recurdyn - functionbay for swapping a flexible body to a rigid body import high-order finite...


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2 FunctionBay, Inc.


What’s New in RecurDynTMV6.1……………………………………4

R e c u r D y n T M / SOLID……………………………………………7

R e c ur D y n T M /SOLVER……………………………………………9

R e c u r D y n T M /NodalFLEX……………………………………11

R e c u r D y n T M /FLEX………………………………………………13

R e c u r Dy n T M /BELT………………………………………………14

R e cur Dyn T M /MTT3D……………………………………………16


1 What’s New in


Existing Products

RecurDynTM / Solid New Functions Customization of View operations

Upgrade Functions File relation for Subentity/Spline and Curve/Spline Each rendering setting at Database window Active/Inactive setting at Database window Body, MultiBody option for fixed joint creation .xmt_txt, .xmt_bin for Parasolid file import STEP file import option RMS for Performance Index Plotting range setting of output data in Plot Start & End time setting for output Copy function at Output window

Fixed Problems

RecurDynTM / Solver New Functions Sphere in sphere contact

Upgraded Functions Output time Coupler and Gear function expressions

Fixed Problems


RecurDynTM / NodalFLEX New Functions Scenario for swapping a flexible body to a rigid body Import high-order finite elements Import Set

Upgraded Functions Static analysis with Robust NR Linear static analysis for a nodal flexible body Action node only option for FSurface To FSurface and FSurface To

Surface Contact Initial velocity Select operation Body properties Extract

Fixed Problems

RecurDynTM / FLEX Upgraded Functions Ton unit NX.NASTRAN FE information Plot database

RecurDynTM / Belt New Functions Shell belt Crown roller Contour

Upgraded Functions V-type beam belt User matrix function of beam belt Stick and slip friction model Strain and stress of a belt Static analysis with Robust NR

Fixed Problems


Known Problems

RecurDynTM / MTT3D New Functions Shell sheet Contour Function expression for a contact force

Upgraded Functions Strain and stress of a sheet Static analysis with Robust NR

Fixed Problems


2 RecurDynTM/SOLID

New Function

Customization of View operations You can customize view operations such as Rotation, Translation, Zoom with handling keyboard and mouse.

Upgraded Functions

File relation for Subentity/Spline and Curve/Spline You can relate the property of Subentity/Spline and Curve/Spline with ASCII file so you can reload changing values from the file directly.

Each rendering setting at Database window You can set Each rendering properties at Database window.

Active/Inactive setting at Database window You can set Active/Inactive at Database window.

Body, MultiBody option for fixed joint creation You can create fixed joint with Body, MultiBody option.

.xmt_txt, .xmt_bin for Parasolid file import You can import .xmt_txt, .xmt_bin Parasolid file.

STEP file import option We support Trim and Stitching / No Trim and Stitching option for STEP file import. Trim and Stitching option handles that solids are read as trim and stitching is performed.

RMS for Performance Index You can use RMS(Root Mean Square) value for Performance Index.

Plotting range setting of output data in Plot You can set plotting range of output data in Plot.


Start & End time setting for output You can set Start & End time for output.

Copy function at Output window You can use copy function at Output window.

Fixed Problems [Expression] Fixed that entity name was not changed in Expression when the

entity name was changed. [Simulation] Fixed that RD may occur problem during simulation with help file

open. [Contact] Fixed that RD may occur problem when contact force of clone body is

displayed. [Contact] Fixed that No. of Divided Cubic cell algorithm in Extended surface to

surface contact was wrong in some geometries. [DOE] Fixed that the Design value was wrong when the Design Matrix started in

1,2,3 notation. Design Matrix can start in any number but the number should increase +1 in order of precedence such as –1,0,1 or 0,1,2 or 1,2,3 and so on.

[DOE] Fixed minor bugs in DOE. [Scenario] Fixed that RD may occur error when Beam force was used as

Activate/Deactivate entity of Scenario simulation. [Import] Fixed that RD may occur problem during .rpv import when Parametric

value was defined by Expression. [Scope] Fixed that the DEFL_TSDA of Spring force was wrong in Scope.



