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    Chapter 10 - The Q Manual

    REFERENCINGOne of the more technical aspects of assignment writing at university relates to referencing. As there are

    numerous acceptable systems of referencing, you will need to consult the unit outline for each unit in order to

    ascertain which style is preferred by your tutor or unit co-ordinator. If the unit outline does not provide this

    information, simply ask your tutor or consult the Q Manual. Once the style has been determined, it is important

    that all conventions pertaining to that style are consistently adopted. The key considerations are, therefore,

    attention to detail and consistency.This chapter examines the nature and benefits of referencing and provides examples of two referencing systems,

    including the author-date (commonly referred to as the Harvard method of citation) and documentary-note (or

    footnote/endnote) method of citation.

    10.1 What is referencing?Referencing or citing refers to the acknowledgement of various sources of information you have used inpreparing your written assignments. It means acknowledging the authority of an author or proof or evidence in

    support of your argument.

    The works to which you have referred should be acknowledged in two places - "in-text" and "end-text". In-text

    referencing means that you place a citation directly after you have used the information. This could be at the

    beginning of a sentence, the end of a paragraph or the end of a sentence, or after a direct quotation.

    On the other hand, the end-text referencing refers to a reference list or bibliography, which is a complete list of

    all the sources you have used in the preparation of your assignment and is always placed at the end of an

    assignment. End-text referencing should provide complete information concerning each source, including the

    names of the authors, year of publication, title of the text or journal, edition, page and volume numbers, the nameof the publisher and place of publication.

    10.2 When should you reference?When you:

    Quote the author's exact words

    Copy the author's tables, figures and/or diagrams

    Paraphrase an author's ideas using your own words

    Summarise the author's ideas

    10.3 Why should you reference your work?There are numerous benefits of referencing. Referencing appropriately:

    Avoids plagiarism and the subsequent failing of the assessment and/or unit

    Lends credibility to your view in that citing other works substantiates your own line of argument

    Gives recognition to authors/sources whose arguments/empirical research you have used

    Allows the reader of your assignment to locate the articles, texts and electronic sources you have used in your

    writingDemonstrates to the reader the breadth of your research, that is, the range of sources you have used

    Demonstrates how up-to-date your research is

    Demonstrates the depth of the research ie how effectively you have utilised the extant literature in a particular

    field or discipline

    10.4 Referencing systemsThere are a number of different referencing styles which can be adopted for academic writing. The two most

    common are:

    Author-date systems such as the Harvard or APA (American Psychological Association) systems

    Numeric styles such as the Vancouver, footnote or endnote systems, often referred to as the "documentary-note"


    10.4.1 Author-Date System

    Although very popular, there appears to be no one universally accepted author-date system. For example, thereare several versions of the "Harvard" system, which can create confusion for students. Nevertheless, all author-

    date systems have one thing in common - the name/s of the author/s and the year of publication are listed first.

    Hence the name, "author-date" system.

    10.4.2 Author-date System for in-text citationsAs mentioned previously, the term "in-text" means that you cite an author or source within the text of yourassignment, at a point where his or her point/argument appears. Every fact or idea which you have used to

    establish your own line of argument must be accurately and consistently cited.

    Generally, the in-text reference should show:

    the last name/s of the author (or authors)

    the year of publication

    page number (if it is a direct quotation, statistics, a table or diagram

    The following examples illustrate generally how in-text citations can be used in assignments.

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    Deegan (2002) suggests there are numerous methods which may be adopted.


    Few authors have approached the topic in this way (Deegan, 2002).

    If you have cited the arguments/ideas of more than one author, the in-text citation would show:

    Consideration of expatriate adjustment is becoming increasingly important (Mahoney & Trigg, 2001; Stone,



    Mahoney & Trigg (2001) and Stone (2002) consider the social adjustment of expatriate employees to be an

    increasingly significant issue.

    10.4.3 Author-date reference listA reference list is a list of all the sources you have used in the body of your assignment. It is arranged

    alphabetically according to the authors' last names and is placed at the end of the assignment.

    Although the author/s and date are invariably listed first, in some author-date systems there will variation in

    terms of the use of brackets, the use of full-stops, commas and colons, the abbreviation of "pp." for pages and the

    positioning of the place of publication.

