh (sin), but throughlove serve one another" (Galatians 5:13).

    Now this is the truth that you can not get salvation even if you have faith that Hazrat Isa died foryour sins until and unless you adopt the right path.

    Actually this is the message of Quran and Islam.

    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-10-27 20:28*Uzma, I noticed that you added the word "(salvation)" in brackets in the verse. We must not tryto make the holy verse say what it does not say. The verse speaks of freedom. It is not talkingabout salvation.

    The letter to Galatians is talking to those who have already experienced salvation. This verse istelling them how to live a holy life.

    Hazrat Isa was very clear, "I am the wa y, the truth and the life. No one comes to theFather except through me" (Injil, the Apostle John 14:6). You do not earn salvation byfinding and walking on the correct way. You receive salvation as a gift by accepting Hazrat Isaas your Savior.


    #Vier 2012-10-27 02:36`Is it true that Jesus bore the sins of all people?

    It is no different with your treasure is my treasure and my possessions only in hayalanmu (ourfantasies).

    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-10-27 20:42*Hi Vier,

    Atheists and agnostics always refer to the fantasies of religious people. They would say that itis a fantasy that Muhammad is a prophet. They would also consider it a fantasy that HazratIsa died for the sins of the world.

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    I would ask you to consider a couple of holy verses that were written 500 years before theincarnation of Hazrat Isa. These verses are recorded in the Dead Sea Scrolls that were copiedover 100 years before the incarnation of Hazrat Isa, so no one can accuse Christians ofmanufacturing them:

    But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; thepunishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are he aled.We all, like sheep, have gone a stray, each of us has turned to his own way; and theLORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all"(The Prophet Isaiah 53:5-6).

    Here is my question: Who is that verse talking about?


    #uzma 2012-10-28 06:30`Caleb Rahmat this is the original quote from Jasmin.

    You are right that Isa Al-Masih did not teach this. In fact, the apostle Paul had to deal with thisexact problem in his ministry to the church in Galatia.

    Galatians 4:9 says, "But now that you know Godor rather are known by Godhow is itthat you are turning back to those w eak and miserable principles? Do you wish to beenslaved by them all over again?"

    Later in the letter, one finds, "Only do not use your freedom (salvation) as an opportunity forthe flesh (sin), but through love serve one another" (Galatians 5:13).

    People who had already attained salvation why do they need this warning?

    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-10-29 16:28*Uzma, as I mentioned you cannot insert the word "salvation" into Galatians 5:13. That versehas nothing to do with salvation.

    Please note that people never "attain" salvation. Salvation is not something "earned." We aresaved by grace (unmerited favor). "For it is by grace you have be en saved, through faith -and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works , so that no one canboast"(Gospel, Ephesians 2:8-9).

    There is nothing a human can do to earn God's forgiveness. By grace we become His children.By grace He becomes our Father.

    But, like children, we too need advice and correction for our life's journey. So our Fatherthrough the Holy Spirit continues to coach us, help us through life to live a godly life pleasingto the Triune God. WE have instructions all through the Bible on how to avoid pitfalls, how togrow into a godly person.

    But, again, we become His children by grace alone. There is nothing we can do to earn thatposition.


    #Jasmin 2012-10-29 23:25`Dear Friends: We highly value all comments on our website. Yet we do have some guidelines:

    1. No one may enter more than one comment at a time. Thus you may not fill multiple commentboxes.

    2. Your comment should be directly related to the theme of the lead article.

    3. It is best if you only put forward one or two questions at a time.

    4. Use good English. If the comment is not clear, we may edit it.

    5. Don't use abbreviations.

    6. Do not use capital letters to emphasize something.

    7. Do not include any hyperlinks.

    If you have extra questions, please email us atjasmin

    #Mohamed 2012-10-30 14:05

    Quoting Jasmin:



    You are right that Jesus told His followers that God is one. But this does not mean that

    Jesus was not God.

    Although Jesus never directly said He was God, He proved He was God through the

    things H

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    Dear Jasmin,

    This does not at all means Jesus was God. There were many prophets who did miracles with thewill of Allah.

    When Jesus never said he was God, why do you say he is God? If you regard Jesus to be Godbecause he was born without a father, it will be more appropriate to call Adam as God. He cameinto being without a father or a mother.

