red ban egister - · red ban egister...

RED BAN EGISTER VOLUME IV. NO. 35. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY,-FEBRUARY 22, 1882. 81.50 PER YEAR. LAWYERS. I OHN S. APPLEGATE. I.IKNKY M. NKV1US, COUNSELOR AT LAW, Mil) BANK, N. J T LAW, ltEU HANK, N. J. / 111AH. 11. TUAFFUlil), COUN8ELOU AT LAW, CUUIIUISHIIIUHI' ftir New York. HKU HANK, N. J. I \AN1EL H. AITLEUATE, UOUNSELUITAT LAW,* Siilieiuir uiui Muster In CUum-iTj. (llllee III J.A.TIiiiie.Kiiiiii'Uinslliiilding-FirM Hi«ir. t'lUINT STltEET, UKU UANK, N. J. \\t1LL1AM P1NTAUD, I'UUNSliLLOlt AT LAW, Spinning & I'altursuu's Hulluhig, UKU 1M\K, N. J. JOHN L. W A'iTUKNKY AT LAW, m;i> iiANk, X. J- / HIAS. 1. (iUUUON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, UE1J 1IA.VK, X. J Olllii' ill Tlmiekiimrluii's Uiillilliig, Frwil .sired. JOHN !•'. HAWKINS, ATTOU.NEY AT LAW, Ullli-i" ill KluiiMillLll'H IliliMlllK. Cuuklllilll AVi'lllli:. ASUl'itV 1'AUK. N. ' DENTISTS. l\ll. It. F. UOltDliN, SCHUEON DENTIST, MUSIC UAI.I. lil'II.IJINC, HKIl HANK. S.I. Over Nineteen Wills' ICxJ«'jiclj< (• ill 1V1I- liKtry in all its brunches. I'urllriilur AlU'iilimi imi'i' l" lUtr adiiilnisuulliin nf i I \ \t. 11. U. VANDOKN. DENTIST. Mill) Ur. li. F. J)i,nl.-Ji. .Munii- Hall liuililliii'. HKU IIANK, X. J- DUUUlilSTS. C A. LOt'KWOOU, I'KliSl'Kll'I'lON DKL'lililST. Elt'Vt'U Vein's' Kxin'ni'lirr. fur. IIIUIAU AMI WHITE NTtlKKT.-.. UH1) UANn. X. .1 I I KNUY K. SCI1UOEDEH. PHARMACIST. HHIulili' limits mil). KEI) HANK. N..I. KISAL ESTATE AND INSl/KAM'K. 'THOMAS DAVIS. JK.. INSl'UANCK AND HEAL ESTATE ACENT. KIHIX'I' STI1KKT. IIKH HANK. X. .1. I 1 . 11. Jl'ix. il. InMirillli't: plaii'il in 11 ii- In->1 r.iliiliiinii'r. ull Ilinsl lll \ M. MOUIIAN. l.VSUKA.WK AliENT. I1HIIAI) STIIKKT. ni'iir Wliili'. KKIl IIANK, X. J. ItlslM tukfll ill Ilii' .KTNA uinl •illliT llHl-rllls.1 CiillllHlllii's. 1UM. II. SlCKELS & SON. HEAL ESTATE AND (JENEHAL 1IHOKEKS. UKAI.KUS IN llliNAMKyi'AI. IKON H'dltK. llOlw, Cur. llniml anil fmnl St.-.. llitl Iliiiik. N. J. (uliiliiKliivi ii|Nin iiiiplirullmi. CLOTHING. JUSTICES OF THK PKACK. || AKItY J. CHILI). JU.ST1C10 OF THE l'KAL'K. HIIllAll STKKKT. Itr.l) IIAXK, S. .1 / (HAS. II. HOItlJUN, JCSTICK UK THK I'KAI'K AMI I'lll.K'K .HSTH'K. ('iilli'i'ilnir |iioin|iily siiti'iiili'd I.'. IJFKH'E AT PlII.IlK HKAlK.MAKTKltS. Nu. 1 Mi'i'lmliUSlll'i'l. It.'il Ililllk, N. J. Au'i'iit (lull. Kltcsliiiiiiii It Ci'.'s (iiiii|ircs»i'il, liml llrli'sli.V Ilinni's "l.illy IVIiln- Wasliliw Fluid." Fur sail' by all Ili'sl-eliiss urtH't'rs- AUCT1OMEEH. T? J. ROGERS. * LICENSED AUCTIONEER, £> YEARS' KXI'KUIKMUK. AlK'lliins lli'UI ill any liliU't! Ill Hit' ctnuily. No. M Uruud strual, ItED UANK, N. J. S. S. SAGUES, ZSTo. S BEOAD STREET. DKAl.Kll IX Daily and Weekly Papers, Magazines, A"'., *!'. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ul nil kinds nmHtuully tin lutiiil. CROCKERY. L, HADLEY, Cooiier Institute, New Y<irk City. WHITE AND DECORATED . : . FRENCH CHINA AND ENGLISH PORCELAIN. Flue Wlilte French China ninnnr Sdl«, Ml) pirn* .....$30 00 Fins Wliito French china Tea 8et«.. T 00 Will* EngllHh PoriHiluIn Dinner Si'ls. M 1)0 AIlBO IIOUSE-FUUN181IINU (HIOI)S. 4 IlluHtrubul Catalonia and IT(rai-I,lsi mailed fnw on applleutlim.. KutliiuiUM (unifiiliwl. Ontora boxod andnluood on Cur or Steamer tree tl BlQOaPoMjOk CORLIES, The CLOTHIER, HAS MARKED DOy/NTHE BALANCE OF HIS ELEGANT 01ERHTS,*> ULSTERS IKD SUITS To Close out His Winter Stock of Clothing Before the End of the Season. BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. r P AlLOKINd EMPOKIUM, PATTERSON, THE TAILOR, I'lMl Olllw Ullililliw. lttli llANh, i\. J Xi'W (imuls fur Spring ami Siiininer Wi-ar I liavr ull hund nil lilt' ilflli'lvllL styles uf ym atlrli as CLOTHS, CASSIMKIIKS AM) SVUIISTKIM OF ALL n'llirll I will tliiiki'll|i iu Hit' laU'SI *l\l,';.ilt IH'lil'S Hull ilcfy • lii-llliutl. l'KKFECT FITS (iL'ARANTKEU. (ilvi 1 nil' il I'llll befiirt: |iurrliii.slll|f rlN'Wlirre. HUNT FlllKiKT THKl'l.Al'K, I'DST-OKKH'K IU ILIUM,. H-IKAP CLOTHING VYARISIIUI'SE. J. HARKS, MKIICIIANT TAIUlll ANIl CI.llTHIKH. IH!i A M i S M h l l K K N W l r u ST., NEW VilliK CITY. All who ili-siiv iru.,,1 lining liilc-l M.VIM.-. u.'ll iiuiili'uii.i in ii rill in tin' il.l, |irlri'. ' The ili'lniiuili'lll of READY MADE CLOTHINli is rxtciwlM 1 mill i-niii|ili'ic, mill rmnpiiM's a Kii'iit \ni'ii < ly ill irnnncms fur im.ii. yunilb. liu>s uinl <'hll~ lll-l'tl. 1 IlllVl' I'llllStllllllV nil ilillltl rintllllll.' Mliilltlll- lur iiii.v inulr, luislnos oi-itfuriMiiiiiL 'llic slui-k li i'ltliri'1 v nrwanil has IH'CII jilurivl ul xr-ry low llirurt'i-s. 1 have llnw mi hallil n IHIL'I- anil Wi-11 .srli'i-Ii'il l k l (iENTS l'l'HNlSlllNfi (il)ODS whirl) Inrluilcs all slaiiilanl ITIHKIS anil ninny inivt'l- lics. The stui-k i-unsisl.s I'lillrcly ul lii'W aliirsi'ilsun- alilc irtKMts anil will IH' suld at tiiitlnni iirlrrs. My fiicflltlcs fur imikifitf W'ltliliitf Ni (rnlcr art; ntt liiirintiscil hv any liulisi' In (lit 1 rllv. Satisl'uclijin us to lit ami priiv gimmiili'cil. J. MARKS, 18il AXD 2110 (lllKKNWlCH STREET, NKW YOUK CITY. VTKW STYLES OF CLOTIIINd. ROUERS, PEET & CO., BROADWAY AND BROOME STREET, NEW YORK. * Nowhere in the United States can nnri'iitH find a givater variety of boy*' ami Children's Cloihing, of miNurnnHsed exceiience in Htvie, workmanHhii) and durability, tlinn in our establishment. We make every garment we sell, and charge only a reasonable advance on lirfit cost. One invariable, price,, with privilege of returning goods and re- fund of money. _. Our mail order de- partment enables residents of any locality, however distant, to make trtjleetiims of Men's and Boys'Cloth- ing from sainpleH, which are mailed free on request, with directions how to obtain JJOIMIH wifely, quickly and cheaply. Address, ROGERS, PEET & CO., 4i« Broadway, New Yor The Country Children. I can net: tho happy eliil.licu AB they wauder thruu^li thogruaaea Of tlio frexh and dewy pasturca, Of tlio tanyled forui>t-pa«aeB; I can track them an they wander By the trail of numiiiig-gloriea : I can read their happy funtitipe— I can tell their pleasant Hturies. Oh, I know Hie patlia of ohililren Up the liilli* ainl d<.\vn the valloyB; Buttercups anil faik'il ilaiwit's Mark their Hortifn mid thuir HalliuB; By thobuttercups ainl lieechoB I can mark their rusting placet*; And I know tho mousy I'l-ooli^iflca, . And tiie wide, green, o|iou spaces. Whore the wild white plum trob bioaaoms; Where tho grapevine nwingn and tosses; Whtre the plntm^ of w'urlut BUinaoli Tiiae amonf,' llw wayiidc mosses; Whore tbo golilen-ioil iu iiutuniii Flames among the lia/.il-liuBhes— rhcro the trooping army wanders— There the Bcoutiiig puny pu^hee. Oh, but thoy amkiuRn ami nubloa AB they wtimlor (here together; Olotu-of-gold iB all the ouminun Te tlieir foot in minininr weather. Up am] down, in field and vnodlud, I can not their frlutviiitj faces ; And by eeurlot leaven undhm-iiuB I can uitn'k their iiiBTiiui-Dlaciw. MIZPAH. The Rev. Leonard Austin WUM enured at a luxurious breakfast in bis able bachelor cstubliHhmeril, but for the time being not ninnn; bis iiuut, u fashionable New York Imly, mill his cousin Elaine, a belle unil licire-s in own right, were hi«//i>'sl»; Wi^s Kluine was hie visa-viB in a i«» cn'micd cash- mere morning robe, «• it h u vfu'tenu plait, a costume tbat exact !v hii.imoiiir.ed with her dark, statuesque bounty mid reitul style. Sho wan trilling uitb the umber coffee in her delicate uinl OOHI.1V cup and looking at her cousin—bv liiurrinrro —from nnder dark drooping lashes. Thoir eyes met, but Elnine was au adept in flirtation, and tlie liev. L"onutd did not understand it ul nil, ao neither was in the leaBt embarrassed. And yi t she was critically examining and weighing him, noticing his elepunt velvet dree- ing gown, bin soft white handfl, the air habitnal of luxury him, and say- ing to herself "His Master had not where to lay His bend !" The Eev. Mr. Austin bad approved of his cousin in one cornpri'housivogliuico, and wus asking himself: "Shall I marry her? She is Iiaml- somo, well educated and un heiress— has .been well brought up, uud would do me credit ns a wife, but—" "And how do yon like the place, Leonard?" Mrs Kcrnii ke broke the silence by asking. The Rev. Mr. Armstrong shrugged hie shoulders. " The people are poor and stupid. True, I have time for study and there area few good families here with whom I find congenial associ- ation. Otherwise it would be very dull." But you work," interrupted his cousin, "Yon-must take mnch pleasure in tliat." Ya-a-s," smothering a yawn, " of courso I try to do my duty, but all flowers of rhetoric are wasted OD these people and as only plain talk is nnder- stood by them, I have not much scopo for mv intellect." 'Why did yon bring your talents here ?" asked Elaine, with just a tone of sarcasm in her voice. 'The plnce is rcerelya stepping-stone to something better," replied her cousin as he rose from the table, a fine, stately man, with the ease and grace of centuries of cnlturo in liis manner. He passed out to the small study in the back of the little Gothic stone, 'hurch, where he held ont the bread of life to a handful of people, nnd Elaine went np stairs to shake out tlie folds of her rich dresses, and find some flannel costume that was suitable to this village life, which she had entered upon as a ohange from Saratoga and Lonpr Branch. 8he was not exactly tired of life, the bright, vivacious, interesting young woman, bat sho was tired of her life among fashions and in the train of folly. Sho felt a capability within her of doing some great work, but feared to offend her friends and make herself ridiculous. This cousin had been her pet companion in days long pant, and when he wrote asking her mother to come and bring her for the summer, sho was pleased to renew their friendship—perhaps sho thought it might prove to be moro than friendship. She was disappointed; she found him living in luxury, suirouuileil by just ,uch beautiluJ things as she had always seen, and with the noft. effeminate manner of one who expected to " he carried in the nlrinn Oifllnwery bi i iln of case ;" not a soldier of the Cross, as she had hoped to find. 8he never thought of the incongruity between her wishes and herself- she knew shu wunted a lowler, .nd had not found one. Mrs. Remioke plunged at once into domestic details, and left Elaino to go where Bhe please I; so lute inthe niorn- ng, clad in a single nhort dress of navy blue cloth, with plumed sun hat to aiateh, sho strolled out and soon found Uer way to tho chnrch. Before she reached it, she hoard the low loll of the organ and a snatch, of sweet sacred music filled the air and sank lit'ep into her soul. It was a wave of sweetest melody embodying a tender communion with the Unseen. It wus a burdej rolling from tho heart, and dying away in au itispired sigh, the ears came into Elaine's eyes. " And I thought him cold, selfiBh, fond of pleasure. When ho can giv" such expression to his soul as that, I will never touch the organ when he is near." She entered tho open side door, and limbed noiselessly into tho organ loft. Yes, in the gloom of the shadowed light eonld just discern him. The last notes were reverberating through the hushed and vaulted space as she laid her hand softly on his shoulder. "Ton havo given me a real pleasure, cousin. I can novor listen to ordinary mnsio again. I—beg your pardon." for it was the face of a stranger that was turned toward her; a pale, iutol- leotual fnce, off unlike the florid coun- tenance of Leonard Austin as could possibly be imagined, "1-1 am the. organist," he wid, hesitatingly, "and Mr. Austin is good enough tolet me play whenever I wish. It is," he added with a mournful smilo, "my only recreation." Elaine was too much a woman of the world to be embarrassed, and she graciously put tho oi-ganistt at his ease by an animated dissertation uuun ancient music, in which, subject «he was thoroughly ut, '.ionic Then she left him as his pnlc c)u>rk was flushed witli exjitement nnd piensure, and dropped in upon the Rev. Leonard, who was lying on a Turkish bunge, Brooking a scented cigarette, and composing hi* Sd g Sunday eermon. Who IB ho?" nh united, abruptly, i df t , py "Who?" sitting up in deference to her visit. 'Why, the organist; ho plays divinely, and has the most interesting face I ever saw." "Oh, the organist! Why, 1 think he is music mad ; but hodoes jiluy well, doesn't he? He's I he i-chooluiimter und general factotum nf the village ; has spout a small private fortune in clmritv, and would take nil' his ooat nnd shoes tomorrQW and give them to u tramp if he thought he needed them, lie isn't quite right—a soit of fauatic, you know." "flow struiwe'" Hiid Eluiuc, coolly ; "BUoh meu are so l.iru that (bey ought to be exhibited nt so much a head. Meanwhile I i-huU wunt to hear thul lovely music even ib.y." "You BIIUIJ. I will t.eil him you wish it, und he ran 'nkcthe time from hi wiiil nolhiiig. Tliry were on terms intimacy now, but the Bervantof God was working out his time patiently and gave little thought to other 1 than hiB work; he did I n k at the new shining circlet which wan to unite two destines, and for a moment held the fair white shapely bunds in his thin feverisb fingers. Then lie looked for one moment into t h<> dark eyes, and asked in a vaiw Unit haiflnt a tremor. "Does your heart go u-ii li it, MJBB Kemicke ?' Khiine was dis.leased, not BO much with liim as with herself, and she gave a cold answer and left him. But when they met again she begged bin pardon for her pituluQce, and he said gravely: "1 -WHH thinkiue of your happiness and I hud noright—to—forgive " A paiif! wont through her heart with the words, <i nu-1 .noholy air fraught with Bobs of pa«ni<>i] overwhelmed her spirit, an infinite yenrning as of a Ihii'Hty mini fur s\v. et waters took pos- session of iier; in that moment she hod a glimpse of a lout heaven and snatched at the golden hoop that kept her within i) eiri-ninscribed liiuit. A few days after this a great and terrible exeitei'ii'iit broke out in tbo little town on t!.c coast. Avessel hud stopped in the night to put ofl' a sick uinl HIIIHIMVI) uiiin, who wmiderod from door to door necking a refuge; it was Algy FIKIHT who took him in and per- uiitled hiiii to die in his hod. In a few dny« a terrible racing fever broke out, and Mr«. Kiinicki Imrriedly packed her bind; alpiicu old \V<IIL:III rod flannel I trunks uud rode ui fast UH linrseH would milTcrern." | curry her to the iiiilroiid xtiiliou, 110- I'uinjianicl !.y lie.r daughter I "On Kecmi.l i'i<iii hi I Imlicviil doii't i cure, ' said Klu'tic. "You rei'dn't men- j linn it to him.- \ i ry likely 1 would i Ret tiivd of it if I ln'.ird it 'loo often. What bookn an> tlnisi', t'oiiMij. any niuv "Not her.. 111!',, i l , " 1 1 with • • •" h,'cv\ .l,,..lo(;y •nnd Dic'.'s (>(..]•> -i i]>ii>. 1 um lojking up Hum 1 furls for ne<it, Hlllllbu." "liin'l huh! Hie hay HO high, your she. II Mnn'l fjrt imy. Do you never talk 'o them without, books or pnper,?" "Why, you know, Elaino, our church does un' believe in an einotioiial reli- gion. The peup e themselves would not understand it." "Husks ! lnn-kn," answered Klnine. "Ilow tired they must get of them. Leonard, I don't like that expression, 'Our chnrch.' T* is not onrs, I remem- ber fcben I «,,.- nt n\luwl. I ninl imu | day 'I wuili! five the world for a piece , of lireud," ninl tin- dem old •teacher stO]ip(Ml und Rnid : 'The wot 1 !- 1 is not youi- (o give, my cliihl.'" '• "A'hy, how ener,ri'liejon me, cousin mine; sinco when hnve yon r.uouni nl the )i'Uiips and vanities of this wicked fforld T' "I II.IVI' nut reijouiieud them at all— they ; ivi nnoinioeil me by becoming tame ninl ineaiiiiip;lesN. Oh, Leonard, I bail Mich phuis of a summer hero, helping >(iu to iln u noblo work, helping tofnri.<t (hut tttiiit^ live yeurs of my life huve been hiUtred uwuy, uud now 1 urn iM.-uippn-iiteil!'' Hhe wiped iiuaY two peurly tears, IOSKMI her [.Imiic.l I ul on her head and Went nut, lcuviiig fiini l.u IUK sientu und his ciKirelte. "Tiie little tcruiaeunt," he said—she was us tali ns he, lint men like to call- women little--""ii'! bvlieve Iwill- proiKise; what nn uncdinfortablo wife sheweuld niiil.e living t,u reform somo- tiling or KOIIII bin'} 1 »)' tlie time." Ttio liltle village on the Heu shoro was u jtrctty nil pirnm-Mpio pluce, and Eluiiio hpent duvrt in wundering about it—sometimes with her handHoniH min- isterial relative, ofteuer ulone ; she was a constuct study nnd object of admira tiou to the primitive peoplo she met, Who studied her ILKif slie had boon some marvelous bripht-winged tropical bird, in her cardinal seuside costumes, and duinty ucconfcriuen'H. Sometimes B'IO met Algy Fisln r, the. young teacher, leadini; some truant child to its homo, or palienUy tcucbin^ u refractory pupil ID the opi'i] air uuujjudfn] that he was giving tiu.0 nnd Ktrenglh in service not required of him. lid looked thin and deliento and Lluiue saw that he was snlTering nml once BIHI slopped suddoD- ly inIn-r w.ilk aud ruuiouistrated with him. "You ave killing yourself in the service of thin people; buve you no interest in your own life?" And then "My life not. my i wn ; it belongs to suffering and aflboted humanity everywhere ; my timi 1 will bo bhort. I huve uioii work to do limn othor men." i'l Iv.'.i'ii. ariiii.MiiR herbands, i..i '.» r all tlie iluy idle ; is iu r I cm do?' ; iln vim see that cabin ontin l.y her daughter nud lii'plmr.'. These I ,vo were not going. Ehiine wnnltt not poand Leonurd i/mvi not, but the new,, ai the Ktulion decided him ninl he ns vciy iinpry at Elnino''! (l'iNtiiiii.'V. \ y ii' ii fbe nnderntood linully hii< piivill.11111111111 1 . i-owiinlicn, she drew ven her from her p tin 1 ring he h.ul lillK'T. "1'KIIO i t , " NIH fnrthiT use for il. siiiil. "I hnvd no Yon are free." "Oh," i^.i "und I .-. tiler, 1 ' 1.1.Ill "I'ieiiiy •\vi n-l'ere- -wli i liildieii urn in tbe door— 'he ijiiui tiiut wici drowiled Wlu'ii it wan known Hint Algy Fisher wus dying, and MIKM Kotnieko WUH his nurse, people were I'M'iteil, but, not enrprised. Death bad long marked him for his own, and no one worried now over Kl.iine ; shelimi nursed ull tbo ficl< by tnriiH and Ilii-y wcr« inclined to deify her. Tho oil niinister, who camo from tho next village to bury the dead, performed a Htrunnc hoivico one snn- bn'gbt even ; lie Wi*l by Algy Finbcr's death bo.l ui.d iiiiiiind Ibis man to this woman, ninl liieic were no tliHsenting voices. Afiaiii it ring, bill, this timoohl and t.'in)if,lj"il, reslcil on 1'Jhtino'H lingor, it hinl been bis nriilior'H, and it. bore on the nifjilc tin- •.'iii'lii word, Mizpah. "L-1 this be tnr u reuicmlirancobetween thee and mo." "And is that the church of Mizpuh?" asked ray t'riei i'. looking up at tbo pretty eiliiicc which was easily ilipcrnible from our bout,. "Tlmt is the ehuii-h, and the dark (•piritueHe wniiiiHi MIIO, (ircaclu's thero every Bindny i^ Ihe pastor of Mi/.pnh; tier people adore liL'r und you would uevor know, only for a sad pathetio ex- pression ever ;ncsi hi inher great dark nycs, I hut sin- had piissod through BO trutric u bi-Uirv." "MIZI.ILIII Mi/puli, what a pretty iiumc," sniil iu\ frieiiil, smiling, "What li sweet motto for un ulUrolothl"- -Mil. Adulteration of Sponges. "Why say anything about it? Tho publio demands cheap sponges; tbo ro- il dl k tbt p tail dealers -know thoy Hell contuiuNtl. of foreign matter; at a prioo corrc amonut of the ndu 1 p tbut every sponge r' v in sixty per cont. ..ill 'hoy sell thorn inimg with tbo i ration. So no ono ' l. "VeH ! gn there ; tb<t.«u children neod help." "Unt, mycousin, surely he bus been there?" "Yes I he read tbe twenty-third psiihn Inthem lust, nip.lit, but you—you will find sotuotiuny to ;lo." "Thank you," sho answered, Boftly, "I will try I" She pushed the rough cabin door opon wifh her white joweled harjd, and stood in tho midst of tho room, dirt and desolation, which, combined, presented such a spectaclo of misery to eyes unaccustomed to it. A woman was sittiug by a rudo bench, whereon lay a covered form, crying bitterly, nor did sho CCUBO during Elaine's stay ; griel was now her only luxury. Elaino looked at tho poverty of it all and went away with Jier thought!) full of mental measnrings, and whon the da'y of the funeral camo, tho widow and orphans were iu decent black, there was a month's provisions in the house, and tho bitter- edge of their grinf was taken off, and (he Ruv. Leonard had hired the oldest boy to wait on his office and blew thp organ bollows at church, This was thobeginning, but not the end, of Elaine's good work ; Algy Fisher gave her plenty to do and Bmail praise for doing it, lint she was satisfied. One by ono her fine garments dropped away from hor as being too fine for present iiso; her mother was displeased, but thu girl.was hor own mistress. Leonard kept his conncl and bided his time. He did come graceful things for the poor, and preached 'Otter sermons, and was more manly. Elaine had always been fond of him, and so it happened that one day he plaoed a ring of betrothal npon her hand. . She had showed it to her, mother who was cleaswL and to Almr to»h«r vhn is defrauded, and why sook to discovor the soorots of our timle?" These remarks wcio made recontlyby a Now York importer of sponges in an- swor to a reporter's quostion why they was so much Hand in liis spongon. Thoro aro only half a dozon largo Bpongo importing houses in Now York, and, dissatisfied with the answor to his in- quiry, the reporter visitod all tho other houses. Being neither an articlo of food nor a drug tho sponge does not strictly crime uudei tho specifications of the adulteration act. p.issed by the legis- lature of tbe Htate at its last session. Tho «nb«tuiic<w used in "loading" sponges are sand, lime, marble dust anil ii chemically prepared substance, of which the inprodioiits are kept secret. Tuc reusoDH for thin habit IIB given by ono imjioitii' aro as follows: " It is an old custom derivi d from the GieeltH. The M, dilerra'ean spongcx have always Ijt I'll ree.oivid here Tilled with very fiuo siind, ' and Hie II hers of sheep's wool spniipcK in l''uiiiiu havo followed tho sumc ptactico. Ci rtuinly the purchaser i- ib'ie'vi'il, luil. il, iiliis oivn fault. Ho 'loruu'i'U a li'Hi-clu.H spougo, and is only willin/ to puy whui a Hep.ond-clusH npouge is wurtli. We of course satisfy him by selling him the goods he requires ut u pi ice uquul to what he would havo paid for a spongo of an inferior quality. But l.o forgets that he has purchasedhis poods by weight and hus paid a price for common sunil far abovo what ho could got it for of a rogulnr dealer in Riind. To ilhmtrntr, I havo a sponge horo worth S'2 50 a pound. A cuntome.r, a rotail doaler, says ho likes tho sponge, but it is too expensive. What nhall I do1 Loso tho sale? Not at all. I show him another box containing exactly tbo same prado of sponges, (or which I only ask $1.75 a pound, lie thinks ho has mado a bargain and is satisfied. Tho truth ia -ho has pnrchased fifty por cent, of Bpongo and thoromoamount of sand, his Bpongo really costing him $3 50 a pound. Who is to blnmo 1" " Does not tho sand or lime hurt tho quality of tlio spongo ?" " No, not much, for it mostly comca ont whon tho spongo is first wot, It may injure the varnish on a carriage a little, but that is at the risk of the purchtoor, who aims at gotting his sponges at a reduced price. You have doubtless noticod that some sponges are very white. This is due to the fact that they are filled with limo instead of sund, Lime is equally deceptive iu regard to weight, and is somewhat injurious to the texture of spongo, while if used in bulbing, or especially in dressing wounds, it iB really dangerous nnless great caro is.'tnkon tohuve all the lime shaken out. In this latter UBO it iB pos- sible that the adulteration might come nnder the provisions of the law for the adulteration of drugs." Nearly 8,000,000 aores of land in Ire- land consists ol bogs. Insects in India. You have recently arrived in the country, are living in a knteha house (built of Bun-dried bricks and mud- mortar), hare made yourself comforta- ble therein, and aro going to have your first dinner party. All your knick- knacks are proudly displayed on your table, and in its center blazes your lamp, just unpacked. The dinner hour approaches, and you norvonsly take a look round to see that all is right. One or two insects, now toyou, are tluttct'wg about the lamp or on the table, and in brushing them ofl%ou perhaps notice that the same insects are swarming out of a corner or from the floor. Your guests arrive; and while receiving and marshaling them in to dinner the insect invasion has as- sumed forniidublo proportions, BO tbut whon you sit down to soup, yon find tho air around tho lamp alive with ter- initOB, andyour finr cloth covered with them. Every soup-plate is (Huffed with them, us also your glasses of sherry. In' despair you appeal to the oompany or to our table attendant, and are ad- vised to. remove the lamp at onco from tbo tnblo. On doing so, tho invadors on tho wing aro diverted; andthen you notice that tho thousands on tho table hnvo dropped their wings broadcast, and tiro now chasing ono anotherabout, In comparative darkness you finish your dinner and adjourn to tho draw- ing-room. Whon your guests have lbft, curiosity takes yon hack to the dining- room, and you lhul tho tal'lo und tho site of the removed lump strewn with myriads of wings, and their owners no- wheri'. Watch tho insect outside, anil tho sight is equally wonderful. From a spot in the ground where you would li'imt expect il, yon liml one or two t<>r- niitos ilnMeriug into the uir; watch them narrowly ami you will liml n mi- nute hole, far too minute, forIbebeiiles which urn MjmT/.iiitf out of it nnd then rining into Ihnuir. Around the holn hnll'-u ilu/.eii wingless uorki-rn are fus»- i flill It l h h Oysters. One hundred and fifty years ago there were 4,000 oysterwomen in Paris, who pursued their business with much zeal and dexterity. The " green" oyster, so much prized ia France, will not sell in our markets. 1'he " greening" of oysters is ex- tensively carried on at Marennea, on the banks of the river Sendre; and this particular branch of oyster industry extends for leagues along the river, and in also sanctioned by free grants from the state. The peculiar color andtaste ire said to beimparted by the vegetable substances which grow in the beds where the oysters are cultivated. A resilient of London, England, claims that thecity spends over $25,- 000,000 a year for oysters, and that more than twice the number of these bivalves would bo used if they could bo obtained at tie reasonable prices as in America. The genuine Whiteatable oyster fetches about seventy-five or f iglity cents a dozen. Oyster culture in Bngknd is yet in its infancy. Large numbers of oysters are now carried to England from thiB country. The most popular size fur euting is in a shell about as large as a dollar. They are packed in barrels very closely, and kept right Bide up during the voyage. Quito a trade is now spriD«?ing up in carrying " seed " oysters to Europe. Oar loads of oysters are shipped to I'nliforniu from New York every faw days. Tho "cutive" oyster of thnt western roast in obtained in the Gulf of (jiliforniii. ninl is small and of cop- pery fuslri. There is as widn 11 contrast liclwei'U IhcC.ililiirniu bivnlve und the n 11 crub apple nnd a i H Kimlcrn us liriv, . lihoile- Island !-v.., a Hiipplv is t.. ii' • Tli b »iin<». I,tinn Hii -t hing of he Ore* \- ooast. south- g ing Itnl let. UM watch tho jicrfect iimeclsiiiul iciiirn nfterwiird lo the worl e'N. Soon we M>'I' a prvainiihil loud of inscct.H in the uir, tho apex renting over the hole. Thin booomiw Icnser nnd spreads wider UH tho th thi i brecy.o p cntohoH thoir News if the Iligbt huve been telegraphed fur and wide. Hpurrows und crows, flj. cutohers und king-crows, 'kiteH ntid my- niis, Mock to Iho senile and gorge on tho llyors. (Kites feast laboriously; every termite is individually sm/.od. with the tulons ami then dispoHed of by tha beak.) If ovcniiifj IH snffing in batnaud even frngivnrmiH flying fnxeHj<iin in tho revel, und t.ermitCH ure dovnurefl ia myruiils Turn uguin to Mm holo whence (he lust termite hits emerged and you will llnd the wnrker.s Imsily «n- gnged inphistering it up uguin and de- stroying ull truces of the flight. Tho low Htirvivoro of tlio nu'iirni seek tlia ourth, drop their wings und disappear. Tho dropping of tlio wings in n marvol- OUB proeeBs; two jinir, with all thoir machinery of blood vessels, norvos and ligaments, are instantaneously dis- pensod with, uud tho insect seems live- lier than before; and this mutilation ooenra precisely at tho oxuefc moment. Bcize u termite by tho wings a*, tho wrong momont and ho will struggle violently to cseapo, tho wings remain- ing firm in your grasp, biiizo it at the right moment, and you will BOO it lift its body upward and backward like an earwig, deliberately unhook its wings, and so oscapo,— Clnuilnr«' Jnwrnnl. A Cow's Interference In National Affairs. 1'iiul Boyton, tho swimmer, was in tho service of Poru trying to do torpedo work iu the latcnnpluusantnosB with Chili, and he tells how a cow brought peace negotiations to an un- timely ond as follows: A council was hold January 15 at Miration s, a little Watoring-place near Lima. Tlie Peru- vian and Chilian armies lay facing eacli others' eyefl. Representatives of the United States, Franco, England ond other countries attonded tho mooting. Don Nicolan do Porolia and two ropro- sontativo Chilians wero also in attend- unco. As an aide-do-camp, I was aronnd ' in front of the linos. The mooting I camo to a fixed understanding ubont 1 p. M. Tho arbitrator came to an agroo- mem and had roturuod to lunch. While they wero at tho moal a cowmn out from a cholo or nulivo Indian rogi- mont stationed among tho Peruvians. Theso Indians drow no rations from tho Peruvian government, They gut a paper dollar per day and foiiud them- selves. Their quartermasters wern mostly women, whom they culled Uar- boni, and who followed the r.iirrh loaded down with food and cooking utensils. Well, tho cow ruu out uinl niude straight for tho Chilian linos. The Indians wero in dismay. They eoiibl not affird to lose the cow, which rcprn- sente.d nniMy u sipiuro nieni, und tii" nr- misliee forbade niiy soldier to lulvi.ntv. As u'liv-t resort a Chilian mini il bis |.;un to drop tbo cow anil fired. Ugh! I iliuoht shudder when I think ni ivlmt [ollowed. Almnst inslunbuicon-ly tlie buttle broke out ull ulong both HTM'^, Don Nicolas rushod ont to take part. TJJO foreign rflpresftntutivee left the moal untlnished and mudoa boo line for lima. From tho hurried looks I took backward I ampretty saro tbat ox- flonutor Ohristiancy won the race. The earuago was terriblo. Tho battle lasted all day. Tho Chilian fleot came up to the shore, and soon shells of all de- scriptions wero shrieking through the air. To make a long story short we were boaten again. A Remedy for Small Pox. A correspondent nl ihe Liverpool, Mercurywrites :—I urn wilhug torisk my reputation as a public mail if the worst caso of smullnox cuunot bo effectually cured iu threo days uimply by cream of tartar. ThiB in the novel failing remedy :—Ono, ounoo of oroatu of tartar dissolved in a pint o/ boiling water, tobe drank when cold at short intervals. It can he taken at any time," and is a preventive as well as a curative. It is Jinowj] to havo cured in thousands of oases without a failure, It nevfi leaved a mark, ' For ohnpped skin take oxide ol zino, one dram; lard, twoounces. It is also rood for anv kind of sores. Allowing the " blues " to master 701 a *BUM way ot onlting jour lib. short i hi 1 l-eubi •. (if (leni •!;., South ('iiri'lthiL uinl I,'.iiil in oyHtors, I n > Mint, phii 1 .-, ,, ,;. have pp'vii uji into lei I-, 1 x'einl: • ' '• hsetily nnleH along Un 1 elm '. V 1 -!i " f tliin o;, :i'r wealth j l,i:i. Vel INT.,: • , i|,lll||> 'f, .' Nlirtheril 1 liini Keli-. \ ,i; i! 1 i\',r nmi; li - nnd es- I tiiiint'M ;L1IU,^ t i.e ('• umeclicui, and New Vulk KhmeH wi Hll,l be un is I. I'Mvllout (,ystcr furniH if soinii ineaiiH could bn provided 111 keep ' deposits of muil iroin covering uinl hinoilinriiig tho young oysters Tim lime may bn near whon ciiterprining 111011 will Hrok tii cU>«r oil llictn ruiiiiiiiN (lepo»ilH, tlioy not? ilrain oil' marshes und fill nn twampn and ponls. Tim ri'cent, luw of Con- necticut creuhiigii St.uln commiiiHiimto K'II tbn i)ei>|>-wuter ground of tbo muiiid bus served to iimpiro prent ue- li\il.y in Hecuring furins in the sea. Many thiMisanilN of dnllurs havn nlroiniy bcei: realized for "roniulH ujiprnprinted. The production of oysters Iran more than doubled in iiniint.ity in und aboiii New York hurbor, Htatcu Island auj Perth Amboy during the past llvo years. It is boliuvoil if the mud conld bo kept out of Now York hurbor it would make ono of tho finest oyster heda in tho world, Tho natural oyster bods on the east eide of Btaton Island ure the places whonce much of tho " sood" for all the various famous kinds of oysters about Now York is obtained. Science has demonstrated that oysters can bo munaged «o that their spawning seasons cun bo regulatod, and thus good oysters ba had andeaton every week in the year. Th H in arranged in the Con- necticut waterH by planting them in different depths of wutur. Thisseoures variety in temperature. The greater tho heat tho earlier tho oysler will epawn. Therefore, by moving them into shoal water in a sheltered placo whero tho sun will warm tho water easily tho spawning season will be over in ourly summer. Those in the deopet nnd coldor water will, of courso, feel the iieat later, and therefore spawn later. Thus one portion of the oyster supply can be always ready for use.—Scientific American. A Desperate Fight with Convicts. At Qruhnm, Texas, the three Mo- Donald boys, the murderers of a man named Martin, ma-do a desperate effort to escapo from jail, which resulted in their death and tho death of a deputy sheriff, besides the serious wounding of several other people, Abont 10 o'clook in the morning the McDonald boys wore led from tho stool cage to the culuhooso, and with Jim Boone and Jack Baldwin, Ihe two othor prisoners, wero givou thoir breakfast by two depu- ties. One deputy was testing the cage wbilu it was empty, and tho other deputy, Davii Melton, stood in the iloonvuy of 11 wooden cell opening from tho culuboo. 1 --!' tn the Bteel cage. Ho hud a pistol in each hand, keeping watch, and pri'M-ntly put both revolvers in one hund tn i^nt a match from his pocket, when the McDonalds sprang upon him xiidib nly and. disarmed him. In Hie MriU'Kl' 1 Melton waa shot in (he ii/;ht km 1. His cries brought Jlurfee, the o er deputy, from the ci^e, lint on ' u: 1;ug tho (.'filubooso he w shot ui) 1 ] ii'iantly killed by the i itiHOners. Xlie prisoners then made a inle through th« ib'or to tho room bo- low and, tuliiug Jlcbou with them, be- gun their escape. A bloodhound watchoB the jail, but by a detour they avoided him and took their flight in a sou hc-rly direction. Bvthis time the whole city was exoited,. id the citizens !md gathered all togethei and followed tho fleeing prisoners. The latter plaoed their hostago, Melton, behind them, and threatened to shoot him dead if they.,wore nrod on. 'l'hus the 'murder- ers proceeded somo 800 yards, when one citizen deliberately took aim and firing mortally wounded ono of the fugitives, who foil. Deputy Melton seized the opportunity, broke loose, and ran. Ageneral fueilado was now (xchanged between the citizens and the (reaping prisoners. The latter en- trenched themsolves in the weeds and stumps, and the battle raged for Borne time. When the shooting ceased ihe three MoDoualds were dead, Mel- ton was shot three tiroes, an old man named Wood wounded in the thigh, mid a waiter named Joy had a bone of leg shattered. Baldwin and, Boone ; took no part in tho shooting and were recaptured. Graham was a scene ol terrible excitement during the bloody The praotioe of drinking stimulants aa aids to work id a serious mistake; it cheoka the deBire for wholesome food, leads to excess, and Booner orlater in-