    The following table provides examples of what the Faculty of Business and Economics recommends you include

    in a reference list. Remember to provide an alphabetic list of the authors and do notgroup references by type of


    The reference list or end-text references for texts should include the following:

    Author/s names and initials

    Book title (in full)

    Edition or volume number if it is not the first edition

    Name of publisher

    Place of publication

    For example:

    Please note the following:

    the title should be the one which appears on the title page of the book, rather than the front cover, as these may


    the title of the book is italicised

    there is minimal capitalisation of the title

    any edition other than a first edition is noted after the title of the work

    the publisher's place of publication is usually the site of their main editorial office. If more than one place is

    shown, cite only the first-listed place.The reference list or end-text references for journal articles should include the following:


    Title of article

    Title of journal

    Issue details

    Volume details

    Page numbers of article

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    For example:

    Please note the following:

    Minimal capitalisation is suggested for the titles of articles

    Double quotation marks should be used for the title of an article

    Italics and maximum capitalisation is recommended for the title of the journal

    The volume number, issue number and page reference should follow the journal title

    10.5 Example of an author-date reference listReference list

    The Age, (2004) "Commission rejects plan to test Tax Office staff", 7 January, News p. 3.

    Burns, A. (1999), Collaborative Action research for English Language teachers, Cambridge University Press,


    Clegg, S.R., Hardy, C. & Nord, W.R. (eds.) (1996), Handbook of Organization Studies, Sage Publications,


    Coghlan, D. (2002a), "Facilitating learning and change", Organization Development Journal, Vol. 20, No. 2.

    Coghlan, D. (2002b), "Putting 'research' back into OD and action research", Organization Development Journal,

    Vol. 20, No. 1.

    Department of Industry, Science and Technology (2004),Australian business innovation: a strategic analysis,

    Australian Government Printing Service, Canberra.

    dependent variables," Organization Development Journal, Vol. 20, No. 2.

    Eichenwald, K. (2004), 'Ex-Enron figure reported near a plea of guilty',New York Times,

    8 January, viewed 20 Sept. 2004, .

    Hopkins, P. (2004), "Parmalat cooked the books worldwide: police", The Age, 7 January, Business, p. 2.

    Krimmerman, L. (2001), "Participatory action research: Should social inquiry be conducted democratically?",

    Philosophy of Social Sciences, Vol. 31, No. 1.

    Luthans, F. (2002), Organizational Behavior, 9 th edn, McGraw-Hill Irwin, Boston.

    Newman, H.L. & Fitzgerald, S.P. (2001), "Appreciative inquiry with an executive team: Moving along the action

    research continuum", Organization Development Journal, Vol. 19, No. 9.

    Sanchez-Runde, C., Massini, S. & Quintanilla, J. (2003), 'People management dualities', inInnovative forms of

    organizing, eds. A.M. Pettigrew, R. Whittington, L. Melin,

    C. Sanchez-Runde, F.A.J van den Bosch, W. Ruigrok & T. Numagami, Sage Publications, London.

    Shell revised 2004, viewed 9 Nov. 2004, .

    Waddell, D.M., Cummings, T.G. & Worley, C.G. (2004), Organisation Development and Change, Pacific Rim 2nd edn, Nelson Thomson Learning, South Melbourne.

    "What are we going to do about taxation anyway?" (2003), (television program), Corporate World Series, SBS

    Television, Melbourne, 24 May.

    Warne, S. & Simon, A. (2003), "The difficulties of defining, measuring and leading organisational innovation",

    in Proceedings of theSixth International Research Conference on Quality, Innovation and Knowledge

    Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 44-48.

    Zhang, M.M. & Yu, T.T. (2002), "Analysis of demand for electronic stock trading: a statistical approach",

    Journal of Accounting and Finance Research, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 49-59, viewed 7 Jan. 2004, available from


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    10.6 Examples of in-text and end-text citations using the author-date system


    Use of page numbers

    If you refer to a direct quotation,

    table, figure, etc or the passage

    is long, it is appropriate to

    include page numbers in the in-text citation.

    In-text: Stone (2002, p. 29) favours a "pluralistic approach

    comprising a number of factors, including..."

    Reference list: Rob Stone, R. (2002),Human resource management,

    John Wiley & Sons, Milton, Qld.

    Two or three authors

    In-text references generally

    comprise the author/s' last name

    and year of publication.

    In-text: Mahoney & Trigg (2001) have examined a number of

    issues in relation to...

    Reference list: Mahoney, D. & Trigg, M. (2001),International

    business: a managerial perspective, 2 nd edn, Pearson

    Education, Sydney.

    Two or three authors - journal

    articleIn-text: diffe Resentment-based resistance can be differentiated

    on the premise that perceptions of organisational fairness

    provide grounds for resistant behaviour (Folger &

    Starlicki, 1999).

    Reference list: Folger, R. & Starlicki, D.P. (1999), "Unfairness and

    resistance to change: hardship as mistreatment",Journal

    of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 12, No. 1,

    pp. 35-50.

