reg: no 352 volume no. 3182 sunday december 13, 2015...

Reg: No 352 Volume No. 3182 Sunday December 13, 2015 Qaws 22, 1394 Price: 15/-Afs Quote of the Day Email: [email protected] Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers. Aristotle Nearly 200 Nations Near a Deal to Slow Global Warming Ghani in Turkmenistan to Inaugurate TAPI Project LE BOURGET - France pre- sented negotiators from nearly 200 nations with what it called a “final draft” of an unprecedent- ed climate deal to slow global warming and urged them to ap- prove it on Saturday. The deal would slow rising temperatures and sea levels, and eventually hold man-made emissions to the levels that nature can ab- sorb. If the pact known as “the Paris agreement” is approved, coun- tries would be committed to keeping the rise in global tem- peratures by the year 2100 com- pared with pre-industrial times “well below” 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) and Taliban Deploys 100 Tons of Weapons to Nuristan Investing on Children’s Health Means Building Future: Abdullah 2016 Budget to Help Generate 150,000 Jobs Ghani Rejects Rumors Spy Agency Chief Sacked at Pakistan’s Request KABUL – Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq, deputy CEO on Saturday Saturday claimed that the Taliban has deployed a hundred tons of weapons into a valley between Badakhshan and Nuristan provinces. “The information we received reveals the Taliban has deployed 100 tons of weapons in a valley be- tween Badakhshan and Nuristan provinces and some other areas including thousands of weapons in Moman valley and likewise in southern Afghani- stan in Bahramcha area. These all show that the war is not going to end easily,” he said. The remarks come a day after Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said peace talks with the Taliban will likely start within a few weeks. However, Mohaqiq seems to be cautious ...(More on P4)...(4) KABUL - President Ashraf Ghani strongly rejected rumors on Friday that the National Directorate of Security (NDS) chief Rahmatullah Nabil was sacked at Pakistan’s request. Instead, Ghani said his resignation was routine. Following speculation over Nabil’s resignation, Ghani said those who believe that either the presi- dent of Afghanistan or the national security council would dismiss government officials at the request of others should be prepared for a hundred-year war. “If someone believes that the president, secu- rity council or member ...(More on P4)...(6) KABUL - The Ministry of Finance (MoF) said on Saturday the 2016 draft budget has been prepared keeping in mind available funds and effectiveness of development schemes, stressing its approval by the Wolesi Jirga would be in the best interest of the country. The Mesharano Jirga has approved the accounts and has sent the document to the lower house for approval. ...(More on P4)...(3) KABUL - Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Abdul- lah Abdullah on Saturday said that investing on health children meaning building the future of Af- ghanistan, once again he has promised to provide suitable environment for building of health care centers for children. ...(More on P4)...(2) ASHGABAT - President Ashraf Ghani met with his Turkmenistan counterpart in Ashgabat on Saturday and discussed peace and stability in Afghanistan, bilateral coop- eration on a number of fronts and other regional and global issues. Ghani, who is on a two-day visit to Afghanistan’s northern neighbor will also inaugurate the TAPI gas line project while he is in the country. Ghani thanked Turkmenistan for its support and cooperation with Afghanistan and said: “Turkmenistan is and contin- ues to be a good and benevo- lent neighboring country of Afghanistan.” He said Afghanistan is ready to ensure Turkmenistan’s gas transit through Afghanistan. “Besides transiting Turkmeni- stan’s gas to Pakistan and India, we hope to serve as a transit state for China as well”, he added. Turkmen president, Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov meanwhile said his country supports any ef- forts to maintain peace and secu- rity in Afghanistan, and ensured Ghani of Turkmenistan’s enduring cooperation with Afghanistan. Speaking on the need for trade and economic relations between the two countries, the Turkmen presi- dent also expressed his readiness to increase the amount of electric- man activity to the same levels that trees, soil and oceans can absorb naturally, beginning at some point between 2050 and 2100. Negotiators had a few hours to analyze the draft before going into a plenary meeting for pos- sible adoption. French Presi- dent Francois Hollande, who joined the meeting Saturday to add weight to the negotiations, urged them to approve it. “The decisive agreement for the planet is here and now,” Hol- lande said. “France calls upon you to adopt the first universal agreement on climate.” The deal, meant to take effect in 2020, ...(More on P4)...(1) ity export to Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Ghani expressed enthu- siasm over linking Turkmenistan, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan via railway. Ghani is accompanied by a high- ranking delegation of Afghan offi- cials including a number of minis- ters. Bilateral cooperation agreements were also signed at Saturday’s meet- ing. The agreements signed included co- operation ...(More on P4)...(5) Mohammad Mohaqiq Ministry of Finance “endeavor to limit” them even more, to 1.5 degrees Celsius. That was a key demand of poor countries ravaged by the effects of cli- mate change and rising sea levels. They would also be committed to limiting the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by hu-

