reiki level iii manual

Reiki Master/Teacher Workshop Manual M. Sean Miles Dahlen Reiki Master/Teacher

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Reiki Level III Manual


  • Reiki

    Master/Teacher Workshop Manual

    M. Sean Miles Dahlen Reiki Master/Teacher

  • Introduction

    Welcome to the Reiki masters/teachers course. The information contained in this manual combined with the attunements and teaching will enable you to pass the wonderful gift of Reiki to others as Reiki healers and teachers. To become a Reiki teacher is a wonderful experience. You are constantly witnessing the wonder of the divine energy. You are constantly rewarded by being a participant in your students connection with this Divine energy. Every time you do an attunement, Reiki energy flows into your aura as well as the students aura. As a practitioner of Reiki, you will find that the master symbols bring a different experience of Reiki energy. As teachers it is important to spend time to understand and connect with the energy of the symbols before we commence teaching. This manual is based on the teaching of William Rand, founder of the International Center for Reiki Training. My Reiki Master, David, studied with William in Sedona Arizona in 1996 and completed the Master/Teacher levels in Usui and Karuna Reiki. Over time we have adapted some of the attunement processes as a result of our own experience and guided by the principles of the subtle energy practices of India and Tibet which are the source of the Reiki healing system. In the workshop you will learn the Usui/Tibetan method of attunement which is the traditional Usui method combined with the two Tibetan symbols. The main difference between the methods is that in Reiki I a single attunement is given rather than the four attunements in the Usui system. We have also included complete instructions for the traditional Usui attunement method. If you prefer, you can use this method because you will have been attuned to the Usui Master Symbol. Additionally, the manual contains instructions for the Reiki Healing Attunement. This is an attunement process to draw down Reiki energy for the sole purpose of healing and purification. Please remember the information contained in this manual and the symbols are sacred teachings. Do not leave it where others can read it!

  • Reiki Attunements

    It is the attunement that makes Reiki different from all other energy healing systems. In the words of Reiki teacher William Rand: It is a sacred spiritual initiation that connects the initiate with the higher levels of consciousness and the unlimited source of healing energy. Like all aspects of Reiki, it is very simple but powerful. You do not need any special skills or ability to share the wonderful gift of Reiki with others, just the intention. Because intention is the key to the attunement process (where the mind goes energy flows) it is important to keep clear in your mind which attunement you are about to do before you begin. Before giving the attunement explain the process to the students. Also, you may find it useful to have your students do a short meditation or relaxation process before the initiation. The Reiki attunement has three main components: The first, standing behind the student, brings the Reiki energy down through the crown chakra into Ajna Chakra. It also brings energy down into your aura and the aura of the student. The second is placing the symbols in the hands so they may be used by the student. The third component is for sealing the process. When you do your first attunements you may not feel as if anything special is happening. Many students doubt their ability to pass on Reiki, especially since the process is so simple. Also, you may be nervous and unsure the first time you give an attunement. You start to think its impossible for the attunement to work when youre in this state of mind. Dont worry, it still works. The more attunements you do, the more you learn to trust in the process. Every time you attune someone using the methods taught, they receive the gift of Reiki. Because the method is so simple, there is a temptation to give just anyone an attunement. It is important that every time you give an attunement, you also give the complete teaching at that particular level. It is important that people fully understand what they have been given and how to use it for the greatest benefit. Ideally, always teach Reiki in a workshop situation and allow a full day for teaching so that you give Reiki to a person in a way that honors both the student and the Reiki system. The best way to practice Reiki attunements is to re-attune people who already have that level of attunement. i.e . . . . practice Level II attunement technique on someone who has already achieved Level II.

  • The Master Symbols

    These are the Master Symbols used to give Reiki attunements. In the Traditional Usui System only the Usui Dai Ko Myo is used.

    Usui Dai Ko Myo

    The Usui Dai Ko Myo is one of the main Master Symbols. It is also used in the practice of Reiki in much the same way that you would use a Cho Ku Rei. Tapping into the hands before using Reiki, visualize it on the back of the hands when healing, etc.

