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President’s Address by Prof Chia-Wei WOO 4-7

Honorary Degrees B#BkCfi

Professor Ernest S. KUH


Mr Steven Kwok Lim POON


Professor Yuen-Ron SHEN


Dr Helmut SOHMEN


Dr Daniel TSE Chi-Wai







Address by Dr Helmut SOHMEN


Degrees Conferred




13 November 1997 -hh-ts~+-8 +E El

Order of Proceedings


Graduates in the School of Science


Graduates in the School of Humanities and Social Science





14 November 1997 -hh#F+-8 +eS H

Order of Proceedings

$Q&%ZB 42-43

Graduates in the School of Engineering

~%~~%+~B 44-53

15 November 1997 -hhtW--H+ZEl

Order of Proceedings

Be,@@~ 58-59

Graduates in the School of Business and Management 60-70




Chancellor, Council and Court Members, Distinguished

Guests, Colleagues, Parents, and, last but certainly not

least on a day like this, Our Graduating Students:

We have gathered here to celebrate the first graduation

at HKUST +ftw the n&.wn of Hong Kong to her mother- land. It must sound unfamiliar to you, our Class of 1997,

to be addressed as the first graduates of China’s Hong

Kong University of Science and Technology. Rut, stop

and think for a moment. How thrilling it must be-for

each and every one of you-to mark history in this

personal manner!

The vast hinterland north of us is Hong Kong’s

greatest asset. Other than the hinterland and a deep

harbor, Hong Kong has little in the way of natural

resources. What Hong Kong depends on is her people,

a people who are willing to work diligently to earn for

themselves social stability and economic prosperity.

We live in an era depicted as “knowledge inten-

sive”. This means it is no longer sufficient just to work

diligcnt&. We must work intt,lligent(y, which requires a

strong foundation built upon education and technology.

By “education” we mean not only the acquisition of

professional expertise, but also cultural broadening,

which comes with a genuine appreciation for the

humanities and the arts. In “technology” we include its

precursor and its commercialization-the sciences that

provide technology with a sound foundation, and

modern management methods that facilitate its applica-


Thus, these two words, education and technol- ogy, precisely summarize HKUST’s mission. And these

two gifts are what our young graduates have sought,

and have acquired, during an all-too-brief career at


* * * * * *

Heretofore, Hong Kong has not paid sufficient attention

to, nor invested sufficiently in, education and technol-

ogy. Rut now we have good news. Education and

technology are two of the five areas the Chief Executive

of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SARI

has specified as holding the highest priority for his

Administration. His clear vision for education and tech-

nology is shared by the Convenor of his Executive

Council, and by his Chief Justice, who took the Univer-

sity Grants Committee into its modern age when he chaired that organization just a few years ago.

These are people who value education and tech-

nology, a fact evidenced by their respective positions as

Chancellor, Council Chairman, and Council Vice-Chair-

man of our University. These are men of action. Their

shared vision will surely become a reality.



Hong Kong’s universities will adopt a four-year

system; consequently our future graduates will enjoy a

more complete education. Hong Kong will develop as

a technology-based society; consequently our future

graduates will build careers that prove to be much more

challenging and satisfying For these predictions to

come true, however, Hongkongers-not just our lead-

ers-must join in overcoming the complacency and

myopia which all too often surface in economically

successful communities.

It is with these expectutions that zlw at HKUST can mu) consider- hew our Uniueaitl) mzrstposition itsclj’us Hong Kong gains control of hw oum destiny. hecomes an impol?unt economic and sociul center of the mtion, and udzmnce.s confidcwt@ into a neuj millmnirrm.

* * * * * *

I would like to address three issues. One, the lJnivemif_y :s home base. TUV, the Unil~ersi[~)5 place iu China and international@. And three, the lJniucrsit_l~ 1s focm-es of excellence.

First, we must clearly identify and understand our home base-Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong I see, however, is not limited to the

235 islands and one peninsula within the confines of the

SAR. We must look farther beyond-towards the Pearl

River Estuary.

With 30,000 square kilometers in land area and 20

million in population, the Pearl River Delta, as a whole,

rivals Taiwan in size and scope. But the Pearl River Delta

is mostly a fertile plain-not mountainous like Taiwan.

If developed in a well-planned manner, the Pearl River

Delta should, in two decades, become even more

prosperous than the Taiwan of today.

Hong Kong will share leadership with Guangzhou

for development of the Pearl River Delta. But Hong

Kong’s “backyard”, so to speak, will be closer in, ending

roughly halfway to Guangzhou. Please close your eyes

and imagine a triangle with Shenzhen, Nansha, and

Zhuhai at its vertices. This nearly equilateral triangle

neatly encloses the mouth of the Pearl River. On the

estuary sit other cities and towns, including Bao’an,

Dongguan, and Zhongshan-all linked up with express-

ways and bridges, some existing, some planned. While

separated politically from the SAR by a semi-permeable

border maintained under the “one country, two systems”

principle, in every other way the estuary will readily

integrate with the SAR to form a metropolis that I call the

Hong Kong Bay Area. The Hong Kong Bay Area has its own history,

character, environment, and strengths. It is in this Hong

Kong Bay Area that our University is building a home

base, and from it that our University extends its contri-


Next, what is the University’s place in China and internationally?



HKUST must rank among China :C very top univer- sities. This is particular& the case in the category of

research-oriented science and technology universities. The Universi[y emphasizes Hong Kong :s individual char- acter and builds on Hong Kong :s unique strengths.

As one of China’s great universities, our interests

and responsibilities reach far beyond the Hong Kong

Bay Area. The sphere of close cooperation in which we

will move includes the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze

River Delta with Shanghai as its dragon head, Hainan,

Taiwan, and selected pockets of academic and research

strength in other parts of the country.

HKUST must be one of East Asia Ys vey top research universities.

In the coming decades, East Asia will make major

strides in science, engineering, and management. Coun-

tries and regions in East Asia will harness their economic

development to technological innovation. Through the

Association of East Asian Research Universities, HKUST

looks forward to strengthening its partnership with East

Asia’s top institutions.

HKUST must be a world-class universi[y situated at the cutting edge internationull?/ in all academic and R&D fields we select as targets ofpursuit.

Moreover, located at the crossroads of East Asian,

North American, and Western European interests, the

University provides an optimal meeting place for aca-

demic, business, and R&D ventures linking the constitu-

ents of the industrialized world. Our Europe Institute

with its national centers, and an American Institute

focusing on technology and management, will create

opportunities for our faculty to exercise a leadership role

in international cooperation.

Finally, how do we select specific disciplines and interdisciplinary areas as our targets of pursuit and focuses of excellence?

In fields which advance and change rapidly, one’s

work is either first-class or without class. No mediocrity

can be tolerated. So, to excel in all its endeavors, a

university of our size must resolve to focus. The number

of specialties must be limited, so that each chosen

specialty can achieve a critical mass.

At HKUST, we chose to establish only 19 academic

Departments (including two which we call Divisions),

and each Department limited itself to no more than a few

specialties. Each specialty was selected on the basis of

three criteria:

(1) it must have enduring academic integrity; (2) it must b e relevant to the development of Hong

Kong and its region; and

(3) it must be viablewith an established scholar

anchoring the group and resources available to

adequately support the group’s efforts.

In the main, these criteria have been met. Every one of our Departments has become a center of excellence and



every specialty a focus of excellence.

This statement applies equally well to all four

Schools and to the Institutes that we have created at


In the past year, my Vice-Presidents and I have

selected a small number of (mostly) interdisciplinary

projects and allocated some “research infrastructure”

money to seed each project. These were the criteria for

our choices:




the project must put the University at the

frontier of that field;

it must produce a high impact on Hong Kong

and its region; and

a moderate seed grant would make a signifi-

cant difference in the project team’s ability to

generate self-sustaining support in the long


The initial group of “high impact areas” now includes

China business Sr management, construction & struc-

tural engineering, electronic packaging & assembly,

language & speech technology, nanostructure science &

technology, traditional Chinese medicine, and transpor-

tation systems.

Others will surely follow-they could well be in

China studies, energy, executive education, internet

technologies, linguistics, magnetic materials, ocean sci-

ence, scientific computation, and other fields spread

across the University’s four Schools.

We plan to submit proposals based on these high

impact areas, together with some of the Department-

based and Institute-based specialties, to the University

Grants Committee for consideration for its “area of

excellence” grants. We guarantee that each of our

submissions will place Hong Kong on the mup in that

field in short order.

Many of our graduates here today, especially those

receiving advanced degrees, have been working with

top-notch professors in these areas of excellence. The

extent of their knowledge and the depth of their

expertise rival that of their peers in any research

university anphere in the world.

* * * * * *

To our graduating students, I wish to emphasize that the

positioning of the University has everything to do with

the positioning of your individual future. You will make your home and cast your anchor in the Hong Kong Buy

Area. You will work closely with your compatriots in otherparts of China and with foreign colleagues through a strong international network. You will make contribu- tions at the very filontier of -your chosen expehse. As you

fly away on your wings of success, you will look back

someday and say: “I am certainly fortunate to have

studied at HKUST!”

Please take our best wishes with journey of your flight.



DOCTOR OF honoris causa



Mr Chancellor,

The continuous


Ernest S. KUH

pursuit of knowledge is the cornerstone

of university life. The realisation that learning is a

lifelong process is the hallmark of the true academic.

Professor Ernest KLJH, one of the IJnited States’ most

distinguished engineers, whom we honour today, has

for over 45 years devoted himself to seeking knowledge

through research, and assisting others to do so through

his teaching.

After initial study at Shanghai Jiao Tong University,

Ernest Kuh graduated in Electrical Engineering at the

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He took his master’s

degree in Electrical Engineering at the Massachusetts

Institute of Technology, and his PhD in Electrical

Engineering at Stanford University. He joined Bell

Telephone Laboratories as a member of the technical

staff in 1952, where he benefited from his association

with Professor Charles Desoer, a former classmate at

MIT, whom he describes as 3 giant amongst electrical

engineering educators.

It was another former classmate, Professor Don;lld

Pedersen, who was instrumental in persuading Ernest

Kuh to enter academic life. In 1956, he joined the

Department of Electrical En,gineering and Computer

Sciences of the LJniversity of California at Berkeley,

whose community he was to serve for 41 years.

Professor Kuh became renowned for his organisa-

tional skills and his effectiveness as a university admin-

istrator-skills which he modestly attributes to having

learned from his predecessor as Department Chair,

Professor Lotfi Zadeh. At the University of California at

Berkeley, Ernest Kuh served as Chair of the Department

from 196X to 1972 and Dean of the College of Engineer-

ing from 1973 to 1980. During his deanship, the College

continued to thrive despite increasing student enrollments

and severe budgetary constraints. His recipe for success

is summed up in his own words: “I am convinced that

to make an academic department world-class, faculty

members need to excel in teaching, research, and

service to the university and the profession. My advice

to young engineers is to be broad in one’s interests, to

place emphasis on lifelong learning, and to get in-

volved. With that, one can compete world-wide in the

present technological society to face the challenges of

the informalion revolution.”

His own outstanding contributions to research and teaching, as well as his fine administration capabilities, were recognised by the award of the American Associa-



tion for Engineering Education’s highest honour, the

Lamme Award, in 1981. Professor Kuh’s academic career has been crowned

by numerous other fellowships and awards, including

the University of Michigan Distinguished Alumnus

Award in 1970; the Institute of Electrical and Electronics

Engineers Guillemin-Cauer Award in 1973; the Alexan-

der von Humboldt Senior Scientist Award in 1978; the

IEEE Education Medal in 1981; the Japan Society for the

Promotion of Science Award in 1981 and 1988; the IEEE

Centennial Medal in 1984; the IEEE Circuits and Systems

Society Award in 1988; and the Most Distinguished

Chinese Scholar Award of the Society of Hong Kong

Scholars in 1990. In 1996, he, Donald Pedersen and a

former student, Ronald Rohrer, were awarded the Japan

Foundation’s prestigious C&C Prize for their contribu-

tions to computer-aided design in microelectronics.

Professor Kuh holds high honours in his profes-

sion, including Fellowships of the prestigious American

Association for the Advancement of Science, the IJnited

States National Academy of Engineering and Academia

Sinica, Taipei.

He has co-authored four major books-two of

which were with Charles Desoer and one with Donald

Pedersen-and authored or co-authored over 180 pa-

pers in the fields of circuits, electronics, networks,

systems and computer-aided design.

He has held visiting professorships at universities

in Denmark, Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom,

and has honorary professorships at Nanjing, Peking,

Shanghai Jiao Tong, Tianjin, and Tsinghua IJniversities,

and the University of Electronics, Science and Technol-

ogy in Chengdu. He has served on many academic

advisory committees and boards, including those at MIT

and Princeton. He has been a consultant to a number of

industrial and governmental organisations, including

IBM, General Motors, the National Science Foundation

and the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Professor Kuh was an advisor to our University

from the earliest planning days, and has been a member

of the Advisory Board for our School of Engineering as

well as the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engi-

neering since 1990. May I take this opportunity to

express the University’s gratitude to Professor Kuh for

his assistance to us in our start-up years.

Mr Chancellor,

I have the honour to present, on behalf of the University,

Professor Ernest S. Kuh, William S. Floyd Jr Professor

Emeritus of Engineering and Professor in the Graduate School of the Iiniversity of California at Berkeley,

Academician, for the degree of Doctor of Engineering

honoris causa.




Mr Steven Kwok Lim POON


Mr Chancellor,

Carpe diem. Seize the opportunity. This the catch-

phrase of many a successful businessman would certainly

be echoed by Steven Kwok Lim POON, whom we

honour today.

Mr Poon, a native of Guangzhou, graduated BS in

Electrical Engineering in Taiwan, and MPhil in Electrical

Engineering from the University of Hong Kong. He is a

Chartered Engineer, a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical

Engineers, and a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of


He began his career as a junior computer

programmer, and while still on probation, one evening

he inadvertently destroyed the master file that contained

vital shareholder information. He managed to retrieve

the “father” file from the safe, and attempted to recover

it, but that, too, fdiled, and the file was lost. As luck

would have it, the firm also kept “grandfather” files, and

he was able to retrieve the appropriate one. But as he

attempted to recover the data from the “grandfather”,

that erased as well. The next morning, he went to his

boss to own up, convinced that that was his last day at

work. But, to his surprise, his boss simply said, “Don’t

worry. I have the ‘great-grandfather’ file. If you lose that

in your recovery, you’ll certainly lose your job. And I’ll

lose mine, too.” He didn’t! This early incident in his

career impressed on him the belief that one has not only

to perform well in good times, but also to possess the

capability to recover from bad times. It also taught him

to trust and to give opportunities to young people, and

never to discourage them when they meet with


Since that day, he did not look back, rising to

become Director, General Manager and Chief Operating

Officer of the company-China Light and Power

Company Ltd-which he served for 27 years, until his

early retirement in 1992. One of his major career

achievements with the company was seizing the

opportunity to enter the China market at an early stage,

a strategy that has paid off enormously for the company

in subsequent years.