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Page 1: RED BAN EGISTER - · red ban egister volume iv. no. 35. red bank, n. j., wednesday,-february 22, 1882. 81.50 per year







/ 111AH. 11. TUAFFUlil),



UOUNSELUITAT LAW,*Siilieiuir uiui Muster In CUum-iTj.

(llllee III J.A.TIiiiie.Kiiiiii 'Uinslliiilding-FirM Hi«ir.t'lUINT STltEET, UKU UANK, N. J .


I'UUNSliLLOlt AT LAW,Spinning & I'altursuu's Hulluhig,

UKU 1M\K, N. J.



m;i> iiANk, X. J-

/ HIAS. 1. (iUUUON,


Olllii' ill Tlmiekiimrluii 's Uiillilliig, Frwil . s i red .


ATTOU.NEY AT LAW,Ullli-i" ill KluiiMillLll'H IliliMlllK. Cuuklllilll AVi'lllli:.

ASUl'itV 1'AUK. N.


l\ll. It. F. UOltDliN,



Over Nineteen Wills' ICxJ«'jiclj< (• ill 1V1I-liKtry in all its brunches.

I'urllriilur AlU'iilimi im i ' i ' l " lUtr adiiilnisuulliin nfi

I \ \t. 11. U. VANDOKN.

DENTIST.Mill) Ur. li. F. J)i,nl.-Ji. .Munii- Hall liuililliii'.




I'KliSl'Kll'I'lON DKL'lililST.

Elt'Vt'U Vein's' Kxin'ni ' l irr.


UH1) UANn. X. .1



HHIulili' limits m i l ) . KEI) HANK. N. . I .




KIHIX'I' STI1KKT. IIKH HANK. X. .1.I1. 11. Jl'ix. i l .

InMirillli't: plaii'il in 11 ii- In->1 r.iliiliiinii'r. ull Ilinsll l l


l.VSUKA.WK AliENT.I1HIIAI) STIIKKT. ni'iir Wliili'. KKIl IIANK, X. J .

ItlslM tukfll ill Ilii' .KTNA uinl •illliT llHl-rllls.1CiillllHlllii's.

1 U M . II. SlCKELS & SON.


UKAI.KUS IN ll l iNAMKyi 'AI. IKON H'dltK.

llOlw, Cur. llniml anil f m n l St.-.. llitl Iliiiik. N. J.

(uliiliiKliivi ii|Nin iiiiplirullmi.



| | AKItY J. CHILI).



JCSTICK UK THK I'KAI'K AMI I'lll.K'K .HSTH'K.('iilli'i'ilnir |iioin|iily siiti'iiili'd I.'.

IJFKH'E AT PlII.IlK HKAlK.MAKTKltS.Nu. 1 Mi'i 'lmliUSlll 'i 'l. It.'il Ililllk, N. J .

Au'i'iit (lull. Kltcsliiiiiiii It Ci'.'s (iiiii|ircs»i', liml llrli'sli.V I l i n n i ' s "l.illy IVIiln- WasliliwFluid." Fur sail ' by all Ili'sl-eliiss urtH't'rs-




liliU't! Ill Hit' ctnuily.No. M Uruud strual , ItED UANK, N. J .



Daily and Weekly Papers, Magazines,A"'., *!'.

FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITSul nil kinds nmHtuully tin lutiiil.



Cooiier Institute, New Y<irk City.



Flue Wlilte French China ninnnr Sdl«, Ml)pirn* .....$30 00

Fins Wliito French china Tea 8et«.. T 00Will* EngllHh PoriHiluIn Dinner Si'ls. M 1)0

AIlBO IIOUSE-FUUN181IINU (HIOI)S. 4IlluHtrubul Catalonia and IT(rai-I,lsi mailed fnw

on applleutlim.. KutliiuiUM (unifiiliwl.Ontora boxod andnluood on Cur or Steamer tree

t l B l Q O a P o M j O k




To Close out His WinterStock of Clothing Beforethe End of the Season.




I'lMl Olllw Ullililliw.

l t t l i l lANh, i \ . J

Xi'W (imuls fur Spring ami Siiininer Wi-ar

I liavr ull hund nil lilt' ilflli'lvllL styles uf ymatlrli as


n'llirll I will tliiiki'll|i iu Hit' laU'SI *l\l,';.ilt IH'lil'SHull ilcfy • lii-llliutl.


(ilvi1 nil' il I'llll befiirt: |iurrliii.slll|f rlN'Wlirre.





IH!i A M i S M h l l K K N W l r u ST., NEW VilliK CITY.

All who ili-siiv iru.,,1 liningliilc-l M.VIM.-. u. ' ll iiuiili'uii.i in ii

rill in tin'il.l, | irlri ' .

' The ili'lniiuili'lll of


is rxtciwlM1 mill i-niii|ili'ic, mill rmnpiiM's a Kii'iit\ni'ii<ly ill i rnnncms fur im.ii. yunilb. liu>s uinl <'hll~lll-l'tl. 1 IlllVl' I'llllStllllllV nil ilillltl rintllllll.' Mliilltlll-lur iiii.v inu l r , lu is lnos oi-itfuriMiiiiiL 'llic slui-k l ii'ltliri'1 v nrw anil has IH'CII jilurivl ul xr-ry low llirurt'i-s.

1 have llnw mi hallil n IHIL'I- anil Wi-11 .srli'i-Ii'ill k l

(iENTS l 'l 'HNlSlllNfi (il)ODS

whirl) Inrluilcs all slaiiilanl ITIHKIS anil ninny inivt'l-lics. The stui-k i-unsisl.s I'lillrcly ul lii'W aliirsi'ilsun-alilc irtKMts anil will IH' suld at tiiitlnni iirlrrs.

My fiicflltlcs fur imikifitf W'ltliliitf Ni (rnlcr art;ntt liiirintiscil hv any liulisi' In (lit1 r l lv.

Satisl'uclijin us to lit ami priivgimmiili'cil.


18il AXD 2110 (lllKKNWlCH STREET,






Nowhere in the United States cannnri'iitH find a givater variety ofboy*' ami Children's Cloihing, ofmiNurnnHsed exceiience in Htvie,workmanHhii) and durability, tlinnin our establishment. We makeevery garment we sell, and chargeonly a reasonable advance on lirfitcost. One invariable, price,, withprivilege of returning goods and re-fund of money. _. Our mail order de-partment enables residents of anylocality, however distant, to maketrtjleetiims of Men's and Boys'Cloth-ing from sainpleH, which are mailedfree on request, with directions howto obtain JJOIMIH wifely, quickly andcheaply. Address,


4i« Broadway, New Yor

The Country Children.I can net: tho happy eliil.licu

AB they wauder thruu^li tho gruaaeaOf tlio frexh and dewy pasturca,

Of tlio tanyled forui>t-pa«aeB;I can track them an they wander

By the trail of numiiiig-gloriea :I can read their happy funtitipe—

I can tell their pleasant Hturies.

Oh, I know Hie patlia of ohililrenUp the liilli* ainl d<.\vn the valloyB;

Buttercups anil faik'il ilaiwit'sMark their Hortifn mid thuir HalliuB ;

By tho buttercups ainl lieechoB• I can mark their rusting placet*;

And I know tho mousy I'l-ooli iflca,. And tiie wide, green, o|iou spaces.

Whore the wild white plum trob bioaaoms;Where tho grapevine nwingn and tosses;

Whtre the plntm^ of w'urlut BUinaoliTiiae amonf,' llw wayiidc mosses;

Whore tbo golilen-ioil iu iiutuniiiFlames among the lia/.il-liuBhes—

rhcro the trooping army wanders—There the Bcoutiiig puny pu^hee.

Oh, but thoy am kiuRn ami nubloaAB they wtimlor (here together;

Olotu-of-gold iB all the ouminunTe tlieir foot in minininr weather.

Up am] down, in field and vnodlud,I can not their frlutviiitj faces ;

And by eeurlot leaven und hm-iiuBI can uitn'k their iiiBTiiui-Dlaciw.


The Rev. Leonard Austin WUM enuredat a luxurious breakfast in bis bachelor cstubliHhmeril, but forthe time being not ninnn; bis iiuut, ufashionable New York Imly, mill hiscousin Elaine, a belle unil licire-s in l.erown right, were hi«//i>'sl»; Wi s Kluinewas hie visa-viB in a i«» cn'micd cash-mere morning robe, «• it h u vfu'tenu plait,a costume tbat exact !v hii.imoiiir.ed withher dark, statuesque bounty mid reitulstyle. Sho wan trilling uitb the umbercoffee in her delicate uinl OOHI.1V cupand looking at her cousin—bv liiurrinrro—from nnder dark drooping lashes.Thoir eyes met, but Elnine was au adeptin flirtation, and tlie liev. L"onutd didnot understand it ul nil, ao neither wasin the leaBt embarrassed. And yi t shewas critically examining and weighinghim, noticing his elepunt velvet dree-ing gown, bin soft white handfl, the airhabitnal of luxury him, and say-ing to herself "His Master had notwhere to lay His bend !"

The Eev. Mr. Austin bad approved ofhis cousin in one cornpri'housivogliuico,and wus asking himself:

"Shall I marry her? She is Iiaml-somo, well educated and un heiress—has .been well brought up, uud would dome credit ns a wife, but—"

"And how do yon like the place,Leonard?" Mrs Kcrnii ke broke thesilence by asking.

The Rev. Mr. Armstrong shruggedhie shoulders. " The people are poorand stupid. True, I have time forstudy and there area few good familieshere with whom I find congenial associ-ation. Otherwise it would be verydull."

But you work," interrupted hiscousin, "Yon-must take mnch pleasurein tliat."

Ya-a-s," smothering a yawn, " ofcourso I try to do my duty, but allflowers of rhetoric are wasted OD thesepeople and as only plain talk is nnder-stood by them, I have not much scopofor mv intellect."

'Why did yon bring your talentshere ?" asked Elaine, with just a toneof sarcasm in her voice.

'The plnce is rcerelya stepping-stoneto something better," replied her cousinas he rose from the table, a fine, statelyman, with the ease and grace ofcenturies of cnlturo in liis manner.

He passed out to the small study inthe back of the little Gothic stone,'hurch, where he held ont the bread oflife to a handful of people, nnd Elainewent np stairs to shake out tlie folds ofher rich dresses, and find some flannelcostume that was suitable to this villagelife, which she had entered upon as aohange from Saratoga and Lonpr Branch.8he was not exactly tired of life, thebright, vivacious, interesting youngwoman, bat sho was tired ofher life among fashions andin the train of folly. Sho felt acapability within her of doing somegreat work, but feared to offend herfriends and make herself ridiculous.This cousin had been her pet companionin days long pant, and when he wroteasking her mother to come and bringher for the summer, sho was pleased torenew their friendship—perhaps shothought it might prove to be morothan friendship.

She was disappointed; she found himliving in luxury, suirouuileil by just,uch beautiluJ things as she had alwaysseen, and with the noft. effeminatemanner of one who expected to

" he carried in the nlrinnOifllnwery biiiln of case ;"

not a soldier of the Cross, as she hadhoped to find. 8he never thought ofthe incongruity between her wishes andherself- she knew shu wunted a lowler,.nd had not found one.

Mrs. Remioke plunged at once intodomestic details, and left Elaino to gowhere Bhe please I; so lute in the niorn-ng, clad in a single nhort dress of navy

blue cloth, with plumed sun hat toaiateh, sho strolled out and soon foundUer way to tho chnrch.

Before she reached it, she hoard thelow loll of the organ and a snatch, ofsweet sacred music filled the air andsank lit'ep into her soul. It was a waveof sweetest melody embodying atender communion with the Unseen.It wus a burdej rolling from tho heart,and dying away in au itispired sigh, theears came into Elaine's eyes.

" And I thought him cold, selfiBh,fond of pleasure. When ho can giv"such expression to his soul as that, Iwill never touch the organ when he isnear."

She entered tho open side door, andlimbed noiselessly into tho organ loft.

Yes, in the gloom of the shadowed lighteonld just discern him. The last

notes were reverberating through thehushed and vaulted space as she laidher hand softly on his shoulder.

"Ton havo given me a real pleasure,cousin. I can novor listen to ordinarymnsio again. I—beg your pardon."

for it was the face of a stranger thatwas turned toward her; a pale, iutol-leotual fnce, off unlike the florid coun-tenance of Leonard Austin as couldpossibly be imagined,

"1-1 am the. organist," he wid,

hesitatingly, "and Mr. Austin is goodenough to let me play whenever I wish.It is," he added with a mournful smilo,"my only recreation."

Elaine was too much a woman of theworld to be embarrassed, and shegraciously put tho oi-ganistt at his easeby an animated dissertation uuun ancientmusic, in which, subject «he wasthoroughly ut, '.ionic Then she left himas his pnlc c)u>rk was flushed witliexjitement nnd piensure, and droppedin upon the Rev. Leonard, who waslying on a Turkish bunge, Brooking ascented cigarette, and composing hi*Sd gSunday eermon.

Who IB ho?" nh united, abruptly,i d f t

, py"Who?" sitting up in deference to

her visit.'Why, the organist; ho plays

divinely, and has the most interestingface I ever saw."

"Oh, the organist! Why, 1 think heis music mad ; but ho does jiluy well,doesn't he? He's I he i-chooluiimter undgeneral factotum nf the village ; hasspout a small private fortune in clmritv,and would take nil' his ooat nnd shoestomorrQW and give them to u tramp ifhe thought he needed them, l ie isn'tquite right—a soit of fauatic, youknow."

"flow struiwe'" Hiid Eluiuc, coolly ;"BUoh meu are so l.iru that (bey oughtto be exhibited nt so much a head.Meanwhile I i-huU wunt to hear thullovely music even ib.y."

"You BIIUIJ. I will t.eil him you wishit, und he ran 'nkc the time from hi

wiiil nolhiiig. Tliry were on termsintimacy now, but the Bervantof Godwas working out his time patiently andgave little thought to other1 than hiBwork; he did I n k at the new shiningcirclet which wan to unite two destines,and for a moment held the fair whiteshapely bunds in his thin feverisbfingers. Then lie looked for onemoment into t h<> dark eyes, and asked ina vaiw Unit ha i f ln t a tremor. "Doesyour heart go u-ii li it, MJBB Kemicke ?'

Khiine was dis.leased, not BO muchwith liim as with herself, and she gavea cold answer and left him.

But when they met again she beggedbin pardon for her pituluQce, and he saidgravely:

"1 -WHH thinkiue of your happinessand I hud no right—to—forgive "

A paiif! wont through her heart withthe words, <i nu-1 .noholy air fraughtwith Bobs of pa«ni<>i] overwhelmed herspirit, an infinite yenrning as of aIhii'Hty mini fur s\v. et waters took pos-session of i ier; in that moment she hoda glimpse of a lout heaven and snatchedat the golden hoop that kept her withini) eiri-ninscribed liiuit.

A few days after this a great andterrible exeitei'ii'iit broke out in tbolittle town on t!.c coast. A vessel hudstopped in the night to put ofl' a sickuinl HIIIHIMVI) uiiin, who wmiderod fromdoor to door necking a refuge; it wasAlgy FIKIHT who took him in and per-uiitled hiiii to die in his hod. In a fewdny« a terrible racing fever broke out,and Mr«. Kiinicki Imrriedly packed her

bind; alpiicu old \V<IIL:III rod flannel I trunks uud rode ui fast UH linrseH wouldmilTcrern." | curry her to the iiiilroiid xtiiliou, 110-

I'uinjianicl !.y lie.r daughterI "On Kecmi.l i'i<iii hi I Imlicviil doii'ti cure, ' said Klu'tic. "You rei'dn't men-j linn it to him.- \ i ry likely 1 wouldi Ret tiivd of it if I ln'.ird it ' loo often.

What bookn an> tlnisi', t'oiiMij. any niuv

"Not her..111!',, i l , " 1 1

with• • •" h , ' c v \ .l,,..lo(;y

•nnd Dic'.'s (>(..]•> -i i]>ii>. 1 um lojkingup Hum1 furls for ne<it, Hlllllbu."

" l i in ' l huh! Hie hay HO high, yourshe. II Mnn'l fjrt imy. Do you nevertalk 'o them without, books or pnper,?"

"Why, you know, Elaino, our churchdoes un' believe in an einotioiial reli-gion. The peup e themselves wouldnot understand it."

"Husks ! lnn-kn," answered Klnine."Ilow tired they must get of them.Leonard, I don't like that expression,'Our chnrch.' T* is not onrs, I remem-ber fcben I «,,.- nt n\luwl. I ninl imu |day 'I wuili! five the world for a piece ,of lireud," ninl tin- dem old •teacherstO]ip(Ml und Rnid : 'The wot1!-1 is notyoui- (o give, my cliihl.'"

'• "A'hy, how ener,ri'liejon me, cousinmine; sinco when hnve yon r.uouni nlthe )i'Uiips and vanities of this wickedfforld T'

"I II.IVI' nut reijouiieud them at all—they ; ivi nnoinioeil me by becomingtame ninl ineaiiiiip;lesN. Oh, Leonard,I bail Mich phuis of a summer hero,helping >(iu to iln u noblo work, helpingtofnri.<t (hut tttiiit^ live yeurs of mylife huve been hiUtred uwuy, uud now1 urn iM.-uippn-iiteil!''

Hhe wiped iiuaY two peurly tears,IOSKMI her [.Imiic.l I ul on her head andWent nut, lcuviiig fiini l.u IUK sientu undhis ciKirelte.

"Tiie little tcruiaeunt," he said—shewas us tali ns he, lint men like to call-women li t t le--"l . i l"ii ' ! bvlieve Iwil l -proiKise; what nn uncdinfortablo wifesheweuld niiil.e living t,u reform somo-tiling or KOIIII bin'}1 »)' tlie time."

Ttio liltle village on the Heu shorowas u jtrctty nil pirnm-Mpio pluce, andEluiiio hpent duvrt in wundering aboutit—sometimes with her handHoniH min-isterial relative, ofteuer ulone ; she wasa constuct study nnd object of admiratiou to the primitive peoplo she met,Who studied her ILK if slie had boonsome marvelous bripht-winged tropicalbird, in her cardinal seuside costumes,and duinty ucconfcriuen'H. SometimesB'IO met Algy Fisln r, the. young teacher,leadini; some truant child to its homo,or palienUy tcucbin^ u refractory pupilID the opi'i] air uuujjudfn] that he wasgiving tiu.0 nnd Ktrenglh in service notrequired of him. lid looked thin anddeliento and Lluiue saw that he wassnlTering nml once BIHI slopped suddoD-ly in In-r w.ilk aud ruuiouistrated withhim.

"You ave killing yourself in theservice of thin people; buve you nointerest in your own life?" And then

"My life i» not. my i wn ; it belongsto suffering and aflboted humanityeverywhere ; my timi1 will bo bhort. Ihuve uioii work to do limn othor men."

i'l Iv.'.i'ii. ariiii.MiiR herbands,i..i '.» r • all tlie iluy idle ; isiur I cm do?'; iln vim see that cabin on tin

l.y her daughter nudlii'plmr.'. These I ,vo were not going.Ehiine wnnltt not po and Leonurd i/mvinot, but the new,, ai the Ktulion decidedhim ninl he n s vciy iinpry at Elnino''!(l'iNtiiiii.'V. \y ii' ii fbe nnderntood linullyhii< piivill.111111111111. i-owiinlicn, she drew

ven her from herp

tin1 ring he h.ullillK'T.

"1'KIIO it," NIH

fnrthiT use for il.

siiiil. " I hnvd noYon are free."

" O h , " i .i

"und I .-.t i l e r , 1 ' 1.1.Ill


•\vin-l'ere- -wli

i liildieii urn in tbe door—'he ijiiui tiiut wici drowiled

Wlu'ii it wan known Hint Algy Fisherwus dying, and MIKM Kotnieko WUH hisnurse, people were I'M'iteil, but, notenrprised. Death bad long marked himfor his own, and no one worried nowover Kl.iine ; she limi nursed ull tboficl< by tnriiH and Ilii-y wcr« inclined todeify her. Tho oi l niinister, who camofrom tho next village to bury the dead,performed a Htrunnc hoivico one snn-bn'gbt even ; lie Wi*l by Algy Finbcr'sdeath bo.l ui.d iiiiiiind Ibis man to thiswoman, ninl liieic were no tliHsentingvoices. Afiaiii it ring, bill, this timoohland t.'in)if,lj"il, reslcil on 1'Jhtino'H lingor,it hinl been bis nriilior'H, and it. bore onthe nifjilc tin- •.'iii'lii word, Mizpah."L-1 this be tnr u reuicmlirancobetweenthee and mo."

"And is that the church of Mizpuh?"asked ray t'riei i'. looking up at tbopretty eiliiicc which was easilyilipcrnible from our bout,.

"Tlmt is the ehuii-h, and the dark(•piritueHe wniiiiHi MIIO, (ircaclu's theroevery Bindny i Ihe pastor of Mi/.pnh;tier people adore liL'r und you woulduevor know, only for a sad pathetio ex-pression ever ;ncsi hi in her great darknycs, I hut sin- had piissod through BOtrutric u bi-Uirv."

"MIZI.ILIII Mi/puli, what a prettyiiumc," sniil iu\ frieiiil, smiling, "Whatli sweet motto for un ulUrolothl"- -Mil.

Adulteration of Sponges.

