reign of winter 4th edition conversion - com...

I have loved all the adventure paths that Paizo have published over the years. As I belong to the fraction that really liked the 4th Edition rules, it has been very sad to not have Paizo there supplying us with great adventures as they used to do. So I got this idea to try to convert one of the great adventure paths of the Pathfinder game by Paizo. The new Reign of Winter looked promising so I started to try to convert the material to 4th Edition. By doing this I hope that I will not only provide a great adventure to 4th Edition fans, but also bring in new customers to the Pathfinder game who might not have tried their great adventures before. For you that download this conversion, please note that I have taken away all the great context, information, and stories which create the magic of the Paizo product. I therefore strongly advise you to purchase the Paizo products it is based upon, in order to have the full experience. I did so myself. They are great. /Myrhdraak

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I have loved all the adventure paths that Paizo have published over the years. As I belong to the fraction that really liked the 4th Edition rules, it has been very sad to not have Paizo there supplying us with great adventures as they used to do.

So I got this idea to try to convert one of the great adventure paths of the Pathfinder game by Paizo. The new Reign of Winter looked promising so I started to try to convert the material to 4th Edition. By doing this I hope that I will not only provide a great adventure to 4th Edition fans, but also bring in new customers to the Pathfinder game who might not have tried their great adventures before.

For you that download this conversion, please note that I have taken away all the great context, information, and stories which create the magic of the Paizo product. I therefore strongly advise you to purchase the Paizo products it is based upon, in order to have the full experience. I did so myself. They are great.


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2 2014-06-01

Reign of Winter 4th Edition Conversion


THE SNOWS OF SUMMER ............................................ 5 Part One: An Early Frost................................... 5 Hook: Save Lady Argentea .................................................. 5 Travelling Conditions............................................................ 5 A1. Wrecked Carriage .......................................................... 6 A2. Locked Carriage (CR 1) ............................................... 6 A3. Ice Statue ........................................................................... 6 B. TRAILSIDE TRAP (CR 1) ............................................... 7 C. HEAVY SNOWDRIFT (CR 3) ...................................... 7 D. DECORATED TREES (CR 2) ....................................... 7 E. THE TALKING STAGS (CR 2) ..................................... 9 F1. Trail Sign (CR 1) ........................................................... 10 F2. Wishbone Creek (CR 4) ............................................ 10 F3. Dead Body ...................................................................... 11 G. BANDITS ON THE TRAIL (CR 2) ........................... 11 H1. Eastern Trailhead (CR 1) ......................................... 13

H4. Bridge (CR 2) ............................................................... 13 H8. Kitchen (CR 1) ............................................................. 14 H11. Rohkar's Room .......................................................... 15 H12. Ten-Penny Room ..................................................... 15 H13. Great Room (CR 2) ................................................. 15 H14. Sickroom (CR 1) ....................................................... 16 H15. Planning Room (CR 3) ........................................... 17 H16. Storeroom (CR 1) ..................................................... 19 H17. Cellar ............................................................................ 19

Part Two: The Depths of Winter ......................... 20 I. ANCIENT INVADERS (CR 2) .................................... 20 J. SLAIN HUNTER .............................................................. 21 K. FROST FIRS (CR 3) ...................................................... 21 L. BEAR TRAPS (CR 1) ..................................................... 21 M1. Ice Block Maze (CR 3).............................................. 22 M2. The Watchful Hut (CR 3) ....................................... 23 M3. The Harrowed Trail (CR 1) .................................... 24 N. WOUNDED BEAST (CR 3) ....................................... 24

O. AMBUSH! (CR 4) ........................................................... 25 P1. Campsite (CR 2) ........................................................... 26 P3. False Igloo (CR 1) ......................................................... 27 P4. Natural Cave .................................................................. 28 P5. Portal of Endless Winter (CR 1) ............................. 28 The Black Rider .................................................................... 29 The Mantle of the Black Rider ........................................ 30

Part Three: Land of the White Witches ............ 30 EVENT 1: THE HUNGRY MANTIS (CR 5) ............... 30 EVENT 3.TROUBLING TROUBADOUR (CR 3) ..... 31 EVENT 4: EYES IN THE SKY (CR 3) ........................... 33 NADYA'S DAUGHTER ..................................................... 33 EVENT 5: INHOSPITABLE HOSTS (CR 4) ............... 34 The House Spirit .................................................................. 35 EVENT 6: SERCH AND SEIZURE (CR 1) .................. 35 EVENT 7: THE GUARD SERGEANT (CR 3) ............ 36 Willing Allies ......................................................................... 37

Part 4: The Pale Tower ............................................ 38

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Reign of Winter 4th Edition Conversion

EVENT 8: ON THE ROAD (CR 3) ................................. 38 Q1. Outer Gate (CR 2) ....................................................... 39 Q2. Courtyard (CR 5)......................................................... 40 Q3. Entrance Hall (CR 1) ................................................. 41 Q6. North Barracks (CR 1) .............................................. 42 Q7. South Barracks (CR 3) ............................................... 42 Q8. Dining Hall (CR 1) ..................................................... 43 Q9. Kitchen (CR 1) ............................................................. 44 Q11. Guest Bedroom (CR 1) ........................................... 45 Q12. Library (CR 1) ............................................................ 46 Q13. Mirrored Hall (CR 5) .............................................. 47 Q14. Conservatory (CR 3)................................................ 47 Q16. Hestrig’s Bedroom ................................................... 48 Q17. Aerie (CR 5) ................................................................ 48 Q19. Storeroom.................................................................... 50 Q20. Ritual Chamber (CR 7) .......................................... 50 Q22. Radosek's Bedroom ................................................. 52 Q24. Vault (CR 1) ................................................................ 52 Closing the Winter Portal ................................................ 53

XP ADVANCEMENT ........................................................ 54 NPC GALLERY ..................................................................... 55

Nadya Petska .............................................................. 55 Radosek Pavril ........................................................... 55

REIGN OF WINTER TREASURES ....................... 57 Attentive Mirror ........................................................ 57 Bane Arrow ................................................................. 57 Cursed Belt of Lifebleed ......................................... 57 Cauldron of Overwhelming Allies ...................... 57

Cloak of the Yeti ........................................................ 58 Elixir of Truth ............................................................. 58 Ice Floe Elixir ............................................................. 58 Icicle Wand ................................................................. 59 Oil of Magic Weapon............................................... 59 Poisons .......................................................................... 59 Potion of Endure Elements.................................... 59 Potion of Feather Fall .............................................. 59 Potion of Feather Step ............................................. 60 Potion of Interrogation ............................................ 60 Potion of Pass without Trace ................................. 60 Snowshoes of Northern Pursuit ........................... 60 Spear of Manhunting ............................................... 60 Spiteful Cookie .......................................................... 60 Suggestive Tea ............................................................ 61

REIGN OF WINTER TOOLKIT ............................. 62 Winter Creatures ...................................................... 62 Boreal Creature Template ............................................... 62 Winter-Fey Template ........................................................ 62

Winter Magic ............................................................. 63 BESTIARY ............................................................................... 67

Arctic Tatzlwyrm ....................................................... 67 Atomie........................................................................... 68 Forlarren ...................................................................... 69 Frost Fir ........................................................................ 70 Guardian Doll ............................................................ 71 House Spirits .............................................................. 72 Dvorovoi ................................................................................. 72 Ovinnik ................................................................................... 73

Ice Elemental, Lesser ............................................... 73

Mandragora................................................................. 74 Sprite ............................................................................. 75 Troll, Moss ................................................................... 75 Weasel, Giant ............................................................. 76 Witchcrow ................................................................... 77

BATTLE MAPS ..................................................................... 79 Using Battle Maps ..................................................... 79

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4 2014-06-01

Reign of Winter 4th Edition Conversion

Reign of Winter 4th Edition Conversion

So, 4th Edition is dead, at least in the eyes of Wizard of the Coast. Everyone has their views of why this happened. Personally I think the biggest mistake WotC did was to end their cooperation with Paizo. Paizo had delivered some really great adventures paths in the Dungeon Magazines, creating really memorable adventures.

So what should you do, if you as I like the more advanced 4th Edition combat and party interworking? I decided to give it a try to convert the latest Paizo adventure path to 4th Edition. Could the systems interwork? and could the "fluff" of Paizo bring back the magic to 4th Edition? Well we will have to see. If you want to contribute to this work, please do. Any advices, ideas, corrections, contributions, are more than welcome.

This The Snows of Summer conversion are using material from the same Pathfinder product. As I am only copying the necessary game elements that should be used in the 4th Edition game, I have taken away all the great context, information, and stories which creates the magic of the Paizo product.

I therefore strongly advise you to purchase the following Paizo products, to run the Reign of Winter campaign. I did!

You can order and buy all the products from their online store at

Pathfinder Adventure Path #67: The Snows of Summer (Reign of Winter 1 of 6)

Paizo Publishing, LLC

The Reign of Winter Adventure Path begins with an exciting new adventure from RPG Superstar winner Neil Spicer! Every 100 years, the Witch Queen Baba Yaga returns to the nation of Irrisen to place a new daughter on the throne, but this time, something has gone wrong. Far to the south, winter cloaks the forest near the village of Heldren with summer snows. The heroes venture into the wood and discover a magical portal to the frozen land of Irrisen, whose supernatural winter will soon engulf all of Golarion unless they can discover the fate of the otherworldly witch Baba Yaga—a quest that will take them through snowbound Irrisen to even stranger lands beyond.

“The Snows of Summer” is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 1st-level characters. This volume kicks off the new Reign of Winter Adventure Path, and includes a gazetteer of the villages of Heldren and Waldsby, details on the cultural and magical legacies of Irrisen, and several new monsters in the Pathfinder Bestiary. Author Kevin Andrew Murphy launches a new Pathfinder Journal novella in this exciting volume of the Pathfinder Adventure Path!

This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path launches the Reign of Winter Adventure Path and includes: •“The Snows of Summer,” a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 1st-level characters, by Neil Spicer.

* A gazetteer of two villages—one in Taldor and the other in wintry Irrisen—to help flesh out the characters’ environs, by Rob McCreary.

* A look into Irrisen’s legacies and mysteries GMs can use for this campaign, written and compiled by Rob McCreary.

* An alchemist’s journey to Irrisen’s capital of Whitethrone in the Pathfinder’s Journal, by Kevin Andrew Murphy.

* Four new monsters, by Neil Spicer and James Wilber.

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5 2014-06-01

Reign of Winter 4th Edition Conversion



Hook: Save Lady Argentea The village council, led by Ionnia Teppen, eventually

approaches the adventurers. The councilors confirm the rumors that a pocket of unearthly winter weather has recently appeared in the B order Wo od, and inform the adventurers that a rider from Zimar arrived in town the

previous day bearing ominous tidings. The rider, an Ulfen mercenary named Yuln Oerstag, was part of the guard escorting Lady Argentea Malassene from Zimar to Oppara. As the caravan skirted the B order Wood, however, the noblewoman's carriage came under attack by bandits and strange, wintry creatures. Lady Argentea was carried off, and Yuln was the only one to escape. He is badly wounded, but he has been able to describe the horrific creatures that attacked the noblewoman's party. A native of the far north, Yuln recognized some of the icy creatures

that emerged from the forest, and the tales he shared with the council have everyone rightly concerned.

Major Quest (XP 625): 125 XP/Player. Councilor Teppen asks the PCs to investigate these events, encouraging them to rescue Lady Argentea and determine the source of the threat hiding in the icy heart of the forest. She offers them a reward of 500 gp for bringing back Lady Argentea alive to Heldren.

Travelling Conditions Once the PCs pass inside the tree line where the pocket

of winter begins, however, the weather proves much worse, with temperatures below freezing and falling snow. The snow reduces visibility by half, imposing a -4 penalty on Perception checks and -2 penalty on melee and ranged attacks towards targets 2 squares or farther away (Partial Concealment).

The temperatures inside the winter pocket are considered cold (approximately 30° F / 0° C during the day, and 10° F / -10° C at night). Every 8 hours spent in the wintry conditions requires an Endurance check (DC 22) to avoid losing a healing surge. Those who have lost a healing surge from cold exposure suffer from hypothermia (in combat they cannot run or charge, and grants combat advantage to their enemies.), and if this condition is not remedied, they also suffer from frostbite (in combat the character is slowed and grants combat advantage). If the PCs secure cold-weather outfits before leaving Heldren, they receive a +5 bonus on Endurance checks against exposure to the weather while adventuring in the forest.

Additionally, within the edges of the Border Wood, 6 inches of snow cover the ground, reducing overland travel rates by half. During combat, entering a snow-covered square costs 2 squares of movement. Snowshoes can significantly reduce these penalties, but no one in Heldren makes or sells them. However, a PC who succeeds at a DC 20 Nature skill check can fashion a serviceable pair.

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Reign of Winter 4th Edition Conversion

A1. Wrecked Carriage Treasure (90 gp): Courtier's outfits (90 gp).

DM RULE: SELLING TREASURE In 4th Edition selling equipment only brings in one-fifth of the market price. In this conversion I have instead chosen to follow the Pathfinder rules when I have calculated the value of the treasure:

In general, a character can sell something for half its listed price, including weapons, armor, gear, and magic items. This also includes character-created items.

Art objects and fine goods are the exception to the half-price rule, and can be easily exchanged almost as if it were cash itself.

A2. Locked Carriage (CR 1) Muffled sounds of movement emanate from inside the

carriage. Rohkar stuffed four slain guards inside and then animated them as zombies. He locked them in the carriage as a surprise for anyone investigating the massacre. The three zombies have already slain three unwary travelers that have turned into zombie rotters.

Monsters (XP 614): 3 Zombies, 4 Zombie Rotters

Tactics: Two zombies are hiding in the carriage and attack as soon as anyone opens the carriage. On the second round the third zombie and the zombie rotters arrive from (A4) the snowy trail, were they have been looking for flesh to sate their hunger. The zombies tries to use the zombie grab power, while the minions attacks the closest living target.

4 Zombies (Z) Level 2 Brute Medium natural animate (undead) XP 125 HP 43; Bloodied 21 Initiative –1 AC 14; Fortitude 15; Reflex 12; Will 12 Perception +0 Speed 4 Darkvision Immune disease, poison TRAITS Zombie Weakness A critical hit automatically reduces the zombie to 0 hit points. STANDARD ACTIONS m Slam * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d12 + 4 damage, or 1d12 + 9 against a grabbed target.

M Zombie Grab * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +4 vs. Reflex Hit: The zombie grabs the target (escape DC 12) if it does not have a creature grabbed. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Deathless Hunger * Encounter

Trigger: The zombie is reduced to 0 hit points, but not by a critical hit. Effect (No Action): Roll a d20. On a 15 or higher, the zombie is instead recuded to 1 hit point. Str 16 (+4) Dex 8 (+0) Wis 8 (+0) Con 13 (+2) Int 1 (–4) Cha 3 (–3) Alignment unaligned Languages —

3 Zombie Rotters (R) Level 3 Minion Brute Medium natural animate (undead) XP 38 HP 1; a missed attack never damage a minion Initiative -2 AC 15; Fortitude 16, Reflex 13, Will 13 Perception +1 Speed 4 Darkvision Immune disease, poison STANDARD ACTIONS m Slam * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 7 damage.

TRIGGERED ACTIONS Deathless Hunger * Encounter

Trigger: The zombie is reduced to 0 hit points, but not by a critical hit. Effect (No Action): Roll a d20. On a 15 or higher, the zombie is instead reduced to 1 hit point. Str 17 (+4) Dex 7 (-1) Wis 8 (+0) Con 14 (+3) Int 1 (-4) Cha 3 (-3) Alignment unaligned Languages –

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Daylight

Bodies: The bodies are difficult terrain.

Bushes: The bushes provide concealment.

Overturned Wagons: The overturned wagons provide cover or superior cover if you step inside carriage and shoot out with ranged or area attacks.

Snow: The snow is only light and provide no hinder.

Tree trunk: The fallen tree trunk provides cover and is considered difficult terrain to pass.

Treasure (240 gp): Lady Argentea's signet ring, a pair of earrings (25 gp), a set of pearl-inlaid bracelets (90 gp), assorted gold and silver necklaces (75 gp), and one sapphire pendant (50 gp).

A3. Ice Statue Treasure (380 gp): Chainmail emblazoned with Taldan

heraldry (20 gp), and a +1 longsword (360 gp).

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Reign of Winter 4th Edition Conversion

B. TRAILSIDE TRAP (CR 1) Trap (XP 175): The bandits left a surprise to protect

their buried loot, using a heavy chest taken from Lady Argentea's carriage. The packed snow hides a rope they strung through the undergrowth to a spiked log suspended high in the trees. Once the trap is triggered, the log drop s down and sweeps through every target gathered around the chest and along the trail.

Spiked Log Trap Level 4 Trap Object XP 175 Detect Percetion DC 21 Initiative +6 HP 48 AC 15; Fortitude 12, Reflex 12, Will – Immune necrotic, poison, psychic, forced movement, all

conditions, ongoing damage. STANDARD ACTIONS M Attack * At-Will

Attack: Melee 0 (each creature in a row of squares); +9 vs. AC Hit: 1d10 + 4 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends). In addition, the log pushes the target 1 square (in the direction of the blade's movement) and knocks the target prone. COUNTERMEASURE * Disable: Thievery DC 21. Success: One log is disabled,

rendering one row of squares safe from attack. * Predict: Dungeoneering DC 21 (minor action). Success: The

creature can determine the row of squares the trap will attack on its next turn.

Treasure (882 gp): Five sets of leather armor (60 gp), three sets of hide armor (45 gp), a +1 versatile chainmail (680 gp), two light shields (5 gp), seven longswords (50 gp), two spears (5 gp), a dagger (0 gp), and three crossbows with a total of 25 bolts (37 gp).

C. HEAVY SNOWDRIFT (CR 3) Among the many predators released into the Border

Wood with the opening of the winter portal from Irrisen was three white-scaled, arctic-born tatzlwyrms that now hunts the forest. At first, they fed on native wildlife caught unprepared for the sudden shift in weather. But heavy snow drove most of their prey into unaffected areas of the forest, so now the tatzlwyrms hide in the snowcovered undergrowth of the gully waiting for new prey to wander past. The arctic tatzlwyrms gains a +3 racial bonus on Stealth checks in snow, so PC s must succeed at a DC 23 Perception check to notice them, otherwise the Tatzlwyrms get a surprise round.

Monsters (XP 750): 3 Arctic Tatzlwyrm

Tactics: The tatzlwyrms relies on their superior Stealth skill to remain hidden before choosing its first victim preferably someone unarmored and easier to bite. Then it may charge during its surprise round using its bite attack, before using its grab power. Thereafter, it uses its poison grasp to poison its victim before dragging her under the snow to suffocate her. If driven out of the gully, the tatzlwyrms climb the nearest tree, carrying anyone still caught in their coils. If a tatzlwyrm is slain while holding someone in a tree, the victim must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save to catch herself on a tree branch or she takes 2d10 falling damage.

Morale: The tatzlwyrms fight to the death.

3 Arctic Tatzlwyrm (T) Level 2 Elite Brute Medium naturalmagical beast (dragon) XP 250 HP 96; Bloodied 48 Initiative +5 AC 15; Fortitude 15; Reflex 13; Will 12 Perception +8 Speed 6, climb 6 Darkvision, Resist 5 cold Low-light vision Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 STANDARD ACTIONS

m Bite * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d10 + 3 damage

M Grab * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +5 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d10 + 6 damage, and the tatzlwyrm grabs the target (escape DC 13) if it has fewer than two creatures grabbed. MINOR ACTIONS Poison Gasp (poison) * At-Will (1/round, or 2/round while the tatzlwyrm is bloodied) Effect: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the tatzlwyrm). The target takes 2d6 poison damage and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends). Skills Athletics +9, Intimidate +7, Stealth +10 (+13 in snowy terrain) Str 16 (+4) Dex 18 (+5) Wis 14 (+3) Con 15 (+3) Int 5 (–2) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment unaligned Languages Draconic

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Daylight

Bushes: The bushes provide concealment.

Snow: The snow in the gully floor is only light and provide no hinder.

Snowdrift: The snow at the gully sides are treated as difficult terrain.

Tree trunk: The tree trunks provide cover. Climbing the trees require a successful DC 15 Athletic check. The trees are 50 feet high, but the tatzlwyrms usually stays at a height of 30 feet of the ground when climbing from tree to tree.

D. DECORATED TREES (CR 2) Three winter-touched sprites named Pym, Shor, and Vosi

remain here, but they soon turn their attention to the PCs as new targets. Initially, the sprites hide among the trees,

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Reign of Winter 4th Edition Conversion

masking their luminosity and surrounding the PCs on different sides of the trail.

If the PCs fail a DC 23 Perception check, the sprites get a

surprise round. Any sprite detected by

the PCs purposefully increases its luminosity

and calls on a whole host

of winter sprites that accompanied


Monster (XP 650): 3 winter sprite

ambushers, 2 winter sprite swarm,

Tactics: Initially, the sprites snipe at the

PCs while hiding in the trees. After

firing, they use

obscuring dust to stay hidden. If

anyone closes on their position, the sprites forgo

further attacks and use fade out to silently relocate to another tree. Any sprite spotted by the PCs fights defensively to protect itself, drawing the PCs' attention so its companions can sneak up behind the PCs and catch their enemies flanks. One engaged in battle the winter sprite swarm attacks the enemies using coldwave or swarm of blades. Any enemy getting close enough to damage the winter sprite gets to experience their numbing cold power.

Morale: If the sprites are faced with fire-based attacks or the PCs manage to slay the majority of them, the remaining

sprites flee, seeking out Fawfein (at area E) o r lzoze (at area H4) for protection. They use fade out if they have not used it to cover their escape.

3 Winter Sprite Ambushers (S) Level 1 Lurker Tiny fey humanoid (cold) XP 100 HP 23; Bloodied 11 Initiative +7 AC 15; Fortitude 12; Reflex 15; Will 13 Perception +6 Speed 4, fly 6 (altitude limit 1) Low-light vision Resist 10 cold; Vulnerable 5 fire TRAITS Luminous (radiant) * Aura 3

The sprite sheds light in the aura, equal to that of a torch. The sprite can control the color and intensity of the light as a free action, reducing its aura or even extinguish it. STANDARD ACTIONS m Rapier (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage, or 2d8 + 8 damage if the target could not see the pixie when it attacked..

r Short Bow (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage, or 2d6 + 10 damage if the target could not see the pixie when it attacked.

R Obscuring Dust * At-Will

Effect: Ranged 5 (one creature); the pixie can attempt a Stealth check to become hidden from the target.

Fade Out (illusion) * Encounter

The pixie becomes invisible until it hits or misses with an attack or until the end of its next turn. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Numbing Cold * Encounter

Trigger: The winter sprite takes damage from a melee attack. Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); +4 vs. Fortitude Hit: Target is dazed (save ends). Skills Nature +5, Stealth +8 (+13 in snow terrain)

Str 6 (–2) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 10 (+0) Con 11 (+0) Int 12 (+1) Cha 13 (+1) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common, Elven Equipment leather armor, rapier

2 Winter Sprite Swarms (W) Level 4 Controller Medium fey humanoid (swarm) XP 175 HP 55; Bloodied 28 Initiative +6 AC 18; Fortitude 15; Reflex 17; Will 15 Perception +8 Speed 4, fly 6 (hover) Low-light vision Resist 10 cold; half damage from melee and ranged attacks; Vulnerable 5 against close and area attacks; 5 fire TRAITS

Swarm Attack (cold) * Aura 1

Each enemy that starts its turn within the aura takes 3 cold damage. STANDARD ACTIONS m Swarm of Blades * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage.

C Coldwave (necrotic, zone) * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Close burst 3 (creatures in burst); +7 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 4 cold damage. Effect: The burst creates a zone of whirling ice crystals that lasts until the end of the winter sprite swarm’s next turn. The zone blocks line of sight. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Fade Away (illusion) * Encounter

Trigger: When the winter sprite swarm takes damage. Effect (Immediate Reaction): Thewinter sprite swarm is invisible until after it hits or misses with an attack or until the end of its next turn. Skills Stealth +11 (+16 in snow terrain) Str 8 (+1) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 13 (+3) Con 15 (+4) Int 13 (+3) Cha 15 (+4) Alignment unaligned Languages Elven

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Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Daylight

Road: The snow on the road is only light and provide no hinder.

Snowy Landscape: The snow off the road is 1-2 feet deep and is treated as difficult terrain.

Stone block: The stone blocks provide cover, and superior cover for Small or smaller creatures.

Fir Tree: The fir trees provide concealment.

E. THE TALKING STAGS (CR 2) A winter-touched atomie named Fawfein and his five

stags wander this part of the forest, exploring the Border Wood to locate future sites and paths for the Irriseni invaders to use. Normally, Fawfein hides on the leader stag's back, blending in with its white fur (Perception DC 23 to notice). Once he or the stag detects the PCs, however, Fawfein hides behind the stag head and has the animals approach them. Fawfein attempts to engage the PCs in conversation, making a Bluff check to pretend to speak through the stag and make the PCs think the animal is a friendly magical beast. He gathers as much information as he can about the PCs, including why they've come to the forest, so he can warn Izoze and Teb Knotten. A PC who succeeds at a Insight check sees through Fawfein's Bluff to realize someone other than the stag is talking. If discovered, he and the stags attack in unison.

Monsters (XP 625): Winter atomie sentry, 5 stags

Tactics: Fawfein uses his speak with animals power to direct the stag to trample the least armored foes. Meanwhile, he goes after the most dangerous opponent, trying to get into a flank position towards one of the stags, using his rapier dance. He uses his reduce person power towards any dangerous striker to tip the odds in his favor. He uses fey

disappearance when attacked to position himself for a sneak attacks.

Morale: If any of the stags are slain, Fawfein flies into a rage to avenge it, fighting to the death while cursing the killers in Elven. Otherwise, if Fawfein is reduced to 3 hit points or fewer, he commands the stag to flee, turns invisible again, and attempts to flee as well in order to bring word of the PCs to his superiors.

Winter Atomie Sentry (A) Level 2 Skirmisher Tiny fey humanoid (cold) XP 125 HP 37; Bloodied 18 Initiative +7 AC 16; Fortitude 13; Reflex 16; Will 14 Perception +6 Speed 4, fly 10 Low-light vision Resist 10 cold; Vulnerable 5 fire TRAITS Speak with Animals Effect: The atomie can communicate with natural beasts. This power does not make animals friendly, and the animals are limited in their knowledge by their experiences and mobility. STANDARD ACTIONS m Rapier (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage.

M Rapier Dance (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature), +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, or 2d8 + 6 if the atomie has combat advantage against the target. In addition, the atomie can shift 2 square.

R Reduce Person * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +5 vs. Will Hit: The target is reduced one size category and is weakened (save ends both). TRIGGERED ACTIONS Fey Disappearance (illusion) * Recharge 5 6

Trigger: The atomie takes damage from an attack. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The atomie becomes invisible until

the end of its next attack.

Numbing Cold * Encounter

Trigger: The winter sprite takes damage from a melee attack. Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); +4 vs. Fortitude Hit: Target is dazed (save ends). Skills Acrobatic +10, Bluff +8, Stealth +10 (+13 in snow terrain) Str 6 (–1) Dex 18 (+5) Wis 10 (+1) Con 13 (+2) Int 12 (+2) Cha 15 (+3) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven Equipment leather armor, rapier

5 Stags (S) Level 1 Brute Large natural beast XP 100 HP 36; Bloodied 18 Initiative +1 AC 13; Fortitude 15; Reflex 13; Will 10 Perception +5 Speed 10 Low-light vision STANDARD ACTIONS m Sweeping Antlers * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage.

M Trample * Encounter

Effect: The stag moves up to its speed and can move through enemies’ spaces during the move. Each time the stag enters an enemy’s space for the first time during the move, it makes the following attack against that enemy: Attack: Melee 0 (one creature); +4 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 4 damage, and the enemy falls prone. Str 19 (+4) Dex 13 (+1) Wis 11 (+0) Con 16 (+3) Int 2 (-4) Cha 9 (-1) Alignment unaligned Languages –

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Daylight

Road: The snow on the road is only light and provide no hinder.

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Snowy Landscape: The snow off the road is 1-2 feet deep and is treated as difficult terrain.

Stone block: The stone blocks provide cover, and superior cover for Small or smaller creatures.

Fir Tree: The fir trees provide concealment.

DM ADVICE: ICY CROSSING Encounter F1 to F3, should be treated as one encounter at CR 6 (XP 1100). The sound burst trap alerts the ice elementals to the party's arrival and allow them to prepare an move into position for an attack.

F1. Trail Sign (CR 1) Trap (XP 175): Teb Knotten's minions placed an

especially nasty ward here in the guise of a snowman. When anyone comes within 15 feet of the snowman, it seemingly stirs to life and speaks in Common. This effect is actually a magic mouth spell, which addresses those who triggered it by saying, "Can't you read? The sign says turn back! Now get lost!" Anyone who ignores this warning and approaches within 3 squares of the snowman activates the sound burst trap that erupts as a scream of frustration from the frozen guardian.

Sound Burst Trap Level 4 Trap Object XP 175 Detect Perception DC 21, Arcana DC 21 Initiative +4 Immune attack TRIGGERED ACTIONS C Attack (thunder) * Encounter

Trigger: Creature enters the burst area Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Close burst 3 (creatures in burst); +9 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 9 thunder damage, and target is dazed (save ends). COUNTERMEASURE * Disable: Thievery or Arcana DC 21. Success: The trap is

disabled, Failure (10 or less): The trap attacks the disabling creature as a free action.

F2. Wishbone Creek (CR 4) A squadron of ice warrior elementals, lead by the

frostling Skrikks watch over this creek, acting as guardians toward anyone trying to cross . They patrol the stream in opposite directions before returning here every few hours to consult with one another. For swifter movement, they use their swim speed to navigate the cold waters beneath the ice, emerging to challenge anyone in this part of the forest. Skrikks and the ice warrir elementals share their reports with Izoze on a regular basis when she visits to check on them. So far, they've had little to discuss other than the waylaying of a farmer from Heldren, but the mephit has since warned them that additional travelers may come searching for Lady Argentea.

Monsters (XP 925): ice warrior frostling, 2 ice warrior ice hurlers, 2 ice warrior raiders, 4 ice warrior shardlings, Ice sheet hazard

Tactics: Skrikks attempts to force opponents toward the weakened areas of ice, using combat maneuvers to bull rush them there if necessary. Otherwise, they emerge in the more solid areas to block and flank those trying to cross, using their slam attacks and numbing cold to stagger and kill anyone still standing.

Morale: The elementals fight to the death.

Ice Warrior Frostling (F) Level 4 Controller (Leader) Medium elemental magical beast (cold, water) XP 200 HP 54; Bloodied 27 Initiative +4 AC 18; Fortitude 16; Reflex 14; Will 16 Perception +8 Speed 6 (ice walk), 6 swim Immune cold; Vulnerable 5 fire TRAITS

Icy Aura (cold) * Aura 5 (not active while bloodied)

Each cold creature within the aura gains regeneration 2. Enemies treat the area within the aura as difficult terrain. STANDARD ACTIONS m Ice Shard (cold) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 3 cold damage.

R Freezing Shot (cold) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 6 cold damage, the target is slowed until the end of the frostling’s next turn, and one of the frostling’s allies within 3 squares of the target can shift 3 squares to a space adjacent to the target.

A Icy Burst (cold) * Recharge 4 5 6

Attack: Area burst 1 within 5 (creatures in burst); +7 vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d10 + 6 cold damage and the target is slowed (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target is immobilized (save ends). Skills Intimidate +13 Str 18 (+6) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 12 (+3) Con 14 (+4) Int 12 (+3) Cha 18 (+6) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Primordial

2 Ice Warrior Icicle Hurlers (H) Level 2 Artillery Medium elemental magical beast (cold, water) XP 125 HP 32; Bloodied 16 Initiative +4 AC 15; Fortitude 14; Reflex 15; Will 14 Perception +8 Speed 6 (ice walk), 6 swim Immune cold; Vulnerable 5 fire STANDARD ACTIONS

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m Slam (cold) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d4 + 5 damage plus 1d4 cold damage.

r Flying Icicle (cold) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 5/10 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 3 damage plus 1d6 cold damage.

