reiki principles - just for today i will not worry

14 © R EIKI N EWS M AGAZINE S PRING 2009 W orrying is like praying for something you don’t want to hap- pen. But we are human, and worry is something we are very adept at and do. So how do we train ourselves not to worry? I repeat, “Just for today, I will not worry,” and the other Reiki Ideals each day during my morning meditation/prayer time and again before going to sleep, but living it on a daily basis has not always been easy. Following an extremely difficult personal expe- rience a couple of years ago, the whole concept of this Ideal was put to the supreme test. My father passed away on October 16, 2006, following almost six months of a difficult and lingering illness. We imme- diately were faced with the harsh reality of my mother’s changed financial situation and the need to find new living arrangments for her. I had left my job to help care for my father and to spend more time with him and my mother. Due to his worsening condition, I had also cancelled a four-month trip to India two days before departure. It was an extremely difficult and stressful period. I found myself in a very strained position, financially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I felt completely drained. Even say- ing “Just for today I will not worry” became difficult, although I continued to do it. When I simply could no longer ignore the fact that I was worrying about what would happen, I began meditating and praying (pretty much one and the same thing for me) in a more focused direction, asking for renewed strength, continued faith in God and trust in His Universe, for clarity, guidance and direction, as well as the wisdom to “see” the solutions as they were presented to me (as I was sure they would be). On October 27th, after a full prayer/meditation session, I fell asleep and had a long and quite lovely dream involving much pleasant company, beautiful places, food, and pleasure. Two points were brought home for me to “see” and understand from the dream. These were the answers to my prayer—the clarity, guidance and direction I was seeking: Just for today… I will not worry BY J ANE A BRAMOWITZ ©

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Just for today I will not worry is the first Reiki Principle. Understanding the principle of Not Worrying and how to go about achieving that state in our daily lives. Once we learn how to do this on a conscious daily level, we can achieve peace of mind, tranquility, harmony, joy and increased good health on all levels. As a Reiki Master teacher and practitioner I have found great success in my own life and with my clients in applying this Reiki Principle in daily life


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Worrying is like praying for something you don’t want to hap-pen. But we are human, and worry is something we arevery adept at and do. So how do we train ourselves not

to worry? I repeat, “Just for today, I will not worry,” and the other Reiki

Ideals each day during my morning meditation/prayer time andagain before going to sleep, but living it on a daily basis has notalways been easy. Following an extremely difficult personal expe-rience a couple of years ago, the whole concept of this Ideal wasput to the supreme test.

My father passed away on October 16, 2006, followingalmost six months of a difficult and lingering illness. We imme-diately were faced with the harsh reality of my mother’schanged financial situation and the need to find new livingarrangments for her. I had left my job to help care for my fatherand to spend more time with him and my mother. Due to hisworsening condition, I had also cancelled a four-month trip toIndia two days before departure.

It was an extremely difficult and stressful period. I foundmyself in a very strained position, financially, emotionally,physically, and spiritually. I felt completely drained. Even say-ing “Just for today I will not worry” became difficult, althoughI continued to do it. When I simply could no longer ignore thefact that I was worrying about what would happen, I beganmeditating and praying (pretty much one and the same thingfor me) in a more focused direction, asking for renewedstrength, continued faith in God and trust in His Universe, forclarity, guidance and direction, as well as the wisdom to “see”the solutions as they were presented to me (as I was sure theywould be).

On October 27th, after a full prayer/meditation session, I fellasleep and had a long and quite lovely dream involving muchpleasant company, beautiful places, food, and pleasure. Twopoints were brought home for me to “see” and understand fromthe dream. These were the answers to my prayer—the clarity,guidance and direction I was seeking:

Just for today…I will not worry



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Finding myself all of a sudden completely alone and in some-one else’s clothing (dreams are like that aren’t they?), actually,typical Indian men’s clothing, and coming outdoors from wher-ever I was, and feeling cold. The clothing was not warm enoughfor the sudden change in weather. Feeling quite chilled and notknowing what to do, I was all of a sudden given a shawl to keepme warm. Telling me, as I see it, that I will ALWAYS be pro-vided with whatever I need to keep me comfortable in every newand unexpected circumstance.

I next found myself confused while walking through alleys ofwhat seemed like some old part of town, not feeling lost orfrightened, just confused, that I didn’t understand how to getwhere I wanted to…as if it was something I already knew andcouldn’t remember…When I asked the first person I met, hesimply said, “Follow your instincts.” I think that needs noexplanation…but was for me, at that point, so profound that Iwoke in tears of joy.

The dream was a turning point. I began to grasp with greaterclarity and a deeper understanding the meaning of the words, “donot worry.” There were some shaky moments to be sure, veryshaky actually, but the constant use of Reiki, meditation andprayer, and focus on the Ideals proved themselves once again. Ittook some time, more than my problematic impatience couldstand at moments, but things slowly worked their way out, inways, of course, that I could never have imagined.

Which is all part of the message! Let GO and let GOD!Don’t worry about the “how’s.” Don’t set limits as to how thesolution will present itself. As Caroline Myss says in InvisibleActs of Power, “…when we release our needs and prayers to theUniverse without strings attached, the heavens take care ofcoordinating the outcome.…Look upon everything from theend of [your] prayer onward as having a part to play in theanswer to your prayer…”

Not worrying implies FAITH. Implicit Faith in the Universeto always supply us with all we need without our needing to knowor understand the means by which this is done. It is simply beyondour human comprehension. Faith is like a plant. It must be nur-tured and cared for or it will wither and die. We can nurture ourFaith by talking with God, but talking WITH does not meanmonologue. As with any conversation, it must be a dialogue. It isnot enough just to talk to God; we must listen as well. We mustbe aware, or we will not hear the messages God has for us.

