reflection from the pastor - tax-smart way to support grace...


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Page 1: Reflection from the Pastor - Tax-Smart way to support Grace Presbyterian Church’s Legacy Fund A ... Understand what I am thinking. ... making praying
Page 2: Reflection from the Pastor - Tax-Smart way to support Grace Presbyterian Church’s Legacy Fund A ... Understand what I am thinking. ... making praying


GRACE PRESS Reflect ion from the Pastor“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear,

because fear has to do with punishment.

That one who fears is not made perfect in love.”

1 John 4:18

February is the month we celebrate Valentine’s Day. However, so many people fear the day because

they don’t have or have lost their Valentine, one whom they love and are loved by. There is so much

expectation in our society to have a relationship of love and intimacy that when we don’t have it, a fear

of being marginalized, set aside, not included, rises within. If you are single on Valentine’s Day, you better

have a fully developed sense of self and be comfortable with your state in life or within you might think

there is something wrong. Let me suggest that we realize true self when we have Jesus living within.

So, here’s the thing, in Christ we operate out of a sense of being fully loved, from the very top of our

head to the tip of our toes, including the very depths of our heart. God is “Perfect Love.” There is nothing

that compares to the love of God in all the Universe. It was out of His love that God created. It is because

of God’s love that He goes to the greatest length to redeem His creation when it was broken. Why is it

broken? Because God loved us so much that He gave us a choice to love Him back. God does not force

people to love Him, He wants us to love Him authentically. That’s why some chose not to love God and

reject God’s truth and rule. Why love God if we are made to love Him?

When we recognize, receive and believe the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, we are covered in the

perfect love of God that drives out fear. How can we fear anything in this world when the Creator of the

world has loved us so much unconditionally? Is God going to punish us for our brokenness? No, be-

cause if we believe and receive, perfect love drives out that fear. Do we fear death? No, because Christ

concurred death in the resurrection. Do we fear relationships? No, because the love that now fills us in

Christ, takes risks, loves unconditionally, and commits to people in the model of Christ. We are to love

one another as Christ loves the Church! Jesus is not a worship idol just for Sunday services, but an ev-

eryday friend, mentor, and Lord of our lives compelling our emulation. Perfect love drives out fear! That’s

why the people of the Church throughout its 2000 years have gone to the ends of the earth to share

God’s love. Even at the risk of pain and death they go because they know that God’s love will welcome

them into eternity.

Let’s look at Valentine’s Day as a moment to remember the unlimited supply of love we have from God,

who is love! Let’s not fear God’s calling upon us to live and share that love with others, even when we

might fear the consequences of such relationships. This love is greater than our world of self-absorption.

It compels us to love lavishly all people no matter their race or social economic state, or vulnerabilities.

This perfect love even commands us to love our enemies! We struggle with that fear, don’t we? But

when we have perfect love living within our heart, there is no fear, there is no struggle. In faith we love

unreservedly and leave the results of that love passing through us to the God of love. That’s how people

will change, that’s how the world will become a better place, when we love as Jesus loves!

In the Love of Christ,

Pastor Mike

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FEBRUARY 2020Finance Committee ReportQualified Charitable Distributions

A Tax-Smart way to support Grace Presbyterian Church’s Legacy Fund

Are you 70 ½ or older and finding yourself in a higher income tax bracket because of required

minimum distributions from your IRA? If so, a Qualified Charitable Distribution might be the

right philanthropic tool for you. (We always suggest you consult with your tax advisor to discuss

your particular situation).

Here’s how it works:

1. Direct a transfer from your IRA to Grace Presbyterian Church Legacy Fund

2. Count the gift toward your required minimum distribution.

3. Exclude the gift amount from your adjusted gross income for federal tax purposes.

4. Make an impact on the future financial health of Grace Presbyterian Church.

Contact Patrick Ryan at 760-805-1605 for more information


December Financial Statement

The budget for 2019 called for a net deficit in operations of $38,150 to be funded by savings in

reserve funds. Actual year end results showed a deficit of $23,148 that was funded by savings,

an improvement of $15,000 better than budget projections.

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GRACE PRESSValentine Breakfast

An Update From Your Fellowship Committee

Why participate in fellowship activities? Get to know your church family better

Strengthen and sustain one another on our faith journey

Strengthen our church community.

What’s coming up?

Monthly birthday celebrations between services — 2nd Sunday of the month. Valentine Breakfast between services — February 16

Chili Cook-off —March 29

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20

God loves you and so do we at Grace. Come join us for a Valentine Breakfast on Sunday,

February 16th, between services in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome.


ononFebruary 16February 16

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FEBRUARY 2020Thank You Amigos De Vista Lions Club

Ash Wednesday

Communicat ions Request Form

Let us join together to observe Lent, a season of spiritual discipline and preparation, beginning with

Ash Wednesday, anticipating the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Join us on

Wednesday, February 26th at 7pm in the Sanctuary.


Thank you to the Amigos de Vista Lions Club for another

donation made to our weekly Soup Kitchen! Amigos de

Vista Lions Club raises money through various events and fund-

raisers, and has a been a huge supporter of our Soup Kitchen,

as well as many other causes in Vista. Be sure to support their

events and work in the community if you can.