A Icicle Storm (cold) * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Area burst 3 within 20 (creatures in burst); +9 vs. AC Hit: 1d10 + 2 cold damage. Str 14 (+3) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3) Con 14 (+3) Int 11 (+1) Cha 11 (+1) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Primordial

2 Ice Warrior Raiders (R) Level 2 Soldier Medium elemental magical beast (cold, water) XP 125 HP 42; Bloodied 21 Initiative +5 AC 17; Fortitude 15; Reflex 13; Will 13 Perception +1 Speed 6 (ice walk), 6 swim Immune cold; Vulnerable 5 fire STANDARD ACTIONS m Maul (cold) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). Against a slowed target, the attack deals 1d6 extra cold damage. MINOR ACTIONS M Ice Embrace (cold) * At-Will

Attack: Malee 1 (one creature); +5 vs. Fortitude Hit: The target is immobilized by ice (save ends). Str 17 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) Con 18 (+5) Int 11 (+1) Cha 11 (+1) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Primordial Equipment maul

4 Ice Warrior Shardlings (S) Level 1 Minion Medium elemental magical beast (cold, water) XP 25 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +2 AC 16; Fortitude 14; Reflex 12; Will 11 Perception +1 Speed 6 (ice walk), 6 swim Immune cold; Vulnerable 5 fire STANDARD ACTIONS m Ice Shard (cold, weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 5 cold damage.

r Ice Bolt (cold, weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 5/10 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 5 cold damage. Str 17 (+3) Dex 14 (+2) Wis 12 (+1) Con 13 (+1) Int 11 (+0) Cha 8 (–1) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Primordial

Ice Sheet Level 2 Hazard Terrain XP 125 Detect Nature DC 20 "You notice that the ice Initiative +4 seems thinner in certain area. They might be treacherous to pass." Immune attack TRIGGERED ACTIONS M Attack * Encounter

Trigger: A creature enters one of the four squares of weakened ice (marked with dark circles on map). Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (triggering Medium or Large creature); +7 vs. Reflex Hit: The ice breaks and the target falls into the water. Target must succeed on a DC 20 Endurance check or lose a healing surge and suffer from hypothermia (target cannot run or charge and grants combat advantage). COUNTERMEASURE * Disable: Any area effect with the cold keyword can

strengthen the ice is the weakened area. Every 2 hit points of damage to a square provides a +1 bonus on targets Reflex defenses when passing the weakened square.

* Recovery: A character cannot recover from the lost healing surges and penalties from hypothermia until she gets out of the cold and warms up again during an extended rest.

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Daylight

Frozen River: The river is frozen and covered with slippery ice and is treated as difficult terrain. The DC of Acrobatics checks increases by 5. A successful DC 15 Acrobatics check is required to run or charge across the ice. See Ice Sheet hazard for more details on crossing the river.

Road: The snow on the road is only light and provide no hinder.

Snowy Landscape: The snow off the road is 1-2 feet deep and is treated as difficult terrain.

Stone block: The stone blocks provide cover, and superior cover for Small or smaller creatures.

Fir Tree: The fir trees provide concealment.

F3. Dead Body Treasure (697 gp): +1 Foe-seeking longbow (680 gp) with

12 arrows, a dagger (0 gp), a handaxe (2 gp); and a pouch containing 14 gp, 25 sp, and 18 cp.

G. BANDITS ON THE TRAIL (CR 2) Rohkar tasked eight o f his followers with staying behind

here to intercept any pursuit that might come after Lady Argentea, and give the main force of bandits at the High Sentinel Lodge (area H) advance warning of their approach.

Without supervision, however, the lazy bandits have fallen to quarreling over their shares of the loot from Lady Argentea's caravan. If the PCs fail to detect the bandits

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(Passive Perception DC 12), the bandits hide among the trees to ready an ambush and receive a surprise round.

If the PCs spot the bandits and succeed at Stealth checks against DC 11 (the PCs gain a lower DC because of the bandits' distraction), they can easily take the inattentive bandits by surprise.

Monsters (XP 625): Rokhar's mercenary, 3 Rokhar's ruffians. 4 Rokhar's ambushers

Tactics: If able to prepare an ambush, the human ambushers fire on the most heavily armored opponents first, hoping to wound them before the other engage them in melee. If cornered the abushers drop their bows and try to defend themselves with their daggers.

The mercenary leads the charge with the ruffians, trying to get into flanking positions with the enemies to get combat advantage.

Morale: If overmatched or caught by surprise, the bandits withdraw, believing the Taldan authorities have come to avenge Lady Argentea's abduction. Fighting defensively, they separate to put distance between themselves, covering each other with their bows, while they try to make it back to the lodge to warn the bandits of the PCs' presence. If pinned down (or flanked), they draw their swords and fight.

Rokhar's Mercenary (M) Level 3 Soldier Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 150 HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +5 AC 19; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 14 Perception +6 Speed 5 STANDARD ACTIONS m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, the target is marked until the end of the human mercenary’s next turn.

M Press the Advantage (weapon) * Recharge 5 6

Requirement: Longsword Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 9 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square and dazed (save ends).

R Longbow (weapon) * At-Will Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage. Skills Streetwise +7 Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment +1 veteran's chainmail, longsword, crossbow with 20 bolts

3 Rokhar's Ruffians (R) Level 2 Skirmisher Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 125 HP 37; Bloodied 18 Initiative +6 AC 16; Fortitude 12; Reflex 14; Will 12 Perception +1 Speed 6 TRAITS Combat Advantage The human ruffian deals an extra 1d6 damage on melee and ranged attacks against any target it has combat advantage against. STANDARD ACTIONS m Mace (weapon) * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage, and the ruffian can shift 1 square.

R Dagger (weapon) * At-Will Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d4 + 5 damage, and the ruffian can shift 1 square.

M Dazing Strike (weapon) * Recharge when the attack misses Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the ruffian’s next turn (save ends). Effect: The ruffian can shift 1 square. Skills Stealth +9, Streetwise +7, Thievery +9 Str 12 (+2) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 11 (+1)

Con 13 (+2) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment leather armor, mace, 4 daggers

4 Rokhar's Ambushers (A) Level 1 Minion Artillery Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 25 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +0 AC 13; Fortitude 12; Reflex 14; Will 12 Perception +5 Speed 6 TRAITS Sniper When a human ambusher makes a ranged attack from hiding and misses, it is still considered to be hiding. STANDARD ACTIONS r Shortbow (weapon) * At-Will Attack: Ranged 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 5 damage.

m Dagger (weapon) * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 3 damage. Str 10 (+0) Dex 14 (+2) Wis 10 (+0) Con 12 (+1) Int 9 (-1) Cha 11 (+0) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment shortbow, dagger

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Daylight

Bushes: The bushes provide concealment.

Snow: The snow is only light and provide no hinder.

Stone block: The stone blocks provide cover, and superior cover for Small or smaller creatures.

Tree trunk: The fallen tree trunk provides cover and is considered difficult terrain to pass. A prone creature gets cover from range attacks behind the tree trunk.

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Treasure (721 gp): The bandits have in total one +1 veteran's chainmail (520 gp), two normal chainmails (40 gp), three leather armors (37 gp), 3 longswords (22 gp), three maces (7 gp), 16 daggers (8 gp), three crossbows (37 gp), and four short bows (50 gp)

DM ADVICE: THE HIGH SENTINEL LODGE Looking at the lodge map, even though it's realistic size, it is cramped space to fight in using miniatures. I have changes the size of the map to 10 feet per square, in order to leave more room to move.

The High Sentinel Lodge can become quite a challenge for a party at 1st-level when they arrive to the lodge. Encounter H1, H13, and H14 may easily turn into one CR 4 encounter (XP 955), even though it may be some delay before the bandits in H14 arrives. Ten-Penny Tacey might also join the fight, but give players a chance to notice her hesitation with a DC 14 Insight check, turning it into a CR 5 Encounter (XP 1105).

Depending on how the battle plays out, you should consider allowing the PCs a short rest before Rokhar joins the fight from H15.

The characters should hopefully discover area H16 and H17 and have another short rest before facing Izoze and her ice elementals on the bridge.

H1. Eastern Trailhead (CR 1) Trap (150 XP): The bandits have set a crossbow trap

with a trip line hidden in the snow at the trailhead. When the trap is triggered, the crossbow not only fires at the

creature who triggered it, but also falls from its perch on the porch, dragging a string of attached pots and pans with it that alerts the bandits in area H13.

Crossbow Trap Level 3 Trap Object XP 150 Detect Perception DC 21 Initiative +3 HP 38 AC 16; Fortitude 13, Reflex 13, Will – Immune necrotic, poison, psychic, forced movement, all

conditions, ongoing damage. TRIGGERED ACTIONS R Attack (thunder) * Encounter

Trigger: Creature triggers trip wire in marked squares. Attack (Immediate Reaction):Ranged 10 (one creature); +8 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage. COUNTERMEASURE * Disable (tripwire): Thievery DC 13. Success: The trap is

disabled, Failure (10 or less): The trap attacks the disabling creature as a free action.

H4. Bridge (CR 2) The crafty ice mephit Izoze watches over the ravine,

perched in a tree on the opposite side of the gorge from the lodge (Perception DC 21 to notice). She loathes the company of Rohkar's Raiders and the uncomfortable heat of their lodge, so she spends most of her time here, quietly mulling over her decision to spare the bandit s when they surrendered to Teb Knotten. Izoze is thus far unimpressed with Rohkar's contributions to their efforts, and she keeps a close watch on the bandit. Thankfully, Lady Argentea's abduction has given them a bargaining chip to use with Taldor's nobility, either by holding her hostage to delay any response to the growing threat in the Border Wood, or as an opportunity to replace her with a well-trained spy. Izoze knows Teb Knotten has communicated with their superiors

in Irrisen in anticipation of the latter, but she doesn't yet know who they'll get to impersonate Lady Argentea when the time comes. For now, Izoze waits and watches, guarding the bridge to dissuade anyone including Rohkar's bandits from venturing deeper into the Border Wood and closer to the winter portal. Izoze maintains her distance if newcomers arrive at the lodge, counting on Rohkar to handle them. She only fights the PCs if they attempt to cross the bridge or attack her directly. Otherwise, she merely notes their assault on the lodge, and if they rescue Lady Argentea, she flies away to inform Teb Knotten of the Taldan noble's escape.

Monster (XP 625): Ice Mephit, 3 lesser ice elementals

Tactics: lzoze commands the ice elementals that are hiding to assault the PCs. Two ice elementals hide behind the bushes on the lodge side of the ravine (Passive Perception 18 to notice). Izoze and the other ice elemental waits on the other side of the bridge. They jump up from their hiding when the PCs are at the middle of the bridge, using their ice walk power. They use ice trap and slam power to prevent the PCs to pass the bridge. Izoze joins the fray from the air, attacking any creatures on the bridge with her freezing blast in the hope of forcing them back.

Morale: If reduced to 0 hit points or fewer, lzoze flees to area P to report to Teb Knotten, counting on her fast healing to help her recover even as she abandons the bridge. The ice elementals fight until death, releasing their ice shard burst power.

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Daylight

Bridge: The bridge is roughly 80 feet across and two Medium sized creatures can meet on the bridge (see DM Advice for notes on the new scale). Cutting any of the four ropes that hold the bridge in place require 10 hp of cutting or fire damage. Falling down the ravine into the water causes 2d4 hp of damage. PCs falling into the water must succeed on a DC 20 Endurance check or lose a healing

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surge and suffer from hypothermia (PC cannot run or charge and grants combat advantage).

Bushes: The bushes provide concealment.

Snow: The white snow is only light and provide no hinder. The blur marked snow is deeper and is considered difficult terrain.

Ravine: The ravine is 20 feet deep.

Development: If Izoze escapes, she returns later to ambush the PCs as they get closer to the winter portal (see area O).

Izoze, Ice Mephit (I) Level 4 Artillery Small elemental humanoid (water) XP 175 HP 44; Bloodied 22 Initiative +6 AC 18; Fortitude 15; Reflex 17; Will 16 Perception +2 Speed 6 (ice walk), 6 fly Darkvision Immune cold TRAITS Regeneration The mephit regains 5 hit points whenever it starts its turn and has at least 1 hit point. When the mephit takes fire or psychic damage, its regeneration does not function on its next turn. STANDARD ACTIONS m Claws (cold) * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 6 damage plus 1d6 cold damage, and the target cannot take actions until the start of its next turn.

R Freezing Blast (cold, zone) * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in the blast); +7 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d8 + 4 cold damage, and ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends). Miss: Half damage. Effect: The blast creates a zone of icy ground that lasts until the end of the mephit’s next turn. The zone is difficult terrain for creatures without ice walk. Skills Stealth +11 Str 12 (+3) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 11 (+2) Con 14 (+4) Int 8 (+1) Cha 15 (+4) Alignment evil Languages Common, Primordial Equipment shortbow, dagger

3 Lesser Ice Elementals (E) Level 3 Brute Medium elemental magical beast (cold, water) XP 150 HP 56; Bloodied 28 Initiative +3 AC 15; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 13 Perception +0

Speed 6 (ice walk), 6 swim Immune cold; Vulnerable 5 fire TRAITS Ice Glide An ice elemental can pass through nonmagical ice and snow as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other sign of its presence (Perception DC 23 to notice). STANDARD ACTIONS m Slam (cold) * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 5 cold damage.

M Ice Trap (cold) * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 5 cold damage and the target takes ongoing 5 cold damage and is immobilized (save ends both). TRIGGERED ACTIONS m Ice Shard Burst (cold) * Encounter

Trigger: The ice elemental drops to 0 hit points. Attack (No Action): Close burst 1 (creatures in burst); +6 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d8 + 4 cold damage and the target is petrified and takes ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends both). This ongoing cold damage ignores the resistance provided by the petrified condition. The ice elemental is destroyed. Str 17 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 8 (+0) Con 16 (+4) Int 8 (+0) Cha 15 (+3) Alignment unaligned Languages Primordial

H8. Kitchen (CR 1) The newest member of Rohkar's Raiders occupies this

room-a down-on-her-luck half-ore burglar named Ten-Penny Tacey. Forced to flee Demgazi when a heist went bad, Ten-Penny soon found her way into the Border Wood, where Rohkar gave her shelter and then convinced her to stay on. Ten-Penny reluctantly agreed, and for now, she keeps the fire stoked in the kitchen and occasionally serves meals to her fellow bandits. She is currently simmering a

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pot of soup (made from one of the slain horses) for those suffering from the chillbane shakes (see area H14). So far, Ten-Penny isn't particularly fond of Rohkar's Raiders and harbors thoughts of slipping away when she gets a chance. If she spots any intruders, Ten-Penny calls for help, hoping to slow them down until reinforcements arrive, but quick-thinking and persuasive PCs might be able to convince Ten-Penny to throw her lot in with them.

Monster (XP 150): Ten-Penny Tacey

Tactics: Ten-Penny makes no effort to slay the PCs, instead she uses hook and hold and hostage strike in order to take a hostage and negotiate a truce with the PCs. If her demands are not met she takes advantage of opportunities to get combat advantage. If she has to escape she uses her elixir of invisibility and potion of pass without trace.

Morale: Ten-Penny had little to do with Lady Argentea's abduction and doesn't wish to die for Rohkar's crimes. If reduced to 5 hit points or fewer, she pleads for quarter, claiming no solidarity with the bandits as she surrenders.

Ten-Penny Tacey (T) Level 3 Lurker Medium natural humanoid (half-orc) XP 150 HP 40; Bloodied 20 Initiative +6 AC 17; Fortitude 15; Reflex 12; Will 14 Perception +8 Speed 6 TRAITS Combat Advantage Ten-Penny Tacey’s attacks against creatures granting her combat advantage deal an extra 1d6 damage on a hit, and the target is pushed the target 2 squares. STANDARD ACTIONS m Shortsword (weapon) * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 7 damage.

r Hand Crossbow (weapon) * At-Will Attack: Ranged10/20 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 7 damage.

M Hook and Hold (weapon) * At-Will Prerequisite: Shortsword Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d6 + 7 damage, and the target is grabbed (Escape DC 21). The target grants combat advantage to Ten-Penny Tacey while grabbed. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Hostage Strike * At-Will Trigger: Ten-Penny Tacey takes damage from a melee or ranged attack. Attack (Immediate Interrupt): A creature Ten-Penny Tacey is grabbing takes the damage from the triggering attack. Str 13 (+2) Dex 13 (+2) Wis 15 (+3) Con 16 (+4) Int 10 (+1) Cha 14 (+3) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Giant Equipment Short sword, hand crossbow with 20 bolts, leather armor

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Daylight

Barrels: Barrels provide cover for Small sized creatures or smaller. You can send a barrels rolling to knock down an enemy.

STANDARD ACTIONS R Rolling Barrel * At-Will Attack: Ranged 3 (one creature); Strength vs. Reflex Hit: 1d4 + Strength modifier damage and the target is knocked prone.

Kitchen Tables: Jumping onto a kitchen tables requires 2 squares of movement. Any melee attacks against enemies standing next to the table gains a +1 attack bonus to hit due to the advantage of higher ground.

Open Oven: A large fire is burning in the oven. Any creature entering or starting its turn in the flames takes 10 fire damage.

Treasure (920 gp): Ten-Penny Tacey have the following magical items on her, elixir of chameleon power (125 gp, MME p.91), elixir of invisibility (75 gp, AV p.187), potion of pass without trace (25 gp see Appendix), elixir of climbing (75 gp, MME p.92), tanglefoot bag (25 gp, AV p.30). Her other gear includes +1 leather armor of escape (520 gp, MME p.12), dagger, hand crossbow with 12 bolts, short sword, climber's kit, key to chest in area H12, thieves' tools, silk rope, and 28 gp (all totaling a value of 75 gp).

H11. Rohkar's Room Treasure (2535 gp): The chest holds a gold ingot

engraved with the Taldan royal seal (50 gp), a spyglass stolen from a captain out of Cassomir (1,000 gp, see People of the North conversion), a silver lady's ring (25 gp), three shards of tiger's eye gemstones taken from a Qadiran merchant (10 gp each), a fine pair of leather riding boots of elven make (15 gp), a silver dagger with a hidden compartment in the hilt (Perception DC 20 to find) containing 1 dose of deathjump spider poison (250 gp, DMG p.51), +1 symbol of vengeance dedicated to Norgorber (840 gp, AV p.91) and a leather portfolio containing several pieces of parchment, including a scroll of endure elements (100 gp), two scrolls of enchant magic weapon (175 gp), and a scroll of unseen servant (50 gp).

H12. Ten-Penny Room Treasure (150 gp): The chest contains a healer's kit (5

uses remaining, 25 gp), a belt pouch with 25 sp, and a scroll of lesser restoration (125 gp). Ten-Penny has the only key.

H13. Great Room (CR 2) Five of Rohkar's bandits may be found here day or night.

More active and alert than those battling the chillbane

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shakes (see area H14), these bandits post lookouts by the eastern windows to watch the approaches to the lodge during the day. Though their spirits were initially dampened by their surrender to Teb Knotten's invaders, the bandits were buoyed by their success in killing the hated Sentinels and ambushing Lady Argentea's caravan. They spend their time planning what they'll do with their share of the money once Rohkar ransoms the noblewoman. If alerted to the PCs' presence, the bandits rouse their sick comrades in the next room (area H14), sending a runner to alert Rohkar in area H15 as well.

Monsters (XP 650): Rokhar's mercenary, 4 Rokhar's ruffians

Tactics: The mercenary leads the gang, trying to corner the invaders with press the advantage. The ruffians uses dazing strike and then try to position themselves for flank attack on the enemies. Any fleeing enemies or controllers are attacked with their ranged attacks. Their sick comrades are alerted in round 1 and arrives in to room to help on round 3. If Rohkar is alerted, he arrives on round 4.

Rokhar's Mercenary (M) Level 3 Soldier Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 150 HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +5 AC 18; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 14 Perception +6 Speed 5 STANDARD ACTIONS m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, the target is marked until the end of the human mercenary’s next turn.

M Press the Advantage (weapon) * Recharge 5 6 Requirement: Longsword Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 9 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square and dazed (save ends).

R Longbow (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage. Skills Streetwise +7 Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment chainmail, longsword, crossbow with 20 bolts

4 Rokhar's Raiders (R) Level 2 Skirmisher Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 125 HP 37; Bloodied 18 Initiative +6 AC 16; Fortitude 12; Reflex 14; Will 12 Perception +1 Speed 6 TRAITS Combat Advantage The human ruffian deals an extra 1d6 damage on melee and ranged attacks against any target it has combat advantage against. STANDARD ACTIONS m Mace (weapon) * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage, and the ruffian can shift 1 square.

R Dagger (weapon) * At-Will Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d4 + 5 damage, and the ruffian can shift 1 square.

M Dazing Strike (weapon) * Recharge when the attack misses Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the ruffian’s next turn (save ends). Effect: The ruffian can shift 1 square. Skills Stealth +9, Streetwise +7, Thievery +9 Str 12 (+2) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 11 (+1) Con 13 (+2) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment leather armor, mace, 4 daggers Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Torch light

Barrels: Barrels provide cover for Small sized creatures or smaller. You can send a barrels rolling to knock down an enemy.

STANDARD ACTIONS R Rolling Barrel * At-Will Attack: Ranged 3 (one creature); Strength vs. Reflex Hit: 1d4 + Strength modifier damage and the target is knocked prone.

Bear Rug: Pulling the bear rug is a standard action. Make a Strength vs. Reflex check. If successful, the creature(s) on the bear rug falls prone.

Chairs and Benches: Chairs and benches are difficult terrain.

Fireplace: A large fire is burning in the open fireplace. Any creature entering or starting its turn in the flames takes 10 fire damage.

Great Table: Jumping onto the great table requires 2 squares of movement. Any melee attacks against enemies standing next to the table gains a +1 attack bonus to hit due to the advantage of higher ground.

H14. Sickroom (CR 1) Four of Rohkar's Raiders lie bedridden in this room,

having contracted an illness called the chillbane shakes-a les s virulent strain of chillbane fever, a disease endemic to Irrisen. The disease has left the bandits fatigued and sickened. As a result, they are much weakened and is treated as minions if a fight erupts. The bandits are unarmored but have their weapons close at hand. Despite their condition, the bandits do their best to defend themselves and respond to any alarm raised by their companions in the great room (area H13).

Monsters (XP 155): 5 sick bandits

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Tactics: If no battle have alerted the sick bandits in this room, they are all laying in bed. They are automatically surprised. If alerted to battle in are H13, they take one round to pick up their weapons and get out of their beds, arriving earliest during round 3 (if alerted on round 1). They try to get in flanking position. Any PC damaged by a melee attack by a sick bandit runs rolls a saving throw at the end of the battle to see if they got infected with Chillbane Shakes.

5 Sick Bandits (B) Level 2 Minion Skirmisher Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 31 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +0 AC 16; Fortitude 12; Reflex 14; Will 12 Perception +5 Speed 6 STANDARD ACTIONS m Mace (weapon) * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 5 damage, or 7 damage with combat advantage.

R Dagger (weapon) * At-Will Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 4 damage, and the bandit can shift 1 square. Skills Stealth +9, Streetwise +7, Thievery +9 Str 12 (+2) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 11 (+1) Con 13 (+2) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment leather armor, mace, 4 daggers

Hazard: This room is also a mildly infected area, with poorly ventilated air and sweaty blankets carrying the same germs that debilitated the bandits. Anyone who spends more than a minute in the room or rummages through the beds, chests, and discarded clothing is exposed to the chillbane shakes. Make a disease attack to see if the PCs are infected.

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Torch light

Beds: Beds are difficult terrain. A bed can be overturned to provide cover for ranged attacks.

Chairs and Table: Chairs and table are difficult terrain.

H15. Planning Room (CR 3) The leader of Rohkar's Raiders, Rohkar Cindren, is

usually found here during the day. The bandits have no idea that Rohkar is a priest of Norgorber, a divine calling he discovered late in life but which he finds meshes well with his murderous acts of banditry in southern Taldor. Several unexplained murders and convenient disappearances among the original bandits aided Rohkar's rise to power − most of them were poisoned by Rohkar himself. Any revelation about his faith in the god of secrets and murder would likely shake the confidence of the bandits who still follow him. Most believe him to be a necromancer, a ruse he encourages, fearing that half of his gang might quit (or try to slay him) if they discovered the truth.

As a result, Rohkar works hard to keep his faith hidden, locking himself in this room to prepare his spells each morning. He claims he requires uninterrupted study with his spellbook and actually keeps an arcane tome with him at all times to further the deception. He even hides his unholy symbol, producing it at the last possible moment with a sleight of hand Thievery check when calling on Norgorber's aid.

One of Teb Knotten's allies, a winter-touched atomie named Hommelstaub (see area P1) correctly identified Rohkar's faith when the Irriseni invaders forced him to surrender and they discovered his unholy symbol. Rather than kill or reveal the murderous priest, Teb and Izoze offered him a chance to serve Queen Elvanna as a killing hand instead. Powerless to refuse, Rohkar accepted their offer, but he secretly plots revenge, planning to murder his benefactors as soon as he can find a weakness to exploit. So far, he's applied himself to learning everything he can about the Irriseni, consulting with Hommelstaub, Izoze, and even Teb Knotten when the moss troll humors him with an audience. These discussions have helped Rohkar increase his own power, as the cold fey shared with him the means of animating skeletons infused with the fierce cold of Irrisen's winter, and Rohkar now commands two frost skeletons that he keeps here as bodyguards.

Monsters (XP 750): Roghar, 2 frost skeletons

Tactics: Rohkar is most likely alerted to the battle downstairs, joining the battle on round 4. He turns invisible and exits the room via the staircase and apply poison to his blade in order to use greenblood blade and bleeding touch with combat advantage on any dangerous strikers or controllers. He then joins the fight with his short sword, and a copycat duplicate ability to confuse anyone striking back. Rohkar gather any surviving men around him in order to get use of his bleed aura to strengthen them with his necrotic powers.

The two frost skeletons position themselves in the staircase and use their freezing orb ranged attack on any

Chillbane Shakes Level 3 Disease This infectious disease is characterized by the sufferer's constant shaking, as though he were unable to get warm.

Attack: +6 vs. Fortitude Endurance improve DC 21, maintain DC 10, worsen DC 9 or lower

The target is cured

Initial Effect The target loses one healing surge that it cannot regain until cured.

The target is shaking from cold. Target grants combat advantage and gets a -5 penalty on skill checks based on Dexterity

Final State The target loses 2 points in Dexterity

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controllers or strikers attacking Rohkar first.

Morale: Rohkar lives to kill in the name of Norgorber, but has no desire to die himself. If reduced to 5 hit points or fewer, he throws down his weapon and feigns remorse, blaming everything on lzoze and Teb Knotten (see Development, below).

Rohkar Cindren (N) Level 5 Elite Soldier (Leader) Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 400 HP 112; Bloodied 56 Initiative +6 AC 21; Fortitude 16, Reflex 17, Will 19 Perception +11 Speed 6 Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 TRAITS

Bleed (healing, necrotic) * Aura 3

Any enemies have a -2 penalty on death saving throws within the aura. Any enemy bloodied while in the aura grants Rohkar's allies within the aura 5 temporary hit points. STANDARD ACTIONS m Short Sword (weapon) * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage, or 1d6 + 23 damage if Rohkar scores a critical hit.

m Greenblood Blade (poison, weapon) * Encounter

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 3d6 + 6 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends)..

Invisibility (illusion) * Recharge 5 6

Effect: Rohkar becomes invisible until he hits or misses with an attack. MINOR ACTIONS M Bleeding Touch (necrotic) * At-Will (1/round)

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d8 + 4 necrotic damage and ongoing 5 necrotic damage. MOVE ACTIONS Copycat (illusion) * Recharge 5 6

Effect: A duplicate image of Rohkar appears adjacent to him. Any melee or ranged attack that hits Rohkar with an even number

hits the duplicate instead, Rokhar takes no damage, and the duplicate is dispelled. Rohkar can move the duplicate as part of his own move action. Str 14 (+4) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 18 (+6) Con 8 (+1) Int 10 (+2) Cha 15 (+4) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment leather armor, +2 short sword, dagger

2 Frost Skeletons (5) Level 4 Artillery Medium natural animate (undead) XP 175 HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +6 AC 18; Fortitude 14, Reflex 17, Will 15 Perception +4 Speed 6 Darkvision Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 cold, 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 fire. TRAITS

Frost Aura (cold) * Aura 1

Any creature that starts its turn in the aura takes 5 cold damage. STANDARD ACTIONS m Icy Claw (cold) * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 2 damage, and ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends).

r Freezing Orb (cold) * At-Will Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +9 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d4 + 3 cold damage, and ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends). Str 13 (+3) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 15 (+4) Con 17 (+5) Int 4 (-1) Cha 6 (+0) Alignment unaligned Languages –

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Torch light

Chairs: Chairs are difficult terrain.

Large Table: Jumping onto the large table requires 2 squares of movement. Any melee attacks against enemies standing next to the table gains a +1 attack bonus to hit due to the advantage of higher ground.

Treasure (2,875 gp): Rohkar Cindren have the

following magical items on him: +1 short sword (360 gp), scroll of animate undead (10th Level; 610 gp), greenblood oil (100 gp), two oil of taggit (200 gp), leather armor (12 gp), crossbow (13 gp), short sword (5 gp), +1 cloak of the yeti (840 gp), thieves tools (10 gp), ring of keys (key to trap door in area H7, chest in H11, and cage in area H16), ritual book (50 gp) containing alarm (50 gp), charm person (50 gp), comprehend language (50 gp), endure elements (100 gp), read

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omens (100 gp), +1 magic holy symbol of Norgorber (360 gp) and a belt pouch with 15 gp.

H16. Storeroom (CR 1) Despite agreeing to serve Teb Knotten, Rohkar secretly captured one of the cold fey to better study and understand their capabilities. The captive, a winter-touched sprite named Vrixx, is locked inside the cage (Thievery DC 20); Rohkar has the only key. Rohkar has made sure to keep Vrixx hidden from Izoze when she visits, knowing full well the mephit and her allies would slay him for the affront. Vrixx has grown increasingly despondent trapped in his tiny prison, his luminosity waxing and waning with his mood. When the PCs arrive, he begs for his release. Anyone foolish enough to free him enables him to fly back to Teb Knotten to tell of Rohkar's treachery and the PCs' presence in the wood. If the PCs question him, Vrixx promises an increasingly horrifying number of tortures he expects his friends to inflict upon the PCs when they find them. He refuses to tell the PCs more, knowing full well the White Witches will pierce his heart with a sliver of ice if he talks.

Monster (XP 100): Winter sprite ambusher

Vrixx, Winter Sprite Ambusher Level 1 Lurker Tiny fey humanoid (cold) XP 100 HP 23; Bloodied 11 Initiative +7 AC 15; Fortitude 12; Reflex 15; Will 13 Perception +6 Speed 4, fly 6 (altitude limit 1) Low-light vision Resist 10 cold; Vulnerable 5 fire TRAITS Luminous (radiant) * Aura 3

The sprite sheds light in the aura, equal to that of a torch. The

sprite can control the color and intensity of the light as a free action, reducing its aura or even extinguish it. STANDARD ACTIONS m Rapier (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage, or 2d8 + 8 damage if the target could not see the pixie when it attacked..

r Short Bow (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage, or 2d6 + 10 damage if the target could not see the pixie when it attacked.

R Obscuring Dust * At-Will

Effect: Ranged 5 (one creature); the pixie can attempt a Stealth check to become hidden from the target.

Fade Out (illusion) * Encounter

The pixie becomes invisible until it hits or misses with an attack or until the end of its next turn. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Numbing Cold * Encounter

Trigger: The winter sprite takes damage from a melee attack. Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); +4 vs. Fortitude Hit: Target is dazed (save ends). Skills Nature +5, Stealth +8 (+13 in snow terrain) Str 6 (–2) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 10 (+0) Con 11 (+0) Int 12 (+1) Cha 13 (+1) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common, Elven Equipment leather armor, rapier

Treasure (6,160 gp): Three scrolls of animate dead (6th Level; 1530 gp), two doses of greenblood oil (200 gp), small lockbox containing 25 pp, 150 gp, 180 sp, and a blue quartz "ice diamond" from lrrisen worth 100 gp that he took from Vrixx, three oils of +2 magic weapon (750 gp) and 10 flasks of alchemist's fire (Lvl 6, 750 gp, AV p.24)

H17. Cellar Lady Argentea Malassene is the sole occupant of this

cellar-turned- dungeon. Rohkar has confined her here until he gets further instructions from lzoze and Teb Knotten about her fate. Lady Argentea has suffered some injuries (she currently has 25 out of 52 hit points), but her spirit remains unbowed. She is arrogant and proud, as only a Taldan noble can be, but grateful for her rescue. She tries her best (not always successfully) to keep her more critical opinions and observations to herself, at least until she has reached a place of safety and comfort.

Lady Argentea Malassene Level 4 Controller (Leader) Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 175 HP 52; Bloodied 26 Initiative +3 AC 18; Fortitude 16; Reflex 16; Will 17 Perception +3 Speed TRAITS Protected A human noble gains a +2 bonus to all defenses while an ally is adjacent to it. STANDARD ACTIONS m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 3 damage.

C Urge hesitation (charm) * Encounter

Attack: Close burst 5 (enemies in burst); +7 vs. Will Hit: The target cannot use a standard action during its next turn.

C Appoint Champion * At-Will

Effect: Close burst 10 (one ally in burst); the target makes a basic attack as a free action and shifts 1 square before or after the attack.

C Inspirational Authority * Encounter

Effect: Close burst 10 (one ally in burst); the target uses an at-will, encounter, or recharge attack power as a free action. Skills Diplomacy +10, Insight +8, Intimidate +10

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Str 15 (+4) Dex 12 (+3) Wis 12 (+3) Con 12 (+3) Int 14 (+4) Cha 16 (+5) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment chainmail, light shield, longsword



I. ANCIENT INVADERS (CR 2) Rohkar has long taken pleasure in experimenting with

the bodies of his victims, raising them as undead servants and tools that he can use to murder even more innocent people. So far, however, the bandit leader has had to rely on scrolls of animate dead to raise such creatures . His first attempt to create frost skeletons using a scroll suffered a

mishap, however, and unknown to Rohkar, accidentally animated the skeletons of four Qadiran soldiers slain in the Border Wood hundreds of years ago during the war between Taldor and Qadira. These skeletons clawed their way from the ground and now wander the High Ridge. They are uncontrolled and a lethal danger to anyone who crosses their path.