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  • Reg: No 352 Volume No. 3182 Sunday December 13, 2015 Qaws 22, 1394 Price: 15/-Afs

    Quote of the Day

    Email: [email protected]: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019

    Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of

    property, are the rulers.Aristotle

    Nearly 200 Nations Near a Deal to Slow Global Warming

    Ghani in Turkmenistan to Inaugurate TAPI Project

    LE BOURGET - France pre-sented negotiators from nearly 200 nations with what it called a “final draft” of an unprecedent-ed climate deal to slow global warming and urged them to ap-prove it on Saturday. The deal would slow rising temperatures and sea levels, and eventually hold man-made emissions to the levels that nature can ab-sorb.If the pact known as “the Paris agreement” is approved, coun-tries would be committed to keeping the rise in global tem-peratures by the year 2100 com-pared with pre-industrial times “well below” 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) and

    Taliban Deploys 100 Tons of Weapons to


    Investing on Children’s Health Means Building

    Future: Abdullah

    2016 Budget to Help Generate 150,000 Jobs

    Ghani Rejects Rumors Spy Agency Chief Sacked

    at Pakistan’s RequestKABUL – Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq, deputy CEO on Saturday Saturday claimed that the Taliban has deployed a hundred tons of weapons into a valley between Badakhshan and Nuristan provinces.“The information we received reveals the Taliban has deployed 100 tons of weapons in a valley be-tween Badakhshan and Nuristan provinces and some other areas including thousands of weapons in Moman valley and likewise in southern Afghani-stan in Bahramcha area. These all show that the war is not going to end easily,” he said.The remarks come a day after Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said peace talks with the Taliban will likely start within a few weeks. However, Mohaqiq seems to be cautious ...(More on P4)...(4)

    KABUL - President Ashraf Ghani strongly rejected rumors on Friday that the National Directorate of Security (NDS) chief Rahmatullah Nabil was sacked at Pakistan’s request.Instead, Ghani said his resignation was routine.Following speculation over Nabil’s resignation, Ghani said those who believe that either the presi-dent of Afghanistan or the national security council would dismiss government officials at the request of others should be prepared for a hundred-year war. “If someone believes that the president, secu-rity council or member ...(More on P4)...(6)

    KABUL - The Ministry of Finance (MoF) said on Saturday the 2016 draft budget has been prepared keeping in mind available funds and effectiveness of development schemes, stressing its approval by the Wolesi Jirga would be in the best interest of the country. The Mesharano Jirga has approved the accounts and has sent the document to the lower house for approval. ...(More on P4)...(3)

    KABUL - Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Abdul-lah Abdullah on Saturday said that investing on health children meaning building the future of Af-ghanistan, once again he has promised to provide suitable environment for building of health care centers for children. ...(More on P4)...(2)

    ASHGABAT - President Ashraf Ghani met with his Turkmenistan counterpart in Ashgabat on Saturday and discussed peace and stability in Afghanistan, bilateral coop-eration on a number of fronts and other regional and global issues.Ghani, who is on a two-day visit to Afghanistan’s northern neighbor will also inaugurate the TAPI gas line project while he is in the country.Ghani thanked Turkmenistan for its support and cooperation with Afghanistan and said: “Turkmenistan is and contin-ues to be a good and benevo-lent neighboring country of Afghanistan.”He said Afghanistan is ready to ensure Turkmenistan’s gas transit through Afghanistan. “Besides transiting Turkmeni-stan’s gas to Pakistan and India, we hope to serve as a

    transit state for China as well”, he added.Turkmen president, Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov meanwhile said his country supports any ef-forts to maintain peace and secu-rity in Afghanistan, and ensured Ghani of Turkmenistan’s enduring cooperation with Afghanistan.Speaking on the need for trade and economic relations between the two countries, the Turkmen presi-dent also expressed his readiness to increase the amount of electric-

    man activity to the same levels that trees, soil and oceans can absorb naturally, beginning at some point between 2050 and 2100.Negotiators had a few hours to analyze the draft before going into a plenary meeting for pos-sible adoption. French Presi-dent Francois Hollande, who joined the meeting Saturday to add weight to the negotiations, urged them to approve it.“The decisive agreement for the planet is here and now,” Hol-lande said. “France calls upon you to adopt the first universal agreement on climate.”The deal, meant to take effect in 2020, ...(More on P4)...(1)

    ity export to Afghanistan.Meanwhile, Ghani expressed enthu-siasm over linking Turkmenistan, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan via railway.Ghani is accompanied by a high-ranking delegation of Afghan offi-cials including a number of minis-ters.Bilateral cooperation agreements were also signed at Saturday’s meet-ing.The agreements signed included co-operation ...(More on P4)...(5)

    Mohammad Mohaqiq

    Ministry of Finance

    “endeavor to limit” them even more, to 1.5 degrees Celsius. That was a key demand of poor countries ravaged by the effects of cli-

    mate change and rising sea levels.They would also be committed to limiting the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by hu-