The Church Office, along with the Communications Committee, has developed a Communications

Request Form to use when requesting Bulletin Announcements, Verbal Announcements, Screen An-

nouncements, Facebook Posts, Website Posts, etc.

The form is available to access on the church website at and in the Church Office.

If you are submitting a church Newsletter article only, you can still email that directly to graceadmin@ Please use the form for other announcements and communications needs. Thank you!

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GRACE PRESS Grandparents@Prayer

God’s Word “Lord, listen to my words. Understand what I am thinking.” Psalm 5:1

Generation G: Leaving a Spiritual Legacy (or Hot Topics on Grandparenting)

-by Gramma Pat Whisler

This month’s GP Hot Topic: WW HH AA TT TT OO PP RR AA YY

• PPrraayyeerr:: Father, give us courage to speak to you in all opportunities.

• AAccttiioonn:: Say something to your grandchildren about prayer the next time you see or talk to them.

• AA tthhoouugghhtt: Grandparents are here to help their grands get into mischief they haven’t thought of yet.

Join our Grandparents@Prayer meeting on Feb 23 in Room 10 a half hour before the traditional service begins.

Is it hard for you to pray? For a long time I was intimidated about praying (I still am) especially out loud with others listening. My 6th grade Sunday School teacher asked me and a fellow classmate to speak to the Adult! Sunday School class about ‘What Prayer means to Me”. I wish I knew now what I said. I was definitely intimidated and am positively sure my classmate said it better and longer. Speaking to the Adult Sunday School class about prayer as well as speaking to God! in prayer can be intimidating. First of all it’s God! I’m talking to. What are the right words to say? How do I know what to pray?

When our Grandparents@Prayer group meets on the last Sunday of the month, we start out just chit-chatting about our Grand News: our own verbal news article about one or all of our grandchildren. We, as a Christian family, are bonding by simply talking about our grandchildren…and what grandparent doesn’t like to do that! Next may be the courageous part: praying out loud (remember impromptu speeches in school) in front of others to our mighty God. This is optional. If you want to pray silently, just touch the person beside you and they will begin their prayer. This is a comfortable, family time with our Father while being IN prayer whether we speak it or not. Other than actually praying out loud, we are sometimes challenged about what to say.

• INTENTIONAL – When speaking to God about our grandchildren, use their names. Personalize our prayers for them.

• THANKFUL – Prayers can start out with a positive statement even if something heavy lays on our heart. What have our grandchildren done for which we are thankful. Grandparents find lots.

• REQUESTS – Is there a change we’d like to call God’s attention to? Something we’re concerned about. Is there a danger (evil in the world) that we fear will hinder their safety?

• RESULT – Always accept “Thy will be done.” The above are just hints for praying. This is not a defined order or content. They are simply hints for making praying easy and letting you know you’re not alone. Andwhatitreallyis,isaninvitationtojoinGrandparents@PrayerthelastSundayofeachmonthinRoom10,ahalfhourbeforethetraditionalservicebegins.NotonlywillyourheartlightenbutGodwillsmile.

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FEBRUARY 2020Operat ion Hope- North County Volunteer Opportunit ies

God’s Word “Lord, listen to my words. Understand what I am thinking.” Psalm 5:1

Generation G: Leaving a Spiritual Legacy (or Hot Topics on Grandparenting)

-by Gramma Pat Whisler

This month’s GP Hot Topic: WW HH AA TT TT OO PP RR AA YY

• PPrraayyeerr:: Father, give us courage to speak to you in all opportunities.

• AAccttiioonn:: Say something to your grandchildren about prayer the next time you see or talk to them.

• AA tthhoouugghhtt: Grandparents are here to help their grands get into mischief they haven’t thought of yet.

Join our Grandparents@Prayer meeting on Feb 23 in Room 10 a half hour before the traditional service begins.

Is it hard for you to pray? For a long time I was intimidated about praying (I still am) especially out loud with others listening. My 6th grade Sunday School teacher asked me and a fellow classmate to speak to the Adult! Sunday School class about ‘What Prayer means to Me”. I wish I knew now what I said. I was definitely intimidated and am positively sure my classmate said it better and longer. Speaking to the Adult Sunday School class about prayer as well as speaking to God! in prayer can be intimidating. First of all it’s God! I’m talking to. What are the right words to say? How do I know what to pray?

When our Grandparents@Prayer group meets on the last Sunday of the month, we start out just chit-chatting about our Grand News: our own verbal news article about one or all of our grandchildren. We, as a Christian family, are bonding by simply talking about our grandchildren…and what grandparent doesn’t like to do that! Next may be the courageous part: praying out loud (remember impromptu speeches in school) in front of others to our mighty God. This is optional. If you want to pray silently, just touch the person beside you and they will begin their prayer. This is a comfortable, family time with our Father while being IN prayer whether we speak it or not. Other than actually praying out loud, we are sometimes challenged about what to say.

• INTENTIONAL – When speaking to God about our grandchildren, use their names. Personalize our prayers for them.

