registration & payment registration form … fecp 2019.pdf · para peserta mestilah mempunyai...

(Note (*) All price are effective on 1 September 2018 Participants must submit the Registration and full payment of fees before course commencement. Registration form submitted without the corresponding registration fees will not be accepted. Seats will be guaranteed only on prior registration with full payment. All fees must be made payable in advance to “UPM Education & Training Sdn. Bhd.” Bank Detail: CIMB Bank Berhad Branch of Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor. A/C No. 8002167906 Please contact the Secretariat for further information: UPM Education & Training Sdn. Bhd. Training Unit Block D, UPM-MTDC Technology Centre Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 Serdang Selangor Darul Ehsan. Phone No. : 03.8959.3408 Fax No. : 03.8959.3409 Email : [email protected] Malaysian Fire Protection Association No. 25-4, Block H Jalan PJU 1/37, Dataran Prima 47301 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel.:03-78049141 Fax: 03-78044592 Email: [email protected] Programme RM 1 Fire Extinguisher Course (Theory & Practical) 700/pax* 2 Examination (Theory & Practical) 318/pax* 3 Practical Examination Repeat 212/pax* Company Name : .......................................................................... Address : .......................................................................... ........................................................................................................... Office No. :............................... .. HP No.:.......................................... Fax. No. : .............................. ... Email :........................................... Participants Please specify preferred date of session and location Total Registration Fees: Cheque No./Receipt No. .............................................enclosed for the sum of RM......................................being registration fees for the course. I/We understand that my/our registration is subjected to the following conditions: 1. The fees are not refundable. However substitution of participant will be accepted. 2. Organizer will not be responsible for any refunds like flight ticket, accommodation or any cost if you still do make arrangements before confirmation letters are sent out. The organizer reserve the right to postpone/cancel the training or change the programme without prior notice . 3. Registration is only accepted upon full payment of fee 2 week before the training. 4. Results will be notified via email within two (2) weeks after the exams. 5. Certificates will be issued two (2) weeks (14 working days) after receiving results. No Name I/C No. HP Programme Session Date Fire Extinguisher Course 2019 Examination (Theory & Practical) Mandate by : FIRE & RESCUE DEPARTMENT MALAYSIA Supported by : MALAYSIAN FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION UPMHOLDINGS UPM Education & Training Sdn. Bhd. GST NO :002005909504 FIRE EXTINGUISHER COMPETENT PERSON COURSE 2019 REGISTRATION & PAYMENT REGISTRATION FORM

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Post on 24-Mar-2019




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(Note (*) All price are effective on 1 September 2018 Participants must submit the Registration and full payment of fees before course commencement. Registration form submitted without the corresponding registration fees will not be accepted. Seats will be guaranteed only on prior registration with full payment. All fees must be made payable in advance to “UPM Education & Training Sdn. Bhd.” Bank Detail: CIMB Bank Berhad Branch of Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor. A/C No. 8002167906 Please contact the Secretariat for further information: UPM Education & Training Sdn. Bhd. Training Unit Block D, UPM-MTDC Technology Centre Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 Serdang Selangor Darul Ehsan. Phone No. : 03.8959.3408 Fax No. : 03.8959.3409 Email : [email protected] Malaysian Fire Protection Association No. 25-4, Block H Jalan PJU 1/37, Dataran Prima 47301 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel.:03-78049141 Fax: 03-78044592 Email: [email protected]

Programme RM √

1 Fire Extinguisher Course (Theory & Practical)


2 Examination (Theory & Practical)


3 Practical Examination Repeat


Company Name : .......................................................................... Address : .......................................................................... ........................................................................................................... Office No. :............................... .. HP No.:.......................................... Fax. No. : .............................. ... Email :........................................... Participants

Please specify preferred date of session and location

Total Registration Fees: Cheque No./Receipt No. .............................................enclosed for the sum of RM......................................being registration fees for the course. I/We understand that my/our registration is subjected to the following conditions: 1. The fees are not refundable. However substitution of

participant will be accepted. 2. Organizer will not be responsible for any refunds like flight

ticket, accommodation or any cost if you still do make arrangements before confirmation letters are sent out. The organizer reserve the right to postpone/cancel the training or change the programme without prior notice .

