reconsidering social capital: a latent class approach capital august 6.pdfsocial capital has proven...

Reconsidering Social Capital: A Latent Class Approach Ann L. Owen [email protected] Julio Videras [email protected] Hamilton College Abstract Social capital has proven to be a useful concept, but has not been well-measured in the economics literature. We motivate and demonstrate the application of latent class models to measure social capital, based on the idea that social capital is an unobservable multidimensional construct. We explain and show the construction of latent classes that measure an individual’s social capital using data from the General Social Survey. Our method generates meaningfully different conclusions about the accumulation of social capital than those obtained by previous research. We present evidence that higher income influences social capital accumulation because of a higher opportunity cost of time. We also find evidence of complementarities in social capital accumulation within an individual’s peer group. Finally, we show that community heterogeneity influences the likelihood that individuals adhere to certain social norms independent of their propensity to participate in voluntary organizations.

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Page 1: Reconsidering Social Capital: A Latent Class Approach Capital August 6.pdfSocial capital has proven to be a useful concept, but has not been well-measured in the economics literature

Reconsidering Social Capital: A Latent Class Approach

Ann L. Owen

[email protected]

Julio Videras

[email protected]

Hamilton College


Social capital has proven to be a useful concept, but has not been well-measured in the

economics literature. We motivate and demonstrate the application of latent class models

to measure social capital, based on the idea that social capital is an unobservable

multidimensional construct. We explain and show the construction of latent classes that

measure an individual’s social capital using data from the General Social Survey. Our

method generates meaningfully different conclusions about the accumulation of social

capital than those obtained by previous research. We present evidence that higher income

influences social capital accumulation because of a higher opportunity cost of time. We

also find evidence of complementarities in social capital accumulation within an

individual’s peer group. Finally, we show that community heterogeneity influences the

likelihood that individuals adhere to certain social norms independent of their propensity

to participate in voluntary organizations.

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1 Introduction

In the last few years, social scientists have used the concept of social capital to explain

how social norms and networks influence economic behavior and the outcomes of economic

policies.1 However, as many researchers have pointed out, the concept has been ill-defined and

imperfectly measured. Motivated by the fact that social capital is an unobservable

multidimensional construct, we propose a novel application of latent class models to the

measurement of social capital.

There are varying definitions and uses of the term social capital in the economics

literature. Sobel (2002) describes social capital as circumstances in which individuals can

benefit from group membership. The World Bank defines social capital on its web site as the

“norms and networks that enable collective action.” Other research focuses on trust among

individuals. Knack and Keefer (1997) found an important role for trust at the country level in

explaining economic growth, while, at the individual level, Karlan (2005) uses laboratory

experiments to measure trust, arguing that these experiments measure social capital and are

helpful in explaining individual behavior. However, Guinnane (2005) argues that trust is not a

useful concept because it cannot be separated from the quality of institutions. Durlauf and

Fafchamps (2004) discuss the many different definitions of social capital in empirical research

and assert that research on social capital is plagued by “conceptual vagueness.” Thus, the

concept of social capital has been broadly defined and measured, running the risk of becoming a

useless catch-all concept.

Rather than proposing another definition of social capital, we focus on two basic

components of the term to motivate our methodology. First, social capital is a multidimensional

concept: it embeds multiple manifestations of civic engagement as well as trust and fairness. A

useful measurement of social capital must account for as many of these dimensions as possible.

Second, unlike physical or human capital, social capital is not necessarily beneficial to society at

large (Durlauf and Fafchamps, 2004) – terrorist networks are one example. More generally,

individuals’ values and socio-economic characteristics can attract them to different networks that

have different effects on the economic system. An emphasis on the types of social capital is

important from the point of view of public policy since, as Durlauf and Fafchamps (2004) argue,

1 See for example, Easterly and Levine (1997), Golden and Katz (1999), Narayan and Pritchett (1999), or Guiso,

Sapienza and Zingales (2002) for a broad range of examples. Interested readers should also see Durlauf and

Fafchamps (2004) who provide a survey and critical analysis of this literature.

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“it is social structures, not their consequences, which can be influenced by policymakers.” This

emphasis on the typology of social capital becomes important in empirical applications. Much

of the discussion about Putnam’s claim in Bowling Alone (2000) that civic engagement in the

United States has declined centers on how this concept is measured. Durlauf and Fafchamps

(2004) and Skocpol (2003) have argued that it is more appropriate to talk about changes in the

nature rather than the quantity of civic engagement. Thus, one must apply a methodology that

generates a typology of social capital that accounts for the different incentives that networks

provide and the various and even divergent effects that those networks might have on economic


We propose applying latent class models. This methodology approaches social capital as

a multidimensional concept that can embed both group membership and social norms. In two

examples that compare our approach to recent findings, we show that measuring social capital as

a multidimensional construct provides new meaningful insights about the determinants of social

capital. First, we replicate the models in Glaeser, Laibson, and Sacerdote (2002) and find results

that the authors’ theoretical model predicts but were unable to show empirically. Our second

application complements the research by Alesina and La Ferrara (2000) on the effects of

heterogeneity on the likelihood that a person belongs to one voluntary organization. Because our

methods incorporate social norms that Alesina and La Ferrara did not consider, our findings add

to the understanding of how community heterogeneity affects the type of social capital

individuals accumulate. Section 2 describes in more detail the differences in the empirical

approach and underlying theoretical motivation between this paper and Glaeser, Laibson, and

Sacerdote (2002) and Alesina and La Ferrara (2000).

Although many researchers agree social capital is a multidimensional concept, few have

applied multivariate methods. Sabatini (2005) uses principal components analysis to reduce a set

of indicators of social capital (including memberships) to a single variable. Paxton (1999)

applies confirmatory factor analysis to several indicators of trust. Our approach shares the same

motivation and strengths of these analyses because we use multiple indicators of social capital.

However, latent class models have some advantages over principal components analysis (PCA)

and factor analysis (FA). First, the results of FA and PCA are generally not unique as

researchers can rotate factor loadings to obtain a meaningful interpretation of the solution.

Latent class analysis, on the other hand, is model-based and there are formal criteria to decide on

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the number of types of social capital that are present in the data. In addition, the interpretation of

latent classes is generally less arbitrary than the interpretation of principal components. More

importantly, PCA and FA assume that the observed indicators and the unobserved underlying

factors are continuous and normally distributed.2 However, it might be more reasonable and in

accordance with the theory to assume that social capital is a categorical variable and to

characterize individuals according to the type of social-capital class they belong to.3 Finally, this

method does not assume that the distinct components of social capital, civic engagement and

social norms of reciprocity, can be aggregated in an index. Indeed, our typology shows that

there are groups of individuals who hold norms of reciprocity but do not belong to voluntary


In what follows, we first discuss briefly the research by Glaeser, Laibson, and Sacerdote

(2002) and Alesina and La Ferrara (2000). We explain our empirical approach to measuring

social capital using latent class analysis and then discuss the results of latent class models. In

Section 5, we use the results of the latent class models in an estimation that mirrors that of

Glaeser, Laibson, and Sacerdote (2002) to demonstrate that our proposed approach generates

new insights about social capital formation. We then discuss the application of our methodology

to research by Alesina and La Ferrara (2000) on the effects of community heterogeneity. Section

6 summarizes the findings.

