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Relational Collaborative Filtering: Modeling Multiple Item Relations for Recommendation Xin Xin School of Computing Science University of Glasgow [email protected] Xiangnan He School of Information Science and Technology, USTC [email protected] Yongfeng Zhang Department of Computer Science Rutgers University [email protected] Yongdong Zhang School of Information Science and Technology, USTC [email protected] Joemon Jose School of Computing Science University of Glasgow [email protected] ABSTRACT Existing item-based collaborative ltering (ICF) methods leverage only the relation of collaborative similarity — i.e., the item similarity evidenced by user interactions like ratings and purchases. Never- theless, there exist multiple relations between items in real-world scenarios, e.g., two movies share the same director, two songs are in the same album, two products complement with each other, etc. Distinct from the collaborative similarity that implies co-interact patterns from the user’s perspective, these relations reveal ne- grained knowledge on items from dierent perspectives of meta- data, functionality, etc. However, how to incorporate multiple item relations is less explored in recommendation research. In this work, we propose Relational Collaborative Filtering (RCF), a general framework to exploit multiple relations between items in recommender systems. We nd that both the relation type (e.g., shared director) and the relation value (e.g., Steven Spielberg) are crucial in inferring user preference. To this end, we develop a two- level hierarchical attention mechanism to model user preference — the rst-level attention discriminates which types of relations are more important, and the second-level attention considers the spe- cic relation values to estimate the contribution of a historical item in recommending the target item. To make the item embeddings be reective of the relational structure between items, we further formulate a task to preserve the item relations, and jointly train it with the recommendation task of preference modeling. Empirical results on two real datasets demonstrate the strong performance of RCF, which not only outperforms the state-of-the-art ICF models FISM [20] and NAIS [16], but also the competitive feature-based model NFM [14]. Furthermore, we also conduct qualitative analyses to show the benets of explanations brought by RCF’s modeling of multiple item relations. Codes will be available upon acceptance. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for prot or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the rst page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s). SIGIR’19, July 2019, Paris, France © 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). ACM ISBN 978-x-xxxx-xxxx-x/YY/MM. CCS CONCEPTS Information systems Recommender systems; Retrieval models and ranking; Novelty in information retrieval. KEYWORDS Collaborative Filtering, Attention Mechanism, Relation Learning ACM Reference Format: Xin Xin, Xiangnan He, Yongfeng Zhang, Yongdong Zhang, and Joemon Jose. 2019. Relational Collaborative Filtering: Modeling Multiple Item Relations for Recommendation. In Proceedings of ACM SIGIR conference (SIGIR’19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 11 pages. 1 INTRODUCTION Recommender system has been widely deployed in Web applica- tions to address the information overload issue, such as E-commerce platforms, news portals, social media sites, lifestyle apps, etc. It not only can facilitate the information-seeking process of users, but also can increase the trac and bring prots to the service provider [1]. Among the various recommendation methods, item-based collab- orative ltering (ICF) stands out owing to its interpretability and eectiveness [16, 20], being highly preferred in industrial applica- tions [8, 10, 32]. The key assumption of ICF is that a user shall prefer the items that are similar to her historically interacted items [31, 44]. The similarity is typically judged from user interactions — how likely two items are co-interacted by users in the past. Despite prevalence and eectiveness, we argue that existing ICF methods are insucient, since they only consider the collaborative similarity relation, which is macro-level, coarse-grained and lacks of concrete semantics. In real-world applications, there typically exist multiple relations between items that have concrete semantics, and they are particularly helpful to understand user behaviors. For example, in the movie domain, some movies may share the same director, genre, actors, or other attributes; in E-commerce, some products may have the same functionality, similar image, same price level, etc. These relations reect the similarity of items from dierent perspectives, and more importantly, they could aect the decisions of dierent users dierently. For example, after two users ( u 1 and u 2) watch the same movie “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial”, u 1 likes the director and chooses “Schindler’s List” to watch next, while u 2 likes the ction theme and watches “The Avenger” in the next. Without explicitly modeling such micro-level and ne-grained

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  • Relational Collaborative Filtering:Modeling Multiple Item Relations for Recommendation

    Xin XinSchool of Computing Science

    University of [email protected]

    Xiangnan HeSchool of Information Science and

    Technology, [email protected]

    Yongfeng ZhangDepartment of Computer Science

    Rutgers [email protected]

    Yongdong ZhangSchool of Information Science and

    Technology, [email protected]

    Joemon JoseSchool of Computing Science

    University of [email protected]

    ABSTRACTExisting item-based collaborative �ltering (ICF) methods leverageonly the relation of collaborative similarity — i.e., the item similarityevidenced by user interactions like ratings and purchases. Never-theless, there exist multiple relations between items in real-worldscenarios, e.g., two movies share the same director, two songs arein the same album, two products complement with each other, etc.Distinct from the collaborative similarity that implies co-interactpatterns from the user’s perspective, these relations reveal �ne-grained knowledge on items from di�erent perspectives of meta-data, functionality, etc. However, how to incorporate multiple itemrelations is less explored in recommendation research.

    In this work, we propose Relational Collaborative Filtering (RCF),a general framework to exploit multiple relations between itemsin recommender systems. We �nd that both the relation type (e.g.,shared director) and the relation value (e.g., Steven Spielberg) arecrucial in inferring user preference. To this end, we develop a two-level hierarchical attention mechanism to model user preference —the �rst-level attention discriminates which types of relations aremore important, and the second-level attention considers the spe-ci�c relation values to estimate the contribution of a historical itemin recommending the target item. To make the item embeddingsbe re�ective of the relational structure between items, we furtherformulate a task to preserve the item relations, and jointly train itwith the recommendation task of preference modeling. Empiricalresults on two real datasets demonstrate the strong performance ofRCF, which not only outperforms the state-of-the-art ICF modelsFISM [20] and NAIS [16], but also the competitive feature-basedmodel NFM [14]. Furthermore, we also conduct qualitative analysesto show the bene�ts of explanations brought by RCF’s modeling ofmultiple item relations. Codes will be available upon acceptance.

    Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal orclassroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor pro�t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citationon the �rst page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored.For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).SIGIR’19, July 2019, Paris, France© 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).ACM ISBN 978-x-xxxx-xxxx-x/YY/MM.

    CCS CONCEPTS• Information systems → Recommender systems; Retrievalmodels and ranking; Novelty in information retrieval.

    KEYWORDSCollaborative Filtering, Attention Mechanism, Relation Learning

    ACM Reference Format:Xin Xin, Xiangnan He, Yongfeng Zhang, Yongdong Zhang, and Joemon Jose.2019. Relational Collaborative Filtering: Modeling Multiple Item Relationsfor Recommendation. In Proceedings of ACM SIGIR conference (SIGIR’19).ACM,NewYork, NY, USA, 11 pages.

    1 INTRODUCTIONRecommender system has been widely deployed in Web applica-tions to address the information overload issue, such as E-commerceplatforms, news portals, social media sites, lifestyle apps, etc. It notonly can facilitate the information-seeking process of users, but alsocan increase the tra�c and bring pro�ts to the service provider [1].Among the various recommendation methods, item-based collab-orative �ltering (ICF) stands out owing to its interpretability ande�ectiveness [16, 20], being highly preferred in industrial applica-tions [8, 10, 32]. The key assumption of ICF is that a user shall preferthe items that are similar to her historically interacted items [31, 44].The similarity is typically judged from user interactions — howlikely two items are co-interacted by users in the past.

    Despite prevalence and e�ectiveness, we argue that existing ICFmethods are insu�cient, since they only consider the collaborativesimilarity relation, which is macro-level, coarse-grained and lacksof concrete semantics. In real-world applications, there typicallyexist multiple relations between items that have concrete semantics,and they are particularly helpful to understand user behaviors. Forexample, in the movie domain, some movies may share the samedirector, genre, actors, or other attributes; in E-commerce, someproducts may have the same functionality, similar image, sameprice level, etc. These relations re�ect the similarity of items fromdi�erent perspectives, and more importantly, they could a�ect thedecisions of di�erent users di�erently. For example, after two users(u1 and u2) watch the same movie “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial”, u1likes the director and chooses “Schindler’s List” to watch next,while u2 likes the �ction theme and watches “The Avenger” in thenext.Without explicitly modeling suchmicro-level and �ne-grained

  • SIGIR’19, July 2019, Paris, France Xin Xin, Xiangnan He, Yongfeng Zhang, Yongdong Zhang, and Joemon Jose

    Figure 1: An example of multiple item relations. Each re-lation is described with a two-level hierarchy of type andvalue. Multiple relations may exist between two items andthe same value may occur in relations of di�erent types.

    relations between items, it is conceptually impossible to reveal thetrue reasons behind a user’s decision, not to mention to recommenddesired items with persuasive and accurate explanations like “TheAvenger” is recommended to you because it is a �ction movie like “E.T.the Extra-Terrestrial” you watched before for the user u2.

    In this paper, we propose a novel ICF framework RelationalCollaborative Filtering, abbreviated as RCF, aiming to integrate mul-tiple item relations for better recommendation. To retain the �ne-grained semantics of a relation and facilitate the reasoning on userpreference, we represent a relation as a concept with a two-levelhierarchy:(1) Relation type, which can be shared director and genre in the

    above movie example, or functionality and visually similar forE-commerce products. It describes how items are related witheach other in an abstract way. The collaborative similarity isalso a relation type from the macro view of user behaviors.

    (2) Relation value, which gives details on the shared relation of twoitems. For example, the value of relation shared director for “E.T.the Extra-Terrestrial” and “Schindler’s List” is Steven Spielberg,and the values for relation shared genre include �ction, action,romantic, etc. The relation values provide important clues forscrutinizing a user’s preference, since a user could weigh di�er-ent values of a relation type di�erently when making decisions.Figure 1 gives an illustrative example on the item relations. Note

    that multiple relations may exist between two items; for example,badminton birdies balls and badminton rackets have two relationsof complementary functionality and shared category. Moreover, arelation value may occur in multiple relations of di�erent types; forexample, a director can also be the leading actor of other movies,thus it is likely that two types of relations have the same valuewhich refers to the same stu�. When designing a method to handlemultiple item relations, these factors should be taken into account,making the problem more complicated than the standard ICF.

    To integrate such relational data into ICF, we devise a two-levelneural attention mechanism [3] to model the historically interacteditems. Speci�cally, to predict a user’s preference on a target item,the �rst-level attention examines the types of the relations thatconnect the interacted items with the target item, and discriminateswhich types a�ect more on the user. The second-level attention is

    operated on the interacted items under each relation type, so as toestimate the contribution of an interacted item in recommendingthe target item. The two-level attention outputs a weight for eachinteracted item, which is used to aggregate the embeddings of allinteracted items to obtain the user’s representation. Furthermore,to enhance the item embeddings with the multi-relational data, weformulate another learning task that preserves the item relationswith embedding operations. Finally, we jointly optimize the twotasks to make maximum usage of multiple relations between items.

    To summarize, this work makes the key contributions as follows:

    • We propose a new and general recommendation task, that is,incorporating the multiple relations between items to betterpredict user preference.

    • We devise a new method RCF, which leverages the relationsin two ways: constructing user embeddings by improvedmodeling of historically interacted items, and enhancingitem embeddings by preserving the relational structure.