3. Registration is only accepted upon full payment of fee 2 week before the training.

4. Results will be notified via email within two (2) weeks after the exams.

5. Certificates will be issued two (2) weeks (14 working days) after receiving results.

No Name I/C No. HP

Programme Session Date

Fire Extinguisher Course 2019

Examination (Theory & Practical)

Mandate by :


Supported by :


UPMHOLDINGS UPM Education & Training Sdn. Bhd.

GST NO :002005909504




To ensure that each participant has the competency in the selec-tion, installation, servicing and maintenance of portable fire extin-guisher and qualified to be registered as a competent person in the eFEIS with Fire And Rescue Department Malaysia (FRDM).

Requirement for Fire Extinguisher Course

Age between 18 - 65 years old

Physically & mentally fit

Participants must bring their own safety equipments (goggle, mask, glove, safety boot)

Requirement for application of Competency Examination

A Malaysian Citizen

Age between 18 - 65 years old

Minimum educational qualification—Pass SPM or equivalent

Has attended Fire Extinguisher Course.

Physically & mentally fit

Possess two (2) years working experience in servicing port-able fire extinguisher

Possess sufficient knowledge and skill in servicing of portable fire extinguisher.

Participants must bring their own safety equipments (goggle, face mask, glove & safety boot)

Participants must bring the following documents for verification purposes:

1. Identity card; 2. SPM certificate or equivalent;

3. Certificate of Companies Commission of Malaysia

(SSM) / Form 9 &49/Business Registration Certificate (including attachment information current business owner) if the participant is the owner of the company OR

4. Certificate of Registration of Employer (KWSP 19) / latest three (3) months EPF contribution by the employer, Latest two (2) years EPF Member’s Account Statement if participant is not the owner of the


Candidates who failed in the examination (theory and/or practical) will be allowed to repeat the examination within two (2) years .

Day 1

08:30—09:00 Registration 09:00—10:00 Introduction to Portable Fire Extinguishers PM. Ir. Dr. Nor Mariah Adam (UPM) 10:00—10:30 Break 10:30—12:30 Electronic Fire Extinguisher Inspection System (eFEIS) Fire and Rescue Department Malaysia (FRDM) 12:30—14:30 Break 14:30—15:30 Specifications for Portable Fire Extinguishers Malaysian Fire Protection Association (MFPA) 15:30—17:30 Maintenance of Portable Fire Extinguishers (MS 1539: Part 4:2004) Malaysian Fire Protection Association (MFPA) 17:30 End of First Day

Day 2

09:00—09.25 Registration 09.25—10.30 Theory Examination 10.30—12.20 Servicing and Maintenance of Portable Fire Extinguishers (Practical Session) 12:30—14:00 Break 14:00—18:00 Practical Session Continues 18:00 End of Second Day

Examination Day

08:30—09:00 Registration 09:00—09:15 Briefing for Examination (Theory and Practical) 09:15—13:30 Examination (Practical) 13:30—14:00 Break 14:00 – 18:00 Examination (Practical) 18:00 End of Session



Please note there is a minimum requirement of 45 partici-pants registered per session in order for the exams to run. If the minimum number of required participants is not met for a specific date those registered will be automatically added to the next available course date.

Confirmation letter will be sent out when everything is confirm. Organizer will not be responsible for any refunds like flight ticket, accommodation or any cost if you still do make arrangements before confirmation letters are sent out. The organizer reserves the right to postpone/cancel the training or change the programme with-out prior notice .

Kindly browse through our website for further information




1. 22-23 FEB 2019 UPM

2. 26-27 APR 2019 UPM

3. 5-6 JUL 2019 UPM

4. 15-16 NOV 2019 UPM




1. 24 FEB 2019 UPM

2. 28 APR 2019 UPM

3. 7 JUL 2019 UPM

4. 17 NOV 2019 UPM

UPMHOLDINGS UPM Education & Training Sdn. Bhd.

Syarat - syarat Kursus Fire Extinguisher Competent Person 2019

Peserta perlu mempunyai kelayakan akademik sekurang-kurangnya lulus Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) dan setaraf atau kelayakan yang lebih tinggi seperti sijil program pengajian yang diiktiraf (Diploma/Ijazah) serta membawa sijil asal semasa sesi pendaftaran.

Peserta perlu mahir dan mempunyai pengalaman bekerja sekurang-kurangnya dua (2) tahun berkaitan dengan kerja-kerja penyelenggaraan alat pemadam api mudah alih. Kriteria pengalaman bekerja adalah suatu yang subjektif dan pihak kami tidak meletakkan sebarang pengukuran dan penilaian terhadap pengalaman tersebut. Ianya perlu ditafsirkan sendiri oleh syarikat dan peserta yang terlibat. Peserta perlu melampirkan i) Sijil pendaftaran syarikat (SSM)/Borang 9 & 49/Sijil Pendaftaran Perniagaan (termasuk lampiran maklumat pemilik perniagaan terkini) jika peserta merupakan pemilik syarikat; ATAU ii) Sijil Pendaftaran Majikan (KWSP 19) / Penyata caruman majikan bagi tiga (3) bulan terakhir DAN penyata caruman ahli KWSP 2 tahun terkini jika peserta BUKAN pemilik syarikat.

Sekiranya peserta masih ingin mengikuti kursus ini walaupun tidak mahir dan tidak mempunyai pengalaman bekerja yang mencukupi, pihak syarikat dan peserta perlu menanggung risiko sendiri sekiranya peserta gagal dalam ujian teori atau ujian praktikal. Selain itu, peserta juga mungkin menghadapi masalah untuk berdaftar sebagai "Competent Person" dengan JBPM yang meletakkan kriteria berpengalaman dalam penyelenggaraan APA sebagai satu syarat penilaian. Pihak kami tidak akan bertanggungjawab sekiranya peserta tidak layak untuk berdaftar sebagai ‘Competent Person ‘dengan JBPM.

Umur peserta yang dibenarkan untuk mengikuti kursus ini adalah 18 hingga 65 tahun sahaja dan sihat tubuh badan. Sekiranya umur peserta melebihi 65 tahun, peserta perlulah mendapat pengesahan daripada Pegawai Perubatan Kerajaan yang mengesahkan bahawa tuan/puan berada dalam keadaan sihat dan mampu untuk melakukan kerja berat.

Para peserta perlulah boleh membaca dan menulis di dalam Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris bagi mengikuti kursus dan ujian yang akan dilaksanakan.

Para peserta mestilah mempunyai peralatan asas keselamatan yang perlu dibawa sebagai alat perlindungan keselamatan diri seperti "safety shoes", "goggle", "mask" dan "gloves" semasa kursus dijalankan.

Yuran bagi mengikuti kursus ini ialah RM700.00 dan RM318.00 untuk mengambil peperiksaan (termasuk SST).

Sekiranya peserta gagal dalam ujian yang dijalankan, para peserta perlu mengulang (repeat) ujian tersebut pada siri kursus yang akan datang. Yuran bagi ujian ulangan adalah RM106 (Ujian Teori) dan RM212(Ujian Praktikal). Ujian ulangan akan dilaksanakan pada hari peperiksaan yang akan datang.

Saya memahami dan bersetuju dengan syarat -syarat yang telah ditetapkan bagi mengikuti kursus di atas. Sekiranya saya melanggar peraturan dan terma yang telah ditetapkan maka pihak UPM Education & Training Sdn. Bhd. boleh membatalkan penyertaan dan tidak perlu memulangkan yuran yang telah dibayar. Sebarang perkara yang berlaku melibatkan kesihatan dan kemalangan atau kecederaan sewaktu menghadiri kursus dan menjalani ujian teori serta praktikal adalah dibawah risiko dan tanggungan sendiri dan saya tidak akan menyalahkan pihak penganjur.

Tandatangan Peserta


Nama :

No. K/P :

Tarikh :

Cop Syarikat :