recruitment for productivity

How To Find And Keep Great How To Find And Keep Great Staff Staff You’ve Probably Made Mistakes in The Past It’s Cost You Heaps – Money, Time, Clients etc. Go to: Or Call: 0421 210 444

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Post on 13-Jan-2015




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Recruiting quality staff can be a big headache for many businesses. Having a predictable and proven system to help select only the very best applicants is absolutely essential. Better productivity, better profits.


Page 1: Recruitment For Productivity

How To Find And Keep Great How To Find And Keep Great StaffStaff

• You’ve Probably Made Mistakes in The Past

• It’s Cost You Heaps – Money, Time, Clients etc.

Go to: Call: 0421 210 444

Page 2: Recruitment For Productivity

Why Are The Same Mistakes Why Are The Same Mistakes Being Made?Being Made?

• Don’t Have A Systemised Approach

• Resumes Embellished or Selective Deletions

• Falsified Qualifications

• Behavioural Suitability PoorGo to:

Or Call: 0421 210 444

Page 3: Recruitment For Productivity

What Most Small Business What Most Small Business Owners Do:Owners Do:

• Put An Ad In The Paper/Internet

• Receive Phone Calls & Resume’s

• Pick Out The Good Ones And Get Them In For An Interview – Select The One You Like

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Page 4: Recruitment For Productivity

They Don’t Have A Successful They Don’t Have A Successful System That:System That:

• Makes The Process More OBJECTIVE

• Removes The Guesswork

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Page 5: Recruitment For Productivity

Fact:Fact:• 93% of business owners are not skilled at interviewing

• 50% of hiring decisions are wrong• • Most decisions are made within 3 minutes

• Made on emotion (Subconscious likes, dislikes etc.)

• We “buy” the candidate emotionally & justify logically

• Men are influenced by female candidates’ appearance

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Page 6: Recruitment For Productivity

Dishonest People37% of resumes are phony 25% of work histories are falsified

85% of university students have admitted to cheating

33% of higher education qualifications, especially PhDs, are false

Denis Smith The Joondalup CEO “I am very impressed with his credentials,” said Mayor Bombak, “I instructed Our consultants to search Australia wide for the best possible candidate – and I believe they have found him”. (2001 – Sept13th)

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Job SuitabilityJob Suitability• Will The Candidate Actually Enjoy The


• Are Their Character Traits Suited To The Position?

• How Do We Quantify This?

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Page 9: Recruitment For Productivity

Work Related Psychological Work Related Psychological AssessmentAssessment

• Done If Resume, Selection Criteria and References Are Suitable

• Final Piece of The Jigsaw

• Only Then Is The Interview Arranged

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Face To Face InterviewFace To Face Interview• Last Step

• Keeps Your Own Subjective Opinion Until Last

• Remember, The Candidate Is Interviewing You Also!

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Page 12: Recruitment For Productivity

Step By Step Recruitment Step By Step Recruitment SystemSystem

• Unique Profitable Personnel System

• Full Support & Coaching – Money Back Guarantee!

• Manual, Cd’s, DVD’s

• Or We Can Do It For You – No Risk!

Go to: Call: 0421 210 444

Page 13: Recruitment For Productivity

Free ConsultationFree Consultation• Is This For Me?

• Call James For a Free 30 min Discovery Session – Find Out If We Can Help

• Worst That Can Happen Is You Come Out Of The Meeting Much Clearer Than You Went In

Call James NOW: 0421 210 444