(regulations of saskatchewan) the …...the agri-food act, c.a-15.2, s.s. 1990-91. sections 1 to 32,...

THIS ISSUE HAS NO PART Ill (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The Saskatchewan Gazette PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY AUTHORITY OF THE QUEEN'S PRINTER PART I Volume 87 REGINA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1991 No.45 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART! ACTS PROCLAIMED ........................................... 1742 BOARD ORDERS ............................................... 1742 The Highway Traffic Act ......................................... 1742 MINISTER'S ORDERS .......................................... 1742 The Highway Traffic Act ......................................... 1742 The Oil and Gas Conservation Act ................................. 1742 MINISTER'S APPROVALS ...................................... 1743 The Oil and Gas Conservation Act ................................. 1743 CORPORATIONS BRANCH NOTICES ........................... 1744 The Co-operatives Act, 1989 ....................................... 1744 The Business Corporations Act .................................... 1744 The Business Names Registration Act .............................. 1755 The Non-profit Corporations Act ................................... 1782 PUBLIC NOTICES .............................................. 1783 The Business Corporations Act .................................... 1783 The Change of Name Act ......................................... 1783 Highway Traffic Board .......................................... 1784 The Oil and Gas Conservation Act ................................. 1790 The Tax Enforcement Act ........................................ 1791 The Urban Municipality Act, 1984 ................................. 1792 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN ......................................... 1793 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS ..................................... 1793 PART II Municipal Police Clothing and Rank Regulations, 1991 ................. 627 Municipal Police Training Regulations, 1991 .......................... 639 Municipal Police Equipment Regulations, 1991 ........................ 643 Municipal Police Discipline Regulations, 1991 ......................... 651 Municipal Police Recruiting Regulations, 1991 ........................ 671 Municipal Police Report Forms and Filing System Regulations, 1991 ...... 691

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Page 1: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective






Volume 87 REGINA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1991 No.45



ACTS PROCLAIMED ........................................... 1742

BOARD ORDERS ............................................... 1742

The Highway Traffic Act ......................................... 17 42

MINISTER'S ORDERS .......................................... 1742

The Highway Traffic Act ......................................... 1742

The Oil and Gas Conservation Act ................................. 17 42

MINISTER'S APPROVALS ...................................... 1743

The Oil and Gas Conservation Act ................................. 17 43

CORPORATIONS BRANCH NOTICES ........................... 1744

The Co-operatives Act, 1989 ....................................... 17 44

The Business Corporations Act .................................... 17 44

The Business Names Registration Act .............................. 1755

The Non-profit Corporations Act ................................... 1782

PUBLIC NOTICES .............................................. 1783

The Business Corporations Act .................................... 1783

The Change of Name Act ......................................... 1783

Highway Traffic Board .......................................... 1784

The Oil and Gas Conservation Act ................................. 1790

The Tax Enforcement Act ........................................ 1791

The Urban Municipality Act, 1984 ................................. 1792


OF SASKATCHEWAN ......................................... 1793

NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS ..................................... 1793


Municipal Police Clothing and Rank Regulations, 1991 ................. 627

Municipal Police Training Regulations, 1991 .......................... 639

Municipal Police Equipment Regulations, 1991 ........................ 643

Municipal Police Discipline Regulations, 1991 ......................... 651

Municipal Police Recruiting Regulations, 1991 ........................ 671

Municipal Police Report Forms and Filing System Regulations, 1991 ...... 691

Page 2: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective



The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1991:

The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective January 1, 1991.

The League of Educational Administrators, Directors and Superintendents Act, 1991, c.L-9.02, S.S. 1990-91. Proclaimed in force effective August 1, 1991.

The Legal Profession Act, 1990, c. L-10.1, S.S. 1990-91. Proclaimed in force effective October 1, 1991.

The Medical Laboratory Licensing Act, c.M-9.1, S.S. 1989-90. Proclaimed in force effective April 1, 1991.

The Ozone-depleting Substances Control Act, c.O-8, S.S. 1990-91. Proclaimed in force effective January 1, 1991.

The Personal Care Homes Act, c.P-6.01, S.S. 1989-90. Proclaimed in force effective October 1, 1991.

The Planning and Development Amendment Act, 1989, c.51, S.S. 1990-91. Section 31 pro­claimed in force effective January 1, 1991.

The Referendum and Plebiscite Act, c. R-8.01, S.S. 1990-91. Proclaimed in force effective Sep­tember 10, 1991.

The Sashatchewan Heritage Foundation Act, c.S-22.1, S.S. 1990-91. Proclaimed in force effec­tive February 18, 1991.

The Sashatchewan Human Rights Code Amend­ment Act, 1989, c .23, S.S. 1990-91. Section 11 proclaimed in force effective March 1, 1991.

The Summary Offences Procedure Act, 1990, c.S-63.1, S.S. 1990-91. Proclaimed in force effec­tive January 1, 1991.

* A proclamation appearing in this list forthe first time is indicated in bold print.


The Highway Traffic Act


The Highway Traffic Board, pursuant to section 97 of The Highway Traffic Act, hereby appoints the person identified in the schedule as a tester of tuning forks, effective the date of this Order.

W. R. McLaren, Chairman,

Regina, Saskatchewan Certified True Copy

Highway Traffic Board.

W. R. McLaren, Chairman, Highway Traffic Board.


Calvin Bender, Regina, Sask.


Highway Traffic Act


The Deputy Minister of Highways and Trans­portation, pursuant to Section 35 of The Highway Traffic Act and under authority delegated by the Highway Traffic Board, hereby fixes a maximum speed of:

100 km/hr on Provincial Highway No. 302, west of Prince Albert, from the east boundary of R.L. 51 in the Prince Albert Settlement, to theeast boundary of R.L. 3 in the Prince AlbertSettlement.

Dated at Regina, Sask., October 24, 1991.

J. R. Sutherland, Deputy Minister of

Highways and Transportation.

Certified a True Copy, J. R. Sutherland, Deputy Minister of Highways and Transportation.

The Oil and Gas Conservation Act


MRO 328/91 A 102. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, approval is granted to Devran Petroleum Ltd. for an off­target well because a well has been drilled and abandoned in the target area. Permission is granted to drill and produce the off-target well to be located in legal subdivision 6, of Section 34, in Township 7, in Range 12, West of the Second Meridian, subject to the following condition:

1 If the well is completed as an oil well the net productive area used in calculating the maximum permissible rate shall be determined in accord­ance with subsection 30(1) of The Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations, 1985.

Dated at Regina, Sask., October 18, 1991.


MRO 329/91. The application submitted by Shell Canada Limited to conduct a horizontal well project in The Midale Unit is approved pursu­ant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas Conserva­tion Act. Permission is granted to construct the facilities and to drill and complete three wells with proposed horizontal sections of up to 300 m in the Midale Beds underlying portions of Sec­tions 17, 18 and 19-6-10 W2M and Section 15-6-11 W2M, in accordance with plans and specifications filed with Saskatchewan Energy and Mines as Document No. H.W. 96 and subject to the follow­ing provisions:

1 The horizontal wells shall not be subject to the provisions of MRO 159/65 PO 21.

2 The horizontal wells shall be produced according to Good Production Practice.





Page 3: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


NOVEMBER 8, 1991 1743

3 The completed interval of each vertical well that is being re-entered for horizontal drilling shall be abandoned according to the requirements of the Estevan Office of Saskatchewan Energy and Mines.

Dated at Regina, Sask., October 28, 1991.


MRO 330/91. The application submitted by Sceptre Resources Limited to conduct a horizon­tal well project in the Souris Flat Frobisher Beds Pool is approved pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act. Permission is granted to construct the facilities and to drill and complete one well with a proposed horizontal sec­tion of 400 m in the Frobisher Beds underlying the north-east quarter of Section 36 in Township 1, in Range 34, West of the First Meridian, in accordance with plans and specifications filed with Saskatchewan Energy and Mines as Docu­ment No. H.W. 97 and subject to the following provisions:

1 The horizontal well shall not be subject to the provisions of MRO 334/66 PO 112.

2 The maximum allowable rate of production for the horizontal well shall be determined accord­ing to the provisions of MRO 260/91.

Dated at Regina, Sask., October 28, 1991.


MRO 331/91. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, the application sub­mitted by Williston Wildcatters Corporation for disposing of salt water recovered from oilfield production by injection into the Alida Beds through the well W Wild et al Arcola N 15-8-9-4, located in legal subdivision 15 of Section 8, in Township 9, in Range 4, West of the Second Merid­ian in the Province of Saskatchewan, is approved all in accordance with plans and specifications filed with the Department as P.M. 799 and subject to the following conditions:

1 Installations shall be subject to the approval of a field representative of the Department prior to the commencement of salt water injection and subsequent to any modifications to such installa­tions.

2 The wellhead injection pressure shall be lim­ited to a maximum of 10 800 kilopascals.

3 All injection volumes shall be metered with a Department approved method.

This approval does not authorize the applicant to dispose of salt water without the consent of all the mineral owners, other than the Crown, that might reasonably be adversely affected by such disposal.

Dated at Regina, Sask., October 28, 1991.


MRO 332/91. The application submitted by Strike Energy Inc. to conduct a horizontal well

project in the Tatagwa Central Midale Beds Pool is approved pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act. Permission is granted to construct the facilities and to drill and com­plete one well with a proposed horizontal section of 750 m in the Midale Beds underlying the east half of Section 7 in Township 6, in Range 15, West of the Second Meridian, in accordance with plans and specifications filed with Saskatchewan Energy and Mines as Document No. H.W. 98 and subject to the following provisions:

1 The horizontal well shall not be subject to the provisions of MRO 50/91 PO 11.

2 The horizontal well shall be produced accord­ing to Good Production Practice.

Pat Youzwa, Deputy Minister, Saskatchewan Energy and Mines.


The Oil and Gas Conservation Act


MA 64/91. Pursuant to section 75 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations, 1985, the applica­tion submitted by Fletcher Challenge Petroleum Inc. to commingle before measurement the pro­duction from the McLaren Sand with that from the Colony Sand in the well Gulf et al Neilburg A 7-16-46-25, located in legal subdivision 7 of Sec­tion 16, in Township 46, Range 25, West of the Third Meridian is approved subject to the follow­ing condition:

1 All production from the well, effective on and after the date of commingling, shall be reported as originating from the Miscellaneous Commingled Mannville Sands Pool.

Dated at Regina, Sask., October 29, 1991.

R. C. Clayton, forPat Youzwa, Deputy Minister,

Saskatchewan Energy and Mines.


MA 65/91. Pursuant to section 75 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations, 1985, the applica­tion submitted by Fletcher Challenge Petroleum Inc. to commingle before measurement the pro­duction from the McLaren Sand with that from the Colony Sand in the well Gulf et al Neilburg A8-21-46-25, located in legal subdivision 8 of Sec­tion 21, in Township 46, in Range 25, West of the Third Meridian is approved subject to the follow­ing condition:

1 All production from the well, effective on and after the date of commingling, shall be reported as originating from the Miscellaneous Commingled Mannville Sands Pool.

Dated at Regina, Sask., October 30, 1991.

Pat Youzwa, Deputy Minister, Saskatchewan Energy and Mines.

Page 4: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective



The Co-operatives Act, 1989


Having been advised that Fairly Lake Small Business Loans Co-operative Ltd. has ceased in Saskatchewan, and has no assets or liabilities, take notice that at the expiration of 30 days, unless cause is shown to the contrary, the name of the co-operative will be struck off the register and the Registrar of Co-operatives will issue a Certifi­cate of Dissolution.

Dated at Regina, Sask., October 30, 1991.


Name: Jackfish and Murray Lake Fisherman's Co-operative Limited

Date ofRestoral: October 23, 1991

Name: Kindersley and District Co-operative Limited

Date ofRestoral: October 21, 1991

Name: Wawken Lenders Co-operative Ltd.

Date ofRestoral: October 18, 1991


Name: Pelly Community Arena Co-operative

Date: October 25, 1991

Monte Curle, Deputy Registrar of Co-operatives.

The Business Cmporations Act


Name: Agri - Quill Creative Inc.

Date oflncorporation: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 44, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: farming and agricultural writing

Name: Antelope Pharmaceutical Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 15, 1991

Mailing Address: General Delivery, Cabri

Main Type of Business: pharmacy

Name: Auto Host Car Rentals Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: 700-2103 11th Ave., Regina

Main Type of Business: automobile rental company

Name: Keith Brown Holding Corp.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 988, Gravelbourg

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: C.G.G. Farms Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 15, 1991

Mailing Address: 510-128 4th Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: farming

Name: CHM Transport Inc.

Date oflncorporation: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 101-1126 Central Ave., Prince Albert

Main Type of Business: freight carrier

Name: Crane Valley Excavation Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 15, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 399, Kamsack

Main Type of Business: excavating

Name: Credit Information Services (Sask.) Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 15, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 440, Lloydminster

Main Type of Business: credit reporting

Name: Dana Holdings Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 309 Canada Building, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: Dynatek Development Interiors Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 22, 1991

Mailing Address: 51 Pappas Cres., Regina

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: E & S Holdings Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 15, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 520, North Battleford

Main Type of Business: restaurant

Name: Eagle Printing & Button Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 25, 1991

Mailing Address: 700-2103 11th Ave., Regina

Main Type of Business: printing materials and publishing books, etc.

Name: Ediger Transport Inc.

Date oflncorporation: October 15, 1991


Page 5: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


NOVEMBER 8, 1991 1745

Mailing Address: 236 First St., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: transport company

Name: Financial Directions Inc.

Date oflncorporation: October 15, 1991

Mailing Address: 102-500 Spadina Gres., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: personal and corporate financial planning and consulting

Name: George Managers Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 10, 1991

Mailing Address: 1791 Rose St., Regina

Main Type of Business: property management

Name: Gourmet Paradise Restaurant Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 22, 1991

Mailing Address: 834 Erb Bay, Regina

Main Type of Business: restaurant

Name: Great West Systems Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 16, 1991

Mailing Address: 3311 Harrington St., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: computer hardware and software service

Name: H. W Investments Inc.

Date oflncorporation: October 25, 1991

Mailing Address: 361 MacDonald St., Regina

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: Hanan Holdings Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 601 First Ave. N., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: Inder Enterprises Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 725, Estevan

Main Type of Business: confectionary and gas bar

Name: J & J Recreational Ranch Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 31, Craven

Main Type of Business: campground, recreational facilities

Name: J -Clan Services Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 309 Canada Building, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: Kamco Holdings Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 309 Canada Building, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: LCP Clothings Corporation

Date of Incorporation: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 1791 Rose St., Regina

Main Type of Business: clothing store

Name: LFD Construction Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 760, Tisdale

Main Type of Business: construction

Name: Linda's Little Store Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 571, La Ronge

Main Type of Business: confectionery

Name: Lunn Hotel & Cars Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 16, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 2037, Canora

Mailing Address: beverage room, renting of rooms, selling cars

Name: Max's Place Ventures Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 25, 1991

Mailing Address: 1335B 2nd Ave. W., Prince Albert

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: Med-Info Systems Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 878, Humboldt

Main Type of Business: medical information

Name: Mission Lahe Plumbing Inc.

Date oflncorporation: October 15, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 399, Kamsack

Main Type of Business: plumbing

Name: Moss Lahe Constrnction Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 15, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 399, Kamsack

Main Type of Business: construction company

Name: Nagus Holdings Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 309 Canada Building, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Page 6: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


Name: North Valley Farms Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 15, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 5, Craven

Main Type of Business: mixed farming

Name: Omnilogic Software Inc.