    Do you have an answer?

    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-10-31 16:44*What if President Lincoln had never said he was president of the USA? Would that mean thathe had never been president of the USA? No, because there is all kinds of proof that he wasthe president!

    Jesus Christ did things that only God can do. For example he raised the dead. Muslims evenbelieve that he created life, e.g. made clay birds fly.

    Jesus forgave the s in of people although only God can forgive sin. Why does this [Man]speak bla sphemies like this? Who can forgive sins but God alone? . . . . [Jesusreplied] The Son of Man has power on ea rth to forgive sins . . . (Injil, Mark 2:1-12).

    Jesus referred to Himself as I Am.This is the very name used for God when He identifiedhimself to Moses (Taurat, Exodus 3:14 and Injil, John 8:58).

    When the High Priest asked Jesus if He was Christ, the Son of God, Jesus replied, Yes, it isas you say. . . . you will see the Son of Man[Jesus] sitting at the right hand of theMighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven. The high priest responded, This isblasphemy(Injil, Mat thew 26:63-65).

    The Lord Jesus Christ made it very plain that He was God. This is one of the reasons the Jewscrucified Him, for claiming that He was God!

    These are just a few verses from the Holy Gospel showing that Jesus is God.


    #uzma 2012-10-30 15:47`"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it isthe gift of God - not by works , so that no one can boast" (Gospel, Ephesians 2:8-9).

    There is nothing a human can do to earn God's forgiveness. By grace we become His children. By

    grace He becomes our Father.My question is then y r v send to this world?

    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-10-31 16:50*Your question is, Y r v send to this world? I think you mean, Why are we sent to this world.Please correct me if I am wrong.

    We come into this world with the privilege of knowing, enjoying and glorifying God with ourlives. Because of sin we are cut off from our relationship with Him.

    Christ, through His death on the cross, makes it possible for this relationship with God to berestored. Then we can enjoy and glorify God again. For more information about salvationplease see the section about Salvation on this website.

    This is His purpose for us, to have a relationship with Him and to glorify Him.


    #Ashok 2012-10-31 16:21`Brothers, here are some quotes from some ancient prophets that were given many years beforebirth of Isa as a proof of his being God:

    Micah 5:2 - "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little the thousands of Judah,yet out of you shall come forth to Me the One to be Ruler in Israel, whose goings forthare from of old, from everlasting."

    Isaiah 7:14 - "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: behold, the virgin shallconceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel." Immanuel means "God withus."

    Isaiah 9:6 - "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government willbe upon his shoulder. And his name will be called W onderful, Counselor, Mighty God,Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

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    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-10-31 16:59*Thank you Ashok! These are wonderful prophecies about the coming of Isa Al-Masih (Jesusthe Mess iah), prophecies given hundreds of years before His incarnation.

    I will add that these prophecies are all recorded in the Dead Sea Scrolls. These copies of theancient Sc riptures were transcribed over 100 years before the incarnation of the Lord JesusChrist.

    The ancient Scriptures clearly speak of God the Word (Kalimah Allah) coming to earth via theincarnation!


    #Mohamed 2012-10-31 19:21`Quoting Jasmin: "The 'I' in this verse is Isa Al-Masih and "Father" is Allah. So this verse is sayingthat the only way a person can have a relationship with Allah is through Isa Al-Masih. Jesus saysclearly that He is One with the Father but the Bible does not teach that there are three gods. Godis One!" (Jasmin)

    Oneness and Trinity? It's the same? It's so clear in this, that "I" and "father" are two differentpeople here. One reaching the other through another, will not make both the same.

    To make it simple for you, we commonly say say, my wife and I are one, my friend and I are one,or my family and I are one. Will this make it just One? Simply no, not at all. So Jesus would havesaid the same.

    When trying to make him God, you translate it that way and say that it means Jesus said he isGod. But in reality he did not say it.

    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-11-05 16:32


    I wonder if God uses the same math that we use? When Muslims try to understand the Trinitythey use the formula 1+1+1=3. Maybe God uses the formula 1x1x1=1. Anyway there may bea "higher math" that neither of us understand.

    Christian trinitarians and Muslim and Christian unitarians have been discussing whether God isa trinity or unity for 2,000 years. I am a trinitarian because the Bible is pretty clear that theKalimah Allah (Isa Al-Masih) is both eternal and divine.

