releasenotes freelance 800f version 9

Industrial IT Control System Freelance 800F Version 9.1 RU1a Release Notes

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Page 1: Releasenotes Freelance 800F Version 9

IndustrialIT Control SystemFreelance 800FVersion 9.1 RU1a

Release Notes

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Release Notes

Version 9.1 RU1a

IndustrialIT Control SystemFreelance 800FVersion 9.1 RU1a

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NOTICEThe information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall ABB be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of any software or hardware described in this docu-ment.

This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor used for any unau-thorized purpose.

The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.

This product meets the requirements specified in EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and in Low Voltage Directive 72/23/EEC.

Copyright © 2009 ABB All rights reserved.

Release: May 7th, 2009 Document number: 2PAA103593R0301

TRADEMARKSRegistrations and trademarks used in this document include:

Windows Registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

ActiveX Registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

PostScript Registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc.

Acrobat Reader Registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc.

Industrial IT Trademark of ABB.

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Table of contents

Section 1 - IntroductionVersion Designation...........................................................................................................7

Released Software ..................................................................................................7Compatible Software..............................................................................................7Limitations of this Release.....................................................................................8Released Hardware.................................................................................................9

Upgrades / Sentinel............................................................................................................9

Section 2 - FunctionalityNew Features in V9.1 ......................................................................................................10

Operating System .................................................................................................10New Process Station type AC 700F .....................................................................10Differences between AC 700F and AC 800F/DCP..............................................11New in Control Builder F.....................................................................................13New in Graphics Editor........................................................................................14New in DigiVis - Online Help..............................................................................14Installation............................................................................................................15PG Information Manager 800F ............................................................................15

Known Problems and Workarounds ................................................................................15Communication ....................................................................................................15Hardware Manager...............................................................................................16AC 700F .............................................................................................................16Usage of DTMs ....................................................................................................17ControlBuilder F ..................................................................................................18DigiVis .............................................................................................................18Setup .............................................................................................................19

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Table of Contents

Roll Up 1a: Solved Problems.......................................................................................... 19

Section 3 - InstallationInstallation....................................................................................................................... 21

System Requirements (Operating System) .......................................................... 21Installing the Software ......................................................................................... 22Project Upgrade ................................................................................................... 23Installation with USB Hardkey............................................................................ 23Setups ............................................................................................................ 23Service Hotline .................................................................................................... 24

Appendix A - Accepted Hardware VersionsCPU modules / CPU-Baugruppen ....................................................................... 25I/O modules / E/A-Baugruppen ........................................................................... 27I/O modules / E/A-Baugruppen for AC 700F...................................................... 32Fieldbus modules / Feldbus-Baugruppen ............................................................ 32Ethernet modules / Ethernet-Baugruppen............................................................ 34Communication modules / Baugruppen-Baugruppen.......................................... 36Power supplies / Spannungsversorgungen........................................................... 36Compatibility of PM 802F modules ................................................................... 38

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Section 1 Introduction

These release notes describe the changes in software version 9.1 and 9.1 Roll-Up 1a [9.1RU1a] as compared to software version 8.2.

This document is intended to provide information on the Freelance 800F hardware and software that is not (yet) described in user manuals, sales information, or any other kind of product information. Additionally, it describes problems and errors in the software or documentation that were found too late to be included in the corresponding manual.

Version Designation

Released SoftwareThe basic Freelance 800F System in English and German is the subject of this release. Refer to the document PacketAssembly_V91RU1a_US.pdf for the full name of the released software version. In the following text, this version will be called V9.1 or V9.1RU1a where the roll-up differs from the base version.

Compatible SoftwareStarting with version 9.1 compatible software packages like DTMs and CBF Viewer are provided with the Freelance product CD.

This Freelance version 9.1 is compatible with following DTMs for PROFIBUS Remote I/Os:

• ABB S800 I/O DTM; Version 5.2

• ABB DTM S900-DP-DTM,; Version 2.9.2, Firmware Device V1.5.9

• ABB Basic HART DTM Version 5.1.0

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Version Designation Section 1 Introduction

Freelance Version 9.1 is also compatible with the DTMs for HART and Profibus PA devices which are listed as interoperable in the data sheets 3BDD011926 Rev N or higher "HART Device Type Manager for Freelance 800F and Melody/AC870P" and 3BDD011925 Rev P or higher "PROFIBUS Device Type Manager for Freelance 800F and Melody/AC870P".

Updates of these data sheets will also contain compatibility statements for Freelance Version 9.1. The data sheets can be found in the ABBLibrary under Control Systems / Freelance 800F/Device Management HART/HART DTM resp Device Management PROFIBUS/PROFIBUS DTM resp Device Management FOUNDATION Fieldbus/Device Integration.

Version 9.1 is also compatible with the LD 800HSE Firmware Version For the complete version overview please refer to the document “3BDS009910 LD 800HSE - FF Linking Device Version Table”.Updates of this document can be found in the ABBLibrary under Control Systems / Freelance 800F / Device Management FOUNDATION Fieldbus / Infrastructure / FOUNDATION Fieldbus Linking Device LD 800HSE.

Limitations of this ReleaseThe release of V9.1 and V9.1RU1a is limited to using pure Freelance 800F installations with DigiVis in English or German. Other languages will be provided later.

Restricted Capacity for FI 840F modules

Data access to FF devices may lead to fatal error under rare conditions in case more than two FI 840F modules are plugged into an AC 800F. Depending on your configuration for the "Reset on fatal error" behavior the CPU will either stop the program execution or perform a reset.

Freelance R&D is analyzing the problem and a solution is expected in the near future. Until then we strongly recommend to not use more than two FI 840F modules within one AC 800F.