Date oflncorporation: October 10, 1991

Mailing Address: 2856 Retallack St., Regina

Main Type of Business: computer consulting

Name: OU Holdings Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 100-48 12th St. E., Prince Albert

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: Paisley Golf Centre Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 15, 1991

Mailing Address: 3034 Westgate Ave., Regina

Main Type of Business: golf driving range

Name: Parsan Holdings Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 16, 1991

Mailing Address: 1457 Albert St., Regina

Main Type of Business: venture capital corp.

Name: Phair Sports (Sask) Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 3, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 725, Estevan

Main Type of Business: sporting goods

Name: Pro-Forest Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 24, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 2000, Melville

Main Type of Business: harvesting trees

Name: Quest Communications Group Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 300-2216 Lorne St., Regina

Main Type of Business: public relations and corporate communications

Name: R. & S. Sales Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 25, 1991

Mailing Address: 1022 Tiffin Cres., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: buying and selling of used cars and trucks

Name: Reid and Associates Consulting Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 9, 1991

Mailing Address: 1118 1st St. E., Prince Albert

Main Type of Business: development and delivery of employment training programs

Name: Rose Hall Cleaners Inc.

Date oflncorporation: October 10, 1991

Mailing Address: 1791 Rose St., Regina

Main Type of Business: pick up clothes, cleaners

Name: Rose Improvements Inc.

Date oflncorporation: October 10, 1991

Mailing Address: 1791 Rose St., Regina

Main Type of Business: renovations

Name: Samenook Reinforcing Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 16, 1991

Mailing Address: 225 Bean Cres., Weyburn

Main Type of Business: reinforcing steel contractor - installation of rebar

Name: Sedona Holdings Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: 524 2nd Ave. N., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: brake, muffler and tire shop

Name: SEM Software Corp.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 305 Dewdney Ave. E., Regina

Main Type of Business: development and sale of computer software

Name: Seuerell Enterprises Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 24, 1991

Mailing Address: 334 105th St. E., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: canvass repair

Name: South East Import-Export Corporation

Date of Incorporation: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 1791 Rose St., Regina

Main Type of Business: clothing store

Name: Swede Industries Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 25, 1991

Mailing Address: 2442 Garnet St., Regina

Main Type of Business: mfg. farm machinery

Name: Systems Plus Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 10, 1991

Mailing Address: 134 Tobin Cres., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: trade and deal in computers and software

Name: Tamarack Design Studio Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 638, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: graphic design



Page 7: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective



NOVEMBER 8, 1991 1747

Name: Truch Process Agents of Canada Inc.

Date oflncorporation: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: 300-2445 13th Ave., Regina

Main Type of Business: agent for Truck Process Company

Name: United Clothings Corporation

Date oflncorporation: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 1791 Rose St., Regina

Main Type of Business: clothing sales

Name: Western Limestone Inc.

Date oflncorporation: October 28, 1991

Mailing Address: 10-18-10-W2, R.M. of Sherwood No. 159

Main Type of Business: operation and sale of limestone

Name: William Gifts Incorporated

Date of Incorporation: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 1791 Rose St., Regina

Main Type of Business: gifts

Name: Zeahen Holdings Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 1912, Kindersley

Main Type of Business: investment property

Name: 598659 Sashatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 15, 1991

Mailing Address: 200-111 2nd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598660 Sashatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 15, 1991

Mailing Address: 200-111 2nd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598680 Saslwtchewan Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 16, 1991

Mailing Address: 100-2401 Saskatchewan Dr., Regina

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598689 Sashatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: 1550-2500 Victoria Ave., Regina

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598690 Sashatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: 1500-2500 Victoria Ave., Regina

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598700 Sashatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 200-111 2nd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598701 Sashatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 200-111 2nd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598702 Sashatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 200-111 2nd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598703 Sashatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 200-111 2nd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598704 Sashatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 300-3303 Hillsdale St., Regina

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598705 Sashatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 3rd Fl., 374 3rd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598706 Sashatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 3rd Fl., 374 3rd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598707 Sashatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 3rd Fl., 374 3rd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598708 Sashatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 3rd Fl., 374 3rd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598709 Sashatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Page 8: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


Mailing Address: 3rd Fl., 374 3rd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598710 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 3rd Fl., 374 3rd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598711 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 3rd Fl., 374 3rd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598712 Saslwtchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 3rd Fl., 374 3rd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598713 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 3rd Fl., 374 3rd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598714 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 3rd Fl., 374 3rd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598732 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 268 Habkirk Dr., Regina

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598733 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 850, Nipawin

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598734 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 850, Nipawin

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598735 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 100-33 11th St. W., Prince Albert

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598736 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 100-33 11th St. W., Prince Albert

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598737 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 100-33 11th St. W., Prince Albert

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598746 Sas/wtchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 500-402 21st St. E., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598766 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 24, 1991

Mailing Address: 15 11th St. E., Prince Albert

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598768 Saslwtchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 24, 1991

Mailing Address: 100-33 11th St. W., Prince Albert

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598769 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 24, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 500, Lloydminster

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598770 Sas/wtchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 24, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 500, Lloydminster

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598771 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 24, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 609, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598772 Saslwtchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 24, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 609, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598773 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 24, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 609, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company




Page 9: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective



NOV EMBER 8, 1991 1749

Name: 598774 Sashatchewan Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 24, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 609, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598781 Sashatchewan Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 25, 1991

Mailing Address: 102-1112 W innipeg St., Regina

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598782 Sashatchewan Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: October 25, 1991

Mailing Address: 604-224 4th Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 598798 Sashatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: October 29, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 2590, Humboldt

Main Type of Business: holding company


Name: Airfresh Services Inc.

Date of Registration: October 24, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta.

Head or Registered Office: 101-616 71 Avenue S.E., Calgary, Alta.

Main Type of Business: air handling system cleaning

Name: Arctic Distributors Ltd.

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Man.

Head or Registered Office: 314 Green St., Flin Flon, Man.

Main Type of Business: soft drink distributor

Name: Concord Collection Agencies (1989) Ltd.

Date of Registration: October 22, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Man.

Head or Registered Office: Suite 703-310 Broadway Ave., Winnipeg, Man.

Main Type of Business: collection agency

Name: Delmay Inc.

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta.

Head or Registered Office: 102-3604 52 Ave. N.W., Calgary, Alta.

Main Type of Business: sales, rentals, distribution and service related to warehouse pallets and storage

Name: Fibreclean Equipment & Supply (Edmonton) Ltd.

Date of Registration: October 17, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta.

Head or Registered Office: 1-3611 27th Street N.E., Calgary, Alta.

Main Type of Business: supply cleaning compounds - equipment to professional carpet cleaners

Name: Fouillard Steel Supplies Ltd.

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Man.

Head or Registered Office: Box 28, Main St., St. Lazare, Man.

Main Type of Business: supplier of steel

Name: Ger-Ed Transport Ltd.

Date of Registration: October 24, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Man.

Head or Registered Office: 262 Main St., Box 605, Niver ville, Man.

Main Type of Business: transportation

Name: J & F Truching Corporation

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Ont.

Head or Registered Office: 610 Finley Ave., Ajax, Ont.

Main Type of Business: trucking

Name: Laura Jane's Inc.

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta.

Head or Registered Office: 40-4500 16 Ave. NW, Calgary, Alta.

Main Type of Business: selling linen, lace & clothing through home shows

Name: Lear Mortgage Services Corporation

Date of Registration: October 22, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: B.C.

Head or Registered Office: 207-1664 Richter St., Kelowna, B.C.

Main Type of Business: mortgage brokering ser vices

Name: Life Extension Inc.

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta.

Head or Registered Office: Box 9117, Station F, Calgary, Alta.

Main Type of Business: wholesale of health products such as weight loss programs

Name: Metropol Security Services Inc.

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada

Head or Registered Office: 26th Floor, Toronto­Dominion Bank Tower, Box 10026 Pacific Centre, 700 W. Georgia St., Vancouver, B.C.

Main Type of Business: inactive corporation

Page 10: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


Name: Nationwide Warehouse and Storage, Inc.

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: OH

Head or Registered Office: 2097 South Hamilton Rd., 2nd Floor, Columbus, OH

Main Type of Business: mfg. - purchase for resale of mattresses, bedding, and furniture

Name: Allen B. Olson Auction Service Ltd.

Date of Registration: October 17, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta.

Head or Registered Office: Box 118, Rimbey, Alta.

Main Type of Business: auction company

Name: Van-Kam Freightways Ltd.

Date of Registration: October 17, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: B.C.

Head or Registered Office: 2355 Madison Ave., Burnaby, B.C.

Main Type of Business: general freight

Name: Western Pre-Bake Ltd.

Date of Registration: October 22, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: 22 St. Clair Ave. E., Suite 1901, Toronto, Ont.

Main Type of Business: manufacturer of frozen baking products

Name: XYZ Properties Inc.

Date of Registration: October 24, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta.

Head or Registered Office: 1601-33 3 11th Ave. S.W., Calgary, Alta.

Main Type of Business: property holdings

Name: 21st Century Lighting and Home Decor Inc.

Date of Registration: October 3, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta.

Head or Registered Office: 6053 Centre St. S., Calgary, Alta.

Main Type of Business: retail and wholesale lighting and fans


Name of Amalgamated Corporation: Carlin Holdings Ltd.

Names of Amalgamating Corporations: Carlin Investments Ltd., Carlin Holdings Ltd., Carlin Realty Ltd.

Date of Amalgamation: October 15, 1991

Registered Office: 1410 Park Ave., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding co. (real/personal property, real estate, vehicles, etc.)

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: MFM Holdings Inc.

Names of Amalgamating Corporations: Save the Planet Holdings Inc. MFM Holdings Inc.

Date of Amalgamation: October 22, 1991

Registered Office: 3rd Fl.-374 3rd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: Moonlitt Holsteins Ltd.

Names of Amalgamating Corporations: Moonlitt Holsteins Ltd., Gold Star Goat Dairy Inc.

Date of Amalgamation: October 19, 1991

Registered Office: SW 15-38-6w3rd, R.M. of Corman Park No. 344

Main Type of Business: dairy farm


Name: Anaheim. Holdings Ltd.

Date of Amendment: October 21, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to April Hom.es Ltd.

Name: Billywalk Leasing Incorporated

Date of Amendment: October 24, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Canwest Signs Inc.

Name: Blais Enterprises Ltd.

Date of Amendment: October 16, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Joe Blais Enterprises Ltd.

Name: Gerry's Transport Ltd.

Date of Amendment: October 21, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Gerry Transport Ltd.

Name: Adam Niesner Realty Ltd.

Date of Amendment: October 23, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to ANR Leaseholds Ltd.

Name: RBV Entertainment Systems Inc.

Date of Amendment: October 16, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to RBV Systems Inc.

Name: Rumple/Cuss Motion Pictures Inc.

Date of Amendment: October 17, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Pinball Pictures Corporation


Page 11: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


) l


NOVEMBER 8, 1991 1751

Name: D. Sander Farms Ltd.

Date of Amendment: October 23, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Sander Brothers Farms Ltd.

Name: G.S. Stowall Trailer and Manufacturing Corp.

Date of Amendment: October 22, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Transmaster Technologies Inc.

Name: WC. Tirecycle Products Inc.

Date of Amendment: October 18, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Rex Management Corporation

Name: 308620 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Amendment: October 21, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Bellamy Autotechnic Ltd.

Name: 582306 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Amendment: October 15, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to K. L. A. Group Holdings Inc.

Name: 590553 Saslwtchewan Ltd.

Date of Amendment: October 17, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Boersch Farms Ltd.

Name: 597572 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Amendment: October 15, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Elway Foods Ltd.

Name: 597573 Saslwtchewan Ltd.

Date of Amendment: October 15, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Jones Dowie Holdings Inc.

Name: 597794 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Amendment: October 17, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to DSG Communications Inc.

Name: 597886 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Amendment: October 15, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to FP Bourgault Tillage Tools Ltd.

Name: 597989 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Amendment: October 23, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Adam Niesner Realty (1991) Ltd.

Name: 598492 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Amendment: October 15, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Reidon Holdings Limited


Names: Base Fort Security Group Ltd.

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada

Date of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: June 28, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to 2730308 Canada Inc.

Name: Campbell Soup Company Ltd. Les Soupes Campbell Ltee

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada

Date of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: July 29, 1991

Nature of Amendment: amalgamated from Campbell Soup Company Ltd. - Les Sou.pes Campbell Ltee

Name: First Protection Inc.

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada

Date of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: June 28, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to 2730324 Canada Inc.

Name: Pisiak Custom Framing Ltd.

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta.

Date of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: September 23, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Pineridge Holdings Inc.


Name: Custom Log Homes Ltd.

Date: October 11, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: B.C.

Name: Jatar Enterprises Ltd.

Date: October 11, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta.

Name: Neill's Jewellery (1974) Ltd.

Date: October 21, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Man.

Name: Outpost Camps Ltd.

Date: October 11, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Sask.

Page 12: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


CORPORATIONS STRUCK OFF THE Corporation Name: Jurisdiction: REGISTER PURSUANT TO SECTION Book Insulators Inc. Sask.

290(1)(a) Boswell Enterprises Ltd. Sask. (SEPTEMBER 30, 1991) Both Industries Ltd. Ont.

Corporation Name: Jurisdiction: Boyd Construction Ltd. Sask.

131853 Canada Inc. Canada Braithwaite Doors (1988) Ltd. Sask.

309712 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. C&K MacDonald Enterprises

309748 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Ltd. Sask.

573982 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Caleval & Beadnell Consultants

574043 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Ltd. Sask.

578173 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Calpine Resources Incorporated B.C.

578193 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Caltana Capital Corp. Sask.

578415 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Can-Afric Enterprises Inc. Sask.

582552 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. CAPA Software Publishing

Corporation Sask. 582807 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Caribou Videoline Services Ltd. Sask. 582808 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Carwyn Investments Ltd. Sask. 586796 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Cary Holdings Ltd. Sask. 586824 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Cathai Foods Ltd. Sask. 586875 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Celebrity Homes & Construction 586900 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Ltd. Sask.

586971 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Charles Plumbing & Heating

l586984 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Ltd. Sask.

586992 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Chesborough Construction

590349 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Limited Ont.

590409 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Cieslak Harvesting Co. Ltd. Alta.

590476 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Clew Holdings Ltd. Sask.

Color Craft Signs & 594022 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Screen printing Ltd. Sask. 594024 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Competition Slabjacking Inc. Sask. 594041 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Conagra International (Canada) 59404 7 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Ltd. Canada

A & L Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Condor International

Acorn Resources Ltd. B.C. Polyethelyne Resources Ltd. Sask.

Acrylic Topcoat 2000 Inc. Sask. Conserva-Controls Ltd. Sask.

Adept Enterprises Limited Sask. Controlled Comfort Systems Ltd. Sask.

All-Sask Pages Plus Directories Corod Industries Inc. Alta.

Ltd. Sask. Corvallis Resources Ltd. Alta.

Amik General Const. Ltd. Sask. Country Holdings Inc. Sask.

Anticknap Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Cross Roads Transport Ltd. Sask.