    More than three authors

    Although it is preferable to

    acknowledge all authors the first

    time the work is referred to, it is

    also acceptable to use theabbreviation "et al" meaning

    "and the following". In any case,

    all authors must be cited in the

    reference list.

    In-text: A boundaryless organization is one "whose design is not

    defined, or limited to, the horizontal, vertical or external

    boundaries imposed by a predefined structure" (Robbins,

    Bergman, Stagg & Coulter, 2003, p. 292).

    OR ORA A boundaryless organisation is one "whose design is

    not defined, or limited to, the horizontal, vertical or

    external boundaries imposed by a predefined structure"

    (Robbins et al. 2003, p. 292).

    Reference list: Rob Robbins, S.P., Bergman, R., Stagg, I. &

    Coulter, M. (2003),Management, 3 rd edn,

    Prentice Hall, Sydney.

    One author citing another In-text: Despite the prevalence of phased transitional models

    supporting organisational change (Lewin, 1951 cited in

    Agocs, 1997; Scott & Jaffe, 1991 cited in Bovey &

    Hede, 2001b), many companies undervalue the role of

    process and people.

    Reference list: Agocs, C. (1997), "Institutionalized resistance to

    organizational change: denial, inaction and repression",

    Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 16, No. 9, pp. 917-931.

    Chapter in an edited bookTwo entries are required - the

    author of the chapter as well as

    the editors of the book.

    In-text: Current levels of competition demand that firms consider

    new ways of organising (Sanchez-Runde, Massini &

    Quintanilla, 2003).

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    If the work has been edited but

    the author's role is of major

    importance, list the work under

    the author's name and

    acknowledge the role of the

    editor. In this example, the

    abbreviation is shown as "eds"

    for the plural but "ed." Wouldapply for one editor.

    Reference list: Sanchez-Runde, C., Massini, S. & Quintanilla, J. (2003),

    "People management dualities", inInnovative forms of

    organizing, eds. A. M. Pettigrew, R. Whittington, L.

    Melin, C. Sanchez-Runde, F.A.J. van den Bosch, W.

    Ruigrok & T. Numagami, Sage Publications, London.

    Multiple works by the same

    author in same yearWhen you refer to more than one

    work by the same author, list the

    publication years in

    chronological. If the works were

    published in the same year, use

    lower-case letters of the


    In-text: Identification of this process has been explored through a

    number of theories (Lewin, 1951 cited in Agocs, 1997;

    Bovey & Hede 2001a; Scott & Jaffe, 1991 cited in

    Bovey & Hede 2001b), all of which recognise the needfor breaking with the past, transitioning through a period

    of uncertainty and identifying with the new.

    Reference list: Bovey, W.H. & Hede, A. (2001a), "Resistance to

    organisational change: the role of defence mechanisms",

    Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 16, No. 8, pp.


    Bovey, W.H. & Hede, A. (2001b), "Resistance to

    organizational change: the role of cognitive and affective

    processes",Leadership & Organization Development

    Journal, Vol. 22, No. 8, pp. 372-382.

    Author unknown but there is a

    sponsoring organisation

    Occasionally there may not be

    an identifiable author for, say, a

    report or an article. In this

    instance, use the name of the

    sponsoring organisation in the


    In-text: The role of government in developing innovation in the

    community is increasing in importance (Department of

    Industry, Science and Technology 2004).

    Reference list: Department of Industry, Science and Technology (2004),

    Australian business innovation: a strategic analysis,

    Australian Government Printing Service, Canberra.

    Newspaper article - specified

    authorIn-text: Italian magistrates were in the process of unravelling

    Parmalat's global units when...(Hopkins, 2004, p. 2)

    Reference list: Hopkins, P. (2004), "Parmalat cooked the books

    worldwide: police", The Age,

    7 January, 2004, Business, p. 2.

    Newspaper article -

    unspecified author

    In-text: The Tax Office has asked 1000 of its staff to undergo

    controversial aptitude and psychological tests (The Age,

    7 January, 2004, p. 3)

    Reference list: The Age, "Commission rejects plan to test Tax Office

    staff", 7 January, 2004, News p. 3.

    Audio-visual material including

    films, videos, TV and radio


    These should be listed by title in

    the reference list.

    In-text: Some doubt was cast on the probity of the producers

    ("What are we going to do about taxation anyway?",

    2003, television program, SBS Television, Melbourne,

    24 May).

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    Reference list: "What are we going to do about taxation anyway?"

    (2003), (television program), Corporate World Series,

    SBS Television, Melbourne, 24 May.