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Section 1 Introduction Upgrades / Sentinel

User Documentation

The user manuals for version 9.1 contain information for the new controller AC 700F. For DigiVis a new OnlineHelp is available with V9.1.

The Freelance user manuals are being revised at the moment. The updated manuals and the updated online help system for Control Builder F will be available at a later time.

Released HardwareWith this Freelance software version the new process station type AC 700F is released. This process station is based on the proven AC 500 controller from ABB-STOTZ Kontakt. The original AC 500 controller cannot be used within a Freelance system. For technical details please refer the data sheet 3BDD015167 for AC 700F. The handling of the new controller is described in two new user manuals: Within the new Freelance manual “Mounting & Installation AC 700F” the hardware description of the new process station can be found with system overview and technical data as well as hints for handling, installation, mounting and maintenance. The new manual “Engineering Manual, Process Station - AC 700F” contains the software description of the new process station. Herein information about the firmware and the operating system can be found as well as the description of the system behavior, configuration of the process station and handling and configuration of the IO modules.

These new manuals are available with the new documentation CD of version 9.1.

For all details for the released process stations and IO components refer to Appendix A, Accepted Hardware Versions

Upgrades / SentinelAutomation Sentinel was introduced for Freelance 800F at end of 2007. All SoftCare agreements valid at time were rearranged to "Automation Sentinel for Freelance 800F".

From now on upgrades are available only via Automation Sentinel. Details are described in Automation Sentinel Product Guide with number 3BSE047996.

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New Features in V9.1 Section 2 Functionality

Section 2 Functionality

New Features in V9.1

Operating System

Windows XP Professional

Freelance 800F Version 9.1 has been released for use with the operating system Windows XP Professional SP2 and SP3.

Windows 2003 Server

Freelance OPC-Server F and Trend Server can also be run under the Windows operating system 2003 Server. This feature is provided specifically for the coupling with 800xA.

New Process Station type AC 700FStarting with this Freelance 800F version the new process station type AC 700F is supported. Like the previous supported controller AC 800F and rack-based process station the AC 700F will be configured with Control Builder F and can be used together with the other Freelance controller.

Details can be found in the new manuals “Mounting & Installation AC 700F” and “Engineering Manual, Process-Station - AC 700F”.

The following functions are not released for the usage with the new station type AC 700F:

• Tele Control Library

• Ethernet Send and Receive function blocks

The AC 700F controller should not be used without a charged battery and without an adjusted clock. Otherwise a power fail may lead to a fatal error of the controller. (22645)

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Section 2 Functionality Differences between AC 700F and AC 800F/DCP

• Sartorius Scale Coupling

• Protronic Coupling

These function blocks can be used within the configuration. The plausibility check reports an error if telecontrol, send and receive or Sartorius scale functions are used for AC 700F.

Differences between AC 700F and AC 800F/DCP

The new process station AC 700F is based on a different processor architecture than the other process stations. Therefore the AC 700F may have a different behavior.

Real-time clock in the controller

As in AC 800F the internal clock of an AC 700F is synchronized internally each minute by an quartz oscillator. Due to tolerances of the hardware components the CPU clock of a AC 700F may be bit imprecise. With each synchronization the clock may be corrected by a higher amount. Internal time calculations may be a little more imprecise than in an AC 800F. (22087)


The Protronic function blocks can be configured and checked for AC 700F without an error message.

The Protronic function blocks must not be loaded to AC 700F; loading these function blocks leads to a crash of the AC 700F controller.

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Differences between AC 700F and AC 800F/DCP Section 2 Functionality

Integer Arithmetic

The AC 700F does not support correction of Integer values. In case of an Integer overflow or underflow the AC 800F uses the max and min values (32767 or -32678); in the AC 700F the overflow value MAX_LONG is converted to -1. While within function blocks the values are checked and limited like in the AC 800F, in user application the behavior described above is valid. An application may be adapted if it is used at another controller type. (22126, 22551)

Interim results, e.g. within a FBD program, are calculated with INT32 for Integer values. If this result is assigned to an INT16 variable, within the commissioning the value for the global variable may be shown as 32767, the value of the local variable will get the value -1. (22517)

For mixed systems with different controller types it is recommended to avoid that an AC 700F is used as time master by configuring the AC 700F controllers with higher resource IDs.

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Section 2 Functionality New in Control Builder F

REAL to STRING Conversion

The conversion of a Real value to a String data type may lead to different results at different process station types (22103):

System variables

For each resource in the project tree system variables are created. Like for an AC 800F the variables <res>.IOBootT_y_z, <res>.IOBoard_y_z and <rs>.IOForce_y_z are created, but not provided with data. These system variables can be used only for the rack based controller. (22322).

The same applies to the system variables for redundancy. They are used only for redundant process stations. (22467)

Power Fail behavior

After a very short power fail at an AC 800F or a DCP controller the application will be continued. At an AC 700F short power fails up to 300ms (depending on the plugged modules) are bridged by the power supply, after this the CPU will be informed and perform a warm start.

New in Control Builder F

Configuration of Process station AC 700F

Control Builder F were enhanced for the configuration of AC 700F. The configuration of the software part for an AC 700F is identical to the software

Tabelle 1.

Real value Result for AC 800F/DCP Result for AC 700F

-0.00001 ######## -1.0e-05

1.0E-6 10.0E-07 1.0E-06

-1.0E-03 -0.001 -1.0E-03

-9.99880791E-04 ######## -1.0E-03

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New in Graphics Editor Section 2 Functionality

configuration for the known AC 800F and rack based controller with Control Builder F.

The configuration of the hardware part for an AC 700F is similar to the hardware configuration of a rack based process station with I/O modules. The description of the new I/O modules can be found in the manual “Engineering Manual, Process Station - AC 700F”.