    • We conduct experiments on two datasets to validate ourproposal. Quantitative results show RCF outperforms sev-eral recently proposed methods, and qualitative analysesdemonstrate the recommendation explanations of RCF withmultiple item relations.

    2 METHODOLOGYWe �rst introduce the problem of using multiple item relations forCF, and then elaborate our proposed RCF method.

    2.1 Problem FormulationGiven a user and his interaction history, conventional ICF methodsaim at generating recommendations based on the collaborative simi-larity which encode the co-interact patterns of items. Its interactiongraph can be shown as the left part of Figure 2, where the linksbetween items are just the implicit collaborative similarity. How-ever, there are multiple item relations in the real world which havemeaningful semantics. In this work, we de�ne the item relations as:

    De�nition 2.1. Given an item pair (i, j), the relations betweenthem are de�ned as a set of r =< t ,� > where t denotes the relationtype and � is the relation value.

    The target of RCF is to generate recommendations based onboth the user-item interaction history and item relational data.Generally speaking, the links between items in the interaction graphof RCF contain not only the implicit collaborative similarity, butalso the explicit multiple item relations, which are represented bythe heterogeneous edges in the right part of Figure 2. Our notationsare summarized in Table 1.

    In the remainder of this section, we �rst present the attention-basedmodel to infer user-item preference. We then illustrate how tomodel the item relational data to introduce the relational structurebetween item embeddings. Based on that, we propose to integratethe two parts in an end-to-end fashion through amulti-task learningframework. Finally, we provide a discussion on the relationshipbetween RCF and some other models.

  • Relational Collaborative Filtering:Modeling Multiple Item Relations for Recommendation SIGIR’19, July 2019, Paris, France

    Figure 2: Comparison between ICF and RCF. The links be-tween items of ICF are implicit and single, which denote thecollaborative similarity. However, the links between itemsof RCF are explicit and multiple.

    Table 1: Notations

    Notation Description

    U,I the set of users and itemsT the set of relation typesV the set of relation valuesI+u the item set which user u has interacted withItu,i the items in I

    +u that have the relation of type t with

    the target item iIr (i, j) an indicator function where Ir (i, j) = 1 if relation r

    holds for item i and j, otherwise 0pu 2 Rd the ID embedding for user u 2 U, which represents

    the user’s inherent interestsqi 2 Rd the embedding for item i 2 Ixt 2 Rd the embedding for relation type t 2 Tz� 2 Rd the embedding for relation value � 2 V

    2.2 User-Item Preference ModelingAn intuitive motivation when modeling user preference is thatusers tend to pay di�erent weights to relations of di�erent types(e.g., some users may prefer movies which share same actors, someusers may prefer movies fall into same genres). Given multipleitem relations which consist of relation types and relation values,we propose to use a hierarchy attention mechanism to model theuser preference. Figure 3 demonstrates the overall structure of ourmodel.

    Given the item relational data, we �rst divide the interacteditems of user u (i.e., I+u ) into di�erent sets (i.e., Itu,i ) according tothe relation types between these items and the target item. Note thata single item may occur in di�erent Itu,i when there are multiplerelations between this item and i . Besides, there may be some itemswhich have no explicit relation with the target item. To tackle withthese items, we introduce a latent relation r0 =< t0,�0 > and putthese items into It0u,i , as shown in Figure 3. Here r0 can be regardedas the collaborative similarity which just indicates the item co-interact patterns. Then the target-aware user embedding can be

    Figure 3: Illustration of the proposed recommendationmodel. The target-aware user embedding (mu,i ) is modeledwith a two-level hierarchy attention mechanism. The inputof the �rst level attention contains the user ID embeddingand relation types. The second level attention is used tocalculate the weights of speci�c historical items. There arethree inputs during this state, including the target item, thehistorical item and the relation value. Note that one histor-ical item (e.g., i1) can occur in di�erent Itu,i when there aremultiple relations between it and the target item.

    formulated as

    mu,i = pu +’t 2T

    �(u, t) · stu,i , (1)

    where �(u, t) is the �rst-level attention which aims to calculate theimportance of di�erent relation types for this user and stu,i describesthe user’s pro�le based on the items in Itu,i . More precisely, wede�ne �(u, t) with the standard so f tmax function:

    �(u, t) = exp(a(pu , xt ))Õt 0 2T exp(a(pu , xt 0))

    , (2)

    where a(pu , xt ) is the attention score between user u and relationtype t . We de�ne it with a feedforward neural network, as shownin Eq.(3)

    a(pu , xt ) = hT1 (ReLU (W1(pu ⌦ xt ) + b1)). (3)W1 and b1 are corresponding weight matrix and bias vector thatproject the input into a hidden state, and hT1 is the vector whichprojects the hidden state into the attention score. We term thesize of hidden state as “attention factor”, for which a larger valuebrings a stronger representation power for the attention network.⌦ denotes the element-wise product.

    The next step is to model stu,i . It’s obvious that the relation valueaccounts for an important part during this process. For example, auser may pay attention to genres when watching a movie. However,among all the genres, he is most interested in �ction other thanromantic. As a result, we should consider both the items and the

  • SIGIR’19, July 2019, Paris, France Xin Xin, Xiangnan He, Yongfeng Zhang, Yongdong Zhang, and Joemon Jose

    corresponding relation values when modeling the second-levelattentions. From that view, we de�ne stu,i as

    stu,i =’

    j 2Itu,i

    �t (i, j,�) · qj , (4)

    where �t (i, j,�) represents the speci�c weight of item j.Similar to Eq.(2), a straight-forward solution to calculate �t (i, j,�)

    is to use the so f tmax function. However we found that such a sim-ple solution would lead to bad performance. Same observations canalso be found in [16] under similar circumstances. The reason isthat the number of items between di�erent Itu,i vary greatly. Forthose items in large Itu,i , the standard so f tmax function will havevery big denominator, causing the gradient vanishing problem ofcorresponding qj .