At present Mr Poon is Managing Director of Bright

World Enterprise Ltd, whose main business is the

development of, and investment in, energy and power

projects in China. He has a formidable reputation for

hard work. He relishes challenges, and is not dejected

by failure. Rather, he seeks to turn adversity to advantage

by treating setbacks as opportunities. For him, it is



missing an opportunity that is a sign of failure. The

outcome may be unpredictable, and if the opportunity

does not materialise, at least one will have done one’s

best to maximise the potential.

Mr Poon has a distinguished record of public

service in Hong Kong. In the wake of the Stock

Exchange crash, he was appointed a member of a team

whose brief was to re-establish the framework for a

healthy Stock Exchange, now one of the most important

markets for Greater China. He was a Council Member of

the Stock Exchange from 1988 to 1991, and served as

Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee. From 1991 to

1995, he was a Legislative Councillor, and in 1994 he was

elected to the Kowloon District Board. Other public

appointments have included the Chairmanship of the

Land Development Corporation from 1992 to 1994, the

Deputy Chairmanship of the Vocational Training Council

from 1992 to 1993 and at various times, membership of

the Public Service Commission, the Transport Advisory

Committee, the Hong Kong Examinations Authority and

the Committee on Science and Technology. He was a

Council Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers

from 1987 to 1991, and President of the Association of

Electricity Supply Industry of East Asia and the Western

Pacific from 1988 to 1991. More recently, he was

appointed a Hong Kong Affairs Advisor to the

Government of the People’s Republic of China, and was

a member of the Selection Committee for the Hong Kong

Special Administrative Region.

Mr Poon was a founding member of our University,

serving on the Planning Committee from 1986, and

subsequently since 1989 on our Council. As Chairman of

the Conditions of Service Committee, he has been

instrumental in the development of opportunities and

conditions to attract here some of the world’s finest

academics, for which the University will always be


Mr Chancellor,

I have the honour to present, on behalf of the University,

Mr Steven Kwok Lim Poon, Managing Director of Bright

World Enterprise Ltd, for the degree of Doctor of

Business Administration honoris causa.



DOCTOR OF SCIENCE honoris causa

Professor Yuen-Ron SHEN


Mr Chancellor,

Teaching, research and service are the three pillars of

academic life. Professor Yuen-Ron SHEN, whom we

honour here today, has distinguished himself in each of

these domains. A native of Shanghai, he took his BS in

Taiwan, his MS at Stanford University, and his doctorate

at Harvard University. After a year as a Postdoctoral

Fellow at Harvard, he joined the University of California

at Berkeley in 1764, where he is currently Professor of

Physics and Principal Investigator in the Materials and

Chemical Sciences Division and the Center for Advanced

Materials at the Lawrence Berkeley National ~dbordtory.

Professor Shen holds honorary professorships at

Fudan University, Zhongshan University and the Chinese

Academy of Sciences. He is Guest Professor at Peking

University and the Institut de Physique et Chimie des

Materiaux in Strasbourg, and has held a number of

distinguished lectureships at universities in the United

States, including at Chicago, Nebraska, Pennsylvania,

Southern Illinois and Wisconsin.

He is renowned as an inspiring teacher, and has

played a leading role in nurturing a generation of

Chinese students at Berkeley. His care for his students

is manifested in his desire to inculcate in them an

intellectual curiosity and to motivate in them a genuine

love for physics. He insists that his students receive

appropriate and adequate training for their research,

and he sets very high standards both of himself and of

his students. He has a reputation for sustained hard

work, and would return to his projects even after a late-

night party. As one of his former students put it, “He

drove me crazy. But, boy, did I learn from him!”

His approach to research is characterised by a

determination to succeed, but not at the sacrifice of

intellectual honesty. The quest for truth is more important

than whether the results do or do not bear out the


His principal research achievements have been in

the fields of quantum electronics, laser spectroscopy,

molecular and condensed matter physics, and surface

science. In particular he has done pioneering work in

many areas of nonlinear optics, contributing to their basic understanding, and has created active research

fields in nonlinear optics in liquid crystals and nonlinear

optical studies of surfaces and interfaces. In recognition

of his seminal work in these disciplines, he received the

Charles Hard Townes Award of the Optical Society of

America in 1786, and the Arthur L. Schawlow Prize in



Laser Science of the American Physical Society in 1992.

His many other awards and fellowships in his

distinguished research career have included a Harvard

Vinton-Hayes Fellowship in 1972, Guggenheim Fellowship

in 1972-73, an Outstanding Scientific Accomplishments

Award in Solid State Physics in 1983; the Alexander von

Humboldt Senior Scientist Award in 1984; a Sustained

Outstanding Research Award in Solid State Physics and

the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Award for Outstanding

Achievements in Technology Trdnsfer, in 1989; and the

Max-Planck Society Research Prize in 1996. Professor Shen is the author or co-author of over

420 publications, including the authoritative and widely

used monograph on nonlinear optics, The Principles of Nonlinear Optics.

He has received prestigious honours in his

profession, having been elected as a Fellow of the

Chinese Academy of Sciences, and of Academia Sinica,

the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the

United States National Academy of Sciences.

Our own University has benfited from his counsel

since the earliest planning days: he advised the President

on the planning of our Physics Department even before

the latter took up his job in Hong Kong, and was a

founding member of our School of Science Advisory

Committee. The University will always remain grateful

to him for giving of his wisdom and experience in our

early years.

Mr Chancellor,

I have the honour to present, on behalf of the University,

Professor Yuen-Ron Shen, Professor of Physics,

Academician, for the degree of Doctor of Science

honoris causa.



DOCTOR OF LETTERS honoris causa

Dr Helmut SOHMEN


Mr Chancellor,

It is a long way from Upper Austria, and the iron and

steel producing town of Linz, the hometown of Dr

Helmut SOHMEN, whom we honour here today. But to

Dr Sohmen, who describes himself as “an Austrian

national but a citizen of the world”, physical distance is

irrelevant. His career and other interests have taken him

to many parts of the world, and this experience has

given him an unrivalled global perspective on matters

within his purview.

He studied law at the University of Vienna, and, as

a Fulbright Scholar, political science at Wesleyan

University in Connecticut. After taking his doctorate in

Law in Vienna, he returned to the United States, where

he graduated Master of Comparative Law from Southern

Methodist University in Texas, and Master of Laws from

Northwestern University.

He subsequently moved to Montreal, where he

became the first in-house legal adviser to the international

division of the Royal Bank of Canada, and was involved

in projects as diverse as the establishment of the

Monetary Authority of the Bahamas as well as the

incorporation of local branches of the Royal Bank in

Central and South America. Despite the allure of a career with the Royal Bank,

Dr Sohmen acceded to the request of his father-in-law,

the legendary Y. K. Pao, to move to Hong Kong and join

the family shipping business. In 1970, he became

Director of World-Wide Shipping, one of the world’s

largest privately owned bulk fleets. From 1974 to 1986,

he supervised the group’s Bermuda, London and New

York activities. In 1986, he took over as chairman of the

shipping side of Y. K. Pao’s corporate empire. He also

took on the Managing Directorship of Dragonair, which

he led in the difficult start-up years, until 1989, when his

family’s shareholding in the airline was sold.

Dr Sohmen has been widely involved in industry

and community affairs in Hong Kong. He was

instrumental in raising funds for the establishment of the

Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, of which

he became Deputy Chairman on its inauguration. In

1784, he was elected a Director of the Hongkong and

Shanghai Banking Corporation, and currently serves the

bank as non-executive Deputy Chairman.

Dr Sohmen was Chairman of the Hong Kong

Shipowners’ Association from 1987 to 1989, and as the

Association’s representative, he served on the Basic Law

Consultative Committee from 1985 to 1990. From 1989



to 1991, he was Chairman of the Hong Kong Chamber

of Commerce, the most prestigious post in the Hong

Kong business world, and President of the Baltic and

International Maritime Council, the world’s largest

international shipping organisation, of which he remains

Honorary President.

In 1985, Dr Sohmen was appointed to the Legislative

Council, and in the same year became a member of the

erstwhile Securities Commission and of the Economic

Review Committee. Other senior appointments have

included membership of the Civil Aviation Advisory

Board, the Port Committee, the Hong Kong Trade

Development Council, the General Committee of the

Federation of Hong Kong Industries, and chairmanship

of the ICAC Review Committee and the Hong Kong

Member Committee of the Pacific Basin Economic


Dr Sohmen has taken an active part in the academic

and cultural development of Hong Kong. For some

eight years, he has been involved with the Hong Kong

Arts Centre and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing

Arts. It was under his chairmanship, indeed, that the

APA became an accredited tertiary institution. He is a

founding member of our University Court and is a

member of the Court of the University of Hong Kong.

Indeed, his association with our University dates back

to 1771, when he became a member of the President’s

Advisory Board. Currently, he is Convenor of our Art

and Culture Task Force, leading a small group to give

advice on how to develop our campus into a more

genteel and more cultural environment for the University


Dr Sohmen is also a member of the Steering

Committee of the HKUST Europe Institute, to be

established on campus. This will be a technology and

management-based umbrella organisation, to coordinate

and facilitate cooperation with European partners, and

provide footholds for European entities seeking to

establish a presence in Hong Kong-in particular, in

areas of applied research and development, services,

and technology-based manufacturing.

Dr Sohmen has hosted, almost quarterly starting

from 1993, a distinguished group of business leaders,

government officials and diplomats, as well as faculty

members of HKUST, over the HKUST Business

Roundtable Dinner.

Dr Sohmen established the Egon-Sohmen-

Foundation, in memory of his brother, for the examination

of economic policy issues; and the Sohmen Foundation,

which sponsors literary, academic and cultural

endeavours around the world. Through the Sohmen

Foundation, he established the Sohmen Foundation

Austria Summer Program Award at HKUST in June 1997 to support students taking part in a summer programme organised by the University of Vienna.



Dr Sohmen has not lost contact with his roots. In

1791, he became founding Chairman of the Hong Kong

Austrian Association in Hong Kong and a member of the

Austrian Chancellor’s International Advisory Group, as

well as Honorary Chairman of the Austro-Chinese

Friendship Society in Vienna. In 1995, he was nominated

by the Austrian Foreign Minister to the ASEAN-EU

Eminent Persons Group. He also established the Sohmen-

Far East-Foundation for promoting awareness of East

Asia among young Austrian managers; and the Sohmen-

China-Foundation to support bilateral ties between

Austria and China.

Mr Chancellor,

I have the honour to present, on behalf of the University,

Dr Helmut Sohmen, Knight Grand Commander of the

Humane Order of African Redemption (Liberia),

Commander of the National Order Nunez de Balboa

(Panama), Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the

British Empire (United Kingdom), Grand Badge of

Honour in Silver (Austria), citizen of the world, for the

degree of Doctor of Letters honoris causa.



DOCTOR OF LAWS honoris causa

Dr Daniel TSE Chi-Wai


Mr Chancellor,

It is a double honour for me to speak on behalf of the

University for Dr Daniel TSE Chi-wai today. Not only

because he is one of Hong Kong ‘s leading educationists,

but because I also have the privilege of serving under

him in his capacity as a Chairman of the Government’s

Standing Committee on Language Teaching and


Dr Tse was brought up in a very traditional Chinese

cultural setting, but received Western university

education, graduating BSc in Mathematics in 1960 and

MSc in Physics in 1762, from Baylor IJniversity, Texas,

and PhD in Physics from the University of Pittsburgh in

1965. He has a distinguished record of high-level public

service in Hong Kong: from 1985 to 1971, he served as

an elected Member of the Legislative Council, and from

1986 to 1791, as a Member of the Executive Council. He

has chaired the Police Complaints Committee, the

Bilingual Laws Advisory Committee, the Preparatory

Committee on Chinese Medicine, and SCOLAR, and he

has been associated with the Independent Commission

Against Corruption in a number of capacities, most

recently as Chairman of the Advisory Committee on

Corruption. He is a Hong Kong Affairs Adviser, and was

a member of the Preparatory Committee of the Hong

Kong SAR of the National People’s Congress.

In the field of education, Dr TX has made very

significant contributions to the life of Hong Kong. He

was for several years a Member of the Hong Kong

Examinations Authority, and of the Vocational Training

Council. From 1985 to this year, he was a Member of the

Court of the IJniversity of Hong Kong, and he is a

Member of the Board of Overseers for the Institute of

Biotechnology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong

and the Biotechnology Research Institute at our own

University. From 1790 to 1992 he was President of the

Hong Kong Educational Research Association.

He is proud to have had the benefit of both strict

eastern discipline and the open liberal approach of

western education. As a result, he is firmly convinced

that both approaches are relevant to a successful

educational process. He sees virtue in memorisation, for example, particularly of artistic writings and poetry in

Chinese. But he puts equal emphasis on the ability of

self-learning and the spirit of free inquiry, which, to be

most effective, should be built on a foundation on

strong and well-disciplined training.



His educational mission is greatly influenced by

Baptist philosophy, which has inculcated in him a sense

of stewardship and calling in what he does. He always

tries to treat difficulties in his work as challenges that can

be overcome by perseverance and faith. He is particularly

conscious of the challenges facing today’s graduates as

pillars of the future society and masters of their own

destiny under the ‘one country, two systems’ and ‘Hong

Kong people governing Hong Kong’ arrangements-

the challenge of being citizens of the People’s Republic

of China and residents of the Hong Kong Special

Administrative Region; the challenge of keeping the

Hong Kong SAR competitive internationally and

contributing to the modernisation and development of

the motherland; and the challenge of exposure to

international culture while cultivating an understanding

of the Chinese cultural heritage.

Asked which person has had the greatest influence

on his life, he answered, “When I was pondering

whether I should return to help the then Hong Kong

Baptist College, in the wake of the disturbances of 1967, and with its Physics Department virtually deserted, a

professor of physics who was visiting me in my laboratory

said, “We here would certainly miss you if you decided

to return to Hong Kong. But I don’t suppose that the

scientific community of the United States would suffer

greatly because of your absence. On the other hand, if

you don’t go back when there is great need out there

which you can do best to meet, many young people will suffer. After all, the value of one’s life can only be

measured by how much his services and contributions

are needed.” That professor’s remarks tipped the balance

for his return, as Head of the Physics Department, and

Hong Kong is certainly educationally and culturally the

better for his having taken his visitor’s advice and

chosen the path of courage to return to Hong Kong,

where academic life then was less prosperous and less

promising than where he was at that time. Since

returning here, he has overseen the metamorphosis of

Hong Kong Baptist College, a great institution with a

fine liberal arts tradition, to Hong Kong Baptist University.

Through his dedication, selflessness and perseverance,

he serves as an estimable role-model for the youth of

Hong Kong today.

Mr Chancellor,

I have the honour to present, on behalf of the University,

Dr Daniel Tse Chi-wai, President and Vice-Chancellor,

Hong Kong Baptist University, for the degree of Doctor

of Laws honoris causa.




Dr Helmut SOHMEN

Mr Chancellor, Members of the Court and the Council,

Fellow Honorands, Members of the Faculty,

Distinguished Visitors, Students, Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am most grateful for the double honour I am receiving

today. Not only has the University seen fit to confer an

honorary degree, but I have also been invited to

speak-and I do so happily on behalf also of my

eminent fellow honorands-in thanking this young but

well-respected University for the wonderful recognition

it has given us through these awards.