New in Graphics Editor

New Action type “Write list of variables”

Within the configuration of a graphics display the new action type “Write list of variables” is available. Unlimited global variables can be selected for the list. The variables are configured similar to the configuration for writing a single variable: Name, Unit, Value, Input range, continuos or discrete operation are specified. For the whole list it must be configured whether fixed values or operated values will be written out of the graphic display at DigiVis. For operated values, the DigiVis user must specify the values one by one, similar to the operation for a structured variable. After this all values are sent together with one command to the process station.

This kind of operation is necessary for writing HART parameters. Within the HART devices one write command will always write the complete list with all parameters.

New in DigiVis - Online Help

New DigiVis Online Help

The DigiVis Online Help is based on a new help system. The user interface is modernized.

If the new action type “Write list of variables” is used for writing HART parame-ter out of a graphic display, the configuration must take care that all HART parameters are specified for the list. Writing an incomplete list of HART parame-ters may lead to an unspecific behavior of the device.

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Section 2 Functionality Installation


New Installation program

The installation of the Freelance 800F system is now done with a new Setup program. This simplifies the installation process to a large extent. For details refer the manual “Getting Started, Installation”.

PG Information Manager 800FWith PGIM 800F a new Information Manager is available for Freelance V9.1. For details please refer the documents and separate Release Note in the ABB Library at Control Systems/Freelance 800F/Information Management/Power Generation Information Manager/PGIM 800F 5.0

Known Problems and Workarounds


FF Communication

When using 10Mbit networks with half duplex mode for FOUNDATION Fieldbus communication via FI840 modules connection interrupts may occur. It is recommended, to use only 100MBit networks with full duplex mode for FOUNDATION Fieldbus communication via FI840 modules.(22629)

Modbus function blocks

If Modbus communication is used with low baud rates (300 or 600 KBaud), sporadic parity or framing errors may occur. The affected message will be repeated, so that a short delay may be noticed. (22187, 22260)


The telecontrol slave function block FWK_DEV_SL was made more error tolerant: Instead of interrupting a connection immediately after a parity error, now the bus is

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Known Problems and Workarounds Section 2 Functionality

scanned again. Due to this enhancement parity errors cannot be seen in the diagnosis variables or in the event log any more. To detect quality errors in the communication special tools may be required. (22388)

Hardware Manager

Configuration of the Boot Parameter

For calculation of the actual needed memory for a process station, all configured boot parameter must be taken into account. The algorithm which is used for the plausibility check, is not complete if more than one parameter is set near to the maximum value. Although there is no error reported from the check routine, the load process into the process station cannot be performed properly. The controller may produce a fatal error, the user has to remove the battery to perform a cold start. (22317, 22482, 22484)

AC 700F

High load (especially from Ethernet) blocks application task

High load may block the application tasks at a AC 700F controller for several milliseconds. (22543)

Automatic network negotiation does not work

The automatic network negotiation does not work properly in all cases; the diagnosis message “link down” is reported. In this case, disable the automatic negotiation and configure the used network parameters manually. (22656)

Diagnosis messages

The I/O modules of the AC 700F can send a maximum of 4 Diagnosis message at the same time. If more diagnosis message are pending, the system message “IO Module: Diagnosis overflow (9)” is reported. (22093)

Currently it is recommended to configure application cycle times of 100ms or higher. For time critical applications OPC server access to AC 700F should be avoided. These restrictions are not valid for stand-alone applications.

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Section 2 Functionality Known Problems and Workarounds

Low power supply at the I/O modules

The status of the power supply of an I/O module is reported at the STA pin of the module and via a system message in DigiVis:

1) Power supply sufficient

STA = 0; DigiVis. No message

2) Power supply not sufficient, but more than 5.1 V

STA = 8192 (Low process voltage) DigiVis. “IO Module: Low process voltage (11)”

3) Power supply not sufficient, but between 4.6 V and 5.1 V

STA = 8320 (Timeout AND Low process voltage) DigiVis. “IO Module: Timeout (3)”

4) Power supply not sufficient and below 4.6 V

STA = 8352 (No process voltage AND Timeout AND Low process voltage) DigiVis. “IO Module: No process voltage (45)”

In the 3rd case first the "low process voltage" diagnosis is reported by the IO module. When slowly decreasing the process voltage to a value between 4,6V and 5,1V the IO module sends an additional diagnosis "Timeout". ´DigiVis can only show one message text for a module alarm. For that reason the text with the highest priority will be displayed in DigiVis, here “Timeout”. (22191)

Usage of DTMs

Plausibility errors after import of a project with DTMs

After the import of a project with DTMs, plausibility errors may occur. The resource in the project tree is checked, the according hardware node is shown unchecked. To solve this problem, check the affected nodes in the hardware tree one by one. Alternatively the command “Check all” in the hardware manager can be used. This problem was noticed with an ABB TH02-DTM. (22139, 21884)

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Known Problems and Workarounds Section 2 Functionality

Default settings in BaseContainer software

For the configuration of some Profibus devices, e.g. S900 with 16 I/O modules, the default value 15 for the minimum cache size of the BaseContainers is too low. Invalid project data may be stored. The effected devices must be deleted and configured again.