• THANKFUL – Prayers can start out with a positive statement even if something heavy lays on our heart. What have our grandchildren done for which we are thankful. Grandparents find lots.

• REQUESTS – Is there a change we’d like to call God’s attention to? Something we’re concerned about. Is there a danger (evil in the world) that we fear will hinder their safety?

• RESULT – Always accept “Thy will be done.” The above are just hints for praying. This is not a defined order or content. They are simply hints for making praying easy and letting you know you’re not alone. Andwhatitreallyis,isaninvitationtojoinGrandparents@PrayerthelastSundayofeachmonthinRoom10,ahalfhourbeforethetraditionalservicebegins.NotonlywillyourheartlightenbutGodwillsmile.

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GRACE PRESS Minutes 4 Missions: Operat ion HOPE-North County

Minutes 4 Missions

On Sunday, January 19th, we welcomed Charity Singleton, Executive Director of Operation

HOPE - North County

Operation HOPE - North County provides HOPE and a safe environment for families, children, and

women that experience homelessness as they regain confidence, rebuild their lives, and find sta-

bility. Grace Presbyterian Church has partnered with the shelter since it opened its doors in 2003.

Through the years our members have served on the Board of Directors, Support Committee, shel-

ter volunteers, hosted and supported annual dinner and auction fundraisers, and provided shelter

meals. It was such a blessing to hear how God is working in the lives of those working their way out

of homelessness.

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FEBRUARY 2020Missions: Operat ion HOPE-North County

Missions: InterVarsity

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2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

If you have a birthday or anniversary in February and your name does not appear above,

please contact the church office at 760-724-0077 to update our records. Thank you!


6:30pm Worship Committee.

6:15pm Fellow. Committee6:30pm Deacons

3pm Personnel Committee

1pm Finance Committee



9 & 10:30am: Worship Services

9 & 10:30am: Adult Studies

10:30am: Sunday School


7pm: AA meeting


10am Women’s Bible Study

5:15pm: Soup Kitchen


9:30am: Staff Meeting

2pm ASP Tutoring (no 2/5)

7pm Deep & Wide (no 2/26)

7:30pm: Worship Band Reh. (no 2/26)


10am: Bible Study

2pm ASP Tutoring (no 2/6)

6pm Hand Bell Choir Rehearsal

7:30pm Choir Rehearsal


8:30am PEO

8am Men’s Breakfast

10:10am Birthday Celebrations on the Patio

6:30pm Missions



8:30am Grand-parents@Prayer

6:30pm Session

1 Sue Weston

5 Diane Felthous

7 Bob Dusang

Nancy Tiburski

8 Ken Bouchard

12 Valerie Allen

14 Phil Sparkman

20 Carolyn Greenway

21 Helen Frederick

28 Cleta Corum

15 Bob & Pyong Dusang (17 years)

Office Closed

8:30am PEO

7pm Service

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Alice Nolf

Apollo Bostian

Bill Sinatra

Bob Wilson

Chris Nolf Family

Cleta Corum

Dick Woolsey

Dickson Family

Elizabeth Johnson

Greenway Family

Grigorii Kirillov

Jacob Sparkman

Jan Patterson

John Earnest

Judy Ambrose

Judy D. Kirkland

Judy Woolsey

Mike Cooley

Neil Kirkland

Paul Schwichtenberg

Paulina Cooley

Rex Bassett

Rita Sinatra

Scott Brady

Terry Breen

Terry-Jeanne Sawyer

Trisha Roest-Sinatra

Valerie Allen


Punch/Coffee Flowers

February 2 Fellowship Available

February 9 Fellowship Available

February 16 Fellowship Available

February 23 Fellowship Available

Punch/Coffee Service and Flowers for February

(Bill Sinatra’s sister-in-law)

(Bill Sinatra’s brother-in-law)

(Elizabeth Bostian’s son)

Food Pantry Needs: Our Food Pantry is in constant need to keep our shelves stocked with nutritious staple

foods to fill the bags. Did you know that we can buy food for $0.19 a pound at the San

Diego Food Bank?!? Would you consider making a donation so we can shop for what

is needed? If so, please mark NRC: Food Pantry on the envelope or in the check memo

line. Thank you for your continued generosity.

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Church Staff


1450 E. Vista WayVista, CA 92084

Phone: 760-724-0077

Fax: 760-724-2534

E-mail: [email protected]

Address Service Requested

W H E R E G O D ’ S F A M I L Y G R O W S

Interim Pastor/Head of Staff Rev. Dr. Michael Wallman

Director of Church Operations Christie Elliott

Front Office & Communications Manager Shawn Homan

Bookkeeper Albina Lumetta

After School Program Director Maria Haigh

Resource Center Coordinator Pablo Valdez Acosta

Chancel Choir Director Jayne Parker

Organist Frances Hummel

Hand Bell Choir Director Pat Sexton

Facilities Jim Aliaga


That Jesus Christ alone is Lord of all and the way of salvation.

That Holy Scripture is the triune God’s revealed Word,

the Church’s only infallible rule of faith and life.

That God’s people are called to holiness in all aspects of life.