Let me begin by joining in the warm felicitations

already expressed by the President to those present

who have just received not honorary but substantive

academic degrees this afternoon, as the crowning result

of many years of diligent study. These new graduates

are the real heroes of the day. They in particular deserve

our admiration and our support. Many congratulations

and all good wishes at the start of what I hope will be

most successful careers for each and every one of you!

We are all living in old surroundings but in a new

era. Hong Kong has been the centre of global attention

for a few weeks this summer, when we were fortunate

enough to be witnesses to an event of tremendous

significance, not only to the local community but to the

region and the world.

The return of Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty

was a historic necessity. But the manner in which it was

accomplished, within the visionary and yet eminently

practical framework of the “one country, two systems”

concept, has justifiably produced admiration everywhere.

And as the weeks and months since the 1st July have

shown, the arrangements put in place for Hong Kong’s

future are scrupulously observed and operating smoothly.

I have never been known as a flatterer, Mr.

Chancellor. But do let me say that I believe in the short

period since you assumed the leadership of Hong Kong

as its Chief Executive, we have seen a welcome return

to a more balanced and calmer political debate, to a

constructive engagement on issues of real concern to

the community, and to a higher degree of confidence at

home and abroad. Like our famous currency peg, the

complex theoretical model of transition is proving itself

in the real world, putting to shame all the doubting

Thomases, the Cassandras, the faint-hearted, and all those who like sour grapes. The community is making

things work, in the very traditional Hong Kong fashion

of rising to the challenge.

Hong Kong as a Special Administrative Region of

China gives the community a secure base for the longer- term future. And while Hong Kong will face novel



competitive pressures, and will have to make some

adjustments to the fact that it is now again an integral

part of a nation with many serious and varied needs,

these new circumstances provide exactly the

enterpreneurial and intellectual stimuli on which Hong

Kong has traditionally thrived.

In saying that Hong Kong does not need to fear

competition, I am not suggesting for a minute that we

can become complacent and rest on our laurels. Hong

Kong with its lack of natural resources, other than its

harbour and its geographic location in one of the

world’s most impressive growth regions, is exposed to

many risks. We have all become conscious just recently

again about how quickly perceptions and economic

fortunes can change, how the ongoing globalisation of

financial markets can produce unexpected painful

pressures and enforce new disciplines, how a change in

consumer and investor preferences can undermine

traditional trade and capital flows, and how quickly

political disputes can impact-often unintentionally or

quite indirectly-on confidence levels.

In Hong Kong we do worry from time to time about

the high costs of living and of doing business. But costs

are relative data which have to be seen in the context

of productivity and profitability. In most instances they

are manageable and surmountable. With the currency

peg, Hong Kong has bought itself stability at the cost of

a higher rate of inflation: but this conscious bargain has

not really undermined overall economic performance

and should not become the excuse, ever, for a deviation

from Hong Kong’s renowned open-market and

minimum-interference policies.

Hong Kong’s intrinsic strength has always been its

people, people with determination and drive, people

with ambition and talent, people who like to take risks

and reap-and keep-the resultant rewards. These

personal attributes have to be underpinned by formal

knowledge and by experience, to hone the specialised

professional skills more and more in demand today. The

process of globalisation only makes these characteristics

more apparent, and their possession more acute. The

nurturing of the human capital has now turned into the

most important element in the equation because

heightened knowledge through easier access to

information has become a global phenomenon.

Information as the newest among the factors of

production has the decided advantages of ubiquity and

almost infinite repeatability: and as the rate of

technological advance accelerates further, it will become

the most decisive factor for individual and collective success as we move into the next millenium in the

history of human evolution. Any society that wishes to keep its competitive

advantage in the post-modern global economy must

treat education, or the production of “knowledge workers”, as the most important public good. Education



helps also the poorer members of a community to

become productive agents more easily, benefitting the

whole society by enhancing gross domestic product.

Whatever arguments might justifiably be brought against

government subsidies or welfare programmes of the

communalist or redistributionist sort, public financial

support for education should always remain the big

exception and the first priority.

Education is a costly and also a long-term process. The results of good or bad education policies often

require decades to manifest themselves. Although Hong

Kong has made great strides in recent years in the

provision of additional university places and in offering

wider curricula, at ground level the education system

has at the same time not been producing an acceptable

product of the required quality. Obviously falling

language standards are more than just a symptom: if

basic communication skills wither away, then the

acquisition and transmission of knowledge become

incapacitated, leading to deteriorating levels of

competence in practically all human endeavours.

In my mind, this is Hong Kong’s greatest threat in

the coming years, more serious than any social problems

caused by housing shortages or rising costs, and also

much more difficult to rectify in the short term. Particularly so since Hong Kong’s future existence as a premier

service location and ideas factory for the whole nation first and foremost requires good communication and

managerial skills. Other people in other places in the

region, the mainland of China prominently included,

appear to be driven by a greater keenness to acquire increased language proficiency: ironically Hong Kong,

since the last War the most cosmopolitan of cities in East

Asia, may find itself being left behind.

Education is also important for the preservation of

community values, and in order to provide and maintain

an environment that is intellectually and artistically

stimulating. Cultural development in turn needs freedom

of expression, and a society’s ready acceptance of

spontaneity and even eccentricity. Only then is there a

better chance to generate creativity, or what in the

business world is often called ‘lateral thinking”, the

backbone of initiative and innovation. Creativity quite often prospers better in times of

tension. It does not normally blossom in buraucracies.

And while communal wealth, financial public support,

and private generosity help to seed the ground, they do

not necessarily guarantee a good harvest,

We have been very fortunate in Hong Kong over

the past two decades to have had the means, and

people in positions of authority with the necessary vision, which have allowed us to capitalise on the

talents of the younger generation and the fact that Hong

Kong has been a marvelous crossroad for the Eastern and Western civilisations. Although we have been

remarkably successful in the promotion of the arts over




a relatively short period of time, we must all continue to

work hard in trying to preserve this peculiar advantage

of Hong Kong. As a young University, you may still have

some catching up to do here on this campus on the

artistic front. But much is already happening and I hope

that with time and some further encouragement this

University will be able to boast to be among the very

best of the Asian universities, providing a tertiary

education that is credited with forming not just excellent

specialists, but well-informed, well-balanced, and creative

individuals. The arts may be esoteric but believe me,

they make life really worth living!

Graduates, at this particular threshold in time Hong

Kong needs your skills, your integrity, and your

commitment to high professional standards. Grasp the

additional opportunities that have opened up by the

historical events of this year. Put the education you have

received to good use, but whatever you do during your

lives, never give up the pursuit of more knowledge!

Thank you, Mr. Chancellor.





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13-15 November1997



1. The Chancellor declares the Congregation open.

2. The President addresses the Congregation.

School of Science School of Humanities and Social Science

13 November 1997

The Congregation will stand

while the Procession is entering C leaving the Atrium;

and for the National Anthem

3. The Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE.

4. The Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degrees of MASTER OF SCIENCE and MASTER OF


5. The Dean of Humanities and Social Science presents candidates for the Degrees of MASTER OF ARTS and





The Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY.

The President presents Professor Ernest S. Kuh for the Degree of DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING honoris causa.

The President presents Mr Steven Kwok Lim Poon for the Degree of DOCTOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION

honoris cam-a.

9. The President presents Professor Yuen-Ron Shen for the Degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCE honoris cama.

10. The President presents Dr Daniel Tse Chi-Wai for the Degree of DOCTOR OF LAWS honoris cam-a.

11. The President presents Dr Helmut Sohmen for the Degree of DOCTOR OF LETTERS honoris causa.

12. Dr Helmut Sohmen addresses the Congregation.

13. The President presents the “Michael G. Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching.”

14. Mrs Joan Cheong presents the “Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished Service to the

Student Body.”

15. The Chancellor declares the Congregation closed.

Citations for honorary degrees by

Dr Gregory C. A. James, University Ovatov

Mace carried by Prof Ping Sheng

Music by St Bonaventure College & High School



School of Science 3WWR

Undergraduate Degrees #4VHMi

Academic Achievement Awards JW&&@%

MS YU, Wing Sze &%m BSc (BIOL) %f!%zt @?@I%)

Mr CHAN, Kin Tak i?mm BSc (BIOL) %fb%t @i@P%)

First Class Honours W%%%#

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry %!l!g* ( !k#Jk$)

Mr TONG, Man Ho

Mr YAM, Hoi

Bachelor of Science in Biology $I@& (!k#$)

Mr CHAN, Kin Tak


MS FONG, Wing Yan Annie

Mr LAM, Chung Nam

Mr MA, Chi Him Eddie

Mr WONG, Hon Kit

MS YU, Wing Sze

Mr YU, Yick Loi Raymond

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry @!!$kb (#q)

MS CHAN, Kwan Lan

MS KUNG, Chi Lam

Mr LAU, Wai Chau

Mr LEUNG, Wa Chung

MS NG, Bik Wan

MS SOO, May Kei

Mr TUNG, Man Kin Sam

MS WONG, Hau Sum

Mr WONG, Ka Kui

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics 8!&k (8%%)

MS CHEUNG, Wai Yan Janice

Mr HO, Kwok Wah

Mr LAW, Man Kai

MS LEE, Lai Sze

Mr LEUNG, Chi Chung

Mr SIU, Chung Fai Andrew

Mr SUEN, Yun Leung

Mr WONG, Chi Ho

Bachelor of Science in Physics @i!$kk (#I@!!%)

Mr CHAN, Wai Leung

Mr FON, Chung Wah

Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics I!@kk (@m#@!$)

MS WONG, Wing Yan



Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry

BP%fI Pi?#!tR%)

MS ANG, Shuen Man

Mr AU, Kai Wing

Mr CHAN, Chiu

MS CHAN, Chun Yee Vera

MS CHAN, Chung Lai

MS CHAN, Hoi Ping Jasmine

Mr CHAN, Kam Yin

MS CHAN, Mei Yan

MS CHAN, Nim Yan Michelle

Mr CHAN, Tung

M CHENG, Wai Sze

Mr CHEW, Sze Lun

MS CHOW, Sze Mun

Mr CHU, Chi Yuen Andrew

Mr FUNG, Hon Leung

Mr HO, Chun Yiu

Mr HO, Kin Ho

Mr HO, Wing Lok

MS HO, Yuen Wai Janet

MS HUE, Ngok Fa

MS HUI, Pik Mei

Mr HUI, Wai Wah

MS IU, Ho Tsz Carmen

Mr KAN, Chi Kwong

Mr KONG, Fung Hong

MS KWAN, Chau Mei

Mr KWOK, Pak Chiu

Mr LAI, Lap Fai

Mr LAU, Chi Man

MS LAU, PO Chu Hester

Mr LAU, Wing Chung Peter

MS LAU, Yan Yan

Mr LAW, Sek Lun

Mr LEE, Kin Wah

MS LEE, King Yee

Mr LEE, Wing Kin

Mr LEUNG, Tsz Man

MS LI, Yuen Sze

Mr LING, Ming Tat

Mr LO, Kwok Hing

Mr LUI, Chi Wah

MS LUI, Tsz Kwan

Mr MO, Hau Kwok

Mr NG, Wai Kwan

Mr NG, Wai Man

MS NG, Wing Chee Ita

Mr NG, Yau Chiu


Mr PANG, Kin Chung Dickson

MS POON, Hoi Yan

Mr SIU, Chin Yu

Mr SIU, Kam Leung

MS SO, Wai Yue

Mr SZETO, Yat Fung Paul

Mr TSO, Wing Yin

Mr WAN, Kam Fai

Mr WONG, Chi Kin

Mr WONG, Chi Ming

MS WONG, Hoi Lun

Mr WONG, Hoi Wing

Mr WONG, Kwok Cheung

Mr WONG, Kwok Kei Wilson

Mr WONG, Kwok Wah

MS WONG, Yin Chau

MS WONG, Yuen Man Anita

Mr WU, Ka Hoi

MS WU, Mei Na

Mr YAN, Tsz Kin

Mr YEUNG, Chun Wing

Mr YEUNG, Kam Sze

Mr YEUNG, Sun Hiu

Mr YIP, Chi Ho

Mr YIP, Kwok Nung

MS YIP, Wai Yan

MS YONG, Ting Ting

Mr YUEN, Mun Kei

MS YUNG, Man Wai

Bachelor of Science in Biology

l!iYkk Pl?w!F)

Mr CHAN, Ka Lung Kenith

Mr CHAN, Shing Fai

MS CHAN, Shun Yee

MS CHAN, Suk Man

MS CHAN, Sze Man

Mr CHAN, Wai Kai

MS CHAN, Wing Lam

MS CHAN, Yee Kwan

Mr CHANG, Pak Kin



Mr CHEUNG, Ka Chung



Mr CHONG, Tsz Kin

Mr CHONG, Wai Sing Wilson




MS CHUNG, Shui Kwan

MS FAN, King Nga Flavia

MS FAN, Lai Kwan

Mr FONG, Wing Man Alphonsus

Mr FUNG, Cheung Chung

MS FUNG, Yin Har

MS HAU, Wai Ching

MS HO, Kit Man

MS HO, On Ki

MS HO, On Ni Annie

Mr HO, Ting Chi

Mr HUI, Chi Wah

MS HUI, Wing Sze

Mr IP, Man To

MS KONG, Wai Mun

Mr LAI, Cheuk Bun

MS LAI, Wai Man

Mr LAM, Cheung Fun

MS LAM, Man Sam

MS LAM, MO Ching

MS LAM, Yick Ling Elaine

MS LAU, Chui Pik

MS LAU, Hok Ping

MS LAU, Wing Sze

Mr LAW, How Nam

MS LEE, Shui Yee

Mr LEE, Tin Lap

Mr LEE, Yau Ping

MS LEE, Yin King


Mr LEUNG, Tai Fai

Mr LEUNG, Wai Keung

Mr LEUNG, Wing Cheuk

MS LIU, Siu Hung

MS LO, Lai Ming

Mr LOUIE, Kwok Fai

Mr LUI, Kong Kei

MS MA, Suk Wai

MS MAK, Ka Kan Sally

Mr MAK, Kwok Kai

MS MOK, Wai Ling

MS NG, Kit Fong

MS NGAI, Yin Ping

Mr PAU, Hon Man

MS POON, Yee Tak Andrea

Mr SIU, Wing Sum

Mr SO, Yeuk Hon John

Mr TAM, Chin Pang

Mr TAM, Wing Wah

MS TANG, Kam Ching

MS TANG, Sze Man

MS TANG, Wai Man

Mr TONG, Yiu Kwok

MS TSE, Man Ki

Mr TSIJI, Ho Yin

Mr TSZE, Chi Ho

Mr TZE, Kei Yuen Frank

MS WONG, Kam Lai

Mr WONG, Kin Hang

MS WONG, Sau Ming Sandra

Mr WONG, Tat Ho

MS WONG, Yuen Ting

Mr WU, Ka Lai

MS WUT, Yan Yan

MS YAIJ, Siu Shan


Mr YIP, Yuk Wing Toby

Mr YU, Kei Wai

MS YU, Lan Ching

Mr YUEN, Chung Man

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

3!iEEk mu)