2 Related Literature

This section discusses how our research expands two well-known investigations on the

determinants of social capital at the individual level. Glaeser, Laibson, and Sacerdote (2002),

henceforth GLS, develop a model in which individuals invest time to accumulate social capital.

Their theory is an adaptation of human capital investment models. Some of the predictions of

2 Although a typology of social capital from FA or PCA can be obtained, the process is more arbitrary than that used

by latent class analysis. The researcher would need to calculate factor scores of each individual for each factor

loading. Then, the researcher would need to determine a cut-off point for the factor scores and cross-tabulate below

and above the cut-off point in order to obtain clusters of respondents. 3 It is important to note that although community involvement might be best understood as a categorical construct,

propensity to trust others and propensity to believe other people are fair might be better modeled as a continuous

factor. In our application, however, we only observe binary indicators for these social norms. Nonetheless, the

interpretation of the latent classes is based on the probabilities of responding affirmatively to the questions of

whether people can be trusted and other people are usually fair. 4 Knack (2002) argues that it is important to disaggregate civic engagement and generalized reciprocity. Knack

shows these two components have different effects on the quality of state governments.

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the model are that social capital investment declines with the opportunity cost of time, age, and

mobility, and increases with the occupational returns to social skills and the level of social

capital in a community. Using the number of group memberships as a proxy for social capital,

the authors find support for many of their hypotheses. However, there are two key predictions

for which they are unable to find evidence. First, GLS find a positive association between

income and group membership, contrary to the prediction that higher wages should be associated

with less social capital because of the higher opportunity cost of accumulating it. Second, GLS

do not find evidence that social capital correlates within peer groups.

Alesina and La Ferrara (2000) also examine the determinants of individual social capital.

The focus of their paper is the effects of community heterogeneity. Noting that it is difficult to

measure social capital, Alesina and La Ferrara examine membership in voluntary organizations

only. The authors develop a model in which individuals prefer to interact with people from their

same racial, ethnic, and social-class group and utility from participating in a voluntary

organization depends on the composition of the organization and traveling costs. The key

prediction of this model is that increased community heterogeneity reduces participation in

mixed organizations. Empirically, Alesina and La Ferrara first estimate probit models of

membership in any organization. Secondly, they estimate the likelihood of participating in

specific organizations. The findings provide consistent evidence for the predictions of the

model: racial diversity, in particular, strongly reduces the likelihood of participation and the

effects are most marked for organizations that require frequent interactions.

While GLS measure social capital as the number of voluntary organization memberships

and Alesina and La Ferrara estimate a binary choice (membership or no membership in one

organization), we use latent class analysis to classify individuals into distinct types of social

capital using both memberships and indicators of trust and fairness. We argue that the number of

organizations an individual belongs to and whether or not a person belongs to a specific

organization are not as important as the nature of the social network an individual joins. One

reason is that the decision to join a specific group is not independent of the decision to join other

groups. Specific group memberships can be complements or substitutes and the economic

impact of not joining one particular group may be counterbalanced by joining a different group.

In formulating policy implications, it is important to investigate whether different types of social

capital influence economic decisions differently. We should expect that the socio-demographic

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profile of individuals joining a union and a fraternal organization, for example, is different than

the profile of individuals joining literary and hobby clubs. Likewise, the economic impact of

social networks formed around labor unions and fraternal organizations is likely different than

the influence of networks of literary and hobby clubs. Thus, researchers need a categorical

variable that distinguishes among types of social networks and not just number of memberships.

Such typology can be constructed by applying latent class modeling to the usual indicators of

social capital.

Latent class models allow us to use trust and fairness in addition to voluntary group

membership to generate a typology of social capital. As GLS and Alesina and La Ferrara do, we

use data from the General Social Survey. We find peer-group effects that GLS predict in their

theoretical model but cannot identify empirically. We find results consistent with the hypothesis

that individuals with high opportunity cost of time choose classes of social capital with relatively

low time commitment and perhaps high monetary cost. Our results indicate that socio-economic

determinants sort individuals into types of social capital that vary in the nature of the social

capital class, but not necessarily in the number of memberships forming the classes. Extending

the findings in Alesina and La Ferrara, we also show that community heterogeneity influences

the likelihood that individuals hold specific social norms independent of their propensity to

participate in voluntary organizations. This finding suggests that focusing on a single component

of social capital can generate results that might not apply to the concept of social capital as a


The economic framework we adopt differs from that adopted by GLS because we view

the individual’s choice of social capital to be a decision about the type of social capital rather

than the amount of social capital. It also differs from the model by Alesina and La Ferrara

(2000) in that we do not assume the decision to participate in a given organization is independent

from membership in other organizations. Rather, the underlying theoretical framework of our

empirical analysis considers individuals who select a type of social capital in order to maximize

utility, given time and budget constraints. An individual joins a combination of groups and

organizations and adopts norms of behavior that others of the same class are also likely to join

and adopt. Different types of social capital provide different resources that individuals can use to

produce new goods for consumption or as consumption goods themselves. The individual’s

maximization problem can then be analyzed using the framework of discrete choice models.

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In our empirical analysis, it is assumed that the individual chooses the type of social

capital that has the highest indirect utility among the set of all available types. We assume the

respondent’s utility can be decomposed into utility derived from observable characteristics and

the impact of all unobservable factors. Thus, the probability that the researcher observes the

individual choosing social class k over social class j is equal to the probability that the difference

in observable utilities obtained from membership in class k over membership in social class j is

greater than the difference in the unobservable components. The first step is to define the

alternative social capital structures individuals can choose from. We use latent class models to

derive a categorical construct that characterizes individuals as holding different (and exclusive)

types of social capital. Then, we assume the researcher observes the choice with error so that the

choice of social capital class can be analyzed in the context of a random utility model and

estimated via a multinomial logit model.

Although we believe our approach has many advantages, it also has limitations. Data

availability restricts us to considering the number of memberships rather than the strength of

engagement in groups when classifying individuals into different social capital groups. This

criticism is rightly levied at many empirical studies of social capital. To some extent, our

treatment of social capital - which incorporates social norms and group memberships as

indicators variables of the latent class - addresses to some degree this concern.

3 Using Latent Class Analysis to Measure Social Capital

In this section we motivate and describe latent class analysis. In Section 4, we apply this

methodology to eighteen questions from the General Social Survey (GSS) that are common

proxies for social capital: sixteen questions about membership in voluntary organizations and

two questions regarding whether people can generally be trusted and whether other people are

fair or try to take advantage of others.5

Latent class models are part of the family of generalized finite-mixture models. The

methodology is grounded in a probability framework that allows model testing and the

5 There is evidence that self-reported measures of trust might be weakly correlated with revealed measures of trust.

See Glaeser, Laibson, Scheinkman, and Soutter (2000) and Bellemare and Kroeger (2007). More recently,

Sapienza, Toldra and Zingales (2007) use experimental evidence to argue that these self-reported measures do reveal

beliefs that determine trust of others. Although measurement issues could affect the validity of some of our results,

an advantage of latent class models is that the methodology assumes the variables are indicators with errors of the

latent variable.