Monsters (XP 700): 2 frost skeleton soldiers, 2 frost skeletons.

Tactics: The frost skeleton soldiers mindlessly attack the nearest living creatures, striking with their freezing blade and icy grip power. The two frost skeletons stays in the rear using their freezing orb ranged attack.

Morale: The frost skeletons fight until destroyed.

2 Frost Skeleton Soldiers (F) Level 4 Soldier Medium natural animate (undead) XP 175 HP 57; Bloodied 28 Initiative +5 AC 21; Fortitude 17, Reflex 14, Will 15 Perception +4 Speed 6 Darkvision Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 cold, 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 fire. TRAITS

Frost Aura (cold) * Aura 1

Any creature that starts its turn in the aura takes 5 cold damage. STANDARD ACTIONS m Freezing Blade (cold) * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 3 damage, and ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends).

m Icy Grip (cold) * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage, and target is slowed (save ends). Str 18 (+6) Dex 13 (+3) Wis 15 (+4) Con 17 (+5) Int 4 (-1) Cha 6 (+0) Alignment unaligned Languages – Equipment rusty chainmail, old scimitar

2 Frost Skeletons (5) Level 4 Artillery Medium natural animate (undead) XP 175 HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +6 AC 18; Fortitude 14, Reflex 17, Will 15 Perception +4 Speed 6 Darkvision Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 cold, 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 fire. TRAITS

Frost Aura (cold) * Aura 1

Any creature that starts its turn in the aura takes 5 cold damage. STANDARD ACTIONS m Icy Claw (cold) * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 2 damage, and ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends).

r Freezing Orb (cold) * At-Will Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +9 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d4 + 3 cold damage, and ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends). Str 13 (+3) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 15 (+4) Con 17 (+5) Int 4 (-1) Cha 6 (+0) Alignment unaligned Languages –

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Daylight

Road: The snow on the road is only light and provide no hinder.

Snowy Landscape: The snow off the road is 1-2 feet deep and is treated as difficult terrain.

Stone block: The stone blocks provide cover, and superior cover for Small or smaller creatures.

Fir Tree: The fir trees provide concealment.

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J. SLAIN HUNTER Treasure (94 gp): Cold-weather outfit (2 gp), snowshoes

(2 gp), three +1 beast-bane arrows (90 gp, see Appendix), 3 days' trail rations, a half-full hip flask of strong applejack, and a journal.

Story Award (XP 500): If the PCs find Dryden Kepp's journal, award them 100 XP per player.

K. FROST FIRS (CR 3) This part o f the forest is now home to a pair of tree-

creatures called frost firs, who crossed through the winter portal from Irrisen. Akin to treants, frost firs resemble human-sized evergreen trees with grasping, branchlike arms. After arriving in the Border Wood, the frost firs searched for a fertile stretch of land to plant their seedlings, clearing away the snow to dig holes for the cones they carried with them. Frost firs are territorial creatures and fiercely protective of their young. When the PCs enter their domain, the frost firs use their freeze ability to hide among the native pine trees before making a coordinated attack. PCs needs to succeed on a DC 21 passive Perception check in order to spot the frost firs, otherwhise the frost firs get a surprise round.

Monster (XP 750): 3 frost firs

Tactics: If the frost firs gets a surprise round they charge any PCs carrying open flames first. They then use either sweeping branches or double slam depending on the number of enemies they have around themselves. Any enemy foolish enough to use melee touch attacks against the frost firs gets restrained by their sticky resin.

Morale: The frost firs fight to the death.

3 Frost Firs (F) Level 2 Elite Brute Large fey magical beast (plant), treant XP 250

HP 94; Bloodied 47 Initiative +1 AC 15; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 13 Perception +3 Speed 6 (forest walk, ice walk) Low-light vision Resist 10 cold Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 TRAITS Wooden Body Whenever the frost fir takes fire damage, it also takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). STANDARD ACTIONS m Slam * At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage.

M Double Slam * At-Will Effect: The frost fir uses slam twice, if both attacks hits the same target, the target is also restrained (save ends). The frost fir can slide the target as part of its move action, so its stay in the same relative position to the frost fir.

C Sweeping Branches * Recharge 5 6 Attack: Close burst 1 (creatures in the burst); +5 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 3 damage, and the target is knocked prone. TRIGGERED ACTIONS m Sticky Resin * At-Will Trigger: The frost fir is hit by a melee touch attack. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The triggering enemy is restrained (save ends). The frost fir can slide the target as part of its move action, so its stay in the same relative position to the frost fir. Skills Nature +8, Stealth +6 (+11 in forest) Str 16 (+4) Dex 10 (+1) Wis 14 (+3) Con 17 (+4) Int 12 (+2) Cha 9 (+0) Alignment unaligned Languages Elven

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Daylight

Road: The snow on the road is only light and provide no hinder.

Snowy Landscape: The snow off the road is 1-2 feet deep and is treated as difficult terrain.

Stone block: The stone blocks provide cover, and superior cover for Small or smaller creatures.

Fir Tree: The fir trees provide concealment.

L. BEAR TRAPS (CR 1) Trap (XP 350): The hunter Dryden Kepp (see area J)

laid several bear traps here in an attempt to catch and kill the giant weasel he had discovered in the Border Wood. Unfortunately, however, the trap couldn't hold it, and Dryden found himself hunted by the wounded weasel instead. Two more bear traps lie hidden in the snow, not yet triggered. They pose a danger to anyone passing through this area. PCs who read Dryden Kepp's journal (see area J) gain a +5 circumstance bonus on Perception checks to notice the traps.

2 Bear Traps (B) Level 4 Trap Object XP 175 Detect Perception DC 21 Initiative +6 HP 48 AC 15; Fortitude 12, Reflex 12, Will – Immune necrotic, poison, psychic, forced movement, all

conditions, ongoing damage. TRIGGERED ACTIONS M Attack * Encounter

Trigger: Creature entering marked squares. Attack (Immediate Interrupt):Melee 0 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage and target is immobilized (Escape DC 21). COUNTERMEASURE * Disable: Thievery DC 21. Success: The trap is disabled,

Failure (10 or less): The trap attacks the disabling creature as a free action.

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M1. Ice Block Maze (CR 3) Hazard (XP 800): If the PCs pursueThora's phantom,

she appears again multiple times among the maze-like passages. Each time, she speaks in cryptic sentences with somebody inside the ice blocks. If the PCs stare into the ice they get a chance to see sorrowful images from Thora's childhood and the faces of the frozen dead manifest inside the transparent ice blocks, before fleeing again, drawing the PCs deeper into the maze of ice boulders.

Every time the PCs look into the ice they are physically attacked by the faces of the frozen dead terrain hazard. Only PCs that manage to stay long enough, and are not scared away, gets a chance to learn Thora's full story.

Scene 1: You watch into the dark ice and see a little girl on a street in an unknown city. It is snowing and a crowd of people have gathered in the town square. She is trying to watch at the strangers that have gathered in the town plaza. Black clad men follow an icy white dressed woman. The little girl looks curiously at the party, before asking the man next to her, "Who is that ugly lady? Why is her hair all white? Is she a huldra?" Suddenly the white lady's eyes grow icy cold. "Bring that girl to me. We will make an example out of her. Nobody offends the White Witches of Irrisen. Take her!" The little girl get scared and tries to run away, but the black clad soldiers soon catch her and drag her back through the snow. "I'm sorry! Don't hurt me! I never meant to call you names!" the little girls scream, tears streaming down her eyes. The white lady only smiles. "I will teach you manners, little girl", she says with a smile that never touches her eyes.

Thora is apologizing to Nazhena Vasilliovna for offending her. If the PCs succeed at a DC 15 Diplomacy check, they can ask a single question to Thora before she moves away again.

Scene 2: In the ice you see the little girl again, cowering in here straw bed in some cold cell. The sound of the icy wind outside carries the chill of winter. The white lady

stands at a simple bed, looking down at the girl with contempt in her eyes. "Please don't keep me here. It's so cold. I miss my mother", the little girl says, but with no tears. There are no tears left in her frail little body. "Your mother does not want you back. She told me so herself. 'Do what you want with that ungrateful little brat, I bear no love for her myself' she told me". The little girl looks stricken as by a physical blow. "You lie, you lie!" she screams. "Is that so? Why is then your mother leaving my castle? Look outside. That’s her down there. She did not want you", the white lady says, pointing out the window. "NOOOO", you hear the little girl scream with terror in her voice.

This statement refers to Thora's captivity in Nazhena's Pale Tower, as well as her mother, Nadya Petska, whom the PCs will meet in Part Three. If the PCs succeed at a DC 18 Diplomacy check, they can ask a single question before Thora moves away again.

Scene 3: You see the little girl in the ice again. She stands in front of the white lady on her icy throne, in a large hall covered in frost and shadows. The white lady tries to give something to the little girl. It is a porcelain doll in her outstretched hand. "I don't want your stupid doll! I want to go home! Take me back!" the little girl screams and tries to throw the doll to the stone floor. The white lady catches it. "I wouldn't do that, if I were you. I wouldn't do that at all". There is something dangerous in her voice, a hidden promise of something terrible.

This was Thora's reaction to the porcelain doll that Nazhena showed her, unaware that it would eventually house her soul. If the PCs succeed at a DC 22 Diplomacy check, they can ask a single question before Thora moves away again.

Scene 4: The shadowy girl stops staring into the ice and suddenly turns towards you. As if she actually saw you for the first time. She opens her small frail little mouth. "I have to get away! And you should, too, before they see us. Run!",

she suddenly screams and starts running as if Death was chasing in her trails, slowly fading away as she does so.

This final message comes as Thora's eyes clear and she finally recognizes the PCs as someone other than her tormentors. She implores the PCs to flee just as they reach the center of the maze−one final warning exhorting them to stay away, lest an equally terrible fate befall them.

If the PCs manage to get the full story from Thora's fate, reward them with 800 XP (including the XP for the hazard)

Faces of the Frozen Dead Level 5 Hazard Terrain XP 200 Detect Perception DC 22 "You notice a chill Initiative −

wind stirring and a flicker of movement in the blocks of ice."

Immune attacks TRIGGERED ACTIONS C Attack (psychic) * At-Will

Trigger: A creature enters the hazard's burst area or starts its turn there. Attack (Opportunity Action): Close burst 5 (creatures in burst); +7 vs. Will Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage and 5 ongoing psychic damage (save ends). The target is compelled to take a free action to move as far away from the ice blocks as it can, moving a number of squares equal to its speed + 2. It avoids hindering terrain and difficult terrain if it can. This movement is not considered forced movement, so it provokes opportunity attack. Every turn the target takes ongoing damage it takes to move actions to run away from the ice blocks. COUNTERMEASURE * Disable: To permanently destroy this haunt, the PCs must

tear down the watchful hut at area M2, and destroy the soul focus of the guardian doll inside, thereby putting Thora's spirit to rest.

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M2. The Watchful Hut (CR 3) The soul o f Thora Petska inhabits the porcelain guardian

doll inside the hut, watching over the trail to the winter portal. The doll wears the same dress Thora had on when Nazhena Vasilliovna took her to the Pale Tower, but she is no longer the little girl who brought laughter and joy to her family. The doll's face is that of an old crone, though it retains Thora's flaxen hair, and it still bears a strong resemblance to the girl's countenance when she was still alive-enough that the PCs can recognize the similarities between the doll and the phantom girl they encountered in area M1. Far more unnerving, however, are the doll's mismatched eyes−one a blue gemstone, the other a small round mirror the size of a coin, reflecting the world around her. The gem acts as the doll's soul focus, retaining all the memories the construct experiences, but the mirrored eye serves an entirely different purpose, allowing Nazhena and her apprentice, Radosek Pavril, to scry on the doll's location with the Irriseni mirror sight spell. When the PCs first encounter Thora, Radosek is using that spell to look through the guardian doll's mirror. Although the winter witch cannot do anything to the PCs at this time, this early glimpse of the PCs enables him to easily recognize them when they encounter him later in the Pale Tower (see area Q20).

Thora is compelled to defend this pass into Somir Valley from those she doesn't recognize as servants of the Pale Tower or Queen Elvanna. Initially, she lets the PCs approach her hut, remaining silent if they examine her, pretending to be a normal doll. When the PCs aren't directly observing her, she speaks to unnerve them, growing utterly silent again if they turn to face her or try to talk to her. While she defends herself if attacked, Thora otherwise allows the PCs to move beyond the hut and through the ward at area M3. She then follows after them, tirelessly pursuing the PCs wherever they go in an effort to slay them. She prefers to attack at night, when her darkvision gives her an advantage, but she doesn't hesitate

to face the PCs during the day, if necessary, to prevent them from reaching the winter portal.

Monster (XP 750): Thora Petska

Tactics: Thora casts levitate to rise into the air so she can more safely cast spells, using charm person to create allies to prevent others from attacking her. Anybody using ranged attacks back, are faced by her evil eye. If forced into melee combat, she uses frost fall and then attacks with her doll's dagger, hoping to stun opponents in the supernaturally chill it transfers.

Morale: Thora fights until destroyed.

Thora Petska, Guardian Doll Level 3 Solo Artillery Tiny natural animate (cold, construct, undead) XP 750 HP 160; Bloodied 80 Initiative +4 AC 16; Fortitude 16; Reflex 16; Will 13 Perception +7 Speed 6 Darkvision Immune disease, poison. sleep; Resist 10 cold; Vulnerable 5 fire, 5 psychic Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2 TRAITS

Soul Focus When the guardian doll drops to 0 hit points, the doll (but not the soul focus, usually a gem or the doll's eye) crumbles into dust, but it is not destroyed. As long as the soul focus remains intact, it can be used to animate another doll, with all its memories remaining. STANDARD ACTIONS m Doll's Dagger * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage, and the target is immobilized and takes ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends both). If the target is already immobilized , it is instead stunned and takes ongoing 10 cold damage (save ends both).

R Witchcraft * At-Will Effect: The guardian doll casts two of the following spells, using each against a different target. This attack does not provoke opportunity attacks. 1. Charm Person (charm): Ranged 10; +6 vs. Will; the target is dominated until the end of its next turn. 2. Sleep (charm): Ranged 10; +6 vs. Will; the target is immobilized (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target is knocked unconscious instead of immobilized (save ends). 3. Cause Fear (fear, psychic): Ranged 10; +6 vs. Will; 1d8 + 6 psychic damage, and the guardian doll pushes the target its speed. 4. Ray of Frost (cold): Ranged 10; +6 vs. Fortitude; 1d10 + 5 cold damage. MOVE ACTIONS Levitate * Encounter

Effect: The guardian doll flies up to 4 squares vertically and hovers there until the end of its next turn. When the levitation ends, the guardian doll descends safely to the ground, without taking falling damage. Sustain Minor: The levitation persists until the end of the guardian doll’s next turn, and it can fly up to 3 squares vertically and 1 square horizontally. MINOR ACTIONS C Frost Fall (cold) * At-Will Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in blast); +6 vs. Fortitude

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Hit: 1d6 + 5 cold damage and the target is slowed (save ends). TRIGGERED ACTIONS R Evil Eye (necrotic) * At-Will Trigger: The guardian doll is hit by a ranged attack by an enemy that starts its turn within 5 square of it. Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Ranged 5 (triggering creature); +6 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d4 + 6 necrotic damage. Skills Acrobatics +9, Intimidate +6, Stealth +9 Str 8 (+0) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 12 (+2) Con 16 (+4) Int 14 (+3) Cha 10 (+1) Alignment evil Languages Common

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Daylight

Fir Tree: The fir trees provide concealment.

Road: The snow on the road is only light and provide no hinder.

Snow: The white snow is only light and provide no hinder. The blur marked snow is deeper and is considered difficult terrain.

Snow Ledge: A snow ledge is 5 feet in elevation and requires 3 squares of movement to climb. You can not charge or run across a ledge.

Ice Blocks: The ice blocks provide cover, and superior cover for Small or smaller creatures.

Treasure (600 gp): Thora's blue gemstone eye, her soul focus, is a sapphire worth 600 gp.

M3. The Harrowed Trail (CR 1) Trap (XP 300): The inscription also incorporates a glyph

of warding cast from a scroll by the atomie shaman Hommelstaub (see area P1), which triggers when anyone leaves the clearing by this route. Izoze, Teb Knotten, Thora,

and all of the cold fey know the password to bypass the glyph without triggering it.

Glyph of Warding Level 7 Trap Object XP 300 Detect Arcana (detect magic) DC 16; Initiative −

Perception DC 23 Immune all damage, forced movement, all conditions TRIGGERED ACTIONS C Attack (varies) * Encounter

Trigger: A creature enters the square containing the glyph, passes within range of the glyph’s attack, or opens or handles a warded object without speaking the password or meeting an exception. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Close burst 3 (creatures in the burst); +10 vs. Reflex Hit: 4d6 cold damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). Miss: Half damage. COUNTERMEASURES * Disable: Arcana or Thievery DC 23.

Failure by 5 or More: The trap is triggered.

N. WOUNDED BEAST (CR 3) A group of giant weasels hunt the forest here. Native of

the Hoarwood Forest in Irrisen, the weasels have their winter coat of fur, completely white except for the tip of their tails, which are black. The weasels crossed through the winter portal, but one of them run afoul of one of the bear traps set by the hunter Dryden Kepp (see areas J and L). Although one is being injured, the weasels are formidable foes and fearless hunters. They stalks Somir Valley searching for prey to feed their great hunger. The cold fey have managed to keep them away from the winter portal, but driven by hunger, the weasels attack any other creatures they come across (such as the PCs), and continue to stalk them throughout the forest until it's slain.

Monster (XP 750): 5 giant weasels

Tactics: The weasels charge their first victims, seeking to attach and bleed itself to its prey. It ignores all other attackers until it is removed from its victim or its chosen prey is dead. One of the weasels are injured and have only 20 hp and grants combat advantage.

Morale: T h e weasels flees if reduced to two or fewer, but their hunger might drive them to attack the PCs again at a later time.

5 Giant Weasels (W) Level 3 Skirmisher Large natural beast XP 150 HP 49; Bloodied 24 Initiative +6 AC 17; Fortitude 14; Reflex 16; Will 14 Perception +2 Speed 8, climb 4 Low-light vision TRAITS Low Profile The weasel moves at normal speed while squeezing. STANDARD ACTIONS m Bite * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage.

M Attach and Bleed * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage and the elemental grabs the target (escape DC 13) if it does not have a creature grabbed. Until the grab ends, the target takes ongoing 10 damage. While grabbing a target, the weasel can make no other attacks. MOVE ACTIONS Skitter * At-Will

Effect: The weasel can shift up to half its speed. During this movement, it can move through enemy spaces. Skills Stealth +9 Str 18 (+5) Dex 16 (+4) Wis 12 (+2) Con 17 (+4) Int 2 (-3) Cha 11 (+1) Alignment unaligned Languages −

Area Features: The area has the following features

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Illumination: Daylight

Road: The snow on the road is only light and provide no hinder.

Snowy Landscape: The snow off the road is 1-2 feet deep and is treated as difficult terrain.

Stone block: The stone blocks provide cover, and superior cover for Small or smaller creatures.

Fir Tree: The fir trees provide concealment.

O. AMBUSH! (CR 4) lzoze leads this assault, but if the ice mephit has already

been killed, Teb entrusts the winter-touched atomie oracle Hommelstaub (see area P1) with slaying them instead. In either case, an icestorm vortex named Squald provides assistance, both in speeding Izoze to intercept the PCs, and in cloaking the assassin's approach with the wind.

Monsters (XP 925): Izoze, Squald, 3 lesser ice elementals.

Tactics: lzoze launches a cone of ice shards with her freezing blast on the greatest concentration of opponents, seeking to freeze them. She then attacks any opponents blinded by Squald with her claws, until the freezing blast have been recharged.

Squald stirs up enough snow with his whirling ice ability to create a blinding maelstrom and snuff out the PCs' campfire. He then uses ice crystal slam or whirling blast, hurtling from the darkness to strike an opponent before again moving out of range of any light source.

The lesser ice elementals immobilizes the enemies with their ice trap, before attacking with their slam attacks.

Morale: lzoze knows the price for failure in her assigned task, so she fights to the death. If reduced to fewer than 10 hit points, she attempts to summon another ice mephit to help while she temporarily retreats to recover from her

wounds with her fast healing. All the elementals fight to the death.

Izoze, Ice Mephit (I) Level 4 Artillery Small elemental humanoid (water) XP 175 HP 44; Bloodied 22 Initiative +6 AC 18; Fortitude 15; Reflex 17; Will 16 Perception +2 Speed 6 (ice walk), 6 fly Darkvision Immune cold TRAITS Regeneration The mephit regains 5 hit points whenever it starts its turn and has at least 1 hit point. When the mephit takes fire or psychic damage, its regeneration does not function on its next turn. STANDARD ACTIONS m Claws (cold) * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 6 damage plus 1d6 cold damage, and the target cannot take actions until the start of its next turn.

R Freezing Blast (cold, zone) * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in the blast); +7 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d8 + 4 cold damage, and ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends). Miss: Half damage. Effect: The blast creates a zone of icy ground that lasts until the end of the mephit’s next turn. The zone is difficult terrain for creatures without ice walk. Skills Stealth +11 Str 12 (+3) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 11 (+2) Con 14 (+4) Int 8 (+1) Cha 15 (+4) Alignment evil Languages Common, Primordial Equipment shortbow, dagger

Squald, Icestorm Vortex (S) Level 7 Skirmisher Medium elemental magical beast (air, cold) XP 300 HP 80; Bloodied 40 Initiative +9 AC 21; Fortitude 19; Reflex 20; Will 19 Perception +6 Speed 0, fly 8 (hover)

Immune cold, disease, poison TRAITS

Whirling Ice * Aura 1

Each enemy within the aura is blinded. Any unprotected campfires within the area are snuffed out. STANDARD ACTIONS m Ice Crystal Slam (cold) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d8 + 6 cold damage.

C Whirling Blast * Recharge 5 6

Attack: The icestorm vortex shifts 4 squares and makes an attack: close burst 1 (creatures in burst); +10 vs. Reflex Hit: 3d8 + 5 damage, and the vortex pushes the target 1 square. Miss: Half damage. Str 10 (+3) Dex 19 (+7) Wis 16 (+6) Con 16 (+6) Int 5 (+0) Cha 6 (+1) Alignment unaligned Languages Primordial

3 Lesser Ice Elementals (E) Level 3 Brute Medium elemental magical beast (cold, water) XP 150 HP 56; Bloodied 28 Initiative +3 AC 15; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 13 Perception +0 Speed 6 (ice walk), 6 swim Immune cold; Vulnerable 5 fire TRAITS Ice Glide An ice elemental can pass through nonmagical ice and snow as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other sign of its presence (Perception DC 23 to notice). STANDARD ACTIONS m Slam (cold) * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 5 cold damage.

M Ice Trap (cold) * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 5 cold damage and the target takes ongoing 5 cold

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damage and is immobilized (save ends both). TRIGGERED ACTIONS m Ice Shard Burst (cold) * Encounter

Trigger: The ice elemental drops to 0 hit points. Attack (No Action): Close burst 1 (creatures in burst); +6 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d8 + 4 cold damage and the target is petrified and takes ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends both). This ongoing cold damage ignores the resistance provided by the petrified condition. The ice elemental is destroyed. Str 17 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 8 (+0) Con 16 (+4) Int 8 (+0) Cha 15 (+3) Alignment unaligned Languages Primordial

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Daylight

Road: The snow on the road is only light and provide no hinder.

Snowy Landscape: The snow off the road is 1-2 feet deep and is treated as difficult terrain.

Stone block: The stone blocks provide cover, and superior cover for Small or smaller creatures.

Fir Tree: The fir trees provide concealment.

P1. Campsite (CR 2) While Teb Knotten relies on the ice mephit Izoze to scout

the Border Wood, a winter-touched atomie named Hommelstaub acts as his main advisor and overseer for the camp. Hommelstaub is an oracle of the gods of cold and the north, an agent of raw winter eager to cover Golarion in ice and purge its warm-blooded population−which makes him a natural ally of Queen Elvanna and the White Witches. A native of the First World, Hommelstaub would like nothing more than to paint the canvas of Golarion in the blues and whites and grays of eternal winter. During the day, the

atomie waits in the center of the campsite and attacks any intruders. If the PCs already encountered Hommelstaub at area O and defeated the atomie, then this area is empty.

Monster (XP 750): Hommelstaub, 4 winter sprite slingers

Tactics: The winter sprite slingers turns invisible and flies upward to hide in the falling snow, where their snow sight grants them a superior view of the camp. They throw thunderstones, smashing them against an armored enemy or the side of an igloo to deafen their opponents and warn Teb Knotten and his sprite allies (see Development, below). Hommelstaub casts reduce person on his attackers before

going in with the combination of his winter sickle and wintry touch.

Morale: Hommelstaub fights to the death, though if Teb Knotten is dead, he might try to flee through the winter portal back to lrrisen instead.

Development: If the winter sprites throw a thunderstone, the noise attracts the attention of the winter-touched sprites at area P3 and Teb Knotten at area P5. These opponents move as quickly as they can through the encampment to join the battle with the intruders.

Treasure (1,219 gp): Hommelstaub has a potion of cure light wounds (50 gp, see People of the North conversion), ritual of remove affliction (680 gp), scroll of endure element (100 gp), three alchemist's frost (225 gp), two thunderstones (100 gp) and 64 gp;

Hommelstaub Level 4 Elite Skirmisher (Leader) Tiny fey humanoid XP 350 HP 108; Bloodied 54 Initiative +8 AC 18; Fortitude 15; Reflex 18; Will 16 Perception +8 Speed 4, fly 10 Low-light vision Resist 10 cold; Vulnerable 5 fire Snow sight Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 TRAITS Speak with Animals Effect: The atomie can communicate with natural beasts. This power does not make animals friendly, and the animals are limited in their knowledge by their experiences and mobility. STANDARD ACTIONS m Winter Sickle (cold, weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 3 damage and1d8 cold damage .

R Reduce Person * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +7 vs. Will Hit: The target is reduced one size category and is weakened (save ends both). MINOR ACTIONS

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M Wintry Touch (cold) * At-Will (1/round)

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d6 + 4 cold damage and the target takes ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends). TRIGGERED ACTIONS Fey Disappearance (illusion) * Recharge 5 6

Trigger: The atomie takes damage from an attack. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The atomie becomes invisible until the end of its next attack.

Numbing Cold * Encounter

Trigger: The winter sprite takes damage from a melee attack. Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); +7 vs. Fortitude Hit: Target is dazed (save ends). Skills Acrobatic +11, Bluff +9, Stealth +11 (+14 in snow terrain) Str 6 (+0) Dex 19 (+6) Wis 12 (+3) Con 14 (+4) Int 12 (+3) Cha 16 (+4) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven Equipment sickle

4 Winter Sprite Slingers (S) Level 1 Artillery Tiny fey humanoid (cold) XP 100 HP 23; Bloodied 11 Initiative +3 AC 13; Fortitude 12; Reflex 15; Will 13 Perception +6 Speed 4, fly 6 Low-light vision Resist 10 cold; Vulnerable 5 fire TRAITS Snow Sight The sprite can see through falling snow and sleet without taking any penalties for concealment or Perception checks as long as there is enough light to see normally. STANDARD ACTIONS m Dagger (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 1d4 + 4 damage.

r Sling (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage.

R Fey Shot (weapon) * At-Will (3/Encounter)

Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage plus one of the following effects: * Thunderstone: The target takes 1d4 thunder damage, is pushed

1 square from the center of the burst, and deafened (save ends).

* Cold Stone (cold): The target takes ongoing 2 cold damage (save ends).

* Pixie Dust: The target can fly up to 6 squares as a free action.

Fade Out (illusion) * Encounter

The pixie becomes invisible until it hits or misses with an attack or until the end of its next turn. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Numbing Cold * Encounter

Trigger: The winter sprite takes damage from a melee attack. Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); +4 vs. Fortitude Hit: Target is dazed (save ends). Skills Nature +5, Stealth +8 (+13 in snow terrain) Str 6 (–2) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 10 (+0) Con 11 (+0) Int 12 (+1) Cha 13 (+1) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common, Elven Equipment leather armor, rapier

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Daylight

Fir Tree: Heavy ice burdens the trees to either side, bowing their branches until many touch the ground. By shaking the branches any creature standing under the tree might be temporarily blinded by falling snow and ice.

MINOR ACTIONS C Shaking Branches * At-Will Attack: Close burst 2 (creature in burst and under tree); Strength vs. Reflex Hit: Target is blinded until end of your next turn.

Special: Power can only be used once under the same tree.

Heavy Snow: The snow in the whole area is 2-4 feet deep. It costs 4 squares of movement to enter a square covered with heavy snow.

DM ADVICE: THE WINTER PORTAL The encounters P1 to P5 is more suited as one encounter in 4th Edition, considering it is all in one open area. By combining P1 and P5, while removing the winter sprites in P3, we get a total XP 1,400 or a CR 6 encounter, which is more in line with the characters level at this point in the adventure.

Heavy Snowfall: Heavy snowfall restricts visibility (obscures all sight beyond 5 feet, including darkvision). Creatures 2 or more squares away have total concealment.

Igloos: Igloos provide cover.

Ice Spears: The area around the portal is covered in ice spears. To enter an ice spear square costs a full move action and the creature must succeed on a DC 13 Arobatics or Athletics checks to enter the square. On a failure the creature takes 10 damage. If the skill check is successful but below a DC 21, the creature takes 5 damage.

P3. False Igloo (CR 1) The cold fey constructed this cleverly trapped igloo to

house prisoners or deceive would-be allies they no longer trust (like Rohkar). Hommelstaub and the winter sprites sleep on the small shelves inside, though most of them have

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left the camp for missions in the forest under Izoze's direction.

Trap (XP 150): Teb and the sprites dug a 20-foot-deep pit in the floor of the igloo, hiding it with snow- covered thatching. The walls of the pit are slick with ice, requiring a successful DC 20 Climb check to scale, which makes the pit a useful place for dumping prisoners or duping the unwary.

Pit Trap (P) Level 3 Trap Object XP 150 Detect Perception DC 21 Initiative − Immune attacks TRIGGERED ACTIONS M Attack * Encounter

Trigger: A creature enters one of the trap's four squares. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (triggering creature); +6 vs. Reflex Hit: The target falls 10 feet to the bottom of the pit, taking 2d10 damage and falling prone. Miss: The target returns to the last square it occupied and its movement ends immediately. Effect: The false floor opens and the pit is no longer hidden. COUNTERMEASURE * Disable: Thievery DC 21. Success: The false floor is revealed,

falls down and can no longer attack.

P4. Natural Cave Treasure (5,305 gp): The lockbox holds four potions of

feather step (400 gp, see Appendix), four blue quartz "ice diamonds" from Irrisen (100 gp each), a silver diadem (300 gp), a near flawless diamond (500 gp), a jeweled necklace (400 gp), a painting of Whitethrone (100 gp to an art collector), three sapphire rings (75 gp each), a decorative filigree longsword scabbard (125 gp), and a small scrimshaw sculpture of dancing sprites surrounding a

piping satyr (50 gp), as well as 2,457 gp, 3,313 sp, and 1,760 cp.

P5. Portal of Endless Winter (CR 1) During the day, the moss troll Teb Knotten spends his

time here, guarding the portal against any unauthorized use. He stays in tree shape to surprise anyone venturing here, taking the form of a large, black, dead tree trunk next to the portal. Teb carries a small mirror that allows Radosek Pavril to scry on him via the Irriseni mirror sight spell. Teb always checks his mirror twice per day, at sunrise and again just before sunset, to see whether Radosek is trying to communicate with him. If the PCs take Teb's mirror, Radosek uses it to spy on them, which might give him information he can use against them when they encounter him later in the Pale Tower (see area Q20).

Monsters (XP 500): Teb Knotten

Tactics: As soon as Teb becomes aware of intruders, the moss troll drinks his potion of feather step, allowing him to move at full speed through the heavy snow in the clearing.

Once Teb resumes his normal shape, he attempts to demoralize the nearest foe with an Intimidate check. Thereafter, Teb attacks with his spear of manhunting and bite, focusing his attacks on anyone carrying or using fire.

Morale: If lit on fire (takes any ongoing fire damage), Teb immediately drops to the ground so he can roll through the snow and put himself out, ignoring everything else until his flesh stops burning. As he forsakes all attacks on the round, he gets a +5 bonus on the saving throw to end the ongoing fire effect. Regardless, he fights on to the death, refusing to surrender or cede control of the portal.

Teb Knotten, Moss Troll (T) Level 6 Elite Brute Large natural humanoid (shapechanger) XP 500 HP 177; Bloodied 88 Initiative +6

AC 18; Fortitude 20; Reflex 18; Will 16 Perception +8 Speed 6, climb 3 Low-light vision

TRAITS Fear of Fire A moss troll is shaken an grants combat advantage as long as it is within 5 squares of a visible fire of at least torch size. Regeneration The moss troll regains 10 hit points whenever it starts its turn and has at least 1 hit point. When the troll takes fire or acid damage, its regeneration does not function on its next turn. Troll Healing (healing) Whenever an attack that doesn't deal acid or fire damage reduces the troll to 0 hit points, the troll does not die and instead falls unconscious until the start of its next turn, when it returns to life with 30 hit points. If an attack hits the troll and

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deals any acid or fire damage while the troll is unconscious, it does not return to life in this way. STANDARD ACTIONS m Spear * At-Will

Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage.