    Tibetan Dai Ko Myo The Tibetan Dai Ko Myo is used in exactly the same way as the Usui Dai Ko Myo. Many Reiki practitioners prefer to use it because of its simplicity.

    The Fire Serpent The Fire Serpent is used to initiate the flow of energy along the spine. You draw it with the top line across the top of the head, the downward stroke to just above the base of the skull at the level of Ajna chakra, and from there the serpent winds its way down the back curling over the base of the spine. The Fire Serpent can also be used as part of a healing session. When the person is lying face-down, you can draw it down the back in the same way you would during an attunement

  • Drawing the Master Symbols (correct stroke order)

  • The Violet Breath The Violet Breath is used to place the Tibetan Dai Ko Myo into Ajna Chakra when attuning students into the three levels of Reiki. In a Reiki healing attunement, it is placed into Anahata chakra.

    Step 1. Place your hands over the students head and tune into the energy field. Step 2. Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Breathe in slowly and deeply and imagine the breath as white light coming down through the top of the head (Sahasraha chakra) through the tongue down the front channel of the body and up the back channel along the spine to the center of the head and imagine the white light filling your head.

    Step 3. Once your head is filled with the white light, imagine the light turning clockwise in the head (as viewed from the back of the head moving up on the left side and down on the right). As it rotates, imagine it turning from white, to pale blue, and finally to violet. Step 4. In the middle of your head within the violet light, imagine the Tibetan Dai Ko Myo glowing with a white or green light.

    Step 5. Release your tongue, exhale and imagine breathing the symbol out through your mouth into the top of the students head. Next, guide it down through the top of the head to roughly the base of the skull - the site of Ajna chakra (or to the middle of the back in line with the heart for a healing attunement.)

  • Brief review of Level II Reiki Symbols and their uses

    Cho Ku Rei Reiki Power Symbol

    Target-put Reiki here

    Sei Hei Ki Mental/Emotional Symbol

    Clearing blocks/clouds

    Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Distance healing/cosmic


  • Usui/Tibetan Reiki Attunement Method

    The Usui/Tibetan attunement method is probably the most popular form of attunement used today. The main difference between this and the traditional Usui attunement is that only one attunement is required in Reiki I. Before commencing the Reiki attunement process, you must prepare both yourself and the space in which you will be working. This process is only done once before you do attunements.

    Preparing yourself Draw the Tibetan Dai Ko Myo, Usui Dai Ko Myo and the Cho Ku Rei on the palms of your hands, tapping them into your hands. As you do this, repeat their names three times. Finally, draw a Cho Ku Rei over each of your chakras, and then a large Cho Ku Rei down the front of the body.

    Preparation of Attunement Space Before you commence attunements, it is important to prepare the space creating a bubble of Reiki energy filled with the unique energy of each of the symbols. First, draw Cho Ku Reis on the four walls of the room, the ceiling and the floor. Then, draw all the symbols (Fire Serpent, Tibetan Dai Ko Myo, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, Sei Hei Ki and Cho Ku Rei) and imagine their energy filling the room.

    Instructions to the Student

    Ask the students to place their hands in front of their chests in the prayer position (Pranamasan) and ask them to close their eyes. Tell them that at a certain point in the attunement you will reach down and bring their hands up to the top of their head. Also explain that you will move to the front and take their hands and open them like a book, then tap on the hands (explained below).