To solve this problem the default values for the minimum and maximum cache size of the BaseContainers should be changed in the registry(22640):

ControlBuilder F

Structured text editor

To add a bookmark in a structured text program, at least one additional character must be changed to store the data. Adding only a bookmark in a structured text program will not be stored. (22641)


Texts in Graphic Displays

If self-animated objects are used in a graphic display, text objects may be shown with unclear appearance. The effect was noticed with the graphic card NVIDIA NVS280. The problem can be solved by changing the display sequence of the objects in the graphics editor: all self-animated objects shall be configured in the foreground of the other objects (Re-edit - select SA object from list - Overlap - Foreground). (22061)


MinCacheSize 55

MaxCacheSize 70

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Section 2 Functionality Roll Up 1a: Solved Problems

Online Help

If DigiVis is shut down with an active online help window, the Online help will not be closed together with DigiVis but must be closed separately. (22428)

Operation log with values out of field devices

The operation log is not designed for logging OPC variables which need more than 2 seconds time for read access (21920)


Changing resource configuration

If configuration changes are done within the setup or the configure tool, previous used resource IDs may not be used immediately again in all cases. To re-use a free resource ID again, at least the Configure tool must be closed, in some cases a reboot of the PC is necessary. (22577, 22579)

Roll Up 1a: Solved ProblemsRoll Up 1a will eliminate the following errors and correct the functionality of your installation as follows:

Invalid Time Synchronization message may lead to Fatal error (22668 solved)

In some rare cases of date and time settings, the time synchronization telegram (broadcast) may create a fatal error in the receiving controllers. In redundant stations both, primary and secondary controllers are affected as both receive the time synchronization telegram.

DPV1, HART and FF variables cannot be used practical within operation logs, because usually the read access needs to much time.

For the other log types these values can be used.

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Roll Up 1a: Solved Problems Section 2 Functionality

Depending on the controller configuration (reset on fatal error) the controllers execute a reset (cold start) or simply stop with red failure LED flashing. Date and time settings that provoke the fatal error are:

• Year settings > 3443

• 01.01.1984 AND negative time zone setting

• 29.02.2100 (no leap year)

WebServer might hang when connection aborts (22712 partly solved)

During high network load a connection attempt to the webserver or diagnostics interface might hang these interfaces until the controller gets restarted. This problem is solved for the AC 700F, but still may occur under very rare conditions for AC 800F and DCP controllers.

Application tasks blocked due to high network load (22543 solved)

Within a process station CPU time is needed for calculating application and for network tasks. With this Freelance version the distribution of the CPU time in a AC 700F station is reworked. The responsiveness of the user application under high network load is improved.

Wrong text in Configure Tool (22637 solved)

Within the configure dialog to load the Profibus EPROM the description text for loading the Boot EPROM instead of loading the Profibus EPROM is shown.

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Section 3 Installation Installation

Section 3 Installation

InstallationUse the CD delivered with the product to install the Freelance 800F software. Prior to starting the installation procedure of these programs, accordingly prepare the PCs by loading the appropriate Windows operating system and making the necessary system settings.

System Requirements (Operating System)All Freelance 800F software packages of version 9.1 have been tested and released for use with the operating system

• Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 and SP3.

The OPC Server F and the Trend Server have additionally been tested and released for use with the operating system

• Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

The current results for Microsoft Security update tests for the active Freelance 800F versions can be found in SolutionsBank TechInfo-Explorer at "Control Products and Systems / Freelance 800F / System / Freelance 8.2" in document "Microsoft Security Updates Validation Status for IIT System Freelance 800F" with number 3BDD011838D0249.

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Installing the Software Section 3 Installation

Loss of GDI objects

Installing the SoftwareFollow the installation instructions in the Getting Started manual. The general installation steps have not changed as compared to the previous version. Also follow the installation instructions of previous service packs.

Due to a bug in the Windows XP SP2 operating system it may happen that GDI handles are lost in both Control Builder F and DigiVis. This problem only occurs in the "XP style" Windows mode and not in the "Classical" mode (21830).

For a detailed problem description please refer to:

In order to fix your operating system, please install a hotfix available on your setup CD, either by calling it up via a command line or by double-clicking on it.

For a German operating system: <Directory>:\Microsoft Hotfix\WindowsXP-KB319740-v5-x86-DEU.exe

For an English operating system: <Directory>:\Microsoft Hotfix\WindowsXP-KB319740-v5-x86-ENU.exe

Each other version of the Freelance 800F software which already exists on the system - including version V9.1 - must be de-installed before installing version V9.1RU1a.

Once you have installed your system as described in the Getting Started manual, it may be required to install additional hotfixes or Roll-Ups.

Hotfixes provide important correction functions for errors that have been discovered after the product release. Please open the hotfix folder at the top folder level on your software CD. This folder contains a subfolder for each hotfix. The subfolders are consecutively numbered (HotFix_1, HotFix_2,...). Please install the hotfixes in ascending order, if two or more hotfixes are available. Each hotfix subfolder contains a Readme.txt file with installation instructions and a short description of the errors fixed with this hotfix.

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Section 3 Installation Project Upgrade

Project UpgradeUpgrading means changing from one Freelance version to a newer version. In this process, existing project configurations can be taken over without any problems if the upgrade is within one main version (e.g. from V8.1 to V8.2), or also from one main version to the following one (e.g. from V7 to V8). Make sure that all function block parameters are stored in the configuration data base and export the project data in a *.CSV file.

Installation with USB HardkeyWhen installing Freelance with USB hardkey on a new PC, proceed as follows: (20426)

• Install one Freelance software (Control Builder F or DigiVis) in demo mode.

• Reboot the PC.

• Plug in the USB hardkey.

• Install all Freelance software components required for this PC.

• Install the license file(s).


Starting the Setup Procedure

The setup of Control Builder F base software can be started from the CD using the autoplay program


If the upgrade you require involves skipping one or more main versions (e.g. from V4 to V8), please contact the ABB Service Department.

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Service Hotline Section 3 Installation

After selection of the language, choose the main components you want to install.


Service HotlineIf you should encounter – against expectations – any problems during the setup procedure and you should not find a problem solution in this document, please contact our service.

For technical assistance, please contact your local service organization.


