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Religion Notes for new testament


Religion Notes

Luke: 2:52MEMORIZE DEAR LORD, MEMORIZEMATTHEW 11:28-30Mark 8:35-36Jesus spoke in Aramaic and HebrewJoseph Smith TranslationThe Book of Mormon is the only reliable translation Mistakes and careless transcribing and corrupt translations from priests All JSTs are not a restoration of the original Robert Matthews portions that were removed portions that originally not there in the first placePortions might be Joseph Smiths commentary enlarged or explained or adapted to modern day situationHarmonization of doctrinal concepts revealed to Joseph Smith independently of his translation of the Bible. Has authorization to do so because of the power of the Prophet

Matthew Mark and Luke Synoptic gospels

John 92% margin (80 class note words)(294 words total)Scripture: What is the significance of the act of eating locusts and wild honey? Joseph Smith, doing an excellent job in fixing errors in Mark 1 verse 12, glad I noticed that. "Come ye after me and I will make you to become fishers of men." I always liked that line. It's quite touching on how willing and ready they were to follow him. And then we have talk of demons... one of my least favorite subjects. Getting some parallels from earlier notes taken in class ("The Word was with God and God was the Word.)

Manual: John was referred to as "The disciple whom Jesus loved." Originally he was a follower of John the Baptist. As said before, Johns teachings are geared towards members of the Church and those with a general interest in it. 5 out of 7 miracles of Jesus were recorded by John. John was the only one to give gospel of Jesus' mortal life. Jesus is the creator under the direction of God. John the Baptist was a witness. "The light of Christ" was not used as a phrase in the Bible. We must not confuse the light of Christ with the Holy Ghost. I did not know this was a problem. Jesus Christ is the only Begotten Son.

Class Notes Who is Elias again? Titles: The Light of the World, The Bringer of Light and Truth, The Son of God and The Lamb of God . The Gospel is the Light. John was not the Light but a witness and preacher of such. The world was made by Him, and it knew him not. Christos = Messiah = The Anointed One Elias- Preparer, forerunner, restorer for Christ. Elijah is the Greek version. Joseph would have been King of the Jews

Class Notes: And Jesus increased in wisdom (mental) and stature (physical) and in favor with God (spiritual) and man (social). Christ had to develop as we did over his life, he was not a preacher from the womb, he had a childhood and life as we did. We must become of worth and value to those around us and to God above. We must take of ourselves and improve our minds and bodies. We can help others with our sociability. Social skills are also needed to spread the gospel and is necessary to spiritual growth. Jesus had brothers and sisters. Herod was mental. Jesus experienced the veil of forgetfulness at a young age. He never felt the yolk of sin upon his shoulders.


Class Notes: The devil was actually ballsy enough to try and tempt Christ himself. Bold, but ultimately pointless and ill thought out... much like most of satans plans. What made John the Baptist so great?" among all men born on earth, none are greater than John the Baptist." H was a forerunner for Christ, even before he started his ministry. Leaped the womb? H was humble. Wait, John was Jesus' mortal cousin? He possessed great charity. He didn't lead others for himself but for Christ. A great referral by Brother McConkie. I hope my wedding doesn't end up like that. You can't take it with you, treasure and gather up the blessings and knowledge of the gospel. He did not go into the woods to be tempted. Satan would not have power to transport our savior or anyone else really. We have the power to choose, we only give power to wickedness only as much as we give it. Righteous men do not seek temptation. Try not to drag others down because of their past. Can you say the same for yourself? Jesus Converted between 106- 162 gallons of water to wine. Holy crap.

Class notes: We sang "did you think to pray" I must remember to do that more often. And this scripture that we are memorizing is an absolute nightmare. Jesus could have only given to us the atonement, if he was a pure sacrifice. He set to atone the sins of mankind and to set an example. Sermon on the Mount might be the most well known passage of scriptures. I don't quite get "the salt of the earth analogy" now that you mention it.... Salt is needed for health, preserving food and essential functions across the world. To be salt of the earth, is that we should be goodly and desired. The savor of salt is lost through mixture and contamination, and thus becomes good for nothing. Salt has over 14,000 uses. I see anger is put right up there with murder... good to know. I'm always angry at myself for one reason or another, still working on reconciling with myself. Nothing will be right in heaven, if nothing is right in your heart. L[_]-i


(120 class note words)(335 words total)

Scripture: These punishments are absolutely terrifying. Though I'm not sure which is worse, the punishments, or the responsibilities that come with it. Like I thought back in class, I admire the apostles for their righteousness and courage. I myself wouldn't be able to shoulder the power, authority and responsibility. I wouldn't be able to take the persecution and the adversity that comes with it. I just couldn't. The line about the Lord bringing the sword is rather worrying. And here we go with the Pharisees again, is anything NOT scared on the Sabbath day to these yokels? I mean really, healing and helping people is verboten on the Sabbath. What kind of people think like that? I could have sword there was also a limited number of steps you could take as well, if I remember correctly.

Manual: And then we have the classic affliction of the Bible, Leprosy. How humble the title, The Son of Man, is. I always liked the story of Jesus calming the sea, haven't read it in while actually. I must apologize if it seems that I don't have any deep insights into the scriptures. I feel things and learn as well, but I just can't seem to put them to paper or may be too personal for public writing.