    To tackle with this problem, we utilize a smoothed so f tmaxfunction to replace the standard solution. As a result, the weight�t (i, j,�) is formulated as

    �t (i, j,�) =exp(bt (qi , qj , z� ))

    [Õj0 2Itu,i exp(bt (qi , qj0 , z� 0]� , (5)where � is a smoothing factor between (0,1] and is commonly setas 0.5 [16]. bt (qi , qj , z� ) is the second-level attention score whichis de�ned as

    bt (qi , qj , z� ) = hT2,t (ReLU (W2,t266664qiqjz�

    377775+ b2,t )), (6)

    where [·] denotes the vector concatenation. W2,t , b2,t and h2,t arecorresponding attention parameters. Di�erent from Eq.(3) whichutilizes element-wise product to learn signals from inputs, here weconcatenate the input embeddings and send it to a feedforwardneural netwrok. The reason is that there are three inputs whenmodeling the second-level attentions. Utilizing element-wise prod-uct under such situation would have a high risk of su�ering fromvanishing or exploding gradients.

    Now we have completed the modeling of the target-aware userembedding mu,i . Based on that, we utilize a multilayer perceptron(MLP) to calculate the �nal predicted score of user u on item i ,which is shown as:1

    �̂ui = MLP(mu,i ⌦ qi ), (7)

    Given the �nal predicted score �̂ui , we want the positive items tohave a higher rank than negative ones. We utilize the BPR pairwiselearning framework [30] to de�ne the objective function, which isshown as

    Lr ec = �’

    (u,i,k )2DIln� (�̂ui � �̂uk ), (8)

    where � denotes the sigmoid function and DI is the set of trainingtriplets:

    DI =�(u, i,k)|u 2 U ^ i 2 I+u ^ k 2 I\I+u

    . (9)

    1We introduce a dropout layer [33] before each layer of the MLP to prevent over�tting.

    2.3 Item-Item Relational Data ModelingThe second task of RCF is to model the item relational data. Typ-ically, the relational data is organized as knowledge graphs (KG).A knowledge graph is a directed heterogeneous graph in whichnodes correspond to entities and edges correspond to relations. Itcan be represented by a set of triplets (e1, r , e2) where e1 denotesthe head entity, r is the relation and e2 represents the tail entity.Knowledge graph embedding (KGE) is a popular approach to learnsignals from relational data which aims at embedding a knowledgegraph into a continuous vector space.

    However, directly using techniques from KGE [4, 25, 45] to modelthe item relations of RCF is infeasible due to the following chal-lenges in our speci�c domain:(1) The item relation is de�ned with a two-level hierarchy: rela-

    tion type and relation value. As shown in Figure 1, the rela-tion between “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” and “The Avenger”is described as . To represent this rela-tion properly, we must consider both the �rst-level (i.e., sharedgenre) for type constrains and the second-level (i.e., �ction) formodel �delity. As a result, we can not assign a single embeddingfor an item relation r =< t ,� >, which is a common case in the�eld of KGE [4, 25, 45].

    (2) Di�erent from the conventional KG which is represented as adirected graph, the item relations are reversible (i.e., the rela-tion r holds for both (e1, e2) and (e2, e1)), resulting in an undi-rected graph structure. Traditional KGE methods [4, 25] mayencounter di�culties under such situations. For example, themost popular TransE [4] models the relation between two enti-ties as a translation operation between their embeddings, that is,e1+r ⇡ e2 when (e1, r , e2) holds, where e1, r, e2 are correspond-ing embeddings for head entity, relation and tail entity. Basedon that, TransE de�nes the scoring function for this triplet asf (e1, r , e2) = ke1 + r � e2k2 where k · k2 denotes the L2 normof a vector. However, because of the undirected structure, wewill get both e1 + r ⇡ e2 and e2 + r ⇡ e1 on our item relationaldata. Optimizing objective functions based on such equationsmay lead to a trivial solution that r ⇡ 0 and e1 ⇡ e2.To tackle with the �rst challenge, we use the summation of

    the two-level hierarchy components as relation embeddings. Moreprecisely, the representation of a speci�c relation r =< t ,� > isformulated as the following equation:

    r = xt + z� . (10)

    By doing so, we can make sure that relations with the same typekeep similar with each other in some degree. Meanwhile, the model�delity is also guaranteed because of the value embedding. It alsoempowers the model with the ability to tackle the situation thatsame values occur in relations of di�erent types.

    To address the second challenge, we �nd that the source ofthe trivial solution is the minus operation in TransE, which onlysuits for directed structures. To model undirected graphs, we needthe model which satis�es the commutative law (i.e., f (e1, r , e2) =f (e2, r , e1)). Another state-of-the-art methods of KGE is DistMult[45]. It de�nes the scoring function as f (e1, r , e2) = eT1 Mr e2, whereMr is amatrix representation of r . It’s obvious that DistMult is basedon the multiply operation and satis�es the desired commutative

  • Relational Collaborative Filtering:Modeling Multiple Item Relations for Recommendation SIGIR’19, July 2019, Paris, France

    property. Based on that, given a triplet (i, r , j) which means item iand j has relation r , we de�ne the scoring function for this tripletas

    f (i, r , j) = qTi · dia�(r) · qj . (11)

    Here dia�(r) denotes a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elementsequal to r correspondingly.