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Appendix A Accepted Hardware Versions

CPU modules / CPU-Baugruppen

Tabelle 2. Hardware versions of CPU modulesHardware Versionen der CPU-Baugruppen

Type Typ

Order No Bestell-Nr

Description Beschreibung HW Index MSR Firmware-Revision

DCP 02 0369 654 CPU module including battery holder not for redundancy

07.00(1), 08.00, 09.00(1), 09.01(1), 09.02(1), 09.03(1), 09.04(1), 10.00, 11.00, 12.00, 12.01, 12.02 12.10, 12.20, 12.30, 12.31, 12.32, 12.33, 12.34, 12.35, 12.36, 12.37,12.38, 12.39, 30.00, 30.01, 30.02, 30.03, 30.04, 30.05, 30.06, 30.07, 30.08, 40.00, 40.01, 40.02

Version 9.07(DCP Master Set 54)

DCP 02 0369 654(2) CPU module including battery holder not for redundancy

50.01, 50.02, 50.03, 50.04, 50.05, 50.06, 51.03, 52.00

Version 9.07(DCP Master Set 54)

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CPU modules / CPU-Baugruppen Appendix A Accepted Hardware Versions

DCP 10 0338 701 CPU module including battery holder for redundancy

02.00, 02.01, 02.02, 04.00, 04.01, 04.02, 04.03, 04.04, 04.05, 04.06, 04.07, 04.08, 04.09, 04.10, 04.11, 04.12, 30.00, 30.01, 30.02, 30.03, 30.04, 30.05, 30.06, 30.07, 30.08, 30.09, 40.00, 40.01, 40.02, 40.03, 40.04, 40.05, 40.06, 40.07, 40.08, 40.09, 40.10, 40.11, 40.12, 40.13, 40.14, 40.15, 40.90

Version 9.07(DCP Master Set 54)

DCP 10 0338 701(2) CPU module including battery holder for redundancy

50.01, 50.02, 50.03, 50.04, 50.05, 50.06, 51.03, 51.04, 52.00

Version 9.07(DCP Master Set 54)

DFC 01 0369 529(8) Processor Module (Freelance Select)(13)

01.01, 01.02 Version 9.07(DFC Master Set 26)

DFC 02 0369528 Processor Module 01.00, 01.01, 01.02, 01.05, 01.07, 01.08

Version 9.07(DFC Master Set 26)

AC 800F (PM 802F)


Processor Module 01.02, 01.05, 01.06, 01.07, 01.08, 01.09

Version 9.07(DFC Master Set 26)

AC 800F (PM 803F)


Processor Module Step 2

02.01, 02.02, 02.03, 02.04, 02.05, 02.06, 02.07, 02.08, 02.16, 02.17, 02.18, 03.00, 04.00

Version 9.07(DFC Master Set 26)

AC 700F (PM 783F)


CPU module including battery

A1 Version 9.07Display V1.15

Tabelle 2. Hardware versions of CPU modulesHardware Versionen der CPU-Baugruppen

Type Typ

Order No Bestell-Nr

Description Beschreibung HW Index MSR Firmware-Revision

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Appendix A Accepted Hardware Versions I/O modules / E/A-Baugruppen

I/O modules / E/A-Baugruppen

Tabelle 3. Hardware versions of the I/O modulesHardware-Versionen der E/A-Baugruppen

Type Typ

Order no Bestell-Nr

Description Beschreibung HW Index Firmware Index

DDI 01 no Flash

0369 626 Digital input 32 x 24 V DC

02.00, 02.01, 02.10, 30.00, 30.01, 30.02, 30.03

DEA 3.37, DEA 3.56(4), DEA 4.18, DEA 4.19, DEA 4.20, DEA 4.21, DEA 4.22

DDI 01 0369 626 Digital input (Flash) 32 x 24 V DC

40.00, 40.01, 40.02, 40.03, 40.04, 40.05, 40.06

FEA4.30, FEA 4.33, FEA 4.34, FEA 4.36

DDI 02 no Flash

0369 637 Digital input 16 x 24...60 V AC/DC

03.00, 04.00, 04.10, 30.00, 30.01, 30.02

DIO 1.06(4), DIO 4.09, DIO 4.10, DIO 4.21, DIO 4.22

DDI 02 0369 637 Digital input (Flash) 16 x 24...60 V AC/DC

40.00, 40.01 FIO 4.33, FIO 4.36

DDI 03 no Flash

0369 638 Digital input 16 x 115...230 V AC

03.00, 04.00, 04.10, 30.00, 30.01, 30.02

DIO 1.06(4), DIO 4.09, DIO 4.10, DIO 4.21, DIO 4.22

DDI 03 0369 638 Digital input (Flash) 16 x 115...230 V

40.00, 40.01 FIO 4.33, FIO 4.36

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I/O modules / E/A-Baugruppen Appendix A Accepted Hardware Versions

DDI 04 0369 639: Digital input (Flash) 28 x NAMUR sensor inputs, or 28 x contacts, or 12 x change-over contacts, or 12 x 3- or 4-wire sensors