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calculation of goodness-of-fit measures. Latent class analysis has been applied to several social

issues (see, for example, Patterson et al. 2002; and Biemer and Wiesen, 2002). In the economics

literature, researchers have applied latent class regression models to choice experiments in order

to estimate a person’s choice of alternative based on observable characteristics using attitudinal

variables as indicators of a latent variable. For example, Boxall and Adamowicz (2002) and

Greene and Hensher (2003) estimate latent regression models to the choice of a hypothetical park

and road type, respectively.6 Our approach is related but differs in that we estimate a latent

cluster model rather than latent regression models.

In particular, let i = 1,…, I, denote the respondents. For each individual we observe the

responses to eighteen questions denoted k =1,…, 18. 1ikY if individual i responds “yes” to

question k and 0ikY otherwise. An individual’s response pattern is the vector iY . We assume

a finite number of social capital classes denoted s = 1,…, S. The discrete latent variable X

represents the social capital class:


s k

iikii sXYPsXPYP1



).|()()( (1)

The prior probability of class membership is modeled as:



1' 0'



s s

si sXP


We estimate the models defined by equations 1 and 2, where class membership depends

on the responses to the 18 indicators of social capital. We first present and discuss the results

from these cluster models and then estimate multinomial logit models in which the dependent

variable is model class membership and the independent variables are socio-economic


It is possible to include observed variables (covariates) to help predict class membership.

Letting iz be a vector of T covariates, the probability )|( ii sXP z follows a multinomial logistic

regression model:

6 Clark, Etile, Postel-Vinay, Senik, and Van der Straeten (2005) and Morey, Thacher, and Breffle (2005) are other


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z . (3)

Although joint estimation of both class membership and the effects of the covariates

might decrease classification errors, we find that a model with covariates generates boundary

solutions and very large unexplained associations between indicators. We discuss these issues

further in Section 5.3. Nonetheless, in Section 5.1 we discuss robustness checks to the two-step

procedure that indicate our inferences are not likely to be affected by classification errors.

The conditional probability that an individual in latent class s responds “yes” to indicator

k is modeled as a logit equation:




ksiik sXYP


where ks is a free parameter and, consistent with the literature on latent cluster models, we

assume the conditional response probabilities do not depend on the covariates (Vermunt and

Magidson, 2005). We calculate posterior probabilities using Bayes theorem:




s k iiki

k iiki



After calculating posterior probabilities, we assign each individual to the latent class for

which she has the highest posterior probability )(ˆ xP (empirical Bayes modal classification rule).

The resulting characterization of each individual as belonging to one of S classes constitutes our

typology of social capital. The probability of misclassification for each individual is defined as

)(ˆmax 1 xP . The estimated average of classification errors is (Skrondal and Rabe-Hesketh,







. (6)

Although equation 1 implies responses to the indicators are independent given latent class

membership, it is possible to relax this assumption of local independence by including direct

effects, that is, by combining any pair of dichotomous variables into one item and modeling the

four potential response patterns (0,0), (1,0), (0,1), and (1,1), as one multinomial response

(Skrondal and Rabe-Hesketh, 2004). For example, if we want to model a direct dependency

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between item 2 and item 3, we modify equation 2 as follows (Vermunt and Magidson, 2005,

page 24):





ii YYP (7)

To identify the need for direct effects we use bivariate residuals: Pearson chi-squared

statistics divided by the degrees of freedom.7 Although the correlation between indicators given

class membership might be more complex, the models we estimate allow for pair-wise

correlations only. An alternative approach is to estimate models with more classes so that the

associations between some indicators can be explained better. In our application, this approach

generates additional classes too small to be meaningful without improving the model’s goodness-


The parameters of the models are estimated using maximum likelihood with the

likelihood function that is derived from the unconditional probability in equation 1.8 To evaluate

the goodness-of-fit of the models, we use the likelihood-ratio (LR) chi-square statistic that

compares the observed frequencies of the response patterns to the expected frequencies of the

model.9 Because of sparse tables, we apply bootstrapping to calculate the the LR chi-square


We estimate each model for 500 replication samples using maximum likelihood

estimates as starting values. We reject the model if the bootstrap p-value of the chi-square

statistic is smaller than .05 (Eid, Langeheine, and Diener, 2003). To select among models that

cannot be rejected, we use the minimum Bayesian information criterion (BIC). The criterion is

based on the log-likelihood of the model (LL) and accounts for the number of observations N

and parameters (Npar) to be estimated: BIC = -2LL + (logN)Npar.11

We also present the AWE

7 For each pair-wise combination of indicators, this statistic compares expected counts to actual counts in a two-way

table. Large residuals indicate that the model cannot explained well the association between those two indicators. 8 We use Latent GOLD to estimate the latent class models.

9 The Pearson statistic is usually defined as

jjjj een /)( 2 where n is the observed frequency of pattern j and e

is the expected frequency. The statistic is asymptotically distributed as a 2 distribution with degrees of freedom

equal to the number of response patterns minus the number of estimated parameters minus the number of categories. 10

Sparse tables occur when small and zero observed frequencies are common. With sparse tables, fit statistics such

as the test cannot be guaranteed to follow the assumed 2 distribution. 11

We also computed the Akaike information criterion (AIC = -2LL+2*Npar) and the consistent Akaike information

criterion (CAIC = -2LL+[log(N)+1]*Npar). The AIC favors models with larger number of classes, a tendency that

increases with the sample size. The CAIC favors models with fewer classes but this under-fitting declines with

sample size. In our application, both the BIC and the CAIC indicate a model with seven latent classes is the best

among the models that fit the data.

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statistic that considers classification errors in addition to fit and parsimony.12

A common

problem estimating latent class models is the presence of local maxima. To address this

problem, we estimate each model using 500 different starting values.

4 Results of Latent Class Models

We apply latent class analysis to the responses to eighteen indicators by 14,527

individuals from the General Social Survey. Table 1 summarizes these variables. We choose

our sample to be identical to that used by Glaeser, Laibson, and Sacerdote (2002).13

Table 2

presents fit statistics from the latent class models. We present each model’s log-likelihood, the

associated BIC, number of parameters, bootstrapped p-value of the LR chi-square statistic,

classification error, and AWE statistic. The minimum BIC rule indicates that the best model

uses 8 classes. Once we select a model with 8 classes, we relaxed the assumption of local

independence. We model the response to the indicators with the largest bivariate residual as a

joint response and estimate the model. As the value of the AWE criterion shows, including one

direct effect (between membership in fraternal organization and membership in a Greek group)

improves the log-likelihood enough to compensate for the increase in parameters and

classification errors. However, when we repeated this process and add a second or third direct

effect, the AWE criterion increases, suggesting that the improved fit of the model is not justified

by the increase in parameters and classification errors. Because we are concerned the results of

the multinomial logit might be affected by misclassification, we choose the 8-class model with 1

direct effect as our preferred model.14

Table 3A presents class sizes (as a proportion of the total sample) and the conditional

response probability for each indicator, given latent class membership. As explained above, to

construct the classes, we calculate the probability of membership in each class for each

individual and assign them to the class for which they have the highest probability. We interpret

the classes by observing the differences in the patterns of these response probabilities. Table 3B

provides a summary of these characteristics.


The AWE criterion is defines as -2logLc+2(3/2+logN)Npar, where L

c represents the classification log-likelihood.

