relevant business mindset


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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Relevant Business Mindset
Page 2: Relevant Business Mindset


I am giving out this free version eBook that you can print for personal use or for whatever

reason you want to use it for. This eBook is un-copyrighted; all content of this Article I

hereby waive all claims of copyright. It may be used or altered in any manner without

attribution or notice to me. Full attribution, however, must be given to my Master the Lord

Jesus Christ.

Special thanks to Manolo for design, Nikki for editing, and my best critic, my wife.

Page 3: Relevant Business Mindset

Relevant Business Mindset: An Overview

Most people in business today are aware of the many changes going on in their world.

Though they cannot exactly put a finger to it, they can feel the forces of a different tide that has

set in. Basically mixed up and mystified, they try to grasp the unexplainable, try to figure out

what those changes are, how they affect their businesses, and what steps to take to remedy

problems so that they can re-model their business to fit it to their seemingly vague paradigm.

Almost all businessmen, however, are too busy to spend time probing into the undiscovered,

trying to figure out these things and being bombarded with overwhelming information that

comes all over the place. They need someone to point out in clear colours the way that they

should go.

The Relevant Mindset is the first book that seeks to answer those questions. It is a

guiding light to the lost entrepreneur, the 'business-bible' to those innovators, the well-fitted ones

that ride all storms at the top, who is eligible to reconstruct their business according to the model

of our transformed age. This book points out the many changes today and what to do to fit your

business in exchange of our incumbent that carries with it those inherited customs which were

intended to adapt well to our by-gone era, and what to do to be efficient and fitting for today.

This book is divided into 17 chapters. It is also organized and constructed to characterize

the diversity and complexity found in management factors: managerial style, organizational

structure, extent of the system, major strategic goals, and the owner’s involvement in the

business. Here is an overview of those17 chapters and what you will learn and experience from

this book whether your business is considerably huge, medium or small they are subsequent to

the 5 stages of any developmental framework, starting from a Start-up, Survival, Success, Take-

off and Resource Maturity.

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Chapter I: Driving your business to the next level

An upfront business strategic planning of a successful business enterprise which lays down

explicit targets and footprints to track is not the mark of someone who is determined to succeed

in business at all costs, rather it is marked with an energy that is so determined to reach a dream,

mindful that breaking new grounds means leaping those obstacles first then figuring out

inclusive and wide-ranging effects as one goes on.

However, progressing in this manner triumphantly is also slowly nurturing a force that would

make one occupy the backend daily transactions and so fill its hand and slow him down. The

essentials of Delegation now must set in.

Chapter 2: A System that Works

Right functioning of a system includes the instrument and its handler in dispensing its critical

interface. It is therefore important to fashion an atmosphere or an environment conducive to

bring out the best of workers as a substitute of valuing the best structure and consequently

making workers support it.

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Chapter 3: Getting Things Done

When you started your business, it was easy and uncomplicated because you just had to deal

with yourself: you knew your own strengths and limitations in addition to controlling them, you

knew what reward stirred you up to better productivity. Now, when your business has grown,

things are more complicated. There are now a lot of personalities involved, different people, and

to make your body (the business) act as one is not an easy thing. Because of this, you need to

build your team and better fit it to act as you once acted when you were alone: proficient and


Chapter 4: Why Most Marketing and Business Strategies are not Working

The reason why most marketing business strategies are not working is that the entrepreneurs are

living in the past, when the manufactures of goods were the idols and heroes. But today the

tables have been turned, and there exists now a very intelligent buying society. Almost all

entrepreneurs, however, still maintain their arrogant mindset that makes them think that this

intelligent buying society will succumb to any product they produce, but the truth of the matter is

that there is yet still no other choice. Also, they see the market as a big pie to be plundered, and

lose focus on attracting the people who really need the kind of products and services they have or

can provide.

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Chapter 5: Perception Gaps in Marketing and Capital

1) Marketing begins long before you start to create the product, and sales is merely

completing the stage of the entire business activity; marketing begins by developing

values that are fit to satisfy needs that you are capable of providing. It should not be

about getting rich. Money therefore is only a by-product, and if you want more money,

you have to create more ‘value.’

2) Mistakes are also often made when we think about Capital for the reason that it is often

equated primarily to cash or currency. A more profound valuation of Capital is

resourcefulness and its attained product is either - Cash, Influence or Outcome to enable

us to build or support the business.

Chapter 6: Policy Inconsistency Can Drag Output or Overall Performance

The first of the 4 subjective execution points that is causing unpleasant output performance that

we have to be mindful of:

Output performance is not determined by the strength and aptitude of the system to have a hold

over workers’ compliance but a channel to support workers’ utmost maximum performance

found and initiated by those closest to customers and suppliers. There are a lot of policy

inconsistencies today that really drag the output of our overall performance. These are policies

that worked well in the past, and served their purpose to that time, but today they are out of date

and unfitting to our new business generation.

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Chapter 7: Organizational Structure Can Stir Up Pressure

The second and third very vital output deterrents are those barriers, those partitions and divisions

raised to distribute resources by empowering each division to efficiently use them. When we

speak of structure, we often default to traditional hierarchies, the way companies have been set

up for generations. However, the growth to build those vertical structures has led to greater and

greater margins of limitations and inefficiencies not only in terms of the physical access to those

resources but more importantly to information resources to empower each one to have the

highest level of involvement. When barriers and bottlenecks arise, information distribution also

suffers. There is a driving demand of change in structure, where decentralization and

relationships are aligned more towards an informal set-up instead of the bureaucratic


Chapter 8: How to Shape your Business Activity with your Score Card

One of the biggest challenges of the emerging paradigm shift is the decentralizing of the

numbers side of business. There are various reluctances, and most argue that since the numbers

side of business does not fall under a subjective issue, that it is unaffected by human responses to

mean that the financial statements that accountants provide are only a true representation of

tangible facts carried helplessly because it only speaks of what was sold what it was able to sell,

spent what it spent and earned what it earned. A deeper look will show that what they provide

are not tangible facts, but their personal and artful reflection of how business is doing because it

is very hard for them to know exactly what everyone in the company does every day and all its

transactions unless these accountants are there to watch it all the time.

This therefore means that even the numbers side of business thought of as a science has in and of

itself a subjective element and therefore must also be an integral part of the horizontal alignment.

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Chapter 9: The Right Reward System can Spur Corporate Culture

The 4th and the last execution point that is also under a subjective nature is incentivizing workers

appropriately to fire them up further. Conversely, although most are apt to dispel cash

remuneration thought as the only available method to motivate workers, it most often proves

erroneously weak to remedy another need that when satisfied generates a more lasting fulfilment.

Furthermore, a system that focuses on an individual accomplishment is frequently antagonistic to

cooperation and collaboration. The right reward system motivates workers not simply to stay at

their job, but to give all they can to be the best they can for their company.


Chapter 10: Your Culture is your Brand

The company that represents the conventional mission, vision, and the ROI (all sensitive

business models) is short in embracing the embodiment of a dream. When one dreams, one is

there already but the getting there is not always a definite chart of how we got there, and the

reason is because any perceived situation that comes along will change the arrangement on how

to get there. With our present market environment we have to have an empowered workforce to

serve customers at its best. A kind of culture endogamous of a company’s mark or brand.

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Chapter 11: Coaching and Consulting Culture

Now if you are that rare kind of leader to shift away from what is more customarily employed to

take the first step to rear the model that would represent a peculiar behaviour similar to your

experience when you first started, if you want to enable your company to start to leap-frog to the

new paradigm, you need to seriously think and act on a radical manner to set up an atmosphere

to retain and attract those workers who are never complacent and mediocre, workers who think

out of the box, experiment, and are never satisfied with less-than-the-best.

Chapter 12: Leader’s Switching Role

A good system is a system in which there is an informal mood, where leaders and subordinates

share ideas openly and all do the dirty work together, it is an atmosphere where logistical and

other information involving complex tasks are not hoarded as power, but a common good for

everyone excluding those delicate and consequential and regular appraisals that must be dealt in

a personal level. This also summarizes the two roles that a Leader must engage himself in, so

that he lets workers look to them for direction; the kind of business you are in, the prospects that

are unfilled, the investment, the loan, the ideals, the goals, the initiatives to focus on this year –

but once that has been established - the leader switches to his second role by putting the workers

who are closest to the customers and suppliers to be on top and they underneath so that they can

act as its supporter and encourager.

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Chapter 13: Measurement and Challenge

Living in an opening generation in history similar to a panicky strained disorientation of a person

in a violent watercourse drawn rapidly downstream must bear not only the distressing need to

process so much data and calibrate how long he can stay that way before the water falls, but also

must suffer that horrifying suspension when he finds himself in the midst of the two objects in its

attempt to leap off to the other side.

This is the generation we are in now. And the ones who will survive are those companies that are

now processing information faster than the rate of change, companies who are in the midst of

suspension right now, and companies who have already reached the safer shore.

Chapter 14: Science of Managing Crisis

Another indispensable gear that companies must possess nowadays unlike before is to equip it to

best position itself to react, mitigate and recover not only from the escalating natural calamities

which are inescapable, but also from the manmade tragedies in urban cities including the

escalating terroristic disasters unthought-of before.

This is my attempt to elevate the disciplines of the crisis industry that is desperately needed

because it involves a vast segment and its landscape is relatively loose. In spite of a wide

coverage of information that has stormed the media, it is hardly being translated into practical

disciplines that one can follow in realistic and common sense terms. This first part deals with the

science or the engineering diagram to enable the company to chart the heart of managing crisis.

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Chapter 15: Art of Managing Crisis

The most critical component in managing crisis today is the art of balancing the elements of

paranoia and good customer service that has created myriads of cruelty in the scrutiny of the

watching world and the laxity that has both led an advantage of terroristic assaults and

harassments. And since the whole lot of carriers are endowed with a certain degree of force that

can adequately result to an enormous disaster, the need to identify local carriers and creating an

escalating rule can stifle this obnoxious problems.

Resource Maturity

Chapter 16: Business Marketing Migration

Following the customary approach which places the service industry to carry works of help or

ameliorate assistance to its clients while the manufacturing industry is centred and fixed on

producing product is responsible why both companies in either industry find it difficult to leap

loosely or discover a very important component found underneath their industry called ‘the

hidden secret sector’ that when utilized can generate another source of revenue stream or growth

and a way to diversify.

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Chapter 17: Business Resource Migration

While the previous chapter focuses on Product and Service Creation or Improvement through

Innovation, this Chapter deals on how to advance your more usable piece of trade as a Source to

expand the business.

It also explains the 2 types of resource expansion and sets apart the distinct paths of the second

type to make out what constitutes a Trademark and a Brand Name, vital to make one see the

quality of your resource and the new vocation that one must undertake to succeed in Business