    Calling Upon the Divine In this step, you call upon whomever or whatever you believe to be the highest principle, calling them to assist you in the attunement. For example:Almighty God, I humbly ask that you assist in this Reiki attunement. Because intention is of prime importance in a Reiki attunement, it is important to state what kind of attunement it is: Reiki Level I, II, or III. Note: In the Usui/Tibetan method, these steps are exactly the same for every attunement. Reiki I Attunement

  • Standing Behind the Student:

    Place your hands just over the students head and see if you can feel their energy field. If you cannot feel anything, just place the hands a few inches from the head. Pause a moment and try to feel the energetic connection between you and the student. Keeping one hand in place above the head, with the other hand draw the Fire Serpent down the back of the student starting at the top of the head and finish by curling around the base of the spine. Chant Fire Serpent mentally three times and imagine the symbol entering the students body. Perform the Violet Breath and, as you exhale the Tibetan Dai Ko Myo, guide it down through the crown chakra to the base of

    the brain mentally repeating the name three times. Next, draw the Usui Dai Ko Myo over the head and guide it through the crown chakra to the base of the brain mentally repeating the name three times. Draw the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, Sei Hei Ki and take them to the base of the brain. Bring the students hands up to the top of their heads, steady and support their hands with one hand. With your other hand, draw the Cho Ku Rei above the students hands and guide it through the hands to the base of the brain repeating the name three times. Return the students hands to the front of the chest.

    Move to the front of the Student: Placing Symbols in the Hands

    The next step is to place the Cho Ku Rei in the hands. Take the students hands and open them like a book so that the sides of the hands are joined and the palms are facing upwards. Place one hand under the students hands to support them. With the other hands, draw the Cho Ku Rei over the students hands tapping it into the hands with your fingers three times, mentally repeating the name of the symbol.

    Blowing over the hands and chakras

    Place the hands back in the prayer position. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, gently blow over the hands, moving down to Manipura chakra, up to Sahasraha, back to Manipura, and then back to the hands.

  • Move back behind the student

    Placing an affirmation Place your hands on the students shoulders and imagine you can look down through the crown chakra (Sahasraha) to the root chakra (Mooladhara), and imagine there a red ball of fire. Place a positive affirmation in the subconscious mind of the student. You may be guided at this point to place a particular affirmation, but if not, use one like Gods love and wisdom now guides you in your use of Reiki or You are now a successful and confident Reiki healer.

    Sealing the attunement Place your thumbs together at the base of the skull, and imagine a small door with a Cho Ku Rei on it. Imagine the door closing, and as it does, say I now seal this Reiki I attunement process with Divine Love and Wisdom. Feel that the attunement is sealed and complete, and the student is now connected with the source of Reiki at the particular level of attunement. Place you hands on the students shoulders and offer thanks to the Divine for assisting with the healing process. When you have finished, tell the student that they may now open their eyes.

    Reiki II Attunement (same procedure as Level I, but you place more symbols into the hands)

    Standing behind the student

    Place your hands just over the students head. See if you can feel their energy field, and place your hands there. Otherwise, just hold your hands a few inches from their head. Pause a moment and try to sense the energetic connection between you and the student. Keeping one hand in place above the head, with the other hand draw the Fire Serpent down the back of the student starting at the top of the head and finish by curling around the base of the spine. Chant Fire Serpent mentally three times and imagine the symbol entering the students body. Perform the Violet Breath and, as you exhale the Tibetan Dai Ko Myo, guide it down through the crown chakra to the base of the brain mentally repeating the name three times. Next, draw the Usui Dai Ko Myo over the head and guide it through the crown chakra to the base of the brain mentally repeating the name three times. Bring the students hands up to the top of their head. Steady and support their hands with one hand while your other hand draws the Cho Ku Rei, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and Sei Hei

  • Ki above the hands guiding each through the hands to the base of the brain and repeating each name 3 times. Return the students hands to the front of the chest.

    Move to the front of the Student:

    Placing Symbols in the Hands

    The next step is to place the symbols in the hands. Take the students hands and open them like a book so that the sides of the hands are joined and the palms are facing upwards. Place one hand under the students hands to support them. With the other hand, draw the Cho Ku Rei, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and Sei Hei Ki over the students hands tapping them into the hands with your fingers three times for each symbol, mentally repeating the name of the symbol.

    Blowing over the hands and chakras Place the hands back in the prayer position. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, gently blow over the hands, moving down to Manipura chakra, up to Sahasraha, back to Manipura, and then back to the hands.