    Similar to the BPR loss used in the recommendation part, wewant to maximize f (i, r , j) for positive examples and minimize it fornegative ones. Based on that, the objective function is de�ned bycontrasting the scores of observed triplets (i, r , j) versus unobservedones (i, r , j�):

    Lr el = �’

    (i,r, j, j�)2DRln� (f (i, r , j) � f (i, r , j�)), (12)

    where DR is de�ned as

    DR = {(i, r , j, j�)|i, j, j� 2 I ^ Ir (i, j) = 1 ^ Ir (i, j�) = 0 ^ r , r0} .(13)

    The above objective function encourages the positive item j to beranked higher than negative items j� given the context of the headitem i and relation r . Because r0 is de�ned as a latent relation sowe don’t include it during this process.

    2.4 Multi-Task LearningTo e�ectively learn parameters for recommendation, as well aspreserve the relational structure between item embeddings, weintegrate the recommendation part (i.e., Lr ec ) and the relation mod-eling part (i.e., Lr el ) in an end-to-end fashion through a multi-tasklearning framework. The total objective function of RCF is de�nedas


    L = Lr ec + �Lr el ,

    s .t . kpu k2 1, kqi k2 1, kxt k2 1, kz� k2 18u 2 U, i 2 I, t 2 T,� 2 V


    where � is the total parameter space, including all embeddings andvariables of attention networks. It’s obvious that both Lr ec and Lr elcan be decreased by simply scaling up the norm of correspondingembeddings. To avoid this problem during the training process, weexplicitly constrain the embeddings to fall into a unit vector space.This constraint di�ers from traditional L2 regularization whichpushes parameters to the origin. It has been shown to be e�ectivein both �elds of KGE [4, 25] and recommendation [13, 22, 35]. Thetraining procedure of RCF is illustrated in Algorithm 1.

    2.5 DiscussionHere we examine three types of related recommendation modelsand discuss the relationship between RCF and them.

    2.5.1 Conventional collaborative filtering. RCF extends the itemrelations from the collaborative similarity to multiple and semanti-cally meaningful relations. It can easily generalize the conventionalCF methods. If we downgrade the MLP in Eq.(7) to inner product

    Algorithm 1 Learning algorithm for RCFInput: user-item interaction dataDI , item relationl dataDR , learn-

    ing rate �, smoothing factor �, �Output: all parameters in the learning space �1: Initialize all parameters in �2: repeat3: Draw a mini-batch of (u, i,k) from DI4: Draw a mini-batch of (i, r , j, j�) from DR5: Compute Lr ec according to Eq.(1)-(9)6: Compute Lr el according to Eq.(10)-(13)7: L Lr ec + �Lr el8: for each parameter � 2 � do9: Compute @L/@� on the mini-batch by back-propagation10: Update � � � � · @L/@�11: end for12: for � 2 {pu , qi , xt , z� } do13: � �/max(1, k� k2)14: end for15: until converge16: return all parameters in �

    and only consider one item relation (i.e., the collaborative similar-ity), we can get the following predicted score:

    �̂ui = pTu qi|{z}MF

    + qTi©≠´

    ’j 2I+u \{i }

    �(i, j) · qj™Æ¨| {z }


    , (15)

    which can be regarded as en ensemble of matrix factorization (MF)[23] and the item-based NAIS model [20]. In fact, compared withconventional CF methods, RCF captures item relations in an explicitand �ne-grained level, and thus enjoys much more expressivenessto model user preference.

    2.5.2 Knowledge graph enhanced recommendation. Recently, in-corporating KG as an additional data source to enhance recom-mendation has become a hot research topic. These works can becategorized into embedding-based methods and path-based meth-ods. Embedding-based methods [5, 18, 38, 46] utilize KG to guidethe representation learning. However, the central part of ICF is theitem similarity and none of these methods is designed to explicitlymodel it. On the contrary, RCF aims at directly modeling the itemsimilarity from both the collaborative perspective and the multipleconcrete relations. Path-based methods [2, 17, 34, 37, 39] �rst con-struct paths to connect users and items, then the recommendationis generated by reasoning over these paths. However, constructingpaths between users and items isn’t a scalable approach when thenumber of users and items are very large. Under such situation,sampling [2, 37] and pruning [34, 39] must be involved. However,RCF is free from this problem. Besides, the recommendation modelof RCF is totally di�erent from the path-based methods.

    2.5.3 Relation-aware recommendation. MCF [28] proposed to uti-lize the “also-viewed” relation to enhance rating prediction. How-ever, the “also-viewed” relation is just a special case of the item

  • SIGIR’19, July 2019, Paris, France Xin Xin, Xiangnan He, Yongfeng Zhang, Yongdong Zhang, and Joemon Jose

    co-interact patterns and thus still belongs to the collaborative simi-larity. Another work which considers heterogeneous item relationsis MoHR [22]. But it only suits for the sequential recommendation.The idea of MoHR is to predict both the next item and the next rela-tion. The major drawback of MoHR is that it can only consider therelation between the last item of I+u and the target item. As a result,it fails to capture the long-term dependencies. On the contrary, RCFmodels the user preference based on all items in I+u . The attentionmechanism empowers RCF to be e�ective when capturing bothlong-term and short-term dependencies.

    3 EXPERIMENTSIn this section, we conduct experiments on two real-world datasetsto evaluate the proposed RCF model. We aim to answer the follow-ing research questions:

    • RQ1: Compared with state-of-the-art recommendation mod-els, how does RCF perform?

    • RQ2: How do the multiple item relations a�ect the modelperformance?

    • RQ3:Howdoes RCF help to comprehend the user behaviour?Can it generate more convincing recommendation?

    In the following parts, wewill �rst present the experimental settingsand then answer the above research questions one by one.