Mr CHAN. Chun Joe

Mr CHAN. Chun Kwok Joe

Mr CHAN. Pui Kwan

MS CHAN, Pui Kwan

MS CHAN, Stefanie Carrie

MS CHAN, Suk Yee

MS CHAN, Sze Man

MS CHAU, Pui Fong

Mr CHEUK, Ka Leung Kevin


Mr CHEUNG, Lok Kwong

Mr CHIU, Kin Ngai

Mr CHOI, Chi Bun Thomas

MS CHOI, Sai Heung

MS CHOI, Wing Lan

Mr CHOW, Chun Wo

MS CHOW, Suet Hing

Mr CHOW, Tat Kai

Mr FU, Yung Kap

MS FUNG, Lai Kwan

MS HO, Yuk Ping

Mr HONG, Kam Kuen

MS KO, Lai Yuk

Mr KWOK, Chin Sung

Mr KWOK, Yin Ho

Mr LAM, Chi Kin



MS LAM, King Sau

Mr LAU, Hin Wing

Mr LAU, Ka Kee Bernard

MS LAU, Ming Leung Rita

MS LAW, Yee Hung Shirley

MS LEE, Ka Mun

Mr LEUNG, Chi Yuen

Mr LEUNG, Ming Hon

MS LI, Ka Yin

Mr LI, Kai Hang Macgyver

MS LO, Ching Kam

Mr LO, Fang Ping


MS MA, Ka Lei

Mr MIU, Yiu Keung Benjamin

Mr MOK, Kwok Leung

Mr NGQUINN, Sai Kit Adrian

Mr POON, Wai Chi

MS SHUM, Kit Man Kennis

MS SO, Oi Mui


Mr SUNG, Ho Yung

Mr SZETO, Yat Sing John

MS TO, Pui Yan

MS TONG, Mei Ling

MS TSANG, Sui Shan

MS TSOI, Yun Mui

Mr TSUI, Wai Kam

MS VONG, Becky

MS WAN, Pui Shan Vivian

Mr WONG, Chin Pang

Mr WONG, King Yeung

Mr WONG, Kui Ping

MS WONG, Mei Ling

Mr WONG, Tsz Kin Brian

Mr WONG, Yiu Ki

MS WU, Kit Ying Kitty

Mr WU, Wai Hung

MS YIP, Ka Yan Joey

MS YIU, Pui King

Mr YU, Cho Yuen

MS YU, Mary

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

BP9-f: u!&~)

Mr CHAN, Cheuk Hang

Mr CHAN, Chi Hei

Mr CHAN, Chi Yan

Mr CHAN, Chiu

MS CHAN, Chui Fong

MS CHAN, Hau Hung


MS CHAN, Kit Yan Janice

MS CHAN, Lai Shan

Mr CHAN, Ngan Sing Carl

Mr CHAN, Pak Yuen

MS CHAN, Pik Chi

MS CHAN, Pui Lun

MS CHAN, Sau Lin

Mr CHAN, Shing Hon

MS CHAN, Shun King

MS CHAN, Tsz Wai Rordelia

Mr CHAN, Yam Wu

Mr CHAN, Yu Chung

Mr CHAN, Yuen Fei

MS CHAN, Yuk Mei

Mr CHAU, Chi Wing

Mr CHENG, Chung Fai Adam

Mr CHENG, Wai Yiu

MS CHEUNG, Lok San Renee

Mr CHEUNG, Sammy

Mr CHEUNG, Tin Yau

Mr CHEUNG, Wing Tat

Mr CHEUNG, Yip Kei

MS CHIU, Chong Hua

Mr CHOI, Fung

MS CHOI. Nga Chun

Mr CHONG, Shung Ping




Mr CHUNG, Man Hing

Mr CHUNG, Pui Lam

Mr DAI, Man Fan

Mr FONG, Chi Keung

MS FUNG, Pui Ling

MS FUNG, Sin Ping

MS HANG, Yuen Ling

Mr HO, King Tak

Mr HO, Wai Keung Ricky

Mr HUI, Kin Yip Ronald

Mr HUI, King Che

Mr HIJI, Lung Fei

Mr KEUNG, Shun Yin

Mr KONG, Chun Keung

Mr KONG, Fu Keung

Mr KWOK, Kin Man

Mr KWOK, Yuk Wah


Mr LAM, Chun Hung

MS LAM, Ho Yin

MS LAM, Mei Yuk Ada

Mr LAM, Tak Sing Dennis

Mr LAU, Ka Kuen

MS LAU, Siu Ping

Mr LAU, Wing Keung



Mr LEE, Chak Hung

MS LEE, Pui Lam

MS LEE, Shuk Kwan Fanny

Mr LEE, Wing Fong

Mr LEE, Yat Fai

Mr LEI, Ka Wing Peter

Mr LEUNG, Ping Chiu

Mr LEUNG, Sin Chi Stephen

Mr LEUNG, Wai Yip

Mr LEUNG, Yun Sang

MS LI, Mei Fung

MS LI, Sau Ling

Mr LIU, Victor

MS MANI, Mamta

MS NG, Fung Ching

MS NG, Pik Shan

MS NG, Yee Ping

Mr PO, Chi Lok

Mr POON, Chung Kan

MS PUN, Wai Yin

MS SIT, Bik Shan

MS SO, Ching Yu

Mr SO, Fat Keung

Mr SO, Kan Kay

Mr SUN, Ko


Mr SZE, Ching Pai

Mr SZE, Wai Chap

MS TAI, Man Chi

MS TANG, Wai Ping

MS TSE, Ling

MS TSUI, Suet Yin

Mr TUNG, Wai Keung

Mr WONG, Chi Chuen

Mr WONG, Hau Wo

Mr WONG, Hon Ming

MS WONG, Nga Lai

Mr WONG, Sai Kai David

MS WONG, Vai Chan

Mr WONG, Wai Yip

MS WONG, Wing Sze

Mr WONG, Yat Leung

Mr WU, Wing Kwong Joshua

MS YIP, Kin Mui

Mr YU, Lun Choi

Bachelor of Science in Physics @I!$+ @#wfEP)

Mr AU, Man On

Mr CHAN, Hing Tai


Mr CHEUNG, Kin Man

Mr CHO, Chik Yam

Mr CHOI, Ho Yin

Mr CHOW, Ming Fung

MS CHOW, Wing Shan

Mr HAI, On

MS HO, Sut Kam

Mr KOO, Chun Yu Peter

Mr LAI, Brian

MS LEE, Lok Ching

Mr LUI, Siu Wai

Mr NG, Chung Tak

Mr NG, Yam Yuen

Mr OR, Kwok Lap

Mr SZETO, Chung Wang Godwin

Mr WONG, Chun Kit

Mr WONG, Ka Yik Eric

Mr WONG, Tak Kan

Mr WU, Barlon

MS YEUNG, Yuen Yung

MS YIU, Ying Yu

Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics

lwwz u#ium!m%)

MS CHAN, Hoi Kwan

MS CHAN, Siu Wah

MS CHAN, Wai Yee

Mr CHENG, Yat Lung

Mr CHOW, Kin Cheung

Mr HO, Kin Ming

Mr HUI, Bun

Mr HUNG, Wai Ming

Mr KWAN, Ka Kuen

Mr KWAN, Wai Lun

Mr LAU, Kai Tai

Mr LAU, Wai Lun

Mr LAU, Yu Keung

MS LAU, Yuk King

Mr LEE, Ying Tan

Mr LEUNG, Sui Chang


Mr MOU, Lap Chi

Mr PANG, Yuen Kwong

Mr POON, Yim Hung

Mr SIAH, Fai

MS SO, Woon Yuen

Mr WONG, Chun Lai

Mr YEUNG, Kwok Wai

Mr YU, Lai Yin


$$ 5 jg $3 {h jjq g BB t’g I ,.


Postgraduate Degrees %WfFfGPB

Master of Science in Biotechnology

@!!%a* (e&&R)

Mr AU, Siu Yin

Mr CHAN, Chi Yuen

MS CHAN, Tsz Ki Patty


Mr KOH, Yee Ming

Mr LAM, Tze Tsun Leo

MS LAU, Wing Hung Phoebe

MS LEE, Pui Kit Jannifer

MS TSE, Suk Man Anita

Mr TSUI, Man Kin Marco

Master of Science in Environmental Science B$a* o%vmvw

Mr CHOW, Wing Chung

MS WONG, Mei Shan Elizabeth

MS WONG, Sau Fun

MS WONG, Yim Lan

Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering 3!lBw* H$lHvwk~@~)

Mr AFSHAR MEHRABI, Mohammad Reza

MS HUI, Yuen Wai Veronica

Mr LOH, Wing Cheung

Mr WANG, Xiaobo

Master of Science in Mathematics 9lBwk u!ew

MS CHAN, Hoi Lai Carman

MS HOLLAND, Carolyn Mary

Mr LAU, Wai Hung

Mr SHUM. Wai Sun

Master of Science in Physics 3!lB%kb Glf!eIB)

Mr CHAN, Chi Fung Ricky


Mr CHEUNG, Chi Shing

Mr SI TOU, Chi Va

Master of Philosophy in Biochemistry 4!PPai* PHJ!wB)

Mr CHOW, Chun Yu

Mr SIN, Tai Wai Mars

Master of Philosophy in Biology

lvBB* @eww

Mr HO, Ngai Ngai

Mr LAU, Chun Kwan Stanley

Mr LEUNG, Cheuk Sing Billy

Mr NG, Yu Pong


Mr SHEK, Chung Tong

Mr TSANG, Chi Kwan

MS WONG, PO Kam Jacqueline

Master of Philosophy in Chemistry Be@* ~~~)

Mr CHEUNG, Henry

MS CHEUNG, Yuen Shan Judy


Mr HUNG, Chi Tat


MS LAW, Sui Chun

Mr NGAI, Lap Yin

Master of Philosophy in Mathematics lPm&k u&%)

MS CHAN, Wing Sum

Mr CHEUK, Wing Hong

Mr CHOW, Kim Chiu

Mr FONG, Shun Chen

Mr LAU, Hon Cheong

Mr LAU, Man Kwong

Mr LO, Man Ho

Mr TSANG, Siu Yin

Mr YEUNG, Shu Ngai

MS YU, Wing Ching

Mr ZHAO, Yongliang

Master of Philosophy in Physics ?PNia* <N@@>

Mr CHAN, Yee Sin

Mr CHENG, Sze Ming

Mr CHEUNG, Kin Hong

Mr LIEM, Hai Ming

Mr MA, Shuk Chuen

Mr WONG, Chi Ching Kevin


+-i h E F ih fB E $6 d


Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry

B%f$+ (%Bfi%)

Mr TSAI, Sheung Pun

MS ZHANG. Xiaolian

Doctor of Philosophy in Biology B%M* Pwww

MS GE, Hong

Mr PUN, San


Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry B%HTt: MPa

Mr CHEN, Dongming

Mr FONG, Kin Chiu

Mr LAM, Kwok Ping

Mr LAU, Chi Wai Patrick

Mr LEE, Hon Man

Mr TAM, Chit Ming

MS WU, Man Ching

Mr WU, Xuanzheng

Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics fPw8+ u&~)

Mr POON, Kin Keung

Mr TSE, Kwan Leung

Doctor of Philosophy in Physics wm%Tt: uiN!lB)

Mr LIN, Nian

Mr SHI, Qinwei

Mr ZHAO, Bin



School of Humanities and Social Science A*$k$$RJ!@$E

Postgraduate Degrees M%!kSl&

Master of Arts in Chinese Studies *EBEk (wmm)

Master of Philosophy in Social Science +fPH&k G!.lmPw


MS CHAN, Chiu Fai

Mr CHAN, Shun Kit

MS CHAU, Suet Ying

MS CHENG, Man Ling

MS CHUI, Sze Man Stella

MS LING, Yau Kam

MS TSANG, Wai Chun

Mr TSE, Chun Wah


Mr WONG, Wah Fai

Mr YEUNG, Chun Hung

Mr CAT, Yongshun


MS LEE, Kam Ling

MS LUO, Qizhi

Mr SHARIF, Naubahar

Mr SHIRO. Mitsumori

Mr WONG, Kin Wai

Mr ZHANG, Zhanxin

Master of Arts in Humanities *fwi&k (A*+&

MS CHEN, Man Man



MS TSANG, Lai Kam Carol

Master of Arts in Social Science *%%kk o!asvw

Mr HUI, Sai Yu

Mr IP, Ka Fai

MS LEE, Wai Chun Patricia

Mr WONG, Shing Tat

MS WONG, Wai Kwan

MS WONG, Yin Yue

MS WONG, Yui Mun Etta

Master of Philosophy in Humanities W@;Rik (A*@)

Mr CHENG, Yui Tat

Mr KWAN, Sui Chi

Mr LAM, Wing Keung

MS LEUNG, Wai Sze Joanna

Mr MULCAHY, William Brian

MS TAN, Meng Kiat


’ ‘I fi-ti 9 15 I@ B CL@ n



School of Engineering

14 November 1997

The Congregation will stand

while the Procession is entering C leaving the Atrium;

and for the National Anthem

The Council Chairman declares the Congregation open.

2. The President addresses the Congregation.

3. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING.

4. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degrees of MASTER OF SCIENCE and MASTER OF


5. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY.

6. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation closed.

Mace carried by

Dr Lambros KataJygiotis

St Bonaventure College G High School




School of Engineering ISB

Undergraduate Degrees 7p;fQk%l&

Academic Achievement Awards %%&@R%

Mr LAM, Chi Yung M’“::S BEng (COMP) Ilk- ($i-%#!$#?)

