recitation 6

1a. Elements for the over 8300 meter mountains //mountain[@height>8300] 1b. Names of mountains climbed in the winter //mountain[winter]/@name 1c. Names of mountains in the Himalayan mountain range //range[@name="Himalayan"]/mountain/@name 1d. Names of mountains at least partially within Nepal //mountain[country="Nepal"]/@name 2a. Elements for teams with more than 4 members let $sequence-1 := ( for $x in //mountain where (count($x/first/member) > 4) let $x/first ) let $sequence-2 := ( for $y in //mountain where (count($y/winter/member) > 4) let $y/winter ) for $item in ( ($sequence-1, $sequence-2)) return $item 2b. Names of mountains ordered by height for $x in //mountain order by $x/@height return $x/@name

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Page 1: Recitation 6

1a. Elements for the over 8300 meter mountains


1b. Names of mountains climbed in the winter


1c. Names of mountains in the Himalayan mountain range


1d. Names of mountains at least partially within Nepal


2a. Elements for teams with more than 4 members

let $sequence-1 := (

for $x in //mountain

where (count($x/first/member) > 4)

let $x/first


let $sequence-2 := (

for $y in //mountain

where (count($y/winter/member) > 4)

let $y/winter


for $item in ( ($sequence-1, $sequence-2))

return $item

2b. Names of mountains ordered by height

for $x in //mountain

order by $x/@height

return $x/@name

Page 2: Recitation 6

2c. Names of mountains not yet climbed in winter

for $m in //mountain

where not($m/winter)

return $m/@name

2d. Names of all team members, on all expeditions, ordered alphabetically,

with no duplicates

for $x in distinct-values(//member)

order by $x

return $x

3a. Names and dates of death of those who died on Lhotse.

for $m in //table

where $m/@title = 'Lhotse'

return $m//td[position() = 1 to 2]

3b. (requires a join with monsters.xml above) Names of those who died on

'The Killing Mountain'

let $d := doc('tragedies.xml')

let $m := doc('monsters.xml')

let $mountainName := $m//mountain[nickname = "The Killing


for $x in $d//table

where $x/@title=$mountainName

return $x/tr/td[2]