13 We thank Bruce Sacerdote for graciously supplying the data.

14 As we add more direct effects, the probability structure of the classes does not change qualitatively but

classification errors increase.

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Class 1, the largest class (about 41 percent of the sample), corresponds to individuals

with very low probabilities of membership in any type of voluntary organization as well as low

probabilities of FAIR and TRUST. These individuals would have low levels of social capital by

any measure. Compared to individuals in latent Class 1, respondents in Class 2 are much more

likely to state they trust other people and believe other people are fair even though Class 2

individuals do not have high probabilities for group membership either. Descriptive statistics by

class show that individuals in Class 1 and 2 belong on average to .60 and .78 organizations,

respectively. However, only 36 percent of individuals in Class 1 believe people are fair and

fewer than 1 percent state people can be trusted while in Class 2, 86 percent of the individuals

believe other people are fair and 90 percent claim others can be trusted.

Individuals in Class 3 have the highest probabilities of FAIR and TRUST in the sample.

The probability that an individual assigned to Class 3 belongs to a professional organization is

relatively high, 55 percent. Individuals in Class 4 also have high and medium probabilities of

FAIR and TRUST. Among all individuals in the sample, individuals in Class 4 have the largest

probabilities of belonging to unions, veteran, and fraternal groups. Individuals in Class 5 have a

very high probability of belonging to a church organization. Respondents in Class 6 exhibit the

lowest probabilities of FAIR and TRUST but medium probability of membership in a church

group and relatively low probabilities of membership in school and sports groups. Individuals in

Class 7 show high probability of FAIR and medium probabilities of TRUST and memberships in

church and school organizations as well as relatively high probabilities of membership in youth

and sport groups. Class 8, with 3 percent of the individuals in the sample, corresponds to

individuals with high probabilities of group membership and high probability of trusting others.

Individuals in Class 8 are the most likely to belong to service, youth, school, hobby, literary,

fraternities, professional, political, and other organizations. The average number of memberships

in this latent class is 7.5. By most measures, individuals in Class 8 have high levels of social


Three conclusions are particularly interesting. First, FAIR and TRUST help to

distinguish individuals across classes in a nontrivial manner. Although the literature often

implies that trust is a consequence of social capital, we find that there are individuals who are

very likely to express trust but are unlikely to belong to any voluntary organization (individuals

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in Class 2). On the other hand, we find that some individuals who are likely to belong to church

and other groups did not necessarily state other people are fair and can be trusted (Class 6).

Second, individuals with the same number of memberships are sorted into different types

of social capital. For example, of all individuals with three memberships who trust others and

believe people are fair, around 8 percent are classified in latent Class 2, 49 percent in Class 3, 20

percent in Class 4, 10 percent in Class 5, and 14 percent in Class 7. The probability structure of

these classes is different. Thus, despite the fact that all the individuals in these classes belong to

about three groups and hold the same social norms, their social networks are different. A key

dimension along which membership in these groups differ is that they may require different

levels of involvement of time and/or money. The importance of this last observation will

become apparent when we discuss the determinants of social capital formation.

Finally, examining the average number of group memberships by class also reveals that

simply adding number of memberships does not necessarily provide a meaningful measure of

social capital. For example, it is difficult to claim that individuals in Class 6 have more social

capital than individuals in Class 3. The results of the latent class model suggest that it is more

appropriate to conclude that individuals in Class 6 have a different type of social capital than

individuals in Class 3.

Table 4 presents the estimates of the β parameters in equation 4. We use dummy coding

for identification where the reference class is Class 1, the low social capital class. A positive

estimate for class s means that an individual in class s is more likely to answers “yes” to the

indicator than an individual in Class 1. In order to compare the magnitude of the effects we can

calculate the exponential value of the estimate and interpret the result as the odds of answering

“yes” in class s relative to the reference class. For example, the probability of membership in a

church organization is approximately 3.9 (or35.1e ) times higher in Class 3 than in Class 1. Table

4 also presents Wald statistics that suggest we can strongly reject the null hypothesis that each

estimate for a given indicator equals zero. Thus, all indicators discriminate between classes in a

statistically significant manner.

5 Using Latent Classes to Investigate the Determinants of Social Capital

In the previous section, we estimated latent classes that measure an individual’s social

capital. In this section, we compare the empirical results of Glaeser, Laibson, and Sacerdote

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(2002) to results we obtain using the latent classes. We also apply our typology to the research

by Alesina and La Ferrara (2000) on the effects of community heterogeneity on individual social

capital. We show that the use of latent classes allows meaningful new insights about the

determinants of social capital. In Section 5.1 and 5.2, we estimate multinomial logit (MNL)

models where we use the social class typology discussed in the previous section as the dependent

variable and socio-economic characteristics as explanatory factors following the models by GLS

and Alesina and La Ferrara. In Section 5.3, we discuss an alternative approach in which we

estimate latent class models where the same socio-economic characteristics now influence the

prior probability of class membership.

5.1 Social Capital Formation: Results from Mutinomial Logit Model

We use the same independent variables used by GLS (descriptive statistics in Table 5)

and present the coefficients from multinomial logit estimation in Table 6. The specification in

these tables resembles a base specification of GLS in which they investigate how demographic

characteristics are associated with the number of group memberships.15

Before discussing the

results of the multinomial logit model, we note that a Hausman test strongly rejects the null

hypothesis that any pair of categories (that is, the latent classes) can be collapsed and that all

categories are indistinguishable with respect to the independent variables in the model. This test

supports the idea that the types of social capital we identified using latent class analysis are

distinct and economically meaningful.16

Examined directly, the coefficients in Table 6 have limited interpretive value. In Table 7,

we report the change in the odds ratio. For example, the first row of column 3 indicates that the

odds ratio of being in Class 1 vs. 2, Prob(Class 1)/Prob(Class 2), is .53 times larger when

education increases by one standard deviation. In other words, higher education levels reduce

the probability of being in Class 1 relative to Class 2. Similarly, the first row of column 5

indicates that Prob(Class 1)/Prob(Class 2) is 2.84 times larger when the respondent is black.17


We report results of only one of the several GLS specifications. We receive qualitatively similar results for all

other specifications reported in GLS. 16

A Hausman test also confirms that the assumption of the independence of irrelevant alternatives is valid. 17

These changes are calculated directly from the coefficients in Table 6. For example, the Class 2 – Class 3

comparison in Table 7 for the variable education is )(* educationstdbinchangee where the change in b is the difference

between the coefficients for education for classes 2 and 3 in Table 6. With a standard deviation for education of

3.15, the change in the odds ratio reported in Table 7 is e(.147-.5825)*3.15


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In Table 7, we report only changes that are significant at the 10 percent significance level. Blank

cells represent insignificant changes.

The results in Table 6 and Table 7 indicate how individual characteristics sort people into

different types of social capital. Some interesting comparisons are between Class 1 and Class 2

and between Class 1 and Class 6. For example, the odds comparing Class 1 (low membership,

low trust group) and Class 2 (low membership, high trust group) indicate that individuals with

high levels of education and income are less likely to be in Class 1 than in Class 2, while being

black is associated with higher probabilities of being in Class 1 relative to Class 2. Higher

income and education are associated with higher probabilities of being in Class 6 (low trust,

relatively high membership in sport organization) relative to Class 1 (low trust, low

membership), but being married increases the probability of being in Class 1 relative to Class 6.