Class Notes: Adultery was a lot more hardcore back then it seems. Just because a law is legal and good in the eyes of the land, does not mean it is good in the eyes of God. God had to dumb down the laws laid down before him for his people. Sounds pretty familiar. Greed and selfishness go hand in hand, and lead to marriage problems. It is cancer that destroys relationships, covenants and loyalty. Repentance is the best answer to these problems, rather than separation. The Apostles were willing to follow without hesitation before their ordainment. They were men of great faith, they recognized the Saviors divinity. I admire the Apostles, they are braver than I ever could be. Simon Peter and the Canaanite x2James Son of Zebedee son of Alphaeus x2Judas Iscariot Thaddeus Lebbeus x2 Matthew/LeviAndrewThomas Philip Bartholomew John (184 class note words)(384 word total) Scripture: The yoke of Christ is easy and it's burden is light. It only becomes heavier when we weigh it down with our own sins and choices. We are the ones who determine how much we carry in this life, for better or for worse. And John seems to be man of the hour in this chapter. Of course it's more like man of the Eternity and rightly so it would seem. As said in class, it is better to do good and worthwhile works on the Sabbath, rather than follow some arbitrary law or rule that would prevent you from doing so. That it not to say to look for exceptions or disregard doctrine and laws passed from God, but to avoid the traps of the Jews and Pharisees. Oh yeah casting our demons is totally a devilish power... They seem to be mixing up holy power (banishing) and warlockery (binding demons and summoning.) They should read more... then again that's probably unlawful on the sabbath or any other day most likely. Manual: Satan has no power over us, only in what we let him have. Once again proven through Jesus' forty day foray into the wilderness. Class Notes: One again, Bethesda rears its head. Buy one, get one free super sacrifice deals, available today only. Miracle water? ( could have been mineral water, not mystical, but still healing.) Like it healed Leprosy and such? And apparently John endorses this water. Joan of Arc could have been real. JOAN OF ARC. WAS REAL. That is so cool! God sends his favor and angels to anyone of faith. And here we go with the whole "stop healing on the Sabbath day you heathen." Boooooy, that is completely stupid. And here we go with the whole "stop healing on the Sabbath day you heathen." Jesus was a sanctified fly in the face of the Jews, a Holy rebel if you will. The man being healed at the waters, represents moving forward. Jesus even healed the muscle atrophy. God does not give us a do or don't list of activities for Sundays. He wants us to ask how we can do well. "It is lawful to do well on the Sabbath day." "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath."

(133 class note words)(342 word total)Scripture Notes: And once again we find ourselves viewing the ever paranoid and unhinged King Herod. Just what I always wanted. And of course the Wise Men demonstrate their lack of common sense (and dare I say) wisdom, by opening their fat mouths. And it literally ok divine intervention from God Himself, for them to figure out they that shouldn't go back to King Herod. Why are they call Wise men again? I can't help but feel I've read these passages before. No, no I'm quite sure we as a class have, towards the beginning of the semester. Manual: It is unknown who was the actual scribe of the book of Luke. Though of course, all accounts are from Luke himself. It seems the book itself is surrounded by mystery, as experts do not even know when the book was written as well. As mentioned earlier in the semester, Luke was written for a Gentile audience. One might even say, A general Gentile audience. Heh. Course is a replacement word for Priesthood. This course was divided into 24 families who would gather for this course. This one in particular was the course of Abia. I thought this was a passage they had to take for a meeting. Silly me. Class Notes: Christ has a dual nature, one that is holy and pure. A his nature has mastery of Life and Death, prolonging the effects of both and even reversing them. Parables help us to understand the teachings of our Savior. It rewards though who hunger for knowledge and ask. Ignorance is Bliss, those who understand are held accountable. Those who lie in ignorance are spared. We are also given the gift of agency on top of that. Parable= Parabola y= xWell I certainly can't understand it. Heh, stop putting math into my Doctrine.

The Parable of the Sower. A parable showing the effects of the Gospel and the people who receive it. Sometimes I think, at best, I'm of the third group. At worst, sometimes I think I'm in the first. (118 class note words)(318 word total)

Scripture: Ladies and Gentlemen, let's give a big hand and shout out to the Pharisees, for continuing to be the biggest tools of all Biblical time. Truly a worthy achievement. As said in class today, Tradition can be good, and it can be destructive. The Pharisees are a perfect example of clinging to destructive and restrictive traditions; all in the name of "we have always done it this way." "Why do transgress on our elders traditions?" "I don't know, why are you transgressing on God's turf with your traditions?" And the Savior grew mind, body, and the art of SHOTS FIRED. Love me some righteous, wise and goodly sass. Even his disciples were just like, sir, what are you doing?! But Christ said, those not planted and reared by his word will be uprooted. And Jesus broke the fish and bread and fed the multitude. And we have a new comer into the ring, and it seems to be the Sadducees; what delightful, archaic and un-thoughtful traditions do these guys bring to the table. Manual: It seems the Pharisees and the Sadducees were avid sign seekers. And of course we know how well things turn out when you seek signs...Class notes: Apostles were called to heal a man, namely a lunatic. The disciples could not cure the lunatic, but (of course) Christ could. It was due to their lack of faith (or may have been a teaching opportunity) that they could not cast his lunacy out. "If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed..." Bread? What did I miss? Oh. Physical sustenance can only carry one so far, as even with it, you will die one day. The Bread of Life will sustain one in life and beyond death. We are to try and strive to become Christ-like figures. Bread is a basic need, humanity has always partook of bread and will always need it.