    If I could see the Bible teaching that Jesus was just a man I would easily embraceunitarianism. But that is not the case.

    In the end Muslims do not have a Savior and are not sure they will go to heaven after they die.The eternal Word of God (Kalimah Allah) is the Way, the Truth and the Life (Injil, John 14:6).By accepting Him as Lord and Savior every Muslim can experience the joy of sins forgiven andassurance of eternal life in heaven.

    Jason Gilead

    #Ashok 2012-11-01 14:48`Brothers, the Quran says Allah gave his Spirit into Isa. Now if Allah's Spirit separates from Himand goes into anyone's body does it exists with Allah anymore?

    Mohammed, your arguments sound to me like this: Does Allah's Spirit and Allah indicate twopersons and hence two Gods? In reality they are two persons but compiled in oneness andinseparable.

    The other person in this unity is God's Word, who is Isa. That's why John 1:1-4 says, "In thebeginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was inthe beginning wi th God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothingwas made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men."

    #Aila 2013-08-20 04:50~

    Thank you for your comment. The Trinity concept cannot be understood easily by our humanunderstanding. This is something we must receive by faith. When we receive it, we willunderstand it day by day as we experience a relationship with God. Its by Gods grace thatwe can understand the concept.

    #uzma 2012-11-01 15:33`My two questions:

    (1) How do we glorify God?

    (2) Which sin you are talking about?

    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-11-05 18:56*

    Hi Uzma,

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    (1) A Christian, according to the Bible, glorifies God by living a life pleasing to God. Such aperson seeks to have a pure heart, free from selfishness. He seeks to love and serve otherswhile living in a godly way. S/he will also praise God and honor God in all her/his ways.

    (2) When we talk about sin it is generally a synonym for all sins that people commit. Somesins are very evident like murder, lying, stealing. Other sins are hidden, like envy, jealousy,hate, pride. All of these sins are abominable to God. All of these sins keep a person fromheaven.

    The good news is that Jesus died on the cross in order to cleanse us from all these sins withHis shed blood. ". . .the blood of Jesus . . . purifies (cleanses) us from all sin"(Injil, I John1:7).

    #uzma 2012-11-06 15:51`Caleb Rahmat,

    It means a Christian's sins will be forgiven because Jesus died on the cross.

    Now my question: Do you think Jesus will come back?

    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-11-08 23:25`Hi Uzma,

    It is important to remember that just because a person calls himself a "Christian," does notmean that his sins will be forgiven. There are millions of people who are Christians in a"cultural sense." These people's sins are not forgiven even though they call themselvesChristians.

    The Bible is very plain that a person must personally confess His sins to Christ and ask Christto cleanse him from His sins if he wants to receive eternal life.

    "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify usfrom all unrighteousness" (Injil, I John 1:9).

    Uzma, Jesus promised He would come again. Note His promise to His followers:

    Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. MyFathers house ha s many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I amgoing there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I willcome backand take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. . . . (Injil,John 14:1-4).


    #uzma 2012-11-10 14:02`So if a Christian commits a crime all his life and on his death bed he confesses and asks forforgiveness, will he be forgiven?

    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-11-14 20:09*Hi Uzma,

    May I ask a few questions before I answer? Is God limited in His forgiveness? Can He forgivewhomever He will? If God decided to forgive a person on his deathbed, would you tell God thatHe cant do that? If God is sovereign, the Master of the universe, should we try to limit Him andsay, God, you may not forgive a person on his deathbed?

    But here is the key, a person who has not committed a crime may, all of his life, lived with anarrogant, angry and lustful heart. How does God look on that person, even though he hasntcommitted a crime? Here is what Isa Al-Masih says, . . . anyone who looks at a womanlustfully has committed adultery w ith her in his heart . . . (Injil, Matthew 6:18). There areother verses that say the same thing about anger and pride. Remember, Uzma, God looks atthe heart. He sees our hidden sins and we deserve eternal punishment because of those sins.

    But there is Good News in the Injil, For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for

    the unrighteous, to bring us to God . . . . (Injil, I Peter 3:18). Please read about salvationfrom sin under the Topic Heading listed Way of Salvationon top bar on this page.


    #uzma 2012-11-10 14:09`Jasmin, what I read you wrote about original sin is that death will come to us because of themistake of Hazrat Adam.