Education has a strong substantive effect. An interesting finding is that individuals with

higher levels of education are much more likely to be in Class 3 than in classes 5 or 6. These

classes are similar in terms of the number of memberships but Class 3 is defined by a higher

probability of membership in professional groups. Thus, there are socio-economic determinants

that sort individuals into different types of social capital classes that have very similar average

group memberships. Our results can also speak to the commonalities between the classes. For

example, individuals in both classes 1 and 6 have low values of TRUST and FAIR. The results

in Table 7 suggest that one demographic characteristic that sorts individuals into these two “low-

trust” classes is being black.

One of the hypotheses GLS obtain from the theoretical model is a negative association

between social capital and income: if individuals with high incomes have a high opportunity cost

of time, then they should belong to few groups. However, GLS find that there is a positive

association between social capital and income. Our typology of social capital sheds some light

on this issue. Some voluntary groups have high time commitments but low monetary costs

(church groups) while other groups (professional associations) have relatively low time

commitments and high monetary costs in the form of membership fees. If individuals do take

into account the opportunity cost of their time when accumulating social capital, then we should

see that higher-income individuals should be more likely to join social networks with lower time

commitments but higher monetary costs. Our results support this hypothesis. Comparing classes

3, 5, and 6, the odds that individuals are in Class 3, the class with the highest probability of

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professional memberships, rather than in Class 5 or Class 6, increase with income. These results

are consistent with the fact that individuals consider the opportunity cost of their time in

decisions regarding social capital accumulation, a result that is impossible to uncover simply

using number of group memberships as a measure of social capital.18

These results are also

broadly consistent with the argument in Skocpol (2003) that elite Americans have shifted the

burden of civic engagement toward managed professionally-staffed organizations.

As we mentioned previously, individuals are assigned to classes based on a probabilistic

method and therefore there is some classification error in our dependent variable. As Table 2

indicates, as we increase the number of latent classes the models’ goodness-of-fit improves but

the classification error increases because there are more possible classes to which we assign

individuals. We would be concerned if that error was systematic and individuals with high levels

of classification error affected our conclusions. To investigate how robust the results are to

misclassification, we drop observations with maximum probabilities of class membership in the

bottom 25th percent (i.e., the probability of being assigned to their class is less than 56 percent).

Table 8 presents the results of the multinomial logit model for this sub-sample. The results are

very similar to those in Table 6. In terms of statistical significance, only three estimates become

insignificant, and qualitatively, we reach the same conclusions. Table 9 displays changes in odd

ratios based on the estimates in Table 8. Although some odds comparing classes become

insignificant while others are now significant at the 10 percent or better, overall, we can derive

the same inferences that we draw with the entire sample. In sum, these results suggest that class

membership misclassification is not affecting our conclusions.19

We turn now to another prediction of the theory that GLS were unable to support - that

the social capital of individuals should be positively correlated with the social capital of their

peer group because of interpersonal complementarities in social capital accumulation. In a

simple discrete choice framework, this phenomenon would occur if peer group membership in a

social capital class is an attribute of that class that yields utility or if selecting a social capital


Of course, like GLS, we can only comment on probabilities and cannot make a statement about causation. In fact,

in our theoretical framework and in that of GLS, social capital also influences income so we cannot emphasize the

interpretation of this result. We simply point out that our findings are at least consistent with a theory of social

capital accumulation that takes into account the opportunity cost of time. 19

We also estimate MNL models dropping individuals with a difference of 9.2 percent of lower between the largest

posterior probability and the second largest posterior probability (a difference of 9.2 percent is the 10th-percentile of

the distribution; the 25-percentile is 28.45 difference). We obtain very similar results qualitatively while in terms of

statistical significance these results are in fact stronger.

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class that many peers also select reduces the cost of joining. Following GLS, we define an

individual’s peer group by geographic location (primary sampling unit) and religion. For

example, a peer group might be Baptists in Memphis or Catholics in Cleveland. We calculate

the average probability of membership in each class for that individual’s peer group, excluding

the specific individual and dropping observations for which there are less than five people in a

peer group. We then use the average probabilities of membership for the individual’s peer group

as an explanatory variable. The probabilities of peer group membership in each class vary by

both individual and class so that for each individual there will be a separate probability of peer

group membership associated with each class, in contrast to the other independent variables (age,

education, income, etc.) that do not vary by class for each individual. Therefore, rather than

estimating a multinomial logistic regression, we estimate a conditional logistic regression.

Omitted variables might create a spurious correlation between peer group values and

individual values. We follow GLS and instrument for peer-group membership probability with

the average education, age, marital status and income of the peer group. (In this estimation the

standard errors are bootstrapped.) Unlike GLS, even after employing instrumental variables

estimation we still find significant peer group effects, indicating that there are interpersonal

complementarities in social capital accumulation. Table 10 displays the results of the conditional

logit model. In the conditional logit model we estimate six coefficients for the individual-

specific variables (education, income, and so on) but only a single coefficient for the class-

specific variable (average class-membership probability). The positive statistically significant

effect of the class-membership probability for peer group is evidence that interpersonal

complementarities in social capital accumulation do exist. We believe that our stronger

empirical results are a direct consequence of our improved definition of social capital that

considers not just the number of groups, but the types of social capital individuals hold.20

5.2 Community Heterogeneity and Individual Social Capital

Alesina and La Ferrara (2000) also use GSS data to examine the determinants of

individual social capital. They focus on the effects of community heterogeneity. Alesina and La


The specification reported in Table 9 does not include state dummies because including them does not allow the

maximum likelihood estimation to converge. GLS do include state dummies in the IV estimations they report.

However the inclusion of state dummies is not driving the results: when we exclude state dummies from the IV

specification reported in GLS, we do not find materially different results for the coefficient on peer memberships.

Thus, the difference in results is not attributable to the exclusion of state dummies.

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Ferrara first estimate probit models of membership in any organization. Then, to explore

whether heterogeneity affects differently the propensity to participate in organizations that have

different requirements in terms of interaction among their members, they estimate the likelihood

of participating in specific organizations. The authors find that racial diversity, in particular,

strongly reduces the likelihood of participation and that the strongest effects are for organizations

that require frequent interactions such as church groups and sports clubs.

In contrast to Alesina and La Ferrara (2000), we do not assume the decision to participate

in a given organization is independent from membership in other organizations. Because we

implicitly assume that individuals belong to a set of memberships and norms, our empirical

models investigate whether differences in the degree of racial and ethnic heterogeneity are

related to the type of social capital individuals choose. We use the sample whose descriptive

statistics are presented in Table 5 but we now add community-level variables following Alesina

and La Ferrara: the logarithm of the size of the MSA/PMSA where the individual lives (per

thousand people), the logarithm of median household income of the MSA/PMSA and the

logarithm of median household income squared, and two indices of racial and ethnic

heterogeneity of the MSA/PMSA where the individual lives. We also follow Alesina and La

Ferrara to construct these indices. We use 1990 Census data of five ethnic groups: (1) white, (2)

black, (3) American Indian, Eskimo, Aleutian, (4) Asian, Pacific Islander, and (5) other (that

mostly corresponds to Hispanics). We group ancestries into ten groups (see Alesina and La

Ferrara, 2000). The value of the indices can be interpreted as the probability that two individuals

selected at random belong to different racial (or ethnic) groups.