New Functions

Sphere in Sphere Contact This generates a contact force between two spheres. The action sphere must be in the base sphere. The contact point is only one where the penetration is deepest.

Upgraded Functions Output time

You can adjust the starting or ending time in reporting output from solver.

Coupler and Gear Function Expression

The action or reaction force of the specified COUPLER and GEAR can be measured with the following expression.

COUPLER [or GEAR] ( coupler name , jflag , component, marker name)

Fixed Problems

Fixed the bug that the frictional contact force of the sphere to surface and surface to surface contacts solver was noisy near the edge of a contact surface.

Note that a solution of these models can be different from the previous versions.

Fixed the bug that the frictional contact force of all three-dimensional contact entities except for the extended surface-to-surface contact is strangely generated

when a base body is highly rotated. Note that a solution of these models can be

different from the previous versions. Fixed the bug that the damping spline in contact entities didn’t work.


Fixed the bug that the spring spline in the surface-to-surface contact didn’t work. Fixed the bug that the Camline2d contact occasionally found a wrong contact



4 RecurDynTM/NodalFLEX

New Functions

Scenario for swapping a flexible body to a rigid body A nodal flexible body can be activated or deactivated in Scenario Simulation. If the body is deactivated, it will be treated like a rigid body.

Import high-order finite elements High-order finite elements are imported. Shell9, Solid10 and Solid26 are available.

Import Set FE Set can be imported. In addition a new Patch Set, which is grouped by the imported Set, is automatically made.

Upgraded Functions Static analysis with Robust NR

You can select a static solver to Robust NR which is useful in a model with contact problem.

Linear static analysis for a nodal flexible body You can use the option of Linear Analysis to get a static equilibrium only for small deformation problems. It helps you to get the result faster.

Action node only option for FSurface To FSurface and FSurface To Surface Contact Contact force is applied at only action node.

Initial velocity Initial velocity can be applied to a nodal flexible body.

Select operation


In the edit mode of a nodal flexible body, one selecting operation of addition and deletion is locked. You can change the operation from the selecting operation dialog box.

Body properties For a nodal flexible body, the position of reference frame, total mass, and inertia can be referred and initial velocity can be applied.

Extract You can save a deformed solution of a nodal flexible body in time domain.

Fixed Problems

Discontinuous Motion Fixed the bug that a nodal acceleration was oscillated unreasonably when a

discontinuous motion is applied to a system. Note that a solution and solving

speed can be different from the previous versions. FCurve to FCurve Contact

Fixed the problem that simulation was stopped when a node belongs simultaneously in two flexible curves that are used in FCurve to FCurve contact.

FDBush damping problem Fixed the bug that FDBush could not apply damping effect. Correct damping force of FDBush stabilizes the movement of nodal flexible body.

Boundary Condition Check box of boundary condition degree of freedom is saved even if you change the type of boundary condition.

Contour Reference Node Fixed the bug that the orientation of reference node was always identity when the entity was measured by the reference node.

Patch Set & Fit Fixed the bug that fitting operation wasn’t work on condition of display only patch sets.

Patch Set Modify Fixed the bug that selecting patch wasn’t work on condition of display only patch



5 RecurDynTM/FLEX

Upgraded Functions Ton unit

You can use Ton unit for mass.

NX.NASTRAN NX.NASTRAN can be supported.

FE information You can see FE information of flexible body in its Property page. FE information shows the number of node, element, property, material, mode, interface node and whether stiffness matrix, Stress shape, Strain shape are included or not.

Plot database The selected mode’s sequence is displayed in the end of ModalCoord, ModalVal, ModalAcc of the flexible body in Plot database.

Fixed Problems

Fixed the bug that the position, velocity, acceleration plot data of flexible body might be displayed incorrectly.

Fixed the bug that the animation of a mode shape might be displayed exaggeratedly in a FE unit of flexible body.

Fixed the bug that the value of contour legend might be displayed incorrectly in user-defined type of Min/Max option.


