redesign for multi-access learning

Redesign for Multi-Access Learning: Implications for Policy, Pedagogy, & Practice Valerie Irvine @_valeriei :: University of Victoria TIE Research Lab July 3, 2015 for University of Saskatchewan #etadsi Flickr@wwward0 CCBYND2.0

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Redesign for Multi-Access Learning: Implications for Policy, Pedagogy, & Practice Valerie Irvine @_valeriei :: University of Victoria TIE Research Lab July 3, 2015 for University of Saskatchewan #etadsi Flickr@wwward0 CCBYND2.0
  2. 2. Online/Open Access #ds106radio #etadsi Blue Jeans access Use gdoc tweeted out
  3. 3. Q1: Why do we need to have a required face-to-face experience as a class? Reply with A1: ___ to #csshe2015 & #blended
  4. 4. Q2: Should an institutions or instructors preference override student accessibility? Or student preference of modality? Reply with A2: ___ to #csshe2015 & #blended
  5. 5. Q3: Does/should modality bias exist? Reply with A3: ___ to #csshe2015 & #blended
  6. 6. Q4: Should we allow flexibility in modality accessibility (e.g., multi-access)? What are the implications? Reply with A4: ___ to #csshe2015 & #blended
  7. 7. Responses and resources curated at google doc URL tweeted out:
  9. 9. Face to Face Enrollment
  10. 10. Online Enrollment
  13. 13. Remote Online Pod (3 F2F) F2F On-Campus Pod Remote Online Individuals Blended (F2F & Online)
  14. 14. Who Controls the Blend? Is Blended an Instructional Experience or a Learner Experience?
  15. 15. WHY BLENDED? Are we just talking tech-mediated? No increased access to learning afforded by blended learning Only those learners who are able to access on-campus learning can benefit from blended
  16. 16. Can Blended Meet Mobility Needs? NO
  17. 17. Do we redefine blended to include merging modalities? NO. We dont say snowboarding is the new skiing.
  18. 18. CLARITY Program Delivery The cohort will include face-to-face instruction in courses taught in a centrally- located Vancouver site and flexible, blended formats that mix on-site and online learning.
  19. 19. Irvine, V. (2013). Multi-Access Learning
  20. 20.
  21. 21. #whythatseat? Realigning Higher Ed for the 21st Century Learner Through Multi-Access Learning Dr. Valerie Irvine @_valeriei
  22. 22. The Technology Integration and Evaluation (TIE) Research Lab
  23. 23. COMMUNITY
  24. 24. The connectedness and access topics also came up during my lunch. My friend commented on how disconnected she felt from others in her class because she was completing it online. She mentioned how she often felt alone in her program. This really struck a cord with me. Also being in an online program on technology, I have never felt disconnected from my classmates or professor. Our one hour weekly sessions provide me with the opportunity to connect with my cohort. I know they are only a tweet, email, or bluejeans session away if I want to connect with them. Considering that geographically some of us are hours away from each other, it really speaks to the design and effectiveness of the program. There is something to be said for the connectedness technology brings. I also appreciate that students have the opportunity to be face-to-face if preferred. In this sense, the course truly is Multi-Access.
  25. 25. Transference of Expectations in Modality Bias
  26. 26. Learning Pathways (Major, 2015)
  27. 27. Flickr@healthbrandon
  28. 28. WORK FAMILY STUDENT PRESSURES, SOCIAL JUSTICE, & PRIVILEGE SELF-CARECOMMUTE COST (transportation, accommodation, parking, airfare, etc.)
  29. 29. Multi-Access F2F Student This course was amazing. It allowed for freedom of life - the ability to participate online and face-to-face was essential in life as a parent, caregiver for an ailing parent and a full time student.
  30. 30. Learner Preferences for Modality TOP CHOICE 9 out of 15 (60%) ranked multi-access as THE top choice 3 selected blended 2 selected F2F 1 selected online
  31. 31. Learner Preferences for Modality TOP CHOICE 14 out of 15 (93.3%) chose multi-access (F2F or remote) as 1st or 2nd choice
  32. 32. Multi-Access Remote Student If I lived very close to campus year round, I think I would have preferred to be in a F2F class or a multi-access class in which I was in the room. However, I lived in [a town on the outskirts] and avoiding the 45 minute drive saved me a lot of money and valuable time that I could spend being more productive. On top of that, the flexibility that the multi-access course provided allowed me to move to another city to prepare for my practicum much further ahead of schedule than a F2F course would have permitted. I went to my practicum city 3 weeks before my start day; while a F2F class would have given me a long weekend to pack up and move, meet with teachers, supervisor, and admin, and plan my lessons with no time to observe.
  33. 33. Learner Perspectives on Multi-Access Learning
  34. 34. Control
  35. 35. Cyber Proxy (Irvine, 2015)
  36. 36. vGo Video Conference Robot More about the robot in a minute...
  37. 37. Kubi vGoDouble
  38. 38. Need for Equity Among Access Avoid Preferential Treatment Policy on Cyber Proxy
  39. 39. Professors Tech Support Specialists YOU FOOL! YOU POOR FOOL! DID YOU MESS WITH IT? DONT MESS WITH IT!