We estimate two multinomial logit models: one specification includes the racial index (as

well as the group shares that form the index), the second specification includes the ethnic index

(and ancestry groups shares as well). Table 11 presents the change in odds ratio for one standard

deviation increase in the racial and ethnic indices.21

We only present changes that are significant

at the 10 percent level or better (after clustering standard errors by MSA/PMSA). The results

indicate that the more heterogeneous the community is in terms of race, the probability that the

individual is assigned to the low social capital class is 1.13 higher than the probability that the

individuals is assigned to a class characterized by high levels of trust and fairness (Class 2). As

racial heterogeneity increases by one standard deviation, the probability that the individual is


Results of the multinomial logit models are available upon request.

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assigned to Class 2 is .89 lower than the probability is assigned to Class 6, a class defined by the

lowest levels of TRUST and FAIR and medium probability of church membership. Our results

for the effect of ethnic heterogeneity are similar, but weaker. Greater ethnic heterogeneity sorts

people out of Class 2 and into the less trusting Class 5. The result that greater ethnic

heterogeneity sorts people out of the low trust Class 1 and into Class 5 does somewhat contradict

the patterns established by the other three coefficients, however, this result has weaker statistical

significance with a p-value of .08.

These results add new insights to those found by Alesina and La Ferrara. Racial

heterogeneity reduces the probability of holding beneficial social norms and we find similar, but

weaker, results when we explore the effects of ethnic heterogeneity. Overall, these results

suggest that community heterogeneity influences social capital accumulation by influencing trust

and perception of fairness in addition to its possible effects on willingness to interact with people

of different backgrounds.

5.3 Alternative Estimation Method for Social Capital

We have discussed the results when we apply multinomial logit models to the latent

classification from an 8-class model to examine how socio-economic characteristics influence

social capital. An alternative approach is to estimate jointly the latent classes and the effects of

observable characteristics on the prior probability of class membership. In this case, we modify

Equation 1 to indicate the influence of covariates:


s k

iikiii sXYPsXPYP1



)|()|()( z (1’)

where )z|( ii sXP is defined by Equation 3.

The joint estimation approach has the potential advantage of reducing classification

errors, however, we encountered issues in estimating this relatively complex model that urge

caution in interpreting the results. First, the bivariate residuals indicate that, in this specification,

there are very large unexplained associations between indicators which violate the assumption of

independence within classes.22

Second, when we attempt to address these associations by

including direct effects, we obtain boundary solutions which imply that we might not be able to


The largest residual, between FAIR and TRUST, is 324.75 (a residual over 1 indicates that the assumption of

independence of the indicators within latent class does not hold). Classification errors decrease by 7 percent.

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find maximum likelihood estimates. Although we do not report detailed estimations results here,

we can draw the same inferences from these results: class sizes change but, overall, the

probability structure of the classes is very similar and the estimates of parameters for covariates

are very similar qualitatively to the estimates from the MNL model.23

Thus, we gain confidence

that the two-step approach we have discussed above generates robust and reasonable results. In

less complex applications with fewer covariates, we expect that the benefits of joint estimation of

latent class and the effects of observable factors on class membership would be more obvious

and unproblematic.

6 Conclusions

In this paper we motivate and demonstrate the use of latent class models to measure

social capital. The empirical treatment of social capital that we propose links more closely the

measurement of social capital with the concepts of social networks that underlie it. Latent class

analysis treats different kinds of social capital as being qualitatively different and is consistent

with an interpretation of social capital as an unobservable multidimensional construct. We show

that this new approach generates empirical results consistent with a theory of social capital

accumulation that the standard treatment of social capital could not reveal. Specifically, we

replicate the models in Glaeser, Laibson, and Sacerdote (2002). While Glaeser, Laibson, and

Sacerdote measure social capital as the number of voluntary organization memberships

individuals hold, we use latent class analysis to classify individuals into distinct types of social

capital using both memberships and indicators of trust and fairness. Using the same data, we

find peer-group effects that could not be identified previously. We also find results consistent

with the hypothesis that individuals with high opportunity cost of time choose networks with

relatively low time commitment and perhaps high monetary cost. Finally, we find that socio-

economic determinants sort individuals into types of social capital that vary in the nature of the

social network but not necessarily in the number of memberships forming the network.

We also apply this new measurement of social capital to the research by Alesina and La

Ferrara (2000) on the effects of community heterogeneity on social capital. Our results suggest

that racial heterogeneity affects social capital accumulation via its effect on the likelihood of

adhering to social norms of trust and fairness, independent of memberships in organizations.


All these results are available from the authors upon request.

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Interestingly, once our multidimensional method accounts for trust and fairness, we do not find

as strong results for types of group membership as do Alesina and La Ferrara (2000). This result

is consistent with the idea that the link from heterogeneity to specific group memberships

operates through a channel created by trust and perceptions of fairness.

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Table 1: Indicators (N = 14,527)

Indicator Description Percent

Fair = 1 if “people are fair” ( = 0 if “people try to take



Trust = 1 if people can be trusted 39.87

Church = 1 if membership in church organization 34.58

Service = 1 if membership in service group 9.72

Veteran = 1 if membership in veteran group 7.04

Union = 1 if membership in labor union 13.20

Political = 1 if membership in political club 3.97

Youth = 1 if membership in youth group 9.48

School = 1 if membership in school service 13.08

Farm = 1 if membership in farm organization 3.71

Fraternal = 1 if membership in fraternal group 9.40

Sport = 1 if membership in sports club 19.50

Hobby = 1 if membership in hobby club 9.31

Greek = 1 if membership in school fraternity 4.80

Nationality = 1 if membership in nationality group 3.30

Literary = 1 if membership in literary or art group 8.78

Professional = 1 if membership in professional society 14.70

Other = 1 if membership in any other group 10.43

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Table 2: Model Selection: Fit Statistics

LL BIC(LL) Npar Bootstrap





1-Cluster -94204.22 188580.95 18 <.001 .000 188807.46

2-Cluster -89510.47 179375.55 37 <.001 .087 186036.50

3-Cluster -88501.34 177539.36 56 <.001 .139 189068.38

4-Cluster -88116.64 176952.07 75 .2300 .203 193336.04

5-Cluster -87826.01 176552.88 94 ≈1 .208 194670.50

6-Cluster -87619.20 176321.37 113 ≈1 .215 195858.18

7-Cluster -87424.69 176114.45 132 ≈1 .275 198837.77

8-Cluster -87321.62 176090.38 151 ≈1 .279 200111.70

9-Cluster -87234.22 176097.67 170 ≈1 .282 200781.78

10-Cluster -87151.23 176113.79 189 ≈1 .283 202356.13

8-Cluster &

1 direct


-87273.14 176003.01 152 ≈1 .284 200090.07

8-Cluster & 2

direct effects

-87244.50 175955.32 153 ≈1 .284 200322.78

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Table 3A: Conditional Response Probabilities