Mr LO, Chi Kit Paul Lizemit BEng (COMP) 1%k- C8-~#$4$?%)

Mr IP, Ting Pong !!&sl~ BEng (COMP) 131 C#$$#$$d-%)

Mr LO, Chi Wa &,A$ BEng (ELEC) Igw (~7335599 Mr LAI, Pak Cheung %%I?? BEng (ELEC) .I.~l: (~~I@$v

Mr CHANG, Kar Seng %.lGml BEng (CIVL) I%_t- (~*ll!t3~;l~I-~~~)

First Class Honours W%%!%

Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering l&k (#%I#@!%)

MS CHAN, Mei King

Mr LEE, Kwok Choi

MS TSE, Ho Yan

Bachelor of Engineering in Civil and Structural Engineering I!$&& (k*&&$

Mr CHAN, Chung Ming

Mr CHAN, Ka Yuen

Mr CHANG, Kar Seng

Mr LAI, Chi Keung Tony

Mr LEE, Yat Hang

Mr NG, Kwok Chu David

Mr WONG, Man Wai

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering I&k (#$$#&I$!8$)

Mr CHENG, Vincent


Mr CHOI, Koon Yin

Mr FUNG, Wai Kit

Mr LAM, Chi Chung

Mr LAU, Wing Hon

Mr SIN, Kai Yin

Mr SZE, Ching Kit

Mr TONG, Ka Man

Mr TSE, Chi Hang

Mr WONG, Tak Shing

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science I!#kk ( #$$a#% )

Mr AU, Tsz Chiu

MS CHAN, Man Yee

Mr CHAN, Pui Nang

MS CHAN, Yin1 Hung

Mr CHEUNG, Wai Lun

Mr IP, Ting Pang

Mr KWOK, Yat Fai Cyril

Mr LAM, Chi Yung

Mr LO, Chi Kit Paul

MS TSE, Oi Yue

Mr YEUNG, Kin Man


*g fj tLgy’I~‘ljq+y 8’ ”


Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Engineering I$& (aqI%!% )

Mr AU, Wing Suen

Mr CHAN, Chun Hay

Mr CHEUNG, Hing Fai

Mr CHEUNG, Sin Luen

Mr FU, Hung Fai

Mr FUNG, Chi Wai Chris

Mr HO, Chung Hon

Mr HSU, Kuan Chun Issac

Mr HUI, Chun Cheung

Mr KAN, Kwok Kei

Mr LAI, Pak Cheung

Mr LAW, Chi Fai

Mr LEUNG, Lap Chi

Mr LIU, Wing Faat

Mr LO, Chi Wa

Mr MOK, Ping Chan


Mr SIN, Ka Hing

Mr SO, Wan Yun

Mr TANG, Kin Sing

Mr WONG, Cheong Yui

Mr WONG, Ming Yip Wallace

Mr WONG, Ping Yim

Mr WONG, Tak Sang

MS YAU, On Lai

Mr YUE, Chung Wai

Mr YUNG. Chi Wai

Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management I3kk o3!umu~~r~~

Mr LAM, Yun Tung

MS LEE, Ngar Yee

Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering =!kk Hflubtm3)

Mr LEUNG, Ho Yin Vincent

Mr NGAI, Kwok Kong

Mr SIN, Chi Wai

Mr SIN, Wing Hong


Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering

Mr AU YEANG, Wai Chiu William

Mr CHAN, Kam Chung Mr CHAN, Sau Nin Mr CHAN, Yick Ho Mr CHAN, Yue Heng Angus Mr CHENG, Hau Kei Mr CHENG, Yu Sum

Mr CHEUNG, Cheuk Hang Mr CHEUNG, Lok Man MS CHIM, Ming Mai Mr CHOY, Ka Yip Mr CHUNG, Chi Ho Raymond Mr FU, Che Nam Mr FUNG, Yiu Wah Mr HO, Chi Fai Mr HO, Chung Hang MS HO, Man Nei Bonny

Mr HO, Man Yin MS HU, Wei Hsin

Mr HUI, Tak Wa Mr KO, Chun Kin Danny Mr KOON, Kin Kee Mr LAI, Chi Hang Ken Mr LAM, Sai Keung Mr LAW, King Fai Kevin Mr LEE, Hon Yip Mr LEE, Ming Sum Don Mr LEE, Siu Nang Mr LEUNG, Hon Keung Mr LIM, Fai Wan Mr LUI, Wai Lun Mr LUI, Yat Kei Nelson Mr MAK, Wing Chuen Christopher Mr MUTHUSWAMY, Kashyap Mr NG, Chi Keung Mr NG, Hoi Mr SUM, Tak Yin Mr TAM, Yuk Shing MS TANG, Nga Yee Agnes Mr TSUI, Shun Kwan Mr WAH, Shu Tin MS WONG, Ka Man Mr WONG, Kwong Tat Mr WONG, Leung Man Mr WONG, Tai Him Mr WONG, Wai Wah Mr WONG, Wan Cheong Mr YIP, Wai Keung Mr YU, Cheuk Wang

Bachelor of Engineering in Civil and Structural Engineering I&b (&*?k##~@% )

Mr CHAN, Chung Chung l%wzi

Mr CHAN, Hak Keung R%&

Mr CHAN, Kam Hung Ernest Mr CHAN, Sai Ho

Mr CHAN, Sheung Shing Mr CHAN, Shu Keung Mr CHAN, Tak Ko Mr CHAN, Tat Ting Charles MS CHAN, Ting MS CHAN, Wai Yee Mr CHAN, Ying Mr CHAN, Yiu Fai MS CHAN, Yuen Kwan Mr CHAN, Yuk Mr CHENG, Wing Yip Mr CHEUNG, Kin Yip MS CHEUNG, Loi Kwan MS CHEUNG, Pui Shan Mr CHOI, Chong Kei Mr CHONG, Ho Yin Mr CHOW, Cheuk Fai Mr CHOW, Kam Sing MS CHOW, Ying MS CHIT, Wing Yin Winnie Mr CHUI, Hing Wo Mr FOK, Ling Chung Gabriel Mr FONG, Chi Keung MS KWOK, Wing Sze Mr KWONG, Siu Keung Mr LAI, Hon Kin Mr LAI, Wai Wah Mr LAM, Hing Tun Mr LAU, Cheong Man Mr LAU, Chor Ming Mr LALJ, Man Tsz Mr LAU, Wai Lon

Mr LAW, Chi Wai Mr LAW, Siu Man Mr LAW, Tik Ko Dominic MS LEE, Chung Yan

Mr LEE, Hei Lok Mr LEE, Kai Wing Mr LEE, Ting Ho Mr LEE, Wai Keung Mr LEUNG, Chi Ho Mr LEUNG, Ka Kay Mr LEUNG, Kim Lim Mr LI, Chi Shan Mr LI, Ki Shun Jacson Mr LI, Kwok Woon MS LI, Tsz Yan Kris Mr LUK, Chiu Ming Mr LUK, Chung Wing Mr LUNG, Chi Wang Mr MA, Kai Cho MS MA, Oi Suet Mr NG, Wan Lung Sean Mr PANG, Yue Wai Mr POON, King Yeung MS PUI, Yung Yi


;Rii@i~~~~l-3~ FIFTH CONGREGAT’

MS SIU, Sin Ping Joanna i$wF Mr SO, Tim Hung ,!i&%@

Mr SUM, Lap Key ez?R

Mr SUNG, Chi Man ‘Xj$R

Mr TANG, Wai Fan %fl%m MS TSE, Yuen Yan Jacqueline l3Jme

Mr TSOI, Lee Yang itzeu% \

Mr WANG, Tak Ming T%t% 41

Mr WONG, Ching Shing ?%il%

Mr WONG, Chiu Yeung &&#

Mr WONG, Hon Kit f ?g#

Mr WONG, Ka Chung $Gc%

Mr WONG, Kin Lun m.w7

Mr WONG, Shing Kit T. &4!&

Mr WONG, Wan Chi ssti

Mr WONG, Ying Kit -rWK

Mr WU, Fung Sing w2w

Mr WU, Siu Hin i’;#Ylm

Mr YAU, Wing Keung tl.7m

Mr YEIJNG, Chuen Wai E%w Mr YEUNG, Hoi @ii%

Mr YEUNG, Hoi Kin 4?iT%n@ Mr YIP, Chi Wang &!2

Mr YUEN, Chung Shing BMR

Mr YUEN, Sui Sing ~$6$ipg!

Mr YIJNG, Siu Ki @%zR

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering =Ek Gll+ul&~@3)

Mr AU YEIJNG, Siu Hang

MS CHAK, Nga Yee Viki

Mr CHAN, Ka Man

Mr CHAN, Kai Kin

Mr CHAN, Man Yin

Mr CHAN, Wai Yin

Mr CHAN, Wing Hing Dean

Mr CHEANG, Sio Heng

Mr CHEN, Ka Hung

Mr CHENG, Chor Choi Kelvin

Mr CHENG, Sin On

Mr CHEIJNG, Cham Kit

Mr CHEUNG, Chung Kwan

Mr CHIIJ, Wai Pun

Mr CHOI, Chi Kin

Mr CHOI, Kit

Mr CHOW, Long Lap

Mr CHT-J, Hoi Kit

Mr CHU, Wai Fan

Mr CHUI, Ka Ming

Mr CHUNG, Ka Man

Mr FONG, Ka Lun Alan

Mr FUNG, Kin Wai

Mr HIJI. Chun Yim

Mr HUNG, Chun Tak

Mr KO, Chi Chung Stephen

Mr KWAN, Chiu Yin

Mr KWOK, Shun Yau

Mr LAI, Chak Shun

Mr LAM, Hon Sang

Mr LAM, Kwok Leung

Mr LAM, Sheung Kit Kevin

Mr LAM, Siu Fai

Mr LAU, Chi Chung

Mr LAU, Chun Kwok Gerry

Mr LAU, Tsz Fung

Mr LEE, Chun Man

Mr LEE, Kwok Fai

MS LEE, Sze Man

Mr LEI, Kam Keong

Mr LEIJNG, Calvin

Mr LEUNG, Chi Man

Mr LEUNG, Kai Ming William

Mr LEUNG, Kim Ho

MS LEUNG, Kin Yan Joyce

Mr LEUNG, Man Shun

Mr LE’CJNG, Yuk Hang

Mr LI, Wai Kei

Mr LIN, Chi Wai

Mr LIN, Hon Wai

Mr LO, Chi Wai

Mr LO’IJ, Weng Hang

Mr LUTS, Kwok Ho

Mr LUK, Kwok Ho

Mr LT_JK, Wai To

Mr LUK, Yuen Hong

MS MA, Ka Yi

Mr MA, Koon Kay

Mr MONG, On Heng Irwin

Mr NG, Kar Sing

Mr NIP, Hoi Pang

Mr SCENE, Steve

Mr SHO, Lam Ngai


Mr SO, Kit Pong

Mr SZE, Wai Sun

Mr TAM, Wai Ho

Mr TAM, Yik Cheung

Mr TANG, Hing Lai Paul

Mr TING, Hei Chuen

Mr TSOI, Tung Yin Tony

Mr WONG, Ching Yuen

Mr WONG, Chuen Hung

Mr WONG, Ka Chi Andrew

Mr WONG, Ka Fai

Mr WONG, Ka On

MS WONG, Tan Ching Mr WONG, Wai Yin Johnny


Hang ivj f+Jta

) Shing $$j+yJg

Mr WU, San Wai i4#mz!i!

Mr YEUNG, Ming Hang tsk%i2tz

Mr YUEN, Kin Fai l!X@H

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science Jxe Gil3Mdl~~)

Mr AU, Chi Wai

Mr CHAN, Chor Chun

Mr CHAN, Chun Ming

Mr CHAN, Chung Wang

Mr CHAN, Hing Cheung

Mr CHAN, Kin Bong

MS CHAN, Pik Kei Becky

MS CHAN, Tung Chiu

Mr CHAN, Wai Hung

Mr CHAN, Wing Kai

Mr CHAN, Ying Kit

Mr CHAN, Yuk Ming

MS CHEN, Lap Wing Eva

Mr CHENG, Chun Fai


Mr CHEUNG, Chuen Pun

Mr CHEUNG, Chun Yu

Mr CHEUNG, Siu Fai

Mr CHIANG, Kai Wang


Mr CHIU, Yuet Pun

Mr CHOI, Chi Leung

Mr CHOW, Fung Keung

Mr CHUNG, Ngai Fan

Mr FU, Ho Yam Addy

Mr FUNG, Wai Kit Tony

Mr HO, Chi Kit

Mr HOI, Ka Kit

Mr HUI, Chi Hang John

Mr HUI, Chin Ho

Mr HUI, Siu Lam

Mr JINNO, Yasumori

Mr KO, Chi Hin

Mr KO, Kwong Man

Mr KO, Man Chung

MS KWOK, Mei Kay

Mr LAI, Mun Tong

Mr LAM, Chi Hang

Mr LAM, Chung

MS LAM, Lok Yee Yvonne

Mr LAM, Siu Kin

Mr LAM, Tak Kei

Mr LAM, Wing Tai


Mr LAU, Chi Lok

Mr LAU, Chung Yin

Mr LAU, Hon Ching

MS LAU, Yan Nam

Mr LAW, Chi Yin

Mr LEE, Chi Hang

Mr LEE, Chun Fai Tony

Mr LEE, Tung Leung

Mr LEE, Wai Chung Alex

Mr LEUNG, Chi Wai Clement

Mr LEUNG, Kam Man

Mr LEUNG, Wai Hung

Mr LI, Chi Ho

Mr LI, Chi Yung

Mr LI, Hoi Kong

MS LI, Mei Ting Ivy

MS LI, Pui Li

Mr LO, Ming Fun

MS LO, Wing Yee

Mr LUI, Sze Ming

Mr MA, Siu Hong


Mr NG, Hung Kwan

Mr NG, Ka Wai

Mr NG, Shu Pang

Mr NG, Wai Wing

MS NC, Yuen Ki

Mr NG, Yuet Yeung Enoch

MS NGAN, Chiu Wai Polly

Mr NGAN, Yuen Pang

Mr NGAU, Wai Kei

MS POON, Fung Chi

Mr POON, Hon Ching

Mr SO, Kwok Fung

Mr SO, Siu Keung

Mr SO, Tak Lok

MS SUBRAMANI, Saraswathy

Mr TAI, Kin Nam

Mr TAM, Wai Chung

Mr TANG, Chi Leung

Mr TENG, Lam

Mr TIN, Ying Kit Allen

Mr TSO, Chung Yin

Mr TSO, Tung Fung

Mr WAN, Chung Yin

Mr WONG, Chung Yin

Mr WONG, Hing Kee

Mr WONG, Ka Keung

Mr WONG, Kai Kwong

Mr WON<;, Kai Wai Terence

Mr WONG, Kin

Mr WON<;, Kwok Kei

MS WONG, Mei Sze

Mr WONG, Ming Ho



Mr WONG, Wai Kong

Mr WONG, Yung

Mr WU, Chi Kin

Mr YAU, Ming Hang

Mr YEUNG, Yiu Wai

Mr YIM, Hing Kwong Henry

Mr YIU, Kwok Wai

Mr YU, Hoi Bun

Mr YUEN, Ming Hon

Mr YUNG, Ka Sing

Mr YUNG, Wang Kong

Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Engineering z$w GmQxm)