M Manhunting * Recharge when bloodied

Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Hit: 3d8 + 8 damage and the target is restrained (save ends). MINOR ACTIONS M Bite * At-Will (1/round)

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Hit: 3d6 + 6 damage, or 3d8 + 8 damage if target is restrained.

Change Shape (illusion) * At-Will

Effect: The moss troll alters its physical form to appear as a mossy tree until it uses change shape again or until it drops to 0 hit points. Other creatures can make a DC 28 Insight check to discern that the form is a disguise. Skills Acrobatics +11 Intimidate +7, Stealth +11 (+14 in vegetation) Str 20 (+8) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 14 (+4) Con 18 (+7) Int 5 (+0) Cha 9 (+2) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common, giant

Treasure (988 gp): Teb Knotten have the following items on him: a potion of feather step (100 gp, see Appendix), +1 spear of manhunting (840 gp, see Appendix), belt pouch, key to lockbox in area P4, small mirror, 48 gp.

The Black Rider In this roleplaying encounter we introduce a 4th Edition

skill challenge to see how much information the PCs get from the encounter.

Skill Challenge (XP 350): Questioning the Black Rider.

Questioning the Black Rider Level 4 Skill Challenge XP 350

You need to convince the Black Rider that you are not agents of the White Witches, and that you are capable adventurers worthy of his time.

The PCs can engage in a skill challenge with the Black Rider to receive his trust and be entrusted with saving the world.


2 (6 successes before 3 failures)

Primary Skills

Arcana, Bluff, Diplomacy, History, Intimidate


For every successful skill check the Black Rider answers one of their questions. Once they have succeeded on the skill check, they may ask as many questions as you as a DM feel is reasonable.


With every failed check the Black Rider either accuses them for being agents of the White Witches, or he challenges them on their worthiness to take up his valuable time - the servants of the White Witches may arrive at any time. If they fail 3 skill challenge checks he rides off, and the characters do not get "the boon of the mantle of the black rider", or his quest (se next section)


None. If the characters fail, the Black Riders rides off and they have to be happy with the amount of information they have managed to get out of him.

Diplomacy DC 14 (minor action, 1 success, maximum 3 success)

You manage to convince the Black Rider that you are: 1. No agents of the White Queen; 2. Capable adventurers ready to help him; 3. Worthy as you have already slain servants of the White Witches.

History DC 14 (minor action, 1 success, maximum 2 success)

You show that you have knowledge of: 1. Irrisen; 2. the White Witches; and therefore being able to put sensitive information in the right scope.

Arcana DC 14 (minor action, 1 success, maximum 2 success)

You showcase an understanding of: 1. witchcraft; 2. how to fight it.

Bluff DC 14 (minor action, 1 success, maximum 1 success)

You manage to convince the Black Rider that you are not scared of Baba Yaga and the White Witches of Irrisen.

Intimidate DC 21 (minor action, 1 success, maximum 1 success)

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Your anger at the Black Rider's distrust at your capabilities convinces him that you are the right people for the job.

The Mantle of the Black Rider Treasure (3400 gp): Succeeding in the skill challenge of

the Black Rider gives each of the PCs the following arcane boon:

The Mantle of the Black Rider Level 3 The Black Rider's words carry the power of witchcraft, transferring the mystic ties between himself and Baba Yaga. The PCs take on the mantle of the Black Rider, gaining some of his power. Lvl 3 680 gp Arcane Boon Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to one ability score of your choice. Curse: If you cease to follow the quest for more than 24 hours, you lose all the benefits of this boon, and grant combat advantage to all enemies, until you have resumed the quest for 24 hours. Power (Daily ♦ Healing): Minor Action. You gain resist 10 to cold damage until the end of your next turn.

The Rider explains that he's no longer capable of carrying out the mission assigned to him−finding and rescuing Baba Yaga−so he must pass the task on to the PCs. He produces the two keys to the Dancing Hut−a lock of white hair from a frost giant's beard and a plague doctor's mask. These two items appear perfectly normal and mundane in every way, but they are the literal keys to take the Dancing Hut to a new destination in search of Baba Yaga. Elvanna has drained the keys of their power, but the Rider has the power to reactivate them, if the PCs will accept the mantle of responsibility. When he has said his piece, the Black Rider slits his own throat, bathing the two keys in his life's blood. This empowers the keys, but kills the Rider, and there is no way to save him through normal means. As he

expires, his magic robes melt away like ice in a fire, leaving behind the body of an old man dressed in a simple black tunic.

Major Quest (XP 3,200): 640 XP/Player. Find the Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga and use the two keys inside.


WITCHES It is significantly colder here, and subzero temperatures

(below 0° F/-15°C), force an unprotected character to make an Endurance check every 4 hours (DC 26) or lose one healing surge on a failed check. Characters wearing a cold weather outfit only need check once every 8 hours for cold and exposure damage. As in the Border Wood, snow covers the ground, reducing overland travel rates by half.

Fortunately, the portal deposits the PCs on a forested hillside where they can see the faint and distant lights of a village miles away, but they are still far from the warmth of civilization. With a successful DC is Survival check, a PC realizes that to make matters worse, a snowstorm appears to be headed their way, and the distant village is the only shelter they can reach before blizzard-like conditions overtake them.

EVENT 1: THE HUNGRY MANTIS (CR 5) The travelers have come under attack from a pair of

ankhegs and their broodlings−monsters that once made their lair in the Border Wood in Taldor, but crossed through the portal into Irrisen. Confused by the cold weather and voraciously hungry, the mantises attacked and grabbed one of the travelers, who now lies unconscious in its mandibles. The peasants are trying to drive the mantises away, but are no match for the giant insects.

Monsters (XP 1028): 2 advanced ankhegs, 6 ankheg broodlings (advanced)

Tactics: The ankhegs aggressively defend its prize, eager to feast. Once wounded, they sets down its victim and uses acid spray on as many attackers as possible. If it successfully grabs a creature, it holds its victim in place, following through with gnaw and scuttle from its mandibles.

The broodling stays close to their parents, eagerly attacking any target grabbed by their parents with their brood swarm and mandible rip powers.

Morale: Cold, hungry and disoriented, the mantis fights to the death.

2 Advanced Ankhegs (A) Level 5 Elite Lurker Large natural beast XP 400 HP 134; Bloodied 67 Initiative +11 AC 19; Fortitude 16; Reflex 18; Will 16 Perception +10 Speed 8, burrow 4 (tunneling) Tremorsense 5 Resist 5 acid Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 TRAITS Mandible Carry The ankheg can move at normal speed while grabbing a creature that is Medium or smaller. STANDARD ACTIONS m Claw * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 4 damage.

M Mandible Grab * At-Will

Requirements: The ankheg cannot be grabbing a creature. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 4 damage, and the target is grabbed.

C Acid Spray (acid) * Recharge when first bloodied

Attack: Close Blast 3 (creatures in blast); +10 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 4 acid damage, and the target is slowed and takes ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends both).

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MINOR ACTIONS M Gnaw and Scuttle (acid) * At-Will(1/round)

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the ankheg); +10 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 2 damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends). The ankheg then shifts 2 squares and pulls the target to a square adjacent to its new location. Skills Stealth +12 Str 16 (+5) Dex 21 (+7) Wis 17 (+5) Con 19 (+6) Int 13 (+3) Cha 4 (–1) Alignment unaligned Languages —

6 Ankheg Broodlings (B) Level 3 Minion Brute Small natural beast XP 38 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +4 AC 17; Fortitude 14; Reflex 16; Will 14 Perception +2 Speed 6, burrow 2 (tunneling) Tremorsense 5 TRAITS Brood Swarm An ankheg broodling gains a +4 bonus to attack rolls against targets that are grabbed by any ankheg. STANDARD ACTIONS m Claw * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 5 damage.

M Mandible Rip (acid) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 6 damage. If the ankheg broodling makes a critical hit against a target, each creature adjacent to that target takes 3 acid damage. Str 11 (+1) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 13 (+2) Con 14 (+3) Int 1 (–4) Cha 2 (–3) Alignment unaligned Languages —

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Daylight

Snowy Landscape: The snow off the road is 1-2 feet deep and is treated as difficult terrain.

Stone block: The stone blocks provide cover, and superior cover for Small or smaller creatures.

Fir Tree: The fir trees provide concealment.

EVENT 3.TROUBLING TROUBADOUR (CR 3) Sometime during their evening meal, a small troupe of

travelling minstrels approach the camp seeking shelter−a winter forlarren named Mierul Ardelain, and her three winter gnomes: Cold, Freeze and Sneeze. They come travelling in a small wagon pulled by two donkeys. Mierul, the product of an unholy union between a fiend and a nymph in neighboring Varisia, has a hairless body, bare goat legs, and a horned head. After her birth, Mierul found little acceptance among her mother's people. Driven into Irrisen many years ago for her unscrupulous acts, she became a traveling bard, playing a circuit through Irrisen's remote towns and villages, always stopping to pay her respects to the White Witch who governs each region. Eventually, Mierul pledged her loyalty to Queen Elvanna, accepting a sliver of ice into her heart and becoming winter-touched. She now serves the queen as a spy, and is traveling to the Pale Tower to check on Radosek, as Elvanna no longer trusts the accuracy of Nazhena's second-hand reports regarding the Black Rider. Seeing another party of travelers in the wood, Mierul quickly seeks out Nadya's band to assess whether they've met the Black Rider or know where he might be.

Nadya is somewhat startled and nervous when Mierul arrives, uneasy about the cold fey's request to join them and yet unable to refuse without arousing the forlarren's ire or suspicion. Mierul sits well away from the fire as she joins the evening meal, doing her part to provide an evening of entertainment with songs, music, and tale-telling. The forlarren's attention is soon drawn to the PCs, however, as

she senses something different about them. When Mierul attempts to engage them in conversation, Nadya covers for the PCs by claiming they're relatives visiting from another village, making a Bluff check opposed by Mierul's Insight +3 check (Nadya has a Bluff modifier of +2). The PCs can assist Nadya's Bluff check with aid another actions.

If Nadya succeeds at the Bluff check, Mierul buys the story, and pays the PCs no more mind unless they otherwise arouse her suspicion. Even if the bluff fails, Mierul masks her skepticism, pretending to believe their story. Once she finishes her meal, Mierul takes her leave and journeys on to the Pale Tower (see Development, below).

Monsters (XP 800): Mierul Ardelain (winter forlarren bard), 3 winter gnome troopers

Tactics: If attacked, Mierul uses a combination of song of the flame blade and hellfire touch. She uses her bardic performance to inspire courage through raise spirits. She gives a nymph's kiss to the most dangerous foe. The winter gnomes use fade away or vanish from sight to position themselves for deadly attacks with war picks or crossbows.

Morale: Mierul is a coward at heart, not a warrior. If reduced to 27 hit points or fewer, she flees into the winter storm.

Story Award (XP 600): If the PCs successfully hide their identities from Mierul.

Mierul Ardelain (M) Level 4 Elite Controller (Leader) Medium fey humanoid (cold) XP 350 HP 108; Bloodied 54 Initiative +5 AC 18; Fortitude 15; Reflex 16; Will 16 Perception +8 Speed 6 Low-Light Vision Resist 10 cold; Vulnerable 5 fire TRAITS Remorse Whenever a forlarren kills a living creature, it becomes

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overwhelmed with remorse, and can't make any attacks (save ends). STANDARD ACTIONS m Claw * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 2d4 + 7 damage.

M Song of the Flame Blade * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 3 fire damage, and any ally who hits the target before the end of Yeraa’s next turn gains 4 temporary hit points. MINOR ACTIONS C Raise Spirits (healing) * Encounter

Effect: Burst 5 (allies in burst); the target regains 10 hit points and slides 1 square as a free action.

M Hellfire Touch (fire) * At-Will (1/round)

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 2d4 + 2 damage and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). TRIGGERED ACTIONS M Nymph's Kiss (charm, psychic) * Encounter

Trigger:The forlarren is hit by a melee attack from an adjacent enemy. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (triggering creature); +7 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d6 + 4 psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).

Numbing Cold * Encounter

Trigger: Mierul takes damage from a melee attack. Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); +7 vs. Fortitude Hit: Target is dazed (save ends). Skills Acrobatics +10, Arcana +6, Diplomacy +10, History +6, Stealth +10 Str 12 (+3) Dex 17 (+5) Wis 13 (+3) Con 14 (+4) Int 8 (+1) Cha 16 (+5) Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven Equipment +2 resounding bastard sword, wand, 100 gp, chainmail

3 Winter Gnome Troupers (G) Level 3 Lurker Small fey humanoid (cold) XP 150 HP 40; Bloodied 20 Initiative +8 AC 17; Fortitude 15; Reflex 15; Will 13 Perception +2 Speed 5 Low-Light Vision Resist 10 cold; Vulnerable 5 fire TRAITS Reactive Stealth If a gnome has cover or concealment when it rolls initiative, it can make a Stealth check to become hidden. STANDARD ACTIONS m War Pick (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 7 damage, or 2d8 + 7 damage if the gnome was invisible to the target when it attacked.

R Hand Crossbow (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 10/20 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 7 damage, or 2d6 + 7 damage if the gnome was invisible to the target when it attacked.

Vanish from Sight (illusion) * At-Will

Effect: The gnome becomes invisible until it hits or misses with an attack or until the end of its next turn. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Fade Away (illusion) * Encounter

Trigger: The gnome takes damage. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The gnome becomes invisible until it hits or misses with an attack or until the end of its next turn.

Numbing Cold * Encounter

Trigger: The winter gnome takes damage from a melee attack. Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); +6 vs. Fortitude Hit: Target is dazed (save ends). Skills Bluff +7, Stealth +9, Thievery +9 Str 8 (+0) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 12 (+2) Con 16 (+4) Int 14 (+3) Cha 13 (+2) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven Equipment leather armor, war pick, crossbow, 20 crossbow bolts

Treasure (3,424 gp): Potion of healing (50 gp), potions of

mimicry (100 gp, AV p. 188), light crossbow with 10 bolts, ice floe elixir (160 gp, see Appendix), entertainer's outfit, +2 cloak of resistance with a white hood (2,600 gp), opal necklace (worth 500 gp), 14 gp.

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EVENT 4: EYES IN THE SKY (CR 3) More servants of the White Witches soon beset the PCs,

however. This time, a swarm of ravens soars through the sky, on the lookout for any sign of travelers. These birds serve the Pale Tower, coordinated by Radosek and his minions in an effort to locate the Black Rider. Anything they observe or encounter can easily be communicated back to Radosek since many of his allies can use speak with animals.

Nadya is well aware of the ravens' purpose, and though her caravan might normally escape their attention, she knows the PCs' southern garb will likely give them away. At her direction, the caravan guards unfurl white tarps to draw over the dogsleds and hide the caravan and the PCs until the ravens fly past. Each of the PCs must succeed at a successful DC 20 Stealth check to fool the ravens in this manner, but the tarps grant a +5 circumstance bonus on the check. In anyone fails this check, the ravens settle to the ground and begin attacking the tarps in an effort to draw out those hiding beneath it. The tarp is relatively light (hardness 0, hp 2) and the ravens deal automatic damage by swarming over it.

Monsters (XP 750): Witchraven swarm

Tactics: The ravens swarm around as many targets as possible, scratching at opponents' eyes with eye rake to maim and blind them.

Morale: If reduced to 30 hit points or fewer, the raven swarm disperses.

Witchraven Swarm (S) Level 3 Solo Brute Large shadow beast (swarm) XP 750 HP 216; Bloodied 108 Initiative +4 AC 15; Fortitude 15, Reflex 16, Will 13 Perception +8 Speed 2, fly 8 Low-light vision Immune disease, poison Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks

Vulnerable 10 against close and area attacks Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2 TRAITS

Death from Above * Aura 1 Any enemy that ends its turn in the aura or inside the swarm takes 5 damage. Swarm The swarm can occupy the same space as another creature, and an enemy can enter its space, which is difficult terrain. The swarm cannot be pulled, pushed, or slid by melee or ranged attacks. It can squeeze through any opening that is large enough for at least one of the creatures it comprises. STANDARD ACTIONS m Swarm of Talons * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).

M Double Attack * At-Will Effect: The shadowraven swarm makes two swarm of talons attacks versus two different targets.

C Eye-Rake * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Close burst 1 (creatures in burst); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 4 and the target is blinded (save ends). MOVE ACTIONS M Ravens Wrath * Recharge 4 5 6

Effect: The witchraven swarm shifts up to 6 squares and can move through enemy-occupied squares as it moves. It makes a swarm of talons attack against any creature whose space it enters. The swarm cannot attack a target more than once in this fashion, and it must end its movement in an unoccupied square. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Split * At-Will Trigger: When first bloodied. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The witchraven swarm splits into two, each with hit points equal to one-half its current hit points. Effects applied the original witchraven swarm do not apply to the second one. A witchraven swarm can’t split if reduced to 0 hit points by the attack that bloodied it. Left alone, the two halves recombine into a single creature at the end of the encounter.

Str 12 (+2) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3) Con 14 (+3) Int 1 (-4) Cha 8 (+0) Alignment evil Languages –

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Daylight

Snowy Landscape: The snow off the road is 1-2 feet deep and is treated as difficult terrain.

Stone block: The stone blocks provide cover, and superior cover for Small or smaller creatures.

Fir Tree: The fir trees provide concealment.

Story Award: If the PCs succeed in hiding from the raven swarm, award them full XP for the encounter and an additional 400 XP in story award.

NADYA'S DAUGHTER If the PCs learned of Thora's tragic fate and share what

happened to her with Nadya, the young mother is horrified. But an icy resolve soon comes over her, and she becomes even more willing to take direct action against Nazhena and the White Witches . In time, she will grieve for her lost daughter, but for now, she volunteers to help the PCs and their cause.

Treasure (840 gp): Nadya bestows her snowshoes of northern pursuit (840 gp, see Appendix) upon one of the PCs in the hope of speeding the PCs' journey, wherever it takes them.

Story Award (XP 600): If the PCs provide closure for Nadya by discovering Thora's true fate and informing her.

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EVENT 5: INHOSPITABLE HOSTS (CR 4) At some point during the PCs' stay in Waldsby, Katrina

convinces her husband Emil to lure the PCs into the White Weasel for drinks. Katrina serves the PC who seems to be the group's leader a special concoction called suggestive tea and whispers that they should leave Irrisen immediately, hoping to use the tea's magic to convince the PCs to leave Waldsby under their own volition. If the targeted PC successfully resists this compulsion, Emil takes matters into his own hands, threatening the PCs with his crossbow instead and telling them to leave the town and never come back.

Creatures (XP 925): Emil Goltiaeva, Katarina Goltiaeva, 4 ulfen bouncers

Tactics: Emil relies on his heavy crossbow, making sure to load his +1 human-bane bolt first and targeting the human PC he deems most dangerous.

Katrina defends herself and Emil by command on controllers and burning hands if the enemies are bundled together, in an effort to drive the PCs from the tavern. She casts healing word to aid her husband if he is injured, and touch of fatigue if threatened directly.

The ulfen bouncers targets defenders and start with a combination of push through and greatclub.

Morale: Emil fights until Katrina tells him to stop. If she's killed, however, he fights to the death.

If reduced to 10 hit points or fewer, Katrina tries to escape the battle with Emil if possible. If Emil is slain, Katrina breaks down and immediately surrenders, cursing the PCs for bringing ruin upon her and the entire village.

The ulfen bouncers fight to the death.

Emil Goltiaeva, Barkeeper (E) Level 3 Artillery Medium natural humanoid, human XP 150 HP 34; Bloodied 17 Initiative +1 AC 15; Fortitude 13; Reflex 14; Will 15 Perception +8 Speed 6 STANDARD ACTIONS m Sap (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d4 + 3 damage, and a secondary attack: Secondary Attack: +6 vs. Fortitude Hit: Target is dazed (save ends).

r Crossbow (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage.

R Human Bane Bolt (weapon) * Encounter

Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage. BOON Sharing Rooms and Rumors A barkeep can arrange free room and board for PCs for up to a week. He can also share local rumors and customs with PCs, granting a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy and Insight checks in his community for 1 day. Skills Bluff +6, Diplomacy +6, History (local) +7 Str 9 (+0) Dex 11 (+1) Wis 14 (+3) Con 10 (+1) Int 12 (+2) Cha 10 (+1) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven Equipment leather armor, sap, crossbow, 10 bolts. 1 human bane bolt

Katrina Goltiaeva, Doomsayer (K) Level 4 Controller Medium natural humanoid, human XP 175 HP 52; Bloodied 26 Initiative +3 AC 18; Fortitude 15; Reflex 15; Will 17 Perception +5 Speed 6 STANDARD ACTIONS m Sickle (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage.

M Touch of Fatigue (necrotic) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d8 + 5 necrotic damage, and the target is slowed and grants combat advantage until the end of Katrina’s next turn.

C Burning Hands (fire) * Encounter

Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in the blast); +7 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 + 5 fire damage. Miss: Half damage.

R Command (charm) * Encounter

Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +7 vs. Will Hit: The target is dazed until the end of Katrina’s next turn. In addition, Katrina can choose to knock the target prone or slide the target up to 5 squares. MINOR ACTION C Healing Word (healing) * 2/Encounter (1/round)

Effect: One ally within 5 squares of Katrina spends a healing surge and regains 1d6 + 5 additional hit points. BOON Fearsome Reputation A doomsayer can spread word of the party’s fearsome reputation, granting a +2 circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks in that community for 1 week. A doomsayer can also scribe scrolls for PCs at a 10% discount. Skills Diplomacy +9, Heal +10, History +7, Religion +7 Str 10 (+2) Dex 12 (+3) Wis 16 (+5) Con 12 (+3) Int 10 (+2) Cha 14 (+4) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment leather armor, sickle

4 Ulfen Bouncers (B) Level 3 Brute Medium natural humanoid, human XP 150 HP 55; Bloodied 27 Initiative +2 AC 15; Fortitude 16; Reflex 14; Will 15 Perception +3 Speed 6 STANDARD ACTIONS

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m Greatclub (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage. MINOR ACTIONS M Push Through * Recharge when first bloodied

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. Fortitude Hit: The bouncer pushes the target, knocks it prone, and shifts 1 square into the square the target vacated. TRIGGERED ACTIONS M Vengeful Clout (weapon) * Encounter

Trigger: The bouncer drops to 0 hit points. Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d6 + 3 damage, and the target falls prone. Skills Intimidate +6 Str 17 (+4) Dex 13 (+2) Wis 14 (+3) Con 15 (+3) Int 11 (+1) Cha 10 (+1) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment leather armor, greatclub

The House Spirit Creature (XP 150): Hatch

Tactics: In the unlikely event that the PCs chooses to fight Hatch, the domovoi uses reduce person on the fiercest enemy and then lullaby on as many enemies as possible. He pushes enemies away with telekinesis. If reduced to 10 hp or lower he uses invisibility to escape.

Morale: If Hatch do not manage to sneak away while invisible he surrenders to the PCs, hoping they are merciful.

Hatch, Domovoi (H) Level 3 Lurker Tiny fey humanoid XP 150 HP 38; Bloodied 19 Initiative +8 AC 17; Fortitude 14; Reflex 16; Will 14 Perception +7 Speed 4 Low-light vision STANDARD ACTIONS m Club (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 7 damage.

C Lullaby (sleep) * Encounter

Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in burst), +6 vs. Will Hit: The target is slowed (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target falls unconscious (save ends).

R Reduce Person * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +5 vs. Will Hit: The target is reduced one size category and is weakened (save ends both).

Invisibility (illusion) * Recharge when the domovoi takes damage Effect: The domovoi becomes invisible until it hits or misses with an attack. MOVE ACTIONS R Telekinesis * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +6 vs. Fortitude Effect: The domovoi slides the target up to 4 squares. Skills Bluff +8, History (local) +5, Stealth +9 Str 10 (+1) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 13 (+2) Con 14 (+3) Int 9 (+0) Cha 15 (+3) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven

EVENT 6: SERCH AND SEIZURE (CR 1) Six Pale Tower guards have been sent to Nadya's house to

bring her to their sergeant at the White Weasel. The PCs can either hide from the guards or defend Nadya's family and themselves. Each of the PCs must succeed at a Stealth

check (opposed by the soldiers' Perception checks) to succes sfully hide or escape Nadya's home without being noticed.

If the domovoi Hatch (see the House Spirit sidebar) learned ofThora Petska's fate while eavesdropping on the PCs, the soldiers' cruelty earns his wrath and the fey starts hurling household items at them with his telekinesis ability. If the PCs take advantage of this distraction, they can get the benefits of a surprise round against the guards .

Creatures (XP 564): 3 pale tower guards, 3 pale tower archers

Tactics: The guards team up to provide flanking bonuses or use aid another actions to improve one another's attacks or AC. They try to mark their foes with longsword attack to get the benefits of I’m still here.

Morale: The guards fight to the death.

3 Pale Tower Guards (G) Level 3 Soldier Medium natural humanoid, human XP 150 HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +5 AC 19; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 14 Perception +6 Speed 5 STANDARD ACTIONS m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage. Effect: The target is marked until the end of the guard’s next turn.

M Powerful Strike (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and the target falls prone.

R Crossbow (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage. TRIGGERED ACTIONS M I’m Still Here (weapon) * Encounter

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Trigger: An enemy marked by the guard makes an attack that doesn’t include the guard as a target. Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The guard makes a melee basic attack against the triggering enemy. Skills Streetwise +7 Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment chainmail, crossbow, crossbow bolt x20, longsword

3 Pale Tower Archers (A) Level 3 Minion Soldier Medium natural humanoid, human XP 38 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +5 AC 19; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 14 Perception +6 Speed 5 STANDARD ACTIONS m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 4 damage.

R Crossbow (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 6 damage. Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment chainmail, crossbow, crossbow bolt x20, longsword

Treasure (504 gp): Together the guards have the following valuables: six potions of endure elements (150 gp), six chainmails (120 gp), six crossbows (75 gp), six longswords (45 gp), six cold-weather outfits (24 gp), and 15 gp each (90 gp)

EVENT 7: THE GUARD SERGEANT (CR 3) Sergeant Volan Sertane, the leader of the Pale Tower

guards sent to Waldsby, waits at the White Weasel with four more Pale Tower guards. When he first meets the PCs, Volan brazenly devalues their prowess, assuming that he can cow them as easily as the villagers he's bullied so often. Even if the PC are not prisoners and have come to rescue Nadya, Volan confidently recommends they mean to surrender and submit to the witch of the Pale Tower, intimating that far worse awaits them-and the villagers-if they refuse. Volan has little intention of taking the PCs straight to the Pale Tower, however. If they lay down their weapons, he wisely orders his guards to bind anyone he suspects as a spellcaster and commandeers the tavern to question his captives on the whereabouts of the Black Rider, using his potion of interrogation if he thinks they might be lying. If the PCs attack, Volan and his guards respond in kind.

Creatures (XP 776): Sergeant Volan Sertane, 2 pale tower guards, 2 pale tower archers

Tactics: Volan attacks with his sword and spiked shield, targeting humans when possible to take advantage of his favored enemy bonus. Against heavily armored opponents, he switches to single attacks with his longsword instead, pausing only to drink a potion of healing to keep going.

Morale: If reduced to 10 hit points or fewer, Volan realizes the battle has turned against him. He takes the total defense action and uses a move action to retrieve his attentive mirror to warn Radosek about the danger the PCs pose before they can overwhelm him (see Development, below).

Sergeant Volan Sertane (V) Level 5 Elite Soldier (Leader) Medium natural humanoid, human XP 400 HP 126; Bloodied 63 Initiative +4 AC 21; Fortitude 19; Reflex 16; Will 17 Perception +3 Speed 5 Saving Throws +2; Action Point 1 STANDARD ACTIONS m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 9 damage.

M Swordsman’s Tactics (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 8 damage, and the target grants combat advantage until the end of the sergeant’s next turn. Effect: One of the sergeant’s allies within 5 squares of the target can make a basic attack against the target as a free action.

C Withes’ Cold (cold) * Encounter

Attack: Close blast 5 (enemies in the blast); +8 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 + 5 cold damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). Effect: Allies in the blast gain 5 temporary hit points. TRIGGERED ACTIONS M Bashing Shield Strike (weapon) * At-Will

Trigger: An enemy leaves a square adjacent to the sergeant. Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 1 (the triggering enemy); +9 vs. Reflex Hit: The target falls prone. Skills Athletics +21, Intimidate +10 Str 20 (+7) Dex 10 (+2) Wis 13 (+3) Con 15 (+4) Int 15 (+4) Cha 16 (+5) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment chainmail, longsword, heavy shield

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2 Pale Tower Guards (G) Level 3 Soldier Medium natural humanoid, human XP 150 HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +5 AC 19; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 14 Perception +6 Speed 5 STANDARD ACTIONS m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage. Effect: The target is marked until the end of the guard’s next turn.

M Powerful Strike (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and the target falls prone.

R Crossbow (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage. TRIGGERED ACTIONS M I’m Still Here (weapon) * Encounter

Trigger: An enemy marked by the guard makes an attack that doesn’t include the guard as a target. Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The guard makes a melee basic attack against the triggering enemy. Skills Streetwise +7 Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment chainmail, crossbow, crossbow bolt x20, longsword

2 Pale Tower Archers (A) Level 3 Minion Soldier Medium natural humanoid, human XP 38 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +5 AC 19; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 14 Perception +6 Speed 5 STANDARD ACTIONS m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 4 damage.

R Crossbow (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 6 damage. Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment chainmail, crossbow, crossbow bolt x20, longsword

Treasure (1319 gp): Sergeant Volan carries the following equipment: two potions of healing (100 gp), potion

of endure elements (25 gp, see Appendix), potion of interrogation (125 gp, see Appendix), a +1 heavy shield of protection (680 gp) and 24 gp. Together the guards and the sergeant have the following extra equipment: four potions of endure elements (100 gp), five chainmails (100 gp), four crossbows (50 gp), five longswords (35 gp), five cold-weather outfits (20 gp), and 15 gp each guard (60 gp)

Willing Allies Story Award (XP 800): If the PCs convince Hatch to aid

them in their assault on the Pale Tower. You will find statistics for Hatch as a companion character below.

Hatch, Domovoi (H) Level 3 Lurker Tiny fey humanoid XP 150 HP 38; Bloodied 19 Initiative +8 AC 17; Fortitude 14; Reflex 16; Will 14 Perception +7 Speed 4 Low-light vision STANDARD ACTIONS m Club (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 7 damage.

C Lullaby (sleep) * Encounter

Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in burst), +6 vs. Will Hit: The target is slowed (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target falls unconscious (save ends).

R Reduce Person * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +5 vs. Will Hit: The target is reduced one size category and is weakened (save ends both).

Invisibility (illusion) * Recharge when the domovoi takes damage Effect: The domovoi becomes invisible until it hits or misses with an attack. MOVE ACTIONS R Telekinesis * At-Will

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Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +6 vs. Fortitude Effect: The domovoi slides the target up to 4 squares. Skills Bluff +8, History (local) +5, Stealth +9 Str 10 (+1) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 13 (+2) Con 14 (+3) Int 9 (+0) Cha 15 (+3) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven


EVENT 8: ON THE ROAD (CR 3) Shortly after leaving Waldsby, the PCs attract the

attention of a pack of witchcrows, large, intelligent crows with an innate talent for witchcraft. The witchcrows, was drawn to the area because of the potent magic involved in the winter portal. Since arriving, they have become a recurring nuisance for Nazhena and Radosek, who have repeatedly driven them away from the Pale Tower.

The witchcrows can sense the powerful magic in the keys to BabaYaga's hut carried by the PCs with their detect magic ability and covets one for their nests. They follow the PCs at a distance until they can approach unseen at night, then appear before the PCs to engage them in conversation, lulling them into a false sense of complacency as they questions them about their destination and bold approach toward the Pale Tower. The witchcrows' conversation is short-lived, however. Under the pretense of offering them additional information, they narrow their scrutiny with detect manic until they can identify the magic keys. Once they have located their prize, they attack.

Creatures (XP 774); 3 witchcrow beaks, 1 witchcrow eyes, 4 witchcrow talons

Tactics: Lytil casts vanish to disappear and circle her quarry, relying on ventriloquism to distract and fool opponents as she uses flyby attacks with Improved Steal combat maneuvers. If she successfully snatches her prize, she immediately retreats. Otherwise, she continues

attacking with her claws, targeting ranged attackers with her hexes and casting mirror image to further defend herself.

Morale: Lytil persists until she's reduced to 10 hit points or fewer, at which point she gives up and flees into the forest.

3 Witchcrow Beaks (B) Level 3 Skirmisher Small magical beast XP 150 HP 42; Bloodied 21 Initiative +6 AC 17; Fortitude 13; Reflex 16; Will 15 Perception +8 Speed 2, fly 8 (hover) Darkvision, Resist 5 cold Low-light vision TRAITS Speak with Birds Effect: The witchcrow can communicate with birds (natural beasts). This power does not make birds friendly, and the birds are limited in their knowledge by their experiences and mobility. STANDARD ACTIONS m Talons * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 2d3 + 5 damage, and the witchcrow shifts 4 squares.

