references - ipcc · references 139 abdalati, ... siebert, 2003a: development and testing of the...

References 139 Abdalati, W. and K. Steffen, 2001: Greenland ice sheet melt extent: 1979–1999. J. Geophys. Res., 106(D24), 33983–33988. Abeku, T.A., G.J. van Oortmarssen, G. Borsboom, S.J. de Vlas and J.D.F. Habbema, 2003: Spatial and temporal variations of malaria epidemic risk in Ethiopia: factors involved and implications. Acta Trop., 87, 331-340. Abou-Hadid, A.F., 2006: Assessment of Impacts: Adaptation and Vulnerability to Climate Change in North Africa: Food Production and Water Resources. Washington, DC, 127 pp. http://www. AIACC_AF90.pdf. Abou-Hadid, A.F., R. Mougou, A. Mokssit and A. Iglesias, 2003: Assessment of Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability to Climate Change in North Africa: Food Production and Water Resources. AIACC AF90 Semi-Annual Progress Report, 37 pp. Abu-Taleb, M.F., 2000: Impacts of global climate change scenarios on water supply and demand in Jordan. Water International, 25(3), 457–463. ACIA (Arctic Climate Impact Assessment), 2004: Impacts of a Warming Arctic: Synthesis Report of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, Policy Document prepared by the Arctic Council and presented at the Fourth Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting, Reykjavik, 24 November 2004, 140 pp. ACIA (Arctic Climate Impact Assessment), 2005: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1042 pp. ADB (Asia Development Bank), 1994: Climate Change in Asia: Vietnam Country Report. Asia Development Bank, Manila, 103 pp. Adler, R.F. and Co-authors, 2003: The version 2 Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) monthly precipitation analysis (1979–present). J. Hydrometeorol., 4, 1147–1167. AEMA, 2002: Uso sostenible del agua en Europa. Gestión de la demanda. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Madrid, 94 pp. Agarwal, P.K., S.K. Bandyopadhyay, H. Pathak, N. Kalra, S. Chander and S. Kumar, 2000: Analysis of yield trends of the rice–wheat system in north-western India. Outlook on Agriculture, 29(4), 259–268. Agoumi, A., 2003: Vulnerability of North African Countries to Climatic Changes: Adaptation and Implementation Strategies for Climatic Change, IISD. Aguilar, E., T.C. Peterson, P. Ramírez Obando, R. Frutos, J.A. Retana, M. Solera, J. Soley, I. González García and co-authors, 2005: Changes in precipitation and temperature extremes in Central America and northern South America, 1961–2003. J. Geophys. Res., 110, D23107, doi:10.1029/2005JD006119. Alcamo, J. and T. Henrichs, 2002: Critical regions: a model-based estimation of world water resources sensitive to global changes. Aquat. Sci., 64, 352-362. Alcamo, J., P. Döll, T. Henrichs, F. Kaspar, B. Lehner, T. Rösch and S. Siebert, 2003a: Development and testing of the WaterGAP 2 global model of water use and availability. Hydrol. Sci. J., 48, 317–338. Alcamo, J., P. Döll, T. Henrichs, F. Kaspar, B. Lehner, T. Rösch and S. Siebert, 2003b: Global estimates of water withdrawals and availability under current and future “business-as-usual” conditions. Hydrol. Sci. J., 48, 339–348. Alcamo, J. and Co-authors, 2004: A new perspective on the impacts of climate change on Russian agriculture and water resources. Proc. World Climate Change Conference, 29 September–3 October, 2003, Moscow, 324–335. Alcamo, J., M. Flörke and M. Marker, 2007: Future long-term changes in global water resources driven by socio-economic and climatic change. Hydrol. Sci. J., 52, 247–275. Aldhous, P., 2004: Borneo is burning. Nature, 432, 144–146. Alexander, L.V., X. Zhang, T.C. Peterson, J. Caesar, B. Gleason, A.M.G. Klein Tank, M. Haylock, D. Collins, B. Trewin, F. Rahimzadeh, A. Tagipour, K. Rupa Kumar, J. Revadekar, G. Griffiths, L. Vincent, D.B. Stephenson, J. Burn, E. Aguilar, M. Brunet, M. Taylor, M. New, P. Zhai, M. Rusticucci and J.L. 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Graham and G. Lindström, 2004: Hydrological change: climate impact simulations for Sweden. Ambio, 33(4–5), 228–234. Andreone, F., J.E. Cadle, N. Cox, F. Glaw, R.A. Nussbaum, C.J. Raxworthy, S.N. Stuart amd D. Vallan, 2005: Species review of amphibian extinction risks in Madagascar: conclusions from the Global Amphibian Assessment. Conserv. Biol., 19, 1790–1802. Anisimov, O.A. and M.A. Belolutskaia, 2004: Predictive modelling of climate change impacts on permafrost: effects of vegetation. Meteorol. Hydrol., 11, 73–81. Antle, J.M., S.M. Capalbo, E.T. Elliott and K.H. Paustian, 2004: Adaptation, spatial heterogeneity, and the vulnerability of agricultural systems to climate change and CO 2 fertilization: an integrated assessment approach. Climatic Change, 64, 289-315. Aparicio, M., 2000: Vulnerabilidad y Adaptación a la Salud Humana ante los Efectos del Cambio Climático en Bolivia. Ministerio de Desarrollo Sostenible y Planificación. Viceministerio de Medio Ambiente, Recursos Naturales y Desarrollo Forestal. Programa Nacional de Cambios Climáticos. PNUD/GEF.