    Unpublished worksWhen citing an unpublished

    thesis, manuscript or paper,

    present the title of the documentfollowed by the type of


    In-text: Hull & Read (2003, p. 29) suggest that "in the main,

    employees want an organisational environment where

    there is mutual respect."

    Note that the title of the working

    paper is not italicised. Nor is the

    place of publication stated as it

    is inferred.

    Reference list: Hull, D. & Read, V. (2003), "Simply the best workplaces

    in Australia", working paper, ACIRRT, University of


    Personal communication

    If you have obtained information

    directly from an individual or

    organisation through an

    interview, phone conversation,

    meeting or correspondence, this

    should be acknowledged in anin-text reference. Note that if you

    acknowledge the organisation,

    this should be included in square

    brackets within the citation. This

    type of source is not referred to

    agai n in the reference list.

    In-text: There were a number of limitations to the study (B.

    Cooper, [ Monash University] (2004, pers. comm., 31


    Reference list: Not applicable

    Conference paper In-text: There appears to be no universally accepted definition of

    innovation (Warne & Simon, 2003).

    Reference list: Warne, S. & Simon, A. (2003), "The difficulties ofdefining, measuring and leading organisational

    innovation", in Proceedings of theSixth International

    Research Conference on Quality, Innovation and

    Knowledge Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp.


    Government publications In-text: Attracting appropriate defence personnel has been an

    issue in the past, however, staff retention is proving to be

    an even more difficult task (Department of Defence,


    Reference list: Department of Defence (2002),Defence review 2000:

    our future defence force, public discussion paper

    prepared for the Commonwealth Government,

    Department of Defence, Canberra.

    Parliamentary report In-text: Consideration of this point was made in the early 1990s

    (House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal

    & Constitutional Affairs, 1992).

    Reference list: House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal

    & Constitutional Affairs (1992),Half Way to Equal:

    Report of the Inquiry into Equal Opportunity and Equal

    Status for Women in Australi a , Australian Government

    Publishing Service, Canberra.

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    Thesis In-text: Mana Managers may find it useful to consider resistance

    as a positive aspect of change implementation (Waddell,


    Reference list: Waddell, D. (1995), Using resistance positively to

    implement new manufacturing methods in industry, PhD

    thesis, Monash University.

    10.7 Author-date system for online/electronic sourcesIf you are using one of the library's databases and you download a journal article as a PDF file, you do not have

    to show a URL because you have an exact copy of the article. In that case, simply cite using the method shown

    above. If you download a text-only version of the article, you would have to show the URL.

    Citing online/electronic sources follows many of the conventions already outlined above. Follow the same order

    for citing online sources in-text as you do for citing printed sources (eg last name of author or sponsoring

    organization, and then the year of publication).

    Details in the reference list may include some or all of the following depending on the nature of the publication:Author/s, editors, or the organisation responsible for the source

    Date of publication

    Title (If the title is abbreviated or not available, use the URL)

    Place of publication


    Type of medium (this will vary)

    Date of revisionDate accessed/viewed (You need to specify the date on which you accessed the site since web sites can

    frequently change. If the web site includes both a date of creation and a revised date, use only the date it was



    10.8 Examples of in-text and end-text citations using the author-date system


    Journal article

    from database -

    PDF version

    A PDF version of

    a journal article

    should be

    considered in thesame way as the

    hardcopy version.

    In-text: Zhang & Yu (2002) argue that it is essential to understand the factors

    influencing consumer demand for e-trading services.



    Zhang, M.M. & Yu, T.T. (2002), "Analysis of demand for electronic stock

    trading: a statistical approach",Journal of Accounting and Finance Research,

    Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 49-59.

    Journal article

    from database -

    full-text version

    In-text: Zhang & Yu (2002) argue that it is essential to understand the factors

    influencing consumer demand for e-trading services.

    The online

    version of this

    article is a text




    Zhang, M.M. & Yu, T.T. (2002), 'Analysis of demand for electronic stock

    trading: a statistical approach',Journal of Accounting and Finance Research,

    Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 49-59, viewed 7 Jan. 2004, available from Proquest.

    Jounal article

    from the internet

    - no specified


    In-text: Some of the negative consequences of poorly handled change management

    can include valued staff leaving the organisation, delays in important projects

    and a decline in productivity ("Overview of change management", 2003).



    Bak B BPR online Learning Centre (2003), "Overview of change

    management", viewed 16 Feb. 2004, .

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    Article from the

    internet - author


    In-text: Brand asset management enables companies to maximise the long-term value

    of their brands from two important perspectives ( Davis, 2001).