"Why say anything about i t ? Thopublio demands cheap sponges; tbo ro-

il d l k t b tptail dealers -knowthoy Hell contuiuNtl.of foreign matter;at a prioo corrcamonut of the ndu1

ptbut every sponger' v in sixty per cont...ill 'hoy sell thorn

inimg with tboi ration. So no ono

' l .

"VeH ! gn there ; tb<t.«u children neodhelp."

"Unt, my cousin, surely he bus beenthere?"

"Yes I he read tbe twenty-thirdpsiihn In them lust, nip.lit, but you—youwill find sotuotiuny to ;lo."

"Thank you," sho answered, Boftly,"I will try I"

She pushed the rough cabin dooropon wifh her white joweled harjd, andstood in tho midst of tho room, dirtand desolation, which, combined,presented such a spectaclo of misery toeyes unaccustomed to it. A woman wassittiug by a rudo bench, whereon lay acovered form, crying bitterly, nor didsho CCUBO during Elaine's stay ; grielwas now her only luxury. Elaino lookedat tho poverty of it all and went awaywith Jier thought!) full of mentalmeasnrings, and whon the da'y of thefuneral camo, tho widow and orphanswere iu decent black, there was a month'sprovisions in the house, and tho bitter-edge of their grinf was taken off, and(he Ruv. Leonard had hired the oldestboy to wait on his office and blew thporgan bollows at church,

This was tho beginning, but not theend, of Elaine's good work ; Algy Fishergave her plenty to do and Bmail praisefor doing it, lint she was satisfied. Oneby ono her fine garments dropped awayfrom hor as being too fine for presentiiso; her mother was displeased, but thugirl.was hor own mistress. Leonardkept his conncl and bided his time.He did come graceful things for thepoor, and preached 'Otter sermons, andwas more manly. Elaine had alwaysbeen fond of him, and so it happenedthat one day he plaoed a ring ofbetrothal npon her hand. .

She had showed it to her, mother whowas cleaswL and to Almr to»h«r vhn

is defrauded, and why sook to discovorthe soorots of our timle?"

These remarks wcio made recontlybya Now York importer of sponges in an-swor to a reporter's quostion why theywas so much Hand in liis spongon. Thoroaro only half a dozon largo Bpongoimporting houses in Now York, and,dissatisfied with the answor to his in-quiry, the reporter visitod all tho otherhouses. Being neither an articlo offood nor a drug tho sponge does notstrictly crime uudei tho specifications ofthe adulteration act. p.issed by the legis-lature of tbe Htate at its last session.Tho «nb«tuiic<w used in " l o a d i n g "sponges are sand, lime, marble dust anilii chemically prepared substance, ofwhich the inprodioiits are kept secret.

Tuc reusoDH for thin habit IIB given byono imjioitii' aro as follows: " It is anold custom derivi d from the GieeltH.The M, dilerra'ean spongcx have alwaysIjt I'll ree.oivid here Tilled with very fiuosiind, ' and Hie II hers of sheep's woolspniipcK in l''uiiiiu havo followed thosumc ptactico. Ci rtuinly the purchaseri- ib'ie'vi'il, luil. il, iiliis oivn fault. Ho'loruu'i'U a li'Hi-clu.H spougo, and is onlywillin/ to puy whui a Hep.ond-clusHnpouge is wurtli. We of course satisfyhim by selling him the goods he requiresut u pi ice uquul to what he would havopaid for a spongo of an inferior quality.But l.o forgets that he has purchased hispoods by weight and hus paid a pricefor common sunil far abovo what hocould got it for of a rogulnr dealer inRiind. To ilhmtrntr, I havo a spongehoro worth S'2 50 a pound. A cuntome.r,a rotail doaler, says ho likes tho sponge,but it is too expensive. What nhall I do 1Loso tho sale? Not at all. I show himanother box containing exactly tbo sameprado of sponges, (or which I only ask$1.75 a pound, lie thinks ho has madoa bargain and is satisfied. Tho truth ia

-ho has pnrchased fifty por cent, ofBpongo and tho romo amount of sand,his Bpongo really costing him $3 50 apound. Who is to blnmo 1"

" Does not tho sand or lime hurt thoquality of tlio spongo ?"

" No, not much, for it mostly comcaont whon tho spongo is first wot, Itmay injure the varnish on a carriagea little, but that is at the risk of thepurchtoor, who aims at gotting hissponges at a reduced price. You havedoubtless noticod that some sponges arevery white. This is due to the fact thatthey are filled with limo instead of sund,Lime is equally deceptive iu regard toweight, and is somewhat injurious tothe texture of spongo, while if used inbulbing, or especially in dressingwounds, it iB really dangerous nnlessgreat caro is.'tnkon to huve all the limeshaken out. In this latter UBO it iB pos-sible that the adulteration might comennder the provisions of the law for theadulteration of drugs."

Nearly 8,000,000 aores of land in Ire-land consists ol bogs.

Insects in India.

You have recently arrived in thecountry, are living in a knteha house(built of Bun-dried bricks and mud-mortar), hare made yourself comforta-ble therein, and aro going to have yourfirst dinner party. All your knick-knacks are proudly displayed on yourtable, and in its center blazes yourlamp, just unpacked. The dinner hourapproaches, and you norvonsly take alook round to see that all is right. Oneor two insects, now to you, are tluttct'wgabout the lamp or on the table,and in brushing them ofl%ou perhapsnotice that the same insects areswarming out of a corner orfrom the floor. Your guests arrive; andwhile receiving and marshaling themin to dinner the insect invasion has as-sumed forniidublo proportions, BO tbutwhon you sit down to soup, yon findtho air around tho lamp alive with ter-initOB, and your finr cloth covered withthem. Every soup-plate is (Huffed withthem, us also your glasses of sherry.In' despair you appeal to the oompanyor to our table attendant, and are ad-vised to. remove the lamp at onco fromtbo tnblo. On doing so, tho invadorson tho wing aro diverted; and then younotice that tho thousands on tho tablehnvo dropped their wings broadcast,and tiro now chasing ono anotherabout,In comparative darkness you finishyour dinner and adjourn to tho draw-ing-room. Whon your guests have lbft,curiosity takes yon hack to the dining-room, and you lhul tho tal'lo und thosite of the removed lump strewn withmyriads of wings, and their owners no-wheri'.

Watch tho insect outside, anil thosight is equally wonderful. From aspot in the ground where you wouldli'imt expect il, yon liml one or two t<>r-niitos ilnMeriug into the uir; watchthem narrowly ami you will liml n mi-nute hole, far too minute, forIbebeiileswhich urn MjmT/.iiitf out of it nnd thenrining into Ihnuir. Around the holnhnll'-u ilu/.eii wingless uorki-rn are fus»-i f l i l l It l h h


One hundred and fifty years ago therewere 4,000 oysterwomen in Paris, whopursued their business with much zealand dexterity.

The " green" oyster, so much prizedia France, will not sell in our markets.1'he " greening" of oysters is ex-tensively carried on at Marennea, onthe banks of the river Sendre; and thisparticular branch of oyster industryextends for leagues along the river, andin also sanctioned by free grants fromthe state. The peculiar color and tasteire said to be imparted by the vegetablesubstances which grow in the bedswhere the oysters are cultivated.

A resilient of London, England,claims that the city spends over $25,-000,000 a year for oysters, and thatmore than twice the number of thesebivalves would bo used if they could boobtained at tie reasonable prices as inAmerica. The genuine Whiteatableoyster fetches about seventy-five orf iglity cents a dozen. Oyster culturein Bngknd is yet in its infancy. Largenumbers of oysters are now carried toEngland from thiB country. The mostpopular size fur euting is in a shellabout as large as a dollar. They arepacked in barrels very closely, andkept right Bide up during the voyage.Quito a trade is now spriD«?ing up incarrying " seed " oysters to Europe.

Oar loads of oysters are shipped toI'nliforniu from New York every fawdays. Tho "cutive" oyster of thntwestern roast in obtained in the Gulfof (jiliforniii. ninl is small and of cop-pery fuslri. There is as widn 11 contrastliclwei'U IhcC.ililiirniu bivnlve und the

n 11 crub apple nnd ai H

K i m l c r n u s l i r i v , .l i h o i l e - I s l a n d !-v..,a H i i p p l v is t.. ii ' •

Tl i b


H i i -t hing ofhe Ore*\- ooast.


ging Itnl let. UM watch thojicrfect iimeclsiiiul iciiirn nfterwiird lothe worl e'N. Soon we M>'I' a prvainiihilloud of inscct.H in the uir, tho apex

renting over the hole. Thin booomiwIcnser nnd spreads wider UH tho

t h t h i ibrecy.op

cntohoH thoir Newsif the Iligbt huve been telegraphed

fur and wide. Hpurrows und crows, flj.cutohers und king-crows, 'kiteH ntid my-niis, Mock to Iho senile and gorge on thollyors. (Kites feast laboriously; everytermite is individually sm/.od. with thetulons ami then dispoHed of by thabeak.) If ovcniiifj IH snffing in batnaudeven frngivnrmiH flying fnxeHj<iin in thorevel, und t.ermitCH ure dovnurefl iamyruiils Turn uguin to Mm holowhence (he lust termite hits emergedand you will llnd the wnrker.s Imsily «n-gnged in phistering it up uguin and de-stroying ull truces of the flight. Tholow Htirvivoro of tlio nu'iirni seek tliaourth, drop their wings und disappear.Tho dropping of tlio wings in n marvol-OUB proeeBs; two jinir, with all thoirmachinery of blood vessels, norvos andligaments, are instantaneously dis-pensod with, uud tho insect seems live-lier than before; and this mutilationooenra precisely at tho oxuefc moment.Bcize u termite by tho wings a*, thowrong momont and ho will struggleviolently to cseapo, tho wings remain-ing firm in your grasp, biiizo it at theright moment, and you will BOO it liftits body upward and backward like anearwig, deliberately unhook its wings,and so oscapo,— Clnuilnr«' Jnwrnnl.

A Cow's Interference In NationalAffairs.

1'iiul Boyton, tho swimmer, wasin tho service of Poru trying to dotorpedo work iu the latcnnpluusantnosBwith Chili, and he tells how a cowbrought peace negotiations to an un-timely ond as follows: A council washold January 15 at Miration s, a littleWatoring-place near Lima. Tlie Peru-vian and Chilian armies lay facing eacliothers' eyefl. Representatives of theUnited States, Franco, England ondother countries attonded tho mooting.Don Nicolan do Porolia and two ropro-sontativo Chilians wero also in attend-unco. As an aide-do-camp, I was aronnd 'in front of the linos. The mooting Icamo to a fixed understanding ubont 1p. M. Tho arbitrator came to an agroo-mem and had roturuod to lunch.While they wero at tho moal a cowmnout from a cholo or nulivo Indian rogi-mont stationed among tho Peruvians.Theso Indians drow no rations from thoPeruvian government, They gut apaper dollar per day and foiiud them-selves. Their quartermasters wernmostly women, whom they culled Uar-boni, and who followed the r.iirrhloaded down with food and cookingutensils. Well, tho cow ruu out uinlniude straight for tho Chilian linos. TheIndians wero in dismay. They eoiiblnot affird to lose the cow, which rcprn-sente.d nniMy u sipiuro nieni, und tii" nr-misliee forbade niiy soldier to lulvi.ntv.As u'liv-t resort a Chilian mini il bis |.;unto drop tbo cow anil fired. Ugh! Iiliuoht shudder when I think ni ivlmt[ollowed. Almnst inslunbuicon-ly tliebuttle broke out ull ulong both HTM' ,Don Nicolas rushod ont to take part.TJJO foreign rflpresftntutivee left themoal untlnished and mudoa boo line for

lima. From tho hurried looks I tookbackward I am pretty saro tbat ox-flonutor Ohristiancy won the race. Theearuago was terriblo. Tho battle lastedall day. Tho Chilian fleot came up tothe shore, and soon shells of all de-scriptions wero shrieking through theair. To make a long story short wewere boaten again.

A Remedy for Small Pox.A correspondent nl ihe Liverpool,

Mercury writes :—I urn wilhug to riskmy reputation as a public mail if theworst caso of smullnox cuunot boeffectually cured iu threo days uimplyby cream of tartar. ThiB in the novelfailing remedy :—Ono, ounoo of oroatuof tartar dissolved in a pint o/ boilingwater, to be drank when cold at shortintervals. It can he taken at any time,"and is a preventive as well as a curative.It is Jinowj] to havo cured in thousandsof oases without a failure, It nevfileaved a mark, '

For ohnpped skin take oxide ol zino,one dram; lard, two ounces. It is alsorood for anv kind of sores.

Allowing the " blues " to master 701a * BUM way ot onlting jour lib. short

i hi1 l-eubi •. (if ( l e n i •!;., S o u t h

( ' i i r i ' l th iL u in l I , ul .ni ' . i i i l in o y H t o r s ,I n > Mint, ph i i 1 . - , , , , ; . h a v e p p ' v i i u j i i n t o

lei I-, 1 x'einl: • ' '• hsetily nnleH alongU n 1 e l m ' . V 1 -!i " f t l i i n o; , : i ' r w e a l t h

j l,i:i. Vel I N T . , : • , i|,lll||> 'f, .' Nl i r ther i l1 liini Keli-. \ ,i; i! 1 i\',r nmi; • li - nnd es-I tiiiint'M ;L1IU,^ t i.e ('• umeclicui, and New

Vulk KhmeH wi Hll,l be un is I. I'Mvllout(,ystcr furniH if soinii ineaiiH could bnprovided 111 keep ' deposits of muiliroin covering uinl hinoilinriiig tho youngoysters Tim lime may bn near whonciiterprining 111011 will Hrok tii cU>«r oilllictn ruiiiiiiiN (lepo»ilH, u« tlioy not?ilrain oil' marshes und fill nn twampnand ponls. Tim ri'cent, luw of Con-necticut creuhiigii St.uln commiiiHiim toK'II tbn i)ei>|>-wuter ground of tbomuiiid bus served to iimpiro prent ue-li\il.y in Hecuring furins in the sea.Many thiMisanilN of dnllurs havn nlroiniybcei: realized for "roniulH ujiprnprinted.

The production of oysters Iran morethan doubled in iiniint.ity in und aboiiiNew York hurbor, Htatcu Island au jPerth Amboy during the past llvo years.I t is boliuvoil if the mud conld bo keptout of Now York hurbor it would makeono of tho finest oyster heda in thoworld,

Tho natural oyster bods on the easteide of Btaton Island ure the placeswhonce much of tho " sood" for all thevarious famous kinds of oysters aboutNow York is obtained.

Science has demonstrated that oysterscan bo munaged «o that their spawningseasons cun bo regulatod, and thus goodoysters ba had and eaton every week inthe year. Th H in arranged in the Con-necticut waterH by planting them indifferent depths of wutur. Thisseouresvariety in temperature. The greatertho heat tho earlier tho oysler willepawn. Therefore, by moving theminto shoal water in a sheltered placowhero tho sun will warm tho watereasily tho spawning season will be overin ourly summer. Those in the deopetnnd coldor water will, of courso, feel theiieat later, and therefore spawn later.Thus one portion of the oyster supplycan be always ready for use.—ScientificAmerican.

A Desperate Fight with Convicts.At Qruhnm, Texas, the three Mo-

Donald boys, the murderers of a mannamed Martin, ma-do a desperate effortto escapo from jail, which resulted intheir death and tho death of a deputysheriff, besides the serious wounding ofseveral other people, Abont 10 o'clookin the morning the McDonald boyswore led from tho stool cage to theculuhooso, and with Jim Boone andJack Baldwin, Ihe two othor prisoners,wero givou thoir breakfast by two depu-ties. One deputy was testing the cagewbilu it was empty, and tho otherdeputy, Davii Melton, stood in theiloonvuy of 11 wooden cell opening fromtho culuboo.1--!' tn the Bteel cage. Hohud a pistol in each hand, keepingwatch, and pri'M-ntly put both revolversin one hund tn i nt a match from hispocket, when the McDonalds sprangupon him xiidib nly and. disarmed him.In Hie MriU'Kl'1 Melton waa shot in(he ii/;ht km 1. His cries broughtJlurfee, the o er deputy, from theci^e, lint on ' u: 1 ;ug tho (.'filubooso hew shot ui)1] ii'iantly killed by the

iitiHOners. Xlie prisoners then made ainle through th« ib'or to tho room bo-

low and, tuliiug Jlcbou with them, be-gun their escape. A bloodhoundwatchoB the jail, but by a detour theyavoided him and took their flight in asou hc-rly direction. Bv this time thewhole city was exoited,. id the citizens!md gathered all togethei and followedtho fleeing prisoners. The latter plaoedtheir hostago, Melton, behind them,and threatened to shoot him dead ifthey.,wore nrod on. 'l'hus the 'murder-ers proceeded somo 800 yards, whenone citizen deliberately took aim andfiring mortally wounded ono of thefugitives, who foil. Deputy Meltonseized the opportunity, broke loose,and ran. A general fueilado was now(xchanged between the citizens and the(reaping prisoners. The latter en-trenched themsolves in the weedsand stumps, and the battle raged forBorne time. When the shooting ceasedihe three MoDoualds were dead, Mel-ton was shot three tiroes, an old mannamed Wood wounded in the thigh,mid a waiter named Joy had a bone leg shattered. Baldwin and, Boone ;took no part in tho shooting and wererecaptured. Graham was a scene olterrible excitement during the bloody

The praotioe of drinking stimulantsaa aids to work id a serious mistake; itcheoka the deBire for wholesome food,leads to excess, and Booner or later in-

Page 2: RED BAN EGISTER - · red ban egister volume iv. no. 35. red bank, n. j., wednesday,-february 22, 1882. 81.50 per year


^ BY




Urn; Yearsix MonthsTlireL* Months

. $1 ,-iO

RED HANK. N. J., FKIi. 22, 1W:!. -

7'i//; Ilil'n il much Innjrr

infill 1'ii'culatinn tlmti any othir pajin-

jiithlislit'tl lit this trcfitin, ttlid ptirtiis

Imriiiij liuimen to hi or for salt irill Jiml

truants mitl jititTliaaerii imltii iiitickrr by

iiihvriiKhttj in THE itElilXTKIl than

itij mutiny flu'ir tuiiiuiutfrittfiitx in "111/

other it'tiy.

, A Silly Reply." . T i l * : H u l l . ' I I - I T I I T u [ T i l l : ] | H ; I S , I m h u r t s I n i n l l j

B K n l n U l i s w t ' r k . o t i T t h t ' i in i l lk ' . s u f III,- 1..HIK t l r a i i r l i

S t h i x J l I l i . u r . t . T i n - S i iilii,' I ^;tj<t, " SI . ' . - I n . . I n . k ,

n i i i l i i l m l | ; l i l n i i > . I m - k . s l i . . w , . . l l i b Hi. H i - | . ' i ' " » -

J i i i f ' M r i l l u i i V v i . l w i i s w i l d , s u m . ' I ' l i c \ . l i l > | n ' l > ' I."Mi:

i l n i i i r l i l l i ' u n l u [ K I I U I - I I I I . I I I i i . » i k . - . l l i f . - . - . ' i n III-

i -ar . s . I l l II l l n . l l l i - l l l I h e l u l l . - l i ' . f : l . , , u l n v > l l j . ,

| . l « l l , - , . - . l l l . H l l l i l w l l . l h , I . . ! ! , III III . ' I , I . . N i l , , a l l ' I

iNl l 'kS ItSI' ir l l ' i l l l N ' . I W l l t t l r . I l l r k f i / n l b l l J111 !••

J l i r k l H ' » III- « . . | | i . - > i H . 1 I l l l l i i K i l l i - ! « . ' |MI> I N I -

' . T i u i k y ' l i l l l p I n j : , m i l l *\<- u n - i l i i - a i l d i l l v i i l r a l . l

II w i l l l i u r k i l M - l f l». t U i i l l i , "

T i n - a l w i v s i l l y ; i l t . - l > l | i t a t " i t . w l i i c l i

U i l h i K i i l m i l i l i l l t i ' l l i l i - i l u s II I t i i ' ^ t i - i l l l M i . '

u m l h i t t e r p i i ' t - e . . I ' h i u v i i s j i i , ; i i . ] i t - a n - < l I N

t h e L i m t j U r i i i u ' l i . W / C N i l l ' l a s l w i ' i ' k . I l

w a s t i n - o n l y i v p l y t i n - A . t r * m i n i . ' l u

T l i E I t E l l l S T K H ' s r i i l l l l l l i ' l l l s m i t i l l - n i i s -

: i | > | i r<> i> i - i t i tU« i i i l l I ' u i i i U l i y I I I . - l . " " l !

l i r f i n c - l i l l n a n l u l ' K i l i l i a l i n l i ,

L a s t j i - i i r . w h e n T i n - : K H U I S T U K l i r s i

i i l t i m a t i ' i l H i n t t h i n - W I I . - s u i i u - l l i i i i j ;

U I - I > I I ) . ' : I I K > I I I I l i i ' i l n i n ^ s i>r I I n - U i i i i n l . t I n -

A n n i u i l i ^ n a n t l y i l r n i n l l l i i ' i m [Mil : i l u u i.

t h u u i ; l i T l i K K i : u i s T i : n s n i n a i ' l o w . - n -

I c i u i i i l i - i l m i i i i - i ' | « n - i u u u k - l i y l i i - . i ' l i i i u l c

m il p u h l i r i n r i l i i i ^ ' . A l H u l l l i n i ' ' 11 • ••

.Y. 'H-.i s a i i l t h a t l l r . C l i i i l l l f l i i a i l i - l i i i M l i - l i

i - . p c . i t a s T i n - : H K I I K I K K I - I - . - . I i l •••! t.> l i i m .

T i n - . W » l u r t l i i - i - - i i i . l t h a i i t I n - l i i ' v i - . l

t i n - l j u a r i l I n In- | M r l . i l l ) i i i i n n v i i l '1 i l l

I l a i i d n i r i M t r a t i s a r t i i i n s . a m i t h a t I h r

I m u k s V V I I I I M i u v u u i i t f u r i A i T v j i t ' i i n j I "

t h e i - l l t i r r s a t i s l a r l l m i . . I ' c \ r r \ l . .»<l\ : t I n -

a i l i d i - • ' i i i i i - l i i i l i ' i l I i y s a . M i i j , ' t l i a l l l . . '

AV/ r . - i w i i l l l i l M a n . I h . v t l i i ' M - h n i i l I l l l . - l i - i -

u n t i l i t ' n i l l i l I n ' j n u v i - i l I I I , , I I l i . - v « . - l v

in t he wnnuf. A Irw wreks afii'i-wiinl.-.

l l i e » \ V » s i l i i ' l a r i ' i l t l i n t i l i t i - i . u l . l I»•

h l i i i u - n t h a t 111. C h a U l r ul1 ' a n y u l l u - f

i n e i n l i e r i i l "111.- H m i r t l I m I I I I I I K a m I I m i j ;

V \ T u l l ^ it W w l l l i l i l i ' l K M l l i r r t i l l ' i-\ il I l n . T S

a s v i | ; i > r i M i » I v u s T i n ; I ( K I . I > I K H » ; I « I I H - I I

. l , m , K .

I l l I l l s l e t t e r I n I h e S r ; i l i r i ( , ' l i l S n l i n i l

111', r l i a t t l e i l l r l ' i l l l i l i a h i l I l i l l lM- l l ' :ili<I a i l -

n i i l l i ' i l I l i a t I h r l l n a n l l i m i u n l a » I ' 111 >

, ' ; , | i , ' l | , l i ' , | t i n - i n n , : - , w i n d I h - | , , , , ; i | , , ,

t i n - i l i s t r i i - t h a i l \ i , | , ' , t u I m i l i l t i n - ; n l -

i l i t i n l i t u l l i e H e a l i r i n l i l M - I U K I I - I I I I U M ' .

1 i l l t t i l l - A r i / ' K , i l l s l l - i l l l u f l i e -INK

t l l i s i h l l P l l s i l i c . i l .IN t i l l ' | . l ' l , | l l . ' i l l ' S . ' i l -

l . r u h l , p u l . l i s l i e s I I I . - a l . . .< !> s i l l y | M r , i -

^ r a p h i l l I h r I n ' I I d i \ i T t i l i ^ ; t I n ' a t t . ' l i -

t i o l l u l ' 111" | .111. l ie I r . u n t h i ' H ' . a l ' . l ' s i n - -

. l e e . I s .

T i n - .\cirx | i i i r s m - . l I h e s a i n i - r i . i i r . - - r

w l i e n i t l i a s l i M l i i n t e i l l l i a l t l n - l ' e « ' i i>

h i . i n e t l l i n g u i ' . i n ^ i n t h e l i l i a l H i - s i.t ' t l l r

l « i n n i - ] i . It i - - . i i i r i l I l i r I ' l i b l u t h a t t i n '

r i ' | . . . r t ul* r r a u i l w a s w i t h . m l l . . u 1 u l a t i i . 1 1

a n i l t l l a t i l n a s r i l ' i l l l a l i ' . l I T | n l > M . i i a l

i - i a s i . n s . I t Mii . l t h e i i | . i . r t . . I t h e t i ' e a s -

i i r i - r u u u l i l a | i | n - a r a t a n - r l a i n 1 i n n - a n . l

H i n t t h i ' i i t - v e r v u n e i - i . u l i l si-i- I n r l i n i i - i - l t

t l i n t t h e r e w a s I l i i l h i l l ^ M C i l i ^ . A I l a s l

t i n - r e | i . H ' t - < i | i | i i - : i l ' e i l . l i i - n r l \ l « n n l u l l l l i s

a l t e r t h e l i m e l l n - Xnrx s a i i l it w u u l i l .

l i i s < - n ' i i a i i i ' i i - s . i i i i i i i i i i i t i i i g I n t l i . M i s i i i i . l s

o l i l n l h i l s . w e i v i i n i i i i i l i a l i - l y i l i s r i i v e r e i l .

T h e n t h e . Y r / r s s a i i l t h a t l l n ' s r i l i s i T t ' p a n -

e i . - s w w e m y t h i e a l , u m l w e r e t r u n i p e i l

i , . T o r •• p i - r s i i n u l I V I I K I I I I K . " l - ' n i l i i iK t .

l . a k e t i l e Hl l ' l l i I n - l i e v e t h i s i l a i l l l l i l l i -i

I ' . i - i l i s i r e p a l l i ' i e s l i l l t s a i i l t l l i - v w e n

i i - r i e a l i - l r u i s a n . l \\t-[v m . n l r l . y I h ,

e l e r k s w h u i l r e ^ - u p ( I n - r . - p u i t . I ' i n a l l y

t h e r e w a s s n ^ r r a t it e t a n i i . r r a i s e i

l ! u i t t h e r e p o r t w ; \ s e x i i m i m i l l . y a i

1 \ p e l t n e i i i t i i i t a l i l . a m i w h e n h e m a i l .

l.i .s r e p o r t , s h o w i n g , i n a i M i t i m i t i

l l i n s e ( l e l i c i e i u i e s w h i e h h a d h i - e n p r e

\ i n u . s l y a i i i i i i i i i i e e i l , e r r u r . s w l i u - l i n u u i n

s u s p e r t e i l n f e . \ i s t i n g . t i n 1 A r m s n i m l e ;

l e t - l j l e r e p l y a m i . s a i i l t l i e n - w e i r 111. e \ i

l i e u e e s u f " i u U - u t i u t i a l i l i s h u n e s t v . "

U n l i k e I h e p r e v i o u s r e p u r t u l ' l i r . C h a t

t i c , w h i e h w i w n u n l e \ . - r l m l l v . a n i l i v l i i r l

t h e Xi'tra a f ' t i . ' i w a n l s a i i l l i e d i d m i

m a k e , t i l e H e e r e t a r v h a s t h i s l i m e ] u i

h i m s e l f o n n - c n r i l . U \ ' e r h i . - i n w i i s i ^ n a

l u r e h e s t a t e s t h a t t i n - U n i i n l i l l e ^ i i l h

e . x p e i u l e d t h e f u n d s u f t h y d i s t r u - 1 . A m

t i n - Xcirn l i m l i n g i t i n i p u s s i h l e t u m u k e i,

K<mi l d e f e n s e , a m i n u t h a v i n g t h e e o u r a

tu decry fraud where its perpytratnr.-

oeuiiii}1 o(ti(-ial pusiticniK, lias ru-oiirsi- ti

the sellHuless pui-agrajih at the head u

this article.

What the peculiar reliitiuus are whiel

exist between the -Yen's anil the officials

of Long Brunch, whereby Ihe former is

used to cover up the niisdeeil.s of the lat

ter, we do nut know, lint that then

are intimate and ]ieculiar relaliuun ex

isting between them no one whu ha

watched the course of both cau doubt.

A Good Man for Commissioner.Mr.' Samuel Morfurd, to whose jirompi

actiou the town in indebted for tli

widening of the railroud bridge over tli

wagon road at Hubbaril's bridge, Inn

Bhowu liimBelf to be a muu who ia inter-

ested in the welfare of the town. Thougl

not a personal matter with Mr. Morford

hu insisted that the road sluiukl be ur

obstructed, aui to tmch nn eilect did In

oppose the extension of the obstructioi

that the railroad company has agreed t

respect the rights- of the public, am

-make the roadway under the bridgi

more than twice its present width.

• If a man like Mr. Samuel Morfon

should be chosen to preside over the ad-

ministration of the affairs of the town,

he would make a valuable and efRcicni

public officer. From hie past expcrienci

as Chief Commissioner, which pluce h

! occupied with honor to lumnelf and prof

to the town, he is well fitted to again ii

tlio position. He is energetic, wise am

lioneat, and above all lie is cotnpetemand fearless.

Ihe people, at tlie coming town eleo-

^ Ihe JU'eM'il/lj! ^iiJi'.i 'A On- 'i. ali'i

ey will have for l.'hlef Coiiunissioner a

nan who will always protect the inter-

sls of the [invn, and wlio will never al-

>w personal iuoti\es to iiilerl'eie with

Ls duties.

Legislation for the Fishermen.The a t t i t u d e ,.f t h e H u n . Hi-uj. Uriggs

i Iln- U.iuso, uml tin- Him. . Jo in , S . Ap-

Icgate in tlk! Senate , in regard tn t h e

ropused new lisli law, will meet Hie up-

Mal of t he people uf this secti'uii, an.l

.art ir i i lnily those iiiti'iv.Htfil in l ishing.

liinv lisliernien cliiini tlial tin- iit-.iJiilii-

iiin ul'.irim- hau l ing lias nut increased

ie nuinlii-r t>f liish in the rivi-i-, and tin-

j.ini.iii is sinned hv many whu wen- '

Tel iuu.slv lil'ltl bflicviTs in a tish-

if; l a w . '

The Assemblyman from this dislrn t

ul tl>.' S.'ii:il.m' from 111in e m a i l , in

•cognizing tin- fishing interest us line

it' llu- main iudus t r i esuf th is neighht.r-

.mil. anil iJi 1 lii-ii'i'll'.irl.slu hav«'t*nai'ti'«l

Ian whii-li will In- ii.-ilhfi- uppressive

. 111.- Usher li nnr gal l ing lu t he

lortsint-ii, show a desire l.j M - I H - t heir

.list iIn.-nth invrsjnvl n enf pa l ly . Thei r

furls in I his ilin-i lion an- nut 1. .r li-gis-

.1 lull l l l l ich will lilV.ll' U Special ehls.r-.

nl wliirli will I..- I'm' Ihr hi'ii.-lil ul all .