    I invite you to read the Quran without any bias. You will find that Hazrat Adam was forgiven for hismistake. We are not here because of his mistake.

    Allah planned that He will send man on this earth when He made Hazrat Adam.

    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-11-14 20:15`

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    Hi Uzma,

    Even though the Bible teaches the idea of original sin, that is a non-issue in the sense thatall people sin and break Gods law. The Bible clearly explains that we all have sinned and wewill be punished for our sins. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life. . .(Injil, Romans 6:23). So Uzma, you and I have both sinned, and must answer to God forour own sins.

    Yes, Hazrat Adam was forgiven for his sin. We see that God clothed Adam in an animal skin.The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam a nd his wife and clothed them(Genesis 3:21). This is the first animal sacrifice noted in the Taurat. The purpose was to coverAdam and Eves nakedness (and sin). This is a pic ture of Christ dying to cover the sins ofthose who accept His death on their behalf on the cross.

    Uzma, we are not here because of a mistake. We are here because it was Gods will to put ushere. But we will not go to heaven because we have sinned. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can

    cover our sin make it possible for us to go to heaven.


    #uzma 2012-11-17 13:31`How will Hazrat Isa cover our sins? I don't get it. Why will he do that?

    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-11-22 18:34`Hi Uzma,

    This is a good question. Let me explain first, why Hazrat Isa will cover our sins.

    Uzma, you believe that God is just. Is a human judge more just than God? The law demandsthat those who break the law be punished. The judge must follow the law and punish law-breakers.

    God is perfect in justice and thus demands that all law-breakers (sinners) be punished. ButGod is also perfect love, and He does not wish to punish us eternally. What can God do?

    The Bible says that God sent the Kalimat Allah (Word of God) to earth as Isa Al-Masih (Jesusthe Messiah). Jesus died on the cross bearing the punishment due to us. He himself boreour sins in his body on the tree [cross] . . . Christ died for sins once for all, therighteous for the unrighteous, to bring us to God (Injil, I Peter 2:24, 3:18).

    Because of the crucifixion of Hazrat Isa God still remains perfectly just (our sins have beenpunished) and also perfectly loving, when he forgives us.

    One Bible metaphor of salvation is cleansing. With His blood he cleanses our sin. Anothermetaphor is c overing. See the story of The Prodigal Son (Luke 15) where the father coveredthe son in a new robe.

    Jason Gilead

    #uzma 2012-11-25 15:06`Jason Gilead,

    what about those tyrants who are breaking the laws? Will their sins be forgiven if they believe insalvation through Jesus?

    I want the answer in one word, yes or no.

    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-12-03 15:25`If you or I answer Yes or No we are taking the place of God!

    It is obvious that all people who break Gods law (including tyrants) should be punishedeternally. This also includes all people, whether good or bad people. Everyone has brokenGods law All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory (Injil, Romans 3:23).

    But God will determine who is forgiven and who is not forgiven. That decision is not up to youor me. There was a thief, a true lawbreaker, that was crucified next to Jesus. That man asked

    for forgiveness. What did Jesus say to him? Today you will be with me in paradise(Luke 23:43).

    This is the miracle of Grace. Because Jesus died on the cross for us, forgiveness is offered toall of us, even thieves and tyrants. Not all will repent and receive forgiveness. Obviously Godwill determine who is forgiven.

    What about you Uzza? Will you accept the forgiveness that is offered by Jesus?


    Jason Gilead

    #uzma 2012-12-07 15:54`I believe that the power of forgiving is only with Allah. If He forgives then it is the salvation. He willforgive the ones who repent sincerely, be righteous and follow the path of Last Messenger ProphetMuhammad (SAW) who was guided and loved by Allah.

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    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-12-12 17:46`I can agree with part of your statement, Uzma. You are correct, only Allah can forgive sins.

    The problem is that Muslims are never really sure if God will forgive them. They hope that Hewill. But if I asked, Are you sure you would go to heaven if you died today, the best you couldanswer is, I hope so. That is an honest answer because you are not sure if you are righteousenough and therefore not sure if God will forgive your sins.