30.02, 30.03, 30.04, 30.05, 30.06

D2A 4.16, D2A 4.31, D2A 4.33, D2A 4.36

DDI 05 0369 640 Digital input (Flash) 32 x 120/230 V AC

40.01, 40.02 FEA 4.33, FEA 4.34, FEA 4.36

DDO 01 no Flash

0369 627 Digital output 32 x 24 V DC, 0.5 A

02.00, 03.00, 04.00, 05.00, 05.01, 06.00, 06.01, 07.00, 07.01, 07.10

DEA 3.56(4), DEA 4.18, DEA 4.19, DEA 4.21, DEA 4.22

DDO 01_2 0336 160 Digital output 32 x 24 V DC, 0.5 A

10.00, 20.00, 30.00, 30.01, 40.00, 40.01, 40.02, 40.03, 40.04, 40.05, 42.00

D2A 1.04(4), D2A 4.12, D2A 4.14, D2A 4.16, D2A 4.31, D2A 4.33, D2A 4.36

DDO 02 no Flash

0369 642 Digital output 16 x 24...230 V AC/DC, 5 A, relay

03.00, 03.10, 30.00, 30.01, 30.02

DIO 1.06(4), DIO 4.09, DIO 4.10, DIO 4.21, DIO 4.22

DDO 02 0369 642 Digital output 16 x 24...230 V AC/DC, 5 A, relay

40.00, 40.01, 40.02, 40.03 FIO 4.33, FIO 4.36

DDO 03 no Flash

0369 643 Digital output 16 x 24...60 V AC/DC, 5 A, relay with readback

03.00, 04.00, 04.10, 30.00, 30.01, 30.02

DIO 1.06(4), DIO 4.09, DIO 4.10, DIO 4.21, DIO 4.20, DIO 4.22

Tabelle 3. Hardware versions of the I/O modulesHardware-Versionen der E/A-Baugruppen

Type Typ

Order no Bestell-Nr

Description Beschreibung HW Index Firmware Index

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Appendix A Accepted Hardware Versions I/O modules / E/A-Baugruppen

DDO 03 0369 643 Digital output 16 x 24...60 V AC/DC, 5 A, relay with readback

40.00, 40.01, 40.02, 40.03 FIO 4.33, FIO 4.36

DDO 04 no Flash

0369 644 Digital output 16 x 115...230 V AC, 5 A, relay with readback

03.00, 04.00, 04.10, 30.00, 30.01, 30.02

DIO 1.06(4), DIO 4.09, DIO 4.10, DIO 4.21, DIO 4.22,

DDO 04 0369 644 Digital output 16 x 115...230 V AC, 5 A, relay with readback

40.00, 40.01, 40.02, 40.03 FIO 4.33, FIO 4.36

DAI 01 no Flash

0369 628 Analog input 16 x 0/4...20 mA, Re 50 Ohms

02.00, 03.00, 04.00, 04.01, 05.00, 05.01, 06.00, 06.01, 07.00, 08.00, 08.10, 08.20, 30.00, 30.01, 30.02, 30.03

DEA 3.37, DEA 3.56(4), DEA 4.12, DEA 4.18, DEA 4.19, DEA 4.20, DEA 4.21, DEA 4.22,

DAI 01 0369 628 Analog input 16 x 0/4...20 mA, Re 50 Ohms

40.00, 40.01, 40.02, 40.03, 40.04

FEA 4.33, FEA 4.34, FEA 4.36

DAI 02 no Flash

0369 630 Analog input 16 x 0...10 V DC

03.00, 03.01, 04.00, 05.00, 06.00, 06.10, 06.20, 30.00, 30.01, 30.02, 30.03

DEA 3.37, DEA 3.56(4), DEA 4.18, DEA 4.19, DEA 4.21, DEA 4.22

DAI 02 0369 630 Analog input 16 x 0...10 V DC

40.00, 40.01, 40.02, 40.03, 40.04

FEA 4.33, FEA 4.34, FEA 4.36

DAI 03 no Flash

0369 631 Analog input 16 x 0/4...20 mA, Re 250 Ohms

03.00, 03.01, 04.00, 05.00, 06.00, 06.10, 06.20, 30.00, 30.01, 30.02, 30.03

FEA 4.33, FEA 4.34, FEA 4.36

Tabelle 3. Hardware versions of the I/O modulesHardware-Versionen der E/A-Baugruppen

Type Typ

Order no Bestell-Nr

Description Beschreibung HW Index Firmware Index

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I/O modules / E/A-Baugruppen Appendix A Accepted Hardware Versions

DAI 03 0369 631 Analog input 16 x 0/4...20 mA, Re 250 Ohms

40.00, 40.01, 40.02, 40.03, 40.04

DEA 3.56(4), DEA 4.18, DEA 4.19, DEA 4.21, DEA 4.22, FEA 4.33, FEA 4.34, FEA 4.36

DAI 04 0369 632 Analog input 8 x Pt100, mV sensors, thermo elements, 16 bit

04.00, 05.00, 06.01, 06.02, 09.00, 30.00, 30.01, 30.02, 30.03, 30.04, 30.05, 30.06, 30.07, 30.08, 40.09

DPT 2.01, DPT 2.04(4), DPT 4.12, DPT 4.15(5), DPT 4.31, DPT 4.33, DPT 4.36, DPT 09.00(6), DPT 09.01(6)

DAI 05 0336 025 01.10, 01.20, 01.21, 30.00, 30.01, 30.02, 30.03, 30.04

D2A 1.04(4), D2A 4.12, D2A 4.14, D2A 4.16, D2A 4.31, D2A 4.33, D2A 4.36

DAO 01 no Flash

0369 629 Analog output 16 x 0/4...20 mA

02.00, 02.10, 30.00, 30.01, 30.02

DEA 3.37, DEA 3.56(4), DEA 4.16, DEA 4.18, DEA 4.19, DEA 4.20, DEA 4.21, DEA 4.22

DAO 01 0369 629 Analog output 16 x 0/4...20 mA

40.00, 40.01, 40.02, 40.03, 40.04

FEA 4.33, FEA 4.34, FEA 4.36

DLM 01 37421-0369652 Link module including battery holder for one power supply

03.00, 04.00, 05.00, 05.01, 05.02, 30.00, 30.01, 30.02, 30.03, 30.04, 30.05, 30.06, 40.00, 40.01, 40.02, 40.03, 40.04, 40.05, 40.06

no Firmware

Tabelle 3. Hardware versions of the I/O modulesHardware-Versionen der E/A-Baugruppen