C Evil Cackle (psychic) * At-Will

Attack: Close burst 3 (creatures in burst); +8 vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d8 + 6 psychic damage and target is pushed 2 squares. MINOR ACTIONS Mirror Image * Encounter

Effect: Two duplicate images of the witchcrow appear in its space, and it gain a +4 bonus to AC. Each time an attack misses the witchcrow, one duplicate images disappears, and the bonus granted by decreases by 2. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Vanish (illusion) * Recharge 5 6

Trigger: The witchcrow takes damage from an attack. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The witchcrow becomes invisible until the end of its next attack.

Skills Arcana +7, Stealth +9; Thievery +9 Str 10 (+1) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3) Con 10 (+1) Int 15 (+3) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common

Witchcrow Eyes (E) Level 5 Controller Small magical beast XP 200 HP 60; Bloodied 30 Initiative +6 AC 19; Fortitude 15; Reflex 18; Will 17 Perception +10 Speed 2, fly 8 (hover) Darkvision, Resist 5 cold Low-light vision TRAITS Detect Magic Effect: The witchcrow can as a free action detect magic as if it had a passive Arcane check of 30. STANDARD ACTIONS m Talons * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Hit: 2d4 + 6 damage.

R Evil Eye (necrotic) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +8 vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + 4 necrotic damage and the target is immobilized until the end of the witchcrow’s next turn. MINOR ACTIONS Mirror Image * Encounter

Effect: Two duplicate images of the witchcrow appear in its space, and it gain a +4 bonus to AC. Each time an attack misses the witchcrow, one duplicate images disappears, and the bonus granted by decreases by 2. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Ill Omen * Recharge 5 6

Trigger: An enemy uses an arcane ranged or are attack within 10 squares of the witchcrow Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The attack fails, but any encounter or daily power is not lost. Skills Arcana +10, Bluff +8, Stealth +11 Str 12 (+3) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 16 (+5) Con 12 (+3) Int 17 (+5) Cha 13 (+3)

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Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common

4 Witchcrow Talons (T) Level 2 Minion Skirmisher Tiny magical beast XP 31 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +6 AC 16; Fortitude 12; Reflex 16; Will 14 Perception +7 Speed 2, fly 8 (hover) Darkvision, Resist 5 cold Low-light vision STANDARD ACTIONS m Talons * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 5 damage.

M Flyby Attack * At-Will

Effect: The witchcrow flies up to its speed and uses talons once during that movement. It does not provoke opportunity attacks when moving away from the target of the attack. MINOR ACTIONS Mirror Image * Encounter

Effect: Two duplicate images of the witchcrow appear in its space, and it gain a +4 bonus to AC. Each time an attack misses the witchcrow, one duplicate images disappears, and the bonus granted by decreases by 2. Str 8 (+0) Dex 16 (+4) Wis 12 (+2) Con 8 (+0) Int 13 (+2) Cha 11 (+1) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Daylight

Snowy Landscape: The snow off the road is 1-2 feet deep and is treated as difficult terrain.

Stone block: The stone blocks provide cover, and superior cover for Small or smaller creatures.

Fir Tree: The fir trees provide concealment.

Q1. Outer Gate (CR 2) Two Pale Tower guards are currently posted by the ice

gate, and five Pale Tower Archers are posted on the battlements atop the gate. A successful DC 20 Bluff check is sufficient for a PC to convince them that the PCs are expected and they should open the gate. If the PCs have disguised themselves using equipment taken from the Pale Tower guards in Waldsby, they receive a +5 circumstance bonus on this check. Otherwise, they have to find their own way inside the tower's walls. Of course, the guards don't sit idly by while PCs invade the tower. They attack anyone attempting to scale or breach the walls.

Creatures (XP 490): 2 pale tower guards, 5 pale tower archers.

Story Award: If the PCs fool the guards into letting them in or otherwise bypass the guards at the gate, award them XP as if they had defeated the guards in combat.

2 Pale Tower Guards (G) Level 3 Soldier Medium natural humanoid, human XP 150 HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +5 AC 19; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 14 Perception +6 Speed 5 STANDARD ACTIONS m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage. Effect: The target is marked until the end of the guard’s next turn.

M Powerful Strike (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and the target falls prone.

R Crossbow (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage. TRIGGERED ACTIONS M I’m Still Here (weapon) * Encounter

Trigger: An enemy marked by the guard makes an attack that doesn’t include the guard as a target. Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The guard makes a melee basic attack against the triggering enemy. Skills Streetwise +7 Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment chainmail, crossbow, crossbow bolt x20, longsword

5 Pale Tower Archers (A) Level 3 Minion Soldier Medium natural humanoid, human XP 38 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +5 AC 19; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 14 Perception +6 Speed 5 STANDARD ACTIONS m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 4 damage.

R Crossbow (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 6 damage. Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment chainmail, crossbow, crossbow bolt x20, longsword

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Daylight

Ice Walls: The ice walls are 25 feet high and require a DC 30 Athletics checks to climb. Guards on the battlement have cover against people at the gate.

Ice Gate: The magical ice wall is controlled by the guards and can be suppressed for up 9 rounds to allow access. Breaking the ice requires a DC 24 Strength check, where up to 2 persons can provide aid (without a battling ram).

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Any person successfully smashing through the ice takes 10 cold damage. The magic can also be suppressed for one round with a successful DC 25 Arcane check.

Ice Portcullis: Behind the ice wall is an ice portcullis of inverted icicles, which is controlled by the guards. Breaking through the portcullis is a DC 15 Strength check were 2 persons can give aid. The magic can also be suppressed for one round with a successful DC 20 Arcane check.

Fir Tree: The fir trees provide concealment.

Treasure (583 gp): Together the guards have the following valuables: seven potions of endure elements (175 gp), seven chainmails (140 gp), seven crossbows (85 gp), seven longswords (50 gp), six cold-weather outfits (28 gp), and 15 gp each (105 gp)

DM ADVICE: THE PALE TOWER BOTTOM FLOOR The encounters on the bottom floor can be combined to make a more interesting fight for a 4th Edition party. Assuming the party manages to gain entrance without a fight, the Q2 Courtyard (XP 500) and Q3 Entrance Hall (XP 500) can be combined into one encounter (CR 5) by having Bordegga after having become bloodied to move into the Entrance Hall.

If they the take a short rest have Q6 North Barracks (XP 452) and Q7 South Barracks (XP 776) join forces and storm them coordinated after the rest as a single encounter (CR 6).

If the party press on without a short rest, run the encounter as written.

Q2. Courtyard (CR 5) The primary danger in this courtyard is a nasty ice troll

named Bordegga, retained by Radosek to help guard the tower in Nazhena's absence. The troll is too large to comfortably reside in the tower itself, so she's made her bed among the vacant kennels instead. Bordegga doesn't particularly care for her assignment as no amount of gold has ever filled her empty stomach. Her hunger has already driven her to eat the tower's remaining dogs, and she eagerly assaults any outsiders foolish enough to enter the courtyard uninvited.

Creatures (XP 500): Bordegga, ice troll

Tactics: Bordegga fights with her maul, focusing her attacks on anyone capable of casting spells since she fears fire magic. If injured by fire or acid, she flies into a rage, using her frenzied attack and spending a move action to tear off her buring scale armor (taking a -4 penalty on AC for the rest of the battle).

Morale: Bordegga fights to the death.

Bordegga, Ice Troll Level 10 Soldier Large natural humanoid XP 500 HP 109; Bloodied 55 Initiative +9 AC 26; Fortitude 23; Reflex 19; Will 17 Perception +7 Speed 8 TRAITS Regeneration The troll regains 5 hit points whenever it starts its turn and has at least 1 hit point. When the troll takes fire or acid damage, its regeneration does not function on its next turn.

Emanating Cold * Aura 1

Any enemy that starts its turn in the aura is slowed by the numbing cold until the start of its next turn. Troll Healing (healing) Whenever an attack that doesn't deal acid or fire damage reduces the troll to 0 hit points, the troll does not die and instead falls unconscious until the start of its next turn, when it

returns to life with 15 hit points. If an attack hits the troll and deals any acid or fire damage while the troll is unconscious, it does not return to life in this way. STANDARD ACTIONS m Maul (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +15 vs. AC Hit: 3d6 + 10 damage. TRIGGERED ACTIONS M Frenzied Strike * At-Will

Trigger: When the troll's attack bloodies an enemy. Effect (Free): The troll makes a maul attack. Skills Athletics +16, Endurance +15 Str 22 (+11) Dex 18 (+9) Wis 14 (+7) Con 21 (+10) Int 6 (+3) Cha 8 (+4) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Giant Equipment maul, scale armor

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Dim light from magical light inside the ice walls.

Kennels: The are empty of dogs. Pushing a Medium sized enemy into the kennel can be done, but it requires a move action to close and bar the door to the kennel.

Ice Dragon Statue: See Development below.

Icicle Door and Pillars: The ice pillars are covered on one side with icicles. Any creature pushed into such a square or starting in such a square takes 5 damage and 5 cold damage.

Large Mirrors: Two large mirrors hang on the ice wall. These are useful tools for Nazhena and Radosek to spy upon their minions or guests with the Irriseni mirror sight ritual.

Treasure (500 gp): Bordegga has stashed the payment totaling 500 gp.

Development: The statue in the courtyard is a completely normal ice sculpture when the PCs first enter the courtyard. When they later encounter Radosek in area

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Q20, however, the winter witch retreats here to rally his troops and animates the statue with a scroll of animate objects, instructing it to attack the PCs (see Development on page 53).

Creature (XP 500): Animated ice dragon

Tactics: The animated statue moves at the direction of Radosek, charging from the sky if allowed to fly. It otherwise slam sits opponents, seeking to grapple and pin anyone Radosek deems especially dangerous.

Morale: The statue fights until destroyed.

Animated Ice Dragon Level 6 Elite Brute Large natural animate (cold, construct, dragon) XP 500 HP 175; Bloodied 88 Initiative +6 AC 18; Fortitude 19; Reflex 18; Will 17 Perception +10 Speed 6 Darkvision, Immune cold; Vulnerable 5 fire Low-light vision Saving Throws +2; Action Point 1 STANDARD ACTIONS m Bite * At-Will

Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Hit: 2d10 + 7 damage.

M Claw * At-Will

Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage.

M Dragon’s Fury * At-Will

Effect: The construct uses bite once and claw twice. If both claw attacks hit the same target, the target falls prone.

C Breath Weapon (cold) * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in the blast); +9 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 7 cold damage, and ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends). Miss: Half damage. TRIGGERED ACTIONS M Tail Sweep * At-Will

Trigger: An enemy leaves a square within 2 squares of the

construct. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 2 (the triggering enemy); +9 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 + 7 damage, and the target falls prone. Str 19 (+7) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 15 (+5) Con 18 (+7) Int 10 (+3) Cha 13 (+4) Alignment unaligned Languages -

Q3. Entrance Hall (CR 1) Water elementals lives within the spring, acting as

additional guardians and caretakers of the tower's waterworks. They routinely sends fresh water through the hollow pillars surrounding the pool into other parts of the tower, such as the privies (area Q4) and the kitchen (area Q9). Any member of the Pale Tower staff can command the elementals, but they attack any creatures carrying fire that approach the pool, knowing full well the danger fire poses to those living in the Pale Tower. If a battle takes place here, the conflict warns the guards in areas Q6 and Q7, who quickly arm themselves to join the fight or to plan an ambush.

Creatures (XP 500): 2 water elemental servants

Tactics: The elementals uses their water wave abilities to put out open flames. If attacked, they use their drowning essence to pull them into the hot springs.

Morale: The elemental fights to the death.

2 Water Elemental Servants (W) Level 6 Controller Medium elemental magical beast (aquatic, water) XP 250 HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +5 AC 19; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 14 Perception +6 Speed 6, swim 6 TRAITS Aquatic The elemental can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic creatures.

Sensitive to Cold Whenever the elemental takes cold damage, it gains vulnerable 5 against the next attack that hits it before the end of its next turn. STANDARD ACTIONS m Slam * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 2 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).

C Water Wave * Encounter

Attack: Close blast 3 (enemies in the blast); +9 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d6 + 7 damage, and the elemental pushes the target up to 2 squares and knocks it prone. Effect: All nonmagical flames and ongoing fire effects in the blast area are extinguished or ended. MINOR ACTIONS Drowning Essence * At-Will (1/round)

Effect: The elemental slides each creature taking ongoing damage from its slam 2 squares. Str 18 (+7) Dex 15 (+5) Wis 11 (+3) Con 14 (+5) Int 5 (+0) Cha 8 (+2) Alignment unaligned Languages Primordial

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Dim light from magical light inside the ice walls.

Dais: Running or charging across the stairs of the dais runs the risk of falling prone unless the creature succeeds on a DC 15 Acrobatics check.

Pillars: The pillars provide cover for Medium sized creatures or smaller.

Pool: The hot water pool makes the air misty above it. Any creatures on opposite sides of the pool have concealment versus each other (use rules for flanking to determine effect).

Teleporters: The ice crystal teleporters here on the first floor transport targets to the dining hall (area Q8) on the

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second floor of the tower. Lacking the activation phrase or key, the teleporters can also be activated with a successful DC 25 Arcana check.

Large Mirrors: Four large mirrors hang on the ice wall. These are useful tools for Nazhena and Radosek to spy upon their minions or guests with the Irriseni mirror sight ritual.

Q6. North Barracks (CR 1) These barracks usually house 18 guards. Presently, just

six Pale Tower guards occupy the room, recovering from an extended foray into the countryside searching for the Black Rider. They have only recently returned, so they're fatigued, unarmed, and unarmored. It takes them 6 rounds to hastily don their armor and pick up their shields if alerted to battle elsewhere in the tower.

If surprised, the guards spend the first round of battle arming themselves with weapons from the locker to the south. If unable to reach it, they retreat through the room's other exit to join Yana Dultsev in area Q7 or flee to the dining hall (area Q8) using the ice crystal teleporters. If the PCs haven't yet faced the water elemental in area Q3, the guards command them to attack the invaders, then make their escape.

Creatures (XP 452): 2 pale tower guards, 4 pale tower archers.

Tactics: If the PCs prevent the guards to reach their weapons. Their damage is reduced to using their fists for 1d2+3 damage (2 damage for the minions). If the guards have not had time to don their armor they have AC 15.

2 Pale Tower Guards (G) Level 3 Soldier Medium natural humanoid, human XP 150 HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +5 AC 19; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 14 Perception +6 Speed 5 STANDARD ACTIONS m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage. Effect: The target is marked until the end of the guard’s next turn.

M Powerful Strike (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and the target falls prone.

R Crossbow (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage. TRIGGERED ACTIONS M I’m Still Here (weapon) * Encounter

Trigger: An enemy marked by the guard makes an attack that doesn’t include the guard as a target. Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The guard makes a melee basic attack against the triggering enemy. Skills Streetwise +7 Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment chainmail, crossbow, crossbow bolt x20, longsword

4 Pale Tower Archers (A) Level 3 Minion Soldier Medium natural humanoid, human XP 38 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +5 AC 19; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 14 Perception +6 Speed 5 STANDARD ACTIONS m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 4 damage.

R Crossbow (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 6 damage. Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment chainmail, crossbow, crossbow bolt x20, longsword

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Bright light from a lantern at the table, otherwise dim light from magical light inside the ice walls.

Beds: Beds are difficult terrain. A bed can be overturned to provide cover for ranged attacks.

Bench and Table: Bench and table are difficult terrain.

Treasure (504 gp): Together the guards have the following valuables: six potions of endure elements (150 gp), six chainmails (120 gp), six crossbows (75 gp), six longswords (45 gp), six cold-weather outfits (24 gp), and 15 gp each (90 gp)

Q7. South Barracks (CR 3) This room provides quarters for another 13 more guards

and the three sergeants who lead them.

Currently, just one sergeant, Yana Dultsev, and four of her best fighters reside here, sharing drinks after a patrol. Unlike the guards in the northern barracks (area Q6), Yana and her fellow guards have already rested and are fully equipped. If alerted to the PCs' intrusion, they prepare an ambush at each of the barracks' doors with one team fighting defensively to hold off intruders while the other circles around to take the PCs from behind.

Creatures (XP 776): Sergeant Yana Dultsev, 2 pale tower guards, 2 pale tower archers

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Tactics: Yana fights at the forefront of battle while the guards accompanying her clamber over beds to surround opponents or fire their crossbows.

Morale: Yana and her guards fight to the death.

Sergeant Yana Dultsev (Y) Level 5 Elite Soldier (Leader) Medium natural humanoid, human XP 400 HP 126; Bloodied 63 Initiative +4 AC 21; Fortitude 19; Reflex 16; Will 17 Perception +3 Speed 5 Saving Throws +2; Action Point 1 STANDARD ACTIONS m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 9 damage.

M Swordsman’s Tactics (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 8 damage, and the target grants combat advantage until the end of the sergeant’s next turn. Effect: One of the sergeant’s allies within 5 squares of the target can make a basic attack against the target as a free action.

C Withes’ Cold (cold) * Encounter

Attack: Close blast 5 (enemies in the blast); +8 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 + 5 cold damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). Effect: Allies in the blast gain 5 temporary hit points. TRIGGERED ACTIONS M Bashing Shield Strike (weapon) * At-Will

Trigger: An enemy leaves a square adjacent to the sergeant. Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 1 (the triggering enemy); +9 vs. Reflex Hit: The target falls prone. Skills Athletics +21, Intimidate +10 Str 20 (+7) Dex 10 (+2) Wis 13 (+3) Con 15 (+4) Int 15 (+4) Cha 16 (+5) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment chainmail, longsword, heavy shield

2 Pale Tower Guards (G) Level 3 Soldier Medium natural humanoid, human XP 150 HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +5 AC 19; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 14 Perception +6 Speed 5 STANDARD ACTIONS m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage. Effect: The target is marked until the end of the guard’s next turn.

M Powerful Strike (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and the target falls prone.

R Crossbow (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage. TRIGGERED ACTIONS M I’m Still Here (weapon) * Encounter

Trigger: An enemy marked by the guard makes an attack that doesn’t include the guard as a target. Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The guard makes a melee basic attack against the triggering enemy. Skills Streetwise +7 Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment chainmail, crossbow, crossbow bolt x20, longsword

2 Pale Tower Archers (A) Level 3 Minion Soldier Medium natural humanoid, human XP 38 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +5 AC 19; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 14 Perception +6 Speed 5 STANDARD ACTIONS m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 4 damage.

R Crossbow (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 6 damage. Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment chainmail, crossbow, crossbow bolt x20, longsword

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Bright light from a lantern at the table, otherwise dim light from magical light inside the ice walls.

Beds: Beds are difficult terrain. A bed can be overturned to provide cover for ranged attacks.

Bench, Chairs and Table: Bench, chairs and table are difficult terrain.

Treasure (639 gp): Sergeant Yana carries the following equipment: two potions of healing (100 gp), potion of endure elements (25 gp, see Appendix), potion of interrogation (125 gp, see Appendix), and 24 gp. Yana also carries a special key attuned to the ice crystal teleporters in area Qs.

Together the guards and the sergeant have the following extra equipment: four potions of endure elements (100 gp), five chainmails (100 gp), four crossbows (50 gp), five longswords (35 gp), five cold-weather outfits (20 gp), and 15 gp each guard (60 gp)

Q8. Dining Hall (CR 1) Four winter-touched atomies defenders spend most of

their time here, perfecting an acrobatic routine in anticipation of the evening's festivities. They turn invisible to defend the tower if they detect intruders.

Creatures (XP 400): 2 winter atomie defenders

Tactics: The atomies use their vanish from sight power to maneuver into position for sneak attacks. Thereafter, they

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shot arrows at the enemies with their small short bows or engage in close combat with their rapiers if detected, trying to flank with one another or Mierul (see Development, below) to continue the fight.

Morale: The atomies fight to the death.

4 Winter Atomie Defender (A) Level 5 Lurker Tiny fey humanoid (cold) XP 200 HP 51; Bloodied 25 Initiative +10 AC 19; Fortitude 16; Reflex 18; Will 17 Perception +8 Speed 4, fly 10 Low-light vision Resist 10 cold; Vulnerable 5 fire TRAITS Speak with Animals Effect: The atomie can communicate with natural beasts. This power does not make animals friendly, and the animals are limited in their knowledge by their experiences and mobility. STANDARD ACTIONS m Rapier (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage, or 4d6 + 4 damage if the atomie was invisible to the target when it attacked.

r Short Bow * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Hit: 2d4 + 5 damage, or 4d4 + 5 damage if the atomie was invisible to the target when it attacked.

Vanish from Sight (illusion) * At-Will

Effect: The atomie becomes invisible until it hits or misses with an attack or until the end of its next turn. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Fey Disappearance (illusion) * Recharge 5 6

Trigger: The atomie takes damage from an attack. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The atomie becomes invisible until it hits or misses with an attack or until the end of its next attack.

Numbing Cold * Encounter

Trigger: The winter sprite takes damage from a melee attack. Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); +8 vs.

Fortitude Hit: Target is dazed (save ends). Skills Acrobatic +11, Bluff +10, Stealth +11 (+14 in snow terrain) Str 8 (+1) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 13 (+3) Con 15 (+4) Int 12 (+2) Cha 17 (+5) Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven Equipment leather armor, rapier

DM ADVICE: THE PALE TOWER UPPER FLOOR The encounters on the upper floor can be combined to make a more interesting fight for a 4th Edition party. The Q8 Dining Hall (XP 400) and Q9 Kitchen (XP 350) can be combined into one encounter (CR 3) by having Mig Epsel arriving in the second or third round of the battle.

If they the take a short rest have Captain Hestrig in Q12 Library (XP 600) and Gardheg in Q11 Quest Room (XP 350) join forces and storm them coordinated after the rest as a single encounter (CR 3). Have them try to retreat or lure the party to follow them into Q13 Mirrored Hall (XP 1,000) and you have a challenging single encounter of CR 8.

If the party press on without a short rest, run the encounter as written.

The party will find the teleporters to the Aerie in Q15 Ice Crystal Teleporters after defeting the Mandragoras in Q14 Conservatory (CR 3).

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Bright light from chandelier in the roof, otherwise dim light from magical light inside the ice walls.

Chairs: Chairs are difficult terrain.

Chandelier: If the chandelier in the roof take 10 hp of damage (or 5 hp fire damage) it falls done to the ground.

FREE ACTIONS C Crashing Chandelier * At-Will

Attack: Close burst 1 (creatures in burst); +8 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d10 damage, and the target is knocked prone.

Great Table: Jumping onto the great table requires 2 squares of movement. Any melee attacks against enemies standing next to the table gains a +1 attack bonus to hit due to the advantage of higher ground.

Large Mirrors: Two large mirrors hang on the ice wall. These are useful tools for Nazhena and Radosek to spy upon their minions or guests with the Irriseni mirror sight ritual.

Teleporters: The alcoves along the western wall are ice crystal teleporters linked to area Q5. Lacking the activation phrase or key, the teleporters can also be activated with a successful DC 25 Arcana check.

Q9. Kitchen (CR 1) Nazhena employs an ill-tempered spriggan named Mig

Epsel as the Pale Tower's cook. Mig runs his kitchen with two of his brothers. He brooks no interruptions or disturbances from anyone.

Creatures (XP 350): Mig Epsel, spriggan giantsoul.

Tactics: Mig casts scare on intruders to force them out of his kitchen and into the dining hall. If successful, he follows along so he can use his size alteration ability to become Large and continue the fight.

Morale: Mig fights to death.

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Mig Epsel, Spriggan Giantsoul (M) Level 8 Brute Small fey humanoid XP 350 HP 106; Bloodied 53 Initiative +6 AC 20; Fortitude 21; Reflex 19; Will 20 Perception +7 Speed 6 Low-light vision STANDARD ACTIONS m Slam * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: 3d6 + 8 damage, or 3d6 + 13 while the giantsoul is bloodied.

M Giantsoul Slam * Recharge 4 5 6

Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: 3d6 + 8 damage, and the target falls prone. While the giantsoul is bloodied, the damage increases to 3d6 + 13. TRIGGERED ACTIONS M Surprise Slam * Encounter

Trigger: An enemy within 2 squares of the giantsoul attacks one of the giantsoul’s allies. Effect (Immediate Interrupt): Giantsoul slam recharges, and the giantsoul uses it against the triggering enemy. Skills Athletics +13, Intimidate +10, Stealth +11 Str 18 (+8) Dex 15 (+6) Wis 17 (+7) Con 16 (+7) Int 10 (+4) Cha 12 (+5) Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven Equipment iron-shod boots, hide armor

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Bright light from the fireplace in the oven, otherwise dim light from magical light inside the ice walls.

General furniture: Crates, barrels and tables are difficult terrain and can give cover to Small sized creatures or smaller.

Cabinets: Cabinets stand along the walls, filled with utensils, potteries and foodstuff. With a successful DC 15 Strength check a cabinet can be tipped over crashing over any people next to it.

MOVE ACTIONS C Crashing Cabinet * At-Will

Attack: Close blast 2 (creatures in blast); +8 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and the target is knocked prone.

Treasure (300 gp): Among Mig's creations is a tray of baked goods − one of which is a spiteful cookie (300 gp, see Appendix) in the shape of a white dragon.

Q11. Guest Bedroom (CR 1) This bedroom is normally reserved for visitors to the Pale

Tower, such as winter witches visiting from Whitethrone. Currently, a doppelganger named Gardhek is staying here, retained by Nazhena to impersonate Lady Argentea Malassene. Radosek intends to "return" the false noble to Oppara to act as a spy and delay any response to the winter portal in the Border Wood.

An uncouth creature at best, Gardhek has been trying to perfect Argentea's mannerisms while experimenting with clothing and items stolen from her carriage. Gardhek learned what Lady Argentea looked like and was able to study some of her mannerisms through Radosek's Irriseni mirror sight spell. More recently, the doppelganger has been studying Taldan etiquette to better blend into noble society. Gardhek has no prior knowledge of the PCs, but immediately attempts to mislead them into thinking it's the real Lady Argentea, claiming the one they met at the High Sentinel Lodge was an imposter. If questioned, "Lady Argentea" claims to have lost many of her memories because of the trauma of her abduction in an attempt to cover any gaps in her knowledge of the real Argentea's life. If the PCs see through the doppelganger's ruse with a successful DC 23 Sense Motive check (if they met and rescued the real Argentea, they gain a +10 bonus on the check), it doesn't hesitate to attack. Gardhek has a knack for survival and knows Radosek and Nazhena need it to carry

out their plans in Taldor. If reduced to 10 hit points or fewer, it flees, running for the ice crystal teleporter in area Q15 to join Jairess Sonn in the aerie (area Q17).

Creatures (XP 350): Gardhek, Doppelganger Assassin

Gardhek, Doppelganger Assassin (G) Level 8 Lurker Medium natural humanoid (shapechanger) XP 350 HP 69; Bloodied 35 Initiative +13 AC 23; Fortitude 18, Reflex 21, Will 21 Perception +10 Speed 6 STANDARD ACTIONS m Dagger (weapon) * At-Will Attack: Melee 1(one creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage, or 4d6 + 5 if the doppelganger has combat advantage against the target.

C Cloud Mind (charm) * Encounter

Attack: Close burst 5 (creatures in burst); +11 vs. Will Hit: The doppelganger assassin is invisible to the target. Affected targets are unable to see the doppelganger for as long as it sustains the effect, until the doppelganger attacks, or until it is hit by an attack. MINOR ACTIONS M Shapeshifter Feint * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. Reflex Hit: The target grants combat advantage to the doppelganger until the end of the doppelganger's next turn.

Change Shape (polymorph) * At Will Effect: The doppelganger alters its physical form to appear as a Medium humanoid until it uses change shape again or until it drops to 0 hit points. To assume a specific individual's form, the doppelganger must have seen that individual. Other creatures can make a DC 30 Insight check to discern that the form is a disguise. Skills Bluff +15, Insight +12, Stealth +14 Str 12 (+5) Dex 21 (+9) Wis 12 (+5) Con 15 (+6) Int 13 (+5) Cha 19 (+8) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment dagger

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Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Bright light from a lantern by the desk, otherwise dim light from magical light inside the ice walls.

General furniture: The bed, desk, chairs and chests are are difficult terrain. The bed can be turned on the side by a move action and give cover to a Medium sized creatures or smaller.

Large Mirror: One large mirror hangs on the ice wall. These are useful tools for Nazhena and Radosek to spy upon their minions or guests with the Irriseni mirror sight ritual.

Q12. Library (CR 1) The library's current occupant is the Pale Tower guard

captain, a veteran warrior named Hestrig Orlov. Though she is primarily of Ulfen descent, her lineage also includes a white dragon from the northern glaciers. The White Witches immediately recognized the value of her icy draconic bloodline, prompting her to join their service at an early age.

Recently, Hestrig has discovered that the white dragon Auburphex, slain by Nazhena's mother and commemorated by the ice sculpture in the tower's courtyard (area Qz), is the same dragon whose blood courses through her veins. Hestrig hasn't yet come to grips with this realization, unsure whether she should avenge her draconic ancestor or keep the secret to herself In the meantime, she studies the recorded history of that time, hoping to learn why the dragon opposed the White Witches. She aggressively attacks any intruders venturing here.

Creature (XP 600): Captain Hestrig Orlov

Tactics: Hestrig attacks with her designated smite and greatsword against her opponents, alternating attacks with spells such as dragonfrost, coldblast or snowball. If faced with a formidable foe, she changes strategy and tries to get assistance from Gardhek in the neighboring room. Hestrig

is loathe to use her elixir of fire breath, as she acquired it as an insurance policy against treachery from the ice troll Bordegga (see area Q2) or the cold fey in the tower.

Morale: Hestrig lacks the wisdom to flee or surrender. She fights to the death.

Captain Hestrig Orlov (H) Level 7 Elite Soldier Medium natural humanoid, human XP 600 HP 158; Bloodied 79 Initiative +5 AC 24; Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 19 Perception +4 Speed 5 Saving Throws +2; Action Point 1 STANDARD ACTIONS m Greatsword (weapon) * At-Will Attack: Melee 1(one creature); +12 vs. AC Hit: 2d10 + 4 damage and marked until the end of the captain's next turn.

M Designating Smite (weapon) * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Melee 1(one creature); +12 vs. AC Hit: 2d10 + 8 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the captain’s next turn and slowed (save ends). In addition, while the creature is slowed due to this attack, the captain and all his allies gain a +1 power bonus to attack rolls and a +4 power bonus to damage rolls against that target. MINOR ACTIONS R Dragon Sorcerer Bloodline * At-Will (1/round)

Effect: The captain casts one of the following spells. This attack does not provoke opportunity attacks. 1. Dragonfrost (cold): Ranged 10 (one creature). 1d8 + 6 cold damage and ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends). 2. Cold Blast (cold): Close blast 3 (creatures in blast); +10 vs. Reflex; 2d6+4 cold damage, and the target is slowed until the end of the captain’s next turn. 3. Snowball (cold): Ranged 10 (one creature); +10 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 6 cold damage. If the target is a living creature, it also gains vulnerable 5 cold until the start of the captain's next turn. TRIGGERED ACTIONS M Termination Order (weapon) * Encounter

Trigger: An adjacent enemy becomes bloodied Effect (Immediate Reaction): The captain immediately recharges designating smite (if necessary), and uses that power against the triggering enemy. Skills Bluff +15, Insight +12, Stealth +14 Str 20 (+8) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 12 (+4) Con 15 (+5) Int 11 (+3) Cha 18 (+7) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment greatsword, leather armor

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Bright light from a lantern on the table, otherwise dim light from magical light inside the ice walls.

Bookshelves: Bookshelves stand along the walls, filled with books and scrolls. With a successful DC 15 Strength check

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a bookshelf can be tipped over, crashing over any people next to it.

MOVE ACTIONS C Crashing Bookshelf * At-Will

Attack: Close blast 2 (creatures in blast); +8 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and the target is knocked prone.

Table and Chairs: The table and chairs are difficult terrain. The table can be turned on the side by a move action and give cover to a Medium sized creatures or smaller.

Large Mirror: One large mirror hangs on the ice wall. These are useful tools for Nazhena and Radosek to spy upon their minions or guests with the Irriseni mirror sight ritual.

Treasure (3705 gp): Hestrig carries the following equipment: elixir of red dragon breath (100 gp, AV p.186), two potions of cure light wounds (100 gp, See People of the North conversion), +2 vicious greatsword (2,600 gp), +1 frostwolf pelt (840 gp, AV 2 p.66), the key to chest in area Q16, teleporter key to area Q15, and 65 gp

Q13. Mirrored Hall (CR 5) The nymph ice sculptures are actually animated objects

that guard this hall and the ice crystal teleporter in the eastern alcove. They remain inactive unless they're attacked or a creature fails to give the proper command phrase to operate the teleporter. The statues fight until destroyed.

Creatures (XP 1000): 4 animated ice nymphs.

Tactics: The animated ice nymphs close in on the target and try to grab them in order to be able to use their icy hug power.

Morale: The animated ice nymphs fight to the death.

4 Animated Ice Nymphs (N) Level 6 Controller Medium large animate (cold, construct) XP 250 HP 70; Bloodied 35 Initiative +4 AC 20; Fortitude 20; Reflex 17; Will 18 Perception +4 Speed 6 (ice walk) Darkvision, Immune cold; Vulnerable 5 fire Low-light vision STANDARD ACTIONS m Slam * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage

M Grab (cold) * At-Will

Effect: The nymph makes two slam attacks. If both attacks hit the creature is grabbed (escape DC 15) and take ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends). The ice nymph can only grab one enemy at a time.