    3.1 Experimental Settings3.1.1 Datasets. We perform experiments with two publicly acces-sible datasets: MovieLens2 and KKBox3, corresponding to movieand music recommendation, respectively. Table 2 summarizes thestatistics of the two datasets.

    1. MovieLens. This is the stable benchmark published by Grou-pLens [12], which contains 943 users and 1,682 movies. We binarizethe original user ratings to convert the dataset into implicit feed-back. To introduce item relations, we combine it with the IMBDdataset4. The two datasets are linked by the titles and release datesof movies. The relation types of this data contains genres5, directors,actors, and t0, which is the relation type of the latent relation.

    2. KKBox. This dataset is adopted from the WSDM Cup 2018Challenge6 and is provided by the music streaming service KKBox.Besides the user-item interaction data, this dataset also containsdescription of music, which can help us to introduce the item re-lations. We process this dataset by removing the songs that havemissing description. The �nal version contains 24,613 users, 61,877items and 2,170,690 interactions. The relation types of this datasetcontain genre, artist, composer, lyricist, and t0.

    3.1.2 Evaluation protocols. To evaluate the performance of itemrecommendation, we adopt the leave-one-out evaluation, whichhas been widely used in literature [6, 16, 20]. More precisely, foreach user in MovieLens, we leave his latest two interactions forvalidation and test and utilize the remaining data for training. Forthe KKBox dataset, because of the lack of timestamps, we randomly

    2, genres means that two movies share at least one same genre, as shown in Figure1. Same de�nition also suits for the following relation types.6

    Table 2: Dataset statistics.

    Dataset MovieLens KKBox


    #users 943 24,613#items 1,682 61,877#interactions 100,000 2,170,690


    #types 4 5#values 5,126 42,532#triplets 924,759 70,237,773

    hold out two interactions for each user as the test example and thevalidation example and keep the remaining for training. Because thenumber of items is large in this dataset, it’s too time consuming torank all items for every user. To evaluate the results more e�ciently,we randomly sample 999 items which have no interaction with thetarget user and rank the validation and test items with respect tothese 999 items. This has been widely used in many other works[6, 16, 35, 39].

    The recommendation quality is measured by three metrics: hitratio (HR), mean reciprocal rank (MRR) and normalized discountedcumulative gain (NDCG). HR@k is a recall-based metric, measuringwhether the test item is in the top-k positions of the recommen-dation list (1 for yes and 0 otherwise). MRR@k and NDCG@k areweighted versions which assign higher scores to the top-rankeditems in the recommendation list [19].

    3.1.3 Compared methods. We compare the performance of theproposed RCF with the following baselines:

    • MF [30]: This is the standard matrix factorization whichmodels the user preference with inner product between userand item embeddings.

    • FISM [20]: This is a state-of-the-art ICF model which charac-terizes the userwith themean aggregation of the embeddingsof his interacted items.

    • NAIS [16]: This method enhances FISM through a neuralattention network. It replaces the mean aggregation of FISMwith an attention-based summation.

    • FM [29]: Factorization machine is a feature-based baselinewhich models the user preference with feature interactions.Here we treat the auxiliary information of both datasets asadditional input features.

    • NFM [14]: Neural factorization machine improves FM byutilizing a MLP to model the high-order feature interactions.

    • CKE [46]: This is an embedding-based KG-enhanced recom-mendation method, which integrates the item embeddingsfrom MF and TransR [25].

    • MoHR [22]: This method is a state-of-the-art relation-awareCF method. We only report its results on the MovieLensdataset because it’s designed for sequential recommendationand the KKBox dataset contains no timestamp information.

    3.1.4 Parameter se�ings. To fairly compare the performance ofmodels, we train all of them by optimizing the BPR loss (i.e.,Eq(8))with mini-batch Ada-grad [9]. The learning rate is set as 0.05 andthe batch size is set as 512. The embedding size is set as 64 forall models. For all the baselines, the L2 regularization coe�cients

  • Relational Collaborative Filtering:Modeling Multiple Item Relations for Recommendation SIGIR’19, July 2019, Paris, France

    are tuned between [1e�5, 1e�4, 1e�3, 0]. For FISM, NAIS and RCF,the smoothing factor � is set as 0.5. We pre-train NAIS with 100iterations of FISM. For the attention-based RCF and NAIS, theattention factor is set as 32. Regarding NFM, we use FM embeddingswith 100 iterations as pre-training vectors. The number of MLPlayers is set as 1 with 64 neurons, which is the recommended settingof their original paper [14]. The dropout ratio is tuned between[0, 0.1, · · ·, 0.9]. For the MLP of RCF, we adopt the same settings withNFM to guarantee a fair comparison. For MoHR, we set the multi-task learning weights as 1 and 0.1 according to their original paper[22]. For RCF, we �nd that it achieves satisfactory performancewhen � = 0.01. We report the results under this setting if there isno special mention.

    3.2 Model Comparison (RQ1)Table 3 demonstrates the comparison between all methods whengenerating top-k recommendation. It’s obvious that the proposedRCF achieves the best performance among all methods on bothdatasets regarding to all di�erent top-k values.

    Compared with the conventional item-based FISM and NAISwhich only consider the collaborative similarity, our RCF is basedon the multiple and concrete item relations. We argue that this isthe major source of the the improvement. From this perspective,the results demonstrate the importance of multiple item relationswhen modeling the user preference.

    Comparedwith the feature-based FM andNFM, RCF still achievessigni�cant improvement. The reason is that although FM and NFMalso incorporate the auxiliary information, they fail to explicitlymodel the item relations based on that data. Besides, we can also seethat NFM achieves better overall performance than FM because itintroduces a MLP to learn high-order interaction signals. However,RCF achieves higher performance under the same MLP settings,which con�rms the e�ectiveness of modeling item relations.