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Abdalati, W. and K. Steffen, 2001: Greenland ice sheet melt extent: 1979–1999. J. Geophys. Res., 106(D24), 33983–33988.

Abeku, T.A., G.J. van Oortmarssen, G. Borsboom, S.J. de Vlas and J.D.F. Habbema, 2003: Spatial and temporal variations of malaria epidemic risk in Ethiopia: factors involved and implications. Acta Trop., 87, 331-340.

Abou-Hadid, A.F., 2006: Assessment of Impacts: Adaptation and Vulnerability to Climate Change in North Africa: Food Production and Water Resources. Washington, DC, 127 pp.

Abou-Hadid, A.F., R. Mougou, A. Mokssit and A. Iglesias, 2003: Assessment of Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability to Climate Change in North Africa: Food Production and Water Resources. AIACC AF90 Semi-Annual Progress Report, 37 pp.

Abu-Taleb, M.F., 2000: Impacts of global climate change scenarios on water supply and demand in Jordan. Water International, 25(3), 457–463.

ACIA (Arctic Climate Impact Assessment), 2004: Impacts of a Warming Arctic: Synthesis Report of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, Policy Document prepared by the Arctic Council and presented at the Fourth Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting, Reykjavik, 24 November 2004, 140 pp.

ACIA (Arctic Climate Impact Assessment), 2005: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1042 pp.

ADB (Asia Development Bank), 1994: Climate Change in Asia: Vietnam Country Report. Asia Development Bank, Manila, 103 pp.

Adler, R.F. and Co-authors, 2003: The version 2 Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) monthly precipitation analysis (1979–present). J. Hydrometeorol., 4, 1147–1167.

AEMA, 2002: Uso sostenible del agua en Europa. Gestión de la demanda. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Madrid, 94 pp.

Agarwal, P.K., S.K. Bandyopadhyay, H. Pathak, N. Kalra, S. Chander and S. Kumar, 2000: Analysis of yield trends of the rice–wheat system in north-western India. Outlook on Agriculture, 29(4), 259–268.

Agoumi, A., 2003: Vulnerability of North African Countries to Climatic Changes: Adaptation and Implementation Strategies for Climatic Change, IISD.

Aguilar, E., T.C. Peterson, P. Ramírez Obando, R. Frutos, J.A. Retana, M. Solera, J. Soley, I. González García and co-authors, 2005: Changes in precipitation and temperature extremes in Central America and northern South America, 1961–2003. J. Geophys. Res., 110, D23107, doi:10.1029/2005JD006119.

Alcamo, J. and T. Henrichs, 2002: Critical regions: a model-based estimation of world water resources sensitive to global changes. Aquat. Sci., 64, 352-362.

Alcamo, J., P. Döll, T. Henrichs, F. Kaspar, B. Lehner, T. Rösch and S. Siebert, 2003a: Development and testing of the WaterGAP 2 global model of water use and availability. Hydrol. Sci. J., 48, 317–338.

Alcamo, J., P. Döll, T. Henrichs, F. Kaspar, B. Lehner, T. Rösch and S. Siebert, 2003b: Global estimates of water withdrawals

and availability under current and future “business-as-usual” conditions. Hydrol. Sci. J., 48, 339–348.

Alcamo, J. and Co-authors, 2004: A new perspective on the impacts of climate change on Russian agriculture and water resources. Proc. World Climate Change Conference, 29 September–3 October, 2003, Moscow, 324–335.

Alcamo, J., M. Flörke and M. Marker, 2007: Future long-term changes in global water resources driven by socio-economic and climatic change. Hydrol. Sci. J., 52, 247–275.

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Allen Consulting Group, 2005: Climate Change Risk and Vulnerability: Promoting an Efficient Adaptation Response in Australia. Report to the Australian Greenhouse Office by the Allen Consulting Group, 159 pp.

Alvarez, R., 2005: A review of nitrogen fertilizer and conservative tillage effects on soil organic storage. Soil Use Manage., 21, 38-52.

Álvarez Cobelas, M., J. Catalán and D. García de Jalón, 2005: Impactos sobre los ecosistemas acuáticos continentales. Evaluación Preliminar de los Impactos en España por Efecto del Cambio Climático, J.M. Moreno, Ed., Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Madrid, 113–146.

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