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Currently Closed. Continually Learning. Constantly Praying. Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. He said to them, "Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?" ~ Mark 4:39-40 REGINA CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Supplemental Learning Plan

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Post on 01-Jun-2020




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Currently Closed.

Continually Learning.

Constantly Praying.

Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. He said to them, "Why are you afraid? Have you

still no faith?" ~ Mark 4:39-40


Supplemental Learning Plan

Dear Regina Catholic School Families, It is an honour to serve as the Director of Education for the Regina Catholic School Division. I am surrounded by an exceptionally gifted and committed senior leadership team and staff in our central office and in our schools. Our school division personnel are grateful for the support and care of our elected trustees. Finally, we are blessed to be surrounded by the students and their families who have chosen to receive a faith-based education. These are unprecedented times in our history and because there are so many uncertainties there is understandably a great deal of anxiety. As a people of faith, we put our trust in God that He will care for us. In time, this will end and we can all resume our daily routines and lives. In the meantime, we comfort each other by checking in by phone or technology and include in our daily prayers a call for hope. As a school division, we have been planning to respond to the suspension of our school for an indefinite period. We know that you will have many questions. My hope is that by reading this document in its entirety, that most of your questions will be addressed. If it isn’t, know that you can contact us and we will do our best to get you an answer. Please remember that each child and situation is unique and what we expected before COVID-19 will not look the same as after COVID-19. Be patient, be flexible, and above all, be kind. Every child matters, and our school division will approach your child’s education from that point of view. There will be no quick and easy solutions. You may come across options that appear enticing. Know that the best source for your child’s success rests with the very capable teachers and support staff who were leading them prior to this virus arriving in our communities. Stay in touch with us as we will do our best to help you help your child meet with success. Talk with your children about what you want for their learning in the coming weeks. Listen to what they want. Don’t be afraid to split the difference. One of the most enjoyable parts of my vocation, is when I visit schools and I am able to interact with staff and students. In the coming weeks, our staff will support you while you take the opportunity to enjoy your children while they are at home. These are not easy times for all, nevertheless we have opportunities here that may bring about positive change. Let’s seize this opportunity and we will come out better people when this over! It is written in the Book of Psalms 130:5 - “I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word, I put my hope.”

May God bless each and every one of you.

Domenic Scuglia, Director of Education, Regina Catholic Schools

A Message from the Director

Since parents have conferred life on their children, they have a most solemn obligation to educate

their offspring. Hence, parents must be acknowledged as the first and foremost educators of their


Declaration of Christian Education, The Document of Vatican II Education.

On March 16th, 2020 the Government of Saskatchewan announced an indefinite suspension of classes in

all provincial schools in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Following this announcement, a

provincial Response Planning Team was established. It provided the framework for school divisions to

continue to provide supplemental learning opportunities for students. The RCSD Supplemental Learning

Plan has been developed to support continued remote learning opportunities for our students.

With personal well-being in mind, Regina Catholic Schools are committed to providing all students an

opportunity to learn while our buildings remain closed. Our school administrators, teachers and support

staff will remain connected to our students and families as teachers offer supplementary learning

opportunities to their current students. These teachers will review long range plans and course outlines

to identify outcomes yet to be covered. They will then create valuable learning opportunities for their

students. We strongly believe that student engagement in these learning opportunities will facilitate

transition into students’ future learning. We ask families and caregivers to assist their students in this

engagement, but there is no expectation that they deliver curriculum. We will have flexibility in the forms

of delivery of these learning opportunities. The school division will continue to provide supports to ensure

that all students who choose to engage can be successful.

These are unprecedented times. Our instructional staff will be learning and growing alongside our families

as we all manage our health and safety while fulfilling our commitment to the education of our students.

For information related to COVID-19, please visit as well as the Regina

Catholic Schools website for regular updates

Introduction and Plan Structure

Exploring different ways of teaching and learning is new for everyone. Parents have always assisted their

children with structure and learning at home. In this, nothing changes. Our teachers and the school will

work with you and together to enhance your children’s success. We recognize that learning time at home

may be limited as it is impacted by the events of the day, wellness, and parent work demands. All of us

will be managing new routines and schedules. As we begin this journey together:

1. Focus on the learning and relationships. Focus on the essentials for student learning. We have resources to guide and support this learning. We are all learners; this is a new time for all of us. Learning is going to look different. Build on the relationships you have with your children. This is an opportunity to deepen those connections.

2. Lean on your supports. The resources provided are meant to support and students at home. Teachers will provide supplementary supports. Children are tech savvy. This is their world and they will be a part of this learning process. Many of you already connect with your schools and teachers. This will continue. If you do not have access to the Internet, schools will provide supplementary learning packages.

3. Empower learning and creativity. You and your students will see opportunities to be creative in their learning. We encourage you and your students to have fun as they learn.

Regina Catholic Schools are committed to supporting parents with resources in all subject area. Please

refer to the Regina Catholic Schools Parent Resources Handbook and the Parents page of the RCSD


Digital Citizenship for Supplemental Learning Plan Regina Catholic Schools foster faith-based learning that deeply engages all staff and students in 21st century learning opportunities. All facets of learning, curriculum, instruction, assessment, professional learning, and resource allocation are in support of 21st century learning. With students learning from home, it is more important than ever that they adopt attitudes and behaviours that will help them stay self-motivated to complete their schoolwork. We also need to be mindful of student interactions and behaviour online. We ask you to reinforce digital citizenship. Since many of our student may be learning on a digital device, consider discussing boundaries with your children. Discuss how to be kind, how to use chat spaces for learning (if used), and how to use general communication etiquette. Teachers will assist you in reinforcing concepts such as how to behave on screen, how to behave with teachers online, and how to behave with other students online.

Resources for Parents

The following are resources for assisting parents in exploring Digital Citizenship with their children. Digital Citizenship in Saskatchewan Schools document from the Ministry outlines: policy guidelines, key resources for digital citizenship, Digital Citizenship K-12 Continuum Lifecycle of a Healthy Digital Citizen - poster for all ages Are you webaware – parents’ checklist Social Media and Screen-time in a Pandemic article Helping students stay in touch while social distancing article Digital Citizenship Guide for Parents

Rights to Privacy – Office of the Privacy Commission

Tips for Parents (OIPC)

Section One: Grades PreK-8


Regina Catholic School Division: Develop a Supplemental

Learning Plan consistent with provincial requirements to

ensure ongoing learning opportunities for Grades PreK-8

students. Provide support for staff as the plan is implemented

across the school division.

School Staff: Complete implementation of the plan as

directed by the school division under the supervision of the

principal. Provide learning opportunities for all students and

support students and families as the plan is implemented.

Take care of your own health.

Families: Assist your children by providing a learning

schedule, offering encouragement, supporting direct

communication between your child and their teacher(s) and

working directly with your children and their learning if you

are able. Take care of your own health.

Students: Follow the schedule provided by your parents or

guardians. Keep a list of things that you want to talk to your

teacher about. Do your best and have fun learning in a

different way. Take care of your own health.

“When he (Jesus) tells

us that all who hear

the word of God and

obey are his brothers

and sisters, he

reminds us that for all

their failings, our

families can count on

his inspiration and

grace in the difficult

but rewarding

vocation of educating

their children.” Pope

Francis, May 20,


Your family may wish to create a learning schedule for supplemental learning work. Engage

your student to help build the schedule. There are numerous websites with samples and tips.

RCSD is suggesting the following time allotment guidelines:

PRE-K – Grade 2: approximately 3 hours/week for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten and 5

hours/week for Grades 1 and 2 with a holistic approach focusing on language and early literacy

skills, numeracy, fine and gross motor skills and social emotional skills.

Grade 3 – Grade 5: approximately 7 hours/week with a focus on language/literacy and

mathematics/numeracy with a cross-curricular approach to health, social, science, as well as time

for arts education, physical activity, and religion/faith.