C Frost Breath (cold) * At-Will

Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in blast); +9 vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d8 + 6 cold damage. Effect: The blast area becomes slippery ice and difficult terrain. The DC of Acrobatics checks increases by 5. A successful DC 15 Acrobatics check is required to run or charge across the area. 10 fire damage to a square removes the ice in that square. MINOR ACTIONS Icy Hug (cold) * At-Will (1/round)

Effect: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the nymph). The target takes 2d6 + 2 damage and ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends). Str 18 (+7) Dex 12 (+4) Wis 13 (+4) Con 14 (+5) Int 10 (+3) Cha 15 (+5) Alignment unaligned Languages -

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Dim light from magical light inside the ice walls.

Large Mirror: One large mirror hangs on the ice wall. These are useful tools for Nazhena and Radosek to spy upon their minions or guests with the Irriseni mirror sight ritual.

Teleporters: The alcoves along the western wall are ice crystal teleporters linked to area Q20. Lacking the activation phrase or key, the teleporters can also be activated with a successful DC 25 Arcana check.

Q14. Conservatory (CR 3) Among the many plants in the conservatory are three

mandragoras that Nazhena created using demon blood. Because of their hostility, even to its creator, Nazhena chained them up here, though to her annoyance, she still occasionally suffers from their unsettling shriek. Now, she mostly shows off the mandragora to visiting colleagues, or feeds them with those servants who displease her. The

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mandragoras have struggled mightily against the chains securing them to the eastern wall, and the ice around the chains is now severely weakened. Each round the PCs remain in this room, the mandragoras pulls against the chains. With a successful DC 15 Strength check, they individually fracture the weakened ice and break free. Once released, the mandragoras ravenously attack anyone within reach.

Creatures (XP 750): 3 mandragora

Tactics: If the characters have not spotted the mandragoras with either a passive Perception check against DC 24, any mandragora that breaks free has a surprise round. During the surprise round, the mandragora immediately use terror shriek, then bite of madness on anyone within reach, in order to cause confusion with their poison. After this initial surprise attack, they continue attacking with slam and bite of madness.

Morale: The mandragora fights to the death.

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Dim light from magical light inside the ice walls.

Garden: The small garden is covered in plants and vines. All the squares with greenery is difficult terrain, but not for the mandragoras.

Tables and Figurines: The tables and figurines are difficult terrain. They provide cover to a Small sized creatures or smaller.

Large Mirror: One large mirror hangs on the ice wall. These are useful tools for Nazhena and Radosek to spy upon their minions or guests with the Irriseni mirror sight ritual.

3 Mandragoras (M) Level 6 Brute Small fey magical beast (plant) XP 250 HP 89; Bloodied 44 Initiative +4 AC 18; Fortitude 20; Reflex 16; Will 18 Perception +5 Speed 6, burrow 2 (loose earth only) Low-light vision TRAITS Vulnerable to Darkness Effect: In areas of magical darkness the mandragora is slowed. STANDARD ACTIONS m Slam * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage

M Bite of Madness (poison) * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d8 + 8 damage and ongoing 5 poison damage and secondary effect (save ends both). Secondary Effect: The poison have a random effect during the targets turn, roll 1d3 at the start of the target's turn: 1. Target does nothing but babble incoherently. 2. Target attack nearest creature with an at-will power. 3. Target deals 1d8 + 6 damage to itself.

C Terror Shriek (psychic) * Encounter

Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in blast); +9 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d10 + 6 psychic damage and the target is dazed (save ends). Skills Stealth +9 (+14 in vegetation) Str 15 (+5) Dex 12 (+4) Wis 15 (+5) Con 19 (+7) Int 8 (+2) Cha 10 (+3) Alignment evil Languages Abyssal, Common

Q16. Hestrig’s Bedroom Treasure (1,162 gp): Hestrig’s chest contains an elixir of

truth (680 gp, see Appendix), three potions of feather fall (75 gp, see Appendix), a pair of silver bracers traced with figures of dragons worth 250 gp, a jeweled scepter worth 175 gp, an agate worth 50 gp, and three blue quartz crystals worth 100 gp each, as well as 256 gp, 473 sp, and 894 cp.

Q17. Aerie (CR 5) A young sylph cleric named Jairess Sonn looks after the

tower's ravens, which proudly serve Nazhena and Radosek as spies. Jairess's faith in Gozreh allows her to speak with the ravens, and she directs them in scouting the surrounding area. She translates their reports to update Radosek and the tower's guards, alerting them to unwelcome visitors in Nazhena's domain. Jairess is actually a newcomer to the Pale Tower. Her exotic nature and attractiveness has drawn the attention of several guards, as well as Radosek himself. Radosek even crafted a special key for her so she could visit the tower's upper levels should she wish. So far, Jairess has turned down this opportunity, but carries a key to the ice crystal teleporter in area Qi3. If intruders enter the aerie, Jairess orders the ravens to form a swarm and attack the invaders.

Creatures (XP 1190): Jairess Sonn, 5 pale tower archers, witchraven swarm

Tactics: Jairess directs her ravens to swarm opponents on the first round of battle while she drinks her elixir of levitation and rises into the air. She then casts lance of faith, followed by hold foe to keep enemies from avoiding the witchraven swarm.

If she must fight, Jairess casts hammering wind to force enemies over the edge and use her spear. If any of the pale tower archers are significantly injured, she casts healing word to bring them back into the battle.

Morale: Once she exhausts her offensive spells and healing powers, Jairess surrenders, calling her surviving birds back to her. If the raven swarm is slain, Jairess avenges them by fighting to the death.

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Jairess Sonn, Sylph Cleric (J) Level 6 Controller Medium fey humanoid, sylph XP 250 HP 68; Bloodied 34 Initiative +6 AC 20; Fortitude 16; Reflex 18; Will 19 Perception +7 Speed 6 STANDARD ACTIONS m Spear (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage

r Lance of Faith * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +9 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage, and one ally Jairess can see gains a +2 bonus to its next attack roll against the target.

R Hold Foe * Encounter

Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +9 vs. Will Hit: 2d6 + 7 damage and the target is dazed and immobilized (save ends both). Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed until the end of Jairess next turn.

M Hammering Wing (thunder) * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 8 thunder damage, and Jairess push the target 3 square and knock it prone. Effect: Jairess slide each ally within 3 squares of her up to 2 squares. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Feather Fall * Encounter

Trigger: Jairess falls Effect: Jairess takes no damage from the fall, regardless of the distance, and does not fall prone at the end of the fall.

Healing Word * 3/Encounter (1/round)

Trigger: A minion ally is killed within 5 squares of Jairess. Effect: The minon is returned to 1 hp but is considered bloodied. Skills Diplomacy +9, Insight +12, Nature +12, Religion +9 Str 8 (+2) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 18 (+7) Con 12 (+4) Int 12 (+4) Cha 14 (+5) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Primordial

Equipment leather armor, spear, dagger, light shield

5 Pale Tower Archers (A) Level 3 Minion Soldier Medium natural humanoid, human XP 38 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +5 AC 19; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 14 Perception +6 Speed 5 STANDARD ACTIONS m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 4 damage.

R Crossbow (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 6 damage. Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment chainmail, crossbow, crossbow bolt x20, longsword

Witchraven Swarm (S) Level 3 Solo Brute Large shadow beast (swarm) XP 750 HP 216; Bloodied 108 Initiative +4 AC 15; Fortitude 15, Reflex 16, Will 13 Perception +8 Speed 2, fly 8 Low-light vision Immune disease, poison Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks Vulnerable 10 against close and area attacks Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2 TRAITS

Death from Above * Aura 1 Any enemy that ends its turn in the aura or inside the swarm takes 5 damage. Swarm The swarm can occupy the same space as another creature, and an enemy can enter its space, which is difficult terrain. The swarm cannot be pulled, pushed, or slid by melee or ranged attacks. It can squeeze through any opening that is large enough

for at least one of the creatures it comprises. STANDARD ACTIONS m Swarm of Talons * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).

M Double Attack * At-Will Effect: The shadowraven swarm makes two swarm of talons attacks versus two different targets.

C Eye-Rake * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Close burst 1 (creatures in burst); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 4 and the target is blinded (save ends). MOVE ACTIONS M Ravens Wrath * Recharge 4 5 6

Effect: The witchraven swarm shifts up to 6 squares and can move through enemy-occupied squares as it moves. It makes a swarm of talons attack against any creature whose space it enters. The swarm cannot attack a target more than once in this fashion, and it must end its movement in an unoccupied square. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Split * At-Will Trigger: When first bloodied. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The witchraven swarm splits into two, each with hit points equal to one-half its current hit points. Effects applied the original witchraven swarm do not apply to the second one. A witchraven swarm can’t split if reduced to 0 hit points by the attack that bloodied it. Left alone, the two halves recombine into a single creature at the end of the encounter. Str 12 (+2) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3) Con 14 (+3) Int 1 (-4) Cha 8 (+0) Alignment evil Languages –

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Daylight or dim light from magical light inside the ice walls if it is night outside.

Birdcages: These open birdcages provide concealment for anybody trying to use ranged attack versus a hiding enemy behind the cage.

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Iron Chain: A triangle of crossed steel wires runs between three wooden posts. Passing the chain cost 3 squares of movement, and doing so while engaged in battle runs the risk of tripping and falling prone unless the creature succeeds on a DC 15 Acrobatics check.

Beds, Table and Crates: The beds, tables and crates are difficult terrain. They provide cover to a Small sized creatures or smaller.

Large Mirror: One large mirror hangs on the ice wall. These are useful tools for Nazhena and Radosek to spy upon their minions or guests with the Irriseni mirror sight ritual.

Open Aerie: Any creature pushed over the edge of the open aerie falls 60 feet to the Q2 Courtyard below, taking 5d10 points of damage.

Teleporters: The alcoves along the western wall are ice crystal teleporters linked to area Q15. Lacking the activation phrase or key, the teleporters can also be activated with a successful DC 25 Arcana check.

Treasure (725 gp): Jairess carries the following equipment: elixir of levitation (125 gp, MME p.93), leather armor (12 gp), light shield (2 gp), dagger, spear (2 gp), telepoter key to area Q13, wooden holy symbol of Gozreh, silver necklace with star-shaped ice diamond pendant (500 gp), and 84 gp.

Q19. Storeroom Treasure (1,625 gp): The dollhouses contain a jeweled

+1 parrying dagger (520 gp, PHB 2 p.204) whose hilt resembles the head of a blue-eyed winter wolf, a jade bracelet in the shape of a Tian sovereign dragon (175 gp), a pair of porcelain dolls (40 gp each), a silver medallion decorated with sapphires (300 gp), a gold signet ring with the signet of the Jadwiga Tashanna dating back to the Witchwar 500 years ago (250 gp), and three blue quartz crystals (100 gp each).

Q20. Ritual Chamber (CR 7) Radosek Pavril is the sole occupant of this room, having

sequestered himself here as soon as he received word that the PCs had invaded the tower. He has already prepared the cauldron of overwhelminlJ allies with the necessary ingredients for his summon monster spells, planning to use it to surprise anyone who arrives through the chamber's ice crystal teleporter. Radosek's familiar, a goat named Valstoi, watches over the laboratory alcove. She charges into the room to aid her master if any intruders appear in the ice crystal teleporter.

Creatures (XP 1358): Radosek Pavril, Valstoi, 2 ice warrior maulers, 5 ice warrior shards

Tactics: Radosek casts summons seven ice elementals on the first round of combat, using the cauldron of overwhelming allies in area Q20 to surround and protect himself. He then uses his levitate hex to levitate above the fray, conjuring ice spears with his icicle wand or casting flurry of snowballs or glitterdust on anyone targeting him with ranged attacks or spells. Thereafter, Radosek resorts to ray of frost and relying on his familiar, Valstoi, to deliver his melee attacks.

Morale: If reduced to 43 o r fewer hit points, Radosek flees, either through the room's windows using his levitate hex, or into area Q23 to use the ice crystal teleporter. In either case, he retreats to the courtyard (area Q2), where he rallies any remaining defenders in the Pale Tower. Thereafter, Radosek fights to the death.

Radosek Pavril, Winter Witch Level 8 Elite Controller Medium humanoid (human) XP 700 HP 172; Bloodied 86 Initiative +6 AC 22; Fortitude 20; Reflex 22; Will 18 Perception +5 Speed 6 Resist 5 cold Saving Throws +2; Action Point 1 TRAITS Frost Foot Radosek can move across icy surfaces without penalty and does not need to make Acrobatics checks to run or charge on ice. He can move across regular snow without penalty, and heavy snow costs him only 2 squares of movement instead of 4. STANDARD ACTIONS m Icicle Wand (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: 2d4 + 6 damage, and ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends).

r Ice Spears * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +11 vs. Reflex Hit: 3d6 + 10 damage, and Radosek slides target 1 square.

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Effect: A 2 square high stalagmite-like icicle rises from ground and become an obstacle in the affected square. The icicle can provide cover for a Medium sized creature or smaller.

C Flurry of Snowballs (cold) * Encounter

Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in blast); +11 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 7 cold damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of Radosek's next turn.

A Glitterdust * Encounter

Attack: Area burst 1 within 20 (creatures in burst); +11 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d10 + 5 radiant damage, and the target is blinded until the end of Radpsel's next turn. Effect: The target gains no benefit from concealment or invisibility, nor can it become hidden (save ends).

Levitate Hex * Encounter

Effect: Radosek flies up to 4 squares vertically and hovers there until the end of its next turn. When the levitation ends, Radoske descends safely to the ground, without taking falling damage. Sustain Move: The levitation persists until the end of Radosek’s next turn, and it can fly up to 3 squares vertically and 1 square horizontally. MINOR ACTIONS r Ray of Frost (cold) * At-Will (1/round)

Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +11 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d6+9 damage, and the target is slowed until the end of Radosek's next turn. Skills Arcana +14, Diplomacy +8, History +14, Nature +10. Str 10 (+4) Dex 14 (+6) Wis 12 (+5) Con 14 (+6) Int 20 (+9) Cha 8 (+3) Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven, Giant Equipment Fur cloak, dark robe, icicle wand.

Valstoi, Goat Familiar (V) Level 8 Minion Skirmisher Small natural magical beast XP 88 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +6 AC 22; Fortitude 20; Reflex 22; Will 18 Perception +5 Speed 6 Low-light Vision TRAITS

Deliver Melee Attacks

Valstoi can sometimes (5 6) deliverRadosek's melee attacks. STANDARD ACTIONS m Icicle Wand (weapon) * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: 2d4 + 6 damage, and ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends). TRIGGERED ACTIONS Shielding Familiar * Encounter

Trigger: Valstoi is adjacent to Radosek, who is hit by an attack Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The triggering attack deals only half damage to Radosek, and Valstoi is destroyed. Skills Arcana +14, Diplomacy +8, History +14, Nature +10. Str 12 (+4) Dex 13 (+6) Wis 11 (+5) Con 12 (+6) Int 8 (+9) Cha 5 (+3) Alignment evil Languages −

2 Ice Warrior Maulers (M) Level 4 Soldier Medium elemental magical beast (cold, water) XP 175 HP 59; Bloodied 29 Initiative +6 AC 19; Fortitude 17; Reflex 15; Will 15 Perception +3 Speed 6 (ice walk), 6 swim Immune cold; Vulnerable 5 fire STANDARD ACTIONS m Maul (cold) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). Against a slowed target, the attack deals 1d6 extra cold damage. MINOR ACTIONS M Ice Embrace (cold) * At-Will

Attack: Malee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. Fortitude Hit: The target is immobilized by ice (save ends). Str 18 (+6) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 12 (+3) Con 19 (+6) Int 11 (+2) Cha 11 (+2) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Primordial Equipment maul

5 Ice Warrior Shards (S) Level 4 Minion Medium elemental magical beast (cold, water) XP 44 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +4 AC 19; Fortitude 17; Reflex 16; Will 15 Perception +3 Speed 6 (ice walk), 6 swim Immune cold; Vulnerable 5 fire STANDARD ACTIONS m Ice Shard (cold, weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 7 cold damage.

r Ice Bolt (cold, weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 5/10 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 7 cold damage. Str 18 (+6) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 12 (+3) Con 14 (+4) Int 11 (+2) Cha 8 (+1) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Primordial

Area Features: The area has the following features

Illumination: Bright light from globe in the ciling, otherwise dim light from magical light inside the ice walls.

Shelves: Bookshelves and alchemy shelves stand along the walls, filled with books, ingridients, potions, lab equipment and scrolls. With a successful DC 15 Strength check a shelf can be tipped over, crashing over any people next to it.

MOVE ACTIONS C Crashing Shelf * At-Will

Attack: Close blast 2 (creatures in blast); +8 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and the target is knocked prone.

Furniture: The cauldron, ice statues and tables are difficult terrain.

Large Mirror: One large mirror hangs on the ice wall. These are useful tools for Nazhena and Radosek to spy upon their minions or guests with the Irriseni mirror sight ritual.

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Teleporter: This teleporter is keyed to all of the other teleporters throughout the Pale Tower. Lacking the activation phrase or key, the teleporters can also be activated with a successful DC 25 Arcana check.

Development: If Radosek escapes, he becomes desperate to prove himself worthy by trapping the PCs in the Pale Tower and retaking it before Nazhena learns of his failure. A powerful witch in his own right, Radosek makes a last stand in the tower courtyard (area Q2).He drinks his potions of cure moderate wounds and uses his scroll of animate objects to animate the dragon ice statue in the courtyard, sending it after the PCs and directing it to break through the tower walls to reach them, if necessary.

Treasure (10,210 gp): Radosek carries the following equipment: +2 icicle wand (4,200 gp, see Appendix), two potions of cure light wounds (100 gp, see People of the North conversion), scroll of animate objects (used in battle to awaken ice dragon), +2 cloak of resistance (2,600 gp), spell component pouch.

In addition there is Nazhena's cauldron of overwhelming allies (2,600 gp, see Appendix), and the laboratory alcove contains enough active ingredients and supplies to constitute a full alchemist's lab (200 gp. An alchemist's lab grants a +2 bonus on skill checks when using the alchemist feat). Many completed alchemical items are stored on the shelves in the alcove as well, including flasks of alchemist's acid (70 gp), two flasks of alchemist's fire (140 gp), two flasks of alchemist's frost (150 gp), and one smokestick (150 gp).

Q22. Radosek's Bedroom Treasure (500 gp): Altogether, the masterpieces in this

room are worth a total of 500 gp.

Q24. Vault (CR 1) Trap (XP 300): Nazhena's mother used this chamber as

her personal vault to store items and lore she wished to keep from the prying eyes of her apprentice. Nazhena now uses it for the same purpose, instructing Radosek to stay away in her absence and even warding it against his intrusion. Similar to the statue in Nazhena's bedroom, the ice statue depicts Nazhena herself, but this one is actually a trap. When anyone enters, a magic mouth activates on the statue, proclaiming, "The uninvited shall wither and die like the frost- covered bloom. You should never have ventured here, and you'd do well to leave before my return." A glyph of warding then targets the first creature that crossed the room's threshold.

Glyph of Warding Level 7 Trap Object XP 300 Detect Arcana (detect magic) DC 16; Initiative −

Perception DC 23 Immune all damage, forced movement, all conditions TRIGGERED ACTIONS C Attack (varies) * Encounter

Trigger: A creature enters the square containing the glyph, passes within range of the glyph’s attack, or opens or handles a warded object without speaking the password or meeting an exception. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Close burst 3 (creatures in the burst); +10 vs. Reflex Hit: 4d6 cold damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). Miss: Half damage. COUNTERMEASURES * Disable: Arcana or Thievery DC 23.

Failure by 5 or More: The trap is triggered.

Treasure (11,538 gp): Nazhena keeps her accumulated treasure here. The storage boxes contain an impressive collection of arcane rituals , consisting of comprehend languages (50 gp), cure light wounds (250 gp, see People of the North conversion), delay affliction (175 gp), explosive runes (100 gp), Irriseni mirror sight (250 gp, see Appendix), cure disease (360 gp), threefold aspect (360 gp, see Appendix), and youthful appearance (50 gp, see Appendix). The crates hold 50 trade bars of pure silver, each one weighing 10 pounds and worth 50 gp. A locked chest holds a bag, a small iron coffer, and a heavy blue robe. The bag is a bag of holding (1,000 gp), which contains 1,290 gp, 2,198 sp, and 2,787 cp. The robe is a +2 robe of useful items (2,600 gp) with extra patches for a bag of 100 gp, three flasks of alchemist's fire (225 gp), a ladder, an open pit, a potion of cure moderate wounds (250 gp, see People of the North conversion), a rowboat (50 gp), and a window). The coffer holds a figurine of an onyx dog (840 gp, MME p.182), a +1 master's wand of illusory ambush (840 gp, AV2 p.50), and a sturdy belt set with a large green sapphire. This belt is

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magical, and can be identified as a belt of vigor, but it is in fact a cursed belt of lifebleed (See Appendix). Nazhena placed the belt here as a trap that will afflict thieves long after they have left the Pale Tower with her treasure.

Closing the Winter Portal Story Award: If the PCs succes sfully shut down the

winter portal in Taldor, award them 1,200 XP.

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ADVANCEMENT TRACK "The Snow of Summer 4th Edition Conversion" is designed for five characters and uses standard 4th Edition progress.

The PCs begin this adventure at 1st level.

The PCs should be 2nd level by the time they enter the High Sentinel's Lodge.

The PCs should be 3rd level by the time they have faced of the porcelain doll of Thora Petska.

The PCs should be 4th level by the time they enter Waldsby.

The PCs should be 5th level before their final battle against Radosek Pavril in the Pale Tower.

The PCs should be well into 5th level by

the end of the adventure.






Nr Encounter CR XP Total XP Multiplier New CR XP Total XP Level Actual XPActual

Total XPActual vs. Target XP

Actual Level Treasure

Actual Tresure

vs. Target1 A2. Locked Carriage (CR 1) 1 500 100 1,0046154 1 500 100 1st Level 614 123 23 7102 B. TRAILSIDE TRAP (CR 2) 2 625 225 1,0092308 1 500 200 175 158 -42 8823 C. HEAVY SNOWDRIFT (CR 2) 2 625 350 1,0138462 1 500 300 750 308 84 D. DECORATED TREES (CR 2) 2 625 475 1,0184615 1 500 400 650 438 385 E. THE TALKING STAG (CR 3) 3 750 625 1,0230769 2 625 525 625 563 386 F1. Trail Sign (CR 3) 3 750 775 1,0276923 2 625 650 175 598 -527 F2. Wishbone Creek (CR 3) 3 750 925 1,0323077 2 625 775 925 783 8 6978 G. BANDITS ON THE TRAIL (CR 1) 1 500 1 025 1,0369231 1 500 875 625 908 33 7219 H1. Eastern Trailhead (CR 1) 1 500 1 125 1,0415385 1 500 975 150 938 -3710 H4. Bridge (CR 3) 3 750 1 275 1,0461538 2 625 1 100 2nd Level 625 1 063 -37 2nd Level -4 19011 H8. Kitchen (CR 2) 2 625 1 400 1,0507692 1 500 1 200 150 1 093 -107 3 60512 H13. Great Room (CR 2) 2 625 1 525 1,0553846 1 500 1 300 650 1 223 -7713 H14. Sickroom (CR 1) 1 500 1 625 1,06 1 500 1 400 155 1 254 -14614 H15. Planning Room (CR 3) 3 750 1 775 1,0646154 2 625 1 525 750 1 404 -121 2 87515 H16. Storeroom (CR 1/2) 0,5 400 1 855 1,0692308 1 500 1 625 100 1 424 -201 6 16016 H17. Cellar (Quest 2) 2 600 1 975 1,0738462 1 500 1 725 625 1 549 -17617 I. ANCIENT INVADERS (CR 2) 2 625 2 100 1,0784615 1 500 1 825 700 1 689 -13618 J. SLAIN HUNTER (Story Award) 0,5 400 2 180 1,0830769 1 500 1 925 500 1 789 -136 9419 K. FROST FIRS (CR 3) 3 750 2 330 1,0876923 2 625 2 050 750 1 939 -11120 L. BEAR TRAPS (CR 3) 3 750 2 480 1,0923077 2 625 2 175 350 2 009 -16621 M1. Ice Block Maze (CR 3) 3 750 2 630 1,0969231 2 625 2 300 3rd Level 800 2 169 -131 -1 85622 M2. The Watchful Hut (CR 3) 3 750 2 780 1,1015385 2 625 2 425 750 2 319 -106 3rd Level 60023 M3. The Harrowed Trail (CR 4) 4 875 2 955 1,1061538 3 750 2 575 300 2 379 -19624 N. WOUNDED BEAST (CR 3) 3 750 3 105 1,1107692 2 625 2 700 750 2 529 -17125 O. AMBUSH! (CR 4) 4 875 3 280 1,1153846 3 750 2 850 925 2 714 -13626 P1. Campsite (CR 2) 2 625 3 405 1,12 1 500 2 950 750 2 864 -86 1 21927 P3. False Igloo (CR 3) 3 750 3 555 1,1246154 2 625 3 075 150 2 894 -18128 P5. Portal of Endless Winter (CR 3) 3 750 3 705 1,1292308 2 625 3 200 500 2 994 -206 6 29329 The Black Rider 0 0 3 705 1,1338462 0 0 3 200 350 3 064 -136 3 40030 EVENT 1: THE HUNGRY MANTIS (C R 4) 4 875 3 880 1,1384615 3 750 3 350 1000 3 264 -8631 EVENT 3: THE TROUBLING TROUBADOUR (CR 3) 3 1 350 4 150 1,1430769 2 1225 3 595 1400 3 544 -51 3 42432 EVENT 4: EYES IN THE SKY (CR 3) 3 750 4 300 1,1476923 2 625 3 720 1150 3 774 54 4th Level -47033 Nadya's Daughter (Story Award) 2 600 4 420 1,1523077 1 500 3 820 4th Level 600 3 894 74 84034 EVENT 5 : INHOSPITABLE HOSTS (CR 4) 4 875 4 595 1,1569231 3 750 3 970 925 4 079 10935 EVENT 6 : SEARCH AND SEIZURE (CR 3) 3 750 4 745 1,1615385 2 625 4 095 564 4 192 97 50436 EVENT 7 : THE GUARD SERGEANT (CR 4) 4 875 4 920 1,1661538 3 750 4 245 776 4 347 102 1 31937 Willing Allies 3 800 5 080 1,1707692 2 625 4 370 800 4 507 13738 EVENT 8: ON THE ROAD (CR 3) 3 750 5 230 1,1753846 2 625 4 495 774 4 662 16739 Q1. Outer Gate (CR 1) 1 500 5 330 1,18 1 500 4 595 490 4 760 165 58340 Q2. Courtyard (CR 4) 4 875 5 505 1,1846154 3 750 4 745 1000 4 960 215 50041 Q3. Entrance Hall (CR 3) 3 750 5 655 1,1892308 2 625 4 870 500 5 060 19042 Q6. North Barracks (CR 2) 2 625 5 780 1,1938462 1 500 4 970 452 5 150 180 50443 Q7. South Barracks (CR 4) 4 875 5 955 1,1984615 3 750 5 120 776 5 305 185 63944 Q8. Dining Hall (CR 3) 3 750 6 105 1,2030769 2 625 5 245 400 5 385 14045 Q9. Kitchen (CR 3) 3 750 6 255 1,2076923 2 625 5 370 350 5 455 85 30046 Q11. Guest Bedroom (CR 3) 3 750 6 405 1,2123077 2 625 5 495 350 5 525 30 5th Level -12 08147 Q12. Library (CR 4) 4 875 6 580 1,2169231 3 750 5 645 5th Level 600 5 645 0 3 70548 Q13. Mirrored Hall (CR 5) 5 1 000 6 780 1,2215385 5 1000 5 845 1000 5 845 049 Q14. Conservatory (CR 4) 4 875 6 955 1,2261538 3 750 5 995 750 5 995 050 Q17. Aerie (CR 4) 4 875 7 130 1,2307692 3 750 6 145 1190 6 233 88 1 88751 Q20. Ritual Chamber (CR 5) 5 1 000 7 330 1,2353846 5 1000 6 345 1358 6 505 160 11 83552 Q24. Vault (CR 4) 4 875 7 505 1,24 3 750 6495 1500 6 805 310 12 038 -2 616

TARGET XP: 6500 115% 100%Multiplier: 0,24

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NADYA PETSKA A young mother of three, the rebellious and wilderness-savvy

widow Nadya Petska struggles to import much-needed food and supplies to the village of Waldsby, all while nursing a hatred of the White Witches of Irrisen.

Companion Tactics: Nadya tries to keep her distance in battle, firing her bow at adversaries before they can close on her. When faced with more dangerous foes, especially those attuned to cold, Nadya hurls a flask of alchemist's fire to hinder them.

Companion Morale: Nadya fights with conviction, but recognizes overwhelming odds and surrenders when necessary. In the face of truly uncompromising evil, she fights to the death.

Nadya Petska, Scout Level 3 Striker Medium humanoid (human) − HP 35; Bloodied 17; Healing Surges 7 Initiative +4 AC 18; Fortitude 15; Reflex 16; Will 16 Perception +5 Speed 6 TRAITS Aspect of the Pack Wolf Nadya do not provoke opportunity attacks when leaving a square adjacent to an enemy. She also gains a +1 attack bonus if the target have two or more of Nadya's allies adjacent to it, and +1bonus to damage per adjacent ally. STANDARD ACTIONS m Dual Attack (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: War pick 1d8 + 3 damage, and a secondary attack: Secondary Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: Handaxe 1d3 +3 damage.

r Longbow (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 20/40 (one creature); +8 vs. AC

Hit: 1d10 + 3 damage.

M Power Strike (weapon) * 2/Encounter

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 3 damage. Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +7, Stealth +8, Nature +5. Str 12 (+2) Dex 15 (+3) Wis 8 (+0) Con 13 (+2) Int 12 (+2) Cha 14 (+3) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven Equipment leather armor, war pick, handaxe, longbow, 20 arrows, 2 alchemist's fire

RADOSEK PAVRIL Abducted from Taldor as a child, Radosek Pavril distinguished

himself as a practitioner of winter witchcraft in Irrisen. Today he serves his mistress, the White Witch Nazhena Vasilliovna, as apprentice and caretaker of the Pale Tower.

Radosek Pavril, Winter Witch Level 8 Elite Controller Medium humanoid (human) XP 700 HP 172; Bloodied 86 Initiative +6 AC 22; Fortitude 20; Reflex 22; Will 18 Perception +5 Speed 6 Resist 5 cold Saving Throws +2; Action Point 1 TRAITS Frost Foot Radosek can move across icy surfaces without penalty and does not need to make Acrobatics checks to run or charge on ice. He can move across regular snow without penalty, and heavy snow costs him only 2 squares of movement instead of 4. STANDARD ACTIONS m Icicle Wand (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: 2d4 + 6 damage, and ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends).

r Ice Spears * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +11 vs. Reflex Hit: 3d6 + 10 damage, and Radosek slides target 1 square. Effect: A 2 square high stalagmite-like icicle rises from ground and become an obstacle in the affected square. The icicle can provide cover for a Medium sized creature or smaller.

C Flurry of Snowballs (cold) * Encounter

Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in blast); +11 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 7 cold damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of Radosek's next turn.

A Glitterdust * Encounter

Attack: Area burst 1 within 20 (creatures in burst); +11 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d10 + 5 radiant damage, and the target is blinded until the

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end of Radpsel's next turn. Effect: The target gains no benefit from concealment or invisibility, nor can it become hidden (save ends).

Levitate Hex * Encounter

Effect: Radosek flies up to 4 squares vertically and hovers there until the end of its next turn. When the levitation ends, Radoske descends safely to the ground, without taking falling damage. Sustain Move: The levitation persists until the end of Radosek’s next turn, and it can fly up to 3 squares vertically and 1 square horizontally. MINOR ACTIONS r Ray of Frost (cold) * At-Will (1/round)

Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +11 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d6+9 damage, and the target is slowed until the end of Radosek's next turn. Skills Arcana +14, Diplomacy +8, History +14, Nature +10. Str 10 (+4) Dex 14 (+6) Wis 12 (+5) Con 14 (+6) Int 20 (+9) Cha 8 (+3) Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven, Giant Equipment Fur cloak, dark robe, icicle wand.

Valstoi, Goat Familiar (V) Level 8 Minion Skirmisher Small natural magical beast XP 88 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +6 AC 22; Fortitude 20; Reflex 22; Will 18 Perception +5 Speed 6 Low-light Vision TRAITS Deliver Melee Attacks

Valstoi can sometimes (5 6) deliverRadosek's melee attacks. STANDARD ACTIONS m Icicle Wand (weapon) * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: 2d4 + 6 damage, and ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends). TRIGGERED ACTIONS Shielding Familiar * Encounter

Trigger: Valstoi is adjacent to Radosek, who is hit by an attack Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The triggering attack deals only half damage to Radosek, and Valstoi is destroyed.