Artistique Beauty College and D R K Management & Professional Hair Studio (1990) Investments Ltd. Sask. Ltd. Sask. Dave's Pressure Services Ltd. Sask.

Atara Management Ltd. Sask. Dean Rappleye, Inc. Calif. Aurel Hounjet Hauling Inc. Sask. Desjard's Fashion Inc. Sask. Austin Holdings Ltd. Sask. Desrochers Development Corp. Sask. B & S Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Destiny Holdings Ltd. Sask. B & T Controls Ltd. Sask. DII Distributors Ltd. Sask. Bacon Contracting Ltd. Sask. Doreen's Laundromat Ltd. Sask. Baer & Sons Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Double M Soil Services Ltd. Sask. Bell Technical Services Douglas Eddy Associates Inc. Sask.

Inc./Services Techniques Bell Downtowner Motel Ltd. Sask. Inc. Canada

Dream Master Productions Inc. Canada Bender's Mobile Home Park Ltd. Sask.

Best Baking Food Service Drillwest Exploration Ltd. Alta

Corporation Sask. E. Q. Management Inc. Sask.

Bilmar Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Ed Rein Electric Ltd. Sask.

Biotech Natural Products Inc. Sask. Eldorado Distributing Ltd. Sask.

Birch Hills Farm Services Ltd. Sask. Elias - Burns Enterprises Inc. Sask.

Black Mountain Transport Ltd. Alta. Emile's Steel Construction Ltd. Sask.

Page 13: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective

NOVEMBER 8, 1991 1753

Corporation Name: Jurisdiction: Corporation Name: Jurisdiction:

Ener-Tec Regina Ltd. Sask. Lukye Trucking Ltd. Alta.

Fibra Tech Equip. Ltd. Alta. Lynn-Ann Enterprises Inc. Sask.

Filter Dynamics Inc. Sask. M.E.K.K.A. Sport Inc. Sask.

Finn Rasmussen Construction M.P. Discount Auto Center Ltd. Sask. Ltd. Sask. Magic "44" Enterprises Inc. B.C.

First Avenue Car Wash Ltd. Sask. Margen Holdings Ltd. Sask. First Guardian Petroleum Market Tire & Battery Limited Sask.

Corporation B.C. Marshall Construction Ltd. Sask.

Friar Duct Cleaning Ltd. Sask. Medicine W heel Nakota Ranch

Garry Todoruk Enterprises Ltd. B.C. Ltd. Sask. Gerard's Towing Ltd. Sask. Mid-Provincial Mechanics Ltd. Sask. Girardin Brothers Enterprises

Milwaukee Marketing (Canada) Ltd. Sask. Inc. Sask.

Gladiator Well Services Ltd. Sask. Molstar Construction Ltd. Sask.

Glen's Holdings Ltd. Sask. Moose Jaw Forest Products Ltd. Sask.

GMT Holdings Ltd. Sask. Motion Transport Ltd. Sask.

Gold Nugget Enterprises Ltd. B.C.MTI Holdings Ltd. Sask.

Golfscape International Inc. Alta.Municipal Real Estate Ltd. Sask.

Goodwood Pulp Co. Ltd. Sask.Murcon Construction Ltd. Sask.

Gre-Bar Enterprises Ltd. Sask.Music Plus Records & Tapes Inc. Sask.

Great Western Fuels Inc. Sask.N D L Holdings Limited Man.

Greenland Fertilizers (Naicam) Nao-Can Ltd. Man.

Ltd. Sask. --,

Hammond Optical Prescription Neblina Properties Inc. Sask.

Co. Ltd. Sask. Northern Harvest Enterprises

) Hansor Holdings Ltd. Sask.

Ltd. Sask.

Northern Mechanical Services I Harding Draperies (1988) Ltd. Sask. Ltd. Sask. j Hi Tech Marketing Ltd. Sask. Northern Organics Ltd. Sask.

High Point Management Northwest Salvage Grain & Feed Company Ltd. Sask. Company, Inc. USA

High Pole Painters Inc. Sask. Nu-Central Realty Ltd. Sask. Hopfner Holdings Ltd. Sask. Nu-Sask Construction Ltd. Sask. Huntington Developers Ltd. Sask. Nu-Style Homes (1987) Ltd. Sask. IMA Information Management NW Resources Ltd. Alta.

Associates Inc. Sask. Ocho Petroleums Inc. Sask. Impact Resources Inc. Sask. Ohh! Fudge Ltd. Sask. International Investments Inc. Sask. Oil Pipeline News Incorporated Sask. J.W. Johnson Holdings Ltd. Alta. Oilmate Industries Ltd. Sask. Janzen Dental Office Ltd. Sask. Olympia Food Ltd. Sask. Jerr C Investments Ltd. Sask. Orion Mechanical Ltd. Sask. Jonathan Powell Management Ozirney Farms Ltd. Sask.

Ltd. Sask.

Juliette's Dance Centre Ltd. Sask. P.A. Tackle Box (1986) Ltd. Sask.

K.B.S. Developments Ltd. Sask. Park Service Ltd. Sask.

Pelican Aeronautics Ltd. Sask. Kalanit Investments Ltd. Alta.

Penguin Village Inc. Sask. Kato Food Corporation Sask.

Kava Meats 1985 Inc. Sask. Penny's Used Furniture Ltd. Sask.

Kedar Aleron Fung Enterprises Personal Electronics Ltd. Sask.

Ltd. Sask. Petit's Lumber & Hardware Ltd. Sask.

Kell Farms Ltd. Sask. Phyllis Eisler Ltd. Sask.

I Kem-Cal Systems Ltd. Sask. Place-Crete (Sask) Ltd. Sask.

Kinchen Supplies Ltd. Sask. Plains Trucking and Salvage Ltd. Sask.

Knorr Holdings Ltd. Sask. Popcorn G'lor Ltd. Sask.

L & P Transportation Enterprises Prairie Appliances Mfg. Ltd. Sask.

Ltd. Alta. Preferred Permit Services Ltd. Alta.

Lakeside R.V. Trailer Park Ltd. Sask. Pro-West Homes Ltd. Sask.

Lawson & Sons Farm Ltd. Sask. Procon Services Inc. Sask.

Lubeland Ltd. Alta. Pyramid Holdings Ltd. Sask.

Page 14: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


Corporation Name:

Qu'Appelle Engineering Ltd.

R & B Services Inc.

R & D Mobile Sales Ltd.

Randall Holdings Ltd.

Rattray Trucking Ltd.

Redi-Rain Irrigation Ltd.

Regent Construction Services Ltd.

Regina Waterbed Factory Ltd.

Remos Holdings Ltd.

Retrodfit Mechanical Services Ltd.

Riding Mountain Painting and Sandblasting Ltd.

Right-of-Way Services Inc.

Risula Enterprises Inc.

River-Side Plumbing & Heating Ltd.

Robert Bruce Holdings Ltd.

Robine Enterprises Ltd.

Rockshow Productions Inc.

S & U Enterprises Ltd.

SACC Potash Ltd.

Santana Holdings (1978) Ltd.

Saska Trail Ltd.

Saskatoon Dugout Ltd.

Saskatoon Public Storage Inc.

Schell Bros. Contracting Ltd.

Security Capital Corp.

Security Ventures Corp.

Seedco Investments Ltd.

Silverwing Transport Ltd.

Sled Lake People's Corporation

So & So Holdings Ltd.

Sohn Holdings Ltd.

Solid Earth Works Limited

Spiritwood Farm Sales & Services


































Ltd. Sask.

St. Joseph Holdings Inc. Sask.

Strathcona Cabinet Refacing Ltd. Sask.

Success Canada Inc. Sask.

Sunny Acres Enterprises Ltd.

Superior Pressure Wash Ltd.

'.I'. C. Service Ltd.

Terlson Holdings Ltd.

Terry Bymoen Inc.

The Hearthstone Holdings Ltd.

The Image Card Corp.

The Survival Game (Sask.) Ltd.

Thibeault Masonry Ltd.

Tool Crib (Saskatoon) Ltd.











Torena Management Incorporated Sask.

Torno Installations Ltd. Sask.

Trenlan Trading Corp.

Tridont Health Care Inc.

Triman Industries Ltd.




Corporation Name:

Trixon Developments Ltd.

Tropicana Cafe Ltd.

Turhan Okeren Architect Ltd.

U-Rent Vehicle Leasing Ltd.

V & L Doke Holdings Ltd.

Value Master Construction Ltd.

Ward's Well Services Ltd.

Wesjames Holdings Ltd.

Westel Installation Company Limited

Westwind Investments Ltd.

W heatland Marketing Company Limited

W igamik Construction Ltd.

Xoli Medical Management Ltd.

York Developments Ltd.

















Name: Canada Wide Diamond Drilling Suppliers Ltd.

Date: September 26, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: B.C.

Name: Humble Oil & Refining Corporation

Date: October 10, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: DE

Name: Lakeview Development Ltd.

Date: October 1, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Man.

Name: Ledcor Construction Limited

Date: October 1, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: B.C.

Name: Nascor Incorporated

Date: October 16, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta.

Name: O.K. Tire Warehouse Inc.

Date: October 2, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: B.C.

Name: Prairies Acquisitions Ltd.

Date: October 1, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Ont.

Name: Royal Truck Lube Ltd.

Date: September 26, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta. J


Page 15: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


I j

NOVEMBER 8, 1991

Name: B. W Scott Holdings Ltd./Les Investissements B. W Scott Ltee.

Date: October 1, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: B.C.

Name: Seibold Holdings Ltd./Les Investissements Ltee.

Date: October 1, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: B.C.

Name: Westinghouse Sales and Distribution Inc.

Date: August 7, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada

Name: Work Wear Corporation of Canada Ltd.

Date: October 9, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Ont.


Name: Remco Life Arrangement Group Inc.

Date: October 23, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada

The Business Names Registrations Act


Name: Auto Host Car Rentals

Date of Cancellation: October 17, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Cancom Consulting Services

Date of Cancellation: October 8, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: CFQC Radio

Date of Cancellation: October 9, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Clark Property Management

Date of Cancellation: October 23, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Clean All Maid Service

Date of Cancellation: October 16, 1991

Place of Business: Moose Jaw

Name: Dason Distributors

Date of Cancellation: October 22, 1991

Place of Business: Kindersley

Name: DLJ Enterprises

Date of Cancellation: October 10, 1991

Place of Business: Milestone

Name: Envirosoft Water Systems

Date of Cancellation: October 22, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Inder Enterprise

Date of Cancellation: October 18, 1991

Place of Business: Estevan

Name: J & J Recreational Ranch

Date of Cancellation: October 17, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: K.D. Meats

Date of Cancellation: October 18, 1991

Place of Business: Young

Name: Kilborn/Flour Constructors, A Joint Venture

Date of Cancellation: October 9, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Lasting Impressions Publishing

Date of Cancellation: October 11, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Little Valley Convenience Store

Date of Cancellation: October 9, 1991

Place of Business: Flaxcombe

Name: Mike's Home Centre

Date of Cancellation: October 18, 1991

Place of Business: Southey

Name: New York Carpet

Date of Cancellation: October 16, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Parno Meats

Date of Cancellation: October 15, 1991

Place of Business: Ituna

Name: Prestie Electric

Date of Cancellation: October 11, 1991

Place of Business: Melfort

Name: Quest Communications Group

Date of Cancellation: October 18, 1991

Place of Business: Regina


Page 16: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


Name: Sam Sui Restaurant

Date of Cancellation: October 23, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Sam.enooh Reinforcing

Date of Cancellation: October 16, 1991

Place of Business: Weyburn

Name: Test 3 Justice

Date of Cancellation: October 30, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Wesco

Date of Cancellation: October 9, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: J & E Welder Mobile Auto Repair

Date of Cancellation: October 22, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Western Pizza & Steah House -Moose Jaw

Date of Cancellation: October 23, 1991

Place of Business: Moose Jaw


Name: 3-K Arabians

Date of Expiry: September 17, 1991

Place of Business: Cymric

Name: A & G Drain Cleaning & Plum.bing Service

Date of Expiry: September 1, 1991

Place of Business: Moose Jaw

Name: A & K Food

Date of Expiry: September 25, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: A & K Painting

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: A Stitch In Time Sewing

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Tisdale

Name: A-1 Auto Wrechers

Date of Expiry: September 3, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Humboldt No. 370

Name: A. Giesbrecht Radio & TV

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Moose Jaw

Name: A.C.S. Leasing

Date of Expiry: September 14, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: A.M. Industries

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Aaron McDonald Construction

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991

Place of Business: White Bear Lake

Name: Ab's Transmission Service

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Moose Jaw

Name: Abe & Don Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 30, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: ABS Computer Centre

Date of Expiry: September 13, 1991

Place of Business: Watson

Name: Accent Signs

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: Acropole Inn Family Restaurant

Date of Expiry: September 6, 1991

Place of Business: Dundurn

Name: Active Child Care Services

Date of Expiry: September 28, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Active Mai/order & Wholesale

Date of Expiry: September 18, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Adele Heise Communications

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Swift Current

Name: Advance Kitchens

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon


-- -

Page 17: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


I l J

NOVEMBER 8, 1991 1757

Name: Advance Plumbing and Heating

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Name: Advanced Security Consultants

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991 Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Adventure Sports Regina

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Name: Affiliated Home Renovators

Date of Expiry: September 17, 1991 Place of Business: Moose Jaw

Name: Al Duncans Potatoes

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991 Place of Business: Lumsden

Name: Al Heron Photography

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Name: Albert G. Ormiston, Social Development Consulting

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Name: All-Rite Leasing

Date of Expiry: September 30, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Name: All-Sask. Answering & Paging Services

Date of Expiry: September 20, 1991 Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Amazingmist Ceiling Clean

Date of Expiry: September 30, 1991 Place of Business: North Battleford

Name: Aqua Librium Float Centre

Date of Expiry: September 24, 1991 Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Argosy Construction

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991 Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Armor Investments

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Name: Asham Curling Supplies

Date of Expiry: September 30, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Name: Assiniboine Valley Publishing

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991 Place of Business: Preeceville

Name: Avanti Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 16, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Name: B Co Drafting Service

Date of Expiry: September 19, 1991 Place of Business: Silton

Name: B.J's Taxidermy

Date of Expiry: September 17, 1991 Place of Business: Lumsden

Name: Bachelu Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 21, 1991 Place of Business: R.M. of Montmartre No. 126

Name: Balcarres Office Specialties

Date of Expiry: September 27, 1991 Place of Business: Balcarres

Name: BandorfConstruction

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Name: Barbara Jean Ruth Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 10, 1991 Place of Business: Winnipeg

Name: Barghest Kennels

Date of Expiry: September 29, 1991 Place of Business: R.M. ofCaladonia No. 99

Name: Beattie Feiffer Line Construction

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991 Place of Business: Moose Jaw

Name: Ben Bittner Construction

Date of Expiry: September 3, 1991 Place of Business: Parkside

Name: Bergermann Bros. Farm

Date of Expiry: September 28, 1991 Place of Business: R.M. of Humboldt No. 370

Page 18: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


Name: Beutler's Truching

Date of Expiry: September 29, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of W illowdale No. 153

Name: Big 5 Discount Jeans

Date of Expiry: September 20, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Big Bamboo Distillery

Date of Expiry: September 28, 1991

Place of Business: Montreal

Name: Bill's Curing & Smoking

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Disley

Name: Bio-Tech

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: BJ's Auto Repair

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: BJ's Instructional Gymnastics

Date of Expiry: September 6, 1991

Place of Business: Moose Jaw

Name: Bjornson Farm

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Big Quill No. 308

Name: Blach Diamond Cheese

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Blachhawh Maintenance & Repair

Date of Expiry: September 6, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Bocheh Superior Service

Date of Expiry: September 6, 1991

Place of Business: Fleming

Name: Basner Photography

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Bowler's Construction Marheting Consultants

Date of Expiry: September 16, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Bowyer Bachhoe Service

Date of Expiry: September 6, 1991

Place of Business: Piapot

Name: Bradley 's Upholstery

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Brenda Hach/ Consulting

Date of Expiry: September 19, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Broad Advertising

Date of Expiry: September 17, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Busy Bee Househeeping Services

Date of Expiry: September 16, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Busy Beehive Play School

Date of Expiry: September 19, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: C & D Distributing

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Coronach

Name: C. & L. Walter Distributors

Date of Expiry: September 4, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: C. Jansen Management

Date of Expiry: September 24, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Calico Cattle Co.

