rejecting renewables: why some communities fear solar plants


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Post on 23-Jan-2018




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Page 1: Rejecting Renewables: Why Some Communities Fear Solar Plants

Thane Ritchie

Rejecting Renewables: Why Some Communities Fear Solar Plants

Page 2: Rejecting Renewables: Why Some Communities Fear Solar Plants

As you may have read in the news last month, a tiny town in North Carolina called Woodland rejected new solar panel installation, citing

concerns that it would suck up the sun’s energy.

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Unsurprisingly, this particular

claim was ripe for ridicule — after

all, that solar panels harm

photosynthesis is little more than a

conspiracy theory.

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But in this particular detail, the larger point — that sustainability may need help toward its path to

ubiquity — was lost in heavy snark.

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Though some residents concerns were unfounded, Woodland’s case makes more sense when examined in full.

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The proposed solar plant would have been the fourth surrounding the 800-person town, who do

not benefit from the plants at all.

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As many small towns in the US and

the world struggle due to urbanization, with jobs dwindling and young people

leaving, Woodland’s main

concern was an understandable

one: that the ghost towns would be

boxed out on all sides by eye-sore

solar farms that did nothing for them.

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