'lii'ir c u r s e ih-inuiistrali-s llial (hey

• iv wur lhv uf tin-,' an.l t rus t

pus-eil in (h.-in by thei r cons t i tuen ts .

Tile K.'J.Ill.llcaus of the township

1 . m U l n i i c t a m i p u t i n n o m i n a t i o n a l u l l

e k e l f u r I h e s p r i n g e l c c l i o i i . A l u l l

c k e t o f g o o d l ' e s p o l l s i l i l e 111.'11 \ \ o l l l < l

lengthen the | iar t \ . au.l w i th a lu l l

ekel of such 111.'II II could In- el.-cleil in

W e l Y c j l l . - l l l I V r e r c i \ f c u i i i i i i i u i l i a t I ' . l l s

1.1 a r l i c l c - I n v , I n I i t i n u n t i l ' - l . n l I "

l l . ic l i eiih.-r mill -aililri-..-. We arc

a \ s w i l l i n g I n p u l . l i s h c o i i i i M i i n i i ' a -

I S . . I p i t l . l i c i n l . - r . - s l . I n n t h e > I I I I I S I I . . -

l i i f a n i l s i g n e d w i t h l l n - l i a l l i c M i n i a d -

1-. — . .1 t h e . n i l I . , , .

.Mr . . 1 . T m i n h y ( ' r u n - . J r . . i s l l n - p u i .

i . h . - i - . . f Tin / ' n , , n i « N , » ' , I I I . - u l l i . - i n l

l i i - . - l p u l i l i s l i c i l I ' . . i ' a l l r i i l r r l . i l i i i i , . - i i >

A , ' i i i n i l l , - l . n n g l u a n c h . . p e r n h n u s c

i s p r i n t . - . 1 m i I I . ' . ' I M t u i t i ' , 1 | i ; i | . . - n i l I I I , -

l i . . - . .1 l I n - L o n g I t i i i n , Ii Y, / r . s a n d s l u m s

n - i - i i p i i b i l l t i i - s u f I l l i l t u l l i r r \ . • • • 111111^

iii.-.- jii.-i-c ul' wurk.

A Brave Jcrscyman.

\ V A - i i i M , r . i \ . l i . t 1 . , l - ' . - l . i 1 i i a r y -''. '. 1. M r .

l a i . - i i i i - M . I t a i l n n i.s a . h - r s . - i m a n . a n . l

I . i - a \ f . . i n - . H e i s 111:ir . , i — 111 j, i - i h i u r u f

1,- Xiilionill lii-inililinln. 111.- lending• I | i r l ' . i f I l l l s I ' l l ) . D l l I I I . - n i g h t " I l - r l i -

uary Uth. while Mr. ISarlun , \ ; ^ al his, - s k \ \ l i t i n g . l \ . i i i i i - n h v i l i i ' i i a n i . ' u f A .

. l i m i t ' I m r l c s . S o l . ' l i l o i l i ' l ' l l l l l i ' l ' s l . w u l k l ' i l

I . , h i - s u l l i r t - a m i \ \ i t l m u l a w o r d <>l

a i i i i u g a U . ' i u | i t t - . [ I . , m u r d e r h i m . A .

I. S u l i - l i l i . l i r - l s t r u c k M r . H a r t i . n i n

I n - f u r . . . w l i i l . - I n - w a s s l i l l . -s . - i i l . - i l . T i n '

l - . w M i i ^ . - r . - . l h i m . l . u l i v . - n v c n i i g l i i n i -

•II h i - g r a p p l i - i l w i t h h i s l . i i i ' l v n n l a g n -

I-.1 - t i n - , s . . i i - l i l . i . s w e n - h . i i h l a r g e r

,1 , -n l l M r . l l n r t u i i . W h i l e I h i s w a s

. . . i n g n i l I I I . - i i . . h i t - I ' h a l ' l . ' s S u l i ' h l . i w a s

l a r g e l p i a . l i e - a t M r . B i l l i o n

l - ' . l l l t i l , ' o p p o s i t e M . I . ' " I t i l l ' I M u l l l . t \ M .

. l i n t s " I w l i i . l i l u . . k . ' t h ' . ' l . u i i . ' h a l l r i i -

• n n g I I I . - h . - a . l j i l s l h a r k . . f l l n - r i g h t

• a r , p . i . — i n ; : a i . . M i n i l I n - h n . s e . . f I I n - s k u l l

n l l ' I ' l . - i l ' - M i l , - , w I n n - i l l< i . l - i - . I a n . l

a s . - . \ t n i . l , - , | I n H i s . S . I W . T - a m i I l l i s s .

I n - l . - s s r r w . n i i i . l w a s i n t i n - r i g h l l . n - a s l .

I n - h a l l s i n k i n g ii |.i<-<-«- u l ' i n . - t a l o n h i s

i s | i t n . l . - r s w h i i - l i . i n ( h i 1 u | . l n i u i i

i t h r s i n ; ; , ' . . u s . s a i e d I n s l i l t - .

. V l i i t o t h u s s n u g g l i n g , w u n i n l i - . l a n . l

.I line. Mr. J i.iil . r i liail har.l work .ir.'M'iil A. M. >.. | ,l,l.i l r h a w i n g aIffCC illlli Llllli- frulil Ills hii.siilll, which\iis iilii-iu nr.l h.illi.l 111 it iii liiin. amiiln.-li In- iiia.h- desperate ell'.irls tu nil-iiin. What llu-r.-siill would hii\ i- I it-i-i i, hai-.l II. Mr. Hiirii.ii i- i> l.rnvolali. ami as il was Ids pluck s.-iv.-.l hjiii.

.lit il w;is livn tu unr . ami tin- cliaiiiT.sin-M r. Halluii in,ul . l have In-eii killedin.I mil a 'illl.-I I'min tin- |iist..l ul'luivh-s s t ruck his brother , w h o l,-ll un-•nns.-iniis tu tin- Hour. Wliili- stni);-[lini; n m r thi- . l i 'sk. .Ml. Halluii ha.l si'-•illt-.l an nl.l n-i uli i-r In- lui.l lyin^ inIn-ilraiv.-f. hut il,I nut j.".j.',fl'. itnil

liiiilinKhinis,-ll ' fr.-i- li-.iin A. M .'nKiasp. In- h-api-il in-niss his |ir, isl rail-'..ill. ami ii.-sin^ his i . -vu lv r r ih a cliih.,r i i l fur tin- mull- youthful hilt r o w a n l -

iv <'luirl.'ts. Cofi-ni^ him I'luin tin- i.tVn-rin an oiil.-r luuni, iiml ^u in^ iloivn stairsn a rlosi- I'liilii-ai'i-. Hut Mr. Biirhm wasHI l. 'p i.n.l .li.l nut ^I'-i H|. nnli l In- limi'..ri-i-.l t in-inuril .-r . ' i-oul uf .l,,ui-s. acrossIn- shh'ivalk lu tlu' <-urh. wlit-n fiii-nils•oining lo tin- stvni- Mr. Harlun wasinki-ii lo tin- ollii-i-. ami S i l r l i l n wasiiianln-il to iln- slulinn lu.iist-. A. w-:is tiikt-n In a iiuspilal iiml .lit-.Imi tin- ivt-iiiiig of tin- Isltli. t ' lmrl•i.iti-l.l.) is in prisun forlhi- Miiinli-i- of hishrutlu-r, ami Ihu hruvi' Harlon is liningH-i'll, anil it istlimiKlit I'y his pliysii iat l .will sotm In* out ami a.-s )^uo,l a.s I-VIT,

Tin'' wi-n- hnth uniH'il wi thiii-w re iul i i - rs . ami .A. .M. in a.lililion.uul t in-knifral iuvi ' rL-f i 'nt 'd to. I'hark'H

I i m l l i v i - s t i n t s , a l l I n - h a d , w i t h ( I nuliovi- ii-Kiilt, i-liil.. A. M.. lii'ing su iv, IIiiimlli-il, diil not gi-t an opiiortunily th a w . .Mr. Murt.iii is w r y iniit-li" n -ilti-ctuiluml liiis ln .su uf fi'ivnilrt, wiiili:lu' iSoteldns iiri* iliMioiini'i'il as tlii'y j u s t -y .li-si-i'vi-. An artii-h.1 in thi ' jiapcr is

sai.l tu liavi- lii-rn Ihr ransi ' nf thf as-sault. • W.

Another Candidate for Surrogate.'I'll TlIK KlllTllR 111' TilK HKIIIKTKK :

Sill: Iu ynur L'liumi'nitiim of emulilutes fur tin- Ui-iiiuiTiitir iioniiinitioii Inr

Surro^ati' ni'xt full, iu ymir last issueynn fnili-il to Uiinit- Ur. J . IC. ArrowHiiiifh, nf this |)lai-c. 1 do not Icnoivtluit the Din-tor IH Hi'i'liing thr noniinu'tiou, but 1 kuuw thut his uitmt. iu frc-.|lit-iitly im-nti'.nc.l, anil thut he lias;host of friunds in thin mill olliel' tnwnshius, wlin would ivjiiico tu Uivve Uin1

receivu tlui ollicu. Slimy uf thyin m-ialready doing all they can to nilvitm'liiB claiiiiH and will be" heard from at tli]iro])ur time, unleKH tin' Ductnr dt'i'linethu use of liiH inline. They fei'l that liis fully qualiliuil tolill tbi1 poaitiun in aiellicient nniiin.-r, an.l that the tune Imcomu whenluH long puhlii: siu-vice m ailiiiutirGil eiti'/un of thi! county slumlil hHUitubly recognized. KAWTAN.

KEYI'OUT, February 21st., lt)8i.

Iucleauing the channel of thu fimitShiuwnbury river, u place WIIH roundfi'.w (cut Houth of the Sealirieht bridi?where the bottom is HO html that tli.dreilges could not be worked, On examnation it was found that the rivor-lied uthis place iu a hard siiml-Htmic rock, ancould bo removed only by blunting. CoiBciiuently a direr anil blasting jipiium-tUH w«8 procured, and thi! bUiHtin \vrbegun on.Tuesday lust, iimlir tlie liirettion of Sir. Beiuiud. Ench 1)1 list rotuuvcB about eight feet, and us tho rodr.^tuulBbut unhurt iliKtulico tilong tilchnnuul, it will bu letnovud in a fe1


It pays to advertise in TUB RKCilSTEit


Siihsi-iihi-iui THK J(i-:i> JSA.NK KKUI*-

• : H .

Tlii'n- are .several casr.s nf •• p ink -eye"

i lo l ig th i -hors i -sa t Ashiiry Park .

Its too uttt-rly too too; spr ing styles of

ats fur IWN'v' reaily at Curlis 's un Sntur-

Jlr. H. \V. t 'uoke calls .-s]ii-i-ial a t t en-

inn to his lurKc' slui-k of Mi'irinnii-k

irints anil notions.

Too uttt-rly too ut ter ly too loo im-ii's,

>y's;iiiil i-hililri-n's lints for spr in^wi-ar

•adv at ( 'ur t is 's un S a t u n l a y .

Asli Wi'dncsday si-ri-ices w ill lie held

n-Timity Church th is eyi'iiiu^. the l!i-v.

lr. Knililiiy. nf liuuis.iii. ..Ili.ialiiiK.

No ,srr\i.-i-s l ien- hrld m Triniiy

Iniirli hist Sunday . The Id-v. .Mr.

noiie. uf .South nils iilllli.lllli'ed

i ju-eai-li. hut .li.l iii.l appear.

Washington '* Hirlh.lay was i.artially

.seiv.-.l ill lied Haul:. Tin- public

l i u u l s a n d h a n k s n I T I - i - l u s . - d , a n d s e \ -

rn I l i n n s i l i i - u i a l . - d t l n i r p l i i c . s . . I ' l . n s i -

T h i 1 e l i t i ' l ' t a i i i n i i u t h i t i n - p u p i l s u f

ie . M e c h a n i c s l i . - . - l s . h . . . . I . w h i f h w a s

l l i u i i n c i - d l u I n k . - p l a n - u n l - ' r i d a y n i ^ l i l

f t h i s w . - . - l i . l u i s h . i - n p . ' s l p u n . ' . l u n t i l

l i i i i s d a y I ' l ' c i i i u K . . M a r c h ! ' l h .

T h e l a d i e s u f l l u M . V.. I ' h i i r c l i w i l l

. . h i n l i i i v u n . I f . ' ! - t i \ a l i n t i n - l e c t u r e

i d c l a s s i - u i u n s I n c i n i - i i i v i h i s i -M- i i -

i - a n d I . , r u n l i i i n . ' u n t i l l -" i - i .hi i . - u - n -

I - . A n a t l i u i . s s i o i i I i i ' . i f I . II i - . ' i i l s w i l l

• c h a r g e i l .

M r . T l i u i n a s l l a v i s I,-II t h e | , l l h l i c t h a i

is f c . ' . l s i u r c w a s i - s t i i h l i s l n - i l i n I N I I I I . .

i d t h a i I n - h a s l a r K . - i p l a u l i l i . - s u l h a y

i s e l l . I ' i i l t h ' s i l l i i i - t i l u f s t r a w , ^ r i a i n

' l i - i . l w i l l I I I K i l- , I ' l . i . ' . - I h e . In - i ip i - . - l

I U i i ' r . ' l l l l l l .

T i n - . . . i n l i l i . . i i . . I 111. s i . h - w a l k i n I . . . n l

I I I . ' I. u r n .-.I i l i s t r i . - l i i p l . n i n i s . - x l r e i n e -

d a n g e r o u s . I ' I . . s i - t o t i n - s n l i - w a l k a r e

•i- | . I ' . ' l l i i r s . . i n . - w h i c h p o i l . - M r i a i i s a n -

i l . I . - I . , f a l l . A s l u m r a i l i n g s h o u l d h r

v . - l i . l l i . - f . u v a n i i . . i . h ' i i l • • . • ( • i l l ' s .

l l n t t . - r ! b u t l e r ' , b n i l e i ! l t a r ^ a i l i s '.

i r ^ a i l i s ! . h i s l r i - c c i v i ' d l l i e l a r g e s t a n d

II.-si s l i n k u f 1 l i l t t . - I - e v e r e x l l i l i i t e d i n

U I I I I I I I I I I I I r i t y n l l l i r I n i t u - r i n - p u l .

• p . . » i t i - A . I I . i n \ - C o l e ' s . C u i n e a n d s , . , .

• r y i . n r s c l f a n d s a w 'J."i p e r c e n t .

The .Miami. ' Highlands llmihl says

nil l i d Hunk is prettily s i tuated, has

i n - s l u i ' i ' s a m i t - n t i - r p r i s i n ^ n i c r c h a n t s .

u t l h ; i l t i n - s t r e e t s u f t h e p l a c e l i r e a

s » r a , v . t h e l i r e d . - p a r l i i i e n l a i i o i i . - n i t y .

I.I t h e I n i v n . > l l i . l . i I - d . ' V u i . l .1 a l l I h a l

I ' s M - n t i a l f u r t i n - - I o f i h e | p i c

Til . ' lil'st pile Inr i-M.' l i i l i l l ; ; l.he w I.Ill

I tin- ( '.-ntnil i-ii i l l . >ail bridge ii.-rusH the

U T W i i s i l r i v e n o n M o n d a y . T i n - c s -

• n s i u i i w i l l r u i i . - s i . , ! u l a i i u l h i T l i r i i l ^ . - .

l i i i u s l p r e c i s e l i l i k e i h e l i i ' s l . 1 i i i i l t a c r o s s

r r i v e r j u - i a l i . n e t h a i i m w s t i u i d i i i f ;

I . I l i l l i l l s . ) , ' l u s i - l u i l l l l i l l i h e . ' l i d s u f

i ' l i e s w i l l l . ' I K ' l i . a i l l . i l h e r .

I l l i l l l u l l l i ' l - . ' u h l l l l l l w i l l I " - f o u . f n l t h e

' i . - r l i - s e i i i n f M r . I I . I I . i i i r l i s . t h e

i i i t e r . M i . ( ' i i r l i s . i n i i l w n y s k . - i p i i i K

n l i . i i i l a n e x c e l l i ' i i t i i n d v a r i e d s l o c k ,

i i s s i i ' i i i v d a h i V j ^ i ' n n . I w i ' l l - i u e i i l . - . l

i s t . u n . a n d i i l i o . - v i - r i i s i l s h i s s t . n v i n

• i i r . h . . I ' i ; e n t l . - n u - n ' s l u r n i s l i i n ' ^ ^ ^ n . d s

i l l I . . - s n i - i - t o I i n d w h a t I n - w a n t s ,

( i n F r i d a y e i ' . - i i i n ^ u f \ \ \ \ \ w . - . - k t h e r e

i l l hr an .-iil.'i 'taiii ut uli'.-n in tin-

aplisl cliiiri'li nt New Muinni. i i ih. All-

rum'sun-l i i ' s t ra ..I' this ph..-.'. and Mr.

has. II. J lnrf i .nl . of Mi.I.II.-I..wii. will

ssist iii l iuikin^ Iln- i-veniiii; i-njuvaU.-.

u.-al stilus, c . n i c l sulus. v.n-nl an.l in-

ruiuciilal dii.-l-. rejj_laj>tu"ns. e i c will

it- 111.- |>l'n>;T.'inilil»' /ur 1 he t'Vi'tlin^.

Messrs. I'. K r u i - 4 - ! ; ^ Sun have nn i -

t an l ly un hand an cseelli nl i issorlnienl

f wall pa|ier. iind all win. con le inp la l e

ecnrali i i i ; the i r walls will iln well to

•xiiinini* thei r s lurk lu-fure luukin^ els,'-

ivh.-re. They have also an unusua l ly

l ine supply of seeds ..I nil k inds . Kiirin-

rs and In ut iciilt urists will Iiml il 1

heir a d v a n t a g e t " e.ViUiiille Messr-

\ riielli'l's' s tuck .

Mr. James S.' New York

'ity, pive IIII euterlainiiienl in Musn-

lull on Monday evening. The uuilien.

ivas snr.ill.'ss I..-, iillsenf tin- .lisa-

j;reeahle wt-alher and llie slate of

itreets. The exercises cniisisti-il of reci-

utiuns. rharacter skelt lies, etc., all nf

-vhich were evidentU iiliprcciated by his

ii-iirers. Mr. Hindetle hiisinade a study

if facial expression, and his elTorts ii

hat direi'tum deserve especi-.d inci\ti,in.

The deeply interesting dranni of " lla-

:el Kirke" will he pr.idu. ed by the Maili-

;nu Siiiuu'e Dramatic i'uiupiiuy in Mu-

sic Hull on the cvoninj,' of Thursday

March -'.I. This play has acipiirei

i natiiinal reputation anil has hai

he loii^i-st run on record. It is sel

doin that si) rich a dramatic treat is of

r.-red to Heil Hank nml all who desire ti

spend an evening of rare pleasure shonli

nut fail tn attend. Tlie company conic

lo Red Hank under the tnnniufcinent n

Mr, S. S. Saglles.

Mr.Janu'S I'nmk Pattur.son, the [ires

.•lit etlieient inarshal of this place, hm

>een appninteil a member of the Nen

Jersey Detective I'uliciv. Tliiti nppoint

inent gives Mr. 1'utti'iwm power to in

rest without n ivarrant. It is of i-oiirm

leeesKiiry that any one upon ivhui

such authority i^emd'erred should be

icrsoti nf uiurked good juilginent mil

;ei>n detective ability. TherefniT tin

appointment nf Mr. Patterson is a mos

littiiin ou.e, ill that it not only pays a de

served tribute to his ellieiency, but alsi

adds credit and dignity to the, force n

\vl\it:li hii bus l)een mnde n lneiuber.

Missionary .Sunday was observed i

the Jl. E. Church on Sunday. In tin

tnovninK Cicu. Clinlim B. l''islt was 1

ent and delivered a pleasing address 01

MissiniiH. A 8til,isci'iptioii aiuomiting ti

$82 was ruiHL'il to go towanls tho • goot

work of Hcnding out missionaries to fo

oigii ciiuntricR. Quite a largo congregi:

tiou wan present. In tho evening chi'

dix'ii'u HerviceH were hold in tho ohureli

NotwitlistiindiiiB the inclemency of tl

weatlior quite a 'nuinbiT was preuon

Tho fiervices.consiHteil of Hinging by tl

bchool, imiyur, lt'spnimivu rt'iuliugs mil

a Hlioit iidilictw by the jpaslor, It \va

amiounced thut tjoti. Fink would iignii

be nreeoiit in a abort tunO.

The .Icguiil parlor.s <>i Mrs. John A. .

Vorthley ver«- filled to repletion m, j ' A •M;">l':1 Washington sociable will j

•uesday" night by an' assembly that I l i l k " I l l : 'n" a t W ' ' " ' ' " " - " " ! " ' ' - ) ' : ; " ' " ' - '

presented all denominations. The ex- ' " " " ' this evening.ics wi-n- IH-^UII at iibuut h;df-past

t liy the singing of " . \mer ica ." He-

iieeu the'froiit alltl back jmrlors on the

isl side of the house a drop curtain luul

ecu arranged, and aflcr a prayer by (he

i-v. I Jr. Wythc, a tableau, entitled "The

nay ami Navy," was shown, rcpresent-

ig I 'olunibi.'i si t t ing bet ween a soldier

:id a siiilul-. Carrie Truex tlien sang

The Milking Jlaid." with an excelleni-e

irely altaine.i by one so young, l i t t l e

isie Allaire, the pride of all who know

•r. sang williclianninj;grace and spiril

it- sunn entitled "Tapping at the l la r -

•n I ' lalc" Then fnlluw.-d a recitation

y Mrs. I'uoinhs, an event alivuy* appte-

iated by the lied Hank people, lit n>.

nisi .Miss Julia Coir sang Hluincmbal's

Life," and her reuderini; of it was in

i-rlcct ai.-i-unl with the reputation shi-

ns achieved as a line t-oiitl'alto. A

'leasing tableau, ••Sisters l i irtbday."

as shuivn. and was Inlluwed h\ a sulo

y Mr. ( has. Morlord. entitled "The Last

iirewell." A pnnti.miiuci ailed '•Search-

g for Happiness." was next pivsented.

Ilis portrayed a lady lo whom were of-

Tcd in siiccessiun wealth, power, music,

1. fanic. kiiuw ledge, hcaiilv, luvc and

ligiun. all uf which wen- rejecU'd ex-

•|.l tin- lasl . TheeliVot ul Ibis wus very

ie. each thing uU'ered being preseiilcd

y a jiei'suii in all appropriate costume.

Her this were given snugs In \V. 11,

'nrki-r. Jr . . Trunk Child and Carrie

ru.'x. The announcement was then

nnlethal refi'eislinu-nls were ready in

>i- tliiiin^-i-...,iu. and iu a shurl lime the

nests were assi-iuhlt-il when- Iheir ina-

'I'ial wii nt s con hi hi-sii|iplii>d, At a built

<-vcn .. ' .lurk the cui,n|niny began to

i.-ak ll|.. ii.i.l all di-purlcl wit h Ihe sal-

Ciird.s are out annouueiug the engage-

ment <vl Miss Kachel Dayis, of New York

City, to .Mr, Samuel Uosciistock. uf this


A sociable will be given this evi-lling

at the residence nf .Mr. A. Coleinaii. nf

Tiiitmi Kails. Mr. W. )•'. Malchuiv will

furnish the music.

A lew uf the frn-nds of Miss Nellie

Willett met al her house mi 1-Yiday

night of hist week, and spent the even-

ii£ in soi'ial ai

•Tin* ncxl iii of tin- MiiMlt'town

.s««-i:il»li-will In-ln-1,1 ui tin- ivsi.K-nrr of

Mr. Khiatliaii FifM. Middlctown (cmn-

A\\\\. nn i)^, Man' l i Isl ,

Invitiitio' liiivr lirt-n issiird f(»r JI'SC-

h r t sni*i;il>1c s*l Hit' rt^iilciici' nl" Mrs.

lVtfi- li, Htiii-c. near tin* Pha lanx . An

fxri-l lnil miiiiuit1<r lias tin- :if[aii' in

The '• iKiim'-miiiiHK of Mr. Ja im-s

('nupi'i', J r . , and wifw. occiiM'cd al the

jiattrjial maii-sinji ul' M r . J r l m I*. (\mjx-r,

nn Kriility ni^lit n l l a s t week. A ^noillv

MIUHIHT ui' ^m-rits wcrt ' UithU'U to tin*

festal occasion, aild the i-veniiiK was

[>asst-il in a must delightful m a n n e r .

I'Ji^a^'iiH'Mt r a n i s hjivc lieen issued

MIIIII'IM- the hi ' t rolhal nf MINS VXY/.W

MIMIII . d;it i^hler of Mr. Joseph SaUiih ,

f (hi.- t o u n . In Mr. Maltlieu- Levy, a

iM'ss man til' New Vorl; I ' i ty . The

la.' l ion ot l iu\ 1 ng ^p en jov-

The Railroad vs. The Public.

A I . " da.Vs iign Mi. Samue l .Morford

iserveil a n u m b e r ol men near the ruil-

ia.1 bridge wh ich crosses over the road

i.'ar I l i ibbardV l i r i d g e (In inipiiry Mr.

orl'ord learned thai l l i evwcre decid ing

In re lo dr ive llie piling lor ex t end ing

i t -wi . l i ho f the liiilroiid t rack. They

ad decided to dr ive four piling on each

Ie ol tin- roiiil. on 11 line w i t h the side

• f the I,ridge, ivli.-n Mr. Morlord raised

object ion. He said that when the

ill- I was til's) | ,u i l t iflin,I encroached

.III.' loud earl side, ami thill III'

ctio of llie. l l l . l u | . p . . M ' i l l . e

t l n - y p r . i p i i . s e d . '1111- s p a c e •

l ^ u i i s h c l w i - , 1 1 I h e u p r i g h l s llie

ridge l e s s I l l l l l l I w c l l l v f e e t , w h i l e

w i , l i b n f I h e m a i l i s o v e r f o r t y f e e l ,

l r . M o i l o r i l u n i t h . - l u i v I h r d , m i n i s ,

n l l e l ' s i l l l d I . .1.1 t h e m u f I I I . ' i i r l h . l l o f

i e r a i l l ' u i l . l c o m p a n y . H e i n s i . s l e d s u

r. u i u I \ t h a t M I I I I . l l i i n g s h m i h l I n - d o l n -

. s l . . | . t i l e l i l i l l o a d c u i i i p i l l i l f r n i n Cil l ' -

i i . u , n i l U s p h m s . t h a i a t l a s t l i e - ( ' n n i -

u s s i u i i . ' i s i l e i ' i . l i ' . l t n p u t n n i n j i i i n - l i i . n

n t l u - i v o l k . T h e i n j i i n c t i n n w a s n u l

e d . h o w e v e r , a n . l w h e n t i n - p r r s i . h n t

n d s r c n - l i i r y o f t h e r a i l r o a d c o i i i p a n v

e i MI t h e b r i d g e I . , c o m p l e t e l l i e a r -

u i i g c i i i t - n t s t ' n r b u i l d i n g l l i e s t r u c t u r e ,

l r . M o r f o r d h a d t h e i n j u n . t i o l l s e r v e d

HI t h e m . T h e y u l l V r c i l t u p l a c e I h e e x

• t i s i u i i . . I i h e b r i d g e p a r a l l e l w i l h t h e

.a . I a n d n o t w i l h t i n - r e s t ..1 t h e b r i d g e

I . - . i s . - l i n y s h o u l d I . e , ' i l l u w e . l t u l e u v . '

i e i | n ' i i i n ^ iur t h e r o a d . . I t l i e s i i n i r

u i l h . M r . M o r l o r d o p p o s e d t h i s a l s o ,

m l s a i d I h a l e i . u s h o u l d t h e p r e s e n t

i i s s i u n I n i l u t h i s t l i . - r i ' 1111•_111 l i e I r o n h l e

i I h e f l l l l l l ' e . a n d it w a s l i n n l l y s c l l l e t l

h a I i h e n p e i i i n g f o r I h e m a d s h o u l d b e

it I . - a s ! t o r n l e e t . a n d p e r h a | i . s f u l l v a s

s i d e ; I N t h e r o i l . I . w h i c h i s n l n - m I ' u i ' t i -

• f ee l i n Wl l . T h i s w i l l h e a •

n p n i v e n i e i i t in t h e r o a d , a s t h e r a i l r o a d

l i d ^ e h a s l e l t a s p a e e h u t l i t t l e w i d e r

I Kill lieeeMsat'V to pi-i'iuit IWn Wii^ i ih \

a» each other.

Monmouth's Fisheries.1'. .I" s . ie i i i l years p;ist t he tishernn-n

ivilig un Ihe hanks uf Ihe Shl'eivshliry

iver and adj . l in ing bays, have fell t heni-

ielves aggl'ieve.l hv the passage ol t he

aw pluliil t i l ing l ishing. w illl nets ill

icnsoiis uf the veiir. They have cla im

uul wi th a show of reason, tluit lish

, i th seines and fykes could he curr ied

n nl sonic seasons nf llie y e a i w i t h o u t

i r junng the fishing inlcrests in tin

ins t . They assert t ha t as they gain i

iving bv lisiiing, t hey a re far m o r e in-

crested in p rese rv ing t he tisheries tli:n

i tisiiers cun he. Theylave this year setil |o the Legislature;

ictitiou praying for a recognition ol

their rights, and asking that body to si

aniend the lisbing law (hat justice wil

bedolle lo both tluisc who follow lishing

s a business and tbuse whu find in it l

'Crent inn

It is probable that tlie law will he ii:

Hume degree nmililled. as the linn. Kenj

;s, who is a member of the Housi

committee on fisheries, will this weel

intruiluee a hill granting to iishermei

the privilege uf hauling seines at certaii

seasons of tlie year. Mr. (iriggs ha.'

been in euiisultatiun'with many of tin

fishermen of this district, and ha

learned what their desires in this re

sped are. He has promised tn do all ii

his power to have justice done them

and the hill ubuve referred to is evidem

that lie intends tn fulfill his promise.