Grades 6 – Grade 8: approximately 10 hours/week with a focus on language/literacy and

mathematics/numeracy with a cross-curricular approach to health, social, science as well as time

for arts education, physical activity, and religion/faith.

Please refer to the sample below or the following websites for sample schedules:


Regina Catholic Schools are committed to providing families continued educational support

through supplemental learning opportunities. Our schools will work with their communities to

engage learners through multiple forms of delivery. Our instructional staff will be playing vital

roles in determining supplemental content and providing formative assessment feedback.

School Based Administrators: Your school’s principal and vice-principal will work with teachers

to ensure they have the resources and supports they need. They will also be in direct contact

with their families to ensure they have the materials they need to assist their children at home.

Should you have any questions or concerns that your homeroom teacher cannot address, they

will continue to be your source of contact via phone or email.

Office Managers: Although our schools are closed, our office managers will be remotely

managing the phones, website, email and working with the administration to respond to the

questions and needs of our families.

Teachers: Your homeroom teacher will remain your primary contact. This teacher will be

connecting with you regularly regarding supplemental learning content – resources, activities,

and assessments (learning conversations, observations and products). They may use email, digital

portfolios (SeeSaw, FlipGrid, MyBlueprint) and parent gradebook portals (Students Achieve).

Your child may have other teachers who are guiding learning in other subject areas. They, too,

In addition, your child may have other teachers who are guiding learning in other subject areas;

they too, will work with the homeroom teacher to continue to provide supplemental learning

content, most likely in an interdisciplinary or cross-curricular context.

Student Support Services: Our student services personnel include learning resource teachers,

speech and language pathologists, school counsellors, community school coordinators, and

family support coordinators. They will continue to connect with their students and

parents/guardians to support existing student plans.


The Ministry of Education’s Response Planning Team has created a framework to guide supplemental

learning opportunities for Prekindergarten to Grade 8. Teachers are best positioned to offer

supplementary learning opportunities to students they are currently teaching, they will be reaching out

to their students and parents/guardians to provide opportunities for learning should families wish to take

advantage of them.

We strongly recommend that all students engage in the supplemental learning opportunities provided

by the school division. These will focus on the key essential learnings and facilitate transition to next

level learning. Our teachers will make every effort to provide multiple modes of interaction to deliver

curricula and provide feedback.

Supplemental Learning Opportunities


Prekindergarten opportunities will focus on discovery through play and a holistic approach to developing

oral language and early literacy skills, fine and gross motor skills and social emotional skills. RCSD families

can anticipate learning opportunities designed for approximately three (3) hours/week.

Kindergarten to Grade 2

Our teachers will continue to provide learning opportunities that focus on developing language/literacy

and mathematics/numeracy development. Other subject areas such as religion, health, science, social

studies, arts education and physical education will be supported through a cross-curricular approach.

Delivery of the supplemental content will vary depending on the needs of the families. RCSD families can

anticipate learning opportunities designed for approximately five (5) hours/week.

Grades 3 - 5

Teachers will determine the direction and content of the supplemental learning based on their long range

plans. The focus for these grades will be on language/literacy and mathematics/numeracy development

with other subjects through a cross-curricular approach. It is important that time for faith/religion,

physical activity and exploration through inquiry and the arts is built into learning opportunities. RCSD

families can anticipate learning opportunities for approximately seven (7) hours/week.

Grades 6 – 8

Teachers will examine long-range plans and current progress to determine the supplemental learning

opportunities that support transition to next level learning. A key focus will be mathematics and numeracy

skills. The other key focus will be language and literacy. Literacy skills such as reading and writing,

representing, listening and presenting will be developed through a cross-curricular approach and inquiry

Supplemental Learning Framework

models to incorporate other subject areas such as religion, social studies, science, health, and arts

education. Physical activity and healthy habits will be key components to successful learning. RCSD

families can anticipate learning opportunities designed for approximately ten (10) hours/week.