  40. 40. The Business Case for Video Conference Robots
  41. 41. Excellent Tech Support from vGo
  42. 42. Use Cases for Video Conference Robots
  43. 43. Copyright John Bell UMichigan
  44. 44. 7 Instructors Perspectives on Multi-Access Video Conference Robots...
  45. 45. If you had asked me that question two years ago I would have balked. [Using a VC robot] would be exciting and challenging. Its about what were doing, not about the technology. Id love to see that in action. Again I see that as superior to what weve experienced [with BlueJeans], the fact that they can turn the camera and talk. That more replicates what were trying do in the room.
  46. 46. I think in that case where I have one student coming in or two or three; a small number of students relative to the number of students in my class this would be great. Perfect actually, because you could go out in the hall and work in a group.
  47. 47. The robot to me is an interesting idea. Part of my thinking is thinking about who are we, so its ontological but what essence or what physicality is different to me. It wouldnt bother me, if I had 10 of those it still wouldnt bother me, its just another way of being.
  48. 48. I can just teach normally to them and to them the same way as this face-to-face student. I dont see that being an issue. Wonderful. I have students all the time who are sick who skype in. They have to find a friend to skype them in, but that would be great. I would love to try it as a student. I would love to try it as a teacher. As long as I have no responsibility for moving their screens around.
  49. 49. Destination in Place and Space
  50. 50. The distance is nothing when one has a motive. ~ Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
  51. 51. The connectedness and access topics also came up during my lunch. My friend commented on how disconnected she felt from others in her class because she was completing it online. She mentioned how she often felt alone in her program. This really struck a cord with me. Also being in an online program on technology, I have never felt disconnected from my classmates or professor. Our one hour weekly sessions provide me with the opportunity to connect with my cohort. I know they are only a tweet, email, or bluejeans session away if I want to connect with them. Considering that geographically some of us are hours away from each other, it really speaks to the design and effectiveness of the program. There is something to be said for the connectedness technology brings. I also appreciate that students have the opportunity to be face-to-face if preferred. In this sense, the course truly is Multi-Access.
  52. 52. Multi-Access Remote Student I think the quality of teaching and learning was not affected by the course being online. The instructor was effective in delivering the material and giving appropriate wait times after asking questions. It was a very interactive course which I believe would have the same impact if the course was fully F2F. We are going towards an online community, and it is great to know that there are already professors out there that are equipped with the skills and knowledge to effectively teach in any setting. Great experience. I wish more people this year had had the same opportunity.
  53. 53. Multi-Access Remote Student I would say that it enhanced it. I felt like I was in the class with live video and audio feeds, but at the same time I had access to review the teaching materials on my own computer and expand with my own research during the class without disrupting the flow of the lesson. For a long class (3 hours +) the opportunity to access from home was a huge advantage because the comfortable setting allowed me to hold focus and breaks were more refreshing.
  54. 54. Multi-Access Remote Student I really enjoyed the multi-access experience. I had ongoing conversations on instant messenger with a classmate whilst listening and taking in a presentation for example. If you're in a face-to-face class you can't just pull out your laptop and start typing because it's rude, but when you're using multi-access, you can immediately check out any thought tangents online whilst keeping up with the presenter. This makes the learning experience fuller, because you can check things out as you think of them instead of forgetting them and not getting around to it after the class is done. I did feel part of the class as well.
  55. 55. Multi-Access Remote Student I also experienced the class from the other side of the monitor, and I have to say, it feels better on the technology. I felt the pace of the class was much slower when I was in the classroom F2F. hmmmmm. Personally I am an auditory learner so this was exponentially better than any previous online learning courses I have taken.
  56. 56. Multi-Access Remote Student It was fairly neutral, overall. I didn't feel like it was any better or worse in terms of learning quality, but I did feel that it was light years more convenient for me. Grow this opportunity! Offer these kinds of course mediums as often as possible! They really do make the grade, and it makes life for people in rural areas so much easier and more affordable!
  57. 57. Multi-Access Remote Student I commend the individuals who designed and implemented this course. It was extremely successful, and accommodated many students who would have otherwise faced serious challenges regarding their living situations.
  58. 58. Multi-Access Remote Student If I lived very close to campus year round, I think I would have preferred to be in a F2F class or a multi-access class in which I was in the room. However, I lived in [a town on the outskirts] and avoiding the 45 minute drive saved me a lot of money and valuable time that I could spend being more productive. On top of that, the flexibility that the multi-access course provided allowed me to move to another city to prepare for my practicum much further ahead of schedule than a F2F course would have permitted. I went to my practicum city 3 weeks before my start day; while a F2F class would have given me a long weekend to pack up and move, meet with teachers, supervisor, and admin, and plan my lessons with no time to observe.
  59. 59. Multi-Access Remote Student I think it contributes to the quality of learning because it's differentiated instruction. By having a multi-access course, students can choose how to participate. I felt like my needs were met and the video enhanced the quality of the teaching and learning. Without video, I wouldn't be able to concentrate for 3 hours.
  60. 60. Multi-Access F2F Student This course was amazing. It allowed for freedom of life - the ability to participate online and face-to-face was essential in life as a parent, caregiver for an ailing parent and a full time student.
  61. 61. Multi-Access F2F Student I know that the remote group benefitted from the online aspect of the class for monetary reasons, which I fully support. University is expensive, saving money any way that individuals can, should. I think [multi-access] would be ESPECIALLY important for professional development courses that full-time teachers would want to take.