Date of Expiry: September 14, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Silverwood No. 123

Name: Calvert Homes

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Cambetz Holdings

Date of Expiry: September 7, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Camleer Importers

Date of Expiry: September 16, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon




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NOVEMBER 8, 1991 1759

Name: Can Sask Concrete

Date of Expiry: September 29, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Can- West Investments

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: Can-West Marheting

Date of Expiry: September 16, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Capone's Beverage Room

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Weyburn

Name: Capri Restaurant

Date of Expiry: September 10, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Car City Auto Sale

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Caribbean Produce Co.

Date of Expiry: September 10, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Carole's Hair Shop

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Semans

Name: Carousel School of Social Dance

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Cay Seeds and Processing

Date of Expiry: September 29, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. ofFletts Springs

Name: Celco Construction

Date of Expiry: September 24, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Ceramics By Joy - Duncan Division

Date of Expiry: September 19, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Certified Lock & Safe

Date of Expiry: September 30, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: CQ Concepts

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Estevan

Name: Chicken Factory Restaurant

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Meadow Lake

Name: Chris's Typing Service

Date of Expiry: September 3, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Moose Jaw

Name: Churchbridge Building Supples

Date of Expiry: September 10, 1991

Place of Business: Churchbridge

Name: Claims Canada - Procyshyn Adjusters

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Yorkton

Name: Clarence Henry Trucking

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Edenwold

Name: Classic Occasions

Date of Expiry: September 16, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Clean Air Distributors

Date of Expiry: September 28, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Cliff Barr Stucco Contractors

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Melville

Name: Cockney Construction

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Cocktails Escorts

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Cole Seeds

Date of Expiry: September 6, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Mountain view

Name: Collin's Aetocraft

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Page 20: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


Name: Como Parh Store

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Computer Master Electronics

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Computronihs

Date of Expiry: September 14, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Concept Display & Store Fixture Company

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Copper City Electric

Date of Expiry: September 10, 1991

Place of Business: Flin Flon

Name: Corwin Nelson Const.

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Bratt's Lake No. 129

Name: Cougar Custom Cabinets

Date of Expiry: September 25, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Country Pac Foods

Date of Expiry: September 1, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Hazel Dell No. 335

Name: Craftsman Upholstery

Date of Expiry: September 16, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Craig Finishing

Date of Expiry: September 16, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Creations By T J.

Date of Expiry: September 13, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Creative Acres

Date of Expiry: September 29, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Cretex Panels

Date of Expiry: September 7, 1991

Place of Business: Melville

Name: Crozier Building Construction Co.

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Foam Lake

Name: Cumberland Farms

Date of Expiry: September 28, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. oflndian Head

Name: Custom Welding and Repair

Date of Expiry: September 30, 1991

Place of Business: Churchbridge

Name: D & D Arabians

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Viscount

Name: D & J Distributing

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: D & L Tongs

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991

Place of Business: Kindersley

Name: D Britz, Carpentry

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991

Place of Business: Humboldt

Name: D. Robinson Investments

Date of Expiry: September 30, 1991

Place of Business: Frontier

Name: D.C. W Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 25, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Dalebroohe Apartments

Date of Expiry: September 17, 1991

Place of Business: Yorkton

Name: Dan's Home Renovations

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Moose Jaw

Name: Dance Plus

Date of Expiry: September 21, 1991

Place of Business: Lumsden

Name: Dar's (Beauty Salon)

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Cabri




Page 21: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


Name: Darlene's Clothesline

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Langenburg

Name: Dashton Co.

Date of Expiry: September 5, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Datacorp Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 25, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Dave Farrell Truching

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991

Place of Business: Regina Beach

Name: Davies Machine & Welding

Date of Expiry: September 10, 1991

Place of Business: Macklin

Name: De Dee's Service

Date of Expiry: September 18, 1991

Place of Business: Frenchman Butte

Name: Deb's Cafe

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Mervin

Name: Debmar Daycare

Date of Expiry: September 5, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Dee Jay Ceramics

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Lloydminster

Name: Demo Worhs Agency

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Design's On Dog's

Date of Expiry: September 1, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: Diamond Bingo

Date of Expiry: September 17, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Different Initials

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

NOVEMBER 8, 1991

Name: Discovery The Gift Store

Date of Expiry: September 18, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Diversified Management Services

Date of Expiry: September 24, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Dmytryshyn Holdings

Date of Expiry: September 30, 1991

Place of Business: Cochin

Name: Dollar Stretcher Wear-House

Date of Expiry: September 18, 1991

Place of Business: Fort Qu' Appelle

Name: Dominic Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Dominion Colour Company

Date of Expiry: September 13, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Dominion Hairport

Date of Expiry: September 16, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Donna Allen & Associates

Date of Expiry: September 6, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Double BIB Oilfield Service

Date of Expiry: September 6, 1991

Place of Business: Manor

Name: Double Bee Honey Co. "88"

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991

Place of Business: Porcupine Plain

Name: Du-Al Tempo

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Meadow Lake

Name: Dumont Holdings

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: E- Z Truching

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Wey burn


Page 22: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


Name: E. L. Electronics

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Raymore

Name: Eagle Contracting

Date of Expiry: September 10, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Earl Worh Promotions

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Eaton's Hairport

Date of Expiry: September 16, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Ed Roelfsema Truching

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: McTaggart

Name: Ellis Landscaping

Date of Expiry: September 21, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Eminent Construction

Date of Expiry: September 29, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Emma Lahe Hotel

Date of Expiry: September 21, 1991

Place of Business: Emma Lake

Name: Endless Hot Water Sales

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991

Place of Business: Swift Current

Name: Endust Cleaning

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Ernie The Door Man

Date of Expiry: September 18, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Escan Marques

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Edmonton

Name: Evanol Boats

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Exner's Carpentry Brian & Elaine Exner

Date of Expiry: September 5, 1991

Place of Business: Grayson

Name: Expressions Boutique

Date of Expiry: September 1, 1991

Place of Business: Swift Current

Name: FD Consulting

Date of Expiry: September 14, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Fair Deal Auto Sales

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Family Affair Truching

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Fancy Stitches Boutique

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Moose Jaw

Name: Farago Construction

Date of Expiry: September 5, 1991

Place of Business: Viscount

Name: Ferris Developments

Date of Expiry: September 25, 1991

Place of Business: Radville

Name: Figure 8 Boutique

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Finesse Floor Covering

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Fireside Home Fire Protection

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: First Class Wood & Glass

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: First In Lines Graphics and Design

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Regina




Page 23: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective



NOVEMBER 8, 1991 1763

Name: First Writing

Date of Expiry: September 6, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Name: Fleming Corner Service

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991 Place of Business: Fleming

Name: Foam Lake Bowling

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991 Place of Business: Foam Lake

Name: Force Communications Western

Date of Expiry: September 30, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Name: Fortune Book and Stationery Store

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991 Place of Business: Watrous

Name: Frank's Windshield Services

Date of Expiry: September 19, 1991 Place of Business: R.M. of Flett's Springs

Name: Fred Jedlic and Associates Consulting

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Name: Friday Express

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991 Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Friends and Neighbors Cafe

Date of Expiry: September 20, 1991 Place of Business: Aberdeen

Name: G & 0 Holdings

Date of Expiry: September 3, 1991 Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: G. W Lang Distributors

Date of Expiry: September 10, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Name: Gad-A-Bouts Books

Date of Expiry: September 28, 1991 Place of Business: Moose Jaw

Name: Galaxie Plumbing & Heating

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Name: Gee's Repair

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991 Place of Business: Wakaw

Name: Gellner's Farm Service

Date of Expiry: September 7, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Name: Gesner Homes

Date of Expiry: September 14, 1991 Place of Business: R.M. of Paddockwood No. 520

Name: Gifts For All

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Name: Gingersnips

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991 Place of Business: Humboldt

Name: Ginn and Company

Date of Expiry: September 27, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Name: Gla-Tin-Mil Investments

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991 Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: Global Plumbing & Heating

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Name: Globe News

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991 Place of Business: Yorkton

Name: Go Blinds

Date of Expiry: September 13, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Name: Gord's Custom Truck and Autobody

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991 Place of Business: R.M. of St. Andrew's No. 287

Name: Grandora Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991 Place of Business: St. Brieux

Name: Grapevine Tours

Date of Expiry: September 16, 1991 Place of Business: Regina

Page 24: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


Name: Graphx Typography

Date of Expiry: September 1, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Grassland Excavating and Construction Services

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Greenwood Estates

Date of Expiry: September 25, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Greystone Holdings

Date of Expiry: September 17, 1991

Place of Business: Lumsden

Name: H & V Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 24, 1991

Place of Business: Swift Current

Name: H.S. Miazga & Sons Welding & Repairs

Date of Expiry: September 17, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Willow Creek No. 458

Name: Hair Delights

Date of Expiry: September 29, 1991

Place of Business: Denzil

Name: Hair Palace

Date of Expiry: September 18, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Hairs to Moose Jaw

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Moose Jaw

Name: Hale Ventures

Date of Expiry: September 4, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Halliwell Agencies

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Handy Home Service

Date of Expiry: September 28, 1991

Place of Business: Estevan

Name: Hansen's Electric and Electronics

Date of Expiry: September 1, 1991

Place of Business: Kennedy

Name: Harmony Painting & Dec.

Date of Expiry: September 24, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Hazard County Systems

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Edenwold No. 158

Name: Head Office Licensed Restaurant

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Healey Ville Water

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Connaught No. 357

Name: Heit Construction

Date of Expiry: September 17, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: Helen's Boutique

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Lakeside No. 338

Name: Henry Africa's For Men

Date of Expiry: September 5, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Heritage Flower & Garden

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Moosomin

Name: Herzberg Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Biggar

Name: Hi-Tech Stretch Roofing

Date of Expiry: September 28, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: High Plains Stach Farms

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. ofEdenwold No. 158

Name: Holbret Decor

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Hollywood Food Experience

Date of Expiry: September 24, 1991

Place of Business: Regina



Page 25: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective







Name: Home Accents By Lenny

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Honalee Tours

Date of Expiry: September 10, 1991

Place of Business: Weyburn

Name: Hydro-Gun

Date of Expiry: September 4, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: IDL Leather Crafts

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Image Design

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Innovations Modelling School

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Intel Consulting

Date of Expiry: September 30, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Intergrated Video Services

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: Humboldt

Name: J -D's Refinishing

Date of Expiry: September 19, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: J-J Landscaping

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: J B. Herbal Nutrition Centre

Date of Expiry: September 6, 1991

Place of Business: Winnipeg

Name: JD.R. Construction

Date of Expiry: September 14, 1991

Place of Business: Meadow Lake

Name: JL.R. Rentals

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

NOVEMBER 8, 1991

Name: Janzen Metal-Fab

Date of Expiry: September 1, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Morris No. 312

Name: Jenne Bookkeeping Service

Date of Expiry: September 10, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Jerry's Auto Sales

Date of Expiry: September 30, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Sasman No. 336

Name: Jiggers Bait & Tackle

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Jim Kalyn's Universal Speahers

Date of Expiry: September 5, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Joe Dombowshy Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 13, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Redburn No. 130

Name: John Delaire Truching

Date of Expiry: September 29, 1991

Place of Business: North Battleford

Name: Johnny's Service TV & Radio

Date of Expiry: September 3, 1991

Place of Business: North Battleford

Name: June's Niche

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Moose Jaw

Name: K & M Service

Date of Expiry: September 19, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: K Creations

Date of Expiry: September 24, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: K. H. Installation

Date of Expiry: September 21, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: K.C. & K Distributors

Date of Expiry: September 29, 1991

Place of Business: Moose Jaw


Page 26: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


Name: Kwp's Dry Cleaners

Date of Expiry: September 4, 1991

Place of Business: Meadow Lake

Name: Katie's Shoes & Things

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Watrous

Name: Keith Olsen's Construction Company

Date of Expiry: September 10, 1991

Place of Business: Air Ronge

Name: Ken's Arcade

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Fox Valley

Name: Kerman Cartography

Date of Expiry: September 18, 1991

Place of Business:

Name: Ketter's Auto Shine

Date of Expiry: September 30, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: Key West Homes

Date of Expiry: September 25, 1991

Name: Kid Kuts

Date of Expiry: September 25, 1991

Place of Business: Swift Current

Name: Kid's World Daycare

Date of Expiry: September 19, 1991

Place of Business: Maple Creek

Name: King George Playschool

Date of Expiry: September 21, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Klassy Denim's

Date of Expiry: September 6, 1991

Place of Business: Estevan

Name: KMC Professional Consultants and Associates

Date of Expiry: September 18, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Kool Kids Radiator Shop

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Lipton

Name: Katha Electronics

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Hudson Bay

Name: Kreations By Kathy

Date of Expiry: September 19, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Krusher's Candy

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: Kwala-T Kare Homes

Date of Expiry: September 4, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Kyddyland Home Day Care

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Moose Jaw

Name: L & R Home Cinema Laser Video Discs

Date of Expiry: September 20, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: L & V Professional Services

Date of Expiry: September 18, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: L-Vee's Family Restaurant

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991

Place of Business: Lanigan

Name: L.6 Construction

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: Prud'homme

Name: Lafleche A & L Store

Date of Expiry: September 19, 1991

Place of Business: Lafleche

Name: Laheland Art Gallery

Date of Expiry: September 1, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Lakeland No. 521

Name: Laheside Accommodations

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Buena V ista

Name: Lance Office Systems

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991

Place of Business: Regina



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t j



NOVEMBER 8, 1991

Name: Lancelot's of Canada- Hairdressers

Date of Expiry: September 28, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Lancer Shopping Centre

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: Lancer

Name: Laura's Flowers and Foliage

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Lawn Tech Liquid Lawn Care Services

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Leader Bowlerama

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991

Place of Business: Leader

Name: Lendahl Shop-Rite Foods

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: Lesnoski Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 24, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Lloyd's Radio & TV Repairs

Date of Expiry: September 24, 1991

Place of Business: Esterhazy

Name: Lodnek Computer Sales

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991

Place of Business: Caronport

Name: London Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 1, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: Loony T houghts

Date of Expiry: September 28, 1991

Place of Business: Perdue

Name: Lori's House of Hair

Date of Expiry: September 5, 1991

Place of Business: Macklin

Name: Lowes Ontrak Kleen-Drape Systems

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Luchy Star Seafood Division

Date of Expiry: September 29, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Lynn Bauch Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 17, 1991

Place of Business: Ernfold

Name: Lynn's Fashions

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: M. & L. Distributing

Date of Expiry: September 20, 1991

Place of Business: Moose Jaw

Name: M. TL. Systems

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: M. TS. Equipment Rentals

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991

Place of Business: Swift Current

Name: Madraga's Deals On W heels

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: Maharg Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Mair School of Music

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Making Waves Beauty Salon

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Manufacturing Innovations

Date of Expiry: September 14, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Mar-Jan Health Foods

Date of Expiry: September 3, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Marc L. Lebel Trncking

Date of Expiry: September 19, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon


Page 28: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


Name: Marcil Construction

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Moose Jaw No. 161

Name: Marcin Trucking

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Marie Pare Janitorial Service

Date of Expiry: September 30, 1991

Place of Business: North Battleford

Name: Marh's Security Co.