6 RecurDynTM/Belt

New Functions Shell belt

For Belt system, an approximation of the proper behavior of a belt has been a series of rectangular elements connected by plate forces. Shell belt is meshed into a number of belt bodies and each body has 6 degrees of freedom. Four belt bodies consist one element and they are connected with one plate force.

Crown roller A crown roller is a geometric entity that can create the roller with a complex shape in rotational axis. A crown roller is only used in shell belt assembly and is contacted to the plane of shell belt whether it is located inside or outside of the belt assembly loop.

Contour The deformation, strain and stress of a sheet is displayed in time domain. This function is available only in the sheet shell.

Upgraded Functions V-type beam belt

You can model the Beam belt of which the cross section is trapezoidal.

User matrix function of beam belt You can modify the stiffness matrix of beam belt.

Stick and slip friction model A friction force can be determined by stick and slip model that use the elastic deformation of contact point between belt bodies and pulleys.

Strain and stress of a belt


If a node is defined as an output node, the strain and stress on a node can be plotted.

Static analysis with Robust NR You can select a static solver to Robust NR. The static solver is useful in a model with contact problem.

Fixed Problems Fixed the problem that the distance sensor had zero values in timing belt made

with general method. Fixed the problem that the distance sensor had zero values. Fixed the bug that the concave arc of timing belt to timing pulley didn’t contact to

the convex arc of the timing pulley. Fixed the bug that a nodal acceleration was oscillated unreasonably when a

discontinuous motion is applied to a system. Note that a solution and solving

speed can be different from the previous versions.

Known Problems The values of contour function are in error.


7 RecurDynTM/MTT3D

New Functions Shell sheet

This sheet consists of a finite element of Shell4 used in RecurDynTM/Nodal FLEX. If you want to get more accurate solution and see a contour display for strain and stress in time domain, you should model a sheet with this entity. Especially, the static and dynamic deformation in a diagonal direction is improved.

Contour The deformation, strain and stress of a sheet are displayed in time domain. This function is available only in the sheet shell.

Function expression for a contact force The contact force applied on a node can be measured with the following expression.

SHT3D_CF (sheet name, node display id, jflag, component, marker name) All contact forces applied on the specified node are added.

Upgraded Functions Strain and stress of a sheet

If a node is defined as an output node, the strain and stress on a node can be plotted.

Static analysis with Robust NR You can select a static solver to Robust NR. The static solver is useful in a model with contact problem.


Fixed Problems Fixed the bug that a nodal acceleration was oscillated unreasonably when a

discontinuous motion is applied to a system. Note that a solution and solving

speed can be different from the previous versions. Fixed the bug that an elastic force of a node was reported with wrong values.


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RecurDyn™/Professional, RecurDyn™/SOLVER, RecurDyn™/SOLID, RecurDyn™/FLEX, RecurDyn™/LINEAR, RecurDyn™/CONTROL, RecurDyn™/TRACK_HM, RecurDyn™/TRACK_LM, RecurDyn™/CHAIN, RecurDyn™/MTT2D, RecurDyn™/MTT3D, RecurDyn™/BELT, RecurDyn™/HAT, RecurDyn™/Gear, RecurDyn™/Bearing, RecurDyn™/Hydraulic are trademarks of FunctionBay, Inc.



Third-Party Trademarks Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. ProENGINEER and ProMECHANICA are registered trademarks of PTC Corp. Unigraphics is a registered trademark of EDS Corp. I-DEAS is a registered trademark of SDRC. SolidWorks is a registered trademark of SolidWorks Corp. AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc. CADAM and CATIA are registered trademark of Dassault Systems. FLEXlm is a registered trademark of GLOBEtrotter Software, Inc. All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND This document and the software described herein are Commercial Computer Documentation and Software, pursuant to FAR 12.212(a)-(b) or DFARS 227.7202-1(a) and 227.7202-3(a), and are provided to the Government under a limited commercial license only. For procurements predating the above clauses, use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subjected to the restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause at DFARD 252.227-7013 or Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights at FAR 52.227-19, as applicable.

Edition Note This document describes the release information of RecurDyn™ V. 6.1