    Move back behind the student

    Placing an affirmation Place your hands on the students shoulders and imagine you can look down through the crown chakra (Sahasraha) to the root chakra (Mooladhara), and imagine there a red ball of fire. Place a positive affirmation in the subconscious mind of the student. You may be guided at this point to place a particular affirmation, but if not, use on like Gods love and wisdom now guides you in your use of Reiki or You are now a successful and confident level II Reiki healer.

    Sealing the attunement Place your thumbs together at the base of the skull, and imagine a small door with a Cho Ku Rei on it. Imagine the door closing, and as it does, say I now seal this Reiki II attunement process with Divine Love and Wisdom. Feel that the attunement is sealed and complete, and the student is now connected with the source of Reiki at the particular level of attunement. Place you hands on the students shoulders and offer thanks to the Divine for assisting with the healing process. When you have finished, tell the student that they may now open their eyes.

  • Reiki III (Master/Teacher) Attunement (same procedure as Level I and II, but we now empower the use of ALL Symbols)

    Standing behind the student

    Place your hands just over the students head. See if you can feel their energy field, and place your hands there. Otherwise, just hold your hands a few inches from their head. Pause a moment and try to sense the energetic connection between you and the student. Keeping one hand in place above the head, with the other hand draw the Fire Serpent down the back of the student starting at the top of the head and finish by curling around the base of the spine. Chant Fire Serpent mentally three times and imagine the symbol entering the students body. Bring the students hands up to the top of their head BEFORE you do the Violet Breath. As you exhale with the Violet Breath, take the Tibetan Dai Ko Myo through the fingers to the base of the brain, followed by Usui Dai Ko Myo and the Fire Serpent. Return the students hands to the front of the chest, and THEN draw the rest of the symbols over the head, directing them to the base of the brain.

    Move to the front of the Student:

    Placing Symbols in the Hands

    The next step is to place the symbols in the hands. Take the students hands and open them like a book so that the sides of the hands are joined and the palms are facing upwards. Place one hand under the students hands to support them. With the other hand, draw the Tibetan Dai Ko Myo, Usui Dai Ko Myo and the Fire Serpent over the students hands tapping them into the hands with your fingers three times for each symbol, mentally repeating the name of the symbol.

    Blowing over the hands and chakras

    Place the hands back in the prayer position. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, gently blow over the hands, moving down to Manipura chakra, up to Sahasraha, back to Manipura, and then back to the hands.

    Move back behind the student

  • Placing an affirmation Place your hands on the students shoulders and imagine you can look down through the crown chakra (Sahasraha) to the root chakra (Mooladhara), and imagine there a red ball of fire. Place a positive affirmation in the subconscious mind of the student. You may be guided at this point to place a particular affirmation, but if not, use on like Gods love and wisdom now guides you in your use of Reiki or You are now a successful and confident Reiki Master healer.

    Sealing the attunement Place your thumbs together at the base of the skull, and imagine a small door with a Cho Ku Rei on it. Imagine the door closing, and as it does, say I now seal this Reiki III attunement process with Divine Love and Wisdom. Feel that the attunement is sealed and complete, and the student is now connected with the source of Reiki at the particular level of attunement. Place you hands on the students shoulders and offer thanks to the Divine for assisting with the healing process. When you have finished, tell the student that they may now open their eyes.

    Traditional Usui Attunement In the traditional Usui Reiki System there are four attunements in Reiki I, one in Reiki II, and one in Reiki III. Perform the preparation of yourself and the space in the same way you do the Usui/Tibetan attunement.

    First Degree Attunement First Attunement

    Behind the Student Place your hands over the students head and tune into their energy field. Draw the Usui Dai Ko Myo over the head and guide it down to the base of the skull, repeating the name of the symbol three times. Next, reach down and take the students hands raising them to the top of their head. Draw the Cho Ku Rei over the students hands, and while repeating the name of the symbol three times, imagine the symbol passing through the hands, the top of the head, and down to the base of the skull. Place the students hands back in front of them.