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Mary's Purrfect Gifts

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Maureen's Cafe

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Maverich Unit Distributors

Date of Expiry: September 29, 1991

Place of Business: Moose Jaw

Name: Maxa.millions Restaurant

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: North Battleford

Name: Mazuma Holdings

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: McCabe's Restaurant

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: W hite City

Name: McIntosh Point Hotel

Date of Expiry: September 21, 1991

Place of Business: Emma Lake

Name: Meadow Lahe Bus Depot

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Meadow Lake

Name: Meston Brothers Farms

Date of Expiry: September 10, 1991

Place of Business: Eyebrow

Name: Midtown Discount Centre

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Miller's Driver Training

Date of Expiry: September 16, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Minshy Mangement

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: MKH Accounting Services

Date of Expiry: September 7, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Moeller & Associates, Consultants

Date of Expiry: September 24, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Monday Express

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Moose Jaw Pallets

Date of Expiry: September 5, 1991

Place of Business: Moose Jaw

Name: Moose Jaw Stamp Company

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Moose Jaw No. 161

Name: Mosac Fire Safety Consultant Services

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Murray's Auto Sales

Date of Expiry: September 6, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Muttley's Trading Post

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: N. Mitchell's Construction

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Gull Lake

Name: National Credit Service Credit Bureau of Yorhton

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Yorkton



Page 29: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective

Name: Nedcom

Date of Expiry: September 13, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Nesbitt's Roofing

Date of Expiry: September 13, 1991

Place of Business: Swift Cmrent

Name: Nite Wind Truch Lines

Date of Expiry: September 13, 1991

Place of Business: Calgary

Name: Norburn Lighting Centre

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Norman Crafts 'N' Things

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Nonnanview Hairport

Date of Expiry: September 16, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: North Battleford Carpet Centre

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: North Battleford

Name: North Wind Sportswear

Date of Expiry: September 29, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: Northern Equipment Sales

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Northern Sports

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: Marcelin

Name: Nu-Fashion Family Hairstyling

Date of Expiry: September 3, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Oahridge Estates

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Oilmate Oil Fortifier

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

NOVEMBER 8, 1991

Name: Olde Tyme Photos

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Matheson Island

Name: On the Run Convenience

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: One World Lighting

Date of Expiry: September 18, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Opal Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 4, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Otto Touch Typing

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Owl's Nest Foods

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Norton No. 69

Name: P & D. Friesen Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: PN.A. Consulting Associates

Date of Expiry: September 24, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Pacific Rim Dis.

Date of Expiry: September 7, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Palace Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 6, 1991

Place of Business: Bengough

Name: Paradise Tree Removal

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Pat Terry Used Car Sales

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Star City No. 428

Name: Pat's Bahe & Tahe

Date of Expiry: September 18, 1991

Place of Business: Watrous


Page 30: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


Name: Paton's Office Rental

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Kamsack

Name: Patricia's Crafts & Flowers

Date of Expiry: September 14, 1991

Place of Business: Pense

Name: Patricia's Ladies Wear

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Patsy's Hair Salon

Date of Expiry: September 19, 1991

Place of Business: Kamsack

Name: PCS International

Date of Expiry: September 3, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Pelletier Family Farm

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Punnichy

Name: Penn Aline Co.

Date of Expiry: September 25, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Perrier's Custom. Woodworhin.g

Date of Expiry: September 18, 1991

Place of Business: Shaunavon

Name: Phase III Mahe-Up Design

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Photos by "D"

Date of Expiry: September 19, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Pillow Talh

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Pittypat's Porch

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Swift Current

Name: Plicoflex of Canada

Date of Expiry: September 17, 1991

Name: Pochett Enterprize

Date of Expiry: September 1, 1991

Place of Business: Clavet

Name: Poor Pete's Sound Emporium

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Popcorn Factory Regina

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Prairie Iron

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Prince Albert Inn

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: Prince Albert Rose Garden & Florist

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: Prince Appliance Repair

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Marshall

Name: Prism V ideo Productions

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: Pro Glass

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Pro-Fonnance Contracting

Date of Expiry: September 25, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Pmgressive Advertising

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Provincial Vending

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: R & S Gifts

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Cabri




Page 31: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


NOVEMBER 8, 1991 1771

Name: R Z Construction

Date of Expiry: September 4, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: R. Wilson Const.

Date of Expiry: September 25, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: R.C. Enterprise

Date of Expiry: September 21, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: R.L. Decorating

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: R.P. Concrete Services

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Davidson

Name: Rapid Painting

Date of Expiry: September 10, 1991

Place of Business: Archerwill

Name: Ray's Cleaning Extraordinaire

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Ray's Meats

Date of Expiry: September 27, 1991

Place of Business: Gravelbourg

Name: Red Onion Pizza

Date of Expiry: September 10, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Redvers of Canada Innovations

Date of Expiry: September 5, 1991

Place of Business: Redvers

Name: Regal-Brite Bathtub Refinishing

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Regina Auto Wreckers

Date of Expiry: September 3, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Regina Computer Training Centre

Date of Expiry: September 25, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Relco Amusements

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: Rex Variety Store

Date of Expiry: September 19, 1991

Place of Business: Harris

Name: Richard Doyle Transport

Date of Expiry: September 10, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Torch River No. 488

Name: Richard's Repair

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Rick's Mobile Catering

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Rising Sun Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 16, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Rita's Lottery Ticket Centre

Date of Expiry: September 24, 1991

Place of Business: Yorkton

Name: Roberts Fillycolt Stables

Date of Expiry: September 21, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Aberdeen No. 373

Name: Roch Ranger Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Rod Silvius Construction

Date of Expiry: September 3, 1991

Place of Business: Moosomin

Name: Rogoza Cleaning Service

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Roussin's Lucky Dollar Store

Date of Expiry: September 10, 1991

Place of Business: Gerald

Name: Rug Rats Carpet Installation

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Page 32: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


Name: Rustys Transport and Bus Line

Date of Expi1·y: September 17, 1991

Place of Business: Swift Current

Name: S.O.S. Plumbing & Heating

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Langham

Name: Safe and Secure Security Systems

Date of Expiry: September 3, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Sandz Fitness Center

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Weyburn

Name: Sascad Support

Date of Expiry: September 13, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Saslwtchewan's People

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Indian Head

Name: Sas/wtoon Denturist Clinic

Date of Expiry: September 21, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Sa.shatoon Peah Performance Center

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Sashatoon Window Distributors

Date of Expiry: September 3, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Satellite's-R-Us-Gill McCormich

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Saturday Express

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Schaefer Consumer Services

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991

Place of Business: La Ronge

Name: Scotia.McLeod

Date of Expiry: September 27, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Seafarm Food Products

Date of Expiry: September 16, 1991

Place of Business: Calgary

Name: Shape of the Future Toning Centre

Date of Expiry: September 6, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Monet No. 257

Name: Sheila's Family Rest.

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Chamberlain

Name: Shelly's Bargin Basement

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991

Place of Business: Dundurn

Name: Sheraton Centre

Date of Expiry: September 3, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Silhwood Designs

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Silver Bird Boutique

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Shin Care Plus

Date of Expiry: September 17, 1991

Place of Business: Balgonie

Name: Shycastle Creative Associates

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: North Battleford

Name: Small Job Squad

Date of Expiry: September 25, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Sounds Terrific Audio & Video

Date of Expiry: September 24, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: South Side Small Engine

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Canora

Name: Sou.them Concrete Finishers (1986)

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Weyburn




Page 33: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective



NOVEMBER 8, 1991

Name: Sparrows on the Hood

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Spence Shoemaker Trucking

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Spic N Span Window Cleaning N Janitoral Service

Date of Expiry: September 25, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Spider Consulting

Date of Expiry: September 18, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Spruce Bay

Date of Expiry: September 21, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Spiritwood No. 496

Name: Spy Hill's Carry-On Cafe

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Spy Hill

Name: Stacey Maddaford Trucking

Date of Expiry: September 5, 1991

Place of Business: Saltcoats

Name: Star Lite Weekly

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Stardust Auction & Realty

Date of Expiry: September 29, 1991

Place of Business: Assiniboia

Name: Steve the Grille Man

Date of Expiry: September 18, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Stormy's Finishing and Carpentry

Date of Expiry: September 24, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: Story Book Houses

Date of Expiry: September 21, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Storytime Cassettes

Date of Expiry: September 16, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Stoughton Bus Stop

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991

Place of Business: Stoughton

Name: Sukan Management

Date of Expiry: September 27, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Summers Distributing & Sales

Date of Expiry: September 3, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Superior Chemicals Distributing

Date of Expiry: September 14, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Sutton Security Strategies

Date of Expiry: September 17, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Swift Overhead Door

Date of Expiry: September 8, 1991

Place of Business: Swift Current

Name: T & J Distributors

Date of Expiry: September 14, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: T & S Construction

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Swift Current

Name: T WD. Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Tag, The Alfalfa Group

Date of Expiry: September 3, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Tampa Bay Body Toning

Date of Expiry: September 13, 1991

Place of Business: Moosomin

Name: Tanner Construction Co.

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Target Gun & Sports

Date of Expiry: September 14, 1991

Place of Business: Nipawin


Page 34: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


Name: Technigraphics Studio

Date of Expiry: September 1, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Teto Holdings

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: The Backstage Dance Co.

Date of Expiry: September 28, 1991

Place of Business: Swift Current

Name: The Bodyshoppe, Body Toning and Salon

Date of Expiry: September 6, 1991

Place of Business: Kipling

Name: The Brew Master

Date of Expiry: September 5, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: The Brownlee General Store

Date of Expiry: September 21, 1991

Place of Business: Brownlee

Name: The Can-lnnoua Idea Co.

Date of Expiry: September 27, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: The Delightful Toy Box

Date of Expiry: September 17, 1991

Place of Business: Warman

Name: The Dustbowl Diner

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Rad ville

Name: The Far Side Arcade

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991

Place of Business: Shaunavon

Name: The Preeceville Times

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: Preeceville

Name: The Prospector's Stake House

Date of Expiry: September 19, 1991

Place of Business: Creighton

Name: The Red K. Food Service

Date of Expiry: September 20, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: The Shed Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Simpson

Name: The Vacuum. Doctor

Date of Expiry: September 1, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: The V ideo Cellar

Date of Expiry: September 21, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name; Therm.ax Hom.e Insulation Co.

Date of Expiry: September 10, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Thursday Express

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Till Communication

Date of Expiry: September 30, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Tim.be,: Line Supply

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Tiny's Auto Repair

Date of Expiry: September 6, 1991

Place of Business: Domremy

Name: TLC Woodworks

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Debden

Name: TNT Lucky Dollar

Date of Expiry: September 28, 1991

Place of Business: Kyle

Name: Tony's Essa Family Restaurant & Pizza

Date of Expiry: September 6, 1991

Place of Business: Wey burn

Name: Tony's Essa Service

Date of Expiry: September 6, 1991

Place of Business: Wey burn

Name: Top Forty Records & Tapes (Normanview Mall)

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991

Place of Business: Regina


Page 35: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective



NOVEMBER 8, 1991

Name: Top Hat Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 3, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: Town & Country Cabinets

Date of Expiry: September 24, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Tisdale No. 427

Name: Tri-Onz Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 1, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Tuesday Express

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: U-Dial Radio Paging

Date of Expiry: September 30, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Unicus Marheting

Date of Expiry: September 3, 1991

Place of Business: Pelly

Name: Unique Decor

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Uptime Laser Products

Date of Expiry: September 22, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Valley Service

Date of Expiry: September 28, 1991

Place of Business: Fox Valley

Name: Vern Caswell Truching

Date of Expiry: September 19, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Vanscoy No. 345

Name: Veronica's Fine Fashions

Date of Expiry: September 21, 1991

Place of Business: Prince Albert

Name: Vic Wojcichowsky Trucking

Date of Expiry: September 30, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Buckland No. 491

Name: Victoria Inn

Date of Expiry: September 1, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Video Inventory Services of Regina

Date of Expiry: September 4, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Village Discount Shoes

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: WN. V Contractors

Date of Expiry: September 25, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Wahl to Wahl Cleaning

Date of Expiry: September 26, 1991

Place of Business: Weyburn

Name: Webb and Associates

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Wednesday Express

Date of Expiry: September 11, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Wendy's Coiffures, Candle Lahe

Date of Expiry: September 10, 1991

Place of Business: Candle Lake

Name: West Portal Manor

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: West-Side Transport

Date of Expiry: September 20, 1991

Place of Business: Buffalo Narrows

Name: Western Estate Consulting

Date of Expiry: September 29, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Westview Insurance and Investments

Date of Expiry: September 16, 1991

Place of Business: Regina

Name: Westwind Florists 1986

Date of Expiry: September 30, 1991

Place of Business: Moosomin

Name: Wheatland Construction

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Regina


Page 36: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


Name: Wilhie Car Wash

Date of Expiry: September 9, 1991

Place of Business: Wilkie

Name: Winco Printing Company

Date of Expiry: September 15, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Wordpro - Publishing Services

Date of Expiry: September 28, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Wotherspoon Truching

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: R.M. of Sask Landing No. 160

Name: Wymer Enterprises

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: Wynyard Bearing and Auto Supply

Date of Expiry: September 12, 1991 Place of Business: Wynyard

Name: Yellowhead Developments Partnership

Date of Expiry: September 23, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon

Name: You're the Boss Cleaners

Date of Expiry: September 2, 1991

Place of Business: Saskatoon


Name: A & B Ceiling Cleaning Systems

Date of Registration: October 16, 1991

Mailing Address: 8-777 Cheadle St. W., Swift Cmrent

Main Type of Business: ceiling cleaning business

Name: A.C. Repairs

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 324, Eastend

Main Type of Business: general repair shop

Name: AAAA Dallas Pizza

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 72 3rd Street N.E., Weyburn

Main Type of Business: restamant & pizza outlet

Name: AE Connection

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 3610 Berthiaume Bay, Regina

Main Type of Business: computer consultants & value added resellers

Name: All West Gun Services

Date of Registration: October 16, 1991

Mailing Address: 8-777 Cheadle St. W., Swift Current

Main Type of Business: gun repair business

Name: Assiniboia Auction & Property Sales

Date of Registration: October 24, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 748, Assiniboia

Main Type of Business: general auction services

Name: B & M Express

Date of Registration: October 16, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 190, Dundurn

Main Type of Business: cartage & delivery

Name: B. W Tractor & Auto Repair

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 613, Leader

Main Type of Business: farm equipment & auto repair

Name: The Booh Nooh

Date of Registration: September 27, 1991

Mailing Address: 15-1501 8th St. E., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: book store

Name: Cabat Industries

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 585, Langham

Main Type of Business: const., auto repairs, minor electrical repair & bookkeeping

Name: Canadian Component Services

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 3531 Viking Way, Richmond

Main Type of Business: repair & overhaul helicopter components (tail rotor gears , etc.)