Teachers will use their professional discretion and a variety of remote learning assessment tools to

provide students feedback on supplemental learning (conversations, observations, learning products).

Regina Catholic Schools recognizes that these are challenging times for families so assessment timelines

will be flexible and based on the needs of students.


The final progress report for students who choose not to participate in supplemental learning will reflect

assessment completed to March 13, 2020 and report cards will be generated via Students Achieve at the

end of June. We strongly recommend, however, that all students engage in the supplemental learning

opportunities provided by the school division. These will be designed to scaffold the key essential

learnings and facilitate transition to next level learning.

The final progress report for students who engage in supplementary learning opportunities will reflect

assessment of outcomes during this period of time and will be generated at the end of June.


All students in Pre-K to Grade 8 will be advanced into the next grade for the 2020-2021 school year.

Families are strongly encouraged to engage in supplemental learning opportunities to support students

and prepare them for next level learning.

Students with Additional Needs

Our student services team will continue to work closely with school administration, teachers and families

to ensure supports are in place so that all students can be successful. Learning plans will be adapted as



Regina Catholic Schools: Develop a Supplemental Learning

Plan consistent with provincial requirements to ensure

ongoing learning opportunities for Grades 9-12 students.

Provide support for staff as the plan is implemented across the

school division.

School Staff: Complete implementation of the plan as

directed by the school division under the supervision of the

principal. Provide learning opportunities for students and

support students and families as the plan is implemented.

Take care of your own health.

Families: Assist your teen by providing direction regarding

expectations for student participation, communicating with

teachers, offering encouragement and working directly with

your children as they are learning if you are able. Take care

of your own health.

Students: With your parents’ or guardians’ support, make a

decision about which classes you will participate in

supplemental learning. Inform the school about your choice.

Stick with your choice and do your best. Take care of your own


Section Two: Grades 9 -12

The gifts he gave were

that some would be

apostles, some prophets,

some evangelists, some

pastors and teachers, to

equip the saints for the

work of ministry, for

building up the body of

Christ, until all of us come

to the unity of the faith

and of the knowledge of

the Son of God, to

maturity, to the measure

of the full stature of


Ephesians 4:11-13

Regina Catholic Schools has provided the following direction for teachers of Grades 9-12 in terms of time

allotments. Students can expect to be provided approximately three (3) hours of supplemental work for

each course/week. This means a full-time student enrolled in five courses who wishes to explore

supplementary learning opportunities in all courses can expect about 15 hours a week. Students may

choose which courses they wish to pursue supplemental learning opportunities. We strongly recommend,

however, that all students engage in the supplemental learning opportunities provided by the school

division which will be designed to scaffold the key essential learnings and enhance transition to next

level learning.

We recognize that our high school students are more independent learners than many elementary

students, but they still need the encouragement and assistance of their caregivers/families in order to be

successful. Please consider having them create a schedule for the day to engage in learning. It will be

important to have them do some physical activity even if they are not currently taking a physical education

course and to consider restrictions on gaming and screen time. Finally, a sleeping routine similar to that

they had when schools were open will facilitate healthy habits and optimal learning.

Supporting students through change can affect their mental health and wellness. The following websites

provide parents/guardians with tools and resources to best support your child at home.


Regina Catholic Schools are committed to providing families continued educational support

through supplemental learning opportunities. Our schools will work with their communities to

engage learners through multiple forms of delivery. Our instructional staff will still be playing vital

roles in determining supplemental content and providing feedback.

School Based Administrators: Your school’s principal and vice-principal will work with teachers

to ensure they have the resources and supports they need. They will also be in direct contact

with their families to ensure they have the materials they need. Should you have any questions

or concerns regarding final grades, post-secondary transition, fees, course selection and

timetables for 2020-2021, etc., they, along with their office staff, will remain your primary


Office Managers: Although our schools are closed, our office managers will be remotely

managing the phones, email and working with the administration to respond to the questions

and needs of our families.