  • Standing in front of the Student Move to the front of the student, and hold the students hands out flat. With one hand, draw the Cho Ku Rei over their Ajna Chakra (third eye center). While saying the name of the symbol, imagine it entering Ajna Chakra.

    Placing the Symbols in the hands The next step is to place the Cho Ku Rei in the hands. Take the students hands and open them like a book so that the sides of the hands are joined and the palms face up. Place one hand under the students hands to support them. With the other hand, draw the Cho Ku Rei over the students hands, tapping them into the hands with your fingers three times while mentally repeating the name of the symbol.

    Blowing over the hands and Chakras Place both hands back in prayer position. Take a deep breath in. As you exhale, gently blow over the hands moving down to Manipura Chakra, up to Sahasraha, back to Manipura, and then back to the hands.

    Move back behind the student

    Placing and Affirmation Place your hands on the students shoulders and imagine you can look down through the crown chakra (Sahasraha) to the heart chakra (Anahata). Place a positive affirmation in the subconscious mind of the student. You may be guided at this point to place a particular affirmation, but if not, use one like Gods love and wisdom guides and empowers you in your use of Reiki or You are now a successful and confident Reiki Healer.

    Sealing the Attunement

    Place your thumbs together at the base of the skull and imagine a door with a Cho Ku Rei on it. Imagine the door closing, and as it does, say I now seal this Reiki I attunement process with Divine Love and Wisdom. Feel that the attunement is sealed and complete, and the student is now connected to the source of Reiki at that particular level of attunement. Place your hands on the students shoulders and offer thanks to the Divine for assisting with the healing process. When you have finished, tell the students that they may now open their eyes.

  • First Degree Attunement Second and Third Attunements

    Behind the Student Place your hands over the students head and tune into their energy field. Draw the Usui Dai Ko Myo over the head and guide it down to the base of the skull, repeating the name of the symbol three times. Then, draw the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen while repeating its name three times guiding the symbol down to the base of the skull. Next, reach down and take the students hands raising them to the top of their head. Draw the Cho Ku Rei over the students hands, and while repeating the name of the symbol three times, imagine the symbol passing through the hands, the top of the head, and down to the base of the skull. Place the students hands back in front of them.

    Standing in front of the Student Move to the front of the student, and hold the students hands out flat. With one hand, draw the Cho Ku Rei over their Ajna Chakra (third eye center). While saying the name of the symbol, imagine it entering Ajna Chakra. Next, draw the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen over the persons Ajna Chakra (third eye center). While repeating the name of the symbol, imagine it entering Ajna Chakra.

    Placing the Symbols in the hands The next step is to place the Cho Ku Rei in the hands. Take the students hands and open them like a book so that the sides of the hands are joined and the palms face up. Place one hand under the students hands to support them. With the other hand, draw the Cho Ku Rei over the students hands, tapping them into the hands with your fingers three times while mentally repeating the name of the symbol.

    Blowing over the hands and Chakras Place both hands back in prayer position. Take a deep breath in. As you exhale, gently blow over the hands moving down to Manipura Chakra, up to Sahasraha, back to Manipura, and then back to the hands.

    Move back behind the student

    Placing and Affirmation

    Place your hands on the students shoulders and imagine you can look down through the crown chakra (Sahasraha) to the heart chakra (Anahata). Place a positive affirmation in the subconscious mind of the student. You may be guided at this point to place a

  • particular affirmation, but if not, use one like Gods love and wisdom guides and empowers you in your use of Reiki or You are now a successful and confident Reiki Healer.

    Sealing the Attunement

    Place your thumbs together at the base of the skull and imagine a door with a Cho Ku Rei on it. Imagine the door closing, and as it does, say I now seal this Reiki I attunement process with Divine Love and Wisdom. Feel that the attunement is sealed and complete, and the student is now connected to the source of Reiki at that particular level of attunement. Place your hands on the students shoulders and offer thanks to the Divine for assisting with the healing process. When you have finished, tell the students that they may now open their eyes.