.Mr. Applegate will champion the hi!

in the Sfiialc, and there is no doubt hu

that it will become a law.

Suicide a t Long Branch .

On Jlmuluy night Sir. James Cunning-

ham, a bartender at Lay ton's hotel, Lon,

Hrnnch, swallowed thruu otmceB of lau

ilanuin and mm otitu'O of sugar of lead,

and died in a short time. He was labor-

ir a fit of despondency i

of the act, anil to thin may be attribute

his desiro to end his life. He WHS ihiir-

lit'll, hut had no children.

Republ ican Convention.

Tho Republicans of tho township o:Middletowu arc requested to meet aitho hotel in, Die village of Middletowuou TiieBday, February28th, IH82, attluvco'olook l1. JI., to make at ticket for town-shipowners. r.U'KOKUH'H;

Ohairoiuu ofluBt Conveution.

ate of tli has uoi yi't hern

lade public, hut il is iniiliTslnoil thai il

ill take place early iu May.

The Middlelown sociable was held lasl

'hursday evening al the residence uf

dr. Win. T. (•oiiover.of Hay View. The

ve.ither was unfaiurahle for Iriiveling,

lid the coni|iiiul Wiis therefore small.

hnnl lliirti bring present. Nevertlic-

;. a niusl enjoyable time was had, the

;enial cbarucler ol . ihc host causing

,'ei-vnne In feel at liberty tu enjoy hiin-

•II lu Ihe Li.-sl nf Ins ability. The CIHII-

lill.-c of arraiigciiieiiis consisteil of

lessrs. J. C. 'failur. l-'rank Osburn and

)r. llaniel Heniliicksun.

Tbe s»p|»-riu»l sn.-iiylvlc given in Navc-

lik Hall last Thursday evening, fur tbe

urpi .sc ..I' raising I iu ids tu rcpni rand im-

nive the hiiildilig. was a success in

very way. The supplies for the supper

•ere mostly donated : cx-Slu-niT John

riiiimpsnn iiml the Hun. Gen. II. Sickles

ileseme.d eadi a lavge t\irkey. which

u-i 'e g a r n i s h e i l w i t h c e l e r y f r o m t b e

Teellliuuses uf Mrs. La tban and Mr. I-).

e i i k i n s : Win. l l i i n lne iv Son. of I hiy-

>ll Creek, generous ly gave t he pickles ,

.tiller, sugar , and o the r groceries used ;

Messrs.'. i harh-- Allen and J u h n Mi-i l ies

Ul'uished t he uvs lers n.-eded -. and Mf.

nscph Child, nf lied Hank, m a d e a la rge

iiiiaiiun uf cake, l iver s e \ r u t y - t i i e

nllple sn | .per and the re. ei | . t s

III.unit.-.1 lu u p w a r d s uf iflno. l iniiie-

ialely a l t e r l l n - suppe r Moui-e's u ivhes-

ra siriu-k up Ihe grand innivh. and t he

uuipnny indulged in -.1 pvuinenade.

i-hicli was le.l by Holierl Towers , uf

frown's Duck. After the m a r e h diinc-

l u . k I h e n . ' , I

out iuue<! nut il

.'HI i i i i inagenti ' l i l by the flour cuni i i

ilclluuald. ma.le Ihe evening must ,


Rich Men at a Vendue.

At tin- recent vendne nl' t he persona l

impcrly nf J l r . l i i lbe r t II . Vai iMaler . al

Inlmdi'l . Ihi'l-e was an umiimise cr.-wil

.1 purchasers present1, b rought about hi

he fact that the sale had been adver t is.-.l

n Tin: Ki'.iasTi:it and oil ier county pa-

IITS. (loud prices were ivali/.cd I'm

irticles that ru» under tin- haiiinier

u e r e four nl .bfashinned.

ivuuden . h a i r s , with the paint all w o n

If, Such chai rs can he bought \irw for

went V Of ills apiece. Al l i i inneer Mil

.•111 utie up mid asked fur a hid UII i l .

sti l l ing t ha t the lot ciiulil lie p u n l u i

it the price for which the sample was

Ml1. ( 'hri l levulice l lull l ies, the uiviler

if half a farms and Ihe holder of

I..zens uf inurtgagi'S. hid ten cen t s .

•• rncven !" cried Ihe Hun . Michai

Taylur . a ue ighhur ing fa rmer wi th a safi

full nf ( i u i e r n nt bunds .

• T w e l v e ! ' answered Mr. Ho lmes .

•Thi r teen ! " c a m e t he response fron

the liniioralile g .n l l e ina i i .

• l-'uiirleeii !" shinned Mr. Holmes,

milking his way In Ihe front tn see win

was b idd ing against him ,

•l-'il'lceii ! " s.-ii.l M:-. Tiiylur. as he hi

an inch and a half ulT ..i the c igar In

Mr. Holin.-s .settled his h a n d s ill hi

purkets and cried -• T w e n t y ! "

Mr. Tay lur saw the a n t e and went fni

heller .

Then the bid-ling went briskly nn unti

if I. II was in the |ionl, when .Mr. Holme

called --$l.Ti." and raked in the chair.

" Will ytnrhuve the others at the sain

price y" asked Auctioneer Mngee. as ,

smile a mile and a half broad swept nve

bis face.

" No," said .Mr. Holmes, " ninybel car

buy Ihe others cheaper."

" Is it cash, or will you give a nnteV

nsked the auctioneer tit the close of thi

sale, us Mr. Holmes eanie forward to set

tie for his purchase.

" 1 guess I'll pay cash and save tli

discount," said Mr, Holmes, and li

passed over tu the clerk of the sale

trade dollar, two dimes and a nickel.

S ta te OfTIcers Elected.

The Republican joint caucus WUH helon Tuesday ovouin^, the full numbur,including Aasutuhlymau Cator, beinjn'eHent. Henator Gardner iri the chaiand AHSi'inblyniim (.lastou aw HecretaryGeorge M. Wright, the incumbent, Colonel John J. Tuifey, of HudHon, and »S. VC. Van Hensaaler, were named for tlinomination for State Treasurer. MrWright was successful on tlie nutioiitballot, receiving '22 votes to IH for ToUojand 7 for Vim Uensuulev. Andruw Kcvr,of Hudson, Barclay'(Jrucoin, at" Snleinniul Assemhlymen JolnrF. Post,Of Hlorrip, were nominated for Inspectors ofthe state prison over William Otin andHenry L. Jlutler. CharleH Butts, of BurllugtQn, waHrouominated for Htat6 IJirector of tho United llailrouilH. Treas-urer Wnglit eiitem now ou hw thirdtwin of tlaoe yeara, , ,


Tlu' ease uf the State vs. Knux andavion, indicted for selling •• llcptamc-ni." an alleged obscene book, at Asbllry

'ark. was given to llie jury at 1 o'clockMI Wednesday afternoon nf last week..Ve printed the testimony in the case inntr last issue. The jury after being oulwo ami one half hours hiuiight in a ver-lii-l nf nut guilty.

.1.'. 1M.MOX l'I.EAS.

The following appeals were set downor trial on tin-dales named :

1'i-lil vs. I'arker. L a y t m vs. Poland,nd Wpero vs. 1 liiuuii, '.March '.M. Itlun-elt vs. Walling. March Kith, l lannons, Pullen. I'ciiibciiuii vs. Herbert,.April'th. Warwick vs. l l l i tehius. Steild.ach•s. Cole Ui.iiiiiiu vs. Hull, April -iiith.

A n A n t i - V a c c i n a t j o n L e a g u e .tl'niw Un .Vcic r..,7, Sim.I

Tile First Aut i -Viueinat ion League nfUuerica iiiel in Siech Hal l , l-'uiirlceulhUl'Cl. last Week. Ur. knbel t A. Ihlllllilesiiled. 'J'he sllet'ess of Je l ine l ' s sys-em ul Viiicinallun. he snid. wac due tohe prolils iloctois made out ul il.Vhi'H one of Jennee ' s vaeeinalcd chil-lon died nl small-pnx Je l iner clilnileili have discuvereil that Ihere were t w oiiids of enw-pnx, only one of winchI'IIS, U hen Ihis was show n loe fidlaciulis In niiotlii'i' dea th . J e n n e riseoveietl thai lln- incclne inat lerhoillil lie pio.lucii l by i m p a r t i n g a

i'st--po.\ lo tin- i o n , and from the cowllie Inllllilli sulijecl. The re was no

•videnci- tha t vncciuulinn was a protect-ion against small-po.\ . (Mi Lhc cun-l-.iry the re was an m . r e i s e ol ihe ills'ase. The saniliir.i pr. caul ions adnjitedi c i e the only real [uulect ion. ami suchirecaiilions w.,ul,l ]irevciil (In- sprc.ul»l cnutagioli u i l h o u l v aec iua t iue . t )nhe com nil y . Ihere w as an increase of Iheilsease. The sninlary pr. caul ions adnjit-•il w e r e t h e o n l y n-a l p r u t , e t i a n d

n e b p r e c n i i t i u i i s w u t i l . i p i e v e n t i h e

i p r e a d n f c n u t a g i u i i i v i t h o u l v a c c i i i i i l i u i i .

I v a e c i n a t i u n w a s a p r u t , c t i u n , w h \

h e s e n l h , r | . l e c a u t i u l l s V I ' l l V s i . i i n s u l

h . ' l l u , i n o f l l . ' n l l h . l l h l l r | . l . * l e m l l l | n l u

e l l u u l y h u v l l U ' I i l U s , l l l i e I . - n l l l r u l h ' t ' i

l l g s c i ' l i - h u m I i i , a i m - n f c l i i l . ' l i e n w h o

l a . I h . - e n I a i ' . ' l l i i i l e . l . i l l l l i s . - l i l l i ^ l i l t - t i l

ii p l i l s i . i a i i s I I n . H i ^ l i u u l 1 1 , . - i - . - u n t r i u s

i n l i n e \ n i l s .

H r . A l e x a n d e r W i l d e r n - a d :i p r e a m b l e

m i l r e s o l u t i o n s d i ' i i i u u d i n g t h e a l . o l i l i o i i

if a l l l a w s l o r e p u l s u r v l a c r i n a l

uul pledging the IIII-IIII.CI-'IU r. -Li llinnII d e f f i i e e i i f J n i v a n d , I C I U I I I I I - S S . I ' , , . n i l s

if l l e a l i h . O r . W i l . l . - r s a i d , w e r e n i i n l e

i p u f p o l i t i c a l d i . c l u r s . a n . l l i e h e l i e i e d

l i n t p u l i i i c a l d u e i n i s . l i . l n . . | i n m l I , .

m i . l i . A l i ' M i l i i l . - r i n n l l u u i l . o l . l t i i n d

l e r h e r l S p e n c e r h a d i i | i p . . s e ( l l a c c i n a -

i n l l . T h e c u l n p l l l s n l V v a c c i n a l i u l l n t

i n h c e n i e n M r , W i l d e r d ' e s c r i l i e d a s " p e d -

I l i u g p e s l i h - n c f - . " H e i ' | i i . i l . - . l u n c - p h y -

l . - i ; i n . w h " c l a i m e d l l u u , - v c l i e u t i s i i i i i p '

l o l l i i n d c a n c e r i n l a i d 1» c u n i u i i i n i i a t e d

n v ; i e . - i n . 1 n n i t l e r f r u n i d i s e a s e d p e r s o n s .

I ' l ' n l . D o l i s . i U , ; i i , | I h a l M l o u t o l P H I

.;i l i e i i t s i n a s i u a l l | » > \ l i u s j u h d t u n i c f r o m

i a d h o I I i i . . ' . i i . a l . ' . I . T l . . ' s . - r n - i " I I ,

s | i l ' e a . | n | i n . - . 1 1 1 . 1 1 l u l l U i l s I I m l s o 111.- I .n i l I

I l l l . l . - t l i . i l l . I ..111 o l I h e i h r l y l u t s i m s- . .

" o i i s i i n i p t i . n i i i i t r . i i s f i l i n e x a c t p r u j i o r -

i ' . n t-> t i n - e i i l i i n e i n . - i i t o f . i n n p n l s i

a i - c i n . - i l i o i i . I I . - w a s p u s i i i i i - i h a l h i s

. » > i . I l l l . l I.,1.1 I . . - - U k i l l . .I h v i . n - . n i i i i i n n

i l l . I h e W o u l d s . , > > h , ' i r , , t m j . r i ., . i t t h ; o

I" I i l l > ' " i l r | i l i i l d t n I . r l a . ' . - l l . i l t . ' . l .

M r . l l u l i l I I , o I I ! , i s l [ J - . ' - l s t r . e t , s i i i d

h i l l i l i s c h i l d . I I i , i l l s n l . l . I I I I . I d i e d u l

l i e . I h - . ' l s . . I i i n - , - i i i n i i o n h i a i l " I i i . . - r . . I

I n - l l . ' i . i l h I ' , . • ; . I . I i i i l . - r t i n - i . g u l . I I l i Iy

i l l ' . - n - N111 h u d d . - c l i n . - . l I " v a i - c i u n l , - l l n

• h i l d h . ' . - i i u - s e i l w a s t n o l ' e e b l i . ' . I f h e h l l d

H o n e y h e w o u l d p l u s . - c u i i - l l i e I l u a I ' d o f

-V h - i n n l . - j • 11 ,i - i . - i i i n i u t h e n i t d i t - i

- a i d h . - r t i M i i l a l i g l i l c r s h a d b e e n a l l a c k e d

l l K l l l u c k j a w ! I ' . ' I t ! V i i c . ' i l i a t i n l l . S h e W i i s

d.'l.-riniuc.l her nlln r t w.. ehildi- I I d i m I h e l . - | , - i - n i i l l . ' . l .

D r . . V . . l a i i s . i i . | | h , i l t l i , . H o a r d o f I I . - , , I I I .

' i a d h ' a r i l . - . 1 t i n - d a n g . - i o l . s e l l i n g s . i i l . - s

I r u i n l i l l i n a l i > u l . j . - r l s . . ' u u l l u r I l i r e . - w . - . - k s

n a i l s t . i p p i i l s e l l i n g M i c h s c i . l . - s .

Why Auction Sales are Not BetterAt tended.

Thai tilu<- h;is lunu gone \,\ when tlm l . l i e r c s o r i i - i l t i . t h e c r n s s r . ' . a d • . l u r e a i

a n - i n i n , x . ' h . u i L : . - u . - w s . I u i h - - . .

i n ; , - ;i h a n d l u l l | u . . -~ l . , l i n s u , < h , n -

t i i d c i l i / . , - u - h i r i n e r o r h i i s i n e s s m a n - - o f

i i . - : - l i l . " i I . a n d s u i l i . - i e n l | , u i i i , I

I y l o s a l e s u f r e a l i . r p e r - u u a l p r . i p e r t \

s I l l l l s g i v t - n . N u l l " i t i s n u t s u . l ' e n -

F/UR HA' /£H.

It-being Washington's birthday tht>niblic schools were clused on Wednes-lav.

.Mr. Sayre. ibc funnel' iiriucipal. paidi visit In the public school' on Monday,le e.vperls tn return tu l'hihidelphi'a,"here lie is attending medical lectures,ie latter part uf the week.Owing to the illness nf tbe pastnr

her- were un church .services, or Sun-lay -I'IKIOI in the M. 1'. Chureli. The•veiling meetings have been discon-limicd from the same cause. .Mr. Freed,however, is now iccovwing and will

inn be about again.

There being no school on Wednesday,exeri'ises were held on Tuesday in con'i-nieinoration uf tlie une hundred umltillieth anniversary ul Washington'sbirthday. The following is the pro-gramme:

!. s.-k-1-Uiiiislr.iMi Wi is l i lu i . ' l i i i i ' s l ' i i r iMi . l l Aililr.'ssI'l l . , ik MiumUt'i'.

1. S f l . ' t l l ' . l i , " . \ , | Ilii'LlriM n | l i e l l y s l i l l l K . "

.l.ln'.<s . . iv ."A", .llllli'i,'

.. l l i ' i -uii l l . i l l , " , \ i . si- .- ls ui l l . a v e i i , 1 ' . .

n i ' l i v l i .u i . " M a m l .Mlll lu' ." . i j l l l v t l ir iv l i l i ' ' ' 'Ui i ' i lu l i i i i i . " c r i u a i i e ' s I ' i u s l . " M i ' l i s s , Par t , . , '.-••lii-ll M I s s S . K. Nili'SMii

Laurels Nobl) Won.I'., I I I K h i n r . H : o r ' I I I K I t K i n s i k . u :

M e i l i r i l l M ' l i ' l l i ' i ' U l l s . , , | | s l , | , - | , - , | I ' , | | , , . m i l l , . , , ! , u s

I ' l l u i l l t i l l l l l l e , m i l l I I . . | i . , s s i - s s , , r u m l l u s i e l i i - i - , u sM I I I I I I . . I M - i i i - n i l i . n i . I n - u n . i I I I - M i t ! ! ] , ! , , - ! ! i n , , , | i , . , i |II M i l s l n . > M - . | l l | i u l i , I ' W I l 1111,-r i l i - a l l i , I I S ll I H - I I I - L -, 1 1 1 l i l l l l l l l l l I l l - i l l ^ . I n I I I , l l l . - . s i . - k M n l l l . l l l , . | < } | , | _i n - s s t h e i r i ' n i > i - i s i u n u n . i n i i , , . j u i i r ( i j i u i r i m - i sil . I s i l . ' i . i a . s , l i i ^ ' - i a m i s l l i e l l m s l i - e l . - l u t i t t ' , ! . ' i , ,i . - r . I n a n - l i . i t i . i r . s u i - r i - i i i i h l , m i l l i n , I - u t i ' i i i n i t i t u ,I M - l l l i l l . . I l l i r l i i l l i i ' r , m i s t i l l ' i i r i - s c n i l t l i . l i , . i

I'll f"r"''i'ii"i "-I'I'-'I'IV'*'"'-. "'"i" ''"•'•''"'U lr"1'1'1 ' ' ' ' 'i n II m i l M i l l l r e I . , s l u m u l i i l u u i i i i i s l i t i ' n u i i ' i i ' u ' i . 'i i - . - i - r i i i i i . i i i . - i . l i l i n i t , - I n 1,1 I n l l i i - i i i i i - i i - i n . s , i i n d

I s ;. I I I . n i l - . . I I M l e s s l l n | i . , r i i i i i . ' i - [ n - , | u v . U f i i l l l ,

> . i i i i . l i i . - | i r i - s . i i i i i i . i i i I n n m e a n . ' , l l u u , - i u i

l l s . l n l i l i v l l .

U l t - I V l l V I t l l l l | H - | s l l i l l l . < i | . I l l i ' l l l l ^ ' l l || S I - I I S I - I I | J n s l l , ' , -i> n l l . - r l l ' s l l l l U ' l l l III S | | | I | . , I | | Ml l l n - t - l l l . - i i - m - j u f t III*

i r i ' M - i i t I i i n , l i t , . l l l . - i i i i h . . I s l i i r u s l i u r j T . . v v a s l i i | i .

' l . - i ' l i l l l u l . l " l i i 1 1 1 . ' i . I i - <-I | , | ' " i l i 111.' l l i e I I , I n i ^ s | i ,,. L M V i . l i ' . - I , I I , n l . • I . l l n - i i i j l l l t i l i s , i | | | | , . l i K l . l s l l . U

1 1 1 ! , ll< I I , l l " I ' I l l l V , ,11 H i . [ , ; J | | , , | | , | | | , | j , - S , - I ' \ | l | | | s

l ' I " I I l l M ' . . . l i l l i l l I - I I . ' H i l t I . , - l i l i l / i . n i ' t l n n

I ' - n . n i l l i i i l i l i ' f i i . l - ' i n n ! . . . i i ' i i . - i . l > | . | • t i i ' t n , -

.11 i - H U M > i i n . l ii . " t i i i i i . - t i . T i i u . i i i s . i i l e . s n i , ' -

... . » ' H l i . ' | . . i s . \ . - i i i n , > i . - | i , i | . , - r i i - | , . i i l s l i a i , 'I | . . - i i r . ' . l i n « i I ' i u I . I - I I M I ; I m l n . s . ' s

n s i - s . , 1 n l . l . l i s i i ' l , 1 1 .1 l i i i . l . - i . i M i U i i i i . - . - . l i m i ' i M

L M I . . I V . I . " I - I . I l i - i l - l l l i . l l - I " . - I I I l l I l T ,1 M l | i . - r l l . | i | | , - J - ,

i l i i i i . l . - r - i i i i i i l . - i h . ' . ' - l . i : \ U i i l < - I , , ! - i u ' . . . i n , ' , , ' - i . ,i l \ i ' i ; J ' U ' , l . II I ' l l ' I l l i ' l I l l l l s l , n i l I l l l ' s l . l . ' Ml s i i l . - n .

M o . I I , I I l i a . ' t ' 1 ' . ' l l l i l J I . ' - l . ' | l l . ' l . . ' l l s | l > l , ' . 1 | . , i v , . , ' „ ,t l l l i i l l M l l i l l i ' . I I . I L ' I l l ) . . 1 1 1 " , i l l l , I . l . ' - l r , , I , , l i e

i i i l . ' i - l I: I . I I I i i i - i i s - u r > I i i i i u u , , i i i '

I . U l ^ l l l . l - ( , l l l l C i l l k ' < . U I l . l i l l t l , s l l i l S l s l l l l i l u . - r 1 ,1I n - N i - i ' i i t i i i ! , , , \ i i - l n i ' I I M I I I . I . . I l l . ' i . l i i i , , r U M i n . s -

I I I . • ! • n l i i . l i i i i n i i l i . ' ^ . ' i l ' ' . v i s i . ' i l i i i n n - i r n t - , } : ! , ! , , , ! . -

' . U l - l i l . ' . i l ' . > O n ' U ' l i . n l . I l l - i i l l l l l r t l l l l i l l t i n - s l l l -

,T, I- ,i|i|,,-iiti-il A-luir> rurh ./,,.u-,,,il n, u,(,

1 , 1 1 I : i l u i n i i i l i l r I l , i n . I " I I I . 1 , 1 1 " ' . ' . . I M i l s| ; « , M I I I . ' i i l l l l i ' - l i n " I n i l . l - n , H ' l I ' n i ' k | , i n s , i i u i i .h . , 1 i i i i l - a i i ' . - - " I I l l l - . ' l i . i n i . l i ' r v u - r i - i n r i i s i i ' i n - , -

, , . L ' , i i , - i ^ ' . I - - i . - i i ' i . - i n | . r " \ . - r i . i i , l l \ i , i - i i i i i i i i i i

i r i l l l , i - t i n . - I , - . I \ u l ! i n l - i . 1 1 - . - n , | m i i i ' t " , | I M V \ I . | S ,t l , , | I l i l l l I I I " " l i i i , I - I I I I l l l - I M S l i l l l . - , ' l i l t . , ' | | ^ l n ^ - 1

i , i , , , . i i i i . , 1 , ' I , . . I I U - I I M . . . . I i i i ' M i n . - . - i n U s , ; [ [ , i r

, ' i k i - l i l . v I N . - L r , ' , i l l . ' l n , ' t i " I s l i n - k i s l e . n \ [ , , v i n - t i i | iv v l i , . l i t n , ' I N , - t i u l i i l i i . L ' i i l . . [ i i ' i i i i i i i l , , r ' i l i n - , . , . .

, ,! , . . 1 i t ' , - i ! , i l " I " i t . 1 . I I - . ' w i l l - n i l ! . . ' u s i i . , ' i i l l n i i i i -I l , ' , l l . l i I l l . ' U ' i . " , - l l r , l A L ' . - t l l l . ' l . i i - l i IV , 1 1 ,> , l . , ' 1 1 , 1 1 ' - l i U I . ' ' ' - ( t i l l i l ' i l l l - " I . I T l l l l , . l \ . , ! ; i , , l \i s i , " l i n - . - l I i i - |" i f t . ' r l i i ; i l i " i i - w l n l i - I I I - . - . i t v i , ,| , 1

l i . n n . i i i . ' i i . i n 1 1 . . ' i i ' - i L : l i t " . r l i . i " i l . . I m i < ' t i i . ' i ' | i i i - i i i ^| . l r - - l i . U i i - i L ' l i . ' i i i l i l " I I I I . - l u r k l l t K f i l l l i n l t i . - i ' i l

n - r t - l i . l u l . l i I n - n l i - . i l . * . A - l l n - ( . ' I . . 1 I . H I > s n i i i i i i i - il , t \ s i i | , | , . - i i n " l , i t n . l n i l U I I H I I I u i t s j . n i i m l i r l u i l i i i - s . -

i i . l N . - i i \ " I d i T s , H i t . - | u i r - - t i , . v t n . s * - i m - n i i H - i - s l i m i, 1 ' . - s i i n u n - . l u i l l t I I I . . , i I I K I . S H u n I , . | | I , , , , t | , , .

l< l l II I , I , . ' - I i l l ' l . . . l . i - i - M i l 1 " I ' D l l i l l i - I I . - r I l l l l M i l . U l l i . - l lM i s I V , 1 1 1 . - . 1 l i \ t i n - l i l - l l l i l - I . I . - . V . - l i . t h r | , , i | [ i | | - , i |

i n | . i ' i - — . . I . M i l l l i t . - I I I I I ' l l i t - i i I I I I I . ' — . . I l l i r i i i | , ' r i l , ' r " i i s

I I " I I I K - I I I I I I M I i m l \ \ , , i i ! , i , ' i - - i i l t l i , l i i s n u n

I l l i l l l , s l i l l l l l l , - I h . I l l l l . I l i i l l I . . - W l l s I l i i l l l r o l I .• i i l t i i i i i l . i l , i l l . ' I l l - | - . l i i i - - l l l l . - I " I I I . - v . r \ . - i l l . i i - n l

IH I I I , ' , l , i i t ' -n l i .k. ' t i I I I h n n l t.\ i'l.--.- L'.-iill. i i i . i i i i i i . ll i , - 1 , 1 1 1 - . , 1 1 , . i l l i ' , ! ' • ' • l , l . ; i l o l . i l l l , I U | | . o . l i i p i l l l l , , - ! i t - -

. | , , - , , | I " I I I ' - l l M . 1 1 , 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 - I l l - I l l . I i , l l \ f i l l I , I . - I , - , | l | - . .I - i i . - " i i i i - l . i i l l l n i l - . - H i " ! ' - . . , | i i ; . i i l - " i i i i i . i i s i i r i - . s l . i l

i. .-ihnnd. and h a u l hills pusled ,->l stu-li nn i l s .1. t r . 'a. 'h a t i t h e u l t h e p e n p l rs deslrahle In nntify. This is till' age .icwsi.a". ' is . Kvery'hnilv tha i has th

pel's, g i l i n g prefi-lence, if he prnpi'i'lyIt-lst,mils his hllsilless iu le res t s . lu Insluty iiaper. which brings him inlelli-II..- ol lhc win!.I inini . 'diately nhou

liini 1 h' no longer idles his t ime ill tlu•, bul ge l - Ins newspapers '

from his pusl-ullire ami in the ipiiet nlhi- uivn h u m . - b i i r n s I lit-in-ivs ,-ind ivnilsthe a ih ' r l 1 is.-lnelils. lliiinl-l.ills jir.lunhll . ' s , useful iu Iheir way : Ih.-.v

s i ' l l e In iii t i-ni-t ill. ' in tent ion ul Ihe casmil c i ls lnmcr : lint In r I il,.< s.-llle.pupulal inn and llie I b r i l l i c i t i / . n l l n r .is in. int-ans so che.ip and fife. ,iial as lluuenl advert is- i i i .nl in tin- ivil.-lv i ircilliih-tl i-unnl.i newspajier .

I 'pon this siilijici ifTT'opiuinii of a praclien! man o.llsi.le ul l In- new spnper husim-»s is .if i n h . e . The eililur uf thl iSull li-r.-cl (•..'..7/c r. i i-nily inlervlrw .-.I Mi-l l , pc." ihe popular iuictioiieer uf thaicoHiiiy. nn.l lln.s i.s «• Hat Mr. l lnpe said:

".My advice to all who have leal eslalior persiinal proper ty lo sell al public sahis. d .uml make l lu 'g ran i l mi s t ake uf Insing h u n d r e d s id' ilnll.ns in t n ing i,, snviless t lu in tell, hy kec | i ingyi iui ' i idvcrlisenielli nut of ynur c.'Uiili- papers . Tintint J, .rity of the coinnninil v never see ihsuidhill; yet w i r y family in the vuunIy, nearly, takes a ui-wspaper. The reasun 1 am so ofit-n asked the ijiieslion' A r e tben.1 any sales this season?" ithat nut more than unc in ten are adverti.sed in the papers, 'file result is thathe day of sale arrives, a few turn-nut ,iind il is only wilh a liheral use nf tlutongue in coaxing ami persuasion, (haIhe auctioneer gets rid nl goods. Wheveus, if they had iiliernlly sounded ahrua,Ihe glad news tluil they had a farm, nlot of horfies, cows, sheep, wagons ullifarming implements, old clocks, spinning-wheels iind andirons to sell, tincrowd would have been greater, thwork for the auctioneer easier, the sallivelier, prices better, your pile ol imleivery nuu-h higher, »nd liguivs Uiggt'l-and instead of a sorrowful face Ihcy aniltheir I'uinilieH would smiles for liweek; and the happy auctioneer wmilinot get through smiling until Hie salseason wns ended in April. Try it, amten if theadvine of your servant don'tconic t rue."

. Mr. Stiles, of Suabright, him livehorwsuffering from a disease resembling•'pink-eye."

Chuvlie Wnlling, BOH ofWalliiiK, of Keypnrl,. recently had lifaiirnt broken ill two places by jumpingover a jnwt,

The Atluntiu Highlands associationconteiiiplnti) extundintr the pint- nt thaiplace 11)11 feet, where there will be ndepth of eleven feet of writer at low tide.

A'ili-o broke put iu the Luiiutfc Asylumnt.Flutbush yesterday inorning, and al-though crowded '*'tn • inmiiteH but- twipevUued,

,->• n n, 1 1 , t i l , ' s , • , , - M l i . | t W i l - i . U I I I L ' I . , i l l . - r l l l | . _ ' i l l ,', , l , i | i , i s -• i , , u . ' t i i , - r l . i i l i , " l t ' \ l l n - - I I , I I I L " ' . I , I I t i n - M l l r i i i i i m ;. , i i n . - I I I - I ' I I w l i t r l i | i n - \ . - i n . - i t i i n > l u n l i . - r n l i i l n !, " i i i : i n i l , . 1 1 , - t i i : i U ' i i - l , - , l . m i l I I . . - | . i . l ' ! i . ' l i . ' i i l l l il i t . , - , , . n i l ' . ! " ' i " i v H i ' ' i n . M i l . I i I - I ' i i n i m l I , M i l l

I l l i i- l < milt.'itl i'U t \ [>.'i " I Hi.'

