relaxation and sleep fit for life lesson#7 grades 3&4

Relaxation and Sleep Fit for Life Lesson#7 Grades 3&4

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Page 1: Relaxation and Sleep Fit for Life Lesson#7 Grades 3&4

Relaxation and SleepFit for Life Lesson#7

Grades 3&4

Page 2: Relaxation and Sleep Fit for Life Lesson#7 Grades 3&4

Why do we sleep?

Sleep is our way of “recharging our batteries”.

Just like electronics need a power source, our bodies need a break to recharge our energy and ability to focus.

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How much sleep do we need to feel recharged?

Do you get enough sleep in one night? What time do you typically go to bed at? What

time do you wake up? Do you feel rested in the morning?

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What’s in it for me?

That’s a lot of sleep! Why

should I sleep that much?

Helps our body grow and repair.

Maintains a healthy heart.

Improves our memory

Decreases our risk for certain


Reduces stress

Helps our immune system fit a cold or flu.

Necessary for your survival! Helps maintain a

healthy weight.

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Tips for a good night’s sleep

Maintain the same bedtime and wake up time (within 15-30 minutes) each night.

This allows the body to develop a “body clock”, making it easier to go to bed

and wake up in the morning.

Developing a bedtime routine lets your body know it is soon time to sleep!

Reading, listening to music or talking quietly are good techniques.

Too much time in front of a screen (TV or computer) can

keep us awake longer.

Developing a sleep-time routine

Relaxing before bedtime

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Tips for a good night’s sleep

A comfortable bed, pillow and sleep space can help us have a more restful sleep!

Keeping your room dark and cool can also help your body stay asleep during the night.

Try to avoid eating a heavy meal before bed or drinking too many liquids.

Physical activity will help us have a restful sleep

Healthy nutrition will decrease indigestion during the night.

Choose foods that are low in sugar and caffeine if you want a small snack before bed.

Sleep in a restful space Physical activity and healthy eating throughout

the day!

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Stress and Relaxation

Throughout our lives we are going to have to deal with stress.

What is stress? Do you know what it feels like to be stressed?

Give examples of a time that you felt stressed.

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What is stress? Stress is when you feel

worried or uncomfortable with something.

This worry in your head can effect your body by giving you a headache, stomach ache or a general feeling of being anxious and uncomfortable.

You may also feel cranky and have difficulties with paying attention and sleeping at night.

How am I going to finish

all of my homework?!

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Good Stress and Bad Stress

Good Stress Gives you energy to

perform at your best. Good stress can allow us

to ace our exams, score the winning goal in overtime and gives us the excitement towards an anticipated event!

Bad Stress Creates an inner uneasiness

and uncomfortable feeling. If we feel bad stress all the

time, that is when we can start seeing negative effects on our body (such as headaches, lack of sleep etc)

Stress is not always a bad thing! We can experience good stress and bad stress.

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Dealing with Bad Stress

Get support – talk to someone you trust about what is bothering you.

Try to solve the problem – try to focus on solving the problem, rather than focusing on the stress.

Be positive – most stress is temporary and will pass.

Take a moment relax and refocus.

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Relaxation TechniquesFind a comfortable spot in the classroom. We are going to move through two different exercises that are used

to relax and relieve negative stress.

Deep Breathing Progressive Muscle Relaxation