red alert for africa : nigerian crisis could burn africa

NIGERIA: THE CONSEQUENCES ON AFRICA IF INSTABILITY IS NOT CHECK AT ONCE: BY BISHOP STEVEN LIBERTY SR. CEO: AFRICAN VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS INTERNATIONAL & SHEPHERDS WITHOUT BORDERS LIGHTHOUSE BUGLE MAGAZINE West Africa has been smothering from fires of various types of civil wars with ugly tribal, ethnic and some how semi-religious ingredients that had led to division, child abuse and so much hatred that at any point & at the least provocation and opportunity it can erupt from different places with devastating consequence; all to the benefit of outsiders seeking power, mineral resources and wealth. These greedy individuals or countries usually use the umbrella religious and political dissatisfaction to achieve their aims. In the case of Nigeria the consequences will be far more devastating and its effects will be felt throughout Africa collapsing governments, economies and bringing about destruction and suffering never before witness in Africa. Almost every West African country have felt the burnt of one civil crisis, unrest or rebel activity that produce much suffering and ruin the lives of millions who are yet to pick up their broken pieces. There are thousands of ex-combatants loose around without jobs and a stable future who were but child soldiers during the crisis in their various countries and have no other vocation. These boys and girls will be cheap hire to fuel a crisis they know nothing about and they will be weapons of mass destruction, since their only aim will be to kill and loot. Since they know nothing about rules of wars, they will be ruthless not even sparing pregnant women and children. We must remember that Nigeria has been the key in peacekeeping missions and will be force to draw their troops back home to protect their interest thus leaving open an advantage to those who were only afraid to act because of their presence. On the religious front the blaze will surely divide Africa especially West Africa in such a way that cannot be explain with words and better left unsaid. That is especially why we must take a closer look before advising retaliatory actions to the terrorism and unrest going on in that land now ; which could provoke the very reaction that will lead to nothing less them war. I am wondering about a lot of background silence and the lack of intervention of skilled men and women; the community of Religious Leaders from Nigeria who are more than qualified and have handled matters worst than theirs with diplomacy and gotten sound results; ex-presidents, and skillful retired personalities; both the military and civilian who comes from the crisis sections and government. Where are they that collectively they are

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Post on 06-Mar-2016




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The religious crisis in Nigeria that have begun to slowly spread 1 the civil unrest couple with the silence of skillful men and women who quenched bigger fires in other trouble spots of the continent tells a different story. We must be warn that and civil, religious, etc crisis in Nigeria will have very grave consequences on the Continent. Let's work as a team to stop it now before it is too late ! WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE !






West Africa has been smothering from fires of various types of civil wars with ugly tribal,

ethnic and some how semi-religious ingredients that had led to division, child abuse and so

much hatred that at any point & at the least provocation and opportunity it can erupt from

different places with devastating consequence; all to the benefit of outsiders seeking

power, mineral resources and wealth. These greedy individuals or countries usually use the

umbrella religious and political dissatisfaction to achieve their aims. In the case of Nigeria

the consequences will be far more devastating and its effects will be felt throughout Africa

collapsing governments, economies and bringing about destruction and suffering never

before witness in Africa. Almost every West African country have felt the burnt of one civil

crisis, unrest or rebel activity that produce much suffering and ruin the lives of millions who

are yet to pick up their broken pieces.

There are thousands of ex-combatants loose around without jobs and a stable future who

were but child soldiers during the crisis in their various countries and have no other

vocation. These boys and girls will be cheap hire to fuel a crisis they know nothing about

and they will be weapons of mass destruction, since their only aim will be to kill and loot.

Since they know nothing about rules of wars, they will be ruthless not even sparing

pregnant women and children. We must remember that Nigeria has been the key in

peacekeeping missions and will be force to draw their troops back home to protect their

interest thus leaving open an advantage to those who were only afraid to act because of

their presence. On the religious front the blaze will surely divide Africa especially West

Africa in such a way that cannot be explain with words and better left unsaid. That is

especially why we must take a closer look before advising retaliatory actions to the

terrorism and unrest going on in that land now ; which could provoke the very reaction

that will lead to nothing less them war.

I am wondering about a lot of background silence and the lack of intervention of skilled

men and women; the community of Religious Leaders from Nigeria who are more than

qualified and have handled matters worst than theirs with diplomacy and gotten sound

results; ex-presidents, and skillful retired personalities; both the military and civilian who

comes from the crisis sections and government. Where are they that collectively they are


not putting the figures together and anticipating the future? Is it that politically there are

under currents running for division in such quarters like the sleeping giants of the past

seeking for independence and religious statehood? If so; have they taken into account

what such division would cause the Country? Well I did not say this is happening but just

sharing my thoughts based on past experience. In any case; the consequences of a crisis

will have a very negative impact on the continent.Nigerians it is time to put hands on

board to save your land. In times of crisis both opposition and Government members feel

the weight. Mr. President if you want to solve this problem ;you must bring all former

retire politicians from North, South, East & West together inorder to find a solution

;whether you see eye to eye with them or not. Forget anything that divide you people now

;whether tradition ,religion, etc.

Nigeria is not just a Continent of a few million people but hundreds of millions (not

accurate) and in the case of a crisis thinks about what would happen if twenty million

refugees fleeing the crisis to a country of less then five million.It would be a recipe for

disaster. Nigeria your country wealth will be taken away from you and govern by outsiders

who will more then profit from the divide. The religious conflict will surely spill over to

other countries and quenching it will far more difficult than containing it at this stage. Any

Crisis in Nigeria could affect the continent for years; so before advocating force for force, it

is better to look at the bigger picture. Religious Leaders from all side of the crisis should

find a way of coming together and talk. Talk, talk, and talk more; for there is a God in

heaven who is the Most Powerful, our rock & refuge who can help us solve this problem

before it get out of hand.

Leaders in Africa should start looking at the bigger picture and seeking solutions to the

crisis in Nigeria; for the fire on one tree in the forest burn the entire forest if not check in

time destroying animals, plants etc. The religious divide in Africa is already shaky and the

potential of a religious crisis on the continent is possible with very grave consequences that

would destroy the very growth of already undeveloped Africa. It could bring all types of

extremist that have so far been mostly out of Africa. The ways of God are far different

from man and He can fight for Himself; therefore let’s stop pretending to fight God battles.

Yes there have been many killed but we can’t stop it by killing. That is not the Christian

way and it will never solve this problem. Violence only begets violence, but soft word turn

away wrath and save lives too. Therefore like before I want to conclude by calling the

attention of the Religious Leaders of our day from every Church, organization or

sympathizers to join me in praying that a peaceful solution through maturity and dialog

will take precedent over revenge and crisis. Let’s initiate a forum to help bring the

conflicting powers to the table for talks.