    Davis, S. (2001), "Principles of brand asset management",AMA Newsletter,

    Vol. 1, No. 46, (2001), American Marketing Association, viewed 26 Nov.

    2003, <>.

    CD-ROM -

    conference paperIn-text: Empirical research conducted by Luca and Gray (2003) suggests that the

    contribution of knowledge workers to organisational performance is yet to be




    Luca E. & Gray J. (2003), "Are Australian knowledge workers prepared to go

    the 'extra mile'? OCB in an Australian context", in Proceedings of the 17 th

    ANZAAM Conference, CD-ROM, Edith Cowan University, WA.


    magazineIn-text: Loyalty programs are still popular amongst corporate travellers (American

    Express Corporate Travel Newsletter, 2003).



    American Express Corporate Travel Newsletter, "Airline news", (2003),

    viewed 2 July 2005, <>.

    Online book In-text: Relationship marketing is by no means a new concept (Christopher, Payne &Ballantyne 2002).



    Christopher, M., Payne, A. & Ballantyne D. (2002),Relationship marketing:

    creating shareholder value, viewed 5 May 2004, Monash eBook collection



    newspaperIn-text: Eichenwald (2004) suggested that former Enron executives were pressed by

    prosecutors into providing information implicating others.



    Eichenwald, K. (2004), "Ex-Enron figure reported near a plea of guilty",New

    York Times, 8 January, viewed 20 Sept. 2004,


    Web page of an

    organizationIn-text: Throughout the early twentieth century, Royal Dutch Shell expanded its

    operations through acquisitions in Europe, Africa and the Americas (Shell,




    Shell revised 2004, viewed 9 Nov. 2004, .

    10.9 Documentary-note System for in-text referencingThe documentary-note system is a numeric system which may incorporate either footnotes or endnotes. As with

    all systems of referencing you will need to consult your unit outline, your tutor or unit co-ordinator to establish

    which form of numeric system is required.

    This section of the chapter on referencing covers footnoting. There are three parts to this style:

    The note identifiers. Numbers are usually placed at the end of a sentence or clause and before all punctuation

    marks except the full stop at the end of a sentence. Only one number is used at a time even if more than one

    source is being cited.

    A single note signifies that all sources will be referred to in the accompanying footnote. The use of superscript

    numerals is recommended for both footnotes and endnotes. In relation to tables and figures, the notes are placedat the base of the table or figure and not at the bottom of the page.

    A bibliography or reference list is placed at the end of the assignment. According to the Style Manual (2002), the

    term "bibliography" refers to a list of sources used for the assignment plus any sources the author considers to be

    of interest to the reader. For academic purposes it may be more appropriate to use the term "reference list" which

    means the list of sources an author has cited for a particular assignment or paper, however you will need to

    consult with your tutor to establish whether a bibliography or a reference list is required.

    Business Law and Taxation students should consult with their unit co-ordinators and tutors regarding the specific

    referencing system required for their discipline. The following publications and web sites may also prove


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    Fong, C. (1998),Australian Legal Citation A Guide, Prospect, Sydney. Melbourne University Law Review

    Association Inc., (1999),Australian Guide toLegal Citation, LULRA Inc., Melbourne,

    (see: Rozenberg, P. (1998),Australian Guide to Uniform Legal

    Citation, LBC Information Services, Sydney, (a preliminary version of the electronic-materials section is

    available at: Stuhmcke, A. (1998),Legal

    Referencing, Butterworths, Sydney. Australian Guide to Legal Citation can be accessed or purchased at: The PDF version is 167 pages long, and available at:

    10.10 Examples of in-text, footnoting and end-text citations for the documentary-note system


    One Author, first citationUse superscript numerals for the

    in-text citation.

    In-text: This approach takes into consideration several significant


    Subsequent citations

    Latin terms such as "ibid"

    (ibidem - in the same place); "op

    cit." (opera citato - in the work

    previously cited); loc cit. (loco

    citato - in the place cited) and

    "id." (idem - the same) can be

    used for second and subsequent


    First footnote:



    3R. Stone,Human resource management, John Wiley &

    Sons, Milton, Qld., 2002, pp.54-65.4 Stone, p. 32.5



    The year is positioned after the

    place of publication .

    Bibliography: Rob Stone, R.,Human resource management, John

    Wiley & Sons, Milton, Qld., 2002.

    Two or three authors In-text: Mahoney and Trigg have examined a number of issues in

    relation to...6

    The initials of the authors are

    placed first in the footnote.


    D. Mahoney & M. Trigg,International business: a

    managerial perspective, 2 nd edn, Pearson Education,

    Sydney, 2001.