    Compared with CKE, we can see that although CKE utilizes KGto guide the learning of item embeddings, it fails to directly modeluser preference based on multiple item relations, resulting in lowerperformance than RCF. Besides, we can see that although MoHRis also relation-aware, RCF still achieves better results than it. Thereason is that MoHR only considers the relation between the lasthistorical item and the target item, and thus fails to capture thelong-term dependencies among the user interaction history.

    3.3 Studies of Item Relations (RQ2)3.3.1 E�ect of the hierarchy a�ention. RCF utilizes a hierarchyattention mechanism to model user preference. In this part, weconduct experiments to demonstrate the e�ect of the two-level at-tentions. Table 4 shows the results of top-10 recommendation whenreplacing the corresponding attention with average summation. It’sobvious that both the �rst-level and the second-level attentions arenecessary to capture user preference, especially the second-levelattention, which aims at calculating a speci�c weight for everyhistorical item and thus largely improves the model expressiveness.

    3.3.2 Ablation studies on relation modeling. The proposed RCFde�nes the item relations with relation types and relation values.To demonstrate the e�ectiveness of these two components, we

    modify the proposed RCF by masking the corresponding parts.Table 5 shows the detail of the masked models. Table 6 reports theperformance when masking di�erent relation components. We candraw the following conclusions from this table.(1) RCF-type achieves better performance than the single model,

    demonstrating the importance of relation types. Generally speak-ing, the type component describes item relations in an abstractlevel. It helps to model the users’ preference on a class of itemswhich share particular similarity in some macro perspectives.

    (2) The performance of RCF-value is also better than the singlemodel. This �nding veri�es the e�ectiveness of relation values,which describe the relation between two speci�c items in amuch �ne-grained level. The relation value increases the model�delity and expressiveness largely through capturing the userpreference from micro perspective.

    (3) RCF achieves the best performance. It demonstrates that bothrelation types and relation values are necessary to model theuser preference. Moreover, it also con�rms the e�ectiveness ofthe proposed two-level attention mechanism to tackle with thehierarchical item relations.

    3.3.3 E�ect of multi-task learning. RCF utilizes the item relationaldata in two ways: constructing the target-aware user embeddingsand introducing the relational structure between item embeddingsthrough the multi-task learning framework. In this part, we conductexperiments to show the e�ect of the later.

    Figure 4 reports the results of MRR@10 and NDCG@10 whenchanging the multi-task learning weight � 7. It’s obvious the perfor-mance of RCF boosts when � increases from 0 to positive values onboth two datasets. Because � = 0 means only the recommendationtask (i.e., Lr ec ) is considered, we can draw a conclusion that jointlytraining Lr ec and Lr el can de�nitely improve the model perfor-mance. In fact, the function of Lr el is to introduce a constraint thatif there is relation between two items, there must be an inherentstructure among their embeddings. This constraint explicitly guidesthe learning process of both item and relation embeddings and thushelps to improve the model performance. We can also see that withthe increase of � , the performance improves �rst and then startsto decrease. Because the primary target of RCF is recommenda-tion other than predicting item relations, we must make sure thatLr ec accounts the crucial part in the total loss. Actually, we cansee from Table 2 that the number of item-item relational triplets ismuch larger than the number of user-item interactions, leading tosituation that � is commonly set as a small value.

    3.4 Qualitative Analyses (RQ3)In this part, we conduct qualitative analyses to show how RCF helpsus to comprehend user behaviors and generate more convincingrecommendation.

    3.4.1 Users as a whole. Figure 5 illustrates the average a(u, t) forall u 2 U on the two datasets. We can see that on the MovieLensdataset, the largest a(u, t) falls into genre, which means that userstend to watch movies that share same genres. The second position isactor. This �nding is in concert with the common sense that genresand actors are themost two important elements that a�ect the users’7Results of HR@10 show similar trends and are omitted due to the reason of space.

  • SIGIR’19, July 2019, Paris, France Xin Xin, Xiangnan He, Yongfeng Zhang, Yongdong Zhang, and Joemon Jose

    Table 3: Top-k recommendation performance comparison of di�erent models (k = 5, 10, 20). The last column RI de-notes the relative improvement on average of RCF over the baseline: RCF outperforms all baselines on all metricswith signi�cance level p-value < 0.05 (indicated by ⇤). The last row shows the p-value of comparing RCF with the bestbaseline on the corresponding metric (indicated by boldface).

    Models MovieLens

    HR@5 MRR@5 NDCG@5 HR@10 MRR@10 NDCG@10 HR@20 MRR@20 NDCG@20 RI

    MF 0.0774 0.0356 0.0458 0.1273 0.0430 0.0642 0.2110 0.0482 0.0833 +25.2%FISM 0.0795 0.0404 0.0500 0.1325 0.0474 0.0671 0.2099 0.0526 0.0865 +20.3%NAIS 0.0827 0.0405 0.0508 0.1367 0.0477 0.0683 0.2142 0.0528 0.0876 +17.9%FM 0.0827 0.0421 0.0521 0.1410 0.0496 0.0707 0.1994 0.0535 0.0852 +18.6%NFM 0.0880 0.0427 0.0529 0.1495 0.0495 0.0725 0.2153 0.0540 0.0889 +13.4%CKE 0.0827 0.0414 0.0515 0.1404 0.0476 0.0688 0.2089 0.0528 0.0884 +15.2%MoHR 0.0832 0.0490 0.0499 0.1463 0.0485 0.0733 0.2249 0.0554 0.0882 +11.2%RCF 0.1039⇤ 0.0517⇤ 0.0646⇤ 0.1591⇤ 0.0598⇤ 0.0821⇤ 0.2354⇤ 0.0642⇤ 0.1015⇤p-value (0.018) (0.044) (0.025) (0.035) (

  • Relational Collaborative Filtering:Modeling Multiple Item Relations for Recommendation SIGIR’19, July 2019, Paris, France

    Table 6: Performance of di�erent relation ablationswhen generating top-10 recommendation. Dec is theaverage decrease of performance. ⇤ denotes the statis-tical signi�cance for p < 0.05.