Name: Canadian Gas Turbines

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 19695 92A Ave., Langley

Main Type of Business: repair & overhaul helicopter engines

Name: Canwood Cafe

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 509, Canwood

Main Type of Business: restaurant

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NOVEMBER 8, 1991 1777

Name: Capital Scoreboards

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 2903 Dewdney Ave., Regina

Main Type of Business: curling scoreboards

Name: Cats Flooring & Installation

Date of Registration: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 664, Dalmeny

Main Type of Business: flooring installations

Name: Chanan Management

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 836, Warman

Main Type of Business: management consulting & property management

Name: Clark Property Management

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 79 Leddy Cres., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: property management

Name: Clean 'N' Cruize Auto Detail

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 441, North Battleford

Main Type of Business: auto detailing

Name: Clean All Maid Service

Date of Registration: October 16, 1991

Mailing Address: 1121 2nd Ave. N.W., Moose Jaw

Main Type of Business: janitorial service

Name: D & D Autobody & Repair

Date of Registration: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 105, Maryfield

Main Type of Business: autobody repair & paint

Name: Dal/or Holdings

Date of Registration: October 16, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 1030, Carlyle

Main Type of Business: bulk fuel agent

Name: Danny's Video

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 66, Hudson Bay

Main Type of Business: video rentals

Name: Dason Frame & Gallery

Date of Registration: October 22, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 1596, Kindersley

Main Type of Business: custom framing art gallery

Name: Degenstein Denture Clinic (1991)

Date of Registration: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: 2264 McTavish St., Regina

Main Type of Business: dentme clinic

Name: Direct Current Battery & Charger Service

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 2213A 11th St. W., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: industrial battery & charger technician

Name: DMW Computers

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 14 Transcona Pl., Regina

Main Type of Business: computer vendor

Name: Drivers Edge Auto Sales

Date of Registration: October 15, 1991

Mailing Address: 920 20th St. W., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: auto sales

Name: Escan Marques

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 12425 66 Street, Box 100, Edmonton

Main Type of Business: manufacture & distribute meat & food products

Name: Fairway Auto Wholesale

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 1203 W ilson Cres., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: used automobile sales

Name: Family Video

Date of Registration: October 15, 1991

Mailing Address: 1008A Taylor St., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: retail video store

Name: Flynn's Manufacturing & Sales

Date of Registration: October 22, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 57, Fir Mountain

Main Type of Business: sheet metal work

Name: Foam Lake Bowling

Date of Registration: October 15, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 910, Foam Lake

Main Type of Business: bowling alley

Name: Frontier Adjusters of Regina

Date of Registration: October 16, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 31037, Normanview Mall, Regina

Main Type of Business: insurance adjusters

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Name: Glencairn Drug Mart

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 1695 Dewdney Ave. E., Regina

Main Type of Business: retail drug store

Name: Glendale Trucking

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 386, Lashburn

Main Type of Business: hauling heavy crnde oil

Name: Golden Sands Beach Lot Sales

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 2103, Kindersley

Main Type of Business: sale of recreation lots

Name: Grambo Nature Photography

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 4-217 East Place, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: nature photographers

Name: Hague's Greenhouses

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 1362, Melville

Main Type of Business: selling bedding plants

Name: Hansen Distributors

Date of Registration: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 519, Strasbourg

Main Type of Business: water demineralization, bottling & cooler rentals

Name: Hansen's Ambulance Service

Date of Registration: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 519, Strasbourg

Main Type of Business: ambulance service

Name: Hansen's Funeral Home

Date of Registration: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 519, Strasbourg

Main Type of Business: funeral home

Name: Harry's Insulating

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 969, Nipawin

Main Type of Business: insulating services & general home repair (windows, roofing, etc.)

Name: Head First Beauty

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 1101-1867 Hamilton St., Regina

Main Type of Business: beauty salon

Name: Heli-Lift International

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 1971, Yorkton

Main Type of Business: helicopter charter & lease company

Name: Hillmond Fann House

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: R.R. 2, Site 1, Box 19, Lloydminster

Main Type of Business: restaurant, lounge & store

Name: Hoops, Goals & Holes Collectable Card Shops

Date of Registration: October 22, 1991

Mailing Address: 485 Maxwell Cres., Regina

Main Type of Business: vendor, distributor & marketer of sports cards

Name: Hour Place Lotto & Confectionary

Date of Registration: October 22, 1991

Mailing Address: 241 23rd St. E., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: lottery ticket outlet & confectionary

Name: J'Anne's Decorating Services

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 608 33rd St. W., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: decorator of premises & baked goods for special occasions

Name: JB. Designs

Date of Registration: October 22, 1991

Mailing Address: 2417 11th Ave., Regina

Main Type of Business: artistic services

Name: JF & JH Carpet Cleaning

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 9-117 3rd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: carpet & upholstery cleaning

Name: K Signs

Date of Registration: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: 1211 N. Amason St., Regina

Main Type of Business: sign & silkscreening

Name: K.M. Gifts

Date of Registration: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 191, Zenon Park

Main Type of Business: selling wicker & brass, silk plants & trees

Name: Kelvington Processors (Regina Division Peaola Chips)

Date of Registration: October 17, 1991





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NOVEMBER 8, 1991 1779

Mailing Address: 153 Centennial St., Regina

Main Type of Business: Regina district sales manager

Name: Kiddie Time Amusements - Saskatoon

Date of Registration: October 16, 1991

Mailing Address: Bay 60, 300 Confederation Dr., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: children's motorized cycles (amusement rides)

Name: Konto Furniture

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 601 1st Ave. N., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: furniture sales

Name: L & S Watkins Products

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 329 McCarthy Blvd. N., Regina

Main Type of Business: Watkins dealers

Name: L.L.D. General Care Products

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 238, Eastend

Main Type of Business: manufacture & sell deodorant

Name: Laird Garage

Date of Registration: October 22, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 210, Laird

Main Type of Business: agricultural sales &service, garage service

Name: Victor Lam and Associates

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 29028, Dewdney/Lewvan P.O., Regina

Main Type of Business: professional planning consultant

Name: Leah's Log Cabin Quilts

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 28, Gerald

Main Type of Business: retail sale of quilts, quilt kits & custom quilting service

Name: Lewis Millwork

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 28, Birch Hills

Main Type of Business: cabinetry - mill work

Name: Little Sicily Pizza & Pasta

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 421 Douglas Cres., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: fast food restaurant

Name: Lycan Sports Cards & Collectibles

Date of Registration: October 22, 1991

Mailing Address: 4-305 Queen St., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: sports cards &collectibles dealer

Name: MacLennan and Associates Consulting

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 26, Craven

Main Type of Business: consultant for fund raising

Name: Maynards Industries

Date of Registration: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: 700-2010 11th Ave., Regina

Main Type of Business: auctioneers

Name: R.E. McCrea Paint & Repair

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 130, Plenty

Main Type of Business: air conditioning, vehicle painting & general repair

Name: McMaster Agencies

Date of Registration: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 280, Plenty

Main Type of Business: Sask. Crop Insurance agent

Name: Mel's Welding

Date of Registration: October 24, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 86, Simmie

Main Type of Business: welding

Name: Mike's Home Centre

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 396, Southey

Main Type of Business: lumberyard, hardware, building supplies

Name: The Munchkin Patch Playschool

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: c/o Box 204, Hodgeville

Main Type of Business: playschool - planned program for pre-schoolers

Name: Munisoft Software Products

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 2214 Oddie St., Regina

Main Type of Business: software development, support & marketing thereof

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Name: Neighbors Publications

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 23 Nash Place, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: weekly area newspaper publication

Name: Nutec Crests

Date of Registration: October 16, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 819, Battleford

Main Type of Business: computerized embroidery, crests, monograms and uniforms

Name: Opuntia Lahe Contracting

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 130, Plenty

Main Type of Business: building construction and sales

Name: The Original Sports Card Club

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 876 Dorothy St., Regina

Main Type of Business: sports card club

Name: Parh Avenue Gifts

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 1217 1st St., Estevan

Main Type of Business: retail sales of giftware

Name: Perley Block

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 488, Wolseley

Main Type of Business: retail and commercial rentals

Name: Photos By "D"

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 8302-234 Fairmont Dr., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: freelance photographer

Name: Piece of Mind Software

Date of Registration: October 15, 1991

Mailing Address: 1025 10th St. E., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: custom software design

Name: Plants For Keeps

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 4763 Pasqua St., Regina

Main Type of Business: silk plants and flower arrangements

Name: Post To Post Goaltenders School

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 141 Laurier Ave., Yorkton

Main Type of Business: hockey goaltenders school

Name: Preferred Accounting & Bookheeping Services

Date of Registration: October 22, 1991

Mailing Address: 102 Blake Place, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: accounting and bookkeeping services

Name: Queen City Plumbing & Heating

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 6107 Dalgliesh Dr., Regina

Main Type of Business: plumbing, heating and air conditioning service contractor

Name: RR Computers Sales and Programming

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 422-425 115th St. E., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: programming, drafting, import, commission of computers

Name: Raasi Imports

Date of Registration: October 16, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 1872, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: importing textiles, iron, steel

Name: Regina Distribution Services

Date of Registration: October 22, 1991

Mailing Address: 1644 Oxford St., Regina

Main Type of Business: freight distribution

Name: Reliable Investments

Date of Registration: October 24, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 3114, Regina

Main Type of Business: handy man

Name: S.P Airtech Services

Date of Registration: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: 1140 N. Harrison Way, Regina

Main Type of Business: aviation administration technical consulting firm

Name: Saslwtchewan Athletics

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 2020 College Dr., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: provincial sport governing body for track and field

Name: Service Cleaning 1988

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 107 McDonald Rd., Estevan

Main Type of Business: business janitorial cleaning service


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NOVEMBER 8, 1991 1781

Name: Ralph Shaw's Satellite

Date of Registration: October 22, 1991

Mailing Address: 250 Alpine Cres., Swift Current

Main Type of Business: satellite dish repair service

Name: Silver Lining Debt Counselling

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 334 Assiniboine Dr., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: debt counselling

Name: Smart Styles Hair Design

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 2-702 22nd St. W., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: hair styling salon

Name: Soft & Sweet Escorts

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 1536 Elphinstone St., Regina

Main Type of Business: escort service

Name: Spectre Investigations & Consulting

Date of Registration: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 419 Turtle Place, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: investigations, bailiff and process serving, mediation, etc.

Name: Speedy Rubber Stamp Mfg.

Date of Registration: October 22, 1991

Mailing Address: 671 13th Ave. E., Prince Albert

Main Type of Business: rubber stamp manufacturing and business promotional items

Name: Standards Futon Furniture

Date of Registration: October 16, 1991

Mailing Address: 1211 Broad St., Regina

Main Type of Business: Futon furniture sales

Name: Star City RV Trailer & Marine

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 273, Star City

Main Type of Business: RV vehicle repair and maintenance

Name: Tin Man Holdings

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 931, Nipawin

Main Type of Business: Rainbow vacuum sales and service

Name: Town & Country Sewer & Water

Date of Registration: October 15, 1991

Mailing Address: R.R. 3, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: sewer and water contractor

Name: Treasures Of Joy

Date of Registration: October 22, 1991

Mailing Address: 671 13th Ave. E., Prince Albert

Main Type of Business: China glazing and misc. gifts

Name: Tri-Con Contractors

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 124, Vibank

Main Type of Business: construction contractor

Name: Triple 7 Trading Company

Date of Registration: October 24, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 265, Dalmeny

Main Type of Business: mail order distributor

Name: V & P Repairs

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 2404, Meadow Lake

Main Type of Business: tractor and trailer repairs and safety inspections

Name: Vantage Consulting

Date of Registration: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 3032, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: computer consultant and programming

Name: Wayne's Construction

Date of Registration: October 22, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 63, Leroy

Main Type of Business: excavating, hauling black dirt and gravel

Name: Welkers Auto Service

Date of Registration: October 22, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 52, Belle Plaine

Main Type of Business: service station (including repairs and confectionary sales)

Name: Western Pizza Family Restaurant Moose Jaw

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 925 Main St. N., Moose Jaw

Main Type of Business: family restaurant

Name: Weyburn Video

Date of Registration: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 202 4th St., Weyburn

Main Type of Business: video and Nintendo rentals

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Name: Wahlberg Consulting Services

Date of Registration: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 99, Mayfair

Main Type of Business: agricultural consultant and computer instructor


Name: Fidelity Partnership 1992/Societe en Commandite Fidelity 1992

Date of Registration: October 22, 1991

Jurisdiction: Ont.

Head or Registered Office: Suite 300, 100 Simcoe St., Toronto, Ont.

Main Type of Business: arrange for distribution of mutual fund units


Name: Crescent View Par 3

Date: October 22, 1991

Name: Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers

Date: October 22, 1991

P. J. Flory, Registrar.

The Non-Profit Corporations Act


Name: Central Regional Tourism Association Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 70, Foam Lake

Main Type of Activities: promotion of tourism within the geographical region

Name: Combined Charities Group Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 15, 1991

Mailing Address: 1500-2500 Victoria Ave., Regina

Main Type of Activities: to conduct and co-ordinate fund raising operations

Name: Conseil de parents: Ecole Francophone des Battlefords Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 15, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 333, North Battleford

Main Type of Activities: educational and cultural activities

Name: Environmental Career Placements Association Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 3110 Avonhurst Dr., Regina

Main Type of Activities: telemarketing environmental by-products

Name: Miracle Manor Church and Training Centre Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 22, 1991

Mailing Address: 334 Ottawa Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Activities: to preach and teach the Holy Bible

Name: Moose Jaw Community Chorus and Orchestra Inc.

Date oflncorporation: October 11, 1991

Mailing Address: 1316 King Cres., Moose Jaw

Main Type of Activities: formation of a chorus and orchestra

Name: NGI Employees Association Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 1100 1st Ave. E., Prince Albert

Main Type of Activities: employee benefit company

Name: Playcare Children's Services Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 23, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 783, Kindersley

Main Type of Activities: childcare services

Name: Provincial Society of Remedial Massage Therapists Inc.

Date oflncorporation: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: 2042 Cornwall St., Regina

Main Type of Activities: promote professional standards of massage therapists

Name: Regina Federation of Artists Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 25, 1991

Mailing Address: 4517 Elgin Rd., Regina

Main Type of Activities: to encourage knowledge and appreciation of art

Name: Sask. Family Roots Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 21, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 73, Kincaid

Main Type of Activities: genealogy research for family; newsletter, etc.

Name: Saskatchewan Pipe Band Association Inc.

Date of Incorporation: October 17, 1991

Mailing Address: 2398 Scarth St., Regina

Main Type of Activities: pipe band

Name: Saskatoon Korean Language School Inc.

