refference letter

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Dear Sir/Madam I would like to recommend Samantha Miller as a candidate for employment within your company. I had worked with Sam at Shell gas station from April to August 2014, which is when she decided to further her education and attend school full time. During my time here I have gotten to know her quite well and will vouch for her abilities. At all times I have found Sam to be reliable, hard working, conscientious, honest and courteous. She has great communication skills, can work independently, is great for lending a helping hand, and will follow through to ensure that any job gets done. Also, she is flexible and willing to work on new assignments thrown her way. Sam is always willing to offer her assistance and has the personality needed to maintain an excellent rapport with customers and other staff. I believe she would be an asset to any employer and recommend her for any endeavor she chooses to pursue. Yours Sincerely, Karen Strilchuk [email protected]