    Bibliography: Mahoney, D. & Trigg, M., International business: a

    managerial perspective, 2 nd edn, Pearson Education,

    Sydney, 2001.

    Two or three authors - journal

    articleIn-text: Folger Folger & Starlicki differentiate resentment-based

    resistance on the premise that perceptions of

    organisational fairness provide grounds for resistant



    R. Folger & D.P. Starlicki, "Unfairness and resistance

    to change: hardship as mistreatment",Journal of

    Organizational Change Management, Vol. 12, No. 1,

    1999, pp. 35 - 50.

    The year is positioned before the

    page numbers.Bibliography Folger, R. & Starlicki, D.P., "Unfairness and resistance

    to change: hardship as mistreatment",Journal of

    Organizational Change Management, Vol. 12, No. 1,1999, pp. 35-50.

    More than three authors In-text: A boundaryless organization is one "whose design is not

    defined, or limited to, the horizontal, vertical or external

    boundaries imposed by a predefined structure".8


    Any edition after the first edition

    should be cited. Note that a

    fullstop is not required for this


    S.P. Robbins, R. Bergman, I. Stagg, & M. Coulter,

    Management, 3rd edn, Prentice Hall, Sydney, 2003, p.


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    Bibliography: Robbins, S.P., Bergman, R., Stagg, I. & Coulter, M.,

    Management, 3 rd edn, Prentice Hall, Sydney, 2003.

    One author citing another In-text: Despite the prevalence of phased transitional models

    supporting organisational change many companies

    undervalue the role of process and people.


    Footnote:12 K. Lewin in C. Agocs, "Institutionalized resistance to

    organizational change: denial, inaction and repression",

    Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 16, No. 9, 1997, pp.


    Bibliography: Agocs, C., "Institutionalized resistance to organizational

    change: denial, inaction and repression",Journal of

    Business Ethics, Vol. 16, No. 9, 1997, pp. 917-931.

    Chapter in an edited book

    Two entries are required - the

    author of the chapter as well as

    the editors of the book.

    In-text: Current levels of competition demand that firms consider

    new ways of organising.19

    No fullstop required for the

    abbreviation of "editors".Footnote:

    12Sanchez-Runde, S. Massini & J. Quintanilla, "People

    management Dualities", in (eds.) A. M. Pettigrew, R.

    Whittington, L. Melin, C. Sanchez-Runde, F.A.J. van

    den Bosch, W. Ruigrok and T. Numagami,Innovative

    forms of organizing, Sage Publications, London, 2003,

    pp. 198-221.

    Bibliography: Sanchez-Runde, C., Massini, S. & Quintanilla, J.,

    "People management dualities", inInnovative forms of

    organizing, (eds.) A. M. Pettigrew, R. Whittington, L.

    Melin, C. Sanchez-Runde, F.A.J. van den Bosch, W.

    Ruigrok & T. Numagami, Sage Publications, London,


    Multiple works In-text: Identification of this process has been explored through anumber of theories all of which recognise the need for

    breaking with the past, transitioning through a period of

    uncertainty and identifying with the new.23

    If you want to refer to more than

    one source, you need only use

    one note identifier. The

    bibliographic information about

    each source should then be

    provided in the footnote.


    H. Bovey & A. Hede, "Resistance to organisational

    change: the role of defence mechanisms",Journal of

    Managerial Psychology, Vol. 16, No. 8, 2001, pp. 534 -548; W.H. Bovey & A. Hede, "Resistance to

    organizational change: the role of cognitive and affective

    processes",Leadership & Organization Development

    Journal, Vol. 22, No. 8, 2001, pp. 372 - 382; D.M.

    Waddell, T.G. Cummings & C.G. Worley, Organisation

    Development and Change, Pacific Rim 2 nd edn, Nelson

    Thomson Learning, South Melbourne, 2004.

    Bibliography: Bovey, W.H. & Hede, A., "Resistance to organisational

    change: the role of defence mechanisms",Journal of

    Managerial Psychology, Vol. 16, No. 8, 2001, pp. 534 -


    Bovey, W.H. & Hede, A., "Resistance to organizational

    change: the role of cognitive and affective processes",

    Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol.

    22, No. 8, 2001, pp. 372 - 382.