-.. .. i iv.-lh i-..iii'.'1-ii.-.i ,is in tins, l i i -un "ill.-.- l luuv \ l . , - i , - i - - i i t i n l i t t i : ! i t i t t ' l ' - ' • i . - i i l i - . i i s l v I l l l . - . 1 i - . - -I l i ' i - l - i ' i , - i i l . ' i . - i t ' , 1 , 1 > , | i H i . ' i i i . - i i i i i l ' i ' i n [ h i m l i n n i l l -

t i t . ' L ' i v i . 1 , - 1 1 ' l i i i ' i ' i i n - H i I I I n i l - i i . i i i i . r i i i -t l l i , l i l | i | ' . ' . i r i - M l U l . l L ' i l l l l . l . l l l l l . V . ' l l l l f l r s s l l i s H u e .

I " H i . - i l l l l l . ' i l l i - l I I - \ i t - \ \ ~ I l i i - , i n - s i - r v i i l i . . i i o fI n - . l l l l t , t s i l i ' l l n i - i l l l ' - l . - l t l - . l . ' l I t - I I " ! | ' " l ' l l l i l l l n -. ' l i i n i u i - l i t - — . - r | . n l t i - i i t i - I . U i I s . - . u . ' I t u - l l w l i r , , lr.-it-,,li. Itnl -M i..ltv' i i-IM- Iiin.- I... ti n II.IIII we.l l ' - t i - . I l l " i l l I I ' I f . I ' l l l f l I n I I I . ' - I ' l l , , ' i . l l l l n l . l l l | l j | S

. - . \ . i i t i | i l . - - i m i l n - u l i i ' l " i i . . r l . I I " I I I I I M U , I . , ' m i i i l l n l

l i . . : i i i H i L l i . - l . t n i i n . l I ' . I I V i i i i i | , . - t i l r , . r ; t m i l . — n l | m l n -

| n . H i i , ' | , ' . > " I . - l . - r l l l l i : 1 " ' . 1 1 1 . ' i - N i ' l l n l i l l l l . ' . l l | , t m l l l .

i t i r i l r - i - i I n . - i . " " [ . l . ' , W M I I I . I u t H i " I , i s i I , . - I I I . i s l i - i i -, l , - , , | - . - . U , i I l l - H i , . l l n ! H i t i l l - i r . - l j i i i , ' , . n i t i l e i i i i t - lI l t l l - M l l i l f ' i l l . . l l l ' V - V" l l i U , - - I l l ' l l | I | , ' S . ' 1 I I . - ' | i | si v r i l ' l i ' l i l - , . l , ' . i r I I I I I I M I - , i . - s | H . . - | I S I I | , J . M I I . w . - i r

i n , n \ i ! - , n . , L ' ; i t i . . ' . : . i . i l I l t " h - u n i t . . i t , ' i n " ) . ,. - \ l , n - s s i , , i t 1 , , I I . I M - m m l ! i - . l i t t > . I n l v I . - . i i t i i i . l l a vU s , i f l l l . V [ K - l l V u l l u i l l ! I l l - I | i l t l l l i l - | > < l , - . ' i . . l ' l l l ^ , t l . i . l

, . | : I H ' M I 'I K I ' l l , ' . . k m ' I I M I I i s . I n . - . < s | i i ' . ' i n li i i i ' i i l i . . n ; i - ; i . " i i s . i . - I I I . . . u s , I I M I . I H I I . I f . - i i r l . - - - , i l l l . - . - r .

,11 Alt it I Kilos.l U H I l t i l ' U ' l i l ' l ' i : A l l i i r i n i i i L . l i i l . ' . I . I I . S i i i i . l a v ,

J i . i i i i i i r i -.".'III. l . y H i . ' l ! . - > . I l l l l i l l l . n ' i l . M : s - i : HII l i l r d m - I . . . M r . T l i . i s U ' l i i ! . ' .

I A l t ^ M A I t r r . V H S i . N S A l . M . - , ' l i ; . i i i , ' - v l l | ( . , , , aS l i m l i n . K . ' l . r i l i i l ' \ I v l l l . M i s - , > : i r ; l l . I ; i r l i ; . i l , . i | K . ' V -| K H i . | . 1 1 1 . I' . I - i . ! i - . i l l l i , / | , . | .

I l l V h l l n ' ^ M I I'l I A 1 I' i . l ' l M . ' I l l l l . H i l l ] , . .II M u l l -i l i . v . I ' l - l . n i a l A i r l l l i . l i y H i . . I I . - V . S m , i n , . I I . , I M , I I . M l , ,M m - l l i i i C o u T l , , . t i'*H'l M o l u i m i H l v , I n M r A l i ' M l t i -, : r r M U H I I . ! . . ' I II . ' I M L - I I I U I I I I . S .

t ' D M l V K I l W V C K l i f K A l F r i - . - l u i l i l . n n T l i n r s -i l i i y . K i ' i . n i a i y ' . l l n . l i y 1 i n . ] ( .<>, . , 1 . I 1 . H i , , k u \ v , M i < *l l l l ' i i s . c I . T . l « M r . l l . - n r y I ' . U ' v r k . i l T . l n . l h . . rn.'

nnil'lllt VASiiEHVI'.KII Al U.nir llnm.'lTIHHMIII.;. I'.-liriinry lillUi. t.y 111.- !{.>v. Mntllii-vi'.-liniismii Jlisn I'lirrii. l'...i|ii-r I.. Mr. K. Jl. VIIII.I.T-M-i-r, la.lli ..I I,.'IH' llniii,Ii.

.IIUVKTT W.U.I.INIi Al 111.- ii'Slili'ii. f III.'lirlilr's iNiri-iil.s. Ni-vv V.uli i-lly, im, Illll. liv tin- ll.-v. s. s. Si-mini, Miss lli-ln.iiil,J.-'w.-ll, I.. Mr. William II. U'IIIIHIK, " ' K.-y|..'il.

Mil'.Mt'l'IIY MINZHI! Al llwll..!.!, .ill Wi'ilmv-.lay. r.-liriinry l.'.lli. ''}' tin- It.'v. I'liilit-r Kri-.l.-i'li-Ki-Wli-lz, MIM Miiry Mi-Cnnliv, InMr J.iliil Mlti-2i-r, Imlil,if l-'ri-i-lii.lil.

Mil'I.OI'll STISIIH- Al l.,.ll|f llniil.-ll, nil Tliuis-ilay. K.-ltriiiirv Ililli. l.y III.' HIM', r . .1, Vuiinu. .MISHLillian K. Mi-I'l.ill.l, <lall|:llt,-r of Mr, ^IIIIIII,-I1'. Mi-el I, i.f I...Iiu llninrli, l.i Mr. I'. Milt.INstlmis, ,i[ Nt-w V.n-K. t

SilMPSlIN—SI-HAWK—At Malinriin. mi,lii). n-l.riini'.v lillt, liy tin. lli.y. p. A Slnli-r. Mls«Miillii- Siini|.s(iii, .if N.-w Y..I-I; rlly, tn .Mr. '['IHMKI.irrI.. It. s.-liaiirk, ur Mlitawan.

SMITH-THOMAS-Al Viilnn, wnr Ki'yimrl. un.M lay, l-'.-l.rimry Mil, l.v iln- Itt-v. ii. r . siimin-r,JIIMS A.l.ll.' MUHII, i.r Kill..n, lu Mr. Win. II.'I'll..Inns, <>r Ki'jlH.i I.

VA.NDH11VHHI1 I'lllll'KI! Al .Ici-SfV I'lly nnTliiinnluy, l-'i'liriiiiry Illli, liy I lit- ll.-v. |'ir. Fri'iu-li,MIssLanrn V. VitmU-i-vifi- in .Mr. Jiuiii-.s Ciiuiii.r, ,,fil,'.] llmik

WAT-rs-IIBUHON-Al K|.y|iur Frliliiy. I-Vh-i mi iy nun, liy in.! llcv. j . K.Mniiiiliiir, Miss !(.•-IMIITJI IV. Willis, lu Mr. AIIIITI II. Iliimin, butli nfU.IIK liruwli. .

IHCATIIS .STI1ICKIJN—At lli'i'iill liruvi', nil Tliiliwliir. Ki'li-

niary Him. Jnllu (.'. Ntrli-klln, nui-il II yi'm-s iiu.j :imuniliH

- , IlKSCUKD FI10M DEATH.•WIIIIIIIII J. Cimirlillii, nf siniinrvlllii, Mum.; nuvs

" lu Hut full nf laril I ii'iw laki.nullli lili-cllnu of r fi, •lllllKS fiillnwwl liy u wmini. cullKll. I lust in; ii|vm..tlt.i ami llrsli, mitl was cnuiinint to my |H><1 in IHT;I was mlmltli'il tn lln' llnstlliil. Tin. ilm-Kira NIM Iluul u imlu In my limi,'us lilit IM linlf u dollar. Atnun Hun- II li'imi'l went .iiliiiiuil thai I was ilmil. IHiivu up lni|"'. Inn II frliiiiii inlil mi' nr I)n. WILLIAMHAI.I.'H llAUSAM HIK TUK LlINIIrt. 1 unt a twtltl'ulii-n tn my sni'iirlsii I ri>iiinii.|iri.u tn f(!(.| iH'tturuml Ui-iliiy 1 tail limn fur iimw yMimpii.itI wrltu Illls h'i|ilii|( im-ry mm u|]|l|.||.u ullli IIISHUISIliiiigs will Ink" .Un. WILLIAM IIAU'H MAI.SAM, millUi laiiivlnriHl Unit l.'o\.-lllMi'nn,\ (IAN IIK GUIIKII. Imn ixsjlilvi'ly suy itliuHi].muiiu>m({o.Ki tluui'oll thuotlwr mfdlolnw I baro Uikoa sluco my nlokaeaa."

Page 3: RED BAN EGISTER - · red ban egister volume iv. no. 35. red bank, n. j., wednesday,-february 22, 1882. 81.50 per year

mo*t fijtriji i isin^, anil it i? al>u tilbest anil most fVurk'ss. IICWSPMIMT inMonninutli county. Every intelligentfamily .should tilkc it. One .i.dhir amfifty cents per year, in advance.

LOTS art- .-"1.1 ul Asliury Park. X. J., ».n wliut I;equivalrul tu u |«T|K-IIIIII iniirtinim—nut- liunilm:jvurs- tin- purctiusT, li..w..v».|\ n-s.-rviiiar the ri^li!tn pay t-lii- ]irllicl|Mil m "»>' l ' l "e ; nr live jier r»*mwill In- ullimed f<»i uish. - . l . i r .

Advertised Letters.l.isi of li-tlri> iriiinliiiiiK In the [{•'•! Hunk l'»*

(Jill.-.- fur III.* week eluliui: IVliriluiy l*ltl, I*1*:.1.lltLl'lH!!', -Mr- Sit 111 in I|.l-r. Mrs. 1.. .1.ltisli.i|i, K'»t».-rl IliUvkins. l i i ' u r p 'lli'iij in. 11. r . .Ini-kMiii, l leuryllniwll. Mrs. l'liel... Mlllliliy, IIIIIIKI-IIllliwil, MKs Alice Ilii'liiMilMill. Ml- . IlilllWv

Kililiu While.Ill rail iiij.' fur liny 'il I In' al*.v.. i . ' l trr-, plrasr as

f..r atlverli.M'il lelte'rs.W.M. Al'I'I^l.ttATI:, l\.-lnia>|iT.

I'lisl Ill SuVliicli.

Local Markets.'I'lii- fi.llnu-lliL' ill1.' tin' wJn.lfsiile niarkrl lu te

la Itwl Hank, I.ii- We.iiies.lay . IVI.llii.ry -Mil. IHK'J :I m


l'ollli.H..-, lilllmv.-.-i r..'iiiio...s i.i.iAlipl.-S. KillI'raiilK.ri-li-s, . r a n -U l n a Ili-hlis, l.ilCiii-n. Illl. .'. .I'l-arki'd c-urii, i-vvl.Hiii-kivli.-ut. <•»'!•Hals , Im

onions , i.-.i. MilK-I'III... I.I.I

Uivi...CUITOIS. lilill i n i p . s . i Willli- MiilaiI..-IIIOIIS, ' I"* iiriiui-'.-s, il"ZE|fK». il.K. • 'I'ork. HiStraw, r w lHay, TI111..II1.V, .-«"!Tlirk.-ys. I'1

I'lii.'ki'iis. »'ll l lrks, II'(,rl.-l., II'I1....I, II' . . . .

:i mi in I mi1 .'..I1 .vu,,i i im-J (Nl lo .'. INI IKI |.



:> 1M

.A i m i o i i

liI IMI im

MUSIC HALL, RED BANKThni'silmj /•><• 11 inII, Murih •><!.

Madison Square Theatre Co.,


MKW TTin- (In-IIK'SI I'lliv ui M'lilr.ii "I'l - .

Nett Seen. r> l"|- I'.M'l'y .VeilIr-mi li..' M;nli-"ii si | i iare Tl .calre

111 I I I N ( A S T

s, . i , . , . t . . . | i .yil i .-Mi"i '-"" M"" ' " ' •I'l"-"1"1 r ' y


' ' I) \ Z / i INli T l l l l Ml' l is -TriAKS AMI l.Al ( .

HAZEL KIRKEP ' l - - 1 . 1 . • > • ' . . ' I l i - I I M -

A M I S.- . -1U' K . M . - I ' i " ! " I l i l . i . k l ' . i l , M i l l .1 • • ' ' K - . - I I . ' 1 H . . i i . l . . ( r I n H i . ' V 1 l l i i . 1 t K i . l r v < i r . i v .I - : V s . . - . i . K l l . :..-.. ••! II k l . i . n M i l l N m l i t .

A I - I L S . ' . ' i i " K H . - I I . - I I . ' I I l i i i i - k i m n M i l l M o r n l i *

Ailniis-iiiii. .•)()(•. itcsiM-vctl Seals, 7.1c,\ , . i , ,.„ -, \.II.'Ill A -.

-. s. s . l l . l I - . Mallii-1'-!1.



Cnminissinii Mrirhanl

Hay, Flour Grain and Feed,| - ' | { l lNT S T . , I!KI> H A N K . N. J.


HATS.T h e He-U 3-V. H a l s . T!u- !! --i .*'J.mi H a l s .

T h e It.-.I ."We. H i t s . Til . ' U---I -'.•">" Mil ' s .

T h e U: - l I""1. Hi l l s - I '''• i ( '-' : l l l i l H-""'T h e B . - l I ml l l a l < . T h e I! -si I.HO l h i l s .T h e lie.-t I.VI H a t s . T h e 11,-M S i l k Hal t s .

' The Best Goods for the Price SoldAnywhere.


Children's Hats.Spring Styles for 1832 Now Ready.A 1sti S I I I K l ' S . ( ' . . l i ar s , f u l l ' s , I I , , M e n .

I' l i i l i i -cl ' las . Su . s | i e i i . l . - i s . l l a n i l k i r -c h n - f s . N e e U v v e a r .

lilne I'laiinrl Shirts. linlcnrcar,.IV., ,lv.

H. H. CURTIS,T h e ( I n l y I I . l i t e r i n . M o i i n i o i i l l i C o i i i i l j .

K K I i H A N K . N. .1.

TliiiMklni: Hi'' 1' f..r I tim.i-s 1 sh.ill i-n-.|i.,,v..1'I II ari ' l i l l l i l iaii i ' -- ' f'i- u i ; l . 111.-I , . i , | . . sal i . l i | . l : iMlic- i l t i'ln-:i|. | . r l .v~.

Just Received






twALL PAPERat nil /) I'l res from "> cento to $i>.00

jii'i' ml/. •

Garden Seeds of every kind and inany quantity desired.

P. Kroener & Son,BKOAD ST., RRD BANK. N. J.


Htrnnt, iionr Ilroiul St,.'''RBOUANKi'N. J . .- \ •, WM. HADDON.

List of Delinquent Taxpayersj OF TIIK

Township of Shrewsbury, Year 1881.

M K.-sl-Jdi-..-'.

Alien. Kiiinitiiil IAll.'ll, J iumw I1

AS.MI, cims.'x '.'.'A M I J . K.liniiil I" . .Aw-rs, .Mirlia.-I .A|i|.l<'|.'jll.., Ut-ulft-ll

llll.-haiiall, . lal'eiieeIt.-tlell. Sylveliuslli.y..-, .Mm \\lli.ilell, C. KIhinlen, Kiln-unl I'lt.H-.leli. Jns.-l.liS .Itt'iini'lt. Syh.'iiu-lll'i.wii. Kili'a.iiIlllikeiinlll, WllliiuuHnm-i'i'. Jiilm IVllou'iiuin. lie... wlll..vvti ,v ' .lleillli'lt, Willlll.'iii . . lostuiall.-llll.'ll. .VII...Slinker, \V. W .lll'iivier, llewillltiiiin-ll, <; v.'Iti'liliell, Mui-Mialll-lllll'll. Ijlu'illll I)ll.'llllelt.Tlliillia.sli'.r.ieli, (i.-.iiu.- Kllm-liin, (.IIH-KI! .1H I I H H T . J . .S. ' | . I I IIHailed, KiiwanlDI . IWII . r i i u r i . *ii. ' iin. 'ii, 1:11.1-li..r».riiit. e lmsll.-l (I, ll.-tii-y I ' , l^il

('la.M.iii. (..'.uni- \V

k, t:ii\ l i is iu, K. i 'I'llll.lwl.'k, Ah 111I'llllilwli'l.'. SaliillflI'liaiiilMTlaln. l lou i in l

iiilM-rliilu, Illi-iiiii, s rlll|lllll. II. \V

(i . t i len i , lt"l..-l'lr i ir i iey, Martin

'liaiiii..-rs. Ale.\in l is . -I'l is A

'.ink. 1: 11 j : 111'"l.'iiiau, FniuklialiilMTliini, .l.ilniiiiiiiiln'i-liiiii, Frankill'lile. K. Kslllle'ilall..|ii.-i'|.ll'untie}, Ililtilel ]'' ."lln\I-l. Alliv.tail'.II, All.llewAl*|»-llli'l', .l.ilni I I-:n|>«-lil<-r, I'lllllk II'dlilwi'll. .la'lm.lwl.-k. Wal ler . ..ilia-, I'alli I

'a.-..'. Ailt-liii'n.fl , Allt'll-lll- .h,,i li.rhui,, kl.lii.1.1

iiiiriin. Williaiiili-rlieis.-, Mis'UK'UI. Ji.llll..-linis, I'lias lill-llll'l.'ll, 1.Mit ' l i ly, e lmsn-Kii...t, W ill linn..•in-.-. ' | - imi-.

Ili-lllse, H.lwntilit'liiy. Iti.-liai.lIs. jiillll K

. . > . . l . l l l l l

ll.'lllilsiili, Mr>. VV..mi. Mr-. \V

K|.|i.-lllli.. Mr-. A-;ill"l[. l -aar II.•.III.ill..I..Illl I'.i.-l.l-. U III.mi.Iii.-I >. II I•:in.'i>. wiiniiiii:ili.ili. I'.-l.-r s

i.-iii-i.-k-. Iliinni

n. iol'm II.

• n > . .1 . 1-,k! . i . i i . .Ml-

l ." l i l . ' l . Ullli.illiivc... Tli.-.., n k . 1-L'I- .11

Fi.-li.-r,' iF.'llloll, I'

..I. Mirliii.'l .u Illia>


i l . N i l l l r r S', . l i ' l l l l

l . . i n . i n . I ' . i i r, A i l l i u r

I. u . I I . F - i i . l

nu l


Ml'i.dH l-iiai.11,11,11-. \1,,H

L' II. .lull..


li.Ui-ll.l li.i-. Ml.-lirl, Tli.illiii-lill-i-. J i i l lu-liilliim, Alli-l'U 111lillialii. l . i u i -I.on -. .limn 'Iliili-i. J

l. 'lnlllrksoll. I'l'lillll a \ l i an i l , Williamliil'i-lli.i'll.'. Slin-vt-l.lllklllN.I], IInlliiiir... \\. Hl.-lnli'i.'k-iiu. Iliiniiiilii.r.-iii.iii. w. A . ' Flunkl a n . - y . liiivnl ., IV. IIl.iiiilii-l.rliiii'l.-sl,

ill".' Marli l i ' i . ' K - i . l l . H i u ' / l l l i -.-. .Illllll >

illl-r, Wllllani•o.-k. William

Illls.-. William

.11.--, .lillll.IS I'a .li.lin II. Ksun . -.llllM.ll.l.l-... IVilillsiin. Ueoiy,. ly.lillsnll, K/.-kl.'l.III-111..1,-1.ih

•llM-y! iv i i i ln i -y.|1..|'>. iliiirl,.-•ir.-ry. rti i irlc- H-II.-ry. Willl AIIIIIM'II, II..1-.11I.. . .i.'iiu.-s, 11. II . . .

lurk-on. I.a>l<in11111; I'IIIIII llrlilini C .

ellett. IV..I .e l . l Wllliillilei'ler, Jitiiiesint-'sin-rry, Itnlicrl.•Isey. ..!.".!iiiL'. FniinTs . .infi l l . .l.M'i.n M

iw.-r.-... Kriink Mlnvri'Mri', W. Alike, Mrs. Ulllllllii

.like, IVIIlliliu

.like, ,1.lilll II

.loy.l. Cliarles Eslllle,. | ' , Mlll'lill . . . . T - ^,.-.-. Jo Illl IIJlllllIlIK, TIlt'.Nlol-.'^iliKStlvrl. K. II.i.nj.'slr.-1't. 'I'. II. Hslalenr.dn. . J11r.1l. l>it

-Ijrlltull. Cliurles.Illy, MlM. T1I1.II1U.SW e t , Suslin I1

inir. refer'ivis, Mrs. W. E

l.lllll',, EilwunlIjiu.-s. Ml-s. W. II

!, ,111 s, .Ir

Mlliirlnn,.li.lin IIllursili'ii, lir. li. I'ili-Deriiiiill, JuliiiHulks Mleliai'lll.nilil', .Mlelmd Kstut..Metilym, Juine.sMedliule, Air.iliznMiller, (ii«iMujnl', JlllllUMMills, HenryM.rCilc, Willlnin"ur|>hy, Nlrk

Mnnin, l'tiler' "uskey, Jiilm E

iwkey, ClinrleailrClllskey, Offilen' Cluskey, Jnlin

il-shult, H. ItMnrpliy, ['ill..Mlnlim, .Ini.lMlnlim, It.ilie.rlMinimi, IV. IIMinion, JnsialiMinion, Kilwtml... , —Minion, WilllninMorris, E.W

.my, Wllllum,.Murtln, JohnMurnliv, ilolin - , .Morris, lUulinrdMcdacliun, Jolin.Morrln, Mra.It .0HcUregor, Mm. Junes.Morris, A n n . . . . . . .

IT - iI i

^ N lI

1 IKI1 I HII Oti


•J I :I IN

:l IIl IN

.VI i1 •

:i I.-.:l '.'II :...I IhiI HII IM1 IKI



I IK1 01

l.'l IK


111 .'UI l»lI Tl!I noI inI mii imI uiI m

. l inI mI (M

mi HIi 1)1

, i! ir.. I ill

i m. i ui

i in. i in

i in1 UI

, l.(«1 Oill uil in

25".",US (XI

. . • » »

Newdllli!. J'tsejillXnlVrms. Jns.-1'llMV.V..I1, Joint

01.line. Tllnnuis.(ll.rine, .111111. . .llrlell, ThiMiliin'l), F.irinau

rn.liiLse.i, W, I' . .1'np.., Alfredl^itlerson, . .l'liltei-s.iii, stuMiirt..I'leehnex, 1I'allel-si,n, Jnsepll. . .l'arker. .Ill i l l . . .I'nrker, lii-nj. N. KstaleTiirker. J.-reiiiialiriiltfl-sim, diailes .riewzenskle, (lialles AlVaratll. Wllllani II1'i.sti.ll, Jiienl.nteli.T, Sln.y Kstiitern|«', W. II . . .r u r l e l l , All.lieu Mi'slViini- . llavl.l K

IlninT. I lias.'il,11.mi:, li.mi,.Illl.lilie, HivnIHii^rt'is, Kdwiinl!lifil,'l'i>ne|- .Itilssi'll, M. sH .bill-nil. (, »It'.w. NI-IMIIIIlllei, fjiwillil

iinilli, snruliSniilli, .I. II

11, riiui-l.-.s s rslii-riiiiin. Joiuuliuii EsiSiinVI, Jui-..l.Srh..|ll..r, I'

.<k. IISliiiirl, M. KSII-IIIIIIII'I. '. I...nisSti'iilliei>.. ItolH-rl

Illl., clinssniilli , ,|..>..|ili IISniilli. l o n i i u n II

-.-ler, Win, II.-liill li. UiiiuSi'lliili.-k. .li.lin IISitiilli. Jiilm-sS

ill. l lewill .SI II. illl.rllS|.rliii.rsii.|.ii, Daul.'l

llV.Irr, J l in. l .illllll..I.Jill li

Stnilti, 1 .illsSlnilli. AI011/11

,111:, M. IISi'l.iiiirk. .I1.I1II II

.|.iinl, ul .

ullh. ...l

t. diaries A|ML'sli-.'ii, lli.lie

-.11,11. li..1,. IIS.'lllllllll'..|i. T l l l l i -Slll|.iiili, Ill l

I1-. II'Illl.III. Ill

Alfn-i! llnriiev .Tll.ll.a-. llnlieliI'll.I.II. Wllllum Kslnl..Tl.-e. Mr-..I..Im

•ITV, li.-iitL'.1

'lei'r>, Charles itTill.II . i.h'.II IIlll..11. Allio-• IJ. I . ,1. Win'I'nillnr.1, Mi-. II'I'nilT.ii.l, II. I, It.-rij. Jr"' - \ . J I'll 1'.

n. .l.ilni F.TI |I-IIII. A. II

.•illl Srlini.k. 1'el

.'Illl Wni-I. Allie

Ian Winkle. TII'aini.ile. Willia

l.lliliV. Mnr\l inn i l . I lins

.r.lli l. WTIIniMl

.nun. T, in.] ,r,

wIVonvll. Mr-. Will. IIIVil-'.n. E. TIVill'lii'l'. .li.lm

ilwali l , .l.ilni \VI\ ' .K. .1 . li.-oriri', ,lrIVil-on. liii 'lianlIViil'.l.-ll. II .1

1.-. W .1 IIN.:.|- S ll,.|it'v VV

IVIill... 1 i . MW! I;..r!..11. l llliru-. ll|.|i,li,-v.

\~ ,illil.-v. .1 1....rllil.-v. .l.liiiI IHI:I..\, liiinii-lI'anl. It, in,ilill.-. I'rl.-riillliilli-, li.-will1 .1.1,1.IT. ,1'il.n A.'liiltni.n-. .Inlm I I . Mr-.'il-o.l. W'llliriin.-.«.lley, (i.-iiri!..

lVlh.ll. K. Tivnnl. Mr-. II.VaiiiMTiLTlil. l.uii.-l>V|i|iiiin-. 'I'll..11111. II

I1I10. It. c.Vil- hail.-.I

111. rimrii's

Colored List.

ii'ii''ii'i".^v.'!iInk'... Fi'i.nk-• ll.-r. .iain.'s

r. I'lias..Inn's. Clins. II..tin-, ill. Mos.->nl s.Ialn. ' I,...; I -1.11. Clins .illi-r. llavlil..winiiii. .Iain..- IIII-IH-I-. l'l'l.-r

al'l.iini. Maryarl.i'1', ll.-nry>lill-..!i. i'l'i'il..rll.-s, .In mixniiniin.liil. Siiaiili'l.

U l Win..1I111 Inlm•ks. in. Airn-.!

i. .1..II. Ch

Klw I,'llliiiil.L'l..n, Samuel .Niilll. Miirt, (i.-nivenulls. Charlielilll. .Inseplliieksim. lien. 1...riles, Henryem- , WilllninnV, K.UMII-Il.IIIIS..11. lien . s. .l-.-i-pli Ivslille.\ Klias . . .nllli. K l l a i M l inilli. 1 In M millnilll, .Inlm-rry. K.twaril.iliiis. in, lienrin' \Vier..w, Ft.>lierfrK«tit1..

nnliull, juhfTMvi'Ster. li -|, (Tins. Kslate .il«», IsaialiisttT, Frank

.le!>ii, llni.ll.-y . .tiiTiiersnn. Alfie.1..lines, Charles..Hues, Mary A•e. Henryreves. Snmilelii'Ves. Isaiali'.Hiilyiini. Siunllelnltties, Samlinltll, Tllnlllll.s.nenni, Jns|.|.l|,y, M rs. Mlesiit, Clia-sihmon, KlixalM'tlilurli-y, Alex. . .linsi.n, Saliini'lnvles, lienrmirU-r. J.ilin Itmum,-I. Hubert

nilliltns, I'i'llliliHiknn, Isuiie

llinvn, Siunllelllill'lllllS, lllllllllll

iini, Henryvey, Willlninnun, I'lvstnii

.liny, Mi's., Alexandernek, Peter, JriM-k, l 'uler, No. anek, .Inlm, Jrl l l lnek, (liurliM II>ek, .inlm

IIy,irry, .li.linTry, Adnni'hart, Mnry I)[ncfllt, Clliu...-.

IIIIKII'S, Ann•lllicleir, Will. I I ,ihnsoii, ,I(IHII|III.nmoiM, U'lih. . . .[I'vey, Thninn.s D. Bsuiti'..'..levny, K


OIIN S. TllllOCKMOItTON, Town (Unit,

1 It] KI;1 IN

7 iii:• :ki

i:, i;1 IN1 INI si1 IN1 IK

ln:i :«




I Ik•'I , :


A \K1\ KKM'lIliTt VK" AMI [.SMIUi'l l\ K

Fruit and Ornamental Plantsi»l KVKIEY VAHIKTV " F VALI'K.

FKi;i: TO AM, I I ' I ' I .K V M S ,

mid to tlioNf wlta have dcnK \* IlliUK u l t l i l n Ihc hihl llirt't' )4>ni*M.