Skills Arcana +14, Diplomacy +8, History +14, Nature +10. Str 12 (+4) Dex 13 (+6) Wis 11 (+5) Con 12 (+6) Int 8 (+9) Cha 5 (+3) Alignment evil Languages −

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ATTENTIVE MIRROR This small, ornate mirror is mounted inside an enclosing case,

such as a locket, small jewelry box, or even just a leather flap. The White Witches of lrrisen frequently provide attentive mirrors to their loyal minions and monstrous allies so the witches can be notified when their agents have important news. Once alerted, an attuned witch can then send aid or cast lrriseni mirror sight to view the situation through the mirror and receive a minion's report directly.

Attentive Mirror Level 7 Uncommon The creature you have given the mirror to, can use it as an emergency means of communication with you − the mirror's owner. Prerequisite: To use an attentive mirror, you must spend 1 hour gazing into the mirror in a ritual to attune yourself to it. At the end of this time, you can willingly give the mirror to another creature. Wonderous Item 2,600 gp Power (Encounter): Minor Action. The mirror's possessor can open it to alert the attuned owner. This functions as a mental alarm with a range of 100 miles, which awakens you from any sleep. In either case, The alarm informs you which mirror sent you the alarm.

BANE ARROW These arrows were created to slay certain enemies. Terrible

enchantments have been lain on the arrow to slay its targeted enemies.

Bane Arrow Level 1+ Uncommon This arrow has the inscriptions of certain enemies carved into its wood. Lvl 3 +1 30 gp Lvl 18 +4 3,400 gp Lvl 8 +2 125 gp Lvl 23 +5 17,000 gp Lvl 13 +3 650 gp Lvl 28 +6 85,000 gp Ammunition Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Property: When you hit an enemy of a particular type, which is its designated foe, with an attack using this ammunition, that enemy takes 1d8 extra damage per plus.

CURSED BELT OF LIFEBLEED Before being worn, this belt appears to be a belt of vigor. Once it

is worn in combat, however, the true nature of the belt becomes apparent.

Cursed Belt of Lifebleed Level 9 Uncommon Thiscursed belt makes any weapon wound you take more fatal. Item Slot: Waist Property: Each time you are hit with a melee or ranged weapon attack, you take an additional 1d4 points of damage. This belt cannot be removed until the wearer dies or by way of a remove affliction ritual. Countermeasure: A DC 30 Arcana check reveals the belt’s true nature. Any result lower indicates the belt to be a belt of vigor.


ALLIES The artistic scrawls on the dark surface of

this small bronze cauldron depict an array of exotic animals, legendary beasts, leering fiends, and hosts of elementals.

Cauldron of Overwhelming Allies Level 9 Uncommon The power of summoning is depicted on the outside of this small bronze cauldron. Wonderous Item 2,600 gp

Power (Daily * Arcane, Summoning): Choose the summon ice warrior power contained in this cauldron and expend an unused daily attack power of an equal or higher level. You gain the use of the chosen power during this encounter. The power is lost if you do not use it before the end of the encounter.

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Summon Ice Warrior Wizard Attack 9 One giant spear of ice lance up out of the ground, targeting your enemy and toppling him to the ground.

Daily * Arcane, Cold, Implement, Summoning Minor Action Ranged 10 Effect: You summon a Medium ice warrior in an unoccupied space within range. The ice warriro has speed 6 (ice walk), 6 swim, immune cold, vulnerable 5 fire. Any creature that enters a square adjacent to it or starts its turn there takes 5 cold damage. You can give the ice warrior the following special command. Standard Action: Close blast 3 (creatures in blast); Your highest ability modifier vs. Reflex; 2d6 + Intelligence modifier cold damage. Intrinsic Nature: If you haven’t given the ice warrior any commands by the end of your turn, it makes its attack against at least one enemy, targeting as many creatures as possible. If it can’t target any enemies, it moves its speed toward the nearest enemy. In addition, you take 5 cold damage. Symbiosis: While the summoned ice warrior is present, you deal 1d6 extra cold damage with close and melee attacks, and each creature that hits you with melee attacks takes 1d6 cold damage.

CLOAK OF THE YETI This heavy cloak is crafted from shaggy

white yeti fur. When the cloak's hood is pulled up over the wearer's head, it takes on a semblance of its arctic namesake's fearsome visage. Northern warriors value its ability to ward against the chill of winter, as well as the protection it provides in combat.

Cloak of the Yeti Level 4+ Uncommon The icy white fur of this cloak protects you against frost and scares your enemies. Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp Neck Slot Enchantment: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will Property: The wearer of the cloak constantly benefits from a +1 item bonus per plus on Endurance checks to resist cold weather. Property: You gain resist 5 cold. Level 14 or 19: Resist 10 Level 24 or 29: Resist 15

ELIXIR OF TRUTH This elixir forces the drinker it to say nothing but the truth for a

while, until the effect wears off.

Elixir of Truth Level 8 Uncommon This clear elixir has a sharp smell of vinegar. Anyone drinking the elixir is forced to speak the truth until the effect wears off. Consumable: Potion 680 gp Power (Consumable): Minor Action. This elixir forces the target drinking the elixir to say nothing but the truth for 10 minutes. For each question asked the questioner rolls a Diplomacy or Intimidate check versus the Will of the target. If successful the target has to answer truthfully. If unsuccessful, the target doesn’t have to answer that particular question (if she does answer, she must tell the truth). No more than one question can be asked each minute.

ICE FLOE ELIXIR This chilled elixir usually takes the form of a

pale blue liquid in a small glass vial coated in ice.

Ice Floe Elixir Level 8+ Uncommon The icy elixir has several effects depending on how you use it. It may protect you from cold, allow you to hide inside ice, or reveal hidden objects or creatures through a frosty gas. Lvl 9 160 gp Lvl 29 105,000 gp Lvl 19 4,200 gp Consumable: Potion Property: When you consume the potion choose to use one of the following three powers: Power 1 (Consumable): Minor Action. Drink this potion and spend a healing surge. You do not gain hit points as normal. Instead, gain resist 5 cold until the end of the encounter. Only one potion of resistance against a damage type can be in effect on you at once. Level 19: Resist 10. Level 29: Resist 15. Power 2 (Consumable): Minor Action. You shift into an adjacent square occupied by an object made of ice or snow that is your size or larger, such as an ice wall, a snowman, or an ice block. While you occupy this square, you can see normally but you do not have line of effect to anything, and nothing has line of effect to you. You remain in this state until the end of the encounter, until you end this effect as a minor action, or until the object is destroyed. When the effect ends, you appear in the nearest unoccupied square. Power 3 (Consumable): Minor Action. You open the bottle releasing a gas in a close burst 3 area. Any creature of object under the effect of invisibility has its effect end as an immediate reaction. Level 19: Close burst 5 Level 29: Close burst 10

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ICICLE WAND This fragile-looking wand appears to be

nothing more than a sharpened icicle nearly a foot in length, though it is as sturdy as any wand and the ice never melts. A combination of arcane tool and weapon, icicle wands find frequent use among the winter witches of lrrisen, and traders have carried them as far south as the mountains of Cheliax, Andoran, and Taldor.

Icicle Wand Level 9+ Uncommon This wand carries the wizard spell ice spear. Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Implement (Wand) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus Property: The icicle wand can be wielded as a dagger with the same enhancement as the wand. All damage dealt is cold damage. Power (Daily * Arcane, Cold, Implement): Standard Action. As the wizard's icy spear power.

Power (Daily * Cold): Free Action. Use this power when you hit with the icicle wand as a melee weapon. The target takes 1d8 cold damage and is slowed until the end of your next turn. Level 13 or 18: 2d8 cold damage. Level 23 or 28: 3d8 cold damage.

OIL OF MAGIC WEAPON This oil once applied to your weapon temporarily enchants it as

if it had been a magic weapon.

Oil of Magic Weapon Level 1+ Uncommon This oil temporarily enchants your weapon. Lvl 1 +1 50 gp Lvl 16 +4 6,250 gp Lvl 6 +2 250 gp Lvl 21 +5 31,250 gp Lvl 11 +3 1250 gp Lvl 26 +6 156,250 gp Consumable: Oil Power (Consumable): Minor Action. This oil provides an item enhancement bonus to any weapon's attack rolls and damage rolls. On a critical hit the weapon does +1d6 damage per plus. The effect last until the end of the encounter.

POISONS Below you will find a number of poisons that appear in

the Snows of Summer adventure:

Greenblood Oil Level 2 Poison This thick, green oil has the consistency of blood and makes enemies more susceptible to grievous injuries. Poison injury 100 gp Attack: +5 vs. Fortitude; extra 5 poison damage, and target cannot regain hit points until the end of your next turn.

Oil of Taggit Level 2 Poison The oil of the taggit root is flavorless and odorless, but with a yellow tint. Poison ingested 100 gp Trigger: The poison is ingested Attack: +5 vs. Fortitude Effect (Immediate Reaction): Target slowed (save ends). First Failed Save: The target is immobilized instead of slowed (save ends). Second Failed Save: The target is unconscious for 1d3 hours. Countermeasure: Perception DC 20 to notice poison before ingested.

POTION OF ENDURE ELEMENTS This potion is an appreciated version of the Endure Elements

ritual or scroll, having a shorter duration, but similar effect.

Potion of Endure Elements Level 2 Uncommon After drinking this blue, odorless potion, neither the biting cold nor the searing heat troubles you anymore. Consumable: Potion 25 gp Power (Consumable): Minor Action. After consuming this potion you suffer no ill effects from ambient temperatures between –50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit (–45 and 60 degrees Celcius), and the creature’s equipment is likewise protected from the ravages of these temperatures and of precipitation, for 12 hours.

POTION OF FEATHER FALL This potion has saved many an adventurer from an early end of

their careers.

Potion of Feather Fall Level 2 Uncommon Drinking this light blue potion with the smell of lilac, you fall gently, like a feather to the ground. Consumable: Potion 25 gp Power (Consumable): Minor Action. After consuming this potion, its power is activated and used up if you start falling within 5 minutes of drinking it, or before the end of the encounter, whatever comes first. You take no damage from the fall, and consequently do not fall prone at the end of it.

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POTION OF FEATHER STEP This potion is a lesser version of the Pass without Trace ritual or

scroll, having a shorter duration, but similar effect.

Potion of Feather Step Level 7 Uncommon Smelling of red fruit and tasting somewhat alcoholic, this wine-like potion offers its drinker the power to move easily in difficult terrain. Consumable: Potion 100 gp Power (Consumable): Minor Action. After consuming this potion, you ignore difficult terrain. This effect lasts for the duration of the encounter or for 5 minutes, whichever comes first.

POTION OF INTERROGATION This potion is a lesser version of the Interrogation ritual or scroll,

having a shorter duration, but similar effect.

Potion of Interrogation Level 7 Uncommon This vile smelling colorless potion makes people talk or suffer the consequences. Consumable: Potion 125 gp Power (Consumable): Standard Action. After consuming this potion, you can question the target backed up by the threat of magical pain. You may ask three questions and one question per minute. The magic ends after 10 minutes if not all questions have been asked. The target can either answer the question or take 5 necrotic damage. The target is not compelled to answer truthfully, but the threat of pain gives you a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks and it gives the target a –4 penalty on Bluff checks to convince you when it is lying.

POTION OF PASS WITHOUT TRACE This potion is a lesser version of the Pass without Trace ritual or

scroll, having a shorter duration, but similar effect.

Potion of Pass without Trace Level 1+ Uncommon This potion magically alter any traces you leave behind on the ground. Consumable: Potion 25 gp Power (Consumable): Minor Action. Drink this potion and you will leave fewer tracks. The DC to track you increases by 5, as if you had obscured your tracks. The effect wears off after one hour.


NORTHERN PURSUIT These masterwork snowshoes provide

greater stability and weight distribution in snow.

Snowshoes of Northern Pursuit Level 4 Uncommon These enchanted boots allow you to walk across snow with a minimum of discomfort. Item Slot: Feet 840 gp Property: The snowshoes negate the effects of normal snow on movement, and reduce the movement penalties in heavy snow by half (i.e. it only costs 2 squares of movement to enter a square of heavy snow). Power (Daily): Minor Action. You gain a +1 item bonus to speed during the rest of the encounter. Power (Daily): Move Action. You remove any tracks in the snow in a 10 square burst area.

SPEAR OF MANHUNTING A 2-foot-long blade extends from the heavy cross bar of this boar

spear, designed to catch and hold humanoid prey.

Spear of Manhunting Level 4+ Uncommon The bane of humanoids. Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp Weapon: Spear Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus, or +1d10 damage per plus against humanoids. Power (Daily): Triggered Action. Trigger: You hit with an attack using the weapon. Effect: A target of the attack is dazed until the end of your next turn. A humanoid creature is also restrained until the end of your next turn.

SPITEFUL COOKIE These appealing treats usually come wrapped in wax paper,

sealed with a drop of red wax embossed with the face of a smiling child. Made from sugar and bone meal, spiteful cookies can be made in a variety of shapes, such as humanoid creatures, dragons, or other legendary beasts.

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Spiteful Cookie Level 5 Uncommon These beautiful cookies, while initially quite tasty, the treat soon turns to ash, cursing the victim to starvation Consumable: Cookie 300 gp Power (Consumable): Minor Action. When the seal is broken and the cookie unwrapped, the cookie attacks the target: +8 vs. Will; The target is compelled to eat the cookie, and the cookie makes a secondary attack: Secondary Attack: +8 vs. Fortitude Effect: All food turns to ash in targets mouth and targets starves for 6 consecutive days, At the end of every day the target have to make a DC 20 Endurance check or lose a healing surge, see page 159 in DMG.

SUGGESTIVE TEA A single dose of these dried tea leaves is enough to brew a cup of

savory tea for one creature, who then becomes susceptible to suggestions after drinking the tea.

Suggestive Tea Level 7 Uncommon These beautiful cookies, while initially quite tasty, the treat soon turns to ash, cursing the victim to starvation Consumable: Tea 600 gp Power (Consumable): Minor Action. The creature drinking the tea is open for a mind attack; +10 vs. Will; The target acts on the first suggestion given by anybody within 1 hour after drinking the tea. The target carries out the order to the best of its ability, but he takes no actions that put him at any risk, are not reasonable or that require an expense of more than 25 gp, or which cannot be completed before the next extended rest. The target has no recollection of the time spent carrying out the compulsion.

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Boreal Creature Template In realms where the icy hand of winter seldom (or never)

releases its frigid grasp, some particularly hardy creatures have evolved to better survive in these harsh environments, becoming stronger and much more dangerous. These boreal creatures mostly resemble members of their kind that dwell in more temperate climates, but their fur and skin are much paler, and it is not uncommon for parts of these creatures to be cloaked in frost.


"Boreal" is an inherited template that can be added to any Huge or smaller corporeal creature. This template cannot be applied to a creature with the fire subtype.

Creature Level: Same as the base creature +1.

Type: The creature gains the cold subtype. If this subtype is applied to a creature with the beast type, the creature's type changes to magical beast. Do not recalculate its attack bonuses, or skill points.

Attacks: A boreal creature's natural attacks deal an additional 1d6 points of cold damage.

Abilities: Str +2 (check +1), Con +2 (check +1).

Defenses: AC +1, Fortitude +1, Reflex +1, Will +1

HP: Brute +12, Lurker/Artillery +8, Any other +10

Skills: The creature receives a +4 bonus on Stealth in snow and Endurance checks against cold confitions. An aquatic boreal creature receives a +4 racial bonus on Stealth and Endurance checks at all times in frigid waters (its natural habit), instead of in snow.

Environment: The creature's natural environment changes to a cold climate.

Special Powers: A boreal creature gains the following Trait (This special quality does not apply to aquatic boreal creatures ).

TRAITS Trackless Step A boreal creature does not leave a trail in snow and cannot be tracked. It can choose to leave a trail, if it so desires.

Winter-Fey Template Chief among the allies of Baba Yaga and the White

Witches of Irrisen are the winter-fey, a special breed of fey immune to the harsh weather and low temperatures of the frozen north. Willingly pledging themselves to a wholly evil life, these creatures undergo a complex ritual called the Winter Rite, in which they accept a sliver of ice into their hearts that infuses their bodies with the same supernatural winter perpetuated by the White Witches of Irrisen. The resulting transformation gives the fey's skin a sickly bluish cast marked with spidery white veins like hoarfrost on glass. These evil fey can channel the power of winter into their attacks, slowing their victims with numbing cold. The winter-touched universally delight in spreading the

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influence of the White Witches, carrying out the wills of the witches who performed their Winter Rites. The winter-fey display a chilling loyalty that borders on fanaticism−a devotion all but guaranteed given the White Witches ' ability to fatally pierce the hearts of those who fail them with the same slivers of ice the fey so willingly accepted.


The winter fey simple template can be applied to any creature of the fey typ e. This template cannot be applied to a creature with the fire subtype. A winter fey's quick and rebuild rules are the following:

Creature Level: Same as the base creature.

Type: The creature gains the cold subtype

Resist: 10 cold.

Vulnerable: 5 fire.

Alignment: Creature alignment change to evil.

Special Powers: The fey creature gets the following triggered attack power:

TRIGGERED ACTIONS Numbing Cold * Encounter

Trigger: The winter sprite takes damage from a melee attack. Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); (Level +3) vs. Fortitude Hit: Target is dazed (save ends).

WINTER MAGIC The White Witches of Irrisen have developed their own

breed of magic, born of their otherworldly bloodlines and practice of winter witchcraft. Some of the spells they have created have spread outside of their wintry homeland, just

as spellcasters in other icy realms have devised their own spells tied to the chill of winter.

LEVEL 1: SNOWBALL You conjure a snowball created from the purest cold

elemental. Allowing you to hit your enemies with a snowball that make them even more vulnerable to cold.

Snowball Wizard Attack 1 You conjure a ball of packed ice and snow, with unnatural cold at its heart, that you can throw at your enemy.

At-Will * Arcane, Cold, Evocation, Implement Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier cold damage. If the target is a living creature, it also gains vulnerable 5 cold until the start of your next turn. Level 21: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier cold damage.

LEVEL 1: FLURRY OF SNOWBALLS From your outstretch hands a flurry of snowballs and ice

crystals blast away against your enemies, covering them in snow and icy cold, making fighting hard until they have managed to remove the snow and ice from their arms and clothing.

Flurry of Snowballs Wizard Attack 1 You send a flurry of snowballs hurtling at your foes, covering them in snow and making their limbs cold and slow.

Encounter * Arcane, Cold, Evocation, Implement Standard Action Close blast 5 Target: Each creature in blast Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

LEVEL 3: ICE SPEAR Favored by the spellcasters of lrrisen, this potent spell can

disrupt spellcasters, topple enemies, and break even seemingly unstoppable charges.

Ice Spear Wizard Attack 3 One giant spear of ice lance up out of the ground, targeting your enemy and toppling him to the ground.

Daily * Arcane, Cold, Conjuration, Implement Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence damage, and you slide the target 1 square and it falls prone. Effect: A 2 square high stalagmite-like icicle rises from ground and become an obstacle in the affected square. The icicle can provide cover for a Medium sized creature or smaller.

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Animate Dead You command the dead corpses in the graveyard to rise to do

your bidding, forever cursing your soul to necromancy.

Level: 6 Category: Necromancy Time: 1 hour Duration: Special

Component Cost: See text Market Price: 360 gp Key Skill: Arcana

This ritual turns corpses into undead skeletons or

zombies (see below). As a standard action you can verbally command the undead to take different actions during your turn. The undead can be made to follow you, or it can be made to remain in an area and attack any creature (or just a specific kind of creature) entering the place. The corpse remains animated until it or they are destroyed. A destroyed skeleton or zombie can’t be animated again.

Regardless of the type of undead you create with this ritual, you can’t create a undead of a higher level than your own level − 3.

The undead you create remain under your control indefinitely. No matter how many times you use this spell, however, you can control only (your level − 3) levels worth of undead creatures. If you exceed this number, all the newly created creatures fall under your control, and any excess undead from previous castings become uncontrolled. You choose which creatures are released.

Skeletons: A skeleton can be created only from a mostly intact corpse or skeleton. The corpse must have bones. If a skeleton is made from a corpse, the flesh falls off the bones. Skeletons need to be armed to be a threat.

Zombies: A zombie can be created only from a mostly intact corpse. The corpse must be that of a creature with a physical anatomy.

Focus: An onyx gem worth at least 25 gp per Level of the undead animated.

Skeleton Warrior Level 3 Soldier Medium natural animate (undead) XP 150 HP 45; Bloodied 23 Initiative +6 AC 18; Fortitude 15; Reflex 16; Will 15 Perception +3 Speed 5 Darkvision Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant TRAITS Speed of the Dead When making an opportunity attack, the skeleton warrior gains a +2 bonus to the attack roll and deals an extra 1d6 damage. STANDARD ACTIONS m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the skeleton warrior's next turn. Str 15 (+3) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3) Con 13 (+2) Int 3 (–3) Cha 3 (–3) Alignment unaligned Languages — Equipment chainmail, longsword, light shield

Zombies Level 2 Brute Medium natural animate (undead) XP 125 HP 43; Bloodied 21 Initiative –1 AC 14; Fortitude 15; Reflex 12; Will 12 Perception +0 Speed 4 Darkvision Immune disease, poison TRAITS Zombie Weakness A critical hit automatically reduces the zombie to 0 hit points. STANDARD ACTIONS m Slam * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d12 + 4 damage, or 1d12 + 9 against a grabbed target.

M Zombie Grab * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +4 vs. Reflex Hit: The zombie grabs the target (escape DC 12) if it does not have a creature grabbed.

TRIGGERED ACTIONS Deathless Hunger * Encounter

Trigger: The zombie is reduced to 0 hit points, but not by a critical hit. Effect (No Action): Roll a d20. On a 15 or higher, the zombie is instead recuded to 1 hit point. Str 16 (+4) Dex 8 (+0) Wis 8 (+0) Con 13 (+2) Int 1 (–4) Cha 3 (–3) Alignment unaligned Languages — ADJUSTING UNDEAD LEVEL To create the statistics of a higher level of the undead

creatures above, do the following adjustments: Hit Points: Add +8 hp per level for augmented skeletons

and +10 hp per level for zombies. Bloodied value is half full HP.

Defenses: Add +1 to AC, Fortitude, Reflex, and Will for each level.

Initiative: Add +1 per level to Initiative. Perception: Add +1 per level to Perception Attack: Add +1 to attack modifier per level and +1 to

damage per level, for a zombie add an extra +1 per 4 levels (or +1.25 per level).

Abilities: Add +1 per 2 levels to Str, Con, Dex and Wis ability, increasing the ability modifiers of these with +2 every 2 levels. The other abilities only get +1 every 2 levels.

Charm Person You let your magic dig deep into the targets psyche, influencing

his decisions and views about you.

Level: 1 Category: Binding Time: 1 minutes Duration: Special

Component Cost: 10 gp Market Price: 50 gp Key Skill: Arcana

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This ritual twists a person’s mind so that the person sees you in the best possible light in the present circumstances. Once you complete the ritual, make an Arcana check versus the targets Will defense to determine the effect it has on the target. A hostile person or a person threatened by you or your allies has a +5 bonus to its Will defense. Once the ritual’s duration expires, the target’s attitude returns to normal.

Arcana vs. Will Result Effect

Lower than Will The person becomes hostile versus you and is aware you tried to charm it.

Equal or up to 4 higher than Will

Ritual fails, but the person is unaware of the attempt to charm it.

5 to 9 higher than Will

The person acts as a friend for 1 hour, assisting you as it can, but it takes no actions that put itself at any risk or that require an expense of more than 5 gp per creature level.

10 or higher than Will

As above but for 6 hours and 25 gp per person’s level.

The spell does not enable you to control the charmed

person as if it were an automaton, but it perceives your words and actions in the most favorable way. You can try to give the subject orders, but you must roll a Charisma check versus the person’s Will defenses to convince it to do anything it wouldn’t ordinarily do. (Retries are not allowed.) An affected creature never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders, but it might be convinced that something very dangerous is worth doing.

Any act by you or your apparent allies that threatens the charmed person breaks the spell. You must speak the person’s language to communicate your commands, or else be good at pantomiming.

Interrogation The wizard smiled threateningly, "… so you won't talk? Trust me

I can make even the hardest men talk."

Level: 3 Category: Exploration Time: 1 minute Duration: See text

Component Cost: 50 gp Market Price: 125 gp Key Skill: Arcana or Religion

You question the target of the ritual, backed up by the

threat of magical pain. You may ask one question per level and one question per minute. The magic ends after one hour if not all questions have been asked.

The target can either answer the question or take 1d6 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage. The target is not compelled to answer truthfully, but the threat of pain gives you a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks and it gives the target a –4 penalty on Bluff checks to convince you when it is lying.

Irriseni Mirror Sight Queen Elvanna looked into the frosty mirror and suddenly

images appeared in the murky depths. "Give your report captain, I hope you have better found them", she commanded.

Level: 5 Category: Scrying Time: 10 minutes Duration: See text

Component Cost: 50 gp and a 100 gp focus

Market Price: 250 gp Key Skill: Arcana

You can look into a mirror (the focus) near you and see an image that is reflected in another specific mirror (chosen by you) or an individual or a location reflected in any other mirror. You can only view creatures or locations on the same plane as you.

Each time you cast the spell, you can choose to see one of three types of reflections in your mirror.

Known Mirror: The current reflection in another mirror

with which you are familiar. Known Person: The current reflection of a person you

know well, assuming that person is near a mirror. Known Location: The current reflection of a place you

know well and have visited, assuming the location is being reflected in a mirror.

You receive only visual information through this ability. You can also choose to transmit information both ways so

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that a person reflected in the remote mirror can view whatever appears in the mirror you are using.

Your Arcana check determines how long the mirror lasts.

Arcana Check Result Duration

19 or lower 1 minute

20–24 2 minutes

25–29 5 minutes

30–39 20 minutes

40 or higher 1 hour

Creatures can spot the sensor by succeeding on a Perception check (DC 10 + your level).

Some warding rituals can block scrying mirrors. If the location is so warded, or the location is otherwise unviable as a scrying target, then you learn this fact as soon as you start the ritual. You can then stop the ritual before you expend any components.

This ritual works with intentionally fabricated mirrors only; it is not effective with other reflective surfaces, such as still pools or polished metal shields.

Focus: A fabricated mirror worth 100 gp.

Threefold Aspect The youthful wizard Aliambre spoke a few words and suddenly

looked as a wizened old man. "To this village I have always been Aliambre the Wise", he said to his companion with a smile.

Level: 6 Category: Deception Time: 1 minute Duration: 24 hours

Component Cost: 140 gp Market Price: 360 gp Key Skill: Arcana

The Threefold aspect ritual allows you to shift your appearance between your natural age and three idealized age categories: young adult (youth/maiden), adulthood (father/mother), or elderly (elder/crone). In each case, your appearance is your own at the appropriate age, rather than that of a new individual.

You may change between these three aspects or your actual age as a standard action. As the young adult, you gain a +2 bonus to skill or ability checks based on Dexterity and Constitution, but suffer a –2 penalty to the same based on Wisdom. In the adult aspect, you gain a +2 bonus to skill and ability chekcs based on Wisdom and Intelligence, but take a –2 penalty to the same based on Dexterity. As the elderly aspect, you gain a +4 bonus to skill and ability checks based on Wisdom and Intelligence, but take a –2 penalty to the same based on Strength or Dexterity. The bonuses granted by this spell represent your idealized form in this threefold aspect rather than simply duplicating your ability scores at any one particular age, so you also get these bonuses in your current age.

True seeing, truesight or similar powers reveals your natural appearance overlaid with that your aspect, recognizing both as part of your true self. Individuals who study you closely and have interacted with you at another apparent age recognize a resemblance (as though family) with a successful DC 23 Perception check.

Threefold aspect does not alter your clothing or equipment, and does not heal any deformity or injury unrelated to age.

Youthful Appearance The witch mumbled a dark incantation, suddenly turning

youthful and full bodied. With a dark smile she entered the tavern muttering, "I will not go hungry tonight."

Level: 1 Category: Deception Time: 1 minute Duration: Special

Component Cost: 10 gp Market Price: 50 gp Key Skill: Arcana

When you complete the ritual, you touch yourself or a

willing or helpless creature, making it look like a younger version of itself. You select how much younger it looks (for example, “10 years” or “as a young adult”). You cannot otherwise change details of the target’s appearance other than those directly associated with aging (for example, gray hair returns to its original color). The target cannot appear so much younger that it changes size.

This spell does not affect any age-based modifications to ability scores or other age-related effects.

Your Arcana check determines how long the effect last.

Arcana Check Result Duration

9 or lower 1 hour

10–19 6 hours

20–29 12 hours

30 or higher 24 hours

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BESTIARY Beasts of the north and creatures of winter's chill fill the

pages of this month's Pathfinder Bestiary. From real-world folklore come the selection of whimsical house spirits, and fairy-tale magic inspires the creation of witchcrows. Arctic animals help provide more grounded threats, and the frost firs cast the feel of a creepy evergreen forest into a new, dangerous light.

In this 4th Edition Conversion I have also added all the new creatures that appear in The Snows of Summer that have not a direct counterpart in Dungeons & Dragons various Monster Manuals.

ARCTIC TATZLWYRM This serpentine creature has the head of a ferocious dragon and

two relatively small forearms that end in tiny claws.

Arctic Tatzlwyrm Level 2 Elite Brute Medium naturalmagical beast (dragon) XP 250 HP 96; Bloodied 48 Initiative +5 AC 15; Fortitude 15; Reflex 13; Will 12 Perception +8 Speed 6, climb 6 Darkvision, Resist 5 cold Low-light vision Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1


Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d10 + 3 damage

M Grab * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +5 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d10 + 6 damage, and the tatzlwyrm grabs the target (escape DC 13) if it has fewer than two creatures grabbed. MINOR ACTIONS Poison Gasp (poison) * At-Will (1/round, or 2/round while the tatzlwyrm is bloodied) Effect: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the tatzlwyrm). The target takes 2d6 poison damage and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends). Skills Athletics +9, Intimidate +7, Stealth +10 (+13 in snowy terrain) Str 16 (+4) Dex 18 (+5) Wis 14 (+3) Con 15 (+3) Int 5 (–2) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment unaligned Languages Draconic

Tatzlwyrms are thought to be primeval relatives of true dragons, having branched off the line millennia ago and evolved in a way that sets them notably apart. Undersized compared to their larger cousins, tatzlwyrms are nonetheless ferocious in their own right. And while tatzlwyrms are hardly impressive specimens when put beside their notorious relatives, most other reptiles can’t compare to them mentally. They understand Draconic, though other languages are beyond most tatzlwyrms’ limited comprehension. Nevertheless, tatzlwyrms are deeply cunning, building complex lairs and rudimentary traps.

Tatzlwyrms are quite rare, and only a few particularly curious and lucky adventurers can claim to have seen a living specimen. Reports do agree on some basic features, however. About the size of a full-grown human, tatzlwyrms have only two limbs and no wings, and possess a weak poisonous breath similar to the breath weapons of their true

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dragon relatives. An adult tatzlwyrm is 6 to 8 feet long, including its winding, organless tail, and it weighs between 400 and 500 pounds. A tatzlwyrm’s scales give the creature limited camouf lage, ranging through various shades of green, brown, and gray.

Like true dragons, tatzlwyrms are strict carnivores. They spend most of their time hiding, waiting to attack any prey that ventures too near. They consume their food slowly in the dark security and seclusion of their lairs. Tatzlwyrms have a remarkable knack for ambush and camouflage.

ATOMIE This miniscule, green-skinned humanoid wields a needle-thin

rapier. A pair of dragonfly wings holds the wee creature aloft.

Atomie Sentry Level 2 Skirmisher Tiny fey humanoid XP 125 HP 37; Bloodied 18 Initiative +7 AC 16; Fortitude 13; Reflex 16; Will 14 Perception +6 Speed 4, fly 10 Low-light vision TRAITS Speak with Animals Effect: The atomie can communicate with natural beasts. This power does not make animals friendly, and the animals are limited in their knowledge by their experiences and mobility. STANDARD ACTIONS m Rapier (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage.

M Rapier Dance (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature), +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, or 2d8 + 6 if the atomie has combat advantage against the target. In addition, the atomie can shift 2 square.

R Reduce Person * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +5 vs. Will Hit: The target is reduced one size category and is weakened (save ends both). TRIGGERED ACTIONS Fey Disappearance (illusion) * Recharge 5 6

Trigger: The atomie takes damage from an attack. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The atomie becomes invisible until the end of its next attack. Skills Acrobatic +10, Bluff +8, Stealth +10 Str 6 (–1) Dex 18 (+5) Wis 10 (+1) Con 13 (+2) Int 12 (+2) Cha 15 (+3) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven Equipment leather armor, rapier

Atomie Defender Level 5 Lurker Tiny fey humanoid (cold) XP 200 HP 51; Bloodied 25 Initiative +10 AC 19; Fortitude 16; Reflex 18; Will 17 Perception +8 Speed 4, fly 10 Low-light vision TRAITS Speak with Animals Effect: The atomie can communicate with natural beasts. This power does not make animals friendly, and the animals are limited in their knowledge by their experiences and mobility. STANDARD ACTIONS m Rapier (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage, or 4d6 + 4 damage if the atomie was invisible to the target when it attacked.

r Short Bow * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Hit: 2d4 + 5 damage, or 4d4 + 5 damage if the atomie was invisible to the target when it attacked.