Date oflncorporation: October 10, 1991

Mailing Address: 206 Highlands Place, Saskatoon



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NOVEMBER 8, 1991 1783

Main Type of Activities: teaching Korean language, cultme, folk dance


Name: ACFC Conseil #1 De North Battleford Inc.

Date of Amendment: October 10, 1991

Natme of Amendment: changed name to Le Coin Des Enfants Inc.

Name: The Manitoba and Saskatchewan District of the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod

Date of Amendment: October 16, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Lutheran Church - Canada, Central District

Name: South Zone Tae Kwon Do Club Inc.

Date of Amendment: October 24, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Regina South Zone Taekwon-Do Club Inc.


P. J. Flory, Director.

The Business C01pomtions Act



Take Notice that the Shareholders of SCIHOOK VENTURE CAPITAL CORPORATION by a majority of the votes cast at a special general meeting duly called for the purpose and held on October 8, 1991 passed a special resolution for the voluntary winding up of the corporation, as of October 8, 1991, under the provisions of The Busi­ness Corporations Act, R.8.8. 1978, ch. B-10, and appointed Eric Brown, the sole director of the corporation, as liquidator.

And Further Take Notice that if you have any claim against the Corporation, proof of such claim must be filed with the liquidator within thirty days of the date of this notice, after which time the property of the corporation will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard to the claims of which the liquidator then has notice.

Eric Brown, Liquidator, 300-128 4th Ave. 8.,

Saskatoon, Sask. 87K 1M8

The Change of Name Act


The following changes of name are hereby regis­tered under the provisions of The Change of Name Act.

Former Name: Rosa AISAICAN (k/a Rosa J. LERAT)

Address: Regina, Saskatchewan

Name Changed To: Joanne LERAT

Dated: October 28, 1991

Former Name: Peter Philip BELL

Address: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Name Changed To: Peter Bell Ali NAJMEDDINE

Former Name of Spouse: Lucille BELL

Name Changed To: Lucille Sylvia Marie NAJMEDDINE

Name of Child:

Former Name: Nicole Holly BELL

Name Changed To: Nicole Holly NAJMEDDINE

Dated: October 24, 1991.

Former Name: Andrea Lynn FUNK

Address: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Age: 14 yrs.

Name Changed To: Andrea Lynn MCDONALD

Dated: October 28, 1991.

Former Name: Linda Joyce KEHOE

Address: Swift Current, Saskatchewan

Name Changed To: Linda Joyce KEMP

Dated: October 29, 1991

Former Name: James NOEY

Address: Fond du Lac, Saskatchewan

Name Changed To: Jimmy ISADORE

Former Name of Spouse: Caroline Dorothy NOEY

Name Changed To: Caroline Dorothy ISADORE

Names of Children:

Former Name: James Keith NOEY

Name Changed To: James Keith ISADORE

Former Name: Jason NOEY

Name Changed To: Jason Fred ISADORE

Former Name: Janice NOEY

Name Changed To: Janice Eileen ISADORE

Former Name: Jennifer NOEY

Name Changed To: Jennifer Angeline ISADORE

Former Name: Joel NOEY

Name Changed To: Joel John ISADORE

Dated: October 31, 1991.

Given under my hand at Regina, Sask.

Age 16 yrs.

Age 13 yrs.

Age 12 yrs.

Age 10 yrs.

Age 8 yrs.

Wilmer Berg, Director of Vital Statistics.

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Highway Traffic Board


1 The Highway Traffic Board gives notice of receipt of the following application.

2 Any party wishing to oppose an application must complete and file a Statement of Objection on or before December 2, 1991. Please reference the file number when filing opposition.

3 Where opposition is filed to any application, a public hearing will be scheduled. All hearing participants will be advised of the hearing elate. Any interested party may contact the Board at (306) 787-4040 to obtain information respectinghearing elates and locations.

Phyllis K. Glowatsky, Secretary,

Highway Traffic Board.


Address: 2 Murray Pl., Saskatoon, Sask. S7L 6R3

File: B/91/488

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows:


Commodity Description - Passengers

Origin - Saskatoon

Destination - Saskatoon and points within a radius of 50 km of Saskatoon and vice versa

Conditions: -

a) Passengers must originate at or be des­tined to a Health Care Facility on a non­emergency basis, only

b) No more than 4 passengers per vehicle


1 The Highway Traffic Board gives notice of receipt of the following applications.

2 Any party wishing to oppose an application must complete and file a Statement of Objection on or before December 2, 1991. Please reference the file number when filing opposition.

3 Where opposition is filed, a public hearing will be scheduled within 28 days of the clue date. All parties will be expected to be available. Any requests for adjournment will need to be filed with the Board.

4 Where a hearing is scheduled, applicants will be required to demonstrate that there is a demand or a need for the the service by users or the public. Objectors will be required to demonstrate public detriment and why the service is not needed or would not benefit the public interest.

Any interested party may contact the Board at (306) 787-4040 to obtain information respectinghearing elates and locations.

Phyllis K. Glowatsky, Secretary,

Highway Traffic Board.


Address: 2909 Miners Ave., Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 4Z6

File: B/91/559

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows:

This application is for authority to replace that held by Smith's Transport Ltd. of Saskatoon who has applied for permission to discontinue service.


1 The transportation provincially of petroleum products, petroleum product containers, machin­ery, machinery parts, well drilling equipment, materials used in well drilling and well mainte­nance to or from a well, materials used in the construction and maintenance of a gas or oil pipe­line to or from such pipeline, household goods, binder twine, fertilizer, flom, vehicles, dressed poultry, hides, military aircraft parts.

2 To transport recovered (used) telephone line equipment, provincially, as a contract carrier for Saskatchewan Government Telephones.

3 To transport goods for and on behalf of New­bery Energy Ltd. from or to a jobsite of Newbery Energy Ltd. using only semi-trailers owned by Newbery Energy Ltd.

4 To transport goods for and on behalf of Metal Fabricating and Construction Ltd., provincially.

Commodity Description -

6 Goods

Origin - Points in Sask.

Destination - Points in Sask.

Conditions - Goods owned by Saskatoon Oil -field Manufactming Ltd.

Commodity Description -

7 Goods (Excluding Beverages and Foodstuffs)

Origin - Points in Sask.

Destination - Points in Sask.

Conditions -

a) No more than one shipper's and four con­signees' goods at any one time;

b) Goods must be owned by, consigned to, or originating at or destined to the facilities of:

1) Sask Energy Corporation;

2) Sask Tel;

3) Synchro Enterprises Ltd.;

4) Price's Rental World Ltd.;

5) C.F.N. Constructors Ltd.;

6) Chemcon Installations Ltd.

Commodity Description -

8 General Merchandise (Excluding Beverages and Foodstuffs)

Origin - Points in Sask.

Destination - Points in Sask.

Conditions -

a) No more than one shipper's and four con­signees' goods at any one time;

b) Excluding service to or from the points listed in Schedule A.


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NOVEMBER 8, 1991 1785

Schedule A Arborfield, Aylsham, Beatty, Birch Hills,

Bjorkdale, Brancepeth, Carragana, Carrot River, Chelan, Choiceland, Clavet, Claydon, Climax, Codette, Colonsay, Consul, Crooked River, Dollar, Drake, Eastend, Elstow, Fairy Glen, Foxford, Frontier, Gronlid, Guernsey, Greenwater Lake, Hagen, Kinistino, Lac Vert, Lanigan, Lockwood, Meath Park, Melfort, Mistatim, Naicam, Nipa­win, Pathlow, Perigord, Pleasantdale, Plunkett, Pontrilas, Porcupine Plain, Prince Albert, Ridge­dale, Robsart, St. Brieux, Shaunavon, Shipman, Silver Park, Smeaton, Snowden, Somme, Spald­ing, Star City, Swift Current, Tisdale, Viscount, Weekes, Weirdale, Weldon, White Fox, Yorkton, Zenon Parle


1 To transport goods for and on behalf of New­bery Energy Ltd., using only semi-trailers owned by Newbery Energy Ltd., extra-provincially.

2 To transport goods for and on behalf of Urse! Constructors Ltd. from or to a jobsite of Urse! Constructors Ltd., from and to points in Saskat­chewan, to and from the Alberta/Saskatchewan boundary and the Manitoba/Saskatchewan boundary.

3 To transport goods for and on behalf of Metal Fabricating and Construction Ltd., extra­provincially.

Commodity Description -

4 Goods

Origin - Points in Sask.

Destination - Alta/Sask. and Man/Sask. boundaries

Conditions - Goods owned by Saskatoon Oil-field Manufacturing Ltd.

Commodity Description -

5 Goods (Excluding Beverages and Foodstuffs)

Origin - Points in Sask.

Destination - All boundaries and vice versa

a) No more than one shipper's and four con­signees' goods at any one time


Address: 110 Vanier Cres., Saskatoon, Sask. S7L 5H5

File: B/91/327

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - Goods

Origin - Points in Sask.

Destination - Points in Sask.

Conditions - Goods which on account of size, shape or weight require the use of specialized crane equipment permanently mounted on the truck for loading, unloading, erection or place­ment of goods on customers' sites.


Address: Box 1829, Lloydminster, Sask. S9V 1N4

File: B/91/563

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - Oilfield Commodi-ties

Origin - Points in Sask.

Destination - Points in Sask.

Conditions - Nil

"Oilfield Commodities" means:

i) equipment and materials used in well drill­ing, well maintenance and well servicing.

ii) equipment and materials used in the con­struction, maintenance and servicing of oilfield satellites and batteries, gas or oil pipelines, and gas or oil compressor stations.

iii) equipment and materials used in the con­struction and maintenance of sites for gas or oil wells, batteries, satellites, gas or oil pipelines, gas or oil compressor stations.


Address: Box 215, 501 10th Ave., Nisku, Alta. T0C 2G3

File: B/91/582

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


1 The transportation provincially of equip­ment, materials, and supplies used for or in con­nection with the construction, operation, repair, servicing, maintenance and dismantling of pipe­lines, including the stringing, storage and the picking up thereof.

Item 1 is restricted as follows:

i) Transportation authorized only where the movement of goods is required for the fulfill­ment of a contract held by 2723663 Manitoba Ltd., JMW Holdings Ltd., 2723833 Manitoba Ltd., o/a Michetti Pipe Stringing.

ii) Excluding the movement of goods in van type trailers.


The Highway Traffic Board hereby gives notice of its intent to grant the following applications.

Any party wishing to oppose the application must complete and file a Statement of Objection on or before December 2, 1991. Please reference the file number when filing opposition.

Objectors must file a valid written objection providing evidence on one or more of the following criteria that granting an application will adversely impact on the users of transportation services, hinder economic or social development or impede national or international commerce:

(a) adverse impact on the stability of the trucking industry as demonstrated by a reduc­tion in service availability, in transport choices/ options or in dependability of service;

(b) the applicant is unfit, unwilling or unable to provide the intended service;

Page 46: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


(c) undue reduction in competition;

(d) market concentration or dominance;

(e) discrimination in the areas of price,service, capacity;

(f) detriment to the consumer;

(g) net employment impacts;

(h) adverse effect on the respondent;

(i) any public policy considerations declared by government.

A decision whether to hold a public meeting will be based on a review of written Statements of Objection. As this decision will be made on the strength of the material received, please ensure all relevant information is included in the submis­sion. Where necessary, attach exhibits and sup­porting documents.

Where the Board decides a valid objection has been made by the Objector(s), a public hearing will be scheduled.

If a public hearing is scheduled, all hearing participants will be advised of the hearing date.

Any interested party may telephone the Board at 787-4040 for further information.

Phyllis K. Glowatsky, Secretary,

Highway Traffic Board.


Address: 46 Mobile City Estates, Sprnce Grove, Alta. T7X 2V4

File: B/91/536

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows:


Commodity Description - Oilfield Commodi-ties

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - Nil

"Oilfield Commodities" means:

i) equipment and materials used in well drill­ing, well maintenance and well servicing.

ii) equipment and materials used in the con­strnction, maintenance and servicing of oilfield satellites and batteries, gas or oil pipelines, and gas or oil compressor stations.

iii) equipment and materials used in the con­struction and maintenance of sites for gas or oil wells, batteries, satellites, gas or oil pipelines, gas or oil compressor stations.

Commodity Description - Agricultural Equip-ment

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - Nil

"Agricultural Equipment" means:

- commodities used in connection with andusual to a farm; but does not include commodi­ties designed for non-farm use. Agricultural equipment includes but is not necessarily lim­ited to the following;

- cultivating and weeding equipment, culti­vators, harrows, plows.

- planting, fertilizer and spraying equip­ment, seeders, drills, fertilizing equipment, manure storage tanks, sprayers, dusters.

- haying, harvesting and related equipment,(rakes, bale stookers, hay balers, rakes, stakers, combines, threshers).

- machines for preparing crops for market, (crop driers with heating units).

- dairy, poultry and apiary equipment, (milk­ing machines, cream separators, dairy equip­ment, brooders, poultry farm equipment, beekeeping equipment, beeswax, beehives).

- other agricultural equipment (augers, con­veyors, livestock handling equipment- canals, cattle guards, chutes, crowding alleys, feeders, gates, loading ramps, pens, stalls, stanchions, water troughs - forage maturing devices, feed­ers, elevators, parts for elevators, agricultural trailers, feed mill equipment, irrigation sus­tems, rock and stone pickers, agricultural pre­fabricated livestock buildings, steel granaries, grain storage bins, agricultural tractors).

- parts and accessories for agriculturalequipment.


Address: Box 513, Kitscoty, Alta. T0B 2P0 File: B/91/545

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than three shippers' goods at any one time.

Applicant: S.L.H. TRANSPORT INC. Address: 35 Precision Rd., Rexdale, Ont.

M9W 5H3

File: B/91/540

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - Points in Sask.

Destination - All boundaries and vice versa

Conditions - International traffic only Commodity Description - General Merchan-


Origin - Regina, Saskatoon, Moose Jaw

Destination - All boundaries and vice versa

Conditions - Nil

Commodity Description - General Merchan­dise

Origin - Points in Sask.

Destination - All boundaries and vice versa





Page 47: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective

NOVEMBER 8, 1991 1787

Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time


Address: R.R. 1, Leduc, Alta. T9E 2Xl

File: B/91/541

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time

Applicant: 345440 AL BERTA LTD.

Address: Box 1550, Slave Lake, Alta. TOG 2A0

File: B/91/534

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time


Address: 1702 East Overland Rd., Scottsbluff, NB, 69363

File: B/91/532

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - International traffic only


Address: Box 537, Provost, Alta. T0B 3S0

File: B/91/525

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows;


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time

Commodity Description - General Merchan­dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - Nil

Applicant: M. H. TRANSPORT LTD.

Address: 11635 130th St., Surrey, B.C. V3R 2Y2

File: B/91/509

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time


Address: Box 429, Big River, Sask. S0J 0E0

File: B/91/597

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - Goods

Origin - Points in Sask.

