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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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What comes to your mind when you see the following picture?

Is a good health related to your feet and hands?

ReflexologyThe reflexology therapy is related to the conception that every body organ is represented on hands and feet; thus, when certain regions are pressed or massaged they relieve or alleviate pain and prevent stress symptoms, injury and illness.


What is the objective of this practice?The pressure points we find on hands and feet are directly connected to the nervous system, and have an effect on our glands and organs. In that sense, reflexology pursuits healing by stimulating the body nerves and promoting the blood flow. When applied correctly it can ease stress, allergy symptoms, chronic fatigue and back pain.

HistoryReflexology comes from ancient civilizations such as China, Egypt and India, and has been introduced to the West at the beginning of the 20th century.

The oldest records about it were found on a pictograph in the tomb of an Egyptian Physician: Ankhmahor (2500-2330 B.C.). The pictograph illustrates 2 men working on the hands and feet of 2 other men.

On the other hand, China as well has evidence of some type of hand and foot therapy around 4000 B.C.

But Lets see it in practice: