references - link.springer.com978-3-642-18503-8/1.pdfreferences 1. born, m., huang, k., dynamical...

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absorption 99, 157, 179, 180, 203, 204,215, 252, 253, 262, 270, 290

band edge 252free-carrier 267infrared 254light 81ultraviolet edge 254

absorptive 180abundance 158

isotopic 189acceptor 184, 188, 212

neutral 188acid

boric 249acoustic-phonon deformation-potential

197acoustical 77action

laser 270, 275alloy

disordered 40AMD 72amplitude

exciton 272photon 272zero-point vibrational 27

analogisotopic 18

analysisneutron activation 157typical neutron activation 157

Andersonlocalization 41transition 189ideas 189

anglesbond 21

anharmonicity 1, 26, 27, 56, 73, 76, 80,286

annealedthermally 194

annealingdiffusion 113thermal 143, 166

annihilation 28, 88approximation

coherent potential 289effective mass 82first-order 195harmonic 1, 7, 10, 12, 42hydrogenic 82local-density 36relaxation-time 196resonant 270

Arrheniusexpression 117, 131plot 127, 132, 134, 136

attenuationlinear coefficient of 179

Auger electron spectroscopy 121Avogadro’s number 255axial 160

B2O3 250band

conduction 271valence 265, 271

batch 162, 163beam

electron 266emission 179neutron 176

behaviormechanical 164

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316 Index

one-mode 53two-mode 48

bendingray 260

Bessel function 232, 235beta 160Bethe–Salpeter equation 104, 105bindingexciton 278biology 4, 291Bloch state 85Boltzmann’s constant 94, 118, 131,

177, 265bond 250

covalent 19bonding

chemical 73, 74Born–Oppenheimer

adiabatic approximation 6, 105approximation 7argument 7

borosilicatesodium 249

Bose factor 35boson 12boundary 70

core–cladding 240grain 285

Bridgman–Stockbarger techniques 94Brillouin

experiment 21line 17measurement 25results 26scattering 17, 18, 20, 21scattering of light 17shift 21spectra 20

Brillouin zone 20, 29, 96frequencies of 40

broadeninganharmonic 49, 51homogeneous 42intermodal 249intramodal 246, 248pulse 241, 244, 246, 248

Brooks–Herring expression 196Brownian movement 254

cablelighter 219thinner 219

Callaway’smodel 66 69theory 69capacity 285

heat 57, 58, 75capsule 164, 165capture

neutron 156, 157, 184, 186thermal neutron 159, 181

carbonatecalcium 249sodium 249

carrier 266diffusion of 266

Cartesiancomponent 9coordinates 222, 224, 226, 231, 232displacement 7

cathode-luminescent 279cathodoluminescence

exciton 108Cauchy’s relation 18cavity

optical 261cell

primitive 22, 23unit 26, 45, 75, 88, 286

centercolor 285

ceramic 3chain

linear 41character

anharmonic 56unimodal 99

chemists VIIChristoffel equation 16clad 231cladding 219, 220, 226–228, 231–233,

237–239, 249, 258–260Clausius–Mosotti relation 259cluster

displacement-damage 182damage 182

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Index 317

codegenetic 286

coefficientabsorption 99, 127, 264, 266, 269,

280diffusion 3, 111, 112, 117, 122, 123,

125, 127, 128, 139, 140, 144, 145effective absorption 267expansion 74gain 267, 268, 270interdiffusiont 140, 151, 153local gain 269recombination 211self-diffusion 122, 126, 128, 129,

131–137, 139, 141, 144, 146–148,150

thermal equilibrium 199thermal expansion 251tracer diffusion 126, 127tracer self-diffusiont 118, 120, 127

coherent 52, 53collector 121color

three-dimensional 285visible 285

communicationfiber 290

commutator 11, 12compensation 189, 193complex

electron–hole 85component

high-power 200intermodal 243intramodal 243longitudinal 235mixed 244transverse 235waveguide 244

composition 251glass 251isotopic 50, 63

compound 76, 93, 98, 136mixed 99nuclear 176

compressibility 74Compton effects 179computation 291

quantum 291computer

electronic 291isotope-based quantum 291quantum VII, 291personal 4, 291

concentrationacceptor 269, 270carrier 194donor 269, 270equilibrium 149ionized-impurity 197

conditionboundary 113, 232initial 113, 114orthonormality 6, 7resonance 273

conduction 207, 265conductivity 57, 63, 192

heat 55, 57, 58hopping 191thermal 1, 2, 58, 63, 65, 67–73, 287,

289zero-temperature 191, 192

conjugate 10constant

anharmonic force 21dielectric constant 190, 221elastic 16–19, 21, 25, 26, 289force 13, 14, 26, 27 41frozen lattice 102interaction 89lattice 27, 73, 75–80, 88, 93, 94, 118,

259, 289masses 13renormalized stiffness 24

constituentmajor 256minor 256

contentinformation 285

contributionintramodal 244

coordinatecenter-of-mass 83cylindrical polar 224, 232normal 11, 34

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318 Index

core 219, 220, 228, 229, 231–233, 237,238, 249, 258–260

Coulomb 87barrier 173binding energy 102force 81interaction 82, 84, 101, 102, 104,

105, 269interaction constant 101particle 173potential 6, 104, 105vertex 103

coupleinfinite 115vapor–solid 115, 116

couplingelectron–phonon 2, 289

CPA model 105creation 28, 56, 88, 272cross section 156, 158, 159, 170,

172–174, 176–178, 180, 184, 186,219, 220

absorption 179, 203, 264damage energy 170fiber 234neutron capture 185scattering 28, 29, 180thermal capture 184thermal neutron capture 181, 184total 203

crucible 257double 257, 258inner 257

cryopump 121cryostat 281crystal

diamondlike 33diatomic cubic 74isotopically mixed 278, 285isotopically pure 58, 278mixed 2, 37, 40, 46, 79, 91, 97, 284mixed alkali halide 41pure 97quantum 20rock-salt-structure 5virtual 94, 98

cylindrically symmetrical 227Czochralski method 189, 198

cylinderdielectric 226, 236fuel 171

damage 158, 160, 161irradiation 167radiation 111, 155, 158resistivity 173

dataheat capacity 19

de Broglie wavelength 28Debye

function 74model 63, 65, 66temperature 1, 20, 64, 76, 289theory 75-like 59

decayβ 184anharmonic 50isotope 117nuclear 290

defect 37, 111atomic-displacement-produced 3,

290dynamics and kinetics of native 122isolated 45native 122, 138, 142

deformabilitybreathing 27

densitycharge 221current 221, 267, 269, 270energy 262excitation light 278exciton 279phonon 30photon 275thermal neutron flux 166threshold current 269, 270

designercircuit 261

deuteron 173device

acoustoelectronic 288different electronic 291laser 261, 287semiconductor 156surface acoustic wave 288

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Index 319

diagonalization 272diamond 4, 19

mixed 278synthetic 21, 67

DIDO 161diffraction 94

x-ray 94diffusant 123diffusion 111, 112, 116, 131, 139, 140,

151, 152cold-trapped 121enhanced 285exciton 275grain boundary 116impurity 3lattice 116tracer 125

diffusivity 127, 141self- 119, 120

dimensioncross-sectional 69

dipoledeformable 40deformation 27

Dirac delta function 113dislocation 111disorder

configurational 40isotopic 1, 27, 42, 53, 109spatial 40

dispersionintermodal pulse 248material 230, 231, 248, 249phonon 29, 34

displacement 13, 14, 159, 209perturbed 13zero-point 73, 74

distancediffusion 114interatomic 28mean penetration 116

distributioncontinuous 265

index 259power 243

donor 184, 206, 207, 217(acceptor) 198

dopant 178donor 158

dopant (acceptor)majority 186

dopant (donor)minority 186

dopingisotope-selective 3neutron transmutative 3, 155, 290

doseneutron 204, 213neutron irradiation 185thermal neutron 185

double crucible 257, 258doubly 152due

luminescence 209Dulong 57duoplasmatron 121dynamic 291

lattice 1, 4, 5, 8, 13, 27, 41, 287, 289

effectanharmonic 1, 78, 80isotopic 4, 21, 77, 93isotopically induced disorder 48

efficiencyscattering 203

eigenfrequency 10, 14, 15eigenfunction

electronic 6many-body 6

eigenvalue 36eigenvector 1, 10, 14, 36Einstein free energy 74elastic 287electric

transverse 223electron 157

valence 27electronics

quantum VII, 291electron-mediated 291electron–phonon 70element

exciton matrix 84impurity matrix 84matrix 82, 89, 90, 267off-diagonal 7optical matrix 84

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320 Index

emission 108, 217, 283γ 1762LO replica 280coherent 278induced 262electron–hole liquid line 109exciton 291free-exciton zero-phonon 284gamma 157phononless 278resonant secondary 278stimulated 262, 264, 265, 276, 278

emittingmaterial 261

energetic 281energy

activation 125, 127band-gap 99band-to-band transition 4binding 3, 98, 101, 102, 104, 106,

188, 196, 289coulombic binding 102damage 171, 172deformation 23direct 100driving 255electronic kinetic 6exciton binding 4, 81, 87, 97, 100,

106, 281, 287, 289exciton kinetic 96free 22, 74indirect 100initial 174interband transition 289ionization 198kinetic 10, 24, 55, 85, 87, 91, 99, 173localization 99longitudinal optical phonon 278mean vibrational 76neutron 156, 168, 177nuclear kinetic 6polaron 92, 93potential 56, 74, 76recoil 159, 171rf 257renormalization of the band-to-band

transition 289self- 51total 24, 74

total free 260translationaly 87zero-order 91zero-point 2, 12, 73

energy and momentumconservation of 29

engineering 291isotopic VII, 4, 259, 287, 288, 291

engineerselectronic VII

enthalpy 118, 131 148activation 135, 137, 139, 140, 149formation 149self-diffusion 119, 127, 130, 131, 133

entropy 118, 131, 148formation 137self-diffusion 119, 128, 130, 131, 133,


balance 149diffusion 113, 127electromagnetic 290hydrogenic 85secular 15two wave 223

equilibrium 262quasi- 265thermal 118, 119, 141, 147, 149, 262,

269thermodynamic 262

ESSOR 165, 166etching

electrochemical 143exchange

isotopic 116excitation

electron 81electron beam 278electronic 81, 289intrinsic electronic 278optical 266two-photon 278

exciton 3, 81, 85, 87, 88, 90, 91, 96, 98,99, 102, 108, 270, 281, 291

decay of 272free 4, 278, 280long-wavelength 281nonlinear properties of 278

exciton–phonon 89, 91

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Index 321

excitonic 281expansion

zero-temperature thermal 73polarizability 35thermal 1, 18, 56, 74–76

experimentdiffusion 113, 142exchange 116interdiffusion 138

expressionempirical 75

Fabry–Perot interferometer 20facility 168, 173

cryogenic fast-neutron 171fast-neutron irradiation 168irradiation 169reactorreactor irradiation 164

factorg- 81correlation 141, 145geometric 113thermodynamic 140

Fermi level 134, 141, 142, 145–148, 207quasi- 265, 269

Fermi’s golden rule 48fiber 219, 220, 226, 230, 232, 238, 239,

243, 251–253, 256, 257circular 231graded core 259holey 259isotopic VIImultimoder 239noncircular 231numerical aperture of the 232optical 3, 231, 249, 256, 290

fiberglass 256Fick’s

diffusion 131first law 112law 123, 125, 139second law 112, 113, 123, 140

fieldelectric 4, 220electromagnetic 270, 271magnetic 220

filterneutron interference 287

fission 159fluctuation 253

density 253optimal 99thermal 254

flux 173neutron 171, 179, 203–205photon 211, 266thermal 156, 204thermal neutron 155, 164

focusingphonon 287

forceanharmonic 21

formulahydrogen-like 98

Fourieranalyzed 34coefficient 85law 55series 82transform 9, 213transformed 85

fractionatomic 119

Frenkel 81defects 170, 171, 216

frequency 221, 233gain 276, 277phonon 1, 27, 35plasma 214vibrational 286waveguide 227

Frohlichconstant 89, 92, 93constant of exciton–phonon

interaction 103electron–phonon coupling constants

92interaction 87, 88, 102, 103interaction constant 101mechanism 90vertex 103

functionδ 35exciton envelope 82exciton wave 82spontaneous 267

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322 Index

stimulated 267total exciton wave 84variational wave 24

furnace 123electric 257

gain 270, 276gamma 157–160gap

band 2, 27, 160energy 2, 265

Gauss distribution 174Gaussian

disorder 48distribution 23

General Electric Test Reactor 166generation

laser 284geometry

backscattering 20, 21cylindrical 221, 224planar 221, 222thick layer 114thin layer or instantaneous source

113germanium 3GETR 167, 168Gibbs

free energy 131free energy of self-diffusion 118

glascrystal 249

glass 250, 258glassy 40gradient 161

chemical 116temperature 55thermal 112

graduate VIIGreen’s function 14, 15, 105, 130ground state 85

exciton 97guide

circular 237optical fiber 224

Gruneisenconstant 74parameter 66, 77, 80relation 75

half-life 158, 204half-period

ray 229, 230half-width 217Hall

coefficient 206effect 184, 185, 193, 198, 207measurement 187, 193mobility 194

Hankel function 232Hamiltonian

crystal 6electron–hole 101transformed 11

Hartree–Fock approximation 84heat

specific 71, 74helium

superfluid 94, 281Hermitian

dynamic matrix is 9heterostructure 3, 111, 130, 134, 141,

142, 146isotopic 129, 130, 143

HFR 165homogeneity 200, 201, 203, 204

resistive 204homogeneous 200holder

sample 121Hubbard density 105hydrogen-like 96, 281hydride

lithium 4

IIS 285reading 286

impedance 233impulse

quasi- 56impurity 37

compensated by minority 198ionized 198neutral 198ionized 194–196majority 198neutral 194–196

incoherent 52, 53

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Index 323

index 246, 251cladding 220, 240core 220core–cladding 240core refractive 227graded- 239group 231material group 243refractive 220, 221, 228, 230, 245,

249, 251, 255, 256, 259inequilibrium

thermal 199information 285inhomogeneous 198, 199insulating 289insulator 27, 55, 112intensity

emission 275excitation 270excitation light 279luminescent intensity 282

interactionanharmonic 1anharmonic phonon–phonon 2constant of electron–phonon 97coulombic 88electron–phonon 2, 27, 89, 91, 93exciton–(hole)–phonon 101exciton–lattice 87exciton–LO–phonon 91exciton–phonon 87, 88, 101, 275,

278hyperfine 4, 291phonon–phonon 70, 73photon–exciton 81spin–orbit 189vacancy 140

integrationneutron flux 156

interdiffusion 112, 135, 137, 139, 141,142, 149, 152

interfacecore–cladding 227, 232, 233, 238,

239isotopic 259reflection at a planar 228

interferenceelectromagnetic 219

intermodal 247Internet 219interstitial 125, 182intramodal 249invariant

translationally 1inversion 264, 265

average 274local 274

ionizationthermal 96

irradiated 171, 173irradiating 166irradiation 155, 162, 165, 167, 168,

190, 200fast-neutron 168neutron 184reactor-neutron 182thermal neutron 202

island 285isotope 2

light 2mixed 130silicon 156stable 1, 288

isotopic 70

jacket 219, 220JRC 164jump

diffusional 117

Kauffman-type gun 121Klemens–Callaway model 65

Lagrangian prescription 11Laplacian operator 226laser 4, 252, 261, 262, 265, 291

distributed-feedback 247heterojunction 264heterostructure 265injection 247, 248junction 265, 266, 269semiconductor 264, 265, 269, 291UV VII

lasing 269, 270, 272, 277excitons 270

lattice 28, 217, 260, 270, 280, 286, 291crystal 12, 76, 285, 289dynamic 15, 21

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324 Index

reciprocal 5, 11, 56three-dimensional 250

layeractive 266core 226homogeneous 269thin- 117

LED 247source 241

lengthbond 21diffision 179, 266localization length 190path 229optical path 230scatteringh 28

leveldiscrete 265exciton 106

lifetime 209, 211, 212nuclear 210phonon 1

lightcoherent 261density of the exciting 278free-space speed of 230scattered 21

limit 274continuum 274

lineemission 278zero-phonon 109, 283

line-widths 27link

fiber 219LO phonon 289

energy 96intensity 214longitudinal 107mode 213peak 214-plasmon mode 214replica 210

LO replica 283localization

energy of 99phonon 289

localized 36

longitudinal 20, 61, 62, 64, 70loss

absorptive 252higher scatter 256information 285optical 249scattering 237, 249small 280

luminescence 4, 94, 97, 98, 107, 208,217, 270, 283, 284, 291

conduction-band-acceptor 207donor-to-acceptor 207exciton 107free-exciton 278, 280, 284

luminescent 278–280, 283, 290exciton 278free-exciton 282, 283

magnetictransverse 223

magnetization 285different 285

massnuclear 87, 286, 290reduced 26, 45, 75, 89, 102translational 81

materialdiffusing 116, 121disordered 158doped 178fiber 249isotopically pure 111, 260target 156

matrixT - 41chemically homogeneous 285dynamic 9electron–phonon 31force constant 8mass-weighted force constant 9

maximumlong-wave 97

Maxwelldistribution 177equations 3, 220, 221, 224, 226, 232,

290Maxwell–Boltzman integration 197MBE-grown 210

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Index 325

measurementdiffusion 113gain 275optical 116

mechanicclassical 11quantum 11

mechanismatomistic 111damage 160diffusion 117, 128DNA–RNA 286exciton–phonon 279interstitial 111light 279scattering 60self-diffusion 128vacancy 111, 128, 131

mediumdielectric 253dispersionless 231homogeneous 230laser 261

memory VIIcomputer VIIhuman 291

metal 55metal–insulator 184, 188, 288metallurgy 3method

valence to force-field 21perturbation 17, 91plane-wave pseudopotential 36

microscopytransmission electron 182

microislandmono isotopic 285

microprocessor 72MIT 189, 206mixed 278mixture

metal–semiconductor 206mobility 195

carrier 194, 199electron 200hole 200total- 197

mode 241, 248

gap 2, 36, 40, 45guided 241local 15localized 2, 14, 37, 38, 40, 45, 48optical 23one- 45quasi-localized (resonant) 2resonant 37transverse acoustic 61vibrational 217

modelbond charge 27dynamic 40isodisplacement 41large-radius exciton 96neutral-impurity scattering 198one-dimensional 123, 126shell 27, 31three-dimensional 123, 126valence force-field 51

modulusbulk 19, 22, 24, 25elastic 19, 25renormalized bulk 24

momentmagnetic 286

momentacanonical 11

momentumcenter-of-mass 102conservation of 28conserve 83quasi- 99, 107

monovacancy 118motion

zero-point 1, 2, 21, 23, 24, 80nuclear 7

Mott transition 188Mossbauer filtration 288

natureunimodal 109single-mode 98

NBS 167, 251NBSW reactor 169NCS 251network 250neutral 152

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326 Index

neutron 157–162, 169, 173, 176, 178,180, 181, 183, 186, 190, 200

fast 156, 161, 172, 181, 194, 204, 213scattering of 179, 180slow 156thermal 3, 28, 156, 161, 177, 178,

180, 181, 184, 203, 204, 213thermal-to-fast 183

neutron-doped 201, 204neutron-irradiated 215neutron-transmutation-doped 186Newton’s equations 8nomenclature 219nonequivalent 286nonradiative 211, 213normal 67Noryl 731 165NTD 163, 166, 167, 178, 180, 181,

183–189, 193–195, 200, 205–210,213–217

float 158process 156silicon 160thermal neutrons 177

nuclear 173–176, 178nuclei 3, 290nucleon 156nucleus 28, 156

electron wave-function in the 4target 156, 174wave function in a 291

numberquantum 96

one 285one-dimensional 124, 125operator 88

annihilation 11, 12creation 11, 12exciton 272nuclear momentum 7

opticfiber 231geometric 220, 226isotopic fiber 259

optical 77, 219optical–phonon deformation-potential


optoelectronics 291isotopic VII

orthonormalized 10oscillation

zero 290oxide

boric 249lead 249metal 249

pairelectron–positron 179interstitial 170vacancy 170

parameterlattice 1, 73, 74, 77–80mass-fluctuation 49variational 23

partimaginary 273harmonic 22real 273

particleα 157, 173, 175β 215γ 215charged 173, 175

pathfree 55, 57–59, 64–66mean free 64, 69ray 226zigzag 228zigzag ray 230

perturbation 14Petits law 57phenomenon

diffusion 142scientific 3

phonon 12, 28, 194annihilation of 56frequency 29frequencies of 20longitudinal optical 29nonresistive three- 66optical 41, 48, 88, 89zero 283zone-center optical 216

phononless 107

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Index 327

photoluminescence 107, 151, 207–212,216

photoluminescent 210, 279photonuclear 175physicists VIIphysics

laser 4semiconductor 261solid-state VII

planar 226Planck distribution 66plasma

longitudinal 214plastic 249PLUTO 161points

boiling 287melting 287

polariton 81polarization 27polynomial 100polystyrene 165pool

neutron flux 168position

equilibrium 8potential 87

anharmonic 73chemical 255deformation 88disordered 189interatomic 1scattering 289

powergun 121mode 238ray 228rf 121total 237

Poynting vector 237PPO 165processN 56, 57, 60–62, 65, 66U 56, 57, 62, 69anharmonic 2normal three-phonon 59scattering 59self-diffusion 134

transport 3probability 265problem

many-body 84profile 132, 161, 219

depth 132–134graded 231flux 169graded 227index 239, 240, 245, 248, 259neutron flux 161parabolic 248refractive-index 220, 227, 232, 243

propagationphonon 21

propertyelastic 2, 4, 289electronic 1space group symmetry 11thermal 2, 4, 55, 289vibrational 2, 4, 15, 289

proton 157, 173pulse 239

intermodal rms 245rms 244

pure 278

quantaγ 175, 179, 180

quantumtwo-level 262

quantity 173

radial 160radiation 158, 162, 163, 262, 278γ 180blackbody 257coherent 278, 291stimulated 278

radiiatomic 74

radiusexciton 279large 81nuclear 156, 173polaron 89small 81

radio-frequency 256, 257radioactivation 165, 166

Page 35: References - link.springer.com978-3-642-18503-8/1.pdfReferences 1. Born, M., Huang, K., Dynamical Theory of Crystal Lattices (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1968) 2. Born, M., Oppenheimer,

328 Index

radioactive 127, 134, 135, 160, 162,173, 204, 209, 213

diffusivity of 118radioactivity 111, 117, 158, 204, 205radioisotope 116, 117radiotracer 111, 117Raleigh

scattering 34, 58term 65

Ramanactive 41data 43, 49energy 43frequency 50frequency diamond 49line 42, 43, 51, 289lineshape 51linewidth 50peak 53scattered 34spectra 31, 32, 36, 38, 39, 43–46, 53,

213spectrum 32, 36, 37, 41, 214

Raman scattering 10, 27, 31, 33, 34,41, 90, 209, 215

disorder-induced 52resonant 94, 101

rangeultraviolet spectral 278

ratedecay 272excitation 265, 266, 269pump 276recombination 265resistive scattering 66scattering 64, 66, 70, 195, 265

ratiofast neutron flux 166thermal neutron flux 166

ray 230, 231γ 175, 180bound 226falling 260incident 228reflected 228sliding 260transit time 230

Rayleigh scattering 251–254, 256, 260loss 255term 66

reaction(γ, n) 175(n, γ) 178nuclear 174, 176, 177, 216

reactor 155, 162, 166, 168, 203nuclear 186, 200

recombination 212A–exciton 275stimulated exciton 270

recoverylifetime 160

reflection 94, 95, 97, 99, 227, 229, 230,232, 283, 284

exciton 290internal 228, 260partial 228total 228total internal 228, 232, 259

refraction 260partial 228

regioninfrared 249

relationanticommutation 271communication 219, 231, 249commutation 12, 272dispersion 29

relaxationreciprocal 59time of 57, 58

reliefpotential 284

remagnetization 285renormalization

disorder-induced 2replacement

isotopic 287replica

phonon 278resistance 202

heat 164radiation 164

resistivity 162, 166, 187, 188, 190, 191,193, 200–202, 205

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Index 329

resonancenuclear magnetic 287

resonant 36resonator

optical 261rms 243Robinson analytical approximation

170ROM-type 285RRLS spectra 109Rutherford backscattering 287Rydberg

exciton 98, 101, 281energy 107

sampleisotopically pure 61single crystal 116

SANDANL code 170scaling 198scatterer

phonon 63scattering 203, 255

acoustic-phonon deformation-potential 196

coherent 29dislocation 67elastic 1exciton–phonon 90fast neutron 180impurity 195incoherent 29, 31ionized-impurity 193isotopic 65neutral-impurity 3, 193, 195, 196,

198, 290neutron 29, 287neutron cross section of 179phonon 195resistive 60

scienceisotopic 291

Schawlow–Townes criterion 275Schrodinger equation 6, 97second-quantizing 12selenide 249self-diffusion 3, 111, 117, 119, 120, 122,

128, 130, 134–136, 139–143, 145,148–152, 290

mediating 137tracer 128

self-interstitial 118semiconducting 289semiconductor 112

compound 80mixed 99undoped 155

shiftdisorder-induced frequency 49

sideinsulating 190right-hand 275

silica 249silicon 3

irradiating 167natural 72

SiO2 250silicate

sodium calcium 249SIMS 130, 138, 152

apparatus 122data 131depth profile 135, 136, 138, 145measurement 143technique 120–122, 136, 290

singly 152site

interstitial 131Snell’s law 227, 228, 260solids

application of the isotopic effect in2, 3

inorganic 112isotopically mixed 287monoatomic 74

solid-state 291source

ion 121solid-state source 278

spacefree 221, 227

spectrafree-exciton luminescent 282infrared-absorption 215luminescence 91, 101phonon 5reflectance 281

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330 Index

reflection 281, 282vibrationala 48

spectrometermass 121sputtered-off material in a mass 120

spectrometrysecondary ion mass 3

spectrumfrequency 75mass 121phonon 2, 28

spheresecond coordination 18

spinnuclear 4, 291

splittinglongitudinal–transverse 3, 4magnitude of longitudinal–transverse

289size of longitudinal–transverse 287,


pulse 230, 239springs

isotropic 27sputtering

chemical 121physical 121

squareroot mean 242

stateconduction density of 198density of 265electronic 287, 289excited 85exciton 81, 105excitonic 37localized exciton 99singlet 196stationary 7triplet 196

step 231index 236

Stillinger–Weber type 78storage

high-density optical 285information VII, 4, 285, 286, 291isotopic information 285

magnetic 285optical 285

strain 285structure

diamond 21diamondlike 41disordered 254guiding 221planar 222, 223waveguide 243

structuringisotopic 288

studyself-diffusion 127

sublattice 22substance

diffusing 123substitution

isotopic 26sulfide 249superlattice 142, 151

isotope 135system

center-of-mass 89disordered system 40exciton–photon 270

Szigetti charge 18

target 159, 160Taylor series 242TE mode 223technique

beam 286sputtering 127ultrasonic 21

temperatureabsolute 265annealing 167, 213, 215, 216low- 168, 198meltinge 1, 120, 250, 254room 20, 284

tensorpolarizability 33–35scattering 35second-rank symmetrical 15

termanharmonic 76

tetrahedrally coordinated 19

Page 38: References - link.springer.com978-3-642-18503-8/1.pdfReferences 1. Born, M., Huang, K., Dynamical Theory of Crystal Lattices (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1968) 2. Born, M., Oppenheimer,

Index 331

theory 77density-functional perturbation 77ray 226, 227scaling 189second-order perturbation 49

thermal 287thermally 131thermometry 287three-dimensional 125threshold 276, 277, 279

lasing 267percolation 39

thyristor 205high-power 200

timeannealing 113exciton relaxation 275flux times 156group delay 240probability per unit 262, 262ray transit 230, 231relaxation 61transit 17, 18, 231

timingirradiation 161

TM mode 223tolerance 162tracer 129

radioactive 112, 128radioactive or stable 120

track 182trajectory 228transducer 288transfer

heat 55biological information 286

transformationcanonical 11center-of-mass 82

transitionband–band 100 109, 275 287downward 267electronic 95indirect electron 278induced 263interband 100laser 275metal–insulator 3, 290

phase 287radiative 264, 280spontaneous downward 267upward 267

translation 81transmission

fiber’s 242infrared 252, 253pulse 240

transmutation 184, 208, 209fractional 200neutron 160, 183

transmutative 160, 161, 181, 200transmute 184transmuted 216, 217transport

heat 56mass 111, 290

transverse 20, 61, 62, 64, 70, 71turbopump 121two-mode 45, 73two-phonon 215

Umklapp 67, 69, 71, 72three-phonon 59process 64scattering 69

uncompensated 188, 189, 193undergraduate VIIundoped 201unirradiated 216unit

isotopic 285UV (VUV) 278

vacancy 131, 182neutral 149

valence 207valve

micrometer needle 121value

asymptotic inversion 273vanish

first-order 8variable

complex 9dynamic 11

VCA-model 1

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332 Index

vectorlattice 5phonon wave 29primitive 5reciprocal lattice 11, 29unit 224wave 34, 56

velocitygroup 231longitudinal wave 16phase 226transverse wave 16

Vegard’s law 94vibration

harmonic 55lattice 12, 28, 33, 57local 73localized crystal 286longitudinal acoustic 88nuclear 77OH stretching 252polar lattice 214stretching 253zero-point 2, 286

vibrational 287volume

irradiation 164, 166molar 26, 75molecular 74

Wannierfunction 271representation 271

Wannier–Mott 3, 81, 87continuous 86discrete 86model 96exciton 86, 89, 93, 95, 101–107, 270,

275,289, 290papers 81


heavy 161, 164, 167, 287ordinary 287

wave 290elastic sound 55guided 221, 223, 237longitudinal 17plane 263transverse 17ultrasonics 17

waveguide 219, 230, 232, 241, 245, 248core 228dielectric 232graded-index 244metallic 232multimode 220, 227nonabsorbing 226, 227optical 220, 226, 260refractive index 240planar 226, 227, 231single-mode 220slab 226step-index planar 227step-profile planar

wavelengthshort- 281

weightmolecular 255

widthintermodal rms 244pulse 245rms 248, 249rms pulse 247

WWR 176

yieldquantum 283

zero 285zone

phonon optical 45

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