reflection paper of beyond integrity a judeo christian perspective

Erica Graham BUS 4461 4/9/15 Reflection Paper #2 The role of work is expressed differently in both of the readings, but they also shared some similarities. Both readings mention the importance of work, how it determined to be of value in the eyes of God, as well as how the work should not be done just for the materialistic outcomes, such as fame or fortune. Rather that work be done to serve God and that the worker serve the work. Sayer mentions that after the war they will have to go “Back to the time when labour was valued in terms of its cash returns and not in terms of work” 1 . That we as humans have fundamentally lost what the true meaning of work is, and only create goods and service as a means to an end. 1 Dorothy Sayers in Creed or Chaos (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1949) 50.

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Reflection paperof Beyond Integrity a Judeo Christian Perspective


Page 1: Reflection Paper of Beyond Integrity a Judeo Christian Perspective

Erica Graham

BUS 4461


Reflection Paper #2

The role of work is expressed differently in both of the readings, but they also shared some

similarities. Both readings mention the importance of work, how it determined to be of value in the eyes

of God, as well as how the work should not be done just for the materialistic outcomes, such as fame or

fortune. Rather that work be done to serve God and that the worker serve the work. Sayer mentions that

after the war they will have to go “Back to the time when labour was valued in terms of its cash returns

and not in terms of work”1. That we as humans have fundamentally lost what the true meaning of work is,

and only create goods and service as a means to an end.

We as Humans according to Van Duzer “are called to Steward God’s creation”2 created to take

care of his creation, to tend to it, to watch it grow and mostly to make sure that it sustains through time.

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it” 3 Van

Duzer also alludes to in his book that many Christians have a misconception that we were punished by

god in the form of work, by (The Fall) or Adam and Eve. In contrast to that thought God created Adam

and Eve to work the land, to cherish the fruit it produces and to see the meaning behind the task.

Sayer and Van Duzer have some similar opinions on how we should view work and how we

should see the outcome of that work. Sayer mentions that the “Two sources of real wealth: the fruit of the

1 Dorothy Sayers in Creed or Chaos (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1949) 50.2 Van Duzer, Jeffrey B. Why Business Matters to God: (and What Still Needs to Be Fixed). Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic, 2010. 29.3 Van Duzer, Jeffrey B. Why Business Matters to God: (and What Still Needs to Be Fixed). Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic, 2010. 29.

Page 2: Reflection Paper of Beyond Integrity a Judeo Christian Perspective

earth and the labour of men; and to estimate work- not by the money it brings to the producer, but by the

worth of the thing that is made.”4 In comparison Van Duzer writes, that God gave us work “and it was

not just any work. Since Adam and Eve were created in the image of God, they were made with an

inherent capacity for and need to be engaged in creative activity.”5 In other words, God made the first

move, he invested in us as humans, and he gave us the resources to create.

Van Duzer also writes that he believes that Humans are made to live within the limits of the gifts

that God gave us. We as humans should not waste or destroy the world that was given to us. However in

the reading by Sayer, and even if we look at the world around us, we are not living within those limits.

We constantly consume and destroy in the name of innovation, we buy but don’t reuse goods, we deforest

the land, and don’t replant. In essence we are destroying the most important gift given to us.

In terms of my work context, I can see that both readings have some very valid points. Although

my personal beliefs are in stark contrast with the creation story; I believe that the earth is scared and that

we as humans should see it value more. In my personal life I will strive to be less wasteful, and try to take

care of the world that I live in. I can set examples in my place of work, buy making decisions that will

benefit the people I do work for. I can learn that although being paid for my time, I should value the work

as much as I do the money. I work at a law firm so I know how important the work we do is, but I also

know that it is easy to get caught up in the money aspect of the job. These readings allowed me to take a

closer look at how I view my job, and the work I do for other. I can safely say, I will be more diligent in

the work I do and I will work to serve others and not myself.


4Dorothy Sayers in Creed or Chaos (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1949) 48.5 Van Duzer, Jeffrey B. Why Business Matters to God: (and What Still Needs to Be Fixed). Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic, 2010. 32.

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Dorothy Sayers in Creed or Chaos (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1949)

Van Duzer, Jeffrey B. Why Business Matters to God: (and What Still Needs to Be Fixed). Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic, 2010