regional workshop on measuring progress of societies

1 Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union Regional Workshop on Measuring Progress of Societies What Capacity Building do we need to measure Progress? Sanaa – Yemen , April 19, 2007 (Thierry Paccoud – Project Director – MEDSTAT II Lot 2

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Regional Workshop on Measuring Progress of Societies. What Capacity Building do we need to measure Progress? Sanaa – Yemen , April 19, 2007 (Thierry Paccoud – Project Director – MEDSTAT II Lot 2. Outline of the presentation. MEDSTAT II in brief Foundations Objectives - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Regional Workshop on Measuring Progress of Societies

1Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Regional Workshop on Measuring Progress of Societies

What Capacity Building do we need to measure Progress?

Sanaa – Yemen , April 19, 2007

(Thierry Paccoud – Project Director – MEDSTAT II Lot 2

Page 2: Regional Workshop on Measuring Progress of Societies

2Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Outline of the presentation

• MEDSTAT II in brief• Foundations• Objectives• Principles for intervention• Organization• Present status

• Capacity strengthening• Human capacities• Technical capacities• Institutional capacities

• MEDSTAT II contributions for capacity strengthening

Page 3: Regional Workshop on Measuring Progress of Societies

3Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

MEDSTAT II in brief

• Foundations• Objectives• Principles for intervention• Organization• Present status

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4Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Strong political foundations

Policy and strategic framework of the EU-MED relations

Barcelona initiative ENP Bilateral agreements with ECCommon history with the EU member


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5Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Strong tehnical foundations

Achievement from MEDSTAT I

MethodologiesProduction of statisticsPublications

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6Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Objectives of MEDSTAT II

Production of better

Statistics Visibility of the statistical work and products

Strengthening of the

statistical systems

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7Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Principles for implementing the project

• A country-tailored implementation process.

• A focus on production, dissemination and final use of statistics.

• A deep involvement of the NSSs of the MED countries.

• A more demand-driven approach.

• Capacity strengthening (ownership and durability).

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8Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

A complex project

• 10 partner countries• 12 sectors of interventions• 16 LTE, Approximately 3400 days

of STE• Extensive scope for the TA (Missions, Events..)

• Complex institutional framework (DC, TF, WG)

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9Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union


Lot 3

EquipmentConsortium: Agmin

Lot 1

Horizontal activities



•LogisticsConsortium: GTZ(+Sogeti), Ariane II Groupe Transiciel (L), EIPA (NL), Meteksan Sistem A.S. (TQ), IBF (B), CNAM (FR), Statistics Lithuania (LT), Ministère de l’Economie (L)

Lot 2

Thematic activities

•Trans, Tour, En, Env, NA, Ext. trade, Agr, Soc, MigrConsortium: ADETEF, INSEE (FR), INE (ES), INE (PT), ONS (UK), GUS (PL), KSH (HU), Plan Bleu (FR), Landsis (LU)

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10Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

The work program

Inception phase

Launching Phase

Implementation Phase

Completion Phase

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11Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Activities planned

Activity 1:

•Mission orientation reports

•Road Maps

Activity 2: Data collection and exchange

Activity 3: Transfer of Know how

Activity 4: Harmonization

Activity 5: Programming and reorientation

Activity 6: Synergies

Activity 7: Dissemination of statistics

Activity 8: Users’ needs

Delivery of the Equipment

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12Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Where do we stand today?

Between the orientation and the implementation phases

• Reports =} Directors’ Committee

• Task forces =} Road maps

Page 13: Regional Workshop on Measuring Progress of Societies

13Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Sector Work programme: an example for agriculture statistics

2007 2008

02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

1. Inventory and harmonization of definitions and methodologies

Questionnaire Synthesis Workshop X Country tailored TA 2.Sampling methods Horizontal Training (Arabic)


EFTA (English) X Training (French) X 3. Establishment of farm registers Workshop X Country tailored TA 4. Estimation for crop and animal production Study visit 1 X Study visit 2 X Country tailored TA 5. Dissemination of statistics Horizontal training X Specific training 6. Other country specifics TA on agriculture census (Tunisia, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel and Morocco) EAA and Price statistics (Tunisia, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, Morocco and Algeria) Fishery (Morocco, Syria, Jordan ) Food balance sheet (Lebanon) Crop production forecasting (Morocco - citrus fruits, olives, grape; Algeria, Syria – remote sensing, Tunisia - Mars -) – proposed visit to Morocco - Working parties at national level (Tailored based TA) Horizontal training Quality


7. SIF Regional issues X National based issues (on demand, based on country involvement) 8. Task Force TF 2 X TF 3 X

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14Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Sector xRegional orientations

Activities at national, subregional and regional levels

Sector yRegional orientations

Activities at national, subregional and regional levels

National statistical development strategy - NSDS

Road Map Country X

Other interventions



Orientation missions

Sector Report X


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15Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Capacity building

1. Human capacities

2. Technical capacities

3. Institutional capacities

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16Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

1. Human capacities

Human capacities

Individual capacity

Articulation of knowledge and know-how

Collective memory/consistency

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17Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Individual capacity• General training on statistics methods and tools• Recycling and re-training• Valorization