    Waddell, D.M., Cummings, T.G. & Worley, G.C.,

  • 8/3/2019 Referencing Q Manual



    Organisation Development and Change, Pacific Rim 2

    nd edn, Nelson Thomson Learning, South Melbourne,


    Author unknown but there is a

    sponsoring organisation

    Occasionally there may not be

    an identifiable author for, say, areport or an article. In this

    instance, use the name of the

    sponsoring organisation in the


    In-text: The role of government in developing innovation in the

    community is increasing in importance.16

    Footnote:16 Department of Industry, Science and Technology,

    Australian business innovation: a strategic analysis,

    Australian Government Printing Service, Canberra,


    Bibliography: Department of Industry, Science and Technology,

    Australian business innovation: a strategic analysis,

    Australian Government Printing Service, Canberra,


    Newspaper article - specified


    In-text: Italian magistrates were in the process of unravelling

    Parmalat's global units when...21

    Footnote:21 P. Hopkins, "Parmalat cooked the books worldwide:

    police", The Age, 7 January, 2004, Business, p. 2.

    Bibliography: Hopkins, P., "Parmalat cooked the books worldwide:

    police", The Age, 7 January, 2004, Business, p. 2.

    Newspaper article -

    unspecified author

    In-text: The Tax Office has asked 1000 of its staff to undergo

    controversial aptitude and psychological tests.8

    Footnote:8 "Commission rejects plan to test Tax Office staff",

    TheAge, 7 January 2004, News p. 3.

    Bibliography: TheAge, "Commission rejects plan to test Tax Office

    staff", 7 January 2004, News p. 3.

    Audio-visual material including

    films, videos, TV and radio


    These should be listed by title in

    the reference list .

    In-text: Some doubt was cast on the probity of the producers.49


    "What are we going to do about taxation anyway?",

    television program, Corporate World Series, SBS

    Television, Melbourne, 24 May, 2003.

    Bibliography: "What are we going to do about taxation anyway?",

    Corporate World Series, television program, SBSTelevision, Melbourne, 24 May, 2003.

    Unpublished works

    When citing an unpublished

    thesis, manuscript or paper,

    present the title of the document

    followed by the type of


    In-text: Hull & Read suggest that in the main, employees want an

    organisational environment where there is mutual



    D. Hull & V. Read, "Simply the best workplaces in

  • 8/3/2019 Referencing Q Manual



    Australia", working paper, ACIRRT, University of

    Sydney, 2003.

    Note that the title of the working

    paper is not italicised. Nor is the

    place of publication stated as it

    is inferred.

    Bibliography: Hull, D. & Read, V, "Simply the best workplaces in

    Australia", working paper, ACIRRT, University of

    Sydney, 2003.

    Personal communicationPersonal communications such

    as interviews, letters, emails,

    etc. can be referred to in a

    footnote, but they are not

    generally listed in the reference


    In-text: There were a number of limitations to the study.81

    Footnote:81B. Cooper, Monash University, pers. comm., 31

    January, 2004.

    Reference list: Not applicable

    Conference paper In-text: There appears to be no universally accepted definition of



    S. Warne & A. Simon, "The difficulties of defining,

    measuring and leading organisational innovation", in

    Proceedings of theSixth International Research

    Conference on Quality, Innovation and Knowledge

    Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2003, pp. 44-48.

    Bibliography: Warne, S. & Simon, A., "The difficulties of defining,

    measuring and leading organisational innovation", in

    Proceedings of theSixth International Research

    Conference on Quality, Innovation and Knowledge

    Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2003, pp. 44-48.

    Government publications In-text: Attracting appropriate defence personnel has been an

    issue in the past, however, staff retention is proving to bean even more difficult task.


    Footnote:11Defence personnel to 2005: our future defence force,

    Department of Defence, Canberra, 2001.

    Bibliography: Department of Defence,Defence personnel to 2005: our

    future defence force, public discussion paper prepared

    for the Commonwealth Government, Department of

    Defence, Canberra, 2002.

    Parliamentary publications In-text: Consideration of this point was made in the early 1990s.5


    House of Representatives Standing Committee on

    Legal & Constitutional Affairs,Half Way to Equal:

    Report of the Inquiry into Equal Opportunity and EqualStatus for Women in Australia, Australian GovernmentPublishing Service, Canberra, April, 1992.



    House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal

    & Constitutional Affairs,Half Way to Equal: Report of

    the Inquiry into Equal Opportunity and Equal Status for

    Women in Australi a , Australian Government Publishing

    Service, Canberra, April, 1992.

    Thesis In-text: Managers may find it useful to consider resistance as a

  • 8/3/2019 Referencing Q Manual



    potential positive to change implementation.4

    Footnote:4 D. Waddell, "Using resistance positively to implement

    new manufacturing methods in industry", PhD thesis,

    Monash University, 1995.

    Bibliography: Waddell, D., "Using resistance positively to implement

    new manufacturing methods in industry", PhD thesis,Monash University, 1995.