    Ablations MovieLens

    HR@10 MRR@10 NDCG@10 Dec

    Single 0.1399 0.0481 0.0691 -14.6%RCF-type 0.1484 0.0587 0.0804 -4.5%RCF-value 0.1548 0.0558 0.0801 -3.4%RCF 0.1591⇤ 0.0598⇤ 0.0821⇤

    Ablations KKBox

    HR@10 MRR@10 NDCG@10 Dec

    Single 0.6923 0.4666 0.5207 -15.7%RCF-type 0.7523 0.5431 0.5723 -6.2%RCF-value 0.7708 0.5579 0.5867 -3.8%RCF 0.7940⇤ 0.5718⇤ 0.6253⇤

    (a) MovieLens (b) KKBox

    Figure 5: Average a(u, t) on two datasets. a(u, t) denotes theuser u’s attention on the relation type t .

    user preference. Multiple and �ne-grained item relations should beinvolved to generate better recommendation.

    For the music domain, we can see that the most important re-lation type falls into artist. Following that are comp. (short forcomposer) and lyri. (short for lyricist). They are the most threeimportant factors that a�ect users when listening to music. Be-sides, compared with the movie domain, the attention a(u, t0) inthe music domain is much smaller. It indicates that user behaviourpatterns when listening to music are more explicit than the oneswhen watching movies. As a result, our proposed RCF achievesbigger improvement on the KKBox dataset, as shown in Table 3.

    3.4.2 Invididual case studies. We randomly select a user u54 in theMovieLens dataset to see how RCF helps us to comprehend theindividual user behavior. Figure 6 shows the attention visualizationof this user.We can see that this user pays themost attention (0.4003)on the relation type “shared genres” whenwatchingmovies. Amongthe second-level relation values, he is most interested in “crime”(0.4477) and “sci-�c” (0.3928). Based on his historical interactedmovies “Breakdown” and “The Fifth Element”, the recommendedmovie is “Face/O�”. From this perspective, we can also generate theexplanation as “Face/O�” is recommended to you because it is a crime

    Figure 6: Attention visualization of user u54 in MovieLens.

    movie like “Breakdown” you have watched before. It’s obvious that aside bene�t of RCF is that it can generate reasonable explanationsfor recommendation results.

    4 RELATEDWORK4.1 Item-based Collaborative FilteringThe idea of ICF is that the user preference on a target item i can beinferred from the similarity of i to all items the user has interactedin the past [16, 20, 26, 31]. Under this case, the relation betweenitems is referred as the collaborative similarity, which measures theco-occurrence in the user interaction history. A popular approachof ICF is FISM [20], which characterizes the user representationas the mean aggregation of item embeddings which occur in hisinteraction history. Plenty of work has been done following thisresearch line, such as incorporating user information [11, 42], neuralnetwork-enhanced approaches [15, 16, 40] and involving local latentspace [7, 24].

    Although these methods has improved the performance of ICF,all of them are based solely on the collaborative similarity betweenitems. This item relation is coarse-grained and lacks of semanticmeaning, introducing the bottleneck of the model and the di�cultyof generating convincing results.

    4.2 Attention MechanismThe attention mechanism has become very popular in �elds ofcomputer vision [27, 43] and natural language processing [3, 36]because of its good performance and interpretability for deep learn-ing models. The key insight of attention is that human tends topay di�erent weights to di�erent parts of the whole perceptionspace. Based on this motivation, [16] improved FISM by replacingthe mean aggregation with attention-based summation. [6] pro-posed to utilize the attention mechanism to generate multimediarecommendation. [21] exploited self-attention for sequential rec-ommendation. There are many other works focusing on involvingattention mechanism for better recommendation [35, 41]. However,all of them fail to model the multiple item relations. In fact, userstend to pay di�erent weights on di�erent item relations and it’sa promising direction to utilize attention mechanism under suchcircumstance.

  • SIGIR’19, July 2019, Paris, France Xin Xin, Xiangnan He, Yongfeng Zhang, Yongdong Zhang, and Joemon Jose

    5 CONCLUSIONIn this work, we proposed a novel ICF framework namely RCFto model the multiple item relations for better recommendation.RCF extends the item relations of ICF from collaborative similar-ity to �ne-grained and concrete relations. We found that both therelation type and the relation value are crucial for capturing userpreference. Based on that, we proposed to utilize a hierarchy at-tention mechanism to construct user representations. Besides, tomaximize the usage of relational data, we further de�ned anothertask which aims to preserve the relational structure between itemembeddings. We jointly optimize it with the recommendation taskin an end-to-end fashion through a multi-task learning framework.Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets show that RCFachieves signi�cantly improvement over state-of-the-art baselines.Moreover, RCF also provides us an approach to better comprehenduser behaviors and generate more convincing recommendation.

    Future work includes deploying RCF on datasts with more com-plex item relations. Besides, we also want to extend RCF to empowerit with the ability to tackle with not only the static item relationsbut also the dynamic user relations. Another promising direction ishow to utilize item relations to develop adaptive samplers for thepair-wise ranking framework.Acknowledgements. This research is supported by the ThousandYouth Talents Program 2018. Xiangnan He is the correspondingauthor.

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