rekindle the romance in your intimate life with fildena 100mg


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Page 1: Rekindle the Romance in Your Intimate Life with Fildena 100mg

Rekindle the Romance and Sensual Energies in Your

Intimate Life with Fildena and Cenforce

Well-satisfied intimate relationships are the most essential facets of many people’s

lives. Nurturing, strong, productive and satisfying intimate relationships not only

provide them with immense joy and happiness, they also support their careers, and

encourage them towards the accomplishment of a deeper sense of both physical and

spiritual well-being. Unfortunately, some men are unable to accomplish or maintain

their intimate relationship because of their erection trouble.

They are not capable of gratifying the intimate needs of their spouse or love

because they fail to erect properly at the time of intimate sessions. Trouble in an

intimate relationship can quickly destroy a promising union of two hearts. The man

may feel embarrassed and even feel guilty, making it hard to talk to his partner or

love about his erection trouble.

Therefore, erection trouble has a direct impact on how it affects a man's life and

marriage. The man withdraws or isolates himself emotionally and physically from

Page 2: Rekindle the Romance in Your Intimate Life with Fildena 100mg

his partner because of fear of failure. His partner starts to judge that he is losing

attention in her, thus affecting her self-esteem and feelings of prettiness.

An intimate relationship between couples is very personal and private, so a man

should disclose his erection trouble with his partner. This helps a man to seek a

proper medication to settle down his erection trouble, and rekindle the romance and

sensual energies into his relationship. Erection trouble is not a big deal; it can be

managed easily with Fildena 50 and 100mg.

Fildena or Cenforce has a remarkable application in the management of erectile

dysfunction in men. It helps a man to get or uphold a rigid erection for a longer

time while being engaged in the lovemaking relationship. This tablet encloses a

generic medicine known as Sildenafil citrate.

Sildenafil citrate belongs to the class of drugs known as PDE-5 inhibitors. It

inhibits the functioning of PDE-5 enzymes and prevents the breakdown of cGMP.

NO (nitric oxide) releases in the body upon sensual stimulation that encourages the

formation of cGMP and a surplus quantity of cGMP accumulates in the corpus

cavernosum in the male penile organ.

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This causes relaxation and dilation of blood vessels present in the male penile

organ and enhances the flow of blood to the male penile organ resulting in a rigid


Fildena tablet is commercially accessible in different dosing strengths of 50mg and

100mg. A man should take a tablet of Fildena orally one hour before being engaged

in a lovemaking session, with sufficient amount of water. Once a tablet of Fildena

is consumed its effect last for 4 to 5 hours, so do not ingest another dose of this

medicine within 24 hours. This tablet can be taken with food or without food, but

never take this medicine with fatty meals.

A man may come across some annoying effects while using Fildena such as

headache, dizziness, indistinct vision, muscle ache, blocked nose, facial flushing,

upset stomach, backache, and diarrhea.

Precautionary steps: Avoid the ingestion of alcoholic beverages or recreational medicines while

using cenforce tablet.

Ingestion of this pill along with nitrates can cause severe lowering of blood

pressure, so do not ingest Fildena while using nitrates.

Page 4: Rekindle the Romance in Your Intimate Life with Fildena 100mg

The use of this tablet may cause dizziness or drowsiness, so do not drive a

vehicle or operate nay machinery after using this medicine.

The use of this tablet is strictly prohibited under these medical cases

including severe liver disorders, severe renal impairments, cardiac disorders

and hypersensitive reactions with cenforce or its other ingredients.

Buy Cenforce 200mg or Fildena (

200mg-sildenafil-citrate-200mg-online.html ) from our trustworthy online

pharmacy store at an economic rate and avail maximum offers