Type Typ

Order no Bestell-Nr

Description Beschreibung HW Index Firmware Index

30 2PAA103593R0301

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Appendix A Accepted Hardware Versions I/O modules / E/A-Baugruppen

DLM 02 0338 434 Link module including battery holder for power supply redundancy, to connect 2 power supplies

01.10, 01.11, 01.12, 30.00, 30.01, 30.02, 30.03, 30.04, 30.05, 30.06, 40.00, 40.01, 40.02, 40.03, 40.04, 40.05

DLM 4.14, DLM 4.15, DLM 4.21, DLM 4.22, FLM 4.34, FLM 4.35, FLM 4.36

DFI 01 0369 681 Frequency input 4 frequency inputs, plus 2 digital inputs and 2 digital outputs

30.00, 30.01, 30.02, 30.03, 30.04, 30.05, 30.06

DFI 4.30(7), DFI4.31, DFI4.32, DFI 4.33, DFI 4.36

Tabelle 3. Hardware versions of the I/O modulesHardware-Versionen der E/A-Baugruppen

Type Typ

Order no Bestell-Nr

Description Beschreibung HW Index Firmware Index

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I/O modules / E/A-Baugruppen for AC 700F Appendix A Accepted Hardware Versions

I/O modules / E/A-Baugruppen for AC 700F

Fieldbus modules / Feldbus-Baugruppen

Tabelle 4. Hardware versions of the I/O modules for AC 700FHardware-Versionen der E/A-Baugruppe für AC 700F

Type Typ

Oder no Bestell-Nr

Description Beschreibung HW Index Firmware Revision

DC 732F 3BDH000375R0001

Digital input and output: 16 digital inputs and 16 digital inputs/outputs for 24 V DC

A1 1.11

AI 723F 3BDH000376R0001

16 analog inputs for 24 V DC

A1 1.11

AX 722F 3BDH000377R0001

8 analog inputs and 8 analog outputs for 24 V DC

A1 1.11

Tabelle 5. Hardware versions of the Fieldbus modulesHardware-Versionen der Feldbus-Baugruppen

Type Typ

Oder no Bestell-Nr

Description Beschreibung HW Index Firmware Revision

DFM 01 0369 570 Fieldbus Interface Module Profibus-DP

01.01, 01.02, 01.03, 02.00, 02.01, 02.02, 02.03, 02.04, 03.00, 03.01, 03.02, 03.03, 03.04


DFM 02 0369 571 Fieldbus Interface Module Modbus, Serial (dual channel)

01.00, 01.01, 01.02, 01.03, 01.04

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Appendix A Accepted Hardware Versions Fieldbus modules / Feldbus-Baugruppen

DFM 03 0369 572 Fieldbus Interface Module CAN (triple channel)

01.00, 01.01, 01.02, 01.03, 01.04

DFM 11 0369 575 Fieldbus Interface Module Select Profibus-DP Select

02.02, 03.00

FI 840F 3BDH000033R1

Fieldbus Interface Module Foundation Fieldbus

01.03, 01.04, 02.00, 02.01, 02.02


FI 830F 3BDH000032R1

Fieldbus Interface Module Profibus-DP

02.01, 02.02, 02.03, 02.04, 03.00, 03.01, 03.02, 03.03, 03.04


FI 820F 3BDH000031R1

Fieldbus Interface Module Modbus, Serial (dual channel)

01.02, 01.03, 01.04

FI 810F 3BDH000030R1

Fieldbus Interface Module CAN (triple channel)

01.03, 01.04

Tabelle 5. Hardware versions of the Fieldbus modulesHardware-Versionen der Feldbus-Baugruppen

Type Typ

Oder no Bestell-Nr

Description Beschreibung HW Index Firmware Revision

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Ethernet modules / Ethernet-Baugruppen Appendix A Accepted Hardware Versions

Ethernet modules / Ethernet-Baugruppen

Tabelle 6. Hardware versions of the Ethernet modulesHardware-Versionen der Ethernet-Baugruppen

Type Typ

Oder no Bestell-Nr

Description Beschreibung HW Index

DFE 01(12) 0369 565 Ethernet Interface Module 10MBit 10Base2

01.00, 01.01, 01.02, 01.04, 02.00, 02.01, 02.03, 2.04, 04.00, 04.01

DFE 02(12) 0369 566 Ethernet Interface Module 10MBit AUI

01.00, 01.01, 01.02, 01.03, 01.04, 01.05, 01.06, 01.07, 1.08, 03.03, 04.00, 04.01

DFE 03(12) 0369 567 Ethernet Interface Module 10MBit 10BaseT

01.00, 01.01, 02.00, 02.01, 03.00, 03.01, 03.02, 03.03, 04.00, 04.01

EI 801F 3BDH000015R1

Ethernet Interface Module 10MBit 10Base2

02.00, 02.03(10)(11), 2.04(10)(11), 2.90, 04.00(10)(11), 04.01(10)(11)

EI 802F 3BDH000016R1

Ethernet Interface Module 10MBit AUI

01.05, 01.06, 01.07, 1.08, 03.03(10)(11), 04.00(10)(11), 04.01(10)(11)

EI 803F 3BDH000017R1

Ethernet Interface Module 10MBit 10BaseT

02.00(10)(11), 02.01(10)(11), 03.00, 03.01, 03.02(10)(11), 03.03(10)(11), 04.00(10)(11), 04.01(10)(11)

EI 811F 3BDH000020R1

Ethernet Interface Module 10MBit 10Base2 (for PM 803F)

01.00, 01.01, 02.01, 02.03, 02.04, 03.00, 03.01, 03.02, 04.00, 04.01

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Appendix A Accepted Hardware Versions Ethernet modules / Ethernet-Baugruppen