Mr AU, Chi Hong

Mr AU, Hon Bun

Mr CHAN, Chun Yung

Mr CHAN, Fu Kei

Mr CHAN, Hung Wai

Mr CHAN, Ka Ming

Mr CHAN, Kin Yan

Mr CHAN, Ming Tak

Mr CHAN, Wai Sum

Mr CHAN, Wing Chuen

Mr CHAN, Wing Fai

Mr CHAN, Yui Kong

Mr CHAN, Yui Man

Mr CHAU, Sit Wing

Mr CHEN, Ching Hsu Derek

Mr CHENG, Shu Pok

Mr CHENG, Wai Kwong William

Mr CHEUNG, Chi Hung

Mr CHEUNG, Chi Shun

Mr CHEUNG, Kin Hang

Mr CHEUNG, Kin Wai

Mr CHEUNG, Man Chun

Mr CHOI, Kin Wai

Mr CHOI, Yu Wing

Mr CHOW, Che Ho Thomas

Mr CHOW, Kai Chi

Mr CHOW, Man Fai

Mr CHOW, Siu Pak Marco

Mr CHOY, Ka Chun

Mr CHOY, Shing Ip

Mr CHU, Chi Wai Stephen

Mr CHUNG, Wan Hang

Mr FAN, Sui Lun

Mr FUNG, Sin Ching

Mr FUNG, Yiu Chung

Mr HAU, Ching Lim

Mr HAU, Hing Hoi

MS HAU, Huen Ting Elsie

Mr HO, Chiu Yin

Mr HO, Ming Lok

Mr HUI, Ming Sing

Mr HUNG, Chi Wai

Mr KO, Wai Man

Mr KO, Yi Fai

Mr KONG, Chi Hang Terence

Mr KWOK, Chi Ming

Mr KWOK, Ka Tat Herbert

Mr KWOK, Tsz Fai

Mr LAI, Chi Ho

Mr LAI, Ka Chung

Mr LAI, Sai Kit

Mr LAM, Chit Fai

Mr LAM, Kin Sing

Mr LAM, Kiu Wai

Mr LAU, Chi Hang

MS LAU, Kit Fong

Mr LAU, Kok Hong

Mr LAU, Man Chung

Mr LAU, Wai

Mr LAW, Kwok Man

Mr LAW, Tsan Yin

Mr LAW, Wai Yin

Mr LEE, Cheuk Ho

Mr LEE, Chi Man

Mr LEE, Chin Pang

Mr LEE, Sheng Wai

Mr LEE, Shun Sing

Mr LEE, Tai Keung

Mr LEE, Wai Ki

Mr LEE, Wai Kit

Mr LEE, Wing Chiu

Mr LEE, Ying Lun

Mr LEE, Yun Ho

Mr LEUNG, Kin Keung Kevin

Mr LEIJNG, Kin Lun

Mr LEUNG, Kin Wah

Mr LEIJNG, Man Kwong

Mr LEUNG, Sze Kit Christopher

MS LEUNG, Sze Ngan

Mr LEUNG, Tak Wo

Mr LI, Chun Yuen

Mr LI, Hung Fai Thomas

Mr LI, Wai Cheung

Mr LI, Yu Ching

Mr LING, Wing Kuen

Mr LIIJ, Wai Kat

Mr LIU, Wai Ki

Mr LO, Tsz Him

Mr LO, Wai Man

MS LO, Yuen Yee

Mr LIJI, Chi Wai

Mr LUNG, Ying Kin



Mr MA, Ka Keung

Mr MA, Man Kwong

Mr MAK, Wai Ho

Mr MAN, Kong Sum

Mr NG, Kin Ping

Mr NG, Kit Ming

Mr NG, Kwan Wah

Mr NG, Siu Kei

Mr NG, Tsz Kit Alex

Mr NG, Wan Pang Victor

Mr NG, Yau Wai

Mr POON, Chiu Pong

Mr SHI, Kwok Ki

MS SIU, Ka Yin

Mr TAM, Hung Shun Vincent

Mr TAM, Kwok Ho

Mr TAM, Yiu Chung

Mr TAM, Yuk Chiu

Mr TANG, Cheuk Yin Banny

Mr TANG, Chun Kin Amos

Mr TANG, Kai Ming Clement

Mr TO, Hang Yu

Mr TSANG, Chi Kong

Mr TSANG, Wa Wai William

Mr TSE, Kai Kwong

Mr TSE, Kwok Hung

Mr TSO, Man Pan

MI- TSUI, Pui Yung

Mr TSUI, Tsz Wai


Mr WAT, Wai Bin

Mr WONG, Chi Ho

Mr WONG, Chi Keung

Mr WONG, Hon Yung

Mr WONG, Kin Man Vincent De Paul

Mr WONG, Shun Lam

Mr WONG, Wai Ho

Mr WONG, Wing Kam

Mr WONG, Yeuk Wing

Mr WONG, Yip Pong Herbert

Mr WOO, Gum Tong

Mr WLJ, Chiu Fai

Mr YAU, King Fai

Mr YEUNG, Chung

Mr YEUNG, Man Fat

Mr YIU, Wai Hung

MS YU, Pui Chi

Mr YUEN, Chi Yeung

Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

=iMl (~~~@&~@~r~)

Mr AU, Wing Kwok

Mr CHAN, Ming Hon

Mr CHAN, Tat Chi


Mr CHENG, Kai Wah

Mr CHEUNG, Chung Hei


Mr CHING, Ming Kwan

Mr CHONG, Tsz Kit

Mr CHOW, Chi Lin

Mr CHUNG, Hei Yin

MS HO, Chau Fong

Mr HO, Yiu Wa

Mr KAN, Yee Yin

Mr LAI, Chi Pui

Mr LAM, Chi Ming

Mr LAM, Chun Shing

Mr LAM, Ho Yin

MS LAM, Ka Man Dionne

Mr LAU, James

Mr LAU, Ki Ka

Mr LAlJ, Wah Hing

Mr LEE, Shing Hong

Mr LEUNG, Chi Chiu

Mr LEUNG, Kam Shing

Mr LEUNG, Wing Min

Mr LO, Sai Kit

Mr MAK, Ka Ki

MS MO, Lee Ling

Mr PANG, King Wah

Mr TAM, Kit Hang

MS TANG, Wai Han

Mr TAO, Kin Wai

MS TONG, Hang Fa

Mr TONG, Wai Sing Ricky

Mr TSE, Kwok Ho

Mr TSUI, Wan Ting

Mr WAI, Siu Wing Christopher

Mr WONG, Ka Yin Rudolf

Mr WONG, Siu Yue

Mr WONG, Sze Wai

Mr WU, Ka Ho

Mr YAM, Wing Keung

Mr YAU, Mun Chu


Mr YAU, Shing Tung Frankie

Mr YAU, Tan

Mr YEUNG, Wan Fai Hendrick

Mr YIP, Hau Man

Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering J3e oilmJx~s4)

Mr AU, Tak Ho

Mr CHAN, Ding Bong

Mr CHAN, Hing Yen

Mr CHAN, Hong Shing

Mr CHAN, Ka Hing

Mr CHAN, Kwan Ting Tommy

Mr CHAN, Pui Lun

Mr CHAN, Wai Keung

Mr CHAN, Wing Lam

MS CHAN, Yuk Fung

Mr CHENG, Koon Tung

Mr CHENG, Ming Fai

Mr CHEUNG, Chun Kau

Mr CHEUNG, Shun Hong

Mr CHIU, Hong Fai

Mr CHOI, Hei Wai

Mr CHOI, Wai Tong Winton

Mr CHOW, Sai Wing

Mr CHU, Tsz Cheung

Mr CHUI, Ka Chun

Mr FONG, Yik Chung

Mr FUNG, Ka Hang

Mr FUNG, Siu Hei

Mr HO, Chi Kwong

Mr HUEN, Chi Hang

Mr HUNG, Chi Ping

Mr IP, Hiu Wo

Mr KUNG, Fan Cheung

Mr KWAN, Kai Hon

Mr LAM, Kam Hong

Mr LAU, Geoffrey

Mr LAW, Kwok Kin

Mr LEE, Chi Ming

Mr LEE, Sun Yu

Mr LEE, Wai Keung

Mr LEUNG, Yan Por

Mr LIU, Kin Yip

Mr LO, Kwok Hung

Mr LUK, Wai Sum

Mr MA, Cho Chiu

Mr MINTONO, bT I Sau Raymond

Mr NG, Kwok Lc-l ng

Mr PAK, Siu Ton;*

Mr PO, Chi On

Mr PONG, Wing ‘)n

Mr POON, Tit Ming

Mr SHAM, See Wing

Mr SUN, Loi Wah

Mr SUNG, Kwong Lui

MS TAM, Lai Ki

Mr TAM, Wing Lok Wilson

Mr TANG, Hoi Shuen

Mr TANG, Wai Pong

Mr TSO, Yat Ching

Mr TSUI, Kwok Ho

Mr WAN, Chi Yin

Mr WONG, Chi Wai

Mr WONG, Chun Fai

Mr WONG, Kam Man

Mr WONG, Siu Chun

Mr WONG, Wai Cheong

Mr WONG, Wai Kwan

Mr WOO, Kwok Bo Jacky

Mr WU, Yat Wai

Mr XUE, Chuandi

Mr YEUNG, Chung Ming

Mr YEUNG, Sen Fai


Mr YIP, Chi Hung

Mr YIP, Kai Tai



Postgraduate Degrees liJFR%SB

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering

3!PwEi* ul?w3ew

Mr CHAN, Yun Fat l!%Qf@&

Mr CHO, Sing wit

Mr LAU, Tin Bo 5!i!JAB

Mr WONG, Ka Fai Andy $+‘$j@i

Master of Science in Civil and Structural Engineering B3a-f: (**lib%#u.l%)

Mr KOK, King Ming QPE VI

Mr LEE, Shan Chun 4w52

Mr WONG, Siu Chuen w%%T

Master of Science in Computer Science

Mr CHEUK, Fong Wai

Mr CHEUNG, Hang Chung

Mr KWONG, Chi Wai Stanley

Mr LAM, Ka Man

Mr LAU, Kwong Fat Alan

Mr LEUNG, Ying Chung

Mr LI, Yuen Kin

Mr POON, Kam Hung

Mr WONG, Pan Lit

Mr YEUNG, See Ming Anthony

Mr YUE, Wing Hang Eddie

Master of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering @luNR* u3a!mta~~~%)

Mr CHU, Moon Leung

MS HON, Yuet Ming

Mr KWAN, Lap Shun

Mr SHAM, Wai Ming

Mr SUN, PO Wan

Mr WONG, Lun Yee

Mr YEUNG, Chu Man

Master of Science in Environmental Engineering

Mr FONG, Vai Seng

Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 3lPHkk ccifCm!&~@~B~~

Mr AU, Tak Kwong Thomson

Mr CHAN, Sun Wong

MS CHAN, Wai Chi

Mr CHOW, Yiu Keung

Mr CHOY, Ka Kin

Mr IU, Ka Sui

Mr KOWE, Shi Hong Patrick

Mr LAI, Wai Leung

Mr LAM, Wai Keung

MS LAU, Cheuk Wai

Mr LAU, Chin Hung

Mr LEUNG, Wing Fai

Mr MOOSA NAINA, Mohamed Lebbai


Mr SIU, Ka Wai

Mr WONG, Hoi Ming

MS WONG, Wai Kwan

Mr YAM, Chung Wei Eddie

Mr YAU, Wai Hung

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering

B3@* (#&~83)

Mr CHAN, Yeung Shai

Mr CHANG, Yiu Kuen

Mr CHEUNG, Siu Hung

Mr CHIU, Chi Kin

Mr CHOY, Man Lung

Mr CHUI, Ngai Chung Stanley

Mr LAM, Tit Hung

Mr LEE, Chi Hung

Mr TZE, Clarence K Y

Mr YAU, Shiu Fung

Master of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering

WwEk uIsm@P)

Mr TSE, Siu Wah

Mr TSOI, Hoi Pang

Master of Philosophy in Civil and Structural Engineering

Bea* (**Jwi

Mr AU, Siu Kui Ivan

Mr LAU, Yan Wing





Master of Philosophy in Computer Science tewi* GlimHw)


MS CHAN, Shuen Kuen l?a%fii

Mr CHAN, Wai Ming RI@!!

Mr CHEUNG, Hon Kit ;1&jg-{9&

Mr CHOW, To Jq$fj

Mr LAI, Yat Ming William %!iB~ll

Mr LAM, Fu Man htiZ*

Mr LAU, Ying Kit @J~#g

Mr LAW, Tak Tong ,iifzim%

Mr LEE, Lam Fan +%%%I

Mr LEUNG, Kung Fan Steven yxQJg$

Mr NG, Siu Kee %%a

Mr NGAN, Sai Fong Bmw

Mr PANG, Yiu Hung $J@$I


Mr WONG, Kam Keung !w#l ?Ji%

Master of Philosophy in Electrical and Electronic Engineering B@llsi* (%~B%~~~~)

Mr BAO, Zhong

Mr CHAN, Chun Fai Aldar

Mr CHAN, Kai Keung

Mr CHAN, King Tung

Mr CHAN, Sheung Wa

Mr CHAN, Tze Ho Simon

Mr CHAN, Wing Hong


Mr CHEUNG, Chun Bong

Mr CHEUNG, Yee Ling

Mr CHOI, Ka Lun

Mr FEI, Xiaofan

Mr GAN, Wai Chuen

MS GU, Jie

Mr HAN, Peigang

Mr HUI, Kwok Fai

Mr KIJGANESAN, Pararajasingam

Mr LEE, Soul Chun Clarence

Mr LIN, Lang

Mr LO, Chi Wah

MS MA, Ning

Mr MAK, Kin Chung

Mr NG, Char Leung

Mr TANG, Chi Wah

Mr TANG, Tai Kwan Jimmy

Mr TSAI, Hwai Sian

MS WONG, Yim Fai

Mr WOO, Kam Tim

Master of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management f!Pw&k u2la3!28~BBB3)

MS CHEUNG, Mei Fung Phoenix

Mr HON, Cheuk Lun

MS LEE, Sau Ling

Mr LI, Chi Leung

Mr SONG, Feizhou

Mr WONG, Seng Fat

Master of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering $!mH-f: ai8H!c@9)

Mr TANG, Kam Hang %~##7

Mr YAU, Tien Hong Chris $,j@ ,kjgj

Mr YUNG, Sai Ming Simon @tHYA

Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering f!Pwlf~ uf93~@%)

Mr PENNINGTON, David William

Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science ?fPM%* Gil-%#H%)

Mr ATIF, Yacine

Mr HUI, Chi Chung ;gqy I$@

Mr KWOK, Yu Kwong $3 ek

Mr WONG, Kwok Kay ?a!iEl%

Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Electronic Engineering $!iew* ca?3&k%T~@9)

Mr BANNA, Srinivasa Rao

Mr CHEN, Yue

Mr CHEUNG, Kwok Wai

Mr HE, Zhongli


Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management BS#Tt: (I%~~B~~B~~~

Mr CAI, Yimin

Mr LIAN, Zhaotong

Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering $@w@* (a&~@%)

Mr AU, Wing Hoi

Mr CHEN, Xingwei

Mr KANG, Feiyu

Mr SHAN, Zhao Hui

Mr TAN, Kim Hung


Mr YEUNG, Tak Sang




School of Business and Management

15 November 1997

The Congregation mill stand

while the Procession is entering t; leaving the Atrium;

and for the National Anthem

The Council Vice-Chairman declares the Congregation open.