    Those who accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior from sin are certain they will go toheaven. First of all, Jesus Christ is their substitute and was punished for their sins in their

    place on the cross. Secondly, they have accepted Jesus Christ as their Substitute, theirSavior. So they have no fear of being punished eternally for their sins. They know they will bein heaven forever.

    Jesus said, My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I givethem eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall a nyone snatch them out ofMy hand(Injil, John 10:27-28 NKJ).

    Jason Gilead

    #uzma 2012-12-13 14:25`How do you follow Jesus? What are those laws or rules which Jesus gave which should beobeyed in order to go to heaven?

    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-12-15 00:58

    Uzma, thanks for such a good question.

    I have a deep respect for Muslims because so many are sincere and want to do what is right.

    The Gospel explains carefully that salvation is received as a gift. There are no rules that onemust obey to receive this gift. The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord(Injil, Romans 6:23).

    The person who receives the gift of eternal life wants to please God. How must Christians liveso as to please God? Here are a few of Gods commands: Love the Lord your God withall your heart and with all your should and with all your mind. . . Love your neighboras yourself. . . do to others as you would have them do to you . . . (Injil, Matthew 22:34-39; 7:12).

    The whole Bible elaborates on these basic laws. For example, not stealing would be oneapplication of loving your neighbor as you love yourself.

    But remember, true followers of Jesus keep these laws not to earn the gift of salvation. Theykeep them as a way to please God whom they love.

    Kind regards,

    Jason Gilead

    #uzma 2012-12-19 15:23`I don't understand this. True followers of Jesus keep these laws not to earn the gift of salvation?They keep them as a way to please God whom they love?

    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-12-20 23:55`Uzma, again you ask very good questions. Thank you.

    May I ask you a question, Does a father want a child to obey him because of fear or becauseof love? If a child said to his father, I obey you because of fear, because you might punish meor throw me out of the family how would the father feel? Would not the father feel happier if thechild said, Father, I obey you because I love you and I want only to please you!?

    God, our Father, has provided salvation as a gift through the death of the Lord Jesus Christ.Christ suffered in my place, bore the punishment due me, saved me from the eternalpunishment of being separated from God forever. I did not earn this forgiveness. It is a free giftfrom God to me and to all who accept Christ Jesus as their Savior. I give them eternal life,and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand (John 10:28).

    Should not my response be to obey God as a way of pleasing and thanking Him for thiswonderful gift of salvation? Should not I keep His laws as a way to show my love to Him forsuch a free and great salvation He has given me?

    Jason Gilead

    #uzma 2012-12-21 15:45`It means that on the Day of Judgement you people will be forgiven because Jesus died for yoursins. This concept is not getting into my head. Don't you think it is unjust?

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    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-12-22 22:38`Many people, Christians and non-Christians, put forth your question and it is a fair question.

    No Muslim in the world is sure s/he will be forgiven on the Day of Judgment. Not one Muslimhas peace that s/he will be accepted into heaven on Judgment Day. Is that unjust? Would aGod who loves us cares for us make us live in uncertainty and anxiety all our lives about theeternal state of our soul? A God like that is not at all attractive to me!

    The Gospel is clear, He[God]is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, buteveryone to come to repentance(Injil, II Peter 3:9).

    God wants none to perish. People, Christians and Muslims, perish eternally because theychose to do so. God sends no one to hell. People go to hell of their own choice.

    God has put these good questions in your heart Uzma. He is showing you that you can becertain of eternal life. God invites you to choose Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. He willnever send you to hell. That is a choice we as individuals make. God wants you to chooseheaven, to live with Him eternally. Dont choose eternal death and eternal punishment. Pleasefollow this url for a fuller understanding of salvation - .

    Jason Gilead

    #aslam 2012-12-27 14:40

    Quoting Jasmin:



    Thank you for your comment. As Christians, this is one verse of the Quran that

    completely misinterprets the Bible. According to the Bible, Isa Al-Masih never tells his

    followers to worship Mary.

    So Muhammad and the Quran are even wrong in suggesting that Christians believe

    that Mary is God. It is unfortunate that Muslims, based on a verse like this, think they

    understand Christian beliefs.

    No Muslim has ever been able to show a verse from the Christian Bible that claims

    Mary is God.


    Dear Jasmin,

    Qur'an is not wrong. Unfortunately you did not read the history of Christianity that well. In theevolution of Catholicism, Mary (mother of Jesus) was seen as a deity and was prayed to. It is stillpracticed in Catholicism. Of course Lutherans etc. don't take Mary as a deity.


