reflection #18 reflection #18 book #15 book #15 title: miss nelson is missing title: miss nelson is...

Reflection #18 Book #15 Title: Miss Nelson is Missing By: Harry Allard & James Marshall

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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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  • Reflection #18 Reflection #18 Book #15 Book #15 Title: Miss Nelson is Missing Title: Miss Nelson is Missing By: Harry Allard & James Marshall By: Harry Allard & James Marshall
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  • Preschoolers
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  • Physical Development Physically growth slows down greatly Physically growth slows down greatly Very active and energetic Very active and energetic Straighter and slimmer bodies Straighter and slimmer bodies Neck becomes longer No more protruding baby belly Refinement and practice of gross and fine motor skills Refinement and practice of gross and fine motor skills
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  • Large Motor Skills 4 YEAR OLDS 4 YEAR OLDS Can stand on tip toes, throwing and catching, hopping on one foot, master the stair challenge, walking backwards Can stand on tip toes, throwing and catching, hopping on one foot, master the stair challenge, walking backwards 5 YEAR OLDS 5 YEAR OLDS Improved speed and coordination, turning somersaults, skipping, balancing on one foot, etc. Improved speed and coordination, turning somersaults, skipping, balancing on one foot, etc.
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  • Skipping Skipping is a brain exercise and connects the right and left hemispheres of the brain Skipping is a brain exercise and connects the right and left hemispheres of the brain Most people who cant skip cant read Most people who cant skip cant read
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  • Small Motor Skills 4 YEAR OLD 4 YEAR OLD Put on and zip up their own coats, cut with scissors, complete puzzles, write letters of the alphabet Put on and zip up their own coats, cut with scissors, complete puzzles, write letters of the alphabet 5 YEAR OLDS 5 YEAR OLDS Tie their shoes, drawing a person with all body parts, color inside the lines, use a spoon and fork to eat Tie their shoes, drawing a person with all body parts, color inside the lines, use a spoon and fork to eat Hand dominance (right or left) is shown at 5 years old! Hand dominance (right or left) is shown at 5 years old!
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  • Social & Emotional Characteristics
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  • Social Characteristics More willing and able to share More willing and able to share Imaginary friends are common Imaginary friends are common o Shows good social & emotional skills o Only be concerned if no real friends Peer-oriented Peer-oriented o Realize that having friends outside of family is fun!
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  • Emotional Characteristics Stronger self-control Stronger self-control Self-management of emotions Self-management of emotions Able to relate with others emotions Able to relate with others emotions
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  • The Marshmallow Test
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  • How Preschool Helps Social & Emotional Development Preschool kids can learn specific social skills in the preschool environment. Preschool kids can learn specific social skills in the preschool environment. Taking Turns Taking Turns Sitting still for longer periods Sitting still for longer periods Raising hands Raising hands Improving manners Improving manners Etc. Etc.
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  • Stages of Development Erickson & Piaget
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  • Ericksons Stage: Initiative vs. Guilt Ages 3-5 Ages 3-5 Initiative= decision and motivation to accomplish more tasks than expected or asked (inner motivation and self-worth) Initiative= decision and motivation to accomplish more tasks than expected or asked (inner motivation and self-worth) Encourage exploration and help make good choices Encourage exploration and help make good choices Play & imagination play a huge role Play & imagination play a huge role Repeated discouragement, dismissiveness, or punishment may lead to feelings of guilt, inferiority, and inadequacy Repeated discouragement, dismissiveness, or punishment may lead to feelings of guilt, inferiority, and inadequacy
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  • Piagets Cognitive Stage = Preoperational The Preoperational Stage is from Ages 2-7 The Preoperational Stage is from Ages 2-7 Children are inquisitive and ask lots of questions Children are inquisitive and ask lots of questions i.e. (Taylonhow do worms cry?) i.e. (Taylonhow do worms cry?) Language is one of the biggest hallmarks Language is one of the biggest hallmarks Pretend that objects are something else Pretend that objects are something else Do not yet understand concrete logic Do not yet understand concrete logic
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  • Cognitive Development Terms: Conservation: even though one property of an object changes, the other properties remain the same Conservation: even though one property of an object changes, the other properties remain the same Classification : putting objects into sets based on common traits Classification : putting objects into sets based on common traits Sorting: placing classified objects into smaller groups based on how they are alike and different Sorting: placing classified objects into smaller groups based on how they are alike and different
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  • Cognitive Development Terms Seriation: putting objects in a particular order based on size, weight, etc (i.e. lining up crayons from tallest to shortest) Seriation: putting objects in a particular order based on size, weight, etc (i.e. lining up crayons from tallest to shortest) Transformation: the change of an object from one state to another Transformation: the change of an object from one state to another Reversal: What can be done up can also be undone Reversal: What can be done up can also be undone
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  • Play Preschoolers can differentiate between fantasy and reality Preschoolers can differentiate between fantasy and reality Use imaginative play to understand the world around them Use imaginative play to understand the world around them Magical thinking is an important part of the preoperational cognitive development phase Magical thinking is an important part of the preoperational cognitive development phase
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  • Types of Play Preschoolers engage in. Preschoolers engage in. Solitary Play Solitary Play Onlooker Play Onlooker Play Parallel Play Parallel Play Cooperative Play = where children play and interact with one another (building a sandcastle together, playing store, acting out a play, etc.) Cooperative Play = where children play and interact with one another (building a sandcastle together, playing store, acting out a play, etc.)
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  • Teaching Moral Behavior Toddlers understand rules, but dont understand the reason behind them Toddlers understand rules, but dont understand the reason behind them They obey to avoid disapproval from caregiver They obey to avoid disapproval from caregiver Preschoolers begin to understand the REASONS behind the rules and develop a conscience Preschoolers begin to understand the REASONS behind the rules and develop a conscience Inner sense of what is right and wrong Inner sense of what is right and wrong
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  • Guidelines The caregiver is responsible to teach and help a child develop moral behavior The caregiver is responsible to teach and help a child develop moral behavior How? How? Be a good role model Be a good role model Set clear standards of behavior Set clear standards of behavior Respond to inappropriate behavior and talk about it in private Respond to inappropriate behavior and talk about it in private Continue to show love despite misbehavior Continue to show love despite misbehavior