Vanish from Sight (illusion) * At-Will

Effect: The atomie becomes invisible until it hits or misses with an attack or until the end of its next turn. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Fey Disappearance (illusion) * Recharge 5 6

Trigger: The atomie takes damage from an attack. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The atomie becomes invisible until it hits or misses with an attack or until the end of its next attack. Skills Acrobatic +11, Bluff +10, Stealth +11 Str 8 (+1) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 13 (+3) Con 15 (+4) Int 12 (+2) Cha 17 (+5) Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven Equipment leather armor, rapier

Atomies perceive themselves as larger than they actually are. Like pups standing up to a full-grown cur, atomies never back down from aggression, and take tremendous pride in defeating and humiliating foes larger than themselves. Atomies find great pleasure in shoring up the

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odds in a fight against larger foes. They make use of their reduce person spell-like ability as an offensive measure, hoping to shock and humiliate humanoid opponents, giving them a chance to make a killing jab. Atomies employ their invisibility spell-like ability to get in close and make sneak attacks before darting back out of reach.

In lands thick with fey, atomies often serve as border sentries or bodyguards to nymphs, dryads, or other more powerful fey creatures. While atomies prove only passable in their ability to defend such creatures, other fey accept their fealty out of respect and perhaps with a bit of mirth as well. Atomies enjoy their time as honor guards, but often grow bored and leave their posts in search of adventure.

These nimble creatures adore swordplay and practice

with their blades endlessly. Atomies often travel their lands seeking adventure tinged with mischief. Sensitive to bullying and oppression, atomies revel in turning the tables

on a cruel mayor or tormenting dishonorable mercenary bands. Atomies, enamored with tales of epic duels and the defeat of great evils, sometimes follow adventuring parties and eavesdrop on their nightly tales by the campfire. If a warrior in the group tends to boast of his swordplay, an atomie rarely resists the urge to humble him by sabotaging his equipment or invisibly reducing him and challenging him to a duel.

Atomies get along well with grigs, and it is not uncommon to see the two types of creatures banding together for defense or companionship. Some sages claim the two creatures share a past link, pointing out their similar insectile wings. Anyone questioning an atomie or grig about this theory is greeted with bouts of shrill tiny laughter. An atomie stands just under a foot tall and weighs 2 pounds.

FORLARREN This humanoid creature has the legs of a bald goat, a completely

hairless body, and a horned head with a sinister expression.

Forlarren Level 3 Skirmisher Medium fey humanoid XP 150 HP 46; Bloodied 23 Initiative +6 AC 17; Fortitude 14; Reflex 15; Will 15 Perception +9 Speed 6 Low-Light Vision TRAITS Remorse Whenever a forlarren kills a living creature, it becomes overwhelmed with remorse, and can't make any attacks (save ends). STANDARD ACTIONS m Claws * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d4 + 5 damage.

M Hellfire Touch (fire) * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d4 + 5 damage and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). Effect: The forlarren can shift 3 squares after the attack. TRIGGERED ACTIONS M Nymph's Kiss (charm, psychic) * Encounter

Trigger:The forlarren is hit by a melee attack from an adjacent enemy. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (triggering creature); +6 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d6 + 3 psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). Skills Acrobatics +9, Stealth +9 Str 12 (+2) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 16 (+4) Con 14 (+3) Int 4 (-2) Cha 9 (+0) Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven

A nymph’s charm and beauty are such that she can seduce nearly any creature that she sets her attentions on—and often, unfortunately, creatures she would rather not consort with. When a nymph catches the attention of a fiend and the fiend takes advantage of the creature, the resulting offspring is not always a half-fiend. Roughly one in 20 such incidents results instead in a strange creature known as a forlarren—a unique creature that possesses its own unusual abilities and qualities.

Few nymphs survive the ordeal of giving birth to a forlarren— those who do might attempt to raise their children in

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loving environments, but the evil that lurks in a forlarren’s soul is powerful. In most cases where a nymph attempts to raise a forlarren child, it’s only a matter of time before the forlarren grows resentful and its evil nature compels it to murder its mother. Most forlarrens are female, and few are capable of conceiving children of their own. A forlarren grows to adulthood with astonishing speed, reaching full growth in only a year—even those who come into the world as orphans are capable of defending themselves and seeking out food. Yet despite the rapidity with which they reach maturity, few forlarrens survive to adulthood. Cast out from both sylvan and fiendish society, the typical forlarren is a lonely creature, cursed by its own existence. It detests itself and everything it sees, and soon becomes consumed by hatred of life itself. The forlarren vents its rage on good and evil alike, lashing out at anything that approaches it.

The forlarren attacks with its clawed hands, typically focusing on a single opponent at a time and attacking until it or its opponent is slain. Yet curiously, when a forlarren succeeds in killing an opponent, the kindly traits of its fey mother sometimes surface, and it shows profound remorse for its cruelty. With such a pendulum of erratic behavior, it is no wonder that forlarrens are all but incapable of forming lasting friendships—even with others of their own kind.

The majority of forlarrens inherit little in the way of the magical abilities possessed by their fey mothers, such as the nymph's kiss, but they do gain a small measure of the powers of their fiendish fathers. In most cases, this manifests as the ability to use heat metal, but some forlarren instead gain a different spell-like ability chosen from the following list: chill metal, corrupt the flesh or gust of wind.

TRIGGERED ACTIONS M Heat/Chill Metal (fire/cold) * Encounter

Trigger:The forlarren is hit by a melee attack from an adjacent enemy, using an axe, falil, heavy or light blade, pick or spear. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (triggering creature); +6 vs. Fortitude Hit: 6 fire/cold damage, and the target drops the weapon.

TRIGGERED ACTIONS C Corrupt the Flesh (necrotic) * Encounter

Trigger:The forlarren is hit by a melee attack from an adjacent enemy. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (triggering creature); +6 vs. Fortitude Hit: The target's flesh warps, and the target gets a -2 penalty to attack rolls, is slowed and grants combat advantage (save ends all).

TRIGGERED ACTIONS C Gust of Wind * Encounter

Trigger:The forlarren is hit by a melee attack from an adjacent enemy. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Close blast 2 (creatures in blast); +6 vs. Fortitude Hit: 6 damage, and the target is knocked prone and pushed up to 2 squares.

A forlarren stands 6 feet tall and weighs about 160 pounds. In theory, these creatures can live for hundreds of years, but most perish through violence before they turn 10.

FROST FIR The faint scent of pine sap accompanies this vaguely tree-shaped

creature, which stands on two towering trunklike legs. Its arms resemble the branches of a snow-laden conifer.

Frost Firs Level 2 Elite Brute Large fey magical beast (plant), treant XP 250 HP 94; Bloodied 47 Initiative +1 AC 15; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 13 Perception +3 Speed 6 (forest walk, ice walk) Low-light vision Resist 10 cold Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 TRAITS Wooden Body Whenever the frost fir takes fire damage, it also takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). STANDARD ACTIONS m Slam * At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage.

M Double Slam * At-Will Effect: The frost fir uses slam twice, if both attacks hits the same target, the target is also restrained (save ends). The frost fir can slide the target as part of its move action, so its stay in the same relative position to the frost fir.

C Sweeping Branches * Recharge 5 6 Attack: Close burst 1 (creatures in the burst); +5 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 3 damage, and the target is knocked prone. TRIGGERED ACTIONS m Sticky Resin * At-Will Trigger: The frost fir is hit by a melee touch attack. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The triggering enemy is restrained (save ends). The frost fir can slide the target as part of its move action, so its stay in the same relative position to the frost fir. Skills Nature +8, Stealth +6 (+11 in forest) Str 16 (+4) Dex 10 (+1) Wis 14 (+3) Con 17 (+4) Int 12 (+2) Cha 9 (+0)

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Alignment unaligned Languages Elven

Little known outside the colder climes and higher elevations of the world, the malevolent tree creatures known as frost firs keep to themselves and disdain any who intrude upon their forested realms. Prevailing theories among scholars suggest the species descended from treants long ago, a derivative offshoot with an exclusive affinity for

evergreen trees. But despite sharing a common language, frost firs actually disdain treants,

citing philosophical differences. This revelation has caused others to posit

that frost firs originated as an entirely separate species,

born of the enigmatic First World where plants walk

and speak as freely as other


The grim-minded frost firs are as cold and impassive as the windswept ice and rocks they call home. They care little for other creatures or societies, keeping their distance at

all times and actively driving away any who dare to approach their groves during a reproductive cycle.

Frost firs also have an

especial hatred for those who create or rely upon open flames for warmth. Northern travelers often tell tales of frost fir attacks on their caravans, usually initiated with a smothering, snowy assault on any campfires. These attacks always come at night, and the frost firs never relent until such interlopers completely withdraw from their lands.

Frost firs make staunch combatants, specializing in stealthy forms of guerrilla warfare. They often utilize pit traps to capture the unwary, or draw their victims into ambushes facilitated by their ability to appear as normal trees . After grappling and pinning opponents, frost firs often take them prisoner and escort them back to a frost fir grove to be butchered and used to fertilize the soil for frost fir young. Frost firs craft any remaining bones into crude trophies and gruesome signposts marking their territory and warning away others. As a result, few species treat with frost firs, and any act of Diplomacy with them automatically faces a starting attitude of unfriendly.

GUARDIAN DOLL This strange doll is clad in traditional Irriseni peasant clothing,

and its eyes glisten with a disturbing curiosity.

Guardian Doll Level 3 Solo Artillery Tiny natural animate (cold, construct, undead) XP 750 HP 160; Bloodied 80 Initiative +4 AC 16; Fortitude 16; Reflex 16; Will 13 Perception +7 Speed 6 Darkvision Immune disease, poison. sleep; Resist 10 cold; Vulnerable 5 fire, 5 psychic Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2 TRAITS Soul Focus When the guardian doll drops to 0 hit points, the doll (but not the soul focus, usually a gem or the doll's eye) crumbles into dust, but it is not destroyed. As long as the soul focus remains

intact, it can be used to animate another doll, with all its memories remaining. STANDARD ACTIONS m Doll's Dagger * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage, and the target is immobilized and takes ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends both). If the target is already immobilized , it is instead stunned and takes ongoing 10 cold damage (save ends both).

R Witchcraft * At-Will Effect: The guardian doll casts two of the following spells, using each against a different target. This attack does not provoke opportunity attacks. 1. Charm Person (charm): Ranged 10; +6 vs. Will; the target is dominated until the end of its next turn. 2. Sleep (charm): Ranged 10; +6 vs. Will; the target is immobilized (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target is knocked unconscious instead of immobilized (save ends). 3. Cause Fear (fear, psychic): Ranged 10; +6 vs. Will; 1d8 + 6 psychic damage, and the guardian doll pushes the target its speed. 4. Ray of Frost (cold): Ranged 10; +6 vs. Fortitude; 1d10 + 5 cold damage. MOVE ACTIONS Levitate * Encounter

Effect: The guardian doll flies up to 4 squares vertically and hovers there until the end of its next turn. When the levitation ends, the guardian doll descends safely to the ground, without taking falling damage. Sustain Minor: The levitation persists until the end of the guardian doll’s next turn, and it can fly up to 3 squares vertically and 1 square horizontally. MINOR ACTIONS C Frost Fall (cold) * At-Will Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in blast); +6 vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d6 + 5 cold damage and the target is slowed (save ends). TRIGGERED ACTIONS R Evil Eye (necrotic) * At-Will Trigger: The guardian doll is hit by a ranged attack by an enemy

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that starts its turn within 5 square of it. Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Ranged 5 (triggering creature); +6 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d4 + 6 necrotic damage. Skills Acrobatics +9, Intimidate +6, Stealth +9 Str 8 (+0) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 12 (+2) Con 16 (+4) Int 14 (+3) Cha 10 (+1) Alignment evil Languages Common

Guardian dolls are constructs created by the White Witches to serve as spies and sentries at places that require ever vigilant wardens−especially the wintry nation's borders. These strange automatons are infused with fragments of the souls of living beings slain during the dolls' creation. The doll is sentient, and though a small part of the soul's original personality remains, the witchery employed largely strips it of its individuality. Many guardian dolls sit inside another form of construct−a sentinel hut−and stand vigil at one of Irrisen's borders and monitoring those who would enter. Others are sent on scouting missions or to spy on targets, usually posing as inanimate dolls to hide their true nature.

HOUSE SPIRITS These sometimes-helpful fey creatures bind themselves

to rural families and live among them. Some bear a resemblance to the family's ancestors, a similarity that grows more obvious the longer they are in the family's service. House spirits use their compression ability and invisibility to stay out of the sight of those they live among.

Dvorovoi A wild mop of hair tops this small humanoid creature's head. It

has prominent, gleaming eyes, and a toothy grin.

Dvorovoi Level 4 Lurker Small fey humanoid XP 175 HP 44; Bloodied 22 Initiative +8 AC 18; Fortitude 15; Reflex 17; Will 16 Perception +7 Speed 4 Low-light vision TRAITS Speak with Animals Effect: The dvorovoi can communicate with natural beasts. This power makes animals friendly, and the animals are limited in their knowledge by their experiences and mobility.

STANDARD ACTIONS m Pitchfork (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 3 damage, and the domovoi slides the target 2 squares.

R Entangle * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex Hit: The target is immobilized (save ends).

R Reduce Person * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +5 vs. Will Hit: The target is reduced one size category and is weakened (save ends both).

Invisibility (illusion) * Recharge when the domovoi takes damage Effect: The domovoi becomes invisible until it hits or misses with an attack. Skills Diplomacy +10, Insight +8, Nature +8, Stealth +9 Str 15 (+4) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 13 (+3) Con 14 (+4) Int 9 (+1) Cha 16 (+5) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven

Just as the domovoi protect the home, the dvorovoi protect a villager's yard and pasture. Some farmers try to lure dvorovoi to their farmsteads by leaving an offering of bread, sheep's wool, or shiny trinkets. When the owner of a farmstead with a dvorovoi purchases a new animal, he leads it through the yard to introduce it to the dvorovoi, hoping to gain the fey creature's approval of the new live stock.

Though undeniably useful to have around for feeding the cattle and keeping predators away from flocks, dvorovoi can be capricious. Dvorovoi despise any white animal, and will never tolerate a white-furred hors e or cow in their presence. For unknown reasons, dvorovoi doesn't hold this same grudge toward white chickens.

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Ovinnik Covered in sleek black fur, this vaguely feline humanoid holds

flickering f1ames in its clawed hand.

Ovinnik Level 2 Skirmisher Tiny fey humanoid XP 125 HP 39; Bloodied 19 Initiative +6 AC 16; Fortitude 13; Reflex 14; Will 14 Perception +8 Speed 6, climb 4 Darkvision, Resist 5 fire Low-light vision TRAITS Combat Advantage Effect: The ovinnik sneak deals 1d6 extra damage against any target it has combat advantage against. STANDARD ACTIONS m Fiery Touch (fire) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +5 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d8 + 5 fire damage, and the ovinnik shifts 3 squares.

R Grainy mind (psychic) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +5 vs. Will Hit: 1d6 + 4 psychic damage and the target is dazed (save ends). MINOR ACTIONS M Lucky/Unlucky Touch * Recharge 5 6 (1/round)

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +5 vs. Will Effect: When target makes an attack roll, target get to roll two dices and drop the lower (lucky) / higher (unlucky) (save ends). Skills Acrobatics +9, History (local) +5, Intimidate +9, Stealth +9 Str 12 (+2) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3) Con 15 (+3) Int 9 (+0) Cha 16 (+4) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven

Ovinniks make their homes in granaries and drying

houses. These thin, sleek, black-furred humanoids stand only a foot high. Their eyes and features seem catlike, but they bark like dogs to scare away thieves. No one knows why an ovinnik chooses to take up residence in a particular farm's threshing house, and few would call on them willingly. A wise farmer placates resident ovinniks with frequent gifts of warm milk, pancakes, or dead roosters. By tradition, before the new year farmers and their families go to the granary to learn their fates for the coming year. The ovinnik touches each of them in turn. If the touch is warm, the person will have good luck; if cold, she will suffer terrible misfortune in the days ahead.

ICE ELEMENTAL, LESSER From the waist up, this icy creature’s features are humanoid, but

below its body is a snake-like, slithering tail.

Lesser Ice Elementals Level 3 Brute Medium elemental magical beast (cold, water) XP 150 HP 56; Bloodied 28 Initiative +3 AC 15; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 13 Perception +0 Speed 6 (ice walk), 6 swim Immune cold; Vulnerable 5 fire TRAITS Ice Glide An ice elemental can pass through nonmagical ice and snow as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other sign of its presence (Perception DC 23 to notice). STANDARD ACTIONS m Slam (cold) * At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 5 cold damage.

M Ice Trap (cold) * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 5 cold damage and the target takes ongoing 5 cold damage and is immobilized (save ends both). TRIGGERED ACTIONS m Ice Shard Burst (cold) * Encounter

Trigger: The ice elemental drops to 0 hit points. Attack (No Action): Close burst 1 (creatures in burst); +6 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d8 + 4 cold damage and the target is petrified and takes ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends both). This ongoing cold damage ignores the resistance provided by the petrified condition. The ice elemental is destroyed. Str 17 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 8 (+0) Con 16 (+4) Int 8 (+0) Cha 15 (+3) Alignment unaligned Languages Primordial

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Ice elementals are creatures made of animated snow and ice. They form in especially cold parts of the Plane of Water and along its border with the Plane of Air, where giant icebergs careen off of world-high waterfalls into the open sky. Ice elementals vary in their exact appearance.

MANDRAGORA This filthy creature resembles a small, wide-mouthed fat child

made from leaves, vines, tree bark, dirt, and pallid tubers.

Mandragora Level 6 Brute Small fey magical beast (plant) XP 250 HP 89; Bloodied 44 Initiative +4 AC 18; Fortitude 20; Reflex 16; Will 18 Perception +5 Speed 6, burrow 2 (loose earth only) Low-light vision TRAITS Vulnerable to Darkness Effect: In areas of magical darkness the mandragora is slowed. STANDARD ACTIONS m Slam * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage

M Bite of Madness (poison) * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d8 + 8 damage and ongoing 5 poison damage and secondary effect (save ends both). Secondary Effect: The poison have a random effect during the targets turn, roll 1d3 at the start of the target's turn: 1. Target does nothing but babble incoherently. 2. Target attack nearest creature with an at-will power. 3. Target deals 1d8 + 6 damage to itself.

C Terror Shriek (psychic) * Encounter

Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in blast); +9 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d10 + 6 psychic damage and the target is dazed (save ends). Str 15 (+5) Dex 12 (+4) Wis 15 (+5) Con 19 (+7) Int 8 (+2) Cha 10 (+3) Alignment evil Languages Abyssal, Common

A mandragora rises spontaneously from a mandrake root that has drawn nutrition from the corpse or ichor of a demon. A typical mandragora stands at just over 3 feet tall and only weighs 30 pounds. However, its size hides the creature’s fantastic strength and brutality. When a mandragora attacks, its fingers grow into whipping, thorny vines nearly 10 feet long, with which it makes its slam attacks.

A mandragora rarely strays far from its lair amid tangled roots or vines, but when it encounters any other creature, it attacks regardless of the odds. However, a mandragora can usually recognize druids and does not attack them or their animal companions unless they attack it first. It has no qualms about attacking a druid’s allies.

When mandragora poison is mixed with its thick, gooey, sap-like blood and 1,000 gp worth of alchemical reagents, the resulting fluid can be used as a focus for scrying rituals. The fluid only lasts for the duration of the ritual and any

skill check results are treated as one skill category better, i.e. one row better in the skill result table for the ritual.

A mandrake root that is growing on or near a demon’s corpse or ichor has a 2% chance of awakening as a mandragora within a day of first absorbing the tainted material. A creature that wants to create a mandragora can do so with the alchemy feat; the process requires a day of work, a mandrake root, several pints of ichor or the body of a demon of CR 8 or above, and a successful DC 23 Arcana check. The newly created mandragora is hostile, even to its creator.

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SPRITE This lithe, diminutive creature looks like a humanoid with wispy,

mothlike wings and long, thin ears.

Sprite Ambusher Level 1 Lurker Tiny fey humanoid XP 100 HP 23; Bloodied 11 Initiative +7 AC 15; Fortitude 12; Reflex 15; Will 13 Perception +6 Speed 4, fly 6 Low-light vision TRAITS Luminous (radiant) * Aura 3

The sprite sheds light in the aura, equal to that of a torch. The sprite can control the color and intensity of the light as a free action, reducing its aura or even extinguish it. STANDARD ACTIONS m Rapier (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage, or 2d8 + 8 damage if the target could not see the pixie when it attacked.

r Short Bow (weapon) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage, or 2d6 + 10 damage if the target could not see the pixie when it attacked.

R Obscuring Dust * At-Will

Effect: Ranged 5 (one creature); the pixie can attempt a Stealth check to become hidden from the target.

Fade Out (illusion) * Encounter

The pixie becomes invisible until it hits or misses with an attack or until the end of its next turn. Skills Nature +5, Stealth +8 Str 6 (–2) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 10 (+0) Con 11 (+0) Int 12 (+1) Cha 13 (+1) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven Equipment leather armor, rapier

Sprites gather in groups deep in forested lands, aligned to the cause of defending nature. Whole tribes of sprites deem themselves protectors of a certain person, place, or creature of importance in their lands, even if the being doesn’t actually want or need protecting.

A sprite’s body is naturally luminous, although the sprite can vary the color and intensity of its body as it wishes. Shortly after death, a sprite’s body simply melts away to a twinkling vapor. Sprites are among the smallest of fey, standing just over 9 inches in height and rarely weighing more than 1 or 2 pounds.

Sprites are more primitive in many ways than most fey. They enjoy each other’s company, but tend to be distrustful of other fey and assume any humanoids and any other creatures that they haven’t expressly chosen to protect mean to do them ill. Even animals are generally regarded as dangerous. Much of this is due to sprites’ diminutive size, which makes them popular targets for predators. As a result, a sprite’s initial reaction to danger is typically to flee—it can use its dancing light power to trick enemies to follow a false light, or walk down into a treacherous bog.

Dancing Lights (illusion) * Encounter

The sprite create up to four floating orbs of light of any color. Each orb sheds bright light in a 2-square radius. Each light has a fly speed of 10. Whenever the sprite use a move action to move, it can move all the lights as part of that action. It can also use a minor action to move all lights up to their speed. Any light goes out if it is more than 20 squares from the sprite. A DC 20 Perception check is need to discern the difference between the orb of light and the real pixie.

While sprites themselves are relatively uncultured and savage in nature, they do have a healthy curiosity for all things magical in nature. They are particularly drawn to sites of great but latent magical power, such as the ruins of ancient temples. This curiosity makes them unusually receptive to roles as familiars as well.

TROLL, MOSS This large and lanky moss-colored humanoid has an elongated,

toothy snout and appears to be covered in bits of foliage.

Moss Troll Level 6 Brute Large natural humanoid (shapechanger) XP 250 HP 88; Bloodied 44 Initiative +6 AC 18; Fortitude 20; Reflex 18; Will 16 Perception +8 Speed 6, climb 3 Low-light vision TRAITS Fear of Fire A moss troll is shaken an grants combat advantage as long as it is within 5 squares of a visible fire of at least torch size. Regeneration The moss troll regains 5 hit points whenever it starts its turn and has at least 1 hit point. When the troll takes fire or acid damage, its regeneration does not function on its next turn. Troll Healing (healing) Whenever an attack that doesn't deal acid or fire damage reduces the troll to 0 hit points, the troll does not die and instead falls unconscious until the start of its next turn, when it

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returns to life with 15 hit points. If an attack hits the troll and deals any acid or fire damage while the troll is unconscious, it does not return to life in this way. STANDARD ACTIONS m Claw * At-Will

Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage.

M Bite and Rend * At-Will

Effect: The moss troll uses claw twice. If both attacks hit the same creature, the moss troll also bites the target doing an extra 2d6 + 7 damage. MINOR ACTIONS Change Shape (illusion) * At-Will

Effect: The moss troll alters its physical form to appear as a mossy tree until it uses change shape again or until it drops to 0 hit points. Other creatures can make a DC 28 Insight check to discern that the form is a disguise. Skills Acrobatics +11 Intimidate +7, Stealth +11 (+14 in vegetation) Str 20 (+8) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 14 (+4) Con 18 (+7) Int 5 (+0) Cha 9 (+2) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common, giant

Moss trolls are bent and gangly creatures. They are smaller and thinner than normal trolls, yet their arms are unusually long and spindly for the creatures’ size. Their flesh supports the growth of moss and molds as surely as tree bark.

Although their appetites are notoriously powerful, moss trolls are sly killers rather than simple brutes. They travel in the trees, singing, climbing, and jumping with unnerving ease. When a moss troll spots prey, it reaches or leaps down from above, heedless of dropping great distances in its eagerness to sate its ravenous appetite.

Moss trolls are fearless except in the face of fire, which does not stop a hungry moss troll from attacking, but can often cause a wounded one to retreat. However, those who

fight moss trolls may be unpleasantly surprised to learn that acid has no special effect on a moss troll’s regeneration.

Moss trolls not only hunt from the trees, but also live, breed, and hide their treasure among the branches. Their weirdly long arms allow them to attack foes on the ground without ever needing to set foot on the earth themselves. Young moss trolls are adept at climbing and acrobatics, as much as they are at eating and killing. Like other trolls, adult moss trolls often drive juveniles away after training them to hunt and fight. Gangs and troops of moss trolls exist only where food is plentiful. While moss trolls can digest almost any organic material, they prefer fresh meat—particularly when said meat is served still alive and squirming after a particularly invigorating session of stalking and torture.

A moss troll is 9 feet tall and weighs 550 pounds.

WEASEL, GIANT This massive weasel moves smoothly across the ground, almost

slithering like a snake, before pouncing with teeth bared.

Giant Weasel Level 3 Skirmisher Large natural beast XP 150 HP 49; Bloodied 24 Initiative +6 AC 17; Fortitude 14; Reflex 16; Will 14 Perception +2 Speed 8, climb 4 Low-light vision TRAITS Low Profile The weasel moves at normal speed while squeezing. STANDARD ACTIONS m Bite * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage.

M Attach and Bleed * Recharge 5 6

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage and the elemental grabs the target (escape DC 13) if it does not have a creature grabbed. Until the grab ends, the target takes ongoing 10 damage. While grabbing a target, the weasel can make no other attacks. MOVE ACTIONS Skitter * At-Will

Effect: The weasel can shift up to half its speed. During this movement, it can move through enemy spaces. Skills Stealth +9 Str 18 (+5) Dex 16 (+4) Wis 12 (+2) Con 17 (+4) Int 2 (-3) Cha 11 (+1) Alignment unaligned Languages −

The weasel family includes a long list of common mammals such as ferrets, minks, ermines, polecats, and stoats. All of them, on rare occasions, produce giant varieties. Opportunistic carnivores, weasels prefer their food live, or at least fresh. To maintain their high

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metabolism they must consume close to 40% of their body weight per day, so giant weasels hunt a wide variety of creatures . Though generally fearful of sentient creatures, giant weasels aggressively protect their territory.

Weasels fight by attaching themselves to their foes with their sharp incisors and then ripping open their victims' flesh with teeth and claws. Using this tactic, giant weasels can take down large animals, such as elk and moose, and attack other predators if they can take them by surprise.

Weasels can be found in almost any climate, from jungles to the arctic. Exceptional climbers, they are equally at ease moving overland or scrambling up rocky cliffs, and can even swim if necessary. Giant weasels make their homes in abandoned dens and burrows, and often bring back fur from their prey to line nests. Most weasels mate in the spring and give birth to litters of four to 10 young in the early summer.

Giant weasels' coats range from red to brown and sometimes gray; their underbellies are usually a lighter color, often white. They also exhibit a wide variety of markings ranging from stripes to masks, and some molt during the winter, producing a pure white coat. The proportion of the head and jaw varies among various subspecies. During mating season and when frightened,

weasels release a pungent musk. Though it's offensive to most creatures, it's not debilitating like a skunk's musk.

In folk tales and among hunters and trappers, weasels have a reputation for being exceptionally clever. Elders warn of giant weasels making off with human children, just as small weasels steal the eggs of birds. Giant weasels grow to up to 9 feet in length from nose to the base of their tails, which can grow to almost the length of their bodies. They weigh upward of 300 pounds.

WITCHCROW With a raucous cry and a flurry of feathered wings, this jet-black

bird takes to the air, an unnatural gleam in its otherworldly eyes.

Witchcrow Talons Level 2 Minion Skirmisher Tiny magical beast XP 125 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +6 AC 16; Fortitude 12; Reflex 16; Will 14 Perception +7 Speed 2, fly 8 (hover) Darkvision, Resist 5 cold Low-light vision STANDARD ACTIONS m Talons * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 5 damage.

M Flyby Attack * At-Will

Effect: The witchcrow flies up to its speed and uses talons once during that movement. It does not provoke opportunity attacks when moving away from the target of the attack. MINOR ACTIONS Mirror Image * Encounter

Effect: Two duplicate images of the witchcrow appear in its space, and it gain a +4 bonus to AC. Each time an attack misses the witchcrow, one duplicate images disappears, and the bonus granted by decreases by 2. Str 8 (+0) Dex 16 (+4) Wis 12 (+2)

Con 8 (+0) Int 13 (+2) Cha 11 (+1) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common

Witchcrow Beaks Level 3 Skirmisher Small magical beast XP 150 HP 42; Bloodied 21 Initiative +6 AC 17; Fortitude 13; Reflex 16; Will 15 Perception +8 Speed 2, fly 8 (hover) Darkvision, Resist 5 cold Low-light vision TRAITS Speak with Birds Effect: The witchcrow can communicate with birds (natural beasts). This power does not make birds friendly, and the birds are limited in their knowledge by their experiences and mobility. STANDARD ACTIONS m Talons * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 2d3 + 5 damage, and the witchcrow shifts 4 squares.

C Evil Cackle (psychic) * At-Will

Attack: Close burst 3 (creatures in burst); +8 vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d8 + 6 psychic damage and target is pushed 2 squares. MINOR ACTIONS Mirror Image * Encounter

Effect: Two duplicate images of the witchcrow appear in its space, and it gain a +4 bonus to AC. Each time an attack misses the witchcrow, one duplicate images disappears, and the bonus granted by decreases by 2. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Vanish (illusion) * Recharge 5 6

Trigger: The witchcrow takes damage from an attack. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The witchcrow becomes invisible until the end of its next attack. Skills Arcana +7, Stealth +9; Thievery +9 Str 10 (+1) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3) Con 10 (+1) Int 15 (+3) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common

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Witchcrow Eyes Level 5 Controller Small magical beast XP 200 HP 60; Bloodied 30 Initiative +6 AC 19; Fortitude 15; Reflex 18; Will 17 Perception +10 Speed 2, fly 8 (hover) Darkvision, Resist 5 cold Low-light vision TRAITS Detect Magic Effect: The witchcrow can as a free action detect magic as if it had a passive Arcane check of 30. STANDARD ACTIONS m Talons * At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Hit: 2d4 + 6 damage.

R Evil Eye (necrotic) * At-Will

Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +8 vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + 4 necrotic damage and the target is immobilized until the end of the witchcrow’s next turn. MINOR ACTIONS Mirror Image * Encounter

Effect: Two duplicate images of the witchcrow appear in its space, and it gain a +4 bonus to AC. Each time an attack misses the witchcrow, one duplicate images disappears, and the bonus granted by decreases by 2. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Ill Omen * Recharge 5 6

Trigger: An enemy uses an arcane ranged or are attack within 10 squares of the witchcrow Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The attack fails, but any encounter or daily power is not lost. Skills Arcana +10, Bluff +8, Stealth +11 Str 12 (+3) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 16 (+5) Con 12 (+3) Int 17 (+5) Cha 13 (+3) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common

The dreaded witchcrow, renowned as a harbinger of ill deeds and misfortune, preys on the weak and spies on the unwary. Clever, manipulative, and avaricious in the

extreme, these foul birds have no conscience and know no fear. Witchcrows strive to steal not only victims' most cherished possessions, but their hopes and dreams as well. They delight in bringing anguish, sowing doubt even as they feign friendly advice designed to tear down alliances, dupe the gullible, and compromise the virtuous. Despite their deceptive nature, witchcrows can also hold valuable information-or come by such if paid to retrieve it.

Witchcrows value arcane magic above all else, not simply as practitioners-the birds certainly have their own innate talent for witchcraft-but also as collectors. In exchange for their services or valuable information, witchcrows trade for scrolls, potions, and other lesser magic items. Even if such items go unoffered, an intense covetous streak drives witchcrows to pilfer these things if they sense them among a bargainer's possessions. Often, they single out arcane casters as targets for thievery, closing on casters from a distance with their vanish ability and executing flyby attacks to snatch away any baubles they desire. They carry such loot back to their nests to proudly share stories of their daring raids under the preening adulation of their peers. Prolonged spellcasting (such as casting a ritual) often attracts witchcrows in the area. They stalk spellcasters in groups, watching for opportunities to steal from them.

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USING BATTLE MAPS D&D 4th Edition is a very tactical game and battle maps

are used with great advantage during combat. Good or bad, within my own gaming group we have found it good to visualize the battle. In this conversion my ambition is to provide maps for the encounters that are present in the original Pathfinder Adventure without any map reference. As we are using MapTools all the maps provide herein are 50 pixels per square (or inch).

The following maps are provided

* Light Snow Forest Map * Medium Snow Forest Map * Heavy Snow Forest Map * The White Weasel Map

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Battle Maps

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