Articulation of knowledge and know-how

Collective memory/consistency

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18Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Individual capacity

Articulation of knowledge and know-how• Team/group work, • Vertical integration of activities• Horizontal integration of activities• Training capacities

Collective memory/consistency

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19Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Individual capacity

Articulation of knowledge and know-how

Collective memory/consistency• Inside the NSI• Inside the NSS• Outside the NSS

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20Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

2. Technical capacities

Technical capacities

Norms and standards – Know-why

Tools – Know-what

Practices – Know-how

Network – Know-who and know-where

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21Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Norms and standards – Know-why• Methodologies• Systems• Classifications

Tools – Know-whatPractices – Know-howNetwork – Know-who and know-where

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22Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Norms and standards – Know-why

Tools – Know-what• Data collection• Data processing• Data production• Data analysis• Data dissemination

Practices – Know-howNetwork – Know-who and know-where

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23Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Norms and standards – Know-why

Tools – Know-what

Practices – Know-how• Understanding• Mastering (reproduction)• Adapting and improving

Network – Know-who and know-where

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24Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Norms and standards – Know-why

Tools – Know-what

Practices – Know-how

Network – Know-who and know-where• Sector versus global level• National, regional and international

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25Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Institutional capacities

Within the NSI

Between the NSI and its partners (production)

Relation with the users

National Statistical System (NSS)

Community of statisticians

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26Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Within the NSI• Organization and structure• Planning and programming• Archiving• Synergies and integration between/of activities

Between the NSI and its partners (production)Relation with the usersNational Statistical System (NSS)Community of statisticians

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27Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Within the NSI

Between the NSI and its partners (production)• Exchange of information • Coordination of activities

• Joint products (production, dissemination)

Relation with the usersNational Statistical System (NSS)Community of statisticians

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28Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Within the NSIBetween the NSI and its partners (production)

Relation with the users• Information • Communication• Perception of user’s needs • Feed-back to the users

National Statistical System (NSS)Community of statisticians

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29Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Within the NSIBetween the NSI and its partners (production)Relation with the users

National Statistical System (NSS)• Strategy (NSSD)• Organisation (statistical Council)• Programming (arbitrage)

Community of statisticians

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30Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Within the NSIBetween the NSI and its partners (production)Relation with the usersNational Statistical System (NSS)

Community of statisticians• Quality• Transparency• Visibility • Accessibility

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31Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

MEDSTAT II contributions for capacity strengthening

• Equipment

• Technical assistance (field missions, study visits, working groups…)

• Training (workshops, training sessions, e-learning…)

• Network of expertise

• Visibility of and access to data (publications, common data-bank, web-site)

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32Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Human capacities

•Individual capacity

Targeted training, Re-training and recycling (key issues, specific sectors, new and/or innovative methods and norms), joint training with other institutions

Training of trainers, e-learning

Articulation of knowledge and know-how

Exchange of experiences (good practices) MED and EU

Support to team building, support to the development of managerial and training skills within the statistical system

Collective memory and consistency

Support to documentation, storage and dissemination of data, methods and practices

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33Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Technical capacities

Norms and standards – Know-why

Training sessions and workshops

Access to documentation

Tools – Know-what

Training sessions and workshops, technical support to the development of country-tailored tools, adaptation and implementation of standard statistical and IT tools

Technical support to data production, storage, exchange and dissemination

Practices – Know-how

Transfer through technical workshops, study visits, exchange of experiences and on-the-job training

Network – Know-who

Network of expertise, roster of specialists, wed-site

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34Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Institutional capacities (1)

Within the NSI Support to the organization and task description in the sectors covered by MEDSTAT II, support to planning and programming

Between the NSI and its partners (production)

Support to and facilitation of working groups and to local committees, dissemination of good practices, support to the setting-up of exchange systems/networks, dissemination of documentation

Relation with the users

Organization and facilitation of forum, support to the sensitization of the users, review of existing and development of new mechanisms to assess users’ needs

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35Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Institutional capacities (2)

National Statistical System (NSS)

Assessment of the state of statistics (CSSR) and of the orientations for the project’s contribution to local statistical development (POR)

Road maps

Community of statisticians

Relay (technical and financial) with the EU statistical system (Eurostat, NSI EU member states) and through them to other multilateral and international agencies

Relay with other Euro-MED projects/programmes (synergies)

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36Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

To conclude… (1)

A regional project is only one possible perspective to contribute to capacity strengthening

An articulation and synergies must be established with other levels: National and International

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37Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

To conclude… (2)

Main contribution of regional support projects to capacity building in statistics:

• Exchange of experiences and practices among partners with similar problems

• Economy of scale for the development of tailored solutions/tools

• Peer pressure

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38Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

To conclude… (3)

Key contribution of a EU-funded regional project to capacity building in statistics:

• Comprehensive and harmonized EU statistical system (methods and norms)

• Strengthening of the EU-MED partnership and articulation with other themes/areas of co-operation

• Long standing co-operation schemes with EU member states (bilateral)

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39Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II

This project is funded by the European Union

Thank you for your attention!

Thierry Paccoud

Project Director


[email protected]