    #Caleb Rahmat 2012-12-28 23:05Sam,

    Do Muslims pray to saints? Just visit the Middle East and you will see Muslims going to thegraves / shrines of past Islamic leaders and praying. Yes, some Roman Catholics pray toMary. It is no different that Muslims praying at a dead saint's grave.

    In the time of Muhammad there were a few sects that looked to Mary as a goddess, e.g. theCollyridians. But all religions have sects. For example the Muslim sect, the Ahmadiyyasbelieve their founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, is the final prophet of Islam. But to claim thatMuslims believe that would be ridiculous.

    Muhammads claim that the beliefs of a sect like the Collyridians was the belief of Christians is


    Beyond that, history means nothing. What does the Bible say? There is not one verse in theBible stating that Mary is a goddess. Muhammad should have done a little more research andbeen more careful about his statements. In this case Muhammad was clearly wrong.

    Note carefully Jasmins claim, As Christians this is one verse in the Quran that completelymisinterprets the Bible. According to the Bible Isa Al-Masih never tells his followers to worshipMary.

    Jason Gilead

    #uzma 2013-01-05 14:55He [God] is patient with you, not wa nting anyone to perish, but everyone to come torepentance(Injil, II Peter 3:9).

    Yes, as mentioned He wants us to repent and we only repent when we do sins. So from thisverse, it is quite clear that the idea that Christ died for our sins has been nullified
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    #Jason Gilead 2013-01-11 16:18`Hi Uzma,

    You will have to help me. I dont follow your logic. The verse is clear, God doesnt want any toperish. He has provided a way so that all can be saved from perishing. People must choose tofollow the way (s-sirat). That way is Christ.

    The Bible is very clear, both Old Testament and New Testament (Torah, Zabur, Prophets,Injeel), that Christ died for our sins. Please note the great verse from the prophet Isaiah thatwas revealed by Allah 500 years before the birth of Christ: But he was pierced for ourtransgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought uspeace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have

    gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him theiniquity of us all(Isaiah 53:5-6).

    Christ died for you. He wants to save you. He wants to keep you from perishing on judgmentday. He wants to give you peace now and eternal life forever.

    Jason Gilead

    #uzma 2013-01-12 14:18`OK, then answer this question: Say there are two students, student A and student B. Student Ais hardworking, understands the text follows the instruction given by the teacher. Student B has aguardian who is the friend of the teacher they both take the exam.

    Student B was relaxed, thinking that his guardian will help him so he was not able to answer anyof the questions correctly. Student A worked hard and followed the instructions and was able toanswer all the questions correctly. If you are a teacher, what will you assess them?

    #Jason Gilead 2013-01-22 17:43`Hi Uzma,

    Thanks for the word picture. This is helpful.

    Here is the problem God looks and judges us based on what He sees in our hearts. Whatdoes He see? The Lord saw . . . that every inclination of the thoughts of his [mans]heart was only evil all the time . . . . . . . . there is no one who does good, not evenone . . . . . The heart [of man] is deceitful above all things, and beyond cure . . . . .. For from w ithin, out of mens hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft,murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance andfolly(Genesis 6:5, Psalm 53:3, Jeremiah 17:9, Mark 7:21-22).

    God does not give grades like man does, based on outward performance of religious duties orgood morals. God looks into the heart and motives of every person. Student A, Student B,Student C etc. fail, flunk and will be punished eternally because of the sin hidden in their heart.God will not permit anyone with even the smallest sin in their heart enter His heaven. God isperfectly holy and will not tolerate any sin in His heaven!

    Jesus came and died to cleanse our hearts from all sin. See I John 1:7, 9.

    #Surya 2013-01-19 23:32`Can you prove that Bible is correct? Why are there so many contradictions in Bible?

    #Jason Gilead 2013-01-22 17:46`Yes, it is quite easy to prove that the Bible is correct. Muslim leaders around the world arealways teaching that the Bible is full of errors and contradictions. Christians who know theBible well have looked at all these seeming contradictions. They are not contradictions andcan be easily explained. Most people who say that there are contradictions in the Bible havenever read the Bible.

    Muslims rarely study the seeming contradictions in the Quran. After studying both the Bibleand the Quran I am concluded that the Bible is a much more trustworthy document than the


    We encourage you to read carefully two articles that explain some of the contradictions in theQuran: and .

    What is important to remember is that the key message of the Bible is salvation from sin andeternal life. We read in Romans 6:23, For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God iseternal life in (through) Christ Jesus our Lord.

    #Akuanakindonesia 2013-01-23 06:29`Why must Jesus die? Why must people kill Him? Who killed Him?

    #Jason Gilead 2013-01-29 19:30`Friend from Indonesia:

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    Muslims have a great desire to go to heaven. Even though most are very serious in doingamal or good works, I have never met a Muslim who is sure he/she is going to heaven. This isbecause all Muslims (and all people of the world) know that there good works are never enoughto cover all their sins. All are aware that they are not holy, and thus are uncertain about thehope of eternal life in heaven after death.

    Jesus died on the cross. He bore the punishment for our sin. God willed that the eternal Word(Kalimah Allah) would suffer for us. His blood, shed on the cross, can cleanse us from everysin and make us holy enough to enter heaven.

    Please note this holy verse from the Book of God, He himself bore our sins in his body onthe tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness . . .(The Gospel, IPeter 2:24).


    #norilink 2013-01-26 19:31`Can you prove the stories (Noah, Musa,...)? I guess you can't. There just called myths so don'tfool others and don't involve people to these ideas that have no proof :).


    #Jason Gilead 2013-01-29 19:38`It is very hard to prove anything in ancient history. So you are correct, we cant prove thatNoah ever lived.

    But his torians have very st rong evidence of a major flood in pre-history. There are references tothis flood in the epic of Gilgamesh. You can check out the Epic of Gilgamesh (2500 BC) inWikipedia. I dont think most historians would refer to a major flood as a myth. Also I doubtthey would refer to Moses as a myth.

    Of course many historians and scholars doubt the authenticity of some of the stories in theBook of God. But that is to be understood. One hundred years ago scholars said that therewas no writing during the time of Abraham. Now they have discovered that writing did exist inthe time of Abraham. All this means is that more research is needed to verify Biblicalaccounts.

    But we can prove that Jesus Christ lived on earth. We do know He was crucified and roseagain. These things have all been proven historically again and again. What you need to thinkabout, is, Why did Christ die? The Holy Book of God says that He died for you Nori, becauseHe loves you.

    . . . God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christdied for us(Injil, Romans 5:8).


    #EWVNON BOON 2013-02-10 18:02

    Sorry, I read something like this in your comment: The problem is that Muslims are never reallysure if God will forgive them. They hope that He will. But if I asked, Are you sure you would go toheaven if you died today, the best you could answer is, I hope so. That is an honest answerbecause you are not sure if y ou are righteous enough and therefore not sure if God will forgive yoursins..."

    You are wrong. Why? Because I'm sure that every Muslim will enter heaven as God promises.But, because we have sins (in our life we do a lot of mistakes), we have to pay for our sins in hell.

    But, there is a specificity. When we are dying and our last word is syahadah (Belief in Allah asthe only God and Muhammad as the messenger of God) we will enter heaven without goingthrough hell.

    So, my I Answer is not, "...I hope so" but "I'm sure...." (eb. Sorry for my English Im not goodenough.)

    #Jason Gilead 2013-02-13 19:27`O you who have believed, repent to Allah with sincere repentance. Perhaps yourLord will re move from you your misdeeds and admi t you to [heaven]. . . (Qs 66:8,Sahih International Version). Note the word perhaps. It is not certain you will be forgiven.

    In my 30 years in Indonesia I never met a Muslim who was certain he would go to heaven. Itold a friend I would give him $1,000 if he would bring to me a Muslim who was certain he wasgoing to heaven. He never brought such a person.

    A Muslim from Malaysia wrote, I am afraid of Kiamat even though I fast, worship and live agood life. I am not certain Allah will receive me when I die.

    How can a Mus lim be s ure? Good and bad deeds are weighed on Judgment Day. If bad deedsare heavier a person will go to hell.

    Even Muhammad was not sure of heaven. Thats why he has all the Muslims in the world prayfor his salvation every day - Assalamu alaika Ayyuhan Nabi.

    But if you come t