    10.11 Examples of in-text, footnoting and end-text citations using the documentary-note system


    Journal article

    from database -

    PDF version

    A PDF version

    of a journal

    article should be

    considered in

    the same way as

    the hardcopy


    In-text: Zhang & Yu argue that it is essential to understand the factors influencing

    consumer demand for e-trading services.18


    M.M. Zhang & T.T. Yu, "Analysis of demand for electronic stock trading:

    a statistical approach",Journal of Accounting and Finance Research, Vol.

    10, No. 4, 2002, pp. 49-59.

    Bibliography: Zhang, M.M. & Yu, T.T., "Analysis of demand for electronic stock trading:

    a statistical approach",Journal of Accounting and Finance Research, Vol.

    10, No. 4, 2002, pp. 49-59.

    Journal article

    from database -full-text version

    In-text: Zhang & Yu argue that it is essential to understand the factors influencing

    consumer demand for e-trading services.7

    The on-line

    version of thearticle is a text



    M.M. Zhang, & T.T. Yu, "Analysis of demand for electronic stock trading:

    a statistical approach",Journal of Accounting and Finance Research, Vol.10, No. 4, 2002, pp. 49-59, viewed 7 January, 2004, available from Proquest.

    Bibliography: Zhang, M.M. & Yu, T.T., "Analysis of demand for electr electronic stock

    trading: a statistical approach"Journal of Accounting and Finance Research,

    Vol. 10, No. 4, 2002, pp. 49-59, viewed 7 January, 2004, available from


    Journal article

    from the internet

    - no specified


    In-text: Some of the negative consequences of poorly handled change management

    can include valued staff leaving the organisation, delays in important

    projects and a decline in productivity. 27

    Footnote:27"Overview of change management", BPR Online Learning Centre 2003, Overview.htm, viewed 16

    February, 2004.

    Bibliography: Bak "Overview of change management", BPR Online Learning Centre 2003, Overview.htm, viewed 16

    February, 2004.

    Article from the

    internetIn-text: Brand asset management enables companies to maximise the long-term

    value of their brands from two important perspectives.33

  • 8/3/2019 Referencing Q Manual




    S. Davis, "Principles of brand asset management", American Marketing

    Association,AMA Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 46, 2001,, viewed 26 November, 2003.

    Bibliography: Davis, S. 2001, "Principles of brand asset management", American

    Marketing Association,, viewed 26

    November, 2003.

    CD-ROM -

    conference paperIn-text: Empirical research by Luca & Gray suggests that the contribution of

    knowledge workers to organisational performance is yet to be determined.51


    E. Luca & J. Gray, "Are Australian knowledge workers prepared to go the

    'extra mile'? OCB in an Australian context", in Proceedings of the 17 th

    ANZAAM Conference 2003, CD-ROM, Edith Cowan University, WA.

    Bibliography: Luca, E. & Gray, J., 2003, "Are Australian knowledge workers prepared to

    go the 'extra mile'? OCB in an Australian context", in Proceedings of the 17

    th ANZAAM Conference, CD-ROM, Edith Cowan University, WA, 2003.



    In-text: Loyalty programs are still popular amongst corporate travellers.16



    Airline news",American Express Corporate Travel Newsletter, revised 7September, 2003,, viewed 2

    July, 2005.

    Bibliography: "Airline news",American Express Corporate Travel Newsletter, 7

    September, 2003,, viewed 2 July


    Online book In-text: Relationship marketing is by no means a new concept.22


    M. Christopher, A. Payne & D. Ballantyne,Relationship marketing:

    creating shareholder value, Monash eBook Collection, http:, viewed 5 May, 2004.

    Bibliography: Christopher M., Payne, A. & Ballantyne, D.,Relationship marketing:

    creating shareholder value, Monash eBook Collection,, viewed 5 May, 2004.


    newspaperIn-text: Eichenwald suggested that former Enron executives were pressed by

    prosecutors into providing information implicating others.41

    Footnote:41 Eichenwald, "Ex-Enron figure reported near a plea of Guilty",New York

    Times, 8 January 2004, p. 4,, viewed 20

    September, 2004.

    Bibliography: Eichenwald, K., "Ex-Enron figure reported near a plea of guilty",New York

    Times, 8 January 2004, p. 4,, viewed 20

    September, 2004.

    Web page of an


    In-text: Throughout the early twentieth century, Royal Dutch Shell expanded its

    operations through acquisitions in Europe, Africa and the Americas.9

    Footnote:9 Shell, revised 2004,, viewed 9 November, 2004.

    Bibliography: Shell, revised 2004,, viewed 9 November, 2004.