Class1 Class2 Class3 Class4 Class5 Class6 Class7 Class8

Class Size .4079 .2268 .1110 .0728 .0470 .0648 .0398 .0300

Individuals 5,925 3,294 1,612 1,057 683 942 578 436

Fair .2950 .8835 .8936 .6784 .8356 .0040 .8174 .7646

Trust .0592 .7067 .7635 .4891 .4644 .0005 .5853 .5562

Church .1906 .1919 .4753 .3738 .9279 .5011 .5605 .7851

Service .0063 .0047 .2621 .2058 .0798 .1710 .1432 .6479

Youth .0081 .0001 .0458 .0368 .1580 .2837 .6497 .6615

School .0334 .0450 .2026 .0116 .2498 .3145 .4811 .7021

Sport .0774 .1139 .3007 .2123 .0755 .4230 .6824 .6426

Farm .0120 .0171 .0328 .0773 .0978 .0571 .0591 .1607

Hobby .0182 .0359 .2169 .1209 .1296 .2282 .1371 .3769

Literary .0069 .0123 .3161 .0207 .1246 .1942 .0754 .5847

Fraternal .0195 .0344 .1791 .3550 .0456 .1206 .0904 .3445

Greek .0016 .0147 .1882 .0191 .0033 .1111 .0368 .3314

Professional .0216 .0906 .5472 .0479 .0260 .2563 .1919 .6610

Veteran .0255 .0265 .0573 .3719 .0009 .0987 .0764 .1634

Political .0028 .0044 .1034 .0794 .0277 .0787 .0289 .3081

Union .1188 .0969 .0849 .3263 .0226 .1703 .2078 .1863

Nationality .0078 .0097 .0797 .0430 .0212 .0844 .0242 .2066

Other .0477 .0990 .1666 .1309 .2009 .1460 .0729 .2247

Mean group


(std. dev.)


























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Table 3B: Qualitative Characteristics of the Classes

Class Characteristics

Class 1 Low probabilities of FAIR and TRUST. Low probabilities of group membership. By

most measures of social capital, people in Class 1 would be considered to have low

social capital.

Class 2 High probabilities of FAIR and TRUST. Low probabilities of group memberships.

Class 3 High probabilities of FAIR and TRUST. Medium probabilities of memberships in

professional organizations and church groups.

Class 4 High probability of FAIR and medium probability of TRUST. Largest probabilities

of membership in unions, veterans, and fraternal groups.

Class 5 High probability of FAIR and medium probability of TRUST. Very high probability

of membership in church groups.

Class 6 Lowest probabilities of FAIR and TRUST. Medium probability of membership in a

church group. Relatively low probabilities of membership in school and sports


Class 7 High probability of FAIR. Medium probabilities of TRUST and memberships in

church and school organizations. Relatively high probabilities of membership in

youth and sport groups.

Class 8 High probability of FAIR and medium probability of TRUST. Largest probabilities

in service, youth, school, hobby, literary, fraternities, professional, political, and other

organizations. By most measures of social capital, people in class 7 would be

considered to have high social capital.

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Table 4: Parameter Estimates for Indicators*

Cluster2 Cluster3 Cluster4 Cluster5 Cluster6 Cluster7 Cluster8 Wald Fair 2.89 2.99 1.62 2.49 -4.65 2.37 2.05 367.56 Trust 3.65 3.94 2.72 2.62 -4.85 3.11 2.99 786.38 Church .009 1.35 .930 4.00 1.45 1.69 2.74 399.06 Service -.301 4.02 3.71 2.61 3.48 3.27 5.67 325.52 Youth -4.40 1.77 1.53 3.13 3.88 5.42 5.47 359.93 School .311 1.99 -1.08 2.27 2.59 3.29 4.22 753.40 Sport .427 1.64 1.17 -.026 2.17 3.24 3.07 543.03 Farm .359 1.03 1.93 2.19 1.60 1.64 2.76 146.06 Hobby .695 2.70 2.00 2.08 2.77 2.15 3.48 378.04 Literary .583 4.19 1.11 3.02 3.54 2.46 5.31 428.81 Fraternal .558 2.12 3.30 .873 1.76 1.55 2.87 338.17 Greek 2.21 4.76 1.99 .690 4.21 3.05 5.35 143.19 Professional 1.51 4.00 .821 .190 2.75 2.37 4.48 393.74 Veteran .039 .844 3.12 -3.33 1.43 1.15 2.01 266.83 Political .463 3.73 3.44 2.33 3.43 2.38 5.08 207.74 Union -.228 -.374 1.28 -1.77 .420 .666 .529 133.36 Nationality .217 2.40 1.75 1.01 2.46 1.15 3.50 256.15 Other .786 1.38 1.10 1.61 1.23 .451 1.76 12.81

*All coefficients are statistically significant at the .01 percent level or better. Reference group is

Class 1 (no social capital class). A positive (negative) estimate means that individuals in that

class are more (less) likely to respond affirmatively to the corresponding indicator than

individuals in Class 1.

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Table 5: Descriptive Statistics For Independent Variables

Variable Definition Mean Std. Dev.

Education Years Education 12.39 3.15

Log Income Log Annual Income 2.09 0.65

Income Missing =1 if income not provided 0.04 0.20

Black =1 if black 0.14 0.34

Female =1 if female 0.56 0.50

Birth Year Year of birth 1940.18 18.28

Married =1 if married 0.57 0.50

Babies Young children in household 0.26 0.59

Preteen Preteens in household 0.32 0.69

Teens Teenagers in household 0.24 0.59

South =1 if in south 0.34 0.47

East =1 if in east 0.20 0.40

West =1 if in west 0.19 0.39

Log of Population = log of population in PSU 3.43 2.17

Age 18-29 =1 if between 18 and 29 0.24 0.43

Age 30-39 =1 if between 30 and 39 0.23 0.42

Age 40-49 =1 if 40 to 49 0.16 0.37

Baptist =1 if Baptist 0.21 0.41

Methodist =1 if Methodist 0.10 0.30

Lutheran =1 if Lutheran 0.07 0.25

Presbyterian =1 if Presbyterian 0.05 0.21

Episcopalian =1 if Episcopalian 0.02 0.15

Other Protestant =1 if belong to other Protestant religion 0.14 0.35

Non Denominational Protestant =1 if non-denominational Protestant 0.04 0.19

Jewish =1 if Jewish 0.02 0.13

Catholic =1 if Catholic 0.25 0.43

Other Religion =1 if other religious affiliation 0.02 0.14

Race Racial heterogeneity of MSA/PMSA .25 .14

Ethnic Ethnic heterogeneity of MSA/PMSA .59 .10

Log med income Log median income of MSA/PMSA 10.29 .20

Size Log of population (in thousands) of MSA/PMSA 5.86 1.13

Total observations used in estimations: 13,926.

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Table 6: Multinomial logistic regression for class membership

Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8

Education .203**














Log Income .195**






























Black -1.05**














Female -.006














Birth Year -.023**














Married .041














Age 18-29 .349**














Age 30-39 .293**














Age 40-49 .284**














Base category is Class 1. Estimated with 13,926 observations. Standard errors are in parentheses.

**significant at the 5% level, *significant at the 10% level. Estimations also include, state dummies,

dummies for religious affiliation, regional dummies, log of population, and variables for babies, preteens,

and teens in the household.