I'i'iM'ji 'I'ri'i'M, A|»|ih' 'I'riM'N,'I 'aliiiaii dirii|ii> \ Im'*,

IVIINOH Him kltrrry I'lanlAN|»lini |r||^ ItOOlK,

A K l I . I . > l i M K i l l " U . I . K I M I N 1 1 |

TREKS & IMiANTSI M I.I I I I V . , I l l l : I . A I K S I - M I V K l . T I K s ,

A T I . O W K S T I . I V I N l i K A T K S .

d C u t l i b . r t _.. . _. la N,» l.rn,, I

, A,. Love( fa Buiall F1111Vl.-l. Tli- C-nUkv,„.„, 1.1

bU'O 1,11. l,,,.v I,,tri,iL.,u<,,l,,t,,l..bu.o 1,11. 1.1... i>, r--' ••'•__^Jc'..»_ili.iii T l , « , , „ , , » , , „ „ . , ,,,,, |,-

J. T. LOVETT7'L'|rttle"s'l"lvor','"N""j


For Sale or Rent.The Old Lumber, Brick and Coal

Yard of Parker & Chndwlck.Also, the Docks, ("i >iei ma' Mlllkel l l" . l l - . In.illil.- .T

. I . 1 I I N \V . S'l 'Dl T , H i m H A N K , X . .1

•tl !.:,In K-,

1 I.".I I.".•j r,1 INi

I ir.t 'N lI 1.".I INII Till] INII I M:t I.'.I INI1 INIIt ill)2 INIH INI1 INI1 Ml:\ in1 .Ml1 INII INIi'111I HIn n-,.I IIIi'lllII ?HI IIII KlI INII IHII (HI.-1 Itt

I11r. ini in

'TOB PKINtrNUpf every desoHption<J at THIS RR0I8TKR OFFlOg at modtirate rate*

I. M.'CI.A'I ST . . N. V.

NOTICE!A l l I ' . T - n l i - . i t n l . ' l . l i ' . i I , . I h , . | | i I I ' A H K K H A

' I I .WMYh'h. oil II .1 " ..I 1 k . I ' ' . ' . Mill, ill',- li'.IIIC.-l-M| ! . I >cl tli- I lu' •.:. 111 1 ui I .H I . IV Mi.- Hi-I ..f A|»rtJcvl. Ah... II l t i i \ | i lL"-hi iiu'iilllM -.ihl Him«l l l |ll.>,-||| IlKIU i!| 1||..II' l.lillllK'l ()|]|ii- till' | l ' " ~

I I I .r\i(iii:ic A < 11 \n\\ i n t .

1 j > 11 \ \ h , l . i . 1 U N i - ;>. '

REMOVAL.Y A T i ' I I K S C L O C K S A S H . I K W K I . K Y

s i n . n A M . i i i ; i - A i i t i : i . .

I ' n i i i l S I . , l i e , I I ' l l i > | i | i . I t i \ e i s i i l i ' A r c .

. H i s K N i I-1, V A N n i ' : i ;v i . ; i - ; i : .

42 HORSES 42

42 MULES 42?« IHHtSKX A V I) tii M ft, I.S

i'*fn' Stt/f iw III'i'httHf/f.

' I V n n i - > : i n I . s i n ^ l i - l{ . i n l . - l i - i s . A U .

>< > r i • H - IM-;I \ \ l.i r i M I M U N I - S : i i n l

T i n ' M u l l ' - i i ' . ' I i I i n ; v i ' , n > i - I ' l L'< x l I n ' - k i i i ". t t i ' l \ M ' I ! I I M I ' i - i , . i n I a t v n i l i " . i l > T" i H . i i K . IU l l l i l l l ' i U it l | ! . . ' i , i ! i ' M ! ; . , i ) L . , ' I | , | , , , : i : . ' - . HWIIKN I li.iu- ic i .h -.,\.-.

A l l S l o c k \ V a i i i i i i t t i l n<> Krpri 'M'i i i iMl

or no Sale.

Give me a Gall at my Stables.W M . c . K I . V . I I . I I . M I I K I . . N. .1.



I-'IKIXT S T I I K K T , I!I l l ) M A S K .

Patterson, t ie Clothier,luis ilii- larjrest s luck ul

READY-MADE CLOTHINGi n I I n - i - . i i i n t v , a m i w i l l

Defy Competition on Prices.

1 lum. on Imnil cverytliinj; 1'nr Mi'lt'sam I HOI/H' ll'rnr. (lint's I'lirnlsh-hlff (ifHX/H nf nil ilcsrriptimirt, Kllcll lusShirts, Di'itit'i'i'M. llall'-llose, Xerk'1'ii'n mill ('oHiir.i.

Cull uml sic mi' anil siirr !{() perrent.

Patterson, the Clotiiier.MAPLE AVENUE LUMBERYARD


lli'iilfir In

Lumber, I,hue, Hair, Uriel,; Lath,Cnnicnt, J'aintH, Oils anil



» ••''•_" HED BANK, N. J.

> t ' t \ l:> A M i I'l.' ; . ! l ' , l . \ ' , .


l'i;i INT STUl'.KT.

HK1I HANK. - N E W J K U S E V ,

l l e i l l e i III I l l l K i l l . l S I . !



A l i i ip- n i i inhrr <i

STOVESi c i m n In iii> Mi.iv on I 'nml Sln-i'l, lurliKll

HiiiliV Willl llir

Patont Improved Crates,

All tii'.lfr> foi:

TI\ 1:001,. ill I... | . i , , in | i ih linenil.',1 in.

J i i N K P I I S . M I A T l l ,

I'uns'i' svi t i : i .r , i£i:n HANK, N. ,I.

/ U ' M l l K K S d . N A- WI1ITI0 ,

I ' l . I M l l l i l i s , S I ' K A . M A M I I , i s I I I ' l l I t s - .

T I N i i i ) i i i i : i ; s ,

TIN Uii i i l 'KKs, T I N l f ( ) i i | ' i ; i ; s !

TIN U O D I I ' . K N ,

s i i ! : i : r i n n s A M . n i i - i - r . K \ \ n i i k i : i t > ,

H U H l l . W K . . \ . . 1 .

S T ( ) \ K S . M l - : \ l i : i ( . S A N i l I ! A M I K S ,

IM; \ I N H I M .I ' l l \ I N I ' l l ' l .




Al Hit- uhl i-Miililbhiil Htund in



t>l'i)lli|itly iitlrmli'il l o liy olit mul <>X|>t'i'leii<'t;il Wui



]iil*'i[ci*in^ ivuit'dicU wltlnmt fail .; Work and JuhUiiK <if all klmU M n

dmvil ]JIii

E. il. WATTS,m;ii HANK, N. J.

M-.W I N i , \l \ l II I M . S .


|! THEMOST POPULAR-| •• O F" A L L - - V




HENRV WHITE, Red Bank, N. J .




tills Inia in a lin'K.' sl.iek ..[

Millinery (jioods. . [ : i l l U.I,I. , wlil.'li she Is selling ill

. LOW PRICES.A llllkre.|ltlllliilv uf Ille


of nil Mll.ts illl.l ill nil I'liees, iilwii>s..M liuli.l.

l l l l i l l l lNs , I ' l . lSI IKS, VKl.VK'l'!., S I l .Ks ,SA I'l.S.s, KIJiH KliS. (IIINAMKNTK, (M.U

l.A I.IKS1 l..Vi 1'i ( Al ' s , U s T U I l ' l lI-I.A I'lll-.lls, ( I I K M . r s , , \c .

Ill Km. I mi-lely.

A L L (i( IOIIS W A K K A N T K I ) .

r .u . i . A N P WIN ri:it s i ' \ u:.s('ii'- IHI.NM/I-S NOi i t : A i i \ .


Butterick's Patterns.A l l . I H - | > l u . p l III s t . K ' k .

Tin- Il.-M (I U nl N e w V . u k I'rii-i'H

M l i S . I'). W K I S ,III ll.tSlh.. N. J

BLUXOME,Hats, Bonnets,

Feathers, Velvets, Hats, &cl l \ i > v M . i n . \ s i . i s 1 1 : 1 >i > I I i . i . i i i i t l H - ;

i i ; . m 5 0 o . i " » I . O .I ' M I I i \ i . i . i i> > i \ . . i i i i - i i . i i i I : I I M .

J . A . 1 1 1 . I \ < M J I .

M X I II \ S I v M ' i : . . H I : ,'i i ,M'., N. V

( |i : . \ l ; .s . \ \ | i T u r . A i v n .

I i ill.N I I I.I .I .Nli 'ni .N , t S U N S ,

MAM I.-.U I i IIK1IS |.I<

F I N E s i ; < ; A i i s ,\\ I I . U . I ; S . \ I . I : A M . i n . i \ I I . i . i . . \ u . i k > I N


r i i ' H s . K'l'i'.. |.;TI:.

TIM': ALMA S K d A K A Kl'lil '1ALTY

HINT sTiitrr, iii:ii IIA.SK, N. J.


A i l | u | I I I I I ) . ' T i l l I . I ' - l . i l k e i K w i l l I n - l i . i i i i . I H i e r l i . i i r . - M

I M i ' l . l l l ' i : ! . A . M . l n . M l . ^ r i i e n , A l t s , T . » l l \ r i is \ l l l > , I . I I , h 11 .

; • / i'/.;i A. v/- .swin.h iniI l i n e I ' . I l l - . | l l i i l l e l r l t ' i i lI"- I 'I e.|iliil

' M II

\\r l i .n. ' II).- I.i-M a^. r i iu i - i i l n[

.S M n K. V. U S ' i\ U T I t : L K IS

li. IN- liuinilniiMilf.irNi-w V'-rli.

i i I . Ill W l i . , 1 , - . - . ; , ! . - . I f l ' l k r l a i l .

M II III I Ml r i - I . . • f 11 < • 111111LT . I .W. t'llilH

It. J. WAKDKl.K.




iliikluliil s i r . . . I , NI-.II I ei.lj..I Itinlri.ii.l l ie | . . . l ,

.IIII1N II A I'l'l.l'.i.A I'K. l ' i i i | in . . |nr .

Cl.illi.> l.iiinnlrl...l In Hi.. I..M h l e i i i b,\\ i i r l re

N l . A r i . l - , l l s . - i l i n W i l n l l i l l j r l ' l u l l i e s .

Spir lnl rii!•>. (..| r iniuh \vn>lil!iLf. Cloltifs riilli-ilr<>r anil <li-!lvcn-i| In miy |NII[ <if Iti-il Itatik ami vl-,'liilh.

nnUMN mii\ l»- Irf| [ |...t. ,„• .1. ,\l. Mnitli's i,r.i,.

.sn.n-. (inter* In iniitl will nfrl\r |ir.uii|ii iill.-iillnii.

lie Red Bank Register.TIIK KK(>ISTKIC is owned by im ('orporalion, rimirolli'il by no rlitpii1, lind m

ihscrvii-nt uiilv l<> IIIM interests uf tin1 |n*i)]»lc.

It is a ]>;ijici t'ui1 lilt' people.

Asi'lc Irom pulitii-H THK Jil^HSTKIt is the most uggrfiwivo joiirnul of tlie

cinniy. It I>elives lh;il h-lnnns ami iniprovciiUNits can hv ln'ouf^ht HIHIIII only by

ie leiirless cniiinit'iits iil'iui iinl(!|n'iiili;nt prrss, anil it in a thunmtfli exponent of

lis idea.

TIIK RK<il,STKK is'ludd, fi-urluHs, bright mid gDHsipy.

It in a pip.T wllh ' h v i i i ' l opinions mi ttnrrrnt topicn.

II1 you take but 0110 Moniiiniiih County punrr TIXK UBOISTEH iH tlio paper

mi Hhoiitd read. It devoUw morn sp:icej mid moru talent to local event s tha t

,!iy oilier joiirnul in tlio ('ounty,

The Job Printing Department

i THE IlEOISTEB is uuoxiwlluil by tlmt of imy otlior ollico in tlio County. It

iiiHiill JVrcii> I'i'liltliif/ Alittiii'iul. Tliutyiio in THE UEGHST,KB ollico is of tlio

'ust uml mcisl tiislofiil ilHsiKiii. Hurt uvorythlng boiug abHolutoly now, good work

mi bo guai'iiiitcod.. . . .

, Having im iibundanco i if niiitoriiU of all kinds, THE REGISTER call turn out

oli printing promptly und nt vory low prices, A TRIAL SOLICITED. -

JOHN H. COOK, Cor. Broad & Front ts. , Red BankKN.J.




PALL, 1«»1.



Degraaf & Taylor,47 & -111 W. 14TII ST. & 4» W. 10TH ST.



Wr nJTiT tin* /iilltiw IIIK linlLicdtiKilits Ui b u y e r s :

Tin- luiyi-sl .slock in s r l i r t fn»m.

I'rli-cniin inw ii.s n<«'ti Kiiriiittm* r an !«• wild.

o u r i>x]MTti<n<-i' nf thir ty yi'iirs, wlili:li wlU'iiH«tirK



•J" U'KST I till STIIKK'I', Iwl. Tilli mid IJtli Avv.s., N.V.

Di-slgni'i^ nnd Mukurhtif



Siinl fur <>r our liinnlsoui.-ly Mluxlm!.-.! eutu-


AMM-: CAUI'KTSl - A S l l h i N \ttl.l-: t'AKIM-TS

| r s (nl lull llnW OJirll.

( i n i U . ' S l V a r l i ' l ) ,I . o » . - > i I ' r l r i - s I I I t i l . . C l l y .

, » . - i , - . » ( 1 0 1 1 . J l . r r . i K - r y a n l .

. . . I . - . . I . - . . I H i . 1 . . 1 1 . I f l ; r . l . i t r y i i r . l .

. .ii!.-i l . i n , - ,.| I i i L - i i - i , \ i - l . t - l - I n . i n s i . i n |, | . | . y n r . 1 .

. . . i i ' i I . i n , ,.| i ; , , , l \ I . , . - 1 1- I . . , n i M .-'. | I . - I y n i i l


n l ; : I I I - ] , . - I . . m l ; f , , i i i i i . | ' | . r l . - . . J l . - r . .

I'M .innkK. i. n-ri-iil ininl.i.s.. of an im-i r l i - r s . - l i l l n - - l u i k n l i l | i l i u l - l . • ! \ ( J ' . I H I S , I ' I I I -

H I I - , , \ i • . , w III I, .- M l l r n i l ,11 , i l I ,11 , i ' i i I s 1.11 11 . I n l -

1 1 1 - I I . h f . .11 I I . . - , S A ' I ' E K S s , I I I I T i l \ \ K S . A . ' .


Nos. 189 and 191 Sixth Avenue,

m i i N i i i i u r n . - i i i i . i : r . M ; W \ u i i k .

IIAIR ( i o o l w .



N.i. K llriKi.l n l n v t , in-ill" Kru i i l ,


U'K/-,. \ \ i . \ . . s , | - . i / / i .>,^u.,>, r..rf|..-Huns,u l l . !]..>, I n i l s , luii.l.. oil Mil- lir.-mU'..., lllllr.-i.[/ u | . Ill HIM-.-In™ al>l... FHIM' Inilr ily.-.liv 1111.11/. Hi.I \\ ij^s r..|.!iln-.l a s UIHMI II.S nr iv .Ni |.t.'in.i.-.- a Il.ilr 'i 'oiilriin.l Uy.-r wlilrli luovr i i l s... Imlr Iroiii i Hni; .MM. nu.l I I . . | | H HI.; ifn.wUl ..r•» luilr. i, .ui.1 > i c Von m i l uml u mil Iini.liirunlH' iiil^...v, iin.l lii.ll..>' r.Mily-iiiiiil.. UII.1I.I--

.-;ir. A lurui- ^iin.-iy ol .iiiitli-i-irn, iiu.ssus' nu.l<ln-V r i . rn- i - , mii'Miiu .-"i- ' - l i , la.-.- rollar*. /.npliyr..i-l.-.l, i•.-rii.iiiii.iivn yiirus. luwli-r>,! im-..ii.-, Ki,Kli-t. l.i'.l<> lull-. I'll.-.-.- |.< .-oinpar.. will ,iv I ' l l . . . -uli i l <'\.'r>lliiti^ I., K...II K"i<l .11x1,lil-|.liii.-il j.-w.-lrv. ti-lrl.-li I...illii.r-., ki.l Klov.*-..

I...-.- anil . liilliiiir, Im-.-.s anil r,iiruilu^rl.;uu.' .ii.l <1>.'.1. ILu.-t\ ami la.l...l .-nil..-, lulls, veils, Ir i iu-

i l l i ^ , liiri-an.l . l a ] . . . sacks i'.i.slori!.l ii.-. ymid iw u.:vv.will |.i,v W.II In .-nil iiii.i .-.ilisry yoiirsoir.

MICS. l ' l .KCHNEIt,

III,mil SII.-.-I, ll.'il Hunk, N . J .




('iii'i.s iiii.i Kri/./.cs N j i l u n i l l y C'urly.

II h i m I , .,[ l lulr i,...His l'oii..iuiil!y mi Iliiiul i.rM...I.- li. III.. sliorti;sl



i . i i i l . i n n s i i i iu l i ' u p n t L u w e s t K a t e s i n n )

in I-'ii-sl-L'lusK S l y l c . '


No. \i-\ ItUOAl) STUEET, L-'p-Stairn,



'• 'P1IE MARKET," '




heru i-Jin liu ftuinU Fru^ll MuiiL-i uf ull kinds of lue

vury iMisl iiuullLy, lloiuu BluilKlltorud.


l'UUI.TRY, SO.,AH ut KwLsomiblG Priced.

I would rt'*pt'i:tiully nutiiy the Fiiniieni tlmt I urn!|iureU lu UltIND AND SEASUN 8AUSAUE MEAT.






AU kinds of meats, Including

BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL,PORK.&O.,always on band.

We also keep oa band



The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices.

WHITE & ALLAIBB, ;' . \ : . : . . . . - . • • . ' . . •

, 8 0 IinOAJ) 8TKKKT, REP flAOT,, N. '1. V | S &

Page 4: RED BAN EGISTER - · red ban egister volume iv. no. 35. red bank, n. j., wednesday,-february 22, 1882. 81.50 per year

The Wlysterie* »t Junk.

In a highly complex civilization likethat of New York it is not to be won-dered at if tbe waste of (his great citylias given rise to one of its mcst marvelonsindustries. Ho iv to utilize every scrapr 1 refuse, every piece of worn out twine"r rope, every pair of old boots, everyfbeot of moldy paper tliat may beIlirown away, is'tli^ aim and occupationof perhaps ten thousand persons de-pending oh this apparently very hnm-x->]e, but in reality highly lucrative live-lihood. There are no less than 200 jnnkshops (wholesale and retail) in.New York;there are 1,100 licensed junkmen whopo out with cartn «very day to collectthe refuse from door to door, and thennraber of unlicensed ragpickers is en-fimated by ofliccru of the license bureauut a thons-ind at tha very loweBt. Som«of the jnnk shops employ from fifty toeighty persons in collecting, weighing,porting and paeluwg the Htufif. and cou-s'dering the number of families whoseI-rpa& winners are engaged in the in-dustry it is regarded by those mostcompetent to but a moderateestimate that about ten thousand peo-ple are dependent upon it. The wholfiImsiness is aB aynlematizecl as theI'nited States treasury or the Britishcivil service. E?ery possible desurip-tinn of pustebonrd, rag, bottle, wastepaper or piece of old metal has its firedprice, and in a famous jnnk shon of thiscity no lesn than seventeen grades ofwares of diflVrrut pi'ces (varying byperhaps only our t-ithtb of one centper pound) were counted by the fore-man.

The most valuable stuff, according top.n official of the license bureau espe-cially conversant with the subject, arcold garments ^he clotli of which, afterbeing unseamed and ripped open, kworth from ten to fifteen cents a poundto the manufacturers of shoddy. Ajunkman who has a " lucky day " andfinds plenty of old cloth rags like these,fnoi bottles, the best sort of paper,ilfn., will make 8-1 In 85 a day, while uvet day will sorely diminish his protits.'I lie bulk of the junkmen are Irishmen,though a goodly number of Gernmnshave also lately gone into the business;while the Italians, who are mostly un-licenhed ragpickers and form quite alarge colony in Jersey, Crosby and Mul-linrry streetB, collect from the dumpsand ash barrels what the others (who,nsGuitcau would say, are more "high-toned ") would have left behind. Thestuff collected by these Italians is sofilthy that most of it has to be washedbefore it can be sold, and the best junkdealers do not accept anything fromIUlians because they say, the manufac-turers to whom they must sell it declarethat it is too dirty for them.

There are two big iron yards in LcroyFtreet where the scrap iron that in col-lected is bought ut ii half cent perpound and afterward melted in thefoundries, whilA the light sheet iron iHgenerally disposed of to telegraph wiremanufacturers. Take a broken downold stovepipe for instance. That makesexcellent material for a telegraph wiroand fetches from three to rive cents apound, according to quality. An im-mense buHincHR is dnne in bottles.Hardly a medicine bottle is thrownRVay that, if not carefully washed outand restored to the trade as new. Anoust sido bottle denier has almost amonopoly of thiR business. The greaseand fat that are picked up by Italiansnre sold to rendering establishmentsand reappear as lard, and the meatbones collected are H:. ill to be groundfur manure, for which purpose they arosaid to be specially effective. Old hatsthat are thrown uwu.v are stripped ofT,recovered and reopened, and the eastside "manufacturer," who has boughttbe hat originally from the ragpickerfur ten or fifteon cents, resells it. in itsrejuvenated shape, for one or twodollars, Old boots and shoesare worth anything, from live conts up-ward, and sold to the Baxter streetshoemakers, who use them, as fur uspossible, in making up their " newshoes," Quite a romantic chapter andone full of the most extraordinary inci-dents iB opened by an attempt to de-scribe tbo lucky "finds" made in refuseheaps by junk dealers and their em-ployes. Perhaps the most remarkableot these was the discovery of the secret' rrespondence relating to the mar-

• ige of Jerome Bonaparte and Mise1 iterBou, of Baltimore, and the subse-'/ lent negotiations between the Paterson'.-id Bonaparte families, in the wasteV iper of the old warehouse of the bride'e.-thor. Fiom the letters found in this•'range nnnner the entire history oi. iese negotiations between the Patersorj' imily and NapoleoD, and of their, was collated and the result pub-. shed in 1873, in a book. A firm ol. ink dealers had purchased the refuse• -f tbe warehouse as such, and in theemptying out of Bomo lonp-closed•lesks the letters probably found theiii'ay among the waste paper. Thus the

Waste paper stock of an old waruhoaselias actually been made to serve for thepurpotes of contemporaneous literatureBut jnnk dealers tellof other extraordina-ry "n'lidB." A Muiden lane jeweler (javeTip a diamond ring which was sent tohim by express as lost, when lo I monthsafterward the man to whom he sold hisWaste paper stock and other refusefound it in the heap and returned it tohim. Another instance, perhaps equallyremarkable, was the discovery of in-dorsed checks to the amount of $3,000,found among the waste paper of a wellknown city bank. It appeared npon in-vestigation that the owner was not awareof his loss, and hud, therefore, taken nomeasures to stop the checks, so thatthey would have been paid upon pre-sentation. To return to ihe matter olsmaller and every-day losseH of this char-acter, the junk dealers vety frequentlyfind penknives, postage stamps, scissors—but money, they all asree, very rarely.It would thus appear that while peopleare rcokless with letters, checks, ringsand other articles of value, the hardcash is about the only thing which theywill take good care not to drop intotheir vaste baskets.

The women who sort the stnff in thejunk shops and who sre quite a numer-ous class in the city—they aro culledsorters,"—all understand t' at thoseartioios belong to the perquisites of-tbeforeman i/r superintendent of the shop."Them's my pickings," a foreman up-town said, and he added with greatgusto that the autograph* of noil-known poraons often found in heap? ofmoldy lettera Lrmed a very pleasantaddition to hier wages. He had studiedup the subject of autographs thorough-ly and knew their commercial value,both here and abroad, to a penny. Heopuld tell off-baud what the autograph,in a letter of Washington, or Jeffersonor General Jaokson or any publio manwould fetch in the open market jnst ofbe oonld tell whether a bnndle oi oldpiper brought to him was worth oneana a half cents or one and throe-quar-ter oentB per pound, In visiting ajunk

( lbop the writer m s not a little BUT-priMdi to. we. o»iae torn "V railroad

.<• $ 5 5 M O I * toe floor. B*jdak«d.ULem

i-i-. I.--!,

these?" "Certainly," was the JUBPdealer's prompt response, "the elevated

• railroads sell their tickets regularlyafter they have been taken oat oi theboxes into which the passengers throwthem before .entering the cars. Thejhave abont three thousand pounds oltliBuo tickets which in falling into theboxes are mutilated so that they cannoibe used again, and they are worth aboulone cent a pound. The jnnk dealer)buy them just like any other stnfl."—New York Herald.

A Long Sleep.A c&se of prolonged somnolence that

may serve as a companion piece to thatof the sleeping Hungarian in Penrsyl-varia, in reported from one of the hos-pitals of NeiderwniHfil, in Germany.

The twelve-year-old danghter of aninnkeeper fell into a' deep trance inMarch, 1880, and continued in tbat con-dition for the entire remainder of theyear. She was carefully observed byphysicians and nnrnet iu the hospital toWhich she was removed, and there canbe no doubt as to the authenticity ofthe statements made in regard to her,and the small quantity of nutrimentthat was preecribt'd had to be adminis-tered by forcing hd month open.

She had normal Bleep at night, bntduring the day lay wholly motionless,and apparently without cessation orconsciousness. Al first, much emaciated,her appearance sutjHeqnently becamefresh and healthy. About the beginningof the year she suddt nly recovered herpower of speech and was soon whollyrestored in oiher respects. She is nowentirely well. It is also said that dur-ing the whole period of her suspendedanimation she wus fully cognizant ofeverything that took place about her.

nuv conns.

Great Reduction in PricesR. W. COOKE'S.

imi'.ss <;o«»i>s.


3 Buttons Kid Gloves, 35 Cents.3 Buttons, Opera Shades, Warranted,

80 Gents per pair.

Merrimack PrintsI'. I T . N T S I ' K l i V A I f l l .

n. w. COOKK.C d K N K I t I I I I O A I ) . * M K i ' l l A N l r S T S . .

l(i-:n H A M ; . N. ,1.

1 1)1,KM K: m i . K .

Novelties in Silks and DressCoods.

Fall and Winter Novelties inSilks and Dress Coods,

wil.-Mmi* nml

k v I I ' IHI I >i.*> I- l.'iii |n-r ynnl1 mini-.'

if I'M-C illllk-ly

MiL'tnrLTiiii.-^ in |iii'|Kirtiim;ilrly |.,w iH-ict-s.

Black and Colored Cashmeres.

A full lit r i'.j

Cloth Sergings for Ladies'Suits.

l-oliir ln-iv diniroim! y-II.I,I, ' dm

r- liliivlni.' 11 < Minlili'leHIM |irii-«

l> in a l l t in- Mi-u- i | , -

Dress Fabrics.DKCIDKD KARtiAlNK.

Cloths and Cassimeres

in |iatti-rii> fur u iu anil i ivrmui ls .

Ladies' Cloths for Ulsters.

L A W K S ' A M ) ( iKXTs ; KID (i l .OVK-

fiirsln-i'l anil ivi 'iiini: wear. Also tilt-

Foster Kid Clove.r unit Inn' cumin hi

vi'ry Ini•wry viirii'Iy liu-liulinir ari' Iliii' ul


al i-xtriMiiiily Itiw in-it't's.


pecial Offerings in Coloredand Black Silks.

Merino Underwear.

T 1 I E H K S T L I N K O F M K K I N O I N -

K H W K . A K IN T I I K C o l ' N T Y .

The Foster Kid Clove.




(lit. HHO A1) & M K( 'I IA X K' STRI-: ETS.RED HANK. N. J.




Allcock's Porous Plasters?miflo tbuy have provcil tlu>nwelve.s tl

Beat External Ri'tnoily cvor inventei

They will euro nRtlima, colds, rlipum

tiKin, neurnlirjn, and nny loctil piiiiiB.

Applied to tin; ainnll of the Imck tlio

tire infnllililo in Bmik-Acliv, Nervous De

bility, and-all Kidney troublra; to tl

pit or the Btoniiieli -llicy aru a Bliro eu

for Dyspepsia nnd Liver Complaint,

Allcock's Porous Plastenare painless, fragnint, and ciuick to cun

Beware of imitations that blister

burn. Get A L L C O C K ' S , the on!

Genuine Porous Plaster.



Dress Goods.

or it STOCK or DRESS nooits is) W Tl I K 1 .A H( i KST \V E 11 A V V. E \ ' VM



.v|B | n l ,|IIIM siln-r-mnv, dluiiiiiniR waliilma, Jowclry uml

Him-.-. ius iimc-ti ttMiiiinufuc-turi-rj Ui S-J"Mlmu-M) SH

Elt'Kanlly casi-d sianll |iiw»'H ol Hilvcr, Ti lTanys^^» ^ l i l l i tWO 1,1" t<ii>rliuiu'.s uiiikt'$rj tu $;M ihuU'imi • x n t I T 1 ^ T 1 ^ I ^ ^ ' l" *''"• fiold Mem-windingu'titi-lit'.t, &10 lojj&A). Silver, SI.') I L I A / I J l-X- \J iujJO. IJHIH-S' M"td wnlchcs S*JUiil>. Diuniond eiir-WiiKs 8*"' t" I P , V V I I J \ J l \ *:'<IW- i'lammid lintf.-, *m lu*i,ix(u, Kiitfiwmtui uml wed- J *—* * * *-* J - ' *-*•*- v dim.' rtujw $$ to g3J. Silver••• - ' t taken off. Pint* Jewelry of every tieseripid/ii awuy be.low

K O BOWERY, N. Y.I'lulril Wai.:,wtiulfsulf niU-s.

, lur(fi*»ti mill

Siiri'i-^sin lo K. K. SIUMW(KH1,


|>p. <;lol)t: WuW\, \W\\i HANK, N. J .



Oiah-r In

LUMHEU, LATH, U.ME, CEMh'.NT,III ii'k. .Nulls. I'lilllls, IMN, if.



llrulri, | | |

I.L'MUKH, LATH. LlMK, liKUIIC,I ill, < -uli-l 1 IIIKI IJIIKI I'liiyhM-. IliinUviuv,

l'uilil> a l n l o i ^ . ( iml, lloiicillist, l iuuliu. \ i - .(Miii-i-. FiiKNrii's nr i i , in\( i , m n u n s'niKirr,



l.LTMUEU, LIME, LATH. I'LASTER,I'l'iiirnl, I t i irksitnil Drain '1'llr. linilili-r*' IliirdWHn-,

lira.*Si-i-cl. ILL: MIXI-II IMIIIIS II S|»-,-lullv. I h iI..- ,lK>ia I'lli,'. Ash, Whllovviinl anil Wiilniil

I.UIIIIIIT.\,-;u UiillKiuil I),-JH,1, It]-:•> HANK. N. J



At Ihi- l.i>wt-sl Minki-I I ta l ic .I ' l i ldl Wclllll. I.KCIS'r AMI ClIKSTNTT I'l ISTS


JOIIN A. woirnii.EY,Illll, -111 W,i|-Illlf)'» l iurk, I1F.I) I I A N K . N . J


COAL and WOOD,Sell ullly f I sullllil |iilie r-lnl " .II n . -n l .