EI 812F 3BDH000021R1

Ethernet Interface Module 10MBit AUI (for PM 803F)

01.00, 01.01, 02.01, 02.03, 02.04, 03.00, 03.0, 03.02, 04.00, 04.01

EI 813F 3BDH000022R1

Ethernet Interface Module 10MBit 10BaseT (for PM 803F)

01.00, 01.01, 02.01, 02.03, 02.04, 03.00, 03.01, 03.02, 03.03, 04.00, 04.01

Tabelle 6. Hardware versions of the Ethernet modulesHardware-Versionen der Ethernet-Baugruppen

Type Typ

Oder no Bestell-Nr

Description Beschreibung HW Index

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Communication modules / Baugruppen-Baugruppen Appendix A Accepted Hardware Versions

Communication modules / Baugruppen-Baugruppen

Power supplies / Spannungsversorgungen

Tabelle 7. Hardware versions of the Communication modulesHardware-Versionen der Kommunikations-Baugruppen

Type Typ

Oder no Bestell-Nr

Description Beschreibung HW Index Firmware revision

DCO 01 0369 666 Communication module 4 x RS232C/RS422/RS485, 1 x RS232C for diagnosis Modbus Master/Slave

02.00, 02.01, 02.02, 02.03, 03.00, 03.01, 30.00, 30.01, 30.02, 30.03, 31.00, 31.01

5.14 (DCO Master Set 13)

Tabelle 8. Hardware versions of the Power suppliesHardware-Versionen der Spannungsversorgungen

Type Typ

Oder no Bestell-Nr

Description Beschreibung HW Index

DFP 01 0369 561 Power Supply Module (115/230V AC -> 24 V DC)

01.00, 01.01, 01.02, 01.03, 02.00, 02.01

DFP 02 0369 560 Power Supply Module (24 V DC -> 24 V DC)

01.00, 01.01

DFP 01 Select (DFP 11)

0369 562 Power Supply Module Select (115/230V AC -> 24 V DC)

01.02, 02.00, 02.01

DFA 01 0369 557 Battery Module 01.00, 01,01, 01.03, 02.00, 02.01, 02.02, 02.03, 02.04, 04.00, 04.01

SA 801F 3BDH000011R1 Power Supply Module (115/230V AC -> 24 V DC)

01.01, 01.02, 01.03, 02.00, 02.01, 03.00

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Appendix A Accepted Hardware Versions Power supplies / Spannungsversorgungen

(1) Not for plugging and unplugging with switched on power supply.

(2) Starting with Hardware Index 50.01 the CPU modules DCP02 and DCP10 are redesigned. Using this hardware it is mandatory to use specific software versions. Please refer to Technical Bulletins 136, 149 and 150 for details.

(3) There are some restrictions for several firmware versions and the corresponding hardware revisions. These restrictions cannot be displayed within this table. Please contact the service organization for detailed information.

(4) Only at V2 compatibility mode, that means: not for use with an redundant system, mixture use with newest V3 eproms is allowed

(5) See hardware release note 102 ‘Eproms for I/O cards’, note 2

SD 802F 3BDH000012R1 Power Supply Module (24 V DC -> 24 V DC)

01.00, 01.01, 02.00

SA 811F 3BDH000013R1 Power Supply Module (for PM 803F) (115/230V AC -> 24 V DC)

01.00, 01.01, 02.00, 02.01, 03.00

SD 812F 3BDH000014R1 Power Supply Module (for PM 803F) (24 V DC -> 24 V DC)

01.00, 01.01, 01.02, 02.00

AM 801F 3BDH000040R1 Battery Module 02.00, 02.01, 02.02, 02.03, 02.04, 02.09, 04.00, 04.01

AM 811F 3BDH000050R1 01.00, 02.00, 02.01, 02.03, 03.00, 03.01, 04.00, 04.01

Tabelle 8. Hardware versions of the Power suppliesHardware-Versionen der Spannungsversorgungen

Type Typ

Oder no Bestell-Nr

Description Beschreibung HW Index

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Compatibility of PM 802F modules Appendix A Accepted Hardware Versions

(6) DPT 09.00 and DPT 9.01 are only allowed with DAI 04 HW Index 30.06, 30.07 or 09.00. It is strongly recommended to update DPT 9.00 to DPT 9.01.

(7) DFI firmware revision 4.22 has to been changed to the above revision

(8) In order to use V7.1 with a FieldController Select you need to order a StepUp to V7.1 including 1 x Control SW for XXX I/O, where ’XXX’ is the number of I/O that you need in your project. Please use the I/O-Count software to determine how big an I/O license you need (contact your local sales representative). In addition you need to order the StepUp to V7.1 or higher for Control Builder F.

(10) Can be used in PM803F (16MB controller) also.

(11) No battery backup with this version in PM803F (16MB controller).

(12) Cannot be used within PM803F (16MB controller).(

(13) After loading the new EPROM version in a FieldController select, this controller must be switched off for at least 2 minutes. During this time also the battery must the removed. Afterwards the FieldController select can be loaded from Control Builder F. (21899)

Compatibility of PM 802F modulesFor usage with the new 16 MByte CPU module PM 803F new Ethernet modules EI 811F, EI 812F and EI 813F were developed and released. Some of the preexisting Ethernet modules can be used with the new CPU. see foot notes (10), (11), (12) above.

Using the modules DFE 01/EI 801F, DFE 02/EI 802F and DFE 03/EI 803F with the CPU module PM 803F there is no battery backup available for this station.

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2PAA103593R0301 May 7th, 2009 Copyright © 2009 ABB, All rights reserved ® Registered trademark of ABB ™ Trademark of ABB

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