    First Degree Attunement Fourth Attunement

    Behind the Student Place your hands over the students head and tune into their energy field. Draw the Usui Dai Ko Myo over the head and guide it down to the base of the skull, repeating the name of the symbol three times. Then, draw the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen while repeating its name three times guiding the symbol down to the base of the skull. Next, draw the Sei Hei Ki. While repeating its name three times, guide the symbol down to the base of the skull. Next, reach down and take the students hands raising them to the top of their head. Draw the Cho Ku Rei over the students hands, and while repeating the name of the symbol three times, imagine the symbol passing through the hands, the top of the head, and down to the base of the skull. Place the students hands back in front of them.

    Standing in front of the Student Move to the front of the student, and hold the students hands out flat. With one hand, draw the Cho Ku Rei, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and Sei Hei Ki in turn over their Ajna Chakra (third eye center). While saying the names of the symbols, imagine them entering Ajna Chakra.

    Placing the Symbols in the hands The next step is to place the Cho Ku Rei in the hands. Take the students hands and open them like a book so that the sides of the hands are joined and the palms face up. Place one hand under the students hands to support them. With the other hand, draw the Cho Ku

  • Rei over the students hands, tapping them into the hands with your fingers three times while mentally repeating the name of the symbol.

    Blowing over the hands and Chakras Place both hands back in prayer position. Take a deep breath in. As you exhale, gently blow over the hands moving down to Manipura Chakra, up to Sahasraha, back to Manipura, and then back to the hands.

    Move back behind the student

    Placing and Affirmation Place your hands on the students shoulders and imagine you can look down through the crown chakra (Sahasraha) to the heart chakra (Anahata). Place a positive affirmation in the subconscious mind of the student. You may be guided at this point to place a particular affirmation, but if not, use one like Gods love and wisdom guides and empowers you in your use of Reiki or You are now a successful and confident Reiki Healer.

    Sealing the Attunement

    Place your thumbs together at the base of the skull and imagine a door with a Cho Ku Rei on it. Imagine the door closing, and as it does, say I now seal this Reiki I attunement process with Divine Love and Wisdom. Feel that the attunement is sealed and complete, and the student is now connected to the source of Reiki at that particular level of attunement. Place your hands on the students shoulders and offer thanks to the Divine for assisting with the healing process. When you have finished, tell the students that they may now open their eyes.

    Second Degree Attunement

    Behind the Student Place your hands over the students head and tune into their energy field. Draw the Usui Dai Ko Myo over the head and guide it down to the base of the skull, repeating the name of the symbol three times. Next, reach down and take the students hands raising them to the top of their head. Draw the Cho Ku Rei, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and Sei Hei Ki over the students hands, and while repeating the names of the symbols three times, imagine the symbols passing through the hands, the top of the head, and down to the base of the skull. Place the students hands back in front of them.

  • Standing in front of the Student Move to the front of the student, and hold the students hands out flat. With one hand, draw the Cho Ku Rei, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and Sei Hei Ki in turn over their Ajna Chakra (third eye center). While saying the names of the symbols, imagine them entering Ajna Chakra. Placing the Symbols in the hands The next step is to place the Cho Ku Rei, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and Sei Hei Ki in the hands. Take the students hands and open them like a book so that the sides of the hands are joined and the palms face up. Place one hand under the students hands to support them. With the other hand, draw the Cho Ku Rei over the students hands, tapping them into the hands with your fingers three times while mentally repeating the name of the symbol. Repeat this last step for the other two symbols.

    Blowing over the hands and Chakras Place both hands back in prayer position. Take a deep breath in. As you exhale, gently blow over the hands moving down to Manipura Chakra, up to Sahasraha, back to Manipura, and then back to the hands.

