red flags: signs and symptoms of mental health challenges

Life is full of challenging times that can affect our emotional and mental wellbeing. Regardless of the cause, spotting the signs and accepting that you or a loved one is suffering from a mental illness can be incredibly difficult, especially in a culture where we oſten try to "mask" negative emotions and "put on a brave face." Red flags: Signs and symptoms of mental health challenges © 2021 LifeWorks (US) Ltd. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between a "normal" reaction to a tough situation and those which are red flags for mental health concerns. But if you’ve noticed any of the symptoms below in yourself or a loved one for an extended period of time, it’s probably time to seek or suggest professional mental health support. Sudden, unexplained mood changes Changes in sleeping habits Changes in appetite Feeling overwhelmed by minor problems and daily activities Loss of interest in hobbies Withdrawing from family and friends Excessive use of drugs or alcohol Unexplained physical symptoms Loss of confidence Irrational or overly extravagant ideas Problems thinking clearly False beliefs/paranoia, delusions, or hallucinations Thoughts of suicide or preoccupation with death Feelings of isolation, sadness, loneliness, or distress are natural human responses to life’s more traumatic experiences. But when these emotions remain unchanged over time and interfere with day-to-day tasks and overall wellbeing, they could be signs of mental illness. Don’t ignore them. Instead seek support from your physician, a counselor, or your assistance program to get the help and resources needed to achieve balance and health.

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Post on 04-Apr-2022




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Life is full of challenging times that can a�ect our emotional and mental wellbeing. Regardless of the cause, spotting the signs and accepting

that you or a loved one is su�ering from a mental illness can be incredibly di�cult, especially in a culture where we o�en try to "mask"

negative emotions and "put on a brave face."

Red flags: Signs and symptoms of mental health challenges

© 2021 LifeWorks (US) Ltd.

Sometimes it is di�cult to distinguish between a "normal" reaction to a tough situation and those which are red �ags for mental health concerns. But if you’ve noticed any of the symptoms below in yourself or a loved one for an extended period of time, it’s probably time to seek or suggest professional mental health support.

• Sudden, unexplained mood changes• Changes in sleeping habits• Changes in appetite• Feeling overwhelmed by minor problems and daily activities • Loss of interest in hobbies • Withdrawing from family and friends• Excessive use of drugs or alcohol

• Unexplained physical symptoms• Loss of con�dence• Irrational or overly extravagant ideas• Problems thinking clearly• False beliefs/paranoia, delusions, or hallucinations• Thoughts of suicide or preoccupation with death

Feelings of isolation, sadness, loneliness, or distress are natural human responses to life’s more traumatic experiences. But when these emotions remain unchanged over time and interfere with day-to-day tasks and overall wellbeing, they could be signs of mental illness. Don’t ignore them. Instead seek support from your physician, a counselor, or your assistance program to get the help and resources needed to achieve balance and health.