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Table 7: Change in Odds Ratio Odds Comparing

Column 1 –

Column 2













Age 18-



Age 30-



Age 40-


(1) (2)

Class1 Class2 .526 .882 2.84 .705 .746 .753

Class1 Class3 .159 .669 3.43 .790

Class1 Class4 .629 .655 1.39 3.47 3.27 1.96 1.33

Class1 Class5 .452 .882 2.36 .404 .778

Class1 Class6 .378 .825 1.27

Class1 Class7 .454 .696 2.63 1.24 .719 .621

Class1 Class8 .140 .707

Class2 Class3 .302 .758 .786 1.38 1.35

Class2 Class4 1.19 .743 .491 3.44 4.64 2.63 1.76

Class2 Class5 .858 .401 .809 1.84 1.74

Class2 Class6 .718 .309 1.32

Class2 Class7 .863 .789 1.23 .748

Class2 Class8 .266 .802 .326 1.25

Class3 Class4 .395 .407 4.39 3.36 1.95 1.54

Class3 Class5 2.84 1.32 .688 .512 .751

Class3 Class6 2.37 1.23 .256 1.39 1.22

Class3 Class7 2.85 1.56 .694

Class3 Class8 .879 .270

Class4 Class5 .718 1.35 1.69 .116 .792 .395

Class4 Class6 .601 1.26 .630 .316 1.29 .285 .522 .716

Class4 Class7 .722 1.88 .357 .732 .357 .423 .469

Class4 Class8 .223 .664 .243 .215 .486

Class5 Class6 .837 .373 2.72 1.63

Class5 Class7 .789 3.06 .635

Class5 Class8 .310 .802 .393 2.08 1.54

Class6 Class7 1.20 2.98 .567 .655

Class6 Class8 .371 .766

Class7 Class8 .308 .354 .680 1.67

For education and income, each cell gives the change in the odds ratio from a one standard deviation

increase in the selected independent variable. For dummy variables, each cell gives the change in the odds

ratio from an increase of 1 in the dummy variable. The odds ratio is defined as the probability of

belonging to the class in the Group 1 column divided by the probability of belonging to the class in the

Group 2 column. Only changes that are significant at the 10 percent level are reported. Blank cells

indicate the estimated change is not statistically significant.

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Table 8: MNL for class membership, excluding observations with less than 56% probability of


Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8

Education .239**














Log Income .281**






























Black -1.25**














Female .047














Birth Year -.032**














Married .063














Age 18-29 .455**














Age 30-39 .417**














Age 40-49 .406**














Base category is Class 1. Estimated with 10,455 observations. Standard errors are in parentheses.

**significant at the 5% level, *significant at the 10% level. Estimations also include, state dummies,

dummies for religious affiliation, regional dummies, log of population, and variables for babies, preteens,

and teens in the household.

Page 31: Reconsidering Social Capital: A Latent Class Approach Capital August 6.pdfSocial capital has proven to be a useful concept, but has not been well-measured in the economics literature


Table 9: Change in Odds Ratio, excluding observations with less than 56% probability of membership Odds Comparing

Column 1 –

Column 2













Age 18-



Age 30-



Age 40-


(1) (2)

Class1 Class2 .462 .833 3.51 .634 .659 .666

Class1 Class3 .124 .661 3.89 .758

Class1 Class4 .588 .627 4.82 5.00 2.04 1.73

Class1 Class5 .399 .842 2.71 .346 .602

Class1 Class6 .315 .760

Class1 Class7 .418 .584 2.37 1.37 .711 .520

Class1 Class8 .129 .689

Class2 Class3 .268 .794 .797 1.58 1.58

Class2 Class4 1.27 .753 .367 5.05 7.89 3.09 2.60

Class2 Class5 .863 .363 .641 2.48 2.09 1.47

Class2 Class6 .681 .258 1.19 1.64 1.43

Class2 Class7 .702 1.43 .757

Class2 Class8 .281 .238 1.72 1.63

Class3 Class4 4.75 .331 6.36 5.00 1.96 2.07

Class3 Class5 3.22 1.27 .457 .607

Class3 Class6 2.54 .233 1.46

Class3 Class7 3.38 .609 1.81 .717 .621

Class3 Class8 .215

Class4 Class5 .678 1.34 2.11 .072 .636 .314 .566

Class4 Class6 .535 1.21 .229 .186 .530 .550

Class4 Class7 .711 1.84 .284 .751 .195 .340 .299

Class4 Class8 .221 .649 .172 .159 .554

Class5 Class6 .789 .334 3.18 1.85

Class5 Class7 .694 3.96 .506 .529

Class5 Class8 .326 .308 2.40 1.88

Class6 Class7 1.33 .769 2.62 1.24 .638 .545

Class6 Class8 .413 .754

Class7 Class8 .311 .353 .607 1.59 2.08

For education and income, each cell gives the change in the odds ratio from a one standard deviation

increase in the selected independent variable. For dummy variables, each cell gives the change in the odds

ratio from an increase of 1 in the dummy variable. The odds ratio is defined as the probability of

belonging to the class in the Group 1 column divided by the probability of belonging to the class in the

Group 2 column. Only changes that are significant at the 10 percent level are reported. Blank cells

indicate the estimated change is not statistically significant.

Page 32: Reconsidering Social Capital: A Latent Class Approach Capital August 6.pdfSocial capital has proven to be a useful concept, but has not been well-measured in the economics literature


Table 10: Conditional logistic regression for class membership Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8



of peer
















Education .203**














Log Income .141






























Black -1.03**














Female .008














Birth Year -.020**














Married .074














Age 18-29 .279














Age 30-39 .236














Age 40-49 .249














Estimated via instrumental variables estimation. Bootstrapped standard errors are in parentheses.

**significant at the 5% level, *significant at the 10% level. Estimations also include, dummies for

religious affiliation, regional dummies, log of population, and variables for babies, preteens, and teens in

the household. Peer groups are defined as religion by primary sampling unit cell (e.g., Baptists in

Memphis). Membership probability of peer group is the average probability of membership in a

particular class for the individual’s peer group, excluding the individual. Instruments for membership

probability of peer group were average age, education, income and marital status for the peer group.

Page 33: Reconsidering Social Capital: A Latent Class Approach Capital August 6.pdfSocial capital has proven to be a useful concept, but has not been well-measured in the economics literature


Table 11: Change in Odds Ratio for a one standard deviation increase in independent variable

Odds Comparing Column 1 – Column 2 (3)

Race Index


Ethnic Index


Column 1


Column 2

Class1 Class2 1.13

Class1 Class5 .711

Class2 Class5 .709

Class2 Class6 .894

Each cell gives the change in the odds ratio that results from a one standard deviation increase in

the selected independent variable. The odds ratio is defined as the probability of belonging to

the class in the Group 1 column divided by the probability of belonging to the class in the Group

2 column. Only changes that are significant at the 10 percent level are reported. Blank cells

indicate the estimated change is not statistically significant. In addition to the variables in Table

7, these specifications include size of the MSA/PMSA, median household income and household

income squared (all in logs) and race group shares (column 3) and ancestry group shares (column


Page 34: Reconsidering Social Capital: A Latent Class Approach Capital August 6.pdfSocial capital has proven to be a useful concept, but has not been well-measured in the economics literature



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