Destination - Man/Sask. boundary and vice versa

Conditions - Goods owned by, consigned to or originating at or destined to the facilities of Fresh Water Fish Marketing Corporation


Address: 7-879 Westport Cres., Mississauga, Ont. L 5K 1E7

File: B/91/596

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time


Address: Box 163, Searcy, AR, 72143

File: B/91/593

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - International traffic only

Page 48: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective



Address: R.R. 2, Box 3, Munich, ND, 58352

File: B/91/592

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - International traffic only


Address: 880 Middlegate Rd., Mississauga, Ont. L4Y 1M3

File: B/91/591

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - One company's or one individual's goods at any one time


Address: Box 608, 217 31st St. N., Lethbridge, Alta. TlJ 3Z4

File: B/91/589

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than four shipper's and four consignees' goods at any one time


Address: 1180 Fife St., Winnipeg, Man. R3C 3Z3

File: B/91/588

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows:


Commodity Description - General Merchan­dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Regina, Saskatoon, Moose Jaw & vice versa

Conditions - Nil

Commodity Description General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than four shipper's and four consignees' goods at any one time


Address: 7887 rue Grenache, Ville d'Anjou, Que. HlJ 1C4

File: B/91/587

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - Bulk Commodities

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - Nil

"Bulk Commodities" are defined as commodi­ties, while being transported in, by or on a vehicle, are not packaged, encased, bagged or container­ized in any other fashion during transportation except by the exterior walls of the transporting vehicle.


Address: 313 L loyd Cres., Saskatoon, Sask. S7L 4Z2

File: B/91/585

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time

Applicant: TEXAS T.T.L . INC.

Address: Box 189, Willis, TX, 77378

File: B/91/584

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - International traffic only


Address: Box 158, Frazee, MN, 56544

File: B/91/581

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - International traffic only




Page 49: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


NOVEMBER 8, 1991 1789


Address: 8844 St. Croix Rd., Woodbury, MN, 55125

File: B/91/577

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - International traffic only


Address: 2 South 32nd St., Birmingham, AL, 35233

File: B/91/572

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - International traffic only


Address: Box 207, Darwell, Alta., TOE 0L0

File: B/91/570

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than six shippers' and six consignees' goods at any one time

Applicant: W.T.B. INC.

Address: North 24 Sycamore, Spokane, WA, 99202

File: B/91/569

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than fom shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time


Address: Box 186, Breslau, Ont. NOB lN0

File: B/91/568

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than three shippers' and three consignees' goods at any one time


Address: Box 1829, Lloydminster, Sask. S9V 1N4

File: B/91/564

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time

Commodity Description - Oilfield Commodi-ties

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - Nil

"Oilfield Commodities" means:

i) equipment and materials used in well drill­ing, well maintenance and well servicing.

ii) equipment and materials used in the con­struction, maintenance and servicing of oilfield satellites and batteries, gas or oil pipelines, and gas or oil compressor stations.

iii) equipment and materials used in the con­strnction and maintenance of sites for gas or oil wells, batteries, satellites, gas or oil pipelines, gas or oil compressor stations.

Commodity Description - Skid Shacks

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - Nil

Commodity Description - Cement Tanks

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - Nil

Applicant: 315960 ALBERTA LTD.

Address: 3900 Fonda Way S.E., Calgary, Alta. T2A 4S3

File: B/91/562

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows:


Commodity Description - General Merchan­dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Page 50: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


Conditions - One company 's or one individual's goods only at any one time

Applicant: INC. EXPRESS

Address: 8405 West Ward Ave., Deerhorn, Ml, 48126

File: B/91/558

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows:


Commodity Description - General Merchan­dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Saskatoon, Regina, Moose Jaw and vice versa

Conditions - Nil

Commodity Description General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - International traffic only

Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time

Applicant: KARRIERS, INC.

Address: Box 5157, Grand Forks, ND, 58206-5157

File: B/91/557

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - General Merchan­dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Regina, Saskatoon, Moose Jaw and vice versa

Conditions - Nil

Commodity Description General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time


Address: Box 929, Moncton, NB, ElC 8N8

F ile: B/91/555

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:

Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than one shipper's goods at any one time


Address: Box 81, Gunton, Man., R0C lH0

File: B/91/554

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than three shippers' and three consignees' goods at any one time


Address: General Delivery, Oxbow, Sask. SOC 2B0

File: B/91/553

Application: For an Operating Authority Certif­icate as follows:


Commodity Description - General Merchan-dise

Origin - Points in Sask.

Destination - All boundaries and vice versa

Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time

The Oil and Gas Conservation Act


The Department of Energy and Mines has received an application from CODECO Engineer­ing Ltd. on behalf of MGL Resources Ltd. for approval of a plan to dispose of salt water recov­ered from oilfield production by injection into the Alida Beds through the well MGL et al Hastings 8-1-5-1, located in legal subdivision 8 of Section 1,in Township 5, in Range 1, West of the Second Meridian in Saskatchewan.

Any comments in support of or objections to this application received in writing in the office of the undersigned on or before November 29, 1991 will be given due consideration before any final deci­sion on this matter is reached.

Copies of the submission in support of the appli­cation may be obtained from Mr. Jim P. Rasmus­sen, CO DECO Engineering Ltd., 815-706 7th Ave. S.W., Calgary, Alta. T2P 0Zl on or before Novem­ber 29, 1991 by persons directly affected.

Dated at Regina, Sask., October 31, 1991.


The Department of Energy and Mines has received an application from Poco Petroleums Ltd. for approval of a plan to construct the neces­sary facilities and to recomplete the well Home SRO Total Macoun 16-30-4-8 as a pressure main­tenance water injection well for a waterflood pro­ject, and to operate the said project in the Winnipegosis Formation.



Page 51: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective




NOVEMBER 8, 1991 1791

Any comments in support of or objections to this application received in writing in the office of the undersigned on or before November 29, 1991 will be given due consideration before any final deci­sion on this matter is reached.

Copies of the submission in support of the appli­cation may be obtained from Mr. Glen Volk, Poco Petroleums Ltd., PO. Box 4365, Postal Station C, Calgary, Alta. T2T 5N2, by persons directly affected.

Dated at Regina, Sask., October 31, 1991.



The Department of Energy and Mines has received an application from Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Corporation, as operator of the Rosebank Frobisher-Alida Beds Voluntary Unit No. 1, requesting approval to produce, according to Good Production Practice, a horizontal well with a pro­posed 1050 m horizontal section in the Alida Beds underlying the north-west quarter of Section 3 and the south-west quarter of Section 10, in Town­ship 5, in Range 32, West of the First Meridian.

Any comments in support of or objections to this application received in writing in the office of the undersigned on or before November 29, 1991, will be given due consideration before any final deci­sion on this matter is reached.

Copies of the submission in support of the appli­cation may be obtained from Mr. Dan Giesbrecht, Saskatchewan__ Oil & Gas Corporation, PO. B.ox 1550, Regina, Sask. S4P 3C4, on or before Novem­ber 29, 1991 by persons directly affected.

Dated at Regina, Sask., October 31, 1991.

Pat Youzwa, Deputy Minister, Saskatchewan Energy and Mines.

The Tax Enforcement Act


Village of A nnaheim:

Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforce­ment Act that unless the arrears and costs appear­ing opposite the land described in the following list are fully paid before January 8, 1992, a tax lien will be registered against the land.

Note: A sum of costs in an amount as prescribed in the regulations, is included in the amount shown against each parcel (subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act).

Description Lot

Arrears & Costs Blk. $ q:

Plan 74H00136

ll ................. 759.94 8 ............................................ .

Dated November 8, 1991.

J. Verhelst, V illage Administrator.

R. M. of Duch Lahe No. 463:

Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforce­ment Act that unless the arrears and costs appear­ing opposite the land described in the following list are fully paid before January 8, 1992, a tax lien will be registered against the land.

Note: A sum for costs in an amount as pre­scribed in the regulations, is included in the amount shown against each parcel (subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act).

Description of Arrears & Costs Property $ Q:

SE 7-42-2w3............................................ 980.40 SW 18-43-2w3......................................... 619.52 SE 30-43-2w3.......................................... 977.02 SW 30-43-2w3......................................... 774.68

SW 14-44-2w3......................................... 475.18 NE 15-44-2w3 ......................................... 577.42 SE 15-44-2w3..... .. . ...... .. . .. . .. .. . ........ ... . .. . . . 537 .66

RL 1 44/45-4w3....................................... 483.70 RL 2 44/45-4w3....................................... 543.35 HBL 20 44/45-4w3.................................. 618.60 HBL 21 44/45-4w3.................................. 483.69 NE 25-46-lw3......................................... 331.15 LSD'S 4, 5, 6-27-48-lw3 ......................... 1,139.02 Parcel A NE 25-46-1 w3 .......................... 1,461.35

Description Lot Hamlet of MacDowall:

Plan D4527

Arrears & Costs Blk. $ Q:

6 - 10 ...................................... 2 ................... 970.42 Plan CQ5109

1 ············································· 6 ................ 1,686.94 Dated at Duck Lake, Sask., November 8, 1991.

R.M. ofSasman No. 336:

Lois McCormick, Administrator.

Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforce­ment Act that unless the arrears and costs appear­ing opposite the land described in the following list are fully paid before January 8, 1992, a tax lien will be registered against the land.

Note: A sum for costs in an amount as pre­scribed in the regulations, is included in the amount shown against each parcel (subsection 4(3) of The Ta.,-.; Enforcement Act).

Description of Arrears & Costs Property $ Q:

NE 1-33-10w2 ......................................... 630.81 NW 24-33-10w2 ...................................... 1,009.84 SW 24-33-10w2....................................... 837.05 NW 25-35-10w2...................................... 598.16 SW 25-35-10w2....................................... 324.96

NE 26-35-10w2....................................... 518.77 SE 26-35-10w2........................................ 481.41 NW 32-35-10w2 ...................................... 654.07 SW 35-35-10w2....................................... 557.25 SW 36-35-10w2....................................... 539.78 SW 5-36-10w2......................................... 250.48 NE 16-36-10w2....................................... 506.54 NW 34-33-llw2...................................... 552.06

SE 22-36-llw2........................................ 387.36

NW 6-34-12w2 ........................................ 612.77 SW 7-34-12w2......................................... 557.90 NE 8-34-12w2......................................... 631.45 SE 8-34-12w2.......................................... 667.64

Page 52: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


Description of Arrears & Costs Property

NW 4-35-12w2 ........................ . SW 4-35-12w2 ........................................ . NW 10-35-12w2 ..................................... . NE 15-35-12w2 ...................................... . NW 20-35-12w2 ................................ . SE 20-35-12w2 .................................... . SE 22-35-12w2 ................................... . NE 30-35-12w2 ...................................... . NE 33-35-12w2 ...................................... . SW 33-35-12w2..... . ................. . SW 5-36-12w2 ..................... .................. . L.S.D. 3 & 4 SW 7-36-12w2 .................. . SW 18-36-12w2 ...................................... . SE 34-36-12w2 .. ................... ................ .

$ ¢ 464.50 536.88 261.35 553.23 525.21 258.82 503.03

1,341.88 916.04 878.61

1,353.93 719.70 828.96 623.84

Description Lot

Arrears & Costs

Hamlet ofNu.t Mountain:

Plan AR5622

Blk. $ ¢

6 ............................................. 3 ................... 797.42 East Fr. 13 ............................. 3 ................... 331.00 5 ............................................. 4 ................... 105.30 6 ............................................. 4 ................... 225.20 W estFr. 7 .............................. 4 ..................... 18.70 6 ............................................. 5 ................... 203.96 7 ............................................. 5 ................... 275.94

Plan T3949 Parcel B ................................. .. ............... ... 16.34

Plan U292 26 ....................................... ... 1 ................. ... 22.24

Hamlet of Kylem.ore:

Plan H2115 23 ........................................... 3 ....................... 9.17 24 ........................................... 3 ....................... 9.17

H a.mlet of Kurohi:

Plan 64H01579 Parcel B ................................. ................ 1,295.76

Townsite of Bu.chhorn Bay Sum.mer Resort:

Plan 79H07655 14 ........................................... 3 .................... .48.87

Plan 84H08138 6 ............................................. 7 ................... 411.96

Townsite of Ku.rohi Bea.ch:

Plan 61H02739 19 ........................................... 1 ................... 266.02

Plan 66H04614 11 ........................................... 2 ................... 150.44

Plan 78H01276 13 ........................................... 2 .................. .457 .49 W est Fr. 17 ............................ 2 ..................... 24.35 18 .............. ......... ............... .. 2 .................... .46.53

Plan 82H02226 8 ............................................. 11 ................. 366.43

Townsite of Fishing Lahe:

Plan 80H08064 21 ........................................... 1 ..................... 48.87 22 ........................................... 1 ..................... 52.37

Dated at Kuroki , Sask., November 8, 1991.

R. M. of St. Peter No. 369:

Jim Little , Secretary-Treasurer.

Notice is hereby given under The Tac� Enforce­ment Act that unless the anears and costs appear-

ing opposite the land described in the following list are fully paid before January 8, 1992, a tax lien will be registered against the land.

Note: A sum of costs in an amount as prescribed in the regulations, is included in the amount shown against each parcel (subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act).

Description of Anears & Costs Property

NW 9-37-19w2 ....................................... . SW 9-37-19w2 ........................................ . LSD, S 15 & 16 Sec. 16-37-19w2 .......... . SE 17-37-19w2 .............. ........................ . NE 21-37-19w2 ...................................... . NW 26-37-19w2 ..................................... . SW 26-37-19w2 ..................................... .. NE 27-37-19w2 ..................................... .. NW 27-37-19w2 ..................................... . SW 27-37-19w2 ...................................... . SE 34-37-19w2 ....................................... . SW 34-37-19w2 ...................................... . NE 35-37-19w2 ...................................... . NW 35-37-19w2 .................................... .. SW 35-37-19w2 ...................................... . NW 36-37-19w2 ..................................... . SE 2-37-20w2 ......................................... . SW 24-37-21w2 ...................................... . SE 5-38-19w2 ......................................... . NE 26-38-19w2 ...................................... . SE 35-38-19w2 ....................................... . SE 36-38-19w2 ....................................... . LSD, S 7 & 8 Sec. 8-38-20w2 ................ . NE 19-39-20w2 ..................................... .. SE 19-38-19w2 ....................................... . NE 19-39-20w2 ..................................... ..

$ ¢ 901.91 859.13 359.26 727.90 727.90

1,154.68 1,180.41

992.08 1,067.96

803.65 1,070.67 1,143.84

871.71 847.13 867.63

1,088.27 1,625.99

742.35 2,057.60

818.83 899.55 693.75 430.10 809.42 995.02 139.00

Arrears are subject to a l 1/,i% penalty for each complete month that they remain unpaid after January 1 of this year.

Dated at Annaheim, Sask., November 8, 1991.

J. Verhelst,Administrator.

The Ul'ban Municipality Act, 1984


City of Weybu.rn:

Pursuant to subsection 249(4) of the The Urban Municipality Act, 1984, notice is hereby given that the Supplementary Assessment Roll for the City of Weyburn is open to inspection in the office of the Assessor from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on every judicial day, except Saturday, from November 8 to November 29, 1991 inclusive.

Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment to the Board of Revision is required to file his/her complaint(s) in writing with the Assessor, City of Weyburn, Box 370, Weyburn, Sask. S4H 2K6, by November 29, 1991.

Ron Abel, City Assessor.




Page 53: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


NOVEMBER 8, 1991 1793




The Rules of the Legislature with regard to the time for filing Petitions and Private Bills with the Clerk and other matters relating thereto can be obtained at any time by those interested, on appli­cation to:

Gwenn Ronyk, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.

Room 239, Legislative Building, Regina, Sask. S4S 0B3


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Page 54: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The …...The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective


