religion (sociology)

RELIGION Prof. M. Lakshmipathi Raju

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Page 1: Religion (Sociology)

RELIGIONProf. M. Lakshmipathi Raju

Page 2: Religion (Sociology)

Belief in Supernatural being

Characteristics: Sacred, Holy Fear, Happiness Rituals Moral Implication


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Rituals – Religious Behaviour

Beliefs- Faith

Organization – Mechanism

Three Aspects:

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Cohesive Function

Social wellbeing

Means of control

Moral Standards


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Belief in Supernatural power To control this power To manipulate supernatural power Exorcist performs rituals Black magic, white power

Black Magic Uses magic power For evil purpose

White Magic Use magic for well-being


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Religion Magic

Superior power by prayer – to coerce superior power

Public Secret

Respected Fear

Practices. Prayers With Charms

Difference between Religion and Magic

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Magic Pseudo science (false science) Wrong assumption Deals with super natural

Science Cause, effect relationship Empirical facts Deals with natural Observation, experiment

Magic and Science

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Emerged from idea and soul All objects inhabited by spirits All activities caused by spirits Soul after death transmigrated These spirits worshipped

Theories of origin of Religion

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To control nature Powers to control nature superior Evolution in sequence Magic stage, religious stage, scientific stages

Naturalism by Max Muller

Nature surprising This surprise led to worship

Magic by JG Frazer

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Belief – descended from them Totem– objects Collective representations Totem – treated as sacred Collective consciousness Ceremonies, rituals bind people

Totemism by Emile Durkheim

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Revered object – has power Worship of fetishes A leaf or stone Among pre literate people


Irrational belief – omen, sorcery, etc., Followed by many Becomes religious practice

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Christianity Christ as Prophet Monotheistic Faith in Jesus, service, love Neighbours Ten commandment's


Dates back, thousands of year Polytheistic, several gods Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha Moksha [salvation] Four ashrams of life

Prominent Religions

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Islam 7th century – Prophet Mohammad Monotheistic, one god Surrender to will of god- Allah Quran – revelation of god


4th century BC Four noble truths Suffering, cause of suffering, (desire) Nirvana – remove cause of suffering Eight fold path

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24 Thirthankaras Rishabadev- first 24th – Mahavir Jain delivered from JIN (conquer) Three gems – right path, right knowledge right

conduct Jain believe in soul, karma, cycle of birth


Guru Nanak teachings Guru Govind Singh


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Beliefs, rituals Supernatural - god, heaven, hell Mode of worship – holy texts, philosophy Victory of good over evil

Ideology of Religion

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Values of nationality Secularism Religion –undergone change Cause of strife Communal violence International terrorism Notorious activities

Modern society