reincarnation articles

Reincarnation Articles Past Life Reincarnation Regression Should Be Part Of Your Life The theory of past lives Reincarnation Regression and other births that the soul goes through is dictated by the Hindu philosophy of karma (deeds) and atma (soul). According to the Hindu religious scriptures, the soul is indestructible and it merely changes its form or body the way a human being changes his clothes after they have outlived their useful years. This is very different from Christianity's view of Reincarnation Regression, which focuses on Christ's resurrection. The Hindus state that the soul can inhabit any form, man, woman or animal. The deeds or karma of a human being in one life dictate what's going to be his or her life in the next. Yet another case was that of a boy who remembered himself as a man named MahaRam in his past life. Being shot at very close range killed this man, and the boy indeed had several birthmarks that looked like scars from gunshot wounds on his chest. Even though many psychiatrists; most notably among them, Dr Brian Weiss who is considered to

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Interesting read on Reincarnation and past lives


Reincarnation ArticlesPast Life Reincarnation Regression Should Be Part Of Your Life

The theory of past lives Reincarnation Regression and other births that the soul goes through is dictated by the Hindu philosophy of karma (deeds) and atma (soul). According to the Hindu religious scriptures, the soul is indestructible and it merely changes its form or body the way a human being changes his clothes after they have outlived their useful years.

This is very different from Christianity's view of Reincarnation Regression, which focuses on Christ's resurrection. The Hindus state that the soul can inhabit any form, man, woman or animal. The deeds or karma of a human being in one life dictate what's going to be his or her life in the next. Yet another case was that of a boy who remembered himself as a man named MahaRam in his past life. Being shot at very close range killed this man, and the boy indeed had several birthmarks that looked like scars from gunshot wounds on his chest.

Even though many psychiatrists; most notably among them, Dr Brian Weiss who is considered to be the father of past life regression and several others eminent authorities on psychiatry and psychology are inclined to believe the concept of rebirth, science at large is extremely skeptical about it. However, it may also be worthwhile to state here that many people have experienced a sudden disappearance of life long fears and phobias after a few sessions of past life regression therapy.

There is much speculation concerning Reincarnation Regression regression and its significance. Down through the centuries many different religions and cultures have focused on this concept and documented their finding. The soul is everlasting, immortal, which naturally leads to many questions. The belief is that the soul of an individual can be reborn into a new body. While in this body there is a recall of memories concerning the lifetime before entering the new body.

Various things can trigger this process. For instance, some may consider hypnotism as a good method for triggering the process. While in a trance, a person is elevated to higher planes of consciousness. This permits them to experience a spiritual awakening. This in turn helps the soul to remember all the past life experiences it has gone through previously.

This can then permit the person to start exploring and discovering many different memories of various past lives. For instance, the different deaths in different bodies of past lifetimes may be experienced by different people according to whether or not he or she is open to them. This can help to relieve any fears they may find challenging in this lifetime. This is because they are better able to understand the physical deaths they may have experienced during their past lives.

Hindu religious scriptures talk about past life Reincarnation Regressions; a central scripture is the Bhrigu Sanhita. This scripture apparently has an accounting of all living souls births, past and future, but it has unfortunately been lost to the ages.

Dr. Ian Stevenson was a modern-day psychiatrist with a degree in medicine that had collected some fascinating data in regard to modern-day accounts of rebirth or Reincarnation Regression. Science largely pooh-poohs the concept of Reincarnation Regression, so it can't be stated with certainty that this is the most respected scientific source to be had. Nonetheless, Dr. Stevenson's work is the most famous and most documented, because of his medical background.

Dr. Stevenson didn't put patients under trances or into hypnotic states, however, as many modern day past life regression therapists do. Instead, he simply interviewed children who spontaneously recalled things they had experienced in past lives.

Among the most confusing and well known of these involved a young boy who was just six years old at the time. From a tiny village in Punjab, the boy said that he had been a man named Satnam Singh, from the village of Chakkchela, in a past life. He had never been to the man's village, but said the man had lived there and could also recall details from there with amazing clarity.

The family tried to discourage the boy from saying these things, but he nonetheless continued to say that his name was Satnam. He even told others what the man's father's name had been. Further, the boy said that he had been killed in a motorcycle accident as he was heading home from school. This claim was investigated and it was absolutely found that there had been a man named Satnam Singh, and he had been killed precisely as the boy said he had been. The young boy also revealed intimate details about the family, and these also checked out to be accurate. The most amazing part of this was when the handwriting of the young boy and the handwriting of the deceased man were compared, and were found to be absolutely identical.

Another popular account from Stevenson's collection about past lives Reincarnation Regression came from a young girl named Swarnalata. This little girl was just three years old, but nonetheless, she could recall her life as a young woman named Biya Pathak very vividly. She described the house she had lived in, and in fact took her father there one day when they were traveling. The child even said that she'd lived there, and that they could get a better cup of tea in that house than they could have if they'd got it on the road. What sealed this case was that the little girl recognized Biya Pathak's brother, and called him by a pet name from among nine people.

Stevenson's files listed dozens of these types of cases. Further, Stevenson states that when injury happens in one life, it can manifest in the next as a birthmark in the same location as the injury. This was indeed borne out in one of his cases on a man from Thailand, who recalled that he was in fact his own deceased maternal uncle, reincarnated. This man had a scar on his head that matched the location where his maternal uncle had been wounded with a knife and had died as a result.

It is good to understand that while in a hypnotic state the body is not completely unconscious. Rather this process helps by channeling the thoughts, while focusing on different aspects of a lifetime.

While in this state of trance, the person performing the hypnosis will begin to ask specific questions of the past, and trying to focus on the various rebirths that the present soul has gone through. There are times in this process that startling information might arise, and can be the cause of other triggers in the present life.

Skeptics may think that this type of information is forces upon the individual while under hypnosis. They think that many of these ideas are planted in the mind while someone is undergoing such a process. This is of course, not true. While personally witnessing the complete process, one is better able to understand that such thoughts and claims are not true and have no basis of truth.

During the first session the hypnotist will ask some very basic questions that can help one better understand things in the present lifetime. Many clinical studies show that a person is able to accurately recall memories of a past life. Often they can even offer many significant details about specific events in a past life. While experiencing future trance sessions, the series of questions and information are given differently.

Using another method, that of hypo-kinesiology can also trigger Reincarnation Regression regression. During this process testing muscles is incorporated into the process of general hypnosis. During this process, the reflexes of muscles are check to determine whether there are any past life secrets.

For some individuals, this proves to be a better method of obtaining results. Although some have claimed this method is used to further persuade an individual in believing their results are anything more than provoked responses that our bodies would naturally have in reaction to as well.

In some cases, the answer to regression comes from trigger words, sounds or smells. In our normal daily routine we might be watching our favorite show, or smelling a home cooked meal when we recall an event from a lifetime we never had. This can at times cause fear in us, and as we continue to explore this experience, we find the truth about our own Reincarnation Regression. This is what can lead us to individuals who have a strong knowledge in this field of study.

Sometimes, walls are created that prevent us from being open to the process of Reincarnation Regression. It is our own belief system and our reactions that can cause such a blockage. When this is the case, there may be fear concerning the unanswered questions and solutions within our spiritual belief system.

Any person that is interested in Reincarnation Regression should avoid questioning their current level of faith, but instead embrace the idea of what regression could give them. Reincarnation Regression isn't Black Magic or some kind of evil practice. It is enlightening journey that can be taken to expel some of the concerns or fears that are being experienced in life. It is a way of helping a person come to terms with their existence, allowing their inner soul to discover the peace that's been missing.