2. The President addresses the Congregation.

3. The Dean of Business and Management presents candidates for the Degrees of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS


4. The Dean of Business and Management presents candidates for the Degrees of MASTER OF BUSINESS


5. The Dean of Business and Management presents candidates for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY.

6. The Council Vice-Chairman declares the Congregation closed.

Mute cm-rid ky’

Prof Leonard K. H. Cheng

St Bonaventtwe College & High School


School of Business and Management 1~~3!J!@~

Undergraduate Degrees 4G@IGMG

Academic Achievement Awards %G&&!k%

MS HO, Chi Yan Fl-B hx BRA (ACCT) 32@8$%@L- (&8-%)

Mr HUI, Sui Sung SPY%% BBA (ACCT) I.~%??%k!%f- P&8-%)

MS CHAU, Lai Shan Tiffany R!FkHv BBA (ACCT) 1 I%$$%!% f- ($88~)

MS LAU, Mung Lam Emily !tw=%% BBA (MGTO) 1@i$$@l!%l: (%%$%%%)

Mr LIU, Shun Hong JzF3743 BBA (FINA) 1 I%?%!% _t- (!!8?-%%)

Mr CHAN, Chat Keung i-%BBi BBA (FINA) 1 @i$@@@ f- (#%%)

Mr TAM, Hon Keung sss” BRA (FINA) 1 ti$$%~ i- (Ed%%)

First Class Honours E9%%4&

Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting

mwwf9+ ml-~)

Mr CHAN, Chi Hung

Mr CHAN, Tin Wu

MS CHAN, Wing Chee Gigi

MS CHAN, Wing Tsui

MS CHAU, Lai Shan Tiffany

MS CHEN, Yu Ping


Mr CHEUNG, Chung Yan

MS CHOI, Hiu Ping Janice

MS CHOW, Siu Mai

Mr HO, Chi Yan

Mr HO, Kar Wing

Mr HUI, Sui Sung

MS KOK, Ka Kei Grace

Mr LAI, Yat Hin Adrian

MS LAM, Lai Man

MS LEE, Kam Ling Catherine

MS LEE, Kar Man

MS LEUNG, Wai Ling Sally

MS NG, Fung Yee

MS PANG, Shuk Yee


MS SHUM, Yim Fei

Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics mw!H!w* Gl!l!B%)

MS LEE, Chui Chun

MS LO, Pui Yan

Mr MA, Wai Hung


MS TANG, Siu Chi

MS WONG, Man Yin


Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance nfHwl!3+ umww

Mr CHAN, Chat Keung

Mr CHENG, Kin Man

Mr CHU, Yiu Cheong

Mr FU, Chi Pang

Mr HO, Lai Man

MS LAM, Tak Yee

Mr LEUNG, Wai Hang

Mr LIU, Shun Hong

Mr PANG, Wai Tak

MS TAI, Man Kuen Amy

Mr TAM, Hon Keung

Mr TAM, Lai Man

Mr TANG, Wing Hong

Mr WONG, Shing Kwan

Bachelor of Business Administration in Information and Systems Management IfiB@** uiGffM!%&Rr~)

Mr CHUNG, Chin Chiu

Mr LAM, Siu Kau Matthew

Mr LAU, Pak Hung Parker

Mr TSANG, Kwong Sing

Mr TSE, Lap WaiFirst

Bachelor of Business Administration in Management of Organisations l3MFmEk GaMs@w

MS HA, Ping

MS LAU, Mung Lam Emily

MS LAW, Cecilia

Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing J3fuwIi~* omww

MS CHAN, Nga Yee Ada

MS CHAN, Pui Yiu Agnes



MS MAK, Siu Chu

MS TAI, Suet Fun

MS TAM, Margery

Bachelor of Science in Economics 3-!mkk GIHf%)

Mr LAU, Ho Man

Mr TONG, Leung Kwing


Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting 33ukwlB* bs@P)

MrAU,Po Hung

Mr AU, Wai Hung

Mr AU, Yiu Hang Henry

Mr AU YEUNG, Chi Keung

Mr CHAN, Chun Yin Peter

MS CHAN, Dip Wan Vanessa

MS CHAN, Fung Ying

MS CHAN, Hoi Yan

Mr CHAN, Ka Wai

Mr CHAN, Ka Wing

Mr CHAN, Kin Yee

MS CHAN, Man Lee

MS CHAN, Man Ying

MS CHAN, Sau Fong

Mr CHAN, Siu Wah

Mr CHAN, Sui Wa

MS CHAN, Tak Man Ida

MS CHAN, Tsz Ping

MS CHAN, Yi Mei Rebecca

MS CHAN, Yuen Fun Anita

MS CHAN, Yuen Ling

MS CHANG, Kiu Cherry

MS CHANG, Wing Shan

MS CHAU, Ah Fung

Mr CHENG, Cho Tik

Mr CHENG, Hiu Ching

Mr CHENG, Koon Kau Alfred

MS CHENG, Kwok Man Jenny


MS CHENG, Yuen Ping

MS CHEUNG, Ching Ping

Mr CHEUNG, Chung Kin


MS CHEUNG, Ka Lo Carole

Mr CHEUNG, Kin Man




Mr CHEUNG, Wai Leung


Mr CHIU, Ming Ho

Mr CHIU, Ngam

Mr CHIU, Tak Fai

Mr CHO, Shu Ki Simon

MS CHOI, Ching Shuen

MS CHOI, Ching Yee

Mr CHOI, Ho Yin

MS CHOI, Mei Yee

Mr CHOI, Siu Kei

MS CHONG, Chui Min

MS CHONG, Man Ching

Mr CHOIJ, Ka Ping

MS CHOW, Kam Man

MS CHOY, Fung Sheung

Mr CHUNG, Chi Fai

MS CHUNG, Wai Ling

Mr FONG, Pak Wai

MS FUNG, Sze Wing

MS FUNG, Yim Man

Mr HO, Cheuk Nang

Mr HO, Chi Hong

MS HO, Ka Kan

MS HO, Yin Yuk

MS HON, Wan Yin

MS HSU, Tak Ying

MS HUI, Bik Ying

MS HUI, Man Ling

MS HUI, Shuk Man

MS HUI, Suk Ling

MS HUNG, Chui Yee

Mr IP, Chi Wai

MS KAN, Wai Ling

MS KOH, Geok Khim

MS KWAN, Pui Yee

MS KWOK, Fung Ling

Mr KWOK, Wai Shing

Mr KWONG, Chung Lun

MS KWONG, Fung Ming

MS KWONG, Yuk Ping Grace

MS LAI, Heung Man

MS LAI, MO Lin Joanne

MS LAI, Nga Ling

MS LAI, Ngoi Man

Mr LAI, Wan Fung

MS LAM, Ching Sum

MS LAM, Hoi Shan

MS LAM, Nga Ling

MS LAM, Pui Ying Norris

Mr LAM, Shing Yuk

MS LAM, Suk Fung

MS LAM, Tung Mui

MS LAM, Yi Wah

MS LAU, On Kei Angela-Violet

MS LAU, Pui See

MS LAU, Shui King

MS LAU, Yik Sheung Jama

Mr LAW, Chun Biu

Mr LAW, Chung Hang Albert

MS LAW, Tak Ying

MS LAW, Wai Sheung

Mr LEE, Ho Bong William

Mr LEE, Ka Lun

MS LEE, Mei Fun

Mr LEE, Sheung Wah


Mr LEE, Sing Wing

Mr LEE, Wing Fai


Mr LEUNG, Man Kit

MS LEUNG, Wing Shan

MS LEUNG, Yuk Ming

MS LI, Fun8 Yu

MS LI, Hak Ling Helen

Mr LI, Kai Chiu James

MS LI, Mei Ting Prudence

MS LI, Shien Li

MS LI, Wing Yan

MS LI, Yuk Ching

Mr LIN, Chi Wing

Mr LIU, Chi Ngai

MS LIU, Pui Yin

MS LIU, Yuen Yee

MS LIIJ, Yuk Shan Maribrella

Mr LO, Chi Yin

MS LO, Wei Yen Bonita

MS LOK, Sui Ki

MS LUI, Ching Yan

Mr LUI, Wai Pang

MS MA, Hoi Wan

MS MA, Pun Wai

Mr MAK, Shu Wing

Mr MAK, Ting

MS MAN, Kam Fur-q Chris

MS NG, Chung Yan

Mr NG, Kin Ming

Mr NG, Man Chiu

Mr NG, Siu Wa

MS NG, Wing Yan Winnie

MS NG, Yee Lai

MS NG, Yin Kwan

Mr NG, Yiu Fai

MS NIP, Kai Yan

MS PAI, Szu Chia Nelly

Mr POON, Choi Yung

MS POON, Hoi Ping

MS POON, Ka Lin Katherine

MS POON, Suk Ying

MS SHU, Yin Ping Silvia

Mr SHUM, Chi Chung

Mr SI, Shun Wang


Mr SIU, Chong Shing

MS SUEN, Sau Kam

MS SUNG, Chun Fei

MS SYE, Nga Chun

MS SZE, Wai Yum Christine

Mr SZETO, Tai Shun

Mr TAI, Chi Ho

MS TAI, Sin Yee Shirley

Mr TAM, Chun Yip

Mr TAM, Ka Ming

MS TAM, Leung Fan

MS TAM, Mei Fan

Mr TAN, Yee Ping David

MS TANG, Chui Ling

Mr TANG, Chun Wa

MS TANG, Kit Lin

Mr TING, Yick Man Edmund

Mr TONG, Kin Keung

Mr TSANG, Chun Sing Andrew

Mr TSANG, Kwok Kit

MS TSANG, Suk Kuen

MS TSANG, Wei Ming Tami


Mr TSANG, Yiu Hang

Mr TSE, Wing Ho Charles

Mr TSUI, Kin Yue

MS WAI, Sze Ki

Mr WAN, Chi Wai Anthony

Mr WONG, Chak Hoi

Mr WONG, Chi Keung

MS WONG, Chiu Yee

MS WONG, Heung Lai


MS WONG, Ka Ping

MS WONG, Kit Yee

MS WONG, Kwai Fun

MS WONG, Man Yee


MS WONG, Mei Shan

MS WONG, Oi Ming

MS WONG, Sik Fung

Mr WONG, Siu Ping

MS WONG, Siu Wing

Mr WONG, Yam Kui

Mr WONG, Yuk Yang George

MS WOO, King Wa

Mr WOO, Yick Ho

MS WU, Ka Lai Cary

Mr WU, Lun Cheung Allen

MS WU, Wai Kwan

MS WUN, Yuen Yan

MS XU, Wei

Mr YAM, Sum

MS YAN, Wai Ching

Mr YAN, Wing Kei

Mr YAU, Chi Kit

MS YAU, Hip Kwan

Mr YAU, Wai Nam William

MS YEE, Shi Wan

Mr YEUNG, Sui Tun

Mr YEUNG, Tze Long



Mr YIU, Wang Kit

MS YU, Hiu Wah

Mr YU, Wai Cheung

MS YU, Wai Sum

Mr YUE, Kin Shing

MS YUEN, Wai Yee

Mr YUNG, Chiu Tai

MS YUNG, Kan Wai Connie

MS YUNG, Pui Shan

MS YUNG, Yuen Chun Carly

Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics

MS AU, Woon Yin Lisa

MS CHAN, Chui Fong

Mr CHAN, Hoi Hong

MS CHAN, Ngai Ka

MS CHAN, Siu Wan

MS CHAN, Wai Yee

MS CHAN, Yin Shan

MS CHENG, Ching Man

MS CHENG, Ka Yan Helen

MS CHEUNG, Ching Yee



Mr CHEUNG, Wai Ming

Mr CHIAO, Hak Fung

Mr CHIU, Tsz Yin

MS CHIU, Wing Shan

MS CHOW, Chi Ling

MS CHIJ, Man Kai

Mr HUI, Kwok Wai

MS HUI, Nga Yee

Mr HUI, Tung Hiu

MS IP, Lai Sheung

Mr JIM, Chun Hing

MS KUNG, Ching Yi

MS KUNG, Wai Yin

MS KWAN, Kwok Yan

MS KWONG, Wing Yin

Mr LAI, Kong Wah

MS LAI, Wing Kit Catherine

Mr LAM, Cheung Chun

Mr LAU, Kin Hang

MS LAIJ, Sze Wan Eva

MS LEE, Lai Ming

MS LEE, Yee Man

Mr LEE, Yiu Fai


MS LEUNG, Sau Ling

Mr LEUNG, Sze Chun

Mr MAK, Chun Yin Alex

MS NG, Tsz Mei

MS NG, Wai Man

Mr NG, Wai Ming

MS SO, Man Wa

Mr TAM, Cheuk Lun

MS TAM, Chui Man

MS TAM, Suk Yee

MS TAM, Yan Ydn Evelyn

MS TANG, Chung Yin


MS WONG, Kim Ping

Mr WONG, Kwok Wai

Mr WONG, Shu Lam

MS WONG, Wai Kwan

MS WU, I’ing

Mr YEUNG, Chi Kan Chris

Mr YOUNG, Chi Ho

Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance nfuB3!9* (MB%)

Mr CHAN, Chi Ho

Mr CHAN, Chuen Chun

Mr CHAN, Chun Yip Johnny


MS CHAN, Hang Ni

Mr CHAN, Hoi Wah

MS CHAN, Hoi Yee

Mr CHAN, Kwok Wai

MS CHAN, Pui Yee

MS CHAN, Sau Chung Eric

MS CHAN, Sau Yue

Mr CHAN, Siu Kin

MS CHAN, Ting Ting

Mr CHAN, Yin Chun

Mr CHAU, Man Kit


Mr CHENG, Yuk Kin



MS CHEUNG, Yim Flora

MS CHIN, Wai Man

Mr CHOI. Hing Kai

MS CHOI, Shuk Ling

Mr CHOW, Shiu Bong

Mr CHOY, Siu Kam David

MS CHIT, Hoi Yan

Mr CHU, Yiu Lun Bastian

Mr CHIJA, King Lung



Mr CHIJNG, Wai Kit

Mr FAI, Tsz Wai

MS FOK, Yee Yan


Mr FONG, Hok Sum

MS FUNG, Lai Ping Cecily

MS FUNG, Pui Yin

MS HO, Pik Ching

MS HO, Suk Wai

MS HUI, Ka Yan Catherine

MS HUI, Kwok Ching

Mr KONG, Ming Fai

Mr KWAN, Wing Hang Kelvin

MS KWOK, Wing Yin

MS KWUN, Wing Oi Betty

Mr LAI, Chung Tat

Mr LAI, Yat Hoi

Mr LAM, Hin Shek Bartholomew

MS LAM, Pung

MS LAM, Suk Fun Olivia

Mr LAM, Wai Hung

Mr LAU, Chi Lei

MS LAU, Hoi Yan

Mr LAU, Kwok Ho

Mr LAU, Ming Yiu

MS LAU, Oi Kei

MS LEE, Yin Ching April

Mr LEUNG, Chi Ho

Mr LEUNG, Chun Fai Will

Mr LEUNG, Tak Wah

MS LEUNG, Wing Yan

MS LEUNG, Wing Yan Cynthia

Mr LUI, Ka Kui

MS MUI, Lai King Julius

Mr NG, Hoi Leung

Mr NG, Sung Shan

MS NG, Ying Ying Sharon

Mr PAU, Chin Hung Andy

MS PONG, Suet Yan


Mr SIN, Wai Hung

Mr SIU, Wing Hay

Mr SUM, Siu Hong

Mr SZETO, Ngai Ho

Mr TAM, Sze Chuen

MS TAM, Yin Kong Econ

Mr TANG, Chi Wing

MS TANG, Wai Yan Karen

MS TO, Sze Ming


Mr TSANG, Man Shun

Mr TSANG, Wun Ming

Mr TSE, Tin Nun Vincent

MS TSOI, Ching Man

Mr TSOI, Siu Kwun

MS TSUI, Hoi Man


MS TSUI, Yee Lay Angela

Mr WAN, Mun Wah

MS WAN, Nga Li

Mr WAN, Siu Shun


Mr WO, Wing Wai

Mr WONG, Chin Wai

Mr WONG, Chun Kin

Mr WONG, Kin Chung Ronald

Mr WONG, Ping


Mr WONG, Wai Kwok

MS WONG, Yuet Ching Colly

MS YAU, Hoi Yan

MS YEUNG, Riviera


Mr YIP, Cheong Man Simon

MS YU, So Fun

Bachelor of Business Administration in Information and Systems Management J3flm3!9* e%?ww%~B~~