Teachers: Each one of your student’s teachers will remain your primary contact for questions

pertaining to that subject area and will be connecting regularly regarding supplemental learning

content – resources, activities, and assessments (learning conversations, observations and

products). Many tools exist for frequent connection such as email, digital portfolios (OneNote,

FlipGrid, MyBlueprint) and parent gradebook portals (HomeLogic).

Student Support Services: Our student services personnel include learning resource teachers/

tutorial teachers/EAL teachers/teacher-librarians, guidance counsellors, community school

coordinators, family support workers, provisional and registered psychologist/s, FNMI advisors,

the Mental Health Capacity Building Team, and our additions counsellor. They will continue to

connect with their students and families existing student support plans. For post-secondary

transition and course selection inquiries, contact your school guidance counsellors.


The Ministry of Education’s Response Planning Team has provided a framework for supplemental learning

opportunities in Grades 9-12. Each of the grade categories have key areas of focus and guidance around

supplemental learning opportunities.

Supplemental Learning Opportunities

Teachers will reach out to students and deliver supplemental learning opportunities employing multiple

modes of delivery. The key content areas (Language Arts, Mathematics, Catholic Studies, Science, Social

Sciences, Health Education/Physical Education, Arts Education, Practical and Applied Arts) will provide

supplemental learning for all students who wish to continue the learning in courses in which they are

currently registered.

We strongly recommend that all students engage in the supplemental learning opportunities provided

by the school division. These will be designed to scaffold the key essential learnings and facilitate

transition to next level learning. Our teachers will make every effort to provide multiple forms of

interaction to deliver curricula and provide feedback.

For students enrolled in Regina Catholic Schools Learning Online, classes will carry on for those students

who choose to continue. If students enrolled in online courses choose not to continue, they will be granted

a minimum final mark record of 50% or greater based on the outcomes evaluated as of March 13, 2020.

Assessment and Evaluation

Students who choose to engage in teacher provided supplemental learning opportunities will receive

formative assessment and feedback from their teachers. Regina Catholic Schools recognizes that these

are stressful times for students and families. For this reason, flexible assessment and evaluation practices

will be utilized.


A minimum final mark record of 50% or greater will be applied to the evaluated outcomes and assigned

work in each of the subject areas as of March 13, 2020. This will be the student’s “Standing Grade” (SG).

A mark of 50% will not be applied where a student has not completed any teacher-assessed work on the

course outcomes as of March 13, 2020. In this case, students would not receive a mark or a credit but will

have the opportunity to engage in supplementary learning opportunities to earn a mark record.


Again, not only will all students have the opportunity to improve their work, but the supplementary

learning opportunities will improve preparation for and transition to next year’s courses or post-

secondary education.

Students who engage in supplementary learning opportunities will obtain a “Supplementary Learning

Grade” (SL). A mark will not be lowered based upon supplementary work, but a final grade can be

improved by combining the standing grade with the supplementary learning grade. The final grade would

be the higher of the SG or the combined SG/SL calculation. Final marks will be submitted by school

divisions to the Minister of Education as per the usual process. The Executive Director of the Saskatchewan

Professional Teacher Regulatory Board has provided the following statement, “It is important to note that

teachers who provide final assessments consistent with the direction of the Ministry of Education and their

school division upon the closure of schools for the COVID_19 crisis will be following the directions of their

employer and would be considered acting within the expectations of the profession.”

Supplementary Learning Opportunities Guidelines

Parents and students can expect an email communication from their teachers the week of March 30 –

April 3 welcoming them back to learning and preparing them for the supplemental learning opportunities

to come. They will also be outlining forms of communication and delivery of content as well as assessment


High school teachers are working with their education leaders and the school division to identify the key

learnings and units which will comprise the supplemental learning opportunity for each subject, as well

as the mark calculations going forward. Again, these opportunities cannot offer the entire remainder of

the curricula, but will focus on offering supplemental learning opportunities to prepare students for next

level learning.

Teachers will provide high school students approximately three hours of supplemental work/week for

each course. Student progress will continue to be tracked through HomeLogic.