red teaming: be prepared for anything€¦ · 1 a’war’foo,ng’ red teaming: be prepared for...

T.E.S.S.O.C A Mul,faceted A3ack Red Teaming – Physical Red Teaming – IT The Rise of Converged Vulnerabili,es Worst fears? Limita,ons & Roadblocks Presentation Structure 1 A War Foo,ng Red Teaming: Be Prepared for Anything Optimal Risk 2016 v3 Presented by Mike O’Neill Managing Director Dan Solomon Director of Cyber Risk & Security Services Be Prepared. For Anything Red Teaming: Testing your Preparedness, Building your Resilience

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Page 1: Red Teaming: Be Prepared for Anything€¦ · 1 A’War’Foo,ng’ Red Teaming: Be Prepared for Anything Optimal Risk 2016 v3 Presented(by((Mike%O’Neill% Managing’Director’


A  Mul,faceted  A3ack  

Red  Teaming  –  Physical    

Red  Teaming  –  IT    

The  Rise  of  Converged  Vulnerabili,es  

Worst  fears?  

Limita,ons  &  Roadblocks  

Presentation Structure


A  War  Foo,ng  

Red Teaming: Be Prepared for Anything

Optimal Risk 2016 v3

Presented  by    

Mike  O’Neill  Managing  Director  

Dan  Solomon Director  of  Cyber  Risk  &  

Security  Services  

Be Prepared. For Anything

Red Teaming: Testing your Preparedness, Building your Resilience

Page 2: Red Teaming: Be Prepared for Anything€¦ · 1 A’War’Foo,ng’ Red Teaming: Be Prepared for Anything Optimal Risk 2016 v3 Presented(by((Mike%O’Neill% Managing’Director’

•  Threats not related to war are grouped five categories:

Ø  Terrorism,

Ø  Espionage,

Ø  Subversion,

Ø  Sabotage

Ø  Organised Crime

•  TESSOC typically reflected the hierarchy of defence priorities. Now complicated by Cyber.

•  Cyber now cuts across all five domains and now should top the hierarchy of priorities.


Be Prepared. For Anything

T.E.S.S.O.C framework

Red Teaming: Testing your Preparedness, Building your Resilience

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Be Prepared. For Anything

Threats to on-shore installations: Europe 2015 assessment

Threat     Impact Vulnerability Short  Term Trend

Terrorist  attack  on  LNG  terminal High High Low Increasing

Terrorist  attack  on  port  personnel High High Low Stable

Sabotage  of  POL  tanks  and  pipelines High Medium Low Increasing

Sabotage  of  port  authority  buildings Medium Medium Low Increasing

Hostage  taking High Medium Low Increasing

Nuclear  device  in  container High High Low Increasing

Biological  or  chemical  device  in  container High High Medium Increasing

Sinking  of  a  vessel  in  port  to  clock  channels  or  locks High Low Medium Increasing

Vehicle-­‐borne  IED  attack Medium Low Low Stable

Ship-­‐borne  IED  attack Medium Low Low Stable

Destruction  or  sabotage    of  Telecommunication  systems Medium Low Low Stable

Destruction  or  compromise  of  cargo  in  port Medium Low Medium Increasing

Cyber  attack  against  port  control  IT  network  &  applications High Medium High Increasing

Cyber  attack  to  destroy  port  management  databases Medium Medium High Increasing

Cyber  attack  on  port  control  network  and  theft  of  data Medium Medium High Stable

Infiltration  by  unauthorised  persons  to  steal  information Medium Medium High StableSource:  Optimal  Risk

•  Cyber threats are high probability in the short term and are a reality

•  In many cases ports authorities are unaware of sophisticated breaches and their impact

•  Cyber defence is weak against convergence threats

•  Cyber resilience concepts are weakening and untested

Red Teaming: Testing your Preparedness, Building your Resilience

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IT factors can include:

•  Spear Phishing

•  APT and Custom Malware Insertion

•  Attacks on:

–  Infrastructure including VPN

–  Wi-Fi networks including the executives’ homes

–  Applications

–  Mobile Device Vulnerabilities

–  DDoS


Be Prepared. For Anything

A Multifaceted Attack

Human factors can include:

•  Gathering open source intelligence on key employees and leveraging this knowledge to subvert employees

•  Compromise of employees which may be coerced to obtain further access into networks, or manipulated into disclosing sensitive data

•  Physical infiltration of facilities and gain access to internal devices & networks

•  Delivery of malware on physical devices to employees

•  A ‘planted’ Insider

Red Teaming: Testing your Preparedness, Building your Resilience

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•  A prolonged and persistent attack across multiple vectors, using different methods, and in several phases over days or weeks

•  Sophisticated ‘conditioned’ weapons [with the capacity to learn and adapt] that can act in coordination