    Move back behind the student

    Placing and Affirmation Place your hands on the students shoulders and imagine you can look down through the crown chakra (Sahasraha) to the heart chakra (Anahata). Place a positive affirmation in the subconscious mind of the student. You may be guided at this point to place a particular affirmation, but if not, use one like Gods love and wisdom guides and empowers you in your use of Reiki or You are now a successful and confident Reiki Level II Healer.

    Sealing the Attunement Place your thumbs together at the base of the skull and imagine a door with a Cho Ku Rei on it. Imagine the door closing, and as it does, say I now seal this Reiki II attunement process with Divine Love and Wisdom. Feel that the attunement is sealed and complete, and the student is now connected to the source of Reiki at that particular level of attunement. Place your hands on the students shoulders and offer thanks to the Divine for assisting with the healing process. When you have finished, tell the students that they may now open their eyes.

  • Third Degree Attunement

    Behind the Student Place your hands over the students head and tune into their energy field. Draw the Usui Dai Ko Myo over the head and guide it down to the base of the skull, repeating the name of the symbol three times. Next, reach down and take the students hands raising them to the top of their head. Draw the Cho Ku Rei, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and Sei Hei Ki over the students hands, and while repeating the names of the symbols three times, imagine the symbols passing through the hands, the top of the head, and down to the base of the skull. Place the students hands back in front of them.

    Standing in front of the Student Move to the front of the student, and hold the students hands out flat. With one hand, draw the Usui Dai Ko Myo, Cho Ku Rei, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and Sei Hei Ki in turn over their Ajna Chakra (third eye center). While saying the names of the symbols, imagine them entering Ajna Chakra.

    Placing the Symbols in the hands The next step is to place the Usui, Dai Ko Myo, Cho Ku Rei, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and Sei Hei Ki in the hands. Take the students hands and open them like a book so that the sides of the hands are joined and the palms face up. Place one hand under the students hands to support them. With the other hand, draw the Cho Ku Rei over the students hands, tapping them into the hands with your fingers three times while mentally repeating the name of the symbol. Repeat this last step for the other two symbols.

    Blowing over the hands and Chakras Place both hands back in prayer position. Take a deep breath in. As you exhale, gently blow over the hands moving down to Manipura Chakra, up to Sahasraha, back to Manipura, and then back to the hands.

    Move back behind the student

    Placing and Affirmation Place your hands on the students shoulders and imagine you can look down through the crown chakra (Sahasraha) to the heart chakra (Anahata). Place a positive affirmation in the subconscious mind of the student. You may be guided at this point to place a particular affirmation, but if not, use one like Gods love and wisdom guides and

  • empowers you in your use of Reiki or You are now a successful and confident Reiki Level III Healer.

    Sealing the Attunement Place your thumbs together at the base of the skull and imagine a door with a Cho Ku Rei on it. Imagine the door closing, and as it does, say I now seal this Reiki III attunement process with Divine Love and Wisdom. Feel that the attunement is sealed and complete, and the student is now connected to the source of Reiki at that particular level of attunement. Place your hands on the students shoulders and offer thanks to the Divine for assisting with the healing process. When you have finished, tell the students that they may now open their eyes.

    The Healing Attunement The healing attunement is used for healing purposes only. It will not initiate anybody into Reiki because the symbols are not placed in the hands. It allows you to use the powerful energy of an attunement as part of a Reiki treatment. You prepare for the healing attunement in the same way you prepare for Usui/Tibetan attunement: prepare yourself, prepare the space, and make a connection with the Divine. Also, state clearly that this is a Reiki Healing Attunement.

    Standing behind the student The student is sitting with their hands on their legs, palms down. Place your hands just over the students head and try to connect with their energy field. Keeping the hands a few inches from the head, try to form an energetic connection between yourself and the student. Draw the Fire Serpent down the back, and repeat the name three times. Perform the Violet Breath. As you exhale the Tibetan Dai Ko Myo, guide it down through the Crown Chakra to the Heart Chakra (Anahata) mentally repeating the name three times. Next, draw the Usui Dai Ko Myo over the head and guide it through the crown to the heart center repeating its name. Then draw the Cho Ku Rei, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and Sei Hei Ki taking them down again to the heart center, again repeating the name of each three times.