S.-II [iitni- lint Itn- lii'it ^null 's uf i-iiat.

Sail n, dill with l ln-ll 'oial .

MOIU'lllllI Hltll'I'HKUS,

Kruiil S l r w l . Itwl Hunk. N. J .

r s. u. nuowx.

lll'llllT 111

Coal, Lumber, Hardware,


Corner First and Atlantic Streets,





;.\I.L Ol'ENINIi.

.1. it ('. JOHNSTON,

ROADWAY. fiTIl AVK. & til) ST..

isll t o I l l f i i l l l l l l l i - i r r i b t ' i l l i r r s m i l l llli- l i l lh l l i - tillUi'V w i l l t l i i r l n i ? i h i s i iml i l l i



vn f!ti]Hu-tatlim, fmni llicniuiiurmiuivi-M. In ihi-lr


itli|ik't4* IH'W stork, cnnsiNtiiiu' nf tin*



tlCll FLUSHES, *




lid a littyi' anil viirhiliLssurtmi'til uf


lnliiK nil llu> nt'wcst (lfMljrti.4 tinil chi' leading Frcnrh und EiiKll»hrubrlr.s.

luilifsulit buycis an» ulmi rcKuwtrully ftivfihiH,


We would rrspt'i'tl'iilly nnntiuufn Ui tin' ladle* oflied Bunk uud vicinity Hint our slwfc ol




i never iH'rort* HO lur^o ursu vuried. WV wuulJimrLlcuhirly cull ulluiulon tu our


Wlilf-li fur dunililllty nnd (•leKunrj* uimiot 1K> HUT-piwstHl by nuy house, lu tliy city. We are cuiiHttiutlymwlvliiK fnwli liii|M>rtull»iiH of all tint ItiU^t





r.d'lTI.KltS UK


Kli'm.F.ltS UF





m i l . llllllAl) AND F1UINT STI1KKTS.













Sold und Ki'jKiiml,


All wink done In a nnieilnil way uiul w i i m i n t n l .Nn second Hmiifi' on work dune, HHVV been in 111**iiisiiii-ss fo rme* llll.'fn vejirs. ' I know I rim jrlveWltlsfnrliiill. (iiHiils Milt'i AJ [,vv cent, hi'linv NUWI'ork [iilri^. All 1 sell will Ite ,i.- i v p r w u l t t l or11II1K-V t<-HinilM|. I'll-ll.SllIC tU sljllW pillllri. Will

apiin'riiiii ' nil I m o i v


Ni'vviii1!,, I tn i i i i l Si i




Siaimns in . V A York, f«Mii of |JliciiySiii4>l iimiM u l llaiKM.ii Slri-ct, N. II.; In Uiouklyn, .Icwt'll'ti

U'liurf, f «f Fulftui s t n v t .CtililiiTlliiii h liuuli- a t Jersey City stulion to uiul

ixiu Iti'Mttklyii ami Krii- depot, JCIM-J City, tiy lining-f tlie itnHJklyniillil Klie Aiilli-X.

CiiliiliLi-Iieliig Se|it. ^'filli, 1SS1,

TllAINSKllH ItK.U HANK..Hue.SVw Vnfk in .'iim, K l.'i n.iii.: HW m.. ^IHI.

i p.m.I Staliiiti, nl ti I-'), a.m.;

" N-lllll Allllmv ul li ;(l,, •!) Hi, ji.iu.; 1 (HI, •_' MI,

" l/iiijr Iti-iiiirh ui li-Jii, ; i"i, Niiri, II il-i i .ni. ;i i.'i. I rj.."i H ' I U H .

" Oienii l . r u w at ii i«, ; » ; , 7 17,10 41a.m. ;

" I'uiiil I'lciusuiii ai "> in, ti Ci, ', &"), III $\i a.m.;i u.'», ;i ;t,\ .ViHt

TltAINS ],|.:AVK UKIt JUNK,"nr N«uv York ut ti :t(, '• :IK, H 111, II hM a.m.; 1 M,

t ^ , fi ."L! p.m.•• Newark iii ii •'*••),; ;in, s it*, 11 -,1) a.m.; I .w, -l vis," hi mill Aiiilmy a l ii :t t , ' , ;W, II a); I .W, -I ••!«," I/IHL; l lniiuli , ll..-;iii (irov>-, Se;i i

MiuaiiaiKil'uint l-liMMiiitut ; L'.'I, 1t:>la.iu.; I '•'•<>,

" 'livnioii mul i'hihi(|el|ilna, \ In " Itoinul ItnmkKuiili*," ul ii ••(."!, h I'.i, 11 .'ii; I :>\ I -JS, ."i .VI


,eavi- lleil Kaiik ut ', -'H, s ID; I , ."> :>.'{ |>.in..i-inc i'reelinliljii N iNt.i.m.; I l."i, ii i:- p .m.

t'<>] rurllicr l inniri i lars ser lime tables ill slatiuli.s.


nilillliiMirlliiMM. iilst, 1HS1.

LKAVK KKI1 HANK.ii.%) fur hiriiiinifilale, Mnucliesier, Tunis Hiv-

nil siiuin Ilnyshli

:i'J.'i p .m. r..r Totns it yami Caiiiih-n nml Allaiitlr Kailwav',[or l ianii '^m ,,n Saturdays only.

:>:il iJ.Mi.h.fhiniiiiitf.lalr, Maui-lii'Mcr, Tunis Itiv-cr. llaiiit-jrau Ac.

l i;i, ;. .Ml. p.m. fur l \ . n .Mniiiiminli.Li-.iw 1'Mit .Moiiiiiotiiti fur Knl Hank lit TW 11.

• i r i i . iu ..liiSKI'll S. l lAl tRlS, H. p . HALDWIN,

(ifii. Manager. lien. J'n^s. A^i'ii




Tniiu> li-avj- \\;\. i vn t r a l IInllnnKl ->f N e w J e i s e yftil- Knvliuiil. MiiritHini, lillUluli*. Mniyim-

l.KAVK itVrll IMXKAi s M*. II --Vi a.m.; I -JSainl '> .VI

I.KAVE I.I'ITLK SU.VKItAi ; :V), M I I IH . I IL ; I *i) anil .'> -IH p.m.

I.K.WK MlDlH.KTuWNAl ; -Hi a.m.: I -^ ainl tiixi p.m.

HKTl ItNlNii, l.KAVK. ntr'.KIHiI.l*Km1 Keil lillllk, Ai-., \ r . , ill .SIN), 11 IHI n. |N . ; 1 I.*,, f, •.'.*

KKYl'UHTCONNKtTlDN..Ul tniin> o( Ceiiirui Kailtoail •ninnTlini: ui l l i

III-W railr»a<l I'niiU' !u K.-yjmri \ m. MaUiwan.

l*r lf> Hie line iiii\inir lied Miiiik m H in u.m..iMimrfii'Hi i> mailr H uii ilit- .laitii-slihi'K Mnnn'li nfHie 1'etiiiMlvaula K.R. fur KHK1I«III"WH, .luiiii^ln'1'iviittiii, \ r . .1. K. K A U ' H ,

N.iv. -t, 1HM1. sup't umi Tri'ii.sii


/ u)NROW'S


HKI» HANK. N. .1.nui! leiiiliTill.-. |i"|illl

lo Itn- M1-11111In-niu-ii 1.a-iii

'MalilHlllll-MI "I: thi.-l.iiiiiliuir. lias tji-i-n

as,,11 ,,f 1.1S1.

tM'S, STKAK*. K'l'C, I'unkKD 'I'U nlil)Klt.KIMI AM) t'KAHS IN T1IKIH SKASd.V

(I.A.MS HiiAS'l'Kh Tn DltDlllt.

Best <inutilv 1 if [inul 111ljim-r tioUtcU [i>rold and N.-w Alt-

I ' in . i i -c Si-jfiirs 11] t l i t- itn

oMubli'iily i^








•T FKATI1EII3, ri,UWEllB, Em. X •

MACYi J4TH & 6TH AVE.N E W Y O R K . ' . - • • , -




Plum, S|M'r,lllraUoil!s UHlllimtt'B nml IIIIIH of lim-I'-rlnl for iiiilillc, onil |>rlviitu IHIIIIMIIKH In uny partiif tint wuntryfurnl»lii!ilat"lciw-rttUa nn »linrt no-tla-. ' ,

" Old liullilliiKS reiiimlHwl nnd inixlornlzcil.Bliecliil uttentluu tn Voiitllatlini und DWork Ruperlnlended U doslrod.

: . P. O. Addren,'; AflBURY PARK, N. J.

|iti|>(i!:u- hrnrins.

L'ONROWS HKSTAUHANT,harf Avi-niif, NVnrlh** l'»wt-Uffli



(Kurnpf'iiii J'luii.t Km mis SI per day ami ii|iward^IIDOIIIS lor iivn, S|.;»<HM;I' day and upwards.Kifu-eii iiiiniii'.-s irmn draml iVul-nil Iir|mt am

An t'U?, Kh'vui'ir i-iiirles quests tu every Hour,

N. AS. J. HL'li(iINS. I'riiprie




TIIL' SIIIIMITIIHM-, Aihiiinlstraltir nf tin; Kstutcolrt'm. U. Stoiii, iluei'iLseil, hy vii-iim of illi order tiIm Orplllllis" Cnill't, of Ihe Coiiniy uf .Mniinunill

,t Illi, Iffrtl, will cxpnsiMil I'ulilU; Veil-llllf Ull

Monday, Miirch 27th, 188:2,At 1 P. M., tIN TIIK IMilC.MlSKS, near tli

'llla^e of Miihiletmvii, all Unit nntaln IMII-lid Lriict DI liiml situated ut New Mutuiioutli, ill til

Towi^lilp «>r Mi (I ill el own, Moiiiiiuutli Cdiliity, NitwJe.^ey, tin tlu> Ensi Hldu of tliu public road It'iulfnfliiiii tliu Villas* of MlildliiluWii to New Muiiiiniulludjuiiiliig lumls of iieor^'' 'Morfonl, Jului jMorfdiimid others, ctintiitnliiK alioiH fmiru-t'ii acres. Tli

itHtiniHtsi of Urn Mansion llousi'uf Toil)rouinsuiul hull on in-si iiuor, six HHHIW mid hull v

; vviili Hiini, Stulili*, WtiKon timl CurI-H, (Janli'ii, Ac, nil lit KOIHI iii'ili'l" will

Uivlianl iinil other Fruit Trcus, An. Kulufr lint lutinwlUtuiiu of tliH Ilov. Uavitl ». Stout, duonusod, amliiLiiilsoiaely Ux-ated for a unuutry rcslUonw, ami-ouvtuilmit to Deiiiit or Sleiiunir.

('uTiilllloii.s inudti known on day of tuilo.. THUS. 8. FIELD.

7STATE OF MARY LLOYD,. DI'E'Notice is ln>]t;tiy ^ivui), that- tin; iimmnls of 111Hiitisfi'llmr, Kxeeiuors of salil llw:L'iL-M.'d, will be iuUlunl nml wtiiU'il iiy ttitf Siirrdgutu, anil reported' > ttrpliuim (\iurt of ttm cininty of MuninoiiUi, c


(lulu Hunih K. Lluyd!TIlOMAbti . FIELD.


ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.Wllll uu I'lntunl, Ailiiilnl.Hl nilur of Ellzn plnur i

I1H^IL4I»I, by unliir of tliu HumitMtu nf tlio uountyMininiiilltli. liunOiy KIVUS nulliiti to tliu (iroilUurwtlm wild iltt-uwi'il to lirltiK In tliulr dulita, iluiiiunanil clidlUH lllfilliiHl lliu ustutu nf Halil de^cUout, lldor until or alllniiallnii, within nlnu inuntlis frotill! SKVENTEENTII DAY UF JANUARY, VW, Itlnty will lo fiiravtsr Immil ot uny uutluu tlicrofiuunliiiit tliu mill AilminlHlrutur,


AftnawwK Inyour own town. SB llutllt 1M i l l Nn rink: Ev-erytlilnif nii'V. UUilliil nut .• •"•quired. Wu-wlll fiirnhh you uvuryllilniMuny ura niaklnu fortunua. Ijullra niiiki1 II» nineOH muD, und buyH lintl Ktrln lnaku grout |iay. Ittiadur.If you want a biutn&s at wtiluli yuti can maku KreuU ) all Uw time jou work, wrlla for. purtloulara£lUlun»O(l..Pwtl>llH.IUlM.

CENTSfor tlio three firgt nnmben ofthe new volume of DKJIOREBT'BMONTHLY. Ten largn ulcturcs—BteflpiiKravliigpfltidOil. Thobest Portrait of tlw Jute Preel-

[er.t JameB A. Garflcld. IV o pieces of music.;lir-_'e cut drcfapattcrub. Two hundred llluatra-ionft. - Two Imiidri'ii ami forty, pajn-b of clioicoiterutnre, t-I^o S\x II Jf, or 1 % pountlB ot elpRUi'tinm.ii'', on tinted p.-mer, i«n-t free, fur flfty ct-nlsnpimliVettiniiiiB. W. JKNNTNGd DEMUKKST,I'lihli-slu-r. 17 riant 14th Sinct, New York.



•rj(\HG;» New imd Old I(udk.s

ALMOST GIVEN AWAY.New CutiiloKut: l-'ree. Seiul ,^laiii|i. Iiuuiuiisti"ci.'.-t 1'anl for ijld JIuul^,


Ullll l l lbcr* S I . , west ul City Mall Talk, N. V.



NI-:\V uoons.NEW BUUKH.


ii!ll|illt-il li> Alsl'IN II. l-'l.KTL'llKlt, A.M., LJ..11.,1'riifcnxur .il KI..,-IIII.,M. llroivn L'nlvi-islty.I'lulli, $l..r«l.

i)'il as a inmiiial fur uniliu-v, ami mnla i i i sI' lull's tnr IU.T Mli-.-i'^sliil >j,i.rlal I'IJIH-M' id Slllll},

,M-n-|si-» In INijHlruluiul Viml TrallilllK uiul Kx-i»ll, ill ailililluii In u st-U-i-lliia nf MIIIII- ,'Hl Ueluntoc nml r,h,lr>, wliuli have lln- uienl Hull llu-->

;-ml ami sjii-nk Aril unci-ssaiy iiualillniluin* tooflcn lust sl^lil ul in [In: invimi-uliuimr scluctlijiis.s a it-M-lHKik f»i limn Trarlim-!, und l'npil», llu-lllill.illel^c'iilillitelllh rei-'iilliniclnl Illis wink.


Him f:ii|jli»li i-liuli. bu-li S1.:<|.

.K.NllX HAIII-..' H A T y i i:i:it i . i i n . .AUllVI.1. l i A l ' i nil. WlM.V l i l l l l . s .

WilM.ANs Wlii t l i AM) HUW

H K I l I T I ' A l l l .



J'lLi-Klltfllsln-ltiUi. Kaeli jl.."«l.

IIST IN A (il!E.Vr I ' lTV.OI'K MM.I.S; Ull, BKTIVKKN KlllU.Ml .(Nl)

SWKK'l'IIKAliT.CUIK MUlK ; uu, T i l t LMtllWX ()K III TV.

"I.AL'IIIA..\ TUl ' . -T; nil, lilt. I IKI t r l ( .SMrs lKIISKIHILI) .*K1.1.V Kl.N.\ . \ l tU> KINtillllM.Itll.M HAM) T u Mill T i l .

-.I'KI'IIKN HANK.iVII.MK A l l l t l A M K ; mi, TltVIXli TIIK IVllltLl).-F.VKN IIAI'liiri 'KIIS.


Tlir lii^hl Won! ill Uu- Kit'lit I'laci1.


A l l h iiti i i i , |K-mli . \ ^ I I U W I I I L ' t h i - iMin-i- l i iM-nf in-,

.-.ilinlis. A t s u a r , . l l , , , l i . , t i ,,f l -uri- iyi l I ' l i r n

ll> I . . . 1 . 1 \ M I - H H I ; i , i i :u , , f ,.f " I 'I .-II .>im<

[ o r ,,i a I k , ,r > > I I , I I I > [ I I S i^ l,> i'ii;il>;.,, r i , . . ,-!• i n . , n | . | in>l , r ia l i . - \ \ , . , , l , \ i l i : r l im . I I , . M I I I I . , 1 r . - r a l l , u I I I - I K - V I T ht> wi>ln-

| , [ |uvi'lsiiili. Tills III I In lunik, whldii-ai i lii-i-al-lii-itlll

ii-st |iui-ki>t. I'liiiliiius IIVIT IH.IUI wiinls, ami laixII an alilH-iulix ii Iri-i'liiii'ill nf I'l-iiiiiisllii'lls, slliivvi

I 1-iKIII "^- I" r,>liii'-i'll"ii with i-i'i'laili woiib

liKUOHAl'HU'Al. l'l.AYS.

I'.M'IIIIL' T.ilks a l sl-tliK.I a l l l l HI Iliilni-. ' | l v Mis?

\\\V. AM'IIKM.-- , i l l l l l l i r >>f - S e M - l l l . i l l l . l Si-s-

I I T S . " " l^u-li m i . I A l l . " t-li-. \ iT.v t-l i t i-i ' l i l l l i l i l i , '

al i i l I n s i n i i i i M - . Mill In- nsi-,1 fi.i sui>j,l«'ia<-

r> Iti-iiiliii!,', » r It i- i n-w K M ' | - I - I S I - S I i ^ r a i

l ' l l i ' i - I.', i - i - l i l ' i - a r l i , r i n i i | i n s i l u ; :

. l i m i - i l S l i i l i - . •".. A l r i . i i .'. Kll l i . | i i - . I'I. AMii.! \ i i s t m l i i l a m i [In- l s l i - s u f Illi- S I - I I .1. T l i i ' l . n i i i l l i - i v i ' . i f I f t ' W u r l i l .

: A . \ U 1 H I 1 J ( J K SKRIKS ol-' 1N"I-'UH.MAT1OX CAKDS.

•or I'piii-r fliisx-i. In M-li,»'l--. I'rliv • . ' ITI! |M' IU-IIliy imiil. -i ri-ll[>.

Nn. I. Sl ipi r . liy VV. .1. IMIf, A. .M.Su,-J. Tin. \i.>i-iiill.-'\alli-v. llv A. I1. IVHIIIIIIA.D.II

i. 3. Tin- KIIKIIMI ljint'liiii;.-. liy W . J . Itiilfi-, A..MSo. i. Tli<> sphinx al Ml. Aillan-li. liy X. l.llloiln.Nn..",. TJn' Kln|ilu>iiii-lil nf I'l M> i'tiiis. SniiiluTXii. !•. Tin- s u n ».- ii Wurk.-r. liy H . .1. itnlfi-, A..M

. ; . Al«.lll ruliiliil-ll 'ai. lt> \V. .1. Ui'lfi', A. M.

I.KK i t SIIKI'AlfP), l'ulill.-ilii'ixIIUSIDX. MASS

I I US. A. KLKTCHl-:i! & CO..

li EAST Kill lll'KK.Vril MliKKT. NKIV Vnl tK.

IJIIII.- 'S nml I'llllilivnV

II V(! IKX 1C I'XUKlttSA KM K..NTS,i-M.s uiul [)nnyi<i-s In llur, nml rii.-imli-lli-s. Kniaii

rl|ill!i<ill. l)rt-s.s lli-rnniiaiul I'lilurnrl WitlsLS, Alxlnlllmil siiiiiKiru-i-s. \ r . lllii^li-iili'il I'iilalo^iiL's f ia ; .

MRS. A. FLKTl'IlER & CO.,No. « Kiisi l Hli siriTt, New York



O11X L L O Y D . Ji t . .



Aslmry I'aik la looited directly opfto-all* tliu ceieijmted Uft-uu (imve aiinp-itiuutlntr trrciuuiUi OV«sley Luke divldKnftlie uvu |ilui:tia), four lmlus bvluw Htm. \liraiifs uullauti uL Lnuj! Umiicli, New

hu\« ' U'ltu built ut Asliury I'ark \imlUL-VUII (jmvu williiii Hix jciii.s,costingtivi'r*I/IC ntiiiioti ihilUtti*. Artlmry 1'urkfront!* directly on tliu utx*uu. H dw.nnol front mi u hny, or miimd, or livi-r,"but on tliu Uhtiid AllHiitits SLrt'U'liniffiiutiy for tlmuaiiKfe ul miles. AsburyI'urk wus ussL'ssrd iu IWiiiut $J5,0(AJ; tlmnmxi*nincut for itfi'l) wsis jj7."X),iKJ0. strBeta

I froiiHuii! to two hundred tent wide—uuudvmiuigt; |ius.<it'S.smJ by iiooiliuiKeawidt; \J<iresort oil tliu Kuvv JL'ist>y coiwi.

"i Asbury J'ark, oppusltu Ucuu.11 Grove, ^^U tun IH; rcurlivii dnvui by iliu OKNTKAL i *L IIAIIJIOAI) CIK Ni;\V JKIlSKV, fl'0111 lliu '

J ftKJt or l.ili.-ily nim-i, Ni-w Vorfc, vlu trt^ Jurat!)1 Uft>, mid ulsn la tuiimiur by ^ v

Httmiiiimui, fiMiu fuot ol ltwujr. strcHt, h|rtN. Y., to Sandy liuuk, uirordlnp u lluu L. J

2 2 v l l ' w o I t l l M NUITOWK, Iniibor luitlilcu- 'f™n ili>us, vw.. ho men 1 ant twu lltus* of

T J foiiuiiuiili-atliiii. FiuiiiI'liilsideljililu,tlic (f)h"i cars run to Aslmry I'urk dliuei. Hull- i , .

Q niatl lime from Nt'W York U) Aslmry C~J

1'arh, i! himrs', exiirvM In auiiiiintr, ^ ^, ^ HIMHU i,uiiimr,s; iiudrrum Miilndi'liililu H-^

lu Asbury I'ark, £ Imurd mid iiO niliuiiu». ^^ ^ Tliu UTliiM uf null! of luLsiii Aslmry L J\^.V\\x\. are us follow*: t'ivA. When ^ ^

jiiinifs luiiid, no money will lie re-quired down, bin a iiuirlgajxe can In- >Uivuu, imyiibU' in iu yi-urs, witli tlm ^ ^|irlvlU'i>o nf ti'ii rmiuwulh, iniiklng tlw . .|iriiii'i|)iil sum due HW ycara hence, [p;

, * - .ScmiiW. When imivlmsiT erwla u col- P * lJJ lairu conliiiK II\IT HXN), a loan ul oiiu- M

. lUirJ will he niudf, for wlili-li u murt- L^J' K*tL'e will bw tiikeii lo mver uinoiini of ^

^ IDUII and uiluc ol I ho lot niujt^ime ^ Wjiuyiililc in 'i yeiu>. No luts will lie *ulit , ,unli'.iK unproved Li[nin witliiu ti nioiiiliH [-^JUoui LJUM- ul ii^reemciiL. .iUiiicsh, s


yr>l 1'uirlSI., New York, or,

AlXi:.N It. CUUK, Aslmry I'uii, New Jersi-v.



Anlmry 1'nrli is n village on Mie Allun-IUTOUM, f(iri)-ll\i' milenlroiu New Yorkn i y . It lian ulteitil> uliliiiin-U cclelirflyiin u siniiiiit'i re.Miil.

Tlie jihu-L- U-M ilniihU-,1 iu M/i- siiu-r1H7I, andii> itic i-ri|,'uiii] jiropi'it'lor ofHie I'urk uiMiMi I m p ' iniL-t lyiu^ westD! Uii' ulil luniplki ' , Liirei'-(|imi'ierN nf umill- ii'Miu [ticM'u, lie Uiwiru.t UJ call llieaileiutuii ul >iiuiiiliK'iiat!i>, fllliri ' In usniiill »;i> .-r uii u liu|r,. si-ale, i« On' iaciDial we have unemployed lubur here luDie full, wiiiU-r and spring, which wouldlie lienellli'il liy llie eMulili.sliineul uisi uiie pfriiiaiicul work, while, al lliesuiuc.liiuc Miimilurmrcrn would lie IjfiieUtt'illlieniM«l\f>, uji lauds lyllitf iliiliiedlulelyaloti^' Hie Ci'iiinil Uallroiul trui-t wiaddlie MI|U UL 11 lluliiiiml pi'ire lit MailllfiieL-iirer.x I'rlee of hind hi be. p a i l e d m:-rxroliiK hi tlie mmibi'i of I mini.-, I-III-

UKU HANK. X. J .I'lAMIS anil Mllsini k llaliillli's Illtli.l.SS fur l a s

ir liislalluii-iit.i al faeliiry luli'i-s liy.IliliX I.I.OVI). .lit., SIII.K AiiKNT,

HKIl BANK, N . ,


I, L' I) L O W II A I. L.

Hill Hunk. N. J.

Musleal liisiriMiii'nls of all klnils, Inel







Clinreliiis, l^nl|rt's. nml SI'IIIHIIH \vlll lie fili'lilslnwith n iiinliouriiryan of uny puttem and liy alniak-er, at u


Wr kt'i-p on Imml u Inr^i' ntot-k nf .

9HEKT MUSIC,luiLli voeul und ln-striiitu'titul.


by ii Hkllltul worknuui. *

H for *|Hl<'liil KDinln will n-ct'ivd prompt ;'t-


Asbury 1'iirk is t>|i}>t»sit** Oivnii Ciiovt-,Itllil 1-Utl'liL'IViti'lKHl (Ul'irt 1).\ lllL- I'K.N-IH.M. llAll.HUAU OV NKW jKltSKV, fromllu-iii.ii of LilnTly stivi ' i . New York,i ia. ,i<>i>t-y r i n , iimi UIM) liy Mtiiinbout[ f.H.l nf lt.rl.,1- >n i-rl, N. V.. i.'Sandy llnok, al luniing n llm> wt>w ul llu*Niiiriiws, Imrbur furtllb-aliniis, idi-.,lin-iicc l>> Nif Ni-rt" JiTscj-iMtUilitTu Kail-I'nilii ID' Wi'^l KlHl .still inn, LoDgUniiii-liv and cuiiiicciiiiKilKTi' with ili<-fi ' i ilnil ltuilruiul ul \t-\v Jui'si'.v. N"Llii'iv arc iwo lines or iMiiiiuiunlrutlon.Kmtn l'Ullmb't|iliiii, tlic r,n\ run iAMiurv I'ark dii'LVl. Huilruiul Iliiii- Ir.-iuNi-w Ynrkli- Asbury I V k , --i lumrs ; .-x-l>n-w in siiniiiirr, iil>,,m [U, lioiu^; andri'oin I'liilailcliibia lu ANIHIIV I 'ark, 'ii l i "

Wi- inmj l l i n r f l iu iv l i . ^ ; a lmvS<'ln«il, costing SHM»ki, witli u daily a i -iviitluinH' t>i iwn liuiiiiivd and tlflyM'tliiliiis; u wei'kly IK'WnliH|«T A.SIH UVI'AILII J o t UNA!.; u l'rintint,' Housi1,iwo I'ubliL llulN, "iif M-miiitf i,:nH):KfJUlillK ItiiMin. MiiMitiir S.uiriy, 1/nl^*..ft.uuil Tni]].lur-. Uid^Mif KniifliN ulr.Mtiiii.--. Hi-iiatinv r iui) , itim-k.sumti>'iiud ninvlwfl^liUs1 >lu-|is. LuuiliiTViirtlr-, sicimi MtW'inlll, T«'iii|tnniiii-tilIuU'ls tsil i ; uf 'li|u. I-, pnihiliiu-di,I U'UJJ S tuns , 1'liVMriatis, Dry (itmd.iSh-ivj,, Iliikrrii's, 'bi-siili^ Moivs u M a -n<ni> niliiT Ktii-1-..

if Mic uliuvc slu'iiM inti'ivs: any uf tin-n-iidi-is >>f tlii.^ iniix'i'. |ii<-iiM- iMltlri-^



Ivri)\VN bAKKUY.

WM. 11. W1LHUN,


Curtii't White Stni 'I mid Mii|tlr Awniii-,

HF.Il UANK, N, J .

li [tlmf»; Iti-U h u n k : M. Hnlh»vi».il^ imki-ry.\Viisliiiij.Mi.ii sl ivi ' t , . I . M. Smilir>^nn-fr> slrn'r, cur.

•uiii siiv.'l iiixl M;i]ili' uvi-iliii-.

Kiiir l luveii : Capl. It. I., l l rown's irn><e[T slort*.Deeiiliie: I,. Lnimsiivt'l 's, Klllitrlil llros,Valid Huil'VPiitU'rsoii'scriM'ery Mores. Sealirl^lil: .I(»si*pli SlitT-inau'H Ki'oecry si.*u«'. KiiloiiUiwn: J. \V. Johnson H

•cry sloii:. il,viiiil><it't : At Ule stores of U . S .iiilTuni, Win. t'liiyloii. ainl Williiims ,v firlseon-.

l lnl Hank, shii'WsUiiiy. Kutontmvn, I J H I ^ l l iarnl i .aiitl'lMlilon Kails, imd'utiuilier Ilii'"iiyli Hit- easternsiiloof Ileil Itailk, Fair lluveii, uceiiaU", hentirlnht.IUIIIISOII Nerk nnd I 'arkervllle. 1'iii'ltes nl uny ofMuse jiliu'cs tiiiiy lie sii|J|ilffd wllh fitsli >in>nil I'VtTyui.iriiinir l>y iioiifylnu HiesuliscrlU-r, i»r Uu; drlvi 'rsof iliu wainms.




Himsu, Sl(,ni uiul Kiv.Ni'u

PAINTER,(iililt'i-, (IniiiKT anil UA'orativi! Pai

Hanyi'i', (k'lilt'r in


ND SiM'i-liiltids. All work KtiimintiH'il Hrst-til





A DUMAHAUT, ..• , ,


: WANGS,Nn. 8 West l4tli St., Now York.

BUilnvmy.Olilokurinii nmlotlior UnUolma PIANOSurnJaoouuUilliwiuvKtforniUt. ,

_ Eviiry vurlt'ty of


[ILL and WINTER WEIROimloin Work ut Knl r I'rlci'n,

l!ii|iiilrliiK pniminly ntlondiHl ti).

Lrnli™' and ChiUlren'n SIIOUH a

• •' B. MILLEU,


, ntDDANI,N. J.