MS AU, Tsz Man

MS AU, W’ai Yin Vivien


Mr CHAN, Chi Lok

Mr CHAN, Chung Kee Gabriel

Mr CHAN, Chung Ping

Mr CHAN, Hon Chung

Mr CHAN, Kai Tong

MS CHAN, Mui King

MS CHAN, Ngan Ki

Mr CHAN, Oi To

Mr CHAN, Pak Hong

Mr CHAU, Yiu Fai


Mr CHENG, Shing Tak

Mr CHEUNG, Fai Yue

Mr CHOW, Tung Ming

Mr CHOY, Kam On

MS FONG, Wing Shan

Mr FUNG, Boro

MS FUNG, Ching Mei

MS FUNG, Siu Ping

MS FUNG, Sze Wing

Mr HO, Wang Tat Derek

MS HO, Wing Yu

MS HIJI, Lai Shan

Mr IM, Wing Fai

MS JIM, Choi Fung


Mr KWAN, Shu Wang

Mr KWOK, Kin Fung


Mr LAI, Pui Ho


Mr LAM, Wai Kit

Mr LAM, Wing Hang Wilson

Mr LAU, Chi Wing

Mr LAU, Ho Fai

MS LAU, Ka Yee

Mr LAU, Pak Yiu

Mr LAU, Wing Shun

MS LAW, Ching Man

MS LEE, Doi Yan Jenny

MS LEE, Fanny

Mr LEE, King Yip Derek

MS LEE, On Ki, Angel

Mr LEE, Pak Kin

MS LEE, Wai Man

Mr LEUNG, Chin Pang Steve

Mr LEUNG, Ka Wai

Mr LEUNG, Li Yick


MS LI, Chun Chun

Mr LI, Man Chung

MS LIOE, Wey Michelle

MS LO, Yik Fan

MS MAK, Alice

MS MOK, Pui Yan Rita

Mr MOK, Yat Lam Perre

MS MUI, Suk Ting Clara

MS NG, Chung Yan

MS NG, Tik Yee

Mr NG, Wing Ki Daniel

MS PNG, Chun Wai

MS POON, Kar In Karina

Mr POON, Kwan Tat

Mr SHUM, Ting Cheong

Mr SIU, Man Tim

Mr SUN, Fung Lin

Mr TAM, Chi Lun Alan

MS TAM, Hoi Yin

Mr TAM, Ka Yu

MS TO, Yuen Yee

MS TSANG, Hing Sze

Mr WONG, Cheuk Hang Calvin

Mr WONG, Chi Hang

MS WONG, Ka Yee Connie

Mr WONG, King Lun Alan

Mr WONG, Wai Ho

Mr WONG, Wing Yan Patrick

Mr YAU, Sui Fung

Mr YIP, Ching Ho

MS YIP, Sui Yuk

MS YUNG, Hoi Ying

Bachelor of Business Administration in Management of Organisations n@%B@rt: (a&B@+)

MS AU, Yin Yee

MS AU, Yuen Yee

MS CHAN, Chin8 Man Shirley

MS CHAN, Lee Man

MS CHAN, Pui Ting

MS CHAN, Yin Yung

MS CHAN, Yuen Man

MS CHAN, Yuen Mei Ashley

MS CHOW, Yee Ping

MS FONG, Lai Yee

MS FOO, Yat Ting Suzette

MS FUNG, Sze Lai

MS HUI, Chung Ching Bonnie

Mr HUNG, Wing Keung

Mr IP, Yuk Kin Valentine

MS KAM, Nga Wai

Mr KWOK, Man Kit Gavin

MS KWONG, Hung Ying

MS LAI, Man Kin

MS LAI, Wai Han Winnie

Mr LAU, Chung Shun

MS LAU, Pui Shan


MS LEE, Yan Yan


MS LI, Chi Yan

MS LI, Ka Wai Clare

MS LUK, Man Yee

MS MAK, Kei Yan Jess

MS MAK, Lai Yung

MS NG, Wing Sze Rossetti

MS PUN, Kit Ying

MS SAMTANI, Lavina Santu

MS SHING, Yuk Yin Iris

Mr SUEN, Siu Man

Mr SUNG, Kwan Kit

Mr TAM, Wing Keung

MS TANG, Pui Yuk


Mr TONG, Chi Kit Vincent

MS TONG, Ting Yan Elizabeth

Mr TSANG, Cho Wai

MS TSE, Wing Yee Winnie

Mr WONG, Hoi Yuk

Mr WONG, Ka Kan

MS WONG, Pak Ngan

MS WONG, Pik Chi

Mr WONG, Shui Lung Danube



Mr WONG, Yik Hong Terence mJa

MS WU, Maria Fatima i% @!a

MS YAN, Tsui Wai I%&%%

MS YAU, Mei Ki Maggie 6XR

MS YEUNG, Pui Yan 4%3hw\

MS YUEN, Man Sum mm

Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing

MS AU YEUNG, Man Yee Maria


MS CHAM, Lai Ki Monica

Mr CHAN, Chi Ho

MS CHAN, Chi Hung

Mr CHAN, Kin Sun Webster

Mr CHAN, Kin Wai

MS CHAN, Kit Ping

MS CHAN, Lai Ling Angela

MS CHAN, Nga Kwan

Mr CHAN, Sai Kan

MS CHAN, Shan Ling

Mr CHAN, Sing Cheong

MS CHAN, Sui Ying

MS CHAN, Tsui Yee Tracy

MS CHAN, Wai Mei

MS CHAN, Yee Ling Elaine

MS CHAU, Chui Kwan

MS CHENG, Jennifer


MS CHENG, Man Ting

MS CHENG, Ming Chu


MS CHENG, Yung Yan

Mr CHEONG, Wai Man





MS CHI, Hang Sim Rebecca

Mr CHING, Tak Cheung Raymond

MS CHIU, Yuet Yuen

MS CHOI, Wing Sze

Mr CHOW, Cyrus S.

Mr CHOW, Kwok Ching

MS CHOW, Suk Kuen

MS CHU, Yin Ki

MS CHUNG, Mei Sze Josephine

MS CHUNG, Wai Man Andis

Mr FONG, Ka Wai

Mr HO, Kin Pang Frankie

MS HO, Kit Sum Janet

MS HUI, Koon Fung

MS HUNG, Fu Ling

MS IP, Wing Sze

MS KAM, Yuk Ping

MS KAN, King Yee Karen

Mr KOH, Yee Sing

MS KWAN, Man Huen Ruby

MS KWAN, Man Yi Yvonne


MS LAI, Chui Yi

MS LAI, Pui Shan

MS LAI, Yuen Man

MS LAM, Chun Sai Theresa

MS LAM, Hoi Wing

MS LAM, Sing Angela

MS LAM, Siu Wai

MS LAM, So Lei Shirley

MS LAU, Bik Kwan

MS LAU, Hing Tung

MS LAU, Ka Wan Karen

MS LAU, Lee Yee

MS LAW, Pui Sze

MS LAW, Shuk Yin Iris

MS LEE, Gar Yee Sandy

MS LEE, Mei Yee

Mr LEE, Ming Wai

MS LEE, See Man Vicky

MS LEE, Shan Shan

MS LEE, Teresa

Mr LEUNG, Chi Wai

Mr LEUNG, Chun Wah

Mr LEUNG, Hung Shan



MS LEUNG, Wing Yee


Mr LEUNG, Yin Tung

MS LI, Kin Karen

Mr LI, Kin Kei

Mr LIU, Wai Cheung

MS LO, Oi Yun Queenie

Mr LOK, Wai Kwok

MS LUI, Suet Yee

MS LUI, Wai Ya

MS MAN, Ngar Man

MS MO, Kwok Ping

MS MOK, Wa Yin

MS NG, Wai Man

MS NGAI, Wing Hung

MS POON, Wai Yin

MS SIN, Pui Yee

MS SO, Chiu Mei

MS SO, Wing Yan

MS SUEN, Pui Shan

MS TAI, Wing Wai


MS TAM, Pui Ying

MS TAM, Wing Yi

MS TANG, Nga Ming Amy

MS TO, Ching Gloria

MS TO, Man Louisa

MS TO, May Yee Colina

MS TO, Mei

MS TONG, Kit Ling

Mr TONG, Kwong Wai

MS TONG, PO Shan Maria

Mr TSANG, Kin Man

MS TSANG, Ling Ling

MS TSANG, Woon Woon

MS TSE, Fung Ping

Mr TSE, Hong

Mr TSE, Kam Lun Raymond

MS TSE, Wing Pui Vanna

MS WAN, Yuen Shan

MS WONG, Fung Yi Caroline



MS WONG, Kwan Yee Disaree

MS WONG, Lai Kuen

MS WONG, Phibee

MS WONG, Sau Yuk Candy

MS WONG, Shui Kei

MS WONG, Siu Wai Pavlova

MS WONG, Wai Chong Joanna

Mr WONG, Wai Hung

MS WONG, Wing Yan

MS WONG, Wing Yan Grace

MS WONG, Yin Lam

MS WONG, Yin Wai

Mr WOO, Man Chun Laurie

MS YAN, Hoi Ying

MS YAU, Chui Ying

MS YEUNG, Chui Hung

MS YEUNG, Sum Yu Regina


Mr YIP, Chun Ching

MS YIP, Oi Yan

Mr YIU, Cheuk Kit

MS YU, Tan Sum

MS YUEN, Yee Ann

Mr YUEN, Yu Kit

Bachelor of Science in Economics @4IEkk Mmvw

Mr CHAN, Hing Piu

MS CHAN, Sze Kit

Mr FUNG, Ka Wai Terence

Mr KWOK, Siu Man

Mr LEE, Hon Ming

Mr MAN, Kwok Fai

MS SZETO, Suet Ping

Mr TANG, Kwok Fai Jackie

MS WONG, Fung Chu


Mr WONG, Siu Ki

MS WONG, Wing Sze

MS YEN, Shuk Man

Mr YUEN, Yui Chuen Stephen


Postgraduate Degrees 4lF%&@!5

Master of Business Administration


MS AU, Lai Kit

MS AU, Mun Ha Victoria

Mr AU, Tat Wai

MS AU YEUNG, Ming Yee Anny

MS BOTKA, Joanne S

Mr CAO, Guangyu

Mr CHAN, Bill

Mr CHAN, Cheuk Wang Andrew

Mr CHAN, Chi Kui

Mr CHAN, Chi Ming

Mr CHAN, Chi Pang

MS CHAN, Ching Chu

Mr CHAN, Lap Yan

MS CHAN, Pui Ting

Mr CHAN, Tai Loy

Mr CHAN, Tat Sam

Mr CHAN, Tsz Tung Anthony

MS CHAN, Yan Mei Mary - Ellen

Mr CHAN, Yin Yau

MS CHAN, Ying Ying

Mr CHANG, Jem Ben Michael

Mr CHAU, Chi Wai

MS CHAU, Pui Chi Peggy

MS CHEUNG, Feliciana Siu Wai

Mr CHEUNG, Jimmy Ching Man

Mr CHEUNG, Kam Man


Mr CHU, Kwan Pok

Mr CHU, Lee Lung

Mr CHIJI, Kai Man Kevin

MS CHUI, Kit Lin

Mr CHUI, Yick Hung

Mr CHUNG, Pui Hong Davey


MS HEUNG, Kwan Fong

Mr HO, Cho Chak Albert

Mr HO, Kar Keung David

MS HO, King Che

Mr HO, Kwok Kit Henry

Mr HO, Wai Kin

Mr HUI, Lap Yin Sunny


Mr KAN, Man Fung

Mr KONG, Shiu Ming Steven

Mr KWOK, Cheuk Lun

69 I

MS KWOK, Pui King

Mr KWONG, Wai Fung

Mr LAI, Ka Chung Edwin

MS LAI, Suk Wing

Mr LAM, Kwok Kin

MS LAM, Yuk Kwan Veronica

Mr LAU, Kam Sun

Mr LAU, Wai Leung

MS LAW, Chui Mei Ivy

MS LAW, Wai Yin

MS LAW YIP, Yin Che Hela

MS LEE, Chui Wa

Mr LEE, Ho Leung William

MS LEE, Pui Yu


MS LEUNG, Pui Yin Sandra

Mr LEUNG, Wai Lim

MS LEUNG, Yi Ming Lucietta

MS LEUNG, Yin Ha Margaret

Mr LI, Yat Sing

MS LIM, Jeanne

Mr LIU, Kong Cheung

Mr LO, Siu Leung Tony

Mr LOK, Kim Yuen

Mr NEMINATHAN, Navaneethan

MS NG, Charlene

Mr NG, Chi Hang

MS NG, Kit Hing

Mr NG, Kwok Fai

Mr NG, Kwok Wing

Mr NG, Ngau Kan Kenneth

MS NG, Siu Wai Cindy

MS NG, Sui Wan Connie

MS NG, Yim Man

Mr PAU, Hon Wai Henry

MS POON, Hon Fun

MS SHU, So Wah Josephine

Mr SO, Kwai Wah

MS TANG, Shuk Ching Alice

Mr TANG, Wai Ho Willington

MS TSE, Lai Kuen Vicky

Mr TSUN, Ka Yin

MS VEPA, Ramesam Archana

Mr WAN, Hung Kit Gary

MS WAN, Wong Fai Solon

MS WAT, Wing Kam Daphne

Mr WONG, Chi Hok


Mr WONG, Ka Lok

MS WONG, Ka Ying

Mr WONG, Kwai Wah

Mr WONG, Kwok Keung

Mr WONG, Ming Wai Mike

Mr WONG, Sau Kwong

Mr WONG, Sing

MS WONG, Sze Wan

Mr WONG, Wai Kei Ricky

Mr YAN, Ting Kwan

MS YEE, Anna May

Mr YEE, Wing Kan

MS YEUNG, See Ming Christine

Mr YING, King Lam Jimmy

MS YUEN, Wai Kwan Fanny


Master of Science in Economics

Mr CHOI, Kwun Kwong

Mr KONG, Wing Hung

Mr LEUNG, Yip Wang Julian

Mr SIU, Kam Wing

Mr TSANG, Siu Tung Tony

Mr TSE, Wai

Mr WONG, Wai Kit

Master of Science in Information Systems Management @lBw* (B’iR%&~~~)

MS GIRIJA, Krishnaswamy

Master of Philosophy in Accounting +F%w* o!sl-3)

Mr JIANG, Guohua

ilosophy in Economics

Mr TSUI, Ka Kin Kevin

Master of Philosophy in Information Systems

wNR* u!!mw!%@)

MS WEN, Xin M%

Master of Philosophy in Management Operations fsmkk a3ielwE~)

Mr PANG, Chun Man %@~

Doctor of Philosophy in Finance lP!wf+ GtJHsva)

Mr CHAN, Wing Ho Alex l!kMs

Mr CHAN, Yue Cheong l%+El3

Doctor of Philosophy in Management of Organisations

+vm!HI GiGMBww

Mr CHEN, Zhen Xiong