  • Move to the Front of the student Draw the five symbols (Tibetan Dai Ko Myo, Usui Dai Ko Myo, Cho Ku Rei, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and Sei Hei Ki) over the top of the head (Sahasraha). As you guide them down, gently tap them into the top of the head with your finger tips, continuing through Ajna (third eye center), through Vishuddha (throat center), through the heart, and stopping at the level of Manipura (navel). Repeat the name of each symbol three times as it passes through these energy centers.

    Blowing over the Chakras

    Take a deep breath, and as you exhale gently blow toward Manipura (navel), moving up the chakras to Sahasraha (crown), back down to Manipura, and back up to the Sahasraha. The blowing is done in one smooth continuous motion. As you blow, use your hands to guide the energy up, down, and then up with a sharp upward motion to sweep the negative energy away from the person.

    Move back behind the student Place your hands on the students shoulders and imagine you can look down through the crown chakra to the heart. Imagine a blue ball of light there in the heart center. Place a positive affirmation in the subconscious mind of the student. You may be guided at this point to place a particular affirmation, but if not use one like Through Gods love and wisdom, you are now completely healed or Through Gods love and Wisdom, you can now achieve your highest spiritual purpose.

    Sealing the attunement Place one hand on the persons shoulder, and the other over the back at the level of the heart. Imagine a small door with a Cho Ku Rei on it. Imagine the door closing, and as it does, say I now seal this healing attunement with Divine Love and Wisdom. Feel that the attunement is sealed and complete, and the person has received an appropriate level of healing. Place your hands on the students shoulders and offer thanks to the Divine for assisting the healing process. When you have finished, tell the student that they may now open their eyes.

    Working with the Healing Attunement The Healing Attunement is both simple and quick, but it can be powerful and profound in its effects on the subtle level of a persons being. It uses the attunement process to draw down Reiki energy into the Aura, the Chakras, and subtle energy flows of our body. It can be used before or after a normal Reiki treatment. Also, like many Reiki treatments, you should perform at least three treatments in a seven day period to achieve maximum effect.

  • The International Center for Reiki Training teaches a healing process for working with the healing attunement to remove energy blockages that may be causing problems.

    1. The person is seated with their feet flat on the floor, and the palms resting on their legs.

    2. Ask the person to close their eyes and meditate on the issue they are seeking to heal.

    3. Then, as they keep their eyes closed, ask them If this was a problem in the physical body, where would it be in the body? Where can you sense it in the body? If there is pain or tension in an area, then this is easy. However, with an emotional issue, this may not be so clear to the person. Simply ask them to guess, and assure them there is no wrong answer.

    4. Next, ask them to focus on the area. Ask If this problem had a shape, what would it be? Any answer is fine. This is just a process, but one that is mostly accurate.

    5. Ask them then to identify its texture, its weight, its color, and finally its sound. With sound, it can sometimes be helpful to get the person to vocalize the sound. If they feel comfortable, ask them to vocalize it loudly. This often commences the release of the blockage. The healing attunement will do the rest to clear out any blocks.

    Recommended Reading

    Chase, P.L. and Pawlick, J. Healing with Crystals. India, Pearson Education Ellyard, L. The Tao of Reiki. New Delhi, Full Circle Publishing, 2001 Luebeck, W., Petter, F.A., Rand, W.L. The Spirit of Reiki. Varanassi, Pilgrims Publishing, 2001 Petter, Arjava Frank. Reiki Fire. Delhi. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1998 Rand, W.L. Reiki The Healing Touch First and Second Degree Manual. New Delhi, Jain Publishers, 2000 Rand, W.L. Reiki for a New Millennium. New Delhi, Jain Publishers, 2002 Finally, if you want to reach me for any reason, check out my website at or email [email protected].