•  Complex scenarios, likely for espionage or sabotage purposes with a converged back-story

•  The attack is likely to mobilize the organisation’s full Blue Team capability through phases of identification, defence, response, and recovery to an attack in depth

•  The attack escalates and challenges the organisation’s various responses, methods, teams and decision- makers


Be Prepared. For Anything

A Multifaceted Cyber Attack

Red Teaming: Testing your Preparedness, Building your Resilience

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•  Red teaming: A real-world approach to testing security, protocols, & awareness; ultimately to address security requirements and evaluate the risk involved in their viability, modelling threats on all potential layers of attack

•  Testing resilience to realistic incidents, how a port enacts & adapts business continuity plans, how appropriate contingency plans are, and under which conditions they are more likely to fail.

•  Identifying multiple points of failure whether technical, or human, or procedural.

•  Identify short-term tactical fixes for immediate remediation of any outstanding vulnerabilities within the tested environments

•  Identify long-term strategic measures that will proactively thwart any potential repetition of vulnerabilities discovered

•  Prompt engagement in program of remediation efforts and security posture reinforcement 6

Be Prepared. For Anything

A Simulated Attack or ‘Red Teaming’

Red Teaming: Testing your Preparedness, Building your Resilience

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USB  drive  Planted  

Security  Post  Le<  Una=ended   Communica?ons  

Room    Penetrated  

Physical Infiltration

Access  was  granted  to  limited  access  areas,  allowing  our  team  to  obtain  photographs  of  facility  internals,  and  insert  custom  malware  on  internal  devices.    

Red Teaming: Testing your Preparedness, Building your Resilience

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Dummy  ‘Bug’  


Silent  Alarm  5-­‐minute    Response  Time  

Network  Switchboard  Infiltrated  

Physical Infiltration

During  the  exercise  the  team  entered  a  restricted  area  and  placed  simulated  electronic  surveillance  equipment  

Red Teaming: Testing your Preparedness, Building your Resilience

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Physical Infiltration

USB  drive  Planted  in  Terminal  

Two  Breaches  

WiFi  Antenna  Installed  

Physical  security  was  circumnavigated,  breach  incident  response  was  ineffectual,  allowing  our  team  to  exit  without  reprimand.    

Red Teaming: Testing your Preparedness, Building your Resilience

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External Network Penetration

A  vulnerable  web  applica,on  was  exploited  to  disclose  its  en,re  backend  database  

Be Prepared. For Anything

x.x.126.27   x.x.162.10  


Exposed  Administra?on  


Unencrypted  FTP  


Unencrypted  SIP  


Red Teaming: Testing your Preparedness, Building your Resilience

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Be Prepared. For Anything

Other Aspects

•  Nearly  all  sensi,ve  applica,ons  were  found  vulnerable  in  some  way,    

Ø from  allowing  data  theR  and  data  manipula,on.....  

Ø  enabling  a3ackers  to  lock  out  key  users.  

•  A  number  of  high-­‐severity  vulnerabili,es  within  working  applica,ons,  included:  

Ø A  server  which  underpins  a  cri,cal  applica,on  was  using  outdated  soRware  which  allowed  our  team  to  compromise  and  take  control  over  the  server  &  applica,on.  

Top Issues •  Physical  security  neglects  advanced  

threat  preparedness  in  favour  of  simple  physical  security  risk  

•  Insufficient  employee  awareness  of  advanced  cyber  a=acks  

•  Insufficient  protec?on  of  high-­‐value  employees  against  external  threats  

•  Lacklustre  adherence  to  system  maintenance  policies  

"...We’re  very  pleased  by  your  work;  you’ve  exceeded  our  expecta8ons  in  every  aspect”    Source:  Customer’  SVP  Security  

Red Teaming: Testing your Preparedness, Building your Resilience

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•  Physical security systems undermined by poor procedure and processes

•  Poor personnel vetting practices, and weak verification & control of movement between port areas

•  Introduction of integrated security systems increased vulnerability particularly through COTS solutions

•  Sophistication of systems is still low, compared to airports, in particular access control to critical areas

•  Poor levels of integrated monitoring, and control room resourcing

•  Dynamic contingency planning in based on analysis of out-of-date scenarios

•  Low levels of resilience in critical networked information systems

•  Insufficient encryption, biometric protection, and poor counter-espionage counter-measures

•  High vulnerability to BYOD threat


Be Prepared. For Anything

Converged Vulnerability

Red Teaming: Testing your Preparedness, Building your Resilience

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Be Prepared. For Anything

Worst Fears?

Permanent Denial-of-Service [PDoS]

A3acks  in  the  future  will  range  from  rendering  hardware  useless  by  crashing  hard  drives,  machine-­‐level  PLCs  and  by  increasing  the  voltage  within  CPU’s.  

A3acks  aim  to  push  hardware  to  its  extreme  performance,  or  conduct  ac,ons  for  which  it  was  not  designed  as  well  as  the  more  obvious  corrup,ng  of  internal  program  and  data  structures  

Recovery  will  require  replacement  with  new  hardware,  exposes  the  vulnerability  of  not  holding  redundant  capacity.    

In  many  cases  it  is  not  prac,cal  to  hold  spare  parts  for  major  pieces  of  infrastructure.  The  resultant  down,me  could  be  catastrophic  for  some  businesses,  without  suitable  redundancy  and  capacity  

PDoS attacks will include:

•  Over-­‐vol,ng  

•  Over-­‐clocking  

•  Over-­‐usage  

•  Power  Cycling  

•  Phlashing  

Red Teaming: Testing your Preparedness, Building your Resilience

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Be Prepared. For Anything

Lets Imagine................

1.  Systems  go  down  while  containers  are  in  port  and  all  work  stops  effec,vely  un,l  it  is  resolved?  

2.  A  compromised  system  meant  that  you  cannot  trust  what  is  in  a  container  from  a  par,cular  carrier  or  country?  

3.  If  other  countries,  in  par,cular  the  US,  were  not  prepared  to  accept  shipments  from  this  port.  

4.  If  the  country  had  only  one  major  deep-­‐sea  port  and:  

•  Food  and  fuel  not  being  unloaded.  Contemplate  the  impact  over  a  3  day  period  

•  If  a  PDoS  takes  down  systems  permanently,  systems  will  need  to  be  replaced  which  could  take  days.  If  hardware  is  affected  then  the  impact  could  be  weeks.  

•  Overland  distribu,on  con,ngencies  will  need  to  be  enacted.    

•  Other  countries  dependant  on  exports  and  onward  distribu,on  will  be  affected,  and  the  problem  becomes  an  interna,onal  crisis  with  geo-­‐poli,cal  implica,ons.  

What would happen if:

1.  Port  could  not  handle  cargo  for  8  hours  

2.  Port  could  not  handle  cargo  for  2  days  

3.  Port  could  not  handle  cargo  for  4  days  

4.  Port  could  not  handle  cargo  for  2  weeks  

Red Teaming: Testing your Preparedness, Building your Resilience

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•  What did the port gain from the red team Ø  It created awareness

Ø  Demonstration of reality: a game changer

Ø  Hard Lessons benefits without the pain

Ø  Very quickly absorbed into organisational perceptions

Ø  Demonstration of interdependencies

Ø  Learning by doing: Failings in response as well as security

Ø  Immediate tactical priorities for remediation

Ø  Priorities for re evaluation of policy

Ø  Priorities for physical security

Ø  Priorities for security investment 15

Be Prepared. For Anything


•  What happened next?: Ø  Change of Approach

Ø  Impact on Confidence

Ø  Changes to Business Practices

Ø  Security Investment & Focus

Ø  Awareness of High-Impact Threats

Ø  Review of Risk ‘Agenda’ [& recalibration of appetite]

Ø  Revise Enterprise Risk Management

Red Teaming: Testing your Preparedness, Building your Resilience

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Dealing  With  Decep,on  


Symptoms  of  Delusion  



Silver  Bullets  

Cultural  Myopia  Accep,ng  Mediocrity  

Analy,cal  Bias  

Perspec,ves  on  ‘Cold  War’      


Leadership  Risk-­‐Informed  


Reac,ve  approach     Vulnerability  Scanning  

Analy,cal  Failure  

Formalised  Policy  &  Planning  Board-­‐level  Consensus  

Outdated  methods  Budgets  


Tackling  Uncertainty  

Effec,ve  Capability  

Misaligned  Strategy  Converged  Threat  Awareness  


Compe,ng  Priori,es  




Assessing  Probabili,es  


Outdated  Assump,ons  

Informa,on  Assurance  

Be Prepared. For Anything

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A War Footing

ü  ‘Raise your gaze’ and seek better vision

ü  Anticipation of the unexpected

ü  Embrace the Plausible, not just the Probable

ü  Practice makes Perfect

ü  Develop a ‘Forensic’ approach to Causes of Security Failure

ü  Be Reluctant to Simplify Plans and Preparation

ü  Declare an Absolute Commitment to Proactivity


Be Prepared. For Anything

Dan Solomon Director, Cyber Risk & Security Services Tel: +44 7850 761834 Email: [email protected] Crisis, Risk & Security Specialists

Red Teaming: Testing your Preparedness, Building your Resilience

Mike O’Neill Managing Director Tel: +44 7768 354009 Email: [email protected] Crisis, Risk & Security Specialists

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Thank You




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