I TALK to God (Universe, Source) every day. I make it ahabit to do this morning and night and in between very fre-quently. Not just asking for things, but “seeing” and “hearing”and being aware when they happen in answer to my requests.Thank you for the parking space, the short line at the supermar-ket, an answer in only five minutes when calling technical sup-port. These things are all orchestrated for us, but it is importantto be aware of this and acknowledge our awareness, our “hear-ing” the other side.

Once we send our request out, things are set in motion by ourPartner, our co-creator. Nothing “just happens.” And once we

cultivate this living, working system, and truly believe in it, therereally is NO NEED TO WORRY. Our work is to look beyondwhat we perceive as obstacles and focus continually on our goals,visualize them in detail, often, not only when praying or meditat-ing, but throughout the day. To believe they will be manifested,but in ways we, as human beings, with our limited senses andunderstandings could never contemplate.

There is an overview, a full picture, which we as humanbeings can never see. We live in the world of linear time,where past, present, and future are just that: past (what hasalready occurred), present (what we see in this moment), andfuture (that which has yet to happen). But this is again becausewe are limited by our human capacities. In effect, all time isNOW. That also makes it easier to understand how we can useReiki to bring about change not only in the future, but in thePAST. For in Universal terms, there is no past, present, orfuture, but only NOW.

What we need to understand is that although we cannot “see”the actual ways in which solutions will unfold, we can manifestthese goals by “seeing” the end result exactly as we wish it to be.By imagining, by FEELING the feelings of relief, joy, gratitude,amazement, excitement etc., we will feel when everything fallsinto place. And once we have done this, we must leave the“how’s” to God and the Universe, with complete trust. And whenwe do this, there is NO REASON TO WORRY!

Remember that “Thoughts become things…choose the goodones,”1 and you cannot go wrong. When we worry, we incorporatenegative thoughts into our manifestations, into our prayers, intoour requests, and this negative energy is received by the Universeand incorporated into the solution which is being formulated orwhich has already been set in place!

Below I have paraphrased a short parable,2 which tells the storyof Henry and the Missing Bridge. It is one of my favorite examplesfor explaining the concept of “Letting go and letting God.”

Henry was speeding toward a bridge that he knew was out.All that Spirit (God, Universe, Higher Source, etc.) said tohim was, “Continue on, Henry. Things are not always asthey seem, Henry. You will be taken care of, Henry.” AsHenry approached the area where the bridge should havebeen, he saw only a gaping emptiness. It took everything hehad not to stop right there; yet Spirit said, “Henry, continueon, continue on.”

So Henry in all his faith, continued on even faster thanbefore, trusting God and the partnership within and visualizinghimself on the other side of the divide. Just as he thought hisvehicle was about to careen over the cliffs to a certain death inthe valley below, he saw workmen on the road ahead of him,directing him to an area completely out of sight that he had never

1 Mike Dooley, Available in entirety in the Kryon Channelings by Lee Carroll: Book 7,

“Letters from Home,” pp. 226-229. To delve further into the channel-

ings of Kryon, check out the Kryon Web site:

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observed before. And standing in full glory there was a beauti-ful new bridge! It was a bridge that was so big and so awesomethat Henry realized it had been under construction long beforehis need. He crossed it in ecstatic joy, realizing the power of hispartnership with God.

Henry didn’t visualize how his bridge dilemma was going tobe resolved. The thought of a miracle bridge popping up beforehim was beyond his human reality. So instead, he simplyvisualized moving to the other side—the end result that hedesired, just as a runner visualizes breaking the tape. Regardingyour problem? Visualize it all taken care of and then leave thedetails to the Universe… but YOU do the energy visualiza-tion… often!

Putting the Ideal “Do not worry” into practice on a dailylevel is the basis for understanding the importance of Faith inGod and releasing our worries and fears about the “hows” to theUniverse, so that we can “move to the other side.” Truly releas-ing worry brings true harmony and tranquility into our lives,every day.

I share the following prayer from Carolyn Myss’ book, Invis-ible Acts of Power,3 in hopes that it will empower your inten-tions of living in harmony and tranquility, as it has mine.

A Third Chakra PrayerI release into this universe my trust that my journey in life and all

who walk my path with me are there by divine design. Therefore, Itrust that along this path, others will always be there for me, even whenI cannot see them waiting for me. And I open myself to be of serviceto those who may provide me the gift of empowerment.

The Prayer of Thomas MertonDear God, I have no idea where I am going.I do not see the road ahead of me.I cannot know for certain where it will end.Nor do I really know myself…and the fact that I think that I amfollowing Your will does not mean that I am actually doing so.But I believe this:I believe that the desire to please You does in fact please You.I hope I have that desire in everything I do.I hope I never persist in anything apart from that desire.And I know that if I do this You will lead me by the right road,though I may know nothing about it at the time.Therefore I will trust You always, for though I may be lost…Iwill not be afraid, because I know You will never leave me toface my troubles all alone.

—Jane can be reached by Email at [email protected], and herweb site is

J U S T F O R T O D A Y … I W